Before the policy. was Miolivered the ship-owner heard. of the vessel's. loss and wrote at once to the insurance company, thus :— “Sir, if you have not yet_made out the policy you need not, for 1 oa ger, discovered_that the policy Tan een signed, mm ae ceeded to have it off, “the fellow wants to do us of WISE CANADIAN HORSES, | ERFUL sacactre)? Sobreuee ipeaniee of a New. Breed—A|‘ arrier’s Horse as londin. THEIR WO: PREVEN' people it would seem ‘6 = bnposstiie that the horse, by een warm or at least rfid ‘anadian climate. That this he Laat Site is oo ts es recent. ue se hunter: a6 2 votes a few vides ty | Toronta, Dec. 3 mm found ie way into the Young foal- was recognized as onc, ee: ago. to be the team of a lw mmberman who Pills, eee ors “Weish mountains or in the cold and Orkney Islands | to dri w ice at Mehttall ‘ten hours’ travel the horse, a very ispeedy Normea thoroughbred, came ito ae aes StORe and -refused to go tack of Rheumatism I for: f The "penst naa by er Past actions h confitence in her intel- aring pitehy a the sleis dete night in his experience. len morning a it revealed ate a2 horse upon “thi tea in sont 2a fhm At the mare's s tuque or ke and a, en into the ice, Wat ed That six feet for ice. w: there would probably have more added to the ii teva a greeted ent by “the crowd aroun "How aid you get here? they “How =o you. cross “he bie a efeel Se you. “sean? How'do. I = pastors “the ae ‘took their danterns | wn to the the bridge had been ighteen fi fs Ce ieee right actors the 5 150 gfSot gully and were s ‘with the their uncertaip founda logs Inia single end | of the miail | * Ove y thirty iS. fect of raging water ina Pnich of x Egyptian darkness, the horse had eat traversed that narrow wo So vunbesitating fad Bis moveniéats on his back was — 2] Do not detny in eect relief forthe Tit tle folks es Worm Ext his | nator bya p ens ea sre eure : love your child why do you let it s Blondin’ att, | Vien a remedy is so neatat band ule ALL =| Sozodont Tooth Powder 25° Good for Bad Teeth Not Bad for ‘Gog fect the same passage nest di ie—“I_ was ES ee when Mr, Ane capvier Dashiei asked me to marry him.” threw. up his job thence ie—“‘Everybody else was !”" White flowers WIDEMAN TALES, |rerovs. To CURE A COLD Take Laxative Bromo Qu AY THE CLAY Raby WHO ES-| drugs’ eee refund tive mover if ee are the most odor! CGezodont ¢ Liauta 25c. ‘Large Licetaand Powder 75cs Atall stores or by mail, Sample of the Liquid for the postage, 3m HALL & RUCKEL. Montreal $2.2 5 eu vill buy a box of SWEET SONORA ORANGES, or & mt take 5 boxes we will make the price $2410 per box. izes 20.0 THE DAWSON COMMISSION CO., Limited, TORINTO. Consignmezts of Poultry, Butter, Eges, Potatoes, Beans, Honey, Apples solicited, COLD SORES (“Palkabout cheap postal rates, | z r 0 res marked Mr. Ki . “When was removed or healed by ons or two appli- th id Mrs. K., layii ca jong of Cileadine. It keeps the skin her paper. dear, oft and when you went to the p Large Boxes 250. Druggists or | Gileadine Go., Toronto. 3o7 ‘Liat Phystetans CRIPPLED time of the passage of miles long, has a3 rs in 1888 to about \A. N. Wideman of Duntroon, |° Oat., Interviewed in Toronto— Most Hopeless Case of Bheumats ism Record — A Living Monum ent to the Bow- & of Dodd's Kidney Pills. 0.—The wonderful escape A. Ne Wideman, wi ic tresing Soe rear are hewiaches from, cold. from from Nae ast pit ue ati ou: will oe. “remembered Pills ‘ell ue ie ‘almost immediately. Soe a eile parent etna ps rae ie: dus cameetanot ulout acadacl twisted ané contorted gress pate Forests cover one-tenth of the sur- face of the world, and one quarter of Euro) afters, a. aes when: he e disease | rexaive Bramoguinine Javleis oare.« cold Aim with one Mee Sacer ‘than | im one day. No ure. No Fay. Price 5 cente. this exception, and with the} qourope is only one-third the size of breaking. ois Africa, one-fourth that o ot ‘America, 5 and one-fifth bts of Asi: a te Minas Liniment tn he House land alone comprises 42 _ per sy ww work ae ‘of the total area of the British; in ear’ arihcawer ee and:I took a |isles. in the harvest field. aad ciae soe seer tines oe ree Minas Liniment Lanbema sfilerd - rer ft. Vie bs ae! in his. in_bed five were Cyt out of shape, the ‘anywhere else in Europ inting inwards, Well, nothing abe fenoting: obly ‘75 chiar Soctors comie do did me the least ss goo ron: My teeth ots off from the cury he a that was all.” i ‘ou come to take~Dodd’s Kidney Pins: q¢ Mr. Wideman was se found in that eebt Meee: "s Anti ity eecipalitoal ie “A neighbor of mine, Mis. Boxer, sovereign rem 5 colds got ie tb try then Er ee pin oF sOreTess 1 oc: Bes ott De ie ironed che. Te has eared many whgt eas ths sane fete Bh we mpposed to be fat advanced ia -eonsumt jecause the c sion. health sat, "Berensth to Dodd’s Riel fear to tax Bounds of the “ney Pi from which quinine is extra: nly do. If it hadn't been the average crép the eee ts Dodd's Kidney Pills T would _be :| will be no coal eden, the ue JUST BE BEGUN. yal musicians, | Mr. has a magnificent. musical library ae Uurough Ww his” Stbe Kkholm patace, in whicl Mrs. D Why, ecial pride, as it is mataly T have ae ae to the OracAGt. 2% of his own collecting. 1 aonere are a numberof varieties of oor i, allow: en Cure will remove any SOZODONT root Tooth Powder ps them. Gail'ou your druxigise aud get a pottle at on a Lord Foranheit—“T can trace my, F000 test, of the surlaca within gescent from John Milton. || How that for a descent 2”. Miss Millyuns —"Tt's a great descent, sure enough. To Those of Sedent oem ma Men who follow sedentary Bechiation, Ene sea thrughone the sit oe che gc thn.ugh son. cise, are to < the: bebe cule ees iver and y Teena toad — ives. The former will Tt is eternal “hat by 1950 there ity ¥ Gre. Winetow pape ee a * deco used = of man fort tee ehidren he the ch als alle, i Ean ti The comet of 1848 was ie only fina in Bar Ws during the last cen which e witho uld be seen in broad daylight, For Nine YearsMr. Samuel are | sideri Thedtont, wri : ‘or ine veith nleerated a on mj Hy. now, ste ia “Grocer—“Madam ef, ces eel hws resulted, after 4 Hles(asing ie Socernalls and isiterall) complece eure. Ebelfex the telnet star erent cackli co vothers Ehow svat i has done for “seven fas companies supply TAKE NOTICE. ae ty mneligh ‘towns, i local authorities own gasw. MENT will contain express angertain sound from wee from eon experience as to his best of household mine vases ont Ot ten Aro i sed b: Si rh, : ret ia nothing but ca ine g eosaition of the mucous 5 ne ES tie One Hondied Dollars cat rrh) sia ean © Wil a ot tact Car ‘exd aogier er iy Toc ecolirs f CHENEY & 00, Toledo, 0. “Mf x Sold. Se tae to make Ps log Laii’s Fami y Pillsere the best. to see him it ase and I w. inute,”? said) — ne cee REGAIN YOUR HEALTH ong eee Ghcrease if the agit s throughout the word is A, al the’ ae in_ Asia is es in Africa “australia 160 wile hes annum. j SOZODONT for the TEETH 250 EVES LIKE Fonrden RAYS. There is a young girl at Adjiltur, in the , named Anna Yussu' site of thei Nail, ie pees are stated ae pos- - $ Zis) {sess the properties and powers of can see through scribes. the contents) thick and \mogteen ¥ ate for Wi s and tale. no other | Pesi29e? Gehan 0 | ae belt hag helped nerves, mong the ul ained in fles! my ie Aone ae Be is so te Z thee a Bing pee et CLAUDE emis ‘ange ae courtyards of CAUTION — 3 » wooden ori es ae the walle at night, +6 ect as guar a fs none too od when gou map vou a to the ivall ele with sroamgpicd wit witht re he Pa aise 2G Read these “Encouraging Cures t yom sls your health, do not accaptan imitation of m ister and bura holes in thi FREE BOOK ik Sha os the man ah 2A How many men are suffering miseries for the want of a simple remedy? They do not live; they simply exist. In the faces of « thousands can. be read the story of a wasted life and blighted hopes. Joys and pleasures are unknown to them because there vitality is being sapped. Varicoceles w sting diains have, ex- hausted natare’s electrical forces and left Bem wrecks upon the shores of life. Is the grandest ee 2 af the age for building up the Paiste, nerves soe cea ith the fire seliie mu sl ag te will restore youthfal vigor to. eve Seay. ee asthe ony seal sept test ae appliance in, the wot orld fuse e the eee oat = Gating ee a can furnish you with ee ftom those cared: Perhaps some of them. your neig! the 7 that wil toe + Belt I was I have been wearing your Bolt blag Wee i“ na was..| Blghtly for near! nth. using it er give igatlon and 1 a ao a 2 “usponso: ya te oles GRAHAM, Pete Sai ng and weakness have left eo tars i eee ies 6: aches at all since usin et alae - J. PATRICK, Rocktomy gy pnt a ‘and scar ithe cheep sear % ops only etl Beate, waritina sham. Don't accept i STThe best Tl omy special invention. Without in trade. the perfection of physical stréngth shoald ital Rear moan Sho At sit Si bet eae bow Fae fe with my /"hecste Hal Seqnert # you wil send Gls LIN 130 youae STREET, TORONTO, NT: Office 3s. pa eg erable light by her bright reflection, and Marina: Daughter of Kison Ludim. 490090900006" up that an puEele drisan would not ¢s- notice if they SYNOPSIS OF PRECEDING® bold to step over and ascertain what Shapters Prince “Phalis of had tr pursues Marina to make her his sty ei i Sio aids hhor escape aud is summoned hat is “te pate ae the ‘at this time... The great mass.of the king. ‘The soldiers ; stopped. and the oft FORMA HOR. 3003 did asd yorking people ; them—one of the King’s ity “the oe CHAPTER Vil.—Continued. Tple—insultingiy replied a bearing Nobility; To be Te be rasiness, sirrah.” Poring people, and even to be poor, Minutes lnemneet into ou and | These gs that haye been th ey could well have borne, ‘for oe ly ‘nothing better; but to be leauebt bigaking the royal laws. eae ee aaa have they Drok- the-mere footballs of a geliish arietoc- de Bian: Sad toed wore the affairs of on & itmetea not ? LWe have broken ‘no Jaws," quickly Liste re pas: aa ren al jexclaimed one of the you nec tnd of that time he placed his sae We sere only. passing home iz his bosom, an our ae jay’s labor. ae fro across his na is not that tranipling upon Tyre, oF authority, o be in of a few e point or etighting another conspirators. is. some trouble Seinen ant arrogant thes brewing, and Mapen is determinéd to [oq “the” Flerewies of the sure punishment of their them “ine officer said this he would jniquiti fo vein haar the ‘eos Ana: passed on, but Cio petednot pie Cot Rae ma. You the eae. #0. copsureente hn Naa gli reets at night, T nk?" from the iasleae Ge of er sie faintly ese fhe malt “An whet are hoes whom you jects, and taken yerforations. brawling at the Stringent eat io,’ said a voice from above, in ext tami? from holding any” atk, OF mupeline®? { hey ate some/of our young nO yot they knew not the dark Beat that was lowering above them \nxious tones. ere,’’ returned the armorer. sseleinicd the Vobilityt” storia Gio, ‘with the asm. And 'so ae honest. s lahore hie aca CHAPTER VILL. sweat of- thei d_and | oie ce apart- s raiment i tl royalty—must hea tho iron door was ‘Tell mc—what will the king do with twenty © five: years these two young men?’ { Tho ermorer blew out bis Aickering | “Perens hang then.” 1 per,, and as he turned from the ‘No, no—ge ae ou do that, qoould,, combined -a- vast am of jonch tho ladder was Jost into uttered the army abl e- quick-witted intelligence with si Bee Yhe cell, and ‘soon he press a shudder oo thé thought Sat lar beauty. is hair was a little lace with his deliverer. sucl ight truth. “The darker than fla: laxen, his” eyes blue, thought I should never find i yack, lowly lift Ceheas in the « eae ount “ "Pis soon ay Balbec,”? re waited for the for- noon that ae had ap be watched, at any r and coif of dark s “Ha, ha, ou didn't Gee half the pe ‘his form jess ee in the dar! ‘truth.’” Such ess. further?” asked the officer, chant of Tyre, whose father hee been you seen Strato yet?’ con- not a little here ‘at the armor- dead little over a. yea io had | | “Elave \tinued Gio, as’ Balbec arose from his \ to im in empt. became - oa heart he pos- io—I have left that for ¥ “No ust. take ie sei tt. «onpis: well—VL_ see him t those two helpless youths simply be £ e together in sin -written in Persian rn 1 é the pe tell ae that for every dee shall surely, its Tet for he regarded not its beams. door of his we risoners. ii reyerié, he encountered the gaze imight be obli; D Gaeta ost avoid them if gh morning?” Gio,”” he utvered, a8 he tossed “We had tides te pir une Uietvouine PDE the table and sprang Aa Balbée spoke he led the way up shoi for “you-are the man above all: stairs at the corner of ate by ild- _ ‘"Then you had better have starved. others z would see. if the T’ye no time to eats “The lee mastery * continued the bony xciucned Gio} “the king shall proferted hand with 9 = Joyfal look. master, mare more pay a master our servant, assed 0: ‘stream under the ef fort Z van Hk even Alte for ireo bes prinoae ‘dimeulty,. they ae gained nd. 0 in the Tyre falls not upon ye“E thank you, and 1 may. be able @ Who speaks knows to rewai ard: you; but a fearful calami~ has. befallen’ me.” *¥te'it so fearful then?” spies ev. have stolen Bn my. beloved Marina, paul ho, think ys ‘ou, has taken her?” he his stops party of the King’s S soldirs J dust conte me UD from a natrow st d a moment’ Gbecceution power! erib, and ico he wed him that they. bore with them turned his gaze back upon the house “The prince, good St#*to, wont to he ae sate Kison udim's Hee and by force id, he howe, for she fled, and took 5 a Cranniaing my rook Rone would dire to touch be treated like dogs. grand bazaar, s: ft fe we . of age. i a ii kingly handsome, fie his featur- KNOW ough he affected ed vast’ wealth i: manner ‘ve Pa ona, ash Sh OE “the 1 Sho et He did not drag her aeee you saved hert 08 Hie Gio. y bearded the prince, and from my Oh, say that ere now."” Ere God above all gods rato, ‘again . grasped his<friend’s “You will conduct her Koen will -you not?’ = will conduct you to: her,’ for she i rn to. the city at pre-| “Why not?" uttered in surprise,» *‘Surel the young ly beneath ‘ner. | +*¥ou mow not web king dares | to do when he is driven to it. jwill irs his life vo gam that end. he young man, yee loud ait FANCY Se 82 to 40 Bust. t the prince must. | J have to wife the rae Marini | hall ving quickly | across when turning and peialee into his sea’ | 80, ae, “But why is this aud freak of | the king’s?” asked Strato, _/*Upoi it’ what does he found his claim‘ asked a Ae Ludim old rahe anton 8 ERE pe ee Siaoasl and ho was destroyed=the king say: accidentally. t he knows Lexa But why a oud Se ‘Monarch p! eect further? “Gio, what is Penis | mystery?” | elb “I freely. confess, Strato, ‘that : the king’s ratEADES | tion me farther.” But 1 can ass ed.” e thing I) ure you, he shall ie! thwart “Well, returned the young man, a moment into the | The’ ol n’ had gi ry fair educations bade eae cits, young Strato, a mer peapER THAN ORTHOGRAPHY. at ee aut i ae he tor =i goodness,” ex¢ thee Sdhes would learn to ie What's the matter with it in} aural the father cheirfl is ‘cofice with a K.” 2? I never noticed sees en ee did,” the son, pettishly. ‘You never tice anything ike that.”” eer 5 not, =_my .son,”? replied” mi Ay ; ee is ico, h you Sand ae is JUST LIKE A, WOMAN. © ‘coffee_was burnt to a ciiider, and the haid as, leather, or at leas so. His wife’s long patience cway. i gona }o faithfully ‘twelve Jong years. cakes a. better. ps fag gave / Hoenry,”"” “said. she;* “I've ene ete “Well, re een ain't the’ SonBbIe Taha Aa eves nate “Why, ‘eing aii many” Ate “ins I've sat a risen; and he would have dragged Marina to the fm just Groneicner ere beams fell not yet palace.”’ es knew of his arrest, s0 he made into the streots yet she gave © “Oh, the villain!”’ - ne | eouplinct a that? That’s just ‘ ~ Chesen. eon a Muititude. ‘The Preference Shown by ae People for Dr. chine syrup ao Linseed and Turpen- s Record Sales This Season. of remedies for coughs and colds ee are eet: ‘i Lown r. Chase’s Sy ot Sainseed Considering the large number ~o! wiow of the fact that nearly’ every druggist has a preparation of his aps Tht the: desant 16 Tinseod and ‘Turpentine. excsetied by several hundied bot- When it is remembered eae nee aoe ration received makes tles-the record of any pre o be conclusive that it by. sheer fo: aay, little newspaper advertising he evidence seems t ree of Thinking people recognize ‘the waritetness and danger of using strong drugs es) aia to cure a cold in a few hours. They preier to cling Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Tur) yond a pgane be a Sac cust ae, ae ive treatment for coughs, colds, croly onebltis, ‘piper one Ahroat irritat eae ven consumption itseif. “com ft Linseed. and ‘Turpentine, with hall dozen other ingredients of f equal ¥. & fe 8 treating arefound in Dr. Snases © Surat 9 f Linseed apd Purpantin has. proven: to: pe pneumoni id Se Be hae troubles. _ ean es certainty relyfon reparation to aflord Pp PoE ‘relief ae peers e Do you suppose that ie “sale of Dr. Chaxe’s Syrup of Linseed and Turpenti aimee io of ae pais aoe if it was ger ae most effective gs z | the if omer if the. ence that is placed in it. People else as he genuine, with Dr. cee portrait and irae mes as much, G0cents. At all or Edmansoa, colds, ine aE a opcetia as they {i resting oe ingto: can’t tell a com- Dleyat when they get one! DRIVEN TOIT. = > A lady and her daughter were go- ram] and wen Teloabd walked away, ex tclaimin, Ah T inust do it at last.’ ‘Oh; mamma, did hear “what that poor man said ?”” "No. file - aesieth ne it dt ’ last. Suppose he is 0 do what ail Soe hungty eae _do—cominit ici ici’ ‘The lady, “hearing this, exclaimed: a Here him bi peed sw take tec patsher pursd handed oe tramp eae: cents, < “Now, my goo! she reed ‘what oe pon Bean vin | 2 anywhere. t Shiewthis. is only a | Pink. with trimming of valvot.n gta “as tiny laco appliq id Trish ‘ehochet Mand full front_of ee the fashionable soft sik and al Tight Sesh wools on week purpose the d Vi well oats The aan lihing is aUnehly: oper, ‘neath the left front and at eathored to; fall'in a pull o "ho cat this a sar a roman of AR medium size lace, $ yards of chiffon, 6 yar of Pract ribbon and lace Signe to mbine and trim as illustrated. *, A RAPID RECOVERY. ~- — Whittier — Why, what brings tiome so early this afternoon ?” Whittlor “pressing his hand to his right side and sinking slowly ede a chair with a weak smile): ““Appendi-— that’s all." : < Appendicitis ? in? what gout silt er gradu- Sa. abe shop Prevents si sada 5. “0 it with y fads a come pe ion, but to die” : “Oh, don’t say that. Where G ae pain?” (Feels his head an Wittiler: “Right een. eame.on lgradually this _. morning. ‘sharp pain, but a fooling Sot opph ign eTMAtte atiprway ac elwaye bo & ow.!? ing: must know that it is the T could ask you to do, but i for: this-once. Whittler: “You're dents it’s only is once. This is ast day. What times 1 itis only as thing progresses aS said—say-it €oes, I won't Saab leceoratand by. then."’ = 3 BU ees Ba! dear, calm yourself. It supiealnon, in case I live to get to the Knifer operate: 0m don’t take pers pied ae "Phe insurance bolicy is made out to. you, ai you can get “the money Nea aitor signs the death eartific ~ > cate.” “Mrs. Whittler: “But, dear, do you think you will have to be operated on?” ittler: “Why, of pity “eases like mii aa vas Sn ae “Not - always. 1 K T can cure you in ‘about half a” course; Gee rt ine have to be oper ~ “You! How TREO “¢ “be tasist thing in world, -You made slight meee. That recoption 4sn't week from to-day. To-night is the smol Rae oe your club.” She: “Harry, you seid something last: evening Hint “rnd el 80 (bad. What, She: “You sai river, mata. ae | A ese tree. =. planted by King xy ane ie tay aren't.