Ontario Community Newspapers

Milverton Sun, 19 Dec 1901, p. 2

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SPECIE ON Gyms : BURRS IV BRINSH BANKS, Th th faints And Mpochereomeay ship is a very important jeatinntter + For ome st troops in ‘south Africa have sured or surrendered Boers, who have mag nearly vir Ru @ man, ure f writing von ieee Rev allie, of fathe y cers who have the rea forumne to cognizing his en oteeeae st.’ pat Bogers’ as sea a oy their wee perc. ‘coin in ee is shipped. SOZODONT tor the the TEETH 250 PASSING it REMARKS. 9 ong (on to-day am.” tiie arg tagton ayer! Sr wuts Preot of ee | A.sound Stomach Means a Clear _Hond which Basiness men of the, present, day re constrained. to liv dranchts sapon their vitality i ac ea A ape Avis oud: by the most cure: is int treaciment that they are all> to keep es alert and a ive. Ate ene fea sig the onc hd eonsequenily Of the thirty-eight Sultans — who the Ottoman Empire since by te rty-four have died vio- tne use of Dod dds 8 a atidney pills. ned od “| at | ats Dandruff ‘The Trans-Siberian cheapest rates in tne world. iigrant’s tek supplied with Bis, birds overing 6,000 miles, early three cus, weeks’ journey, for $8.81 them was for months kept in duress Tr adam, would you ask me to stul- ‘The great demand for ‘a pleasant, safe and relinbie antidote for all affections of the throne and lungs is tally Anti Consimptive Sern. Pan astable, Componly and aes couxls, folds, ‘trowel child will not refuse it, and it is put at a price that will nov exclude the poor from © names of Loto cae Any person supplying one mn ey intoxicants is subject | f tiraghows the world. De oo jo Mine WixsLow sSoonitINe BYRUE. of heavy ow ship- and jsilver are t occasionally a can i the. amount? Toit ee not too it?” for you to ahi Good for Bad Teeth | Not Bad for Good Teeth Seah reste ‘the amount to- Lat addr shall I write an ‘aymond Hillyard, inna and ie ey qeatlan, sitting oppo- nee alling, nag ae Malley's road,’” ly. there ian Ply,” don: Sczodent To eth a Powder a aid. iva ‘ard made a careful pote of the jad As they Powder 73e pea or by mail fone Hep he for the postage, 36 eal. re—"‘Well, young man, ssure of a nervous life Constantinople Have} yout fried Holloway’ Corn Cnr suo r re: moving these eile sone egercce &s many have testflied | w i Lady (to tramp)—'‘You cart have | dow , |something to eat if you will work for pe extreme dignity)— Lduing all qumination of Ibis so palatable that a ran a6 doh re oe Pitty ‘Year ning SYPOP faite aes by! rs for thee chitdren wie totbieg. fofeene the guime, ab aps pain, st tate hevtomach na towed it fare an a botue, we ina Manner that, bales ie door?” SWEET ORANGES & The ewan Commission oo Lim ited, Teranto, Hany Potators > “the “f insigt ‘oh, séaing you into paee BURNSAND BRUISES He by renoss removed at once. Tae es con cane ot if ENE is brottly *hoadine” Le. Baim of cilend, 30ZODONT Tooth Powdor 250 bileaaine 60.5 To a> ft ber ‘inside and handed e to aaa 1 Certainty," he aes se coldly. your ie raised Me fe you, oh, 90 much for your abou hi id nigh In another moment he had gone. * ABA worm medicine ine 5 | Beware of nents sa the elh that Merc Gri , st worm ee of the age. handsome Suite fellow, Be railway gives sional Big eee who keeps scien- ‘ YY Bi a eta _ minutes later ee Proprietor strolled he Empire permitted Aad Ee e 80 oy sar just be- | Place “Tesi you're not a lady’s jan at 4 Mio’ ise Cures Buras, ete, ae 1858 there were 8.850 engineero in_the Bi ey Population Minds Liniment er itvas sia a shar he had a the proprietors vor Dr. ‘som Holectric Oi) eo ° now you her por- | Ae aaeat oa she cata! yeWhnt do “you a eat igh, x case, die: - for? 8 Tillyaed, but | ain e ‘that, all the sunshine: had the face he gore, af hesmieh THE ONLY WAY, nd he mut-| “We have such a miscrablo cook said Dimpleton, “that I've got go Par one ican asked Fairleigh> hat T hate ti a a home at night. his . ii re att bina’ fe for sale ail eno ditiealty. in Bday? «work 18 38,000. extracting information from Kaf hot oe Beuth Africa, ap a oa Y say, way. Dr. Young records that at Gibraltar human ‘voice has been heard at a il On aaa rahe rout eae Vryheid and ¢: “None knew thee but to love thee, none named thee but to ;raise.”” Cured without Drugs, Plasters or Liniments NO CURE, NO PAY; There is no need to suffer torturing. pains and ruin your stomach with — drug's when you can be completely pee in from one ae to a few weeks, ight, But no; it | got in that pany beable sy ania aye a al it was po: ossible you, would ene fabriact teihy ss. Delling, ough oh “had ve Bived ae aati “TI was suffering from rheumatism eae you had-not met me tid comi; cured.”—William Aldons, 214 Cheiome “T am glad to say that my rhou bap pains are gone and I have not hi lame back sine> I put the Belt on.’— Joseph Litticjohn, Markdale, Ont to see you, as it w: “The best day’s work I ever done was to come to Toron zs in life. I was nearly drawn soup’ with pain, but there is not Me trace of it) left. —S. Nick- erson, Niagara Falls South, On a yeas s ur a, - at Babs rou that A am ele and that after giving your Bet a fal ’ eae are ef snry Hale,205 Bay street N., Hamilto: CALL agli: Dir. ‘MeLaughlin’s Electric Beit biood from uric acti and gives strength to er. ain, frees the * t Npucretee ac Seok i dgeetroost nue Snything if ft faite: Consultation free. FREE BOOK. If you can't call send for testimonials from thee eured, Sent, st DR. ¥.N. VicLAUGHLIN, 138 Yonge St., Toronto, Oni. ‘aE here is some settavatie,” she whis- y. c ica, Peles ra ains and that iitred eons tee: ae other P icontiiient EY and-inaps. Others carry etn up: and can do a little fighti dae! pent, g y in Heke Joao Math Aied, and. short y aner aot re 3 : c my 80-pas Ms which tells of my method of treatment, and tickle’ jade, and father died, ani aa ey afte, is ad, ire often makes ee send She smiled an assen Ito eet. fi ae trate a ibis own on answered "The time you will have no hesitation adding your bill to mino?’’ r for better or worse, till—'’ a would rathet you, ald not, ‘Their eyes met, It was enough, e to keep always; |boing fat. And with all she should right angles be : 5 ; He Produced his card, vn ie bi They dined together on Friday—a|- oF leh Bla aaa roosting places, ddress,” She put it |B®PPY pair. Pairleigh wos seoniena|! g ate house i more ster, ae all th rr te ss d I Nd r, 19 mystery was clear- | wasted on Gare poultr; ed u Re GON te money in poultry keeping, why did you not give me} x peliove” the “Ayrshire, like any ‘but it will cone come only to those your proper name?" asked Hillyard, a “You—you see you were quite a stranger to. me, F thought it was|quantity of milk, writes Mr. M.A. bu: siness in which ex fence, brains, ‘we should not meet) again,’ Seovell. A larger udder when full, and: a certain quality, which for the shyly. Fates have thought othor-|th : fret requisite, In her general tion, Be nt for more than the Pou he said smiling. _ “‘Wate has |make-yp she should show that she try keeping. ‘ brought us together again, ‘This jhas a strong constitution and abilit; | in|to turn her food, above the so TO AVOID” FIRE. into a mi ho] Many a barn has been set on fir should be molded strong without i, Rvauen an upset lantern, The ca spored, ever so}ing coarse ; compact. wit out bong way to avoid this la to strotch & ly, ‘‘won't—won’t you add your |pony shaped, and cular without gtou ‘ire acro} stable at ey cow might be an tari rst, howe Fasten dairy , giving large amounts harness snap to the ring. Snap butter and en and yet be very your lantern Taaee at a port in ile. ae o make a noiso in eri “asked | ‘Loring | ‘You're not ong to let them hone that’ m: W In r eral incidents: of interna | gether, ith: one tae much larger so tio: vation hen ono ashore and bo- ‘its part in the selection by the judgo me somewhat hilarious, and one of /F J the Police officers, inataa of wai A cow pos: down in ret wes pemeeted: tried, and condemned to be shot the ee et ope Aleta under neath, thin gitar is as follows: nits, hukry- next. morning. ake Mr. Loring, the American consul, | ma. engus expostulated with the authorities, Shoulders. ; ee enenes shoulders, the ongratiate you ost jheart-|saying that it would be monstrous Showing no surplus i Rat ee armly.|to put a man to death for such an SROUgh at ti : ices to show a good offence ; but he i is ne Bawa, # fay specited "the straight back, ‘spine. well detn-d, T met |salior was Drought out and pinioned, FPS piaa gprung ; the body deep, es: » The |in roa cee el iba Mnalteh eon preparing ‘ car gue symmetrical udder ; ees holst tie Union Ra a crowd n Edo #” was tholanswer. “I have Drovested against it, X can 1 Porhaps Rot,’” said Hill- do no mor i aus “i “your flag 0" eried the mie ith Gal ee hinting of the git whom. Aalto ent fi fags Whe vend, yg tHe mile dis “esory “portion of es rorya taken to the lord mayor. Pan ayaa impression on |T@0 to the field, elbowed his ey ea e, for ioainnee: @ and move he w-boned, Tong-t legged, coarse head- you happen to be working. Of Course Brave Act of sae aaa Consul ea, lerhant-eyed cow, with a large make the eee bigh noun to apes ler, but unsymmetrical, with teats out of & rah “ligetage the The veh age ay. e barn on fire eae FIRST SILK HAT. bevels Originator of the “Stovopipe’? _ Caused \a Scare. of prizo whining dairy cows, { appears that the bau of tho silk Ses an attractive bat first Beas, with oye “wide apart, face cone Gon ‘Hetherington, a Lon- an American got , veins Prominent, eyes full and Ary, Pitts to know that Hetherington wil tic Was promptly arrested. A contem- eave pork ioc oat dipey. Gain poraucblis*siewepgper accaunt ot 4 the junction of the head and, «Jong SHetbecingtan’ Haberda: apsting somewhat to form 4 the of the Strand, wax atralgned, eres at the flank, renee als arge, capacious udder when i milk, firmly attached ee pee Stated that several women fainted at 7, showing woll Behind and eqr- the unusual sight, while childron ran well ard, and deop through Sereaming, and a young man, Sido to side, with teats sym, Was returning Stak at euantlan? dichop etrically placed and wide apart Was knocked down by the crowd ood size, the udder smooth ae his arm broken, For these oe way ‘ * lthrough the crowd and soldiery, fNGd'totheir-eapacity 5 shores that he had'the right to appear in a hoot, if yor uu he “through he Tear of an ee an The aie was not. shot, ate nd A shout oc; Withal is beautiful, and wnen wi mit apart: Henge of his own designi oft and clastic, rich in color _ What was done ultimately tin Union wack overcitt sets stepped @ 2nd covered with soft, cine Eup Hetherington is not state or silky hair, ¥e _ show co that Jt mattered fH ho had Sage such Sea Mist and London Gloom Have Nothing in Common. The fog of London and the fog of e. the sea alike discompose traffic, and rvant question is gradually SSho anowed ere dairy capucity, omnibuses and steamships alike have, seh saps yolk resting the Whole fous re smiled a ligin ay il ad do» you keep her for?” ho d ke Ti 190k ask Why, wo keep her,’ replied Dim- finest. skin, unctuou: on, “becuse the chances are the next nee will be very: | Witherby laid Pils tand bee ue 2 [er je 3 solder. “My dear fellow,” he That is t y to the entiro ques- back. She is wed e-shipe sincere | (ign. Ti holders, as”, rule, are prominent milk vein too timid or too lazy. I don’t know b v1 which. You take anything 40nd, Suffer, rather than’ change"? ro ey! gs you = can tiful head and tei th: r of any cow in had to lay to for safety. But while o Bic mus h a aes and silkiest hair densest. fog at sea does not disturb W erh'bited. She stood the saloon or the stateroom. Why is Di as that? some did, with thelr hind legs very The word “#og’’ has not been trac- r them and a puree in the ed rarttoe back ene ie sixteenth nf! hi iT hea! aalcaeeca ‘But,” inte rrupted Dimpleton, with when et vel walking. some pri; hy y hans re if it doe: lo the per ie The point, replied Withorby, Zz in January of corrupted the air with its stink and this. I’ve tried it, and know. ee is troublesome for a wee, ee? en faint any ne. btret Lt other on setting. But it’s the onl; Dimpieton was thoughtful,“ do: know but you're right,’* ho said. tone day |fnally. “How long rave you’ een sto. | trying this 2” Witherby tae “About sixteen PAR ie he sai MILITARY AUTOMOBILES. eral ue military automobiles are being experimonted with. Italy a speclal form of armored fae ne levise iis of protecting raliways rf time ar. Some of the G ES ines are intended for s Seow ati re furnished with drawing tabi - THE eee VIEW, tt seems. me,’’ said the lady severe ata, a os the pe papers print some dreadful thi 1 Yes, ansvrorod the: Foporter th ah bow them,” e trial: Thon, if she doesn't wat All farmers understand that apg Aeon the furnaces ead} ore course, while. you -Jare doing this, it is more or less up- | He ppaeplaursen of the automo- i ‘esent |some percentage of sweet, and even to be overcome. Recently in I: the mangel warzel, which contain the & cireult oe miles was run ig Hho | I was done with a ans, other feed t 2 rw faa Tatts Ana ey should capacity of 180 ampc Vhen th in jthick it ie réws, should be thrown es she ore rank anes any that smoke, to the great prata and de- Blood. at frst abo yin RO Brent ware of health. In 1806 the king "o cows at the SHEP URR ORE Pasion on: an fines sake annic ted tor nee; in the Jci- “FEEDING I Hoas. grow fas' and ca cept. more str But jcheaply in summer than during the evidently removed, for in 1308 $250 winter season. Grass’ and clover (probably equal to about < clainy and generally get the credit nowy Was paid frem the exchequer & jfor the cheap pork thus. produced. for Wood oe coal for the coronation C d 1. few know that grass ‘and even of Fdwat clover, unless at its best, are far in- . ferior to some other vegetavies that. Se Cre may be grown and fed. Turnips and ELECTRIC MOTORS,~ abagas are better,than grass, but! best root of all to feed to hogs | -T! e great objection to electric mo- is beets. We always preferred the sowcuae they will not run sugar beet, though all beets contain enough — without, Peenetibe Mao. ous rechar; eae battery oF an 4 four-plate c ie ae = is eets are young cartiag a four thee seta weeded out, where tome iba oe tors of t oH Dh a on of into: the Pig. Atte ene row battory. Eula eoaiied ee to make large enough to cook oie he roots such a record was. that in going Will be eaten, aa the beet, lex aves will down grade the motors wero reversed 6 mostly tramped under foot. They thus making dynamos for charging make an ee food i Me ue the accumulat n this way the- aiid whe: middiings, s not only sayed, a eg hing tle corn or meal to fit them for “tie botto: ua of tho grads than ib Whe “Ke butcher. “ {the to) THR POULTRY yarp. . | * “Tt Fou woke tip. suddenly | a ae > night and found ee and sell- of mon-eati ng t ing them at the atovos,-thus Betting’ you do [ea Dro anyself_ tor quik ‘Grint jing.” 5 By moaling ae Ae Feodid just as much entitled sher, “tact the crown

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