The Milverton Sun THUBSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1901. “The County Council) by putting * prohibitive fee on packmen ind paeli carts will do much to rid the counuy ‘of a common nuisance, by. charing villages and sidelines of Assyrians and other foreigners, who are usually so bold and aggressive that the good housewife is often compelled to buy some article tha: she is not 1 need ot to get rid of them peaceably. é 4 te ‘The Walkerton Herald in a rather clever article deals with the folly of wany English Statesmen who try te pursuade themselves as well as their English constituents that the people of the United States are disposed to be very friendly towards Great Britain, while not more than ten per cent of the people of the republic entertain any such feeling. The article goes on to show the attitude of the United States towards Canada in the follow- ing words: “They would invade] pia €anada to-morrow if they thought that it would pay to take it. And as things stand, they use our Atlantic fisheries againso our will, and we can’t put them out without going to war, Yn the Klondike they occupy forty miles of our gold lands along the Rear of ‘ihe day. ~ rte ell. “Butch and eaneage git is the ts ‘cution of their work here and, hence the repudiation, but we are still of the opinion that if you scratch them below the skin you will find « polygamist. “Atall events the disturbance has been productive of opinion has been aroused in 3O BOLBOEGHOIOVWROIO SS G85 Diamond Hail. . CHRISTMAS, 1901 Your Time is Shorte_ good 5 Founding commonities nd the people $e “bao: brousht Hearth inannicws uh the deconicexananl If the good peuple of Poule, Gadshill Christmas in less than three Be ee ge weeks! It's folly to delay mak and Brunner have nov chosen to resist|® Ine you Taeas nou the Mormons by force it 1s to their] the fush oft holiday trade is on, credit that they have adopted means just as effectual by turning the lock and key against them. pe ee ROSTOCK. =A Guinber of foutl ala tennte ico) Milverton gathered at the home. of jase on ‘Tuesday evening last, where @ tiost enjoyable tine wap seit in dancing and other amuse- ten TL, Herr of Stratford, spent a dane Haye auth Moers Mr. W. Coughlin of Stratford, spent a, few days ab the home of Mr ©. |g ——————— ishon. Mr. W. Zu N. F. : BABB, ed with Mr. @ Pauli of Wartburg, for|® "6 "ya Gol the eee is home for his holidays. Tomei W sab Hearne Wh eT es one) BORD, Marriage "Licenses issued, Phon lauf, who has been eng: gramme is being prepared. The Le whole frontier, and refuse to arbitrate for fear of finding the boundary. Where is the frendliness of their tariff? They wont reciprocate with anybody. English statesmen are cer- tainly not increasing their reputation for wisdom in the minds of Canadians by the speeches their friends have re- cently been cabling across the At- lantic.” “ ate Is There Etat cherie setae “Phe Stratford Herald in comment- i 3: “It would be absurd and un- charitable for us to suppose the Mil- verton Sun would approve the mobb ing of Elder McGregor, if it did not honestly believe him to be tainted with polygamous dvetrines; and it would be equally absurd and uncharit- able to this paper to swppose it would * have: any patience with MacGregor if he were proved to be polygamous in either view or practise. Undoubtedly both of us want the same thing, that luw and virtue should be respected.” Et may be that. ftippant remarks made by us have been misconstrued by the Herald into approval of mob law, if so we cannot help it. Person- ally we do not approve of employing force in resistiig objectionable teach- ings, but in this occasion we neither sanctioned nor condemmed the action of the boys on the-night in- question. MiéGregor in lis Sunday afternoon harangues was so studiously offensive, that'we made up our mind, as we held vo brief for him, it was not incumbent upon us to fight his battles; in fact, luke the Irishman, we didi’t care a beaver-dam whether the eggs directed tywands his person were poached, -serambled, desiccated or ancient. yei With regard to. she Herald’s conten- | } a. tion, than, Mormons operating in: na tario are not polygamous in view, - have only to say that with what Tighe we have on the subject we are not pre- pared’ to. entertain that opinion of “ast them. We would, however, be only tao glad to be positively assured that THE CHARITY OF ALL CHARITIES THE CARE OF THE SICK CHILDREN. What The Sel pe? Sick Children on College Sirect, Toronto Is Domg for the Little Sufferers of the Province of Ontario. shes city, town, ree and hamlet, from every spot in the Province ot f Ontarl io. when you gi large or aE a goes for the benefit of every child of the province that is admitted reps treated. tatement made because 1 reference is made to the a Toronto institution for | 1 every: sick qu ronto eit nts, whereas ae ra ate urea: ss oy same rights who live’ er day too goes ‘wards the mai nce, not only of Toronto Rope ciiah but for every patient tion 2 they do not believe ia. the plurality of wives, but we have little faith in the morality of a sect that pins its faith to Tue Swith whose same is synonymous vice and gross, immorality. , No people can rise above ‘their ideal and oba-like ital gol faaatia ~ All the ayte edauts of, the church, aye vile aud ‘inipure and there is no evidence thas Ag, has. been cleansed by We knos sw tb wuissionaries outsids the olty: peal Is made. Hospital work canno: be carried on without money. Interest i 3 give—be your giving| mai peonle’ small doing what it can for God’s suite little ones. rie, it ts, that some have to pay yes, all who can afford it are expeci« ay—Dut thos. ean produce the mre eee pay a S of a clerz of P nt. of the woik Is tree ore fo: id ate little che from caps the Tru se who can ‘amily of nearly. or hey are ae to weary y the aes tog in helps_to frighten the load that being if every reader would send but « _Ten ven nga the Hospital carried a| ral seen of debt. The building frr"ichings cost $150,000 and of hate 200.900 was the corpora- yn of Toronto and $60,000 by its citi- been % Pats Year by year the debt has ' pregubet and it To. ‘ear the indebtedness this d. fund would be “Ross Robertson, the Cl ‘Trust. And please send it in is now down to bene for, eyen the prone. to Look cut for us Next Week And we will give you eye openers for the Holidays. All we have to say this week is that we have an extra staff on this week unpacking the largest stock of CANDIES, HANDKERCHIEFS, NOVELTIES, and last but not least the largest stock of CHINAWARE ever opened out in Milverton. Watch, look and read. W.K. Loth New Cap>rines arrived this week. Special Pvicis. WAT would be more usefu jc) a HIRESTMAS Pre- sent than a pair. of FINE SHOES, or SLIPPERS « J.G. Grosch & Son have a splendid range of Christmas Slippers for Ladies and Gents. Our stock of OVERSHOES is {; [complete. Callin and see them. Yours, J. G. Groseh & Son Agents for White Sewing Machines. Do as the Trees do, ] Change your Garb. That Light Thin Suit was all right a month.ago but now it makes you conspicuous and let’s in shivers. If you get your this season’s clothing at KNECH- LEE'S it Mil be the latest cut and longest wear, Fall Suits from $1 up Overcoats from $iOup. — Come to-day, pick out a Suit or Overcoat while ‘the © : choice is wide. ~ Weare a reliable business house, not here to-day away to-morrow, but always here. Leave your order in for that Christmas Suit. EE. Knechtel, The ae oa a Clothier Main Street, Milverton. ~ horseback, - visit Canada, he gov up a new style of baby carriage, and named it the Prince! Ate, Seen SH, SH- SY SY ey St fe ly le by ly le ie tt ae ab ae from 20c to Furs If you want Ladies’ 2 ARERR AR An 2 hie RTONS GREAT BARGAIN | HOUSE, = WE ARE... Ready for Xmas During this week we will show all Xmas Boods: We are bound to hake during December the largest turnover of goo time, trouble or money have we spared to get the best values for oa this season. We are showing many new ideas and styles. Dress Geods Our stock of new goods is complete in all the new shades and makes. New trimmings to match. Also a full range of all ua new shades of Linings, Silk Shirt Waists, $3.50 per yd. Shirts, ready-to-wear. Beautiful Furs try us. Jackets We have a complete stock in Children’s, Misses’, Ladies’, Jackets. Ready-to-wear Clothing If you are looking for a nice Suit, Overcoat, Pea Jacket, odd Paure or odd Vests, tuy us. and Boy’s Xmas Shirts, the latest colors, new Ties, Collars, Neck Scarfs, Kid Gloves, Fur Caps, Underwear, Fancy Cordorouy Vests. Here is a list of Xmas Goods - China Dishes, Fancy Dishes, Dolls from toc upwards, 2 bottles of Perfume and 1 cake Soap in one box for 25c., extra. value, Fancy” Hat Bags, Muff Chains, Cuff Holders, Brooches, Belt Buckles, Collar Buttons, Shirt Studs, Rings, Lace Collars, Fancy Back Combs, Handkerchiefs of all kinds, bemstitched from 5c upwards, Silk Initialed Handkerchiefs, Kid Gloves, Ladies Eiderdown ela Jackets and hundreds of other articles if we had-space to mention them. We are showing the best furs for the least money. Ladies’ Fur Jackers from $20 to $50, Papen $3 to $35, Rufls 75c to $15, Mitts $3 to $10, Fur Capes, Fur-lined Capes, Ete, s known in our history. No We ate showing a tremendous range in Black Dress Goods Ladies’ x s Our jackets are the correct style. Weare showing Prices right. ‘Shawls and Rae the latest makes. Men’s Ry aah can You will find our goods the best and the newest at the lowest price. kinds of farm produce. We pay the highest price for all E. H. DIERLAMM = RIT BRIERE BASIS IEA IIS HE ARI TASCA TSAI II IR ICCA AC ACA IE TCA ACA B IITA IE A AACE ACA IIR ICTR TCH A I AE AAAI RAAT AA AAR | = SIS SME SY ake aM She a afd ay alt WY fz ah SW Si at Sie aN SY Si aM aft al ait ale she st aie aie Shei. The Milverton Sun THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1901. GENERAL NEWS CULLED FROM ALL SOURCES Galt manufacturers are so busy that many of them are working overtime. r. O. ©. Tatham, of Listowel, ier tonahe out the practise of Dr, Morri- son, of Pinkerton. In the Laurier plebiscite 154,284 tes were cast in. Ontario for prohi- es and 115,284 against it. expected that Ex-Ald. Baker, Gems will contest the mayor: alty with Mayor Stamp this year. There will be a spirited pammpeig m. Spears are Sait in the erloo County has two Model One is in Galt, the other is The Berliu School Board the County Council to-reduce the number to one. Mr. Frank A, Copus, wo far sever: al years has occupied the ea posi on} 4 8 tak the staff of the titer New Horseback riding has me revived in. Washington since the advent of the President's. family, and the society girls of Washington, us well as t young ‘watrols, are looking vo their ‘back fever, and every boy at the capit- al who owns w “minute possible out of schoul ‘0. G. his ‘shoulders, became known that the Duke of York was to| ters a of the tord Collegiate Institute, 10 speaking ti Anderson has a fa) head on opsy and Heart Disea: “ Ree ten years I suffered greatly from ‘ering of the Heat rt M told me to prepare for the worst. I tried Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart. One dose gave ea: vanes ‘Adams, Syracuse, N.Y.—r107 Sold by Jas. Torrance. Out of about 300 hors we South African service indy wack, oEly BD wererulscted: A Hibbert farmer complains that a whip was stolen from him in Stra'- a man gets out of Strat- for d_ without sustaining any more serious loss than that at a whip lie has no room to register a ki | The fine bank barn of Wm. Bartle about three miles east of Mitchell, on, the Stratford road, was consumed b: ‘e with contents, on Friday morning of last week. Lt is supposed ‘to. have been set on fire by a tramp. ¢ A number of Stratford’s most, prom: inent citizens are carrying on a discus? sion in the newspapers there regard- idg the improvement of the roads. and sureets, which will, nu doubt bring about goo! results lature Revo Living and it has Sold by Jas. Torrance. Principal Maybs Strat bbe Warden’s banquet the ae vening, advocated “the guided by ahs strong hand ake & wake ht develop. manly quali- motlier of seve we wish these ee qualities taughs to out daugh-) ‘ales. Shortly before the ‘Duke: and Duchess left: Canada, an order | robl came to Woodstock to forward a car} ca & as | fe carriages are now all the go in in Wout ck, Pe ee You Hau inted Ect is nd, ight ?—Mind und body d tor- tured by evil feeeesangs Heney and ull, f tl ivine es ee it Oures all Creed. A! Sie of clergymen of ioe t creeds. who. Cinnamon - Coated Pilis.—Dr. ‘Agnew’s Liver Pills are coated like a cinna- mon drop, very small and delight{ul totake. One pill a dose, 40 in a vial for x0 cents. ‘Their popularity is a whirlwind, sweeping competitors before it like chaff. No pain, -no griping, no inconvenience.—r109 Sold by Jas. Torrance. extended an invitation to Gites Ob Perot, terwersme smal: pastor, Prince a Hay of the Netherlands, upon the impropriety. o nee reminle when « quarrel fSllowed stig ended with s: duel lin which Major Vereen fatally wounded ty. the Prince. That the German authorities in HS are determined to thoroughly |m janize that country: is shown by Me fact that the English missionaries in the islands have now been ordered to instruct their pupils and adherents in the Teuton tongue. Chilian dollars, as well as Britis] te onke wa and hey Sianoe: will as purely ae colony. as New Caledon i ls pee SEI ARISH TOWN. a Norton spent T sect! Ease ‘Thankelving turkey at the home o' 8. eg parerits, ae &. J. Scott Suet a num- ber of friends ab at Ay y dinner-on Thee ines eve’ Mr a Nuno is rushing e5S, ‘these. Ce Be hee engine side epaeeae 8 pul rehaged a ie Fleece a bee 8. ews Uatarrhal Bowdorto eae ching gin all apy ves shatter< ePttstel yet e This isn is note too asta great i. se as pe Be a8 its stead Tha tom ; t health. — Gani The Listowel Methodist. Church has I Mise Rta’ Johnson is visiting ia onr| * d Mrs. Dayid Boyd ate their Rene f | wild - | the summary and law! The marriage of Helen Kelly to Frank Jay Gould will end the. bitter strife that has been waged between the Kelly and aly families for years. | Should Reensct Law. “Okemo,” who contributes weekly an ton, and very wisely discourages mob *O: a week ago sixteen young men of Milverton were u as an jeted by ‘Blaer regor from eouenuare in the interests of the Latter Day Saints. ZB verton mistook Ww what their views were on polygamy. he arguments most used were stones, es er’s valise which: Ww: Tues- Ba shat cheyonag a question will off with sfieiisterial rebuke. principle of one m: Further than that we cannot go sorry to barter our reepect for haw foe our ancestors. Pivowiod eggs and stones is not much bette: Convinced by on: Sold by ja. me Sir William MacCormac, the famous ; English surgeon, died at Bath, Eng- Wed; last week. The Manitoba Government throw upon the members of the Legis- lature the responsibility of saying ~ whether the prohibitory Jaw which has been declared by the Privy Coun- cil to be constitutional, shall be pub. into effect or not. ‘STRAYED RAM. eee ed ram came sane the: prema ee { Joseph Taylor, lot 18, coi Eiic, about Nov. 10th. Cee: : to prove’ Doe ey ex: ae and take the animal away. be weirs Sal Sale Register. 9) aaron tern a stock and impl ments, the pr Mr. Ohei Loe aS 22 oe 23, Ehua, on Tuesday, Dee, 24, atl pan : NEW ARRIVALS for ».~ A Complete Line of: Ladies’ Gold Filled Watches Ladies’ Gold Guards Ladies’ Silver Watches Ladies’ Gold Neckiets Ladies’ Gold Rings with any kind of Stone you want. — Ladies'rocket Books and Purses Ladies’ Diamond Rings Gent’s Two-Pocket Chains. Remember I make ; cial-cut.on everythii mentioned. above thing i is guaranteed, will)