= S Here 2 REE TE ee : King, for vera iv “You cannot. “Now, by thy gods, no man dare e wed mi Hal boy, cell Daughtér of = @ |: rom my room,” answered Abal, who moment entei rel, and who idatberatty closed the doo aren aml left you elanat’ CHAPT! oR t, Take now our ie, to an-|ticed tient island Tyre—che c- chy yy about shale ears: but we for deat ace her “enter here. 4 undered as cau ei paiderous edger ‘that stood ri tee ay is anvil an “Back, those wi W kvall let the fire go out ized; but even though oe be t, and prepare this plate prince, and the son of our king, yet lish."* you pass no cr by force to the sunctu- asked the ae ary of my home. Backt’ ot go the ee of the bello ‘eae tne valnva talk!’’ cried the es cted w rward (Pp t he quailed before that iuatnieads and the ninsul alas hus - ‘untted da “T am an a formed is its eee ites Position “Te young merchant?’? ond only to the Sie ig island, that «So I thought."” is shall find Roms y did you ase retuenoL anner (0 pales but he spoke not, nor did he tiberty. t ‘twas strange Mile reptile, let me pass,’” cx- med the prince again, pointing his honest, men in Tyre may need a ord belo reg As 1 orrow, ‘That ead. (shalt ee your body, © shali do it?" ran remark in at ae eceuder Abal turned “By renga authority?” © which he had been| ‘Tho king’ appointed. ‘Twice he seemed upon! ‘Beware!’ uttered Mapen sat upon the throne of Tyre. oe point of asking another question, strange emia He had assisted the weak-brained, the stern frown that had settled pr AAe9, that yo iP cikenintent anes upon the brow o} Foturns armorer Kept ee saten ed.to his sea-girt city with a morose howev h eka works ice Baral Ly *But T'll hold no Back yourself, Theodore, strike the oldier whom the g 1 nd one who Near and her features were pale with ter- held some faves with the king. Gio stood a ror iknew it, J ae soireatie not as na front “Oh!”“she uttered, a she clasped the man ue h was occupied as her hands in agony, “save me, sir Ue “Theodore, beware faly teats hia Within Whoever you be, save met" rm "slips the soldier ap- BY From Te asked Gio, proached, by oe sud-; ‘Beware yoursolf,”” aa it also by the hot-headed ‘soldier, s remarkable henge of the eataat “Wrom my enemies!’” & fur none like you have enem- | He-aged rm: in wate Po: bright Haul sank be- ing the heated Thoraly Wille’ de eat Ob, speale not further, but neath the blow, he rudely Saat hide she, as she cast her di the cyes scortuny. Hers her. “Iam an am. Save m ze aes from the SiGe of my. father!’ stout ane powerful in Ph is build, with lor ov ang pipet i i § in iron 7 e great god Hercules!”’ meaning tone, that | tee wanna ‘hese, Waleed Gi0, CL knowonaa thow atts the defence of my home. If needs be and who it - ae ee thee. Here, I can strike another.’ o my daughter all the powers fe ue ” ex- a. deep, Ble dines chamber. is “claimes oe =A Jibys ghook st The boy opened a small door that ed out tron the bac h shall follow. this the r ease [Fun him theouatt and be the jen orbe aire ete r, thus in a moment more their steps were Sa started . st i ght. shoulder i in he ewung his ponders ind the uppe pau is breast, 5 on for its d Poke Phesconllees From this, dependéd a; Gio smote ita bronze fist upon his quatled, and Pi prince Eimoolt dared skirt reaching to the breast, and a half uttered curse rest- not a ines beneath which appea mn his lips, while the frown ‘Si of goat oases Hants had beclouded his face upon the collecting about my door,” uttered boy now grew toa Gio. “If you be wee you will order eats Hi dozen your mon. to, tala Yirth, his very ance would at steps had he taken ae and see r him once indicat: a rs cae me’ front of the shop, when tho clatter of ware you trample Won the none knew pon the pavement str oo ioe =e o ven ‘people. posses. the satan mer 2 ae, r hi r, and 2 om ali, Cor poner eneny a8 am i plucked Phas world aah etn ms Ge sisarer e te stay here no artisan as he was, the _ a pind exile iter bee Wier ger. “cannot leave the patil pemhimaer re ass asked Phal- a nd us for this ‘follow, he shall ost lurrested Gn thé taorro®. See—the of without daughter, ae returned rabble increases, and anger rankles han ord Beshrew thy saeetten. ae Baeprlice the stout other piers a te SROUER pad! avfow eeeniewent Bo tac |. None that yi as‘to say that he had superhuman for,* All “beneath “mysrbot Wer bestowed .u) E as ae here.’” out gee one okeiyowd: sbetter be @ © Such creeping thing automa the vipurs «bt ome crumbling ee tha: canting Raven ae apa, in some instances, a Is put to a torturing de leath. sider the supe pie mes, | ‘They ar re- lath and Byzantho, bear you they were ane without founcaston. ed. aah body to the nearest, mation he artisan, however, took little ‘flashed as he spoke. “gam a ci ce will follow me.’ notice of these things, bi orvith a'of Tyre, and. my chambers are sac- fhe prince trembled with rage ed.”” Dost AEOR who T am? | gone so far for the attainnient of the n of him whom we calllobject lie had in view, yet, on: at-! “Ay tention to arb did not concern ‘ita king.” is which will be explained horeatite meme NERVOUS. HEADACHE Feelings of Lassitude and Deprsssion, Weakness and Irregularity of the Bodily Organs. These are the symptoms which point to a depleted necvous system. They tell of watery lack of energy and faenteig ‘They Warn you that nervous = proreanilon loco- the futur aap Boas Ghat they will disappear of t their’ own, aveord, and Sellt grenyee folly to ee and destroy - ves by the use of poisonous narcotics. It is a serious mat- le with the Tt is a question of life and death. rs. “tle fenry Clarke, for Hope, Ont., states: em, and can heartily recom ad nervous, CO! . t taken away these symptoms and given back my usual health and vigor, consequently I endorse it fully. Dr, _Chase’s Nerve Food epee the er geil vg with new ich blood, Strengthens dnd revitulizes the nerves by Teething new mérve force ually thoroughly ‘ovessomes disease and weakness. It forms new” heaitliy tissues and gives a well rounded form and clear, healthy complexion to all'who use it. 50 cts. c x, 6 boxes for “Then pass me to your inner dwel- Ihe dared not now prosecute i! t Turth- will,” Kison Ludim. behin: Pialite jelosea fais doors. Ars growled forth to himself: Aci Mapen, would nob sit upon re feicane for the” nen of pen 4 | above ee heads, and when i fury smiled a dark, grim sh aon DHE ae a6 what € ae pes toi “Seo. cove prince—the rabble are G while he spoke, and though he had | th: combi (ree with a few aes ede them any and some moments after the armor- he “His upon sledge tke power, he ess ane Gaal fee 1 gathering SUFFERED GREATLY FROM ASTHMA AND iv TROUBLES. Spent Some Time in a Hospi and Aisi ont Impoverished Buying Medicines Srishout —Again Dr. Pills ieee Aree tikes From the Recorder, Halifax, N. S. Mr. William oman, known teamster, who Ss iia: nt perience Subatancialy. as Tollowe “fe had for many years been a con- stant Eales fom aucaine accom- be | panics aggravated form of sna a sme | 1 's|Maida’s Secret a OHAPTER XXXVI, (Concluded.) ikldney trouble ‘The latter Spine caused severe. iguana in the ba cd times his patednes is ood has Gay ae pO hed himself buying Todiciuns wrait Modan tap murpbaes ine eaoabla Peonucnin ane saae hae t pas ag had frequently seen her husband up and fall to the floor as sppouet dead, and he would have to Sasa Seaiehey aoe ee ‘ial hel t failed to find a aghiioe of kis, had ae ee yea b; ? Wiliams" Dine "Bills, to ‘try them, He used a eras of boxes without apparent result id But yau believed it at tl she insisted, still with itech turned away. “I hoped it, even though { had no right to do so. I know it base, but I did not. mean it so,” never thought it was so.” ben n. you can forgive mo?’ turned, and h were filled with tears. “Forgive you 2 Why, Guy, I love! vethree Persons, fastead of two,. left Hall, tor the sunny slopes ot gti France, and one of the Mie 3 be Mrs, Guy ees ous a tn Tee. of aun ty alm that had noe ry da: he ahs erruptio on UherprsE cis Whtes badsiees of his planning. An here & day when the hree stoo ra > overlooking | one of the love of sou! ern France, an i as they stood watched a.pair of pedestrians tolling up the hill at their foet. “Let us hide here until they are ; ;Rearer,”” ane Gansta, eon uch a w ould 80 they hid, and as they look- nud see that the twa a lovers who could not find expression for all the love they setae and ane. ie vent in fonda r pita eg Gonstance | DP their me! s heathized with, mtndee "der lovers. OUR -NEW SERIAL, MARINA: THE DAUCHTER OF KISON LUDIM. reader to the last word, OLDESI AND NEWEST. of Canada. magazine in C: at ae _publication new reas- | feat Nee reader of The: Globo fre: ars’ constent advance. t has thirty-six, large, four-column pages nteres rogressive beautifully illustrated dressmaking an by its hints .. ter. dome tent) , finds recreation So selections, an‘ in its $2.50. At all idesiats or Edmanson, Bat e Co., Torout stories, which are contributed by th ¢ saw that her! ot A Christmas Gift to the Women — Btrese management of *‘the oldest |had Canada” so confident | merits still presents the yu \ every line — which is devoted tothe}. Any wom sir: io} to n i adit Gay eomenter dimeuraded, Lowe advised him to continue use of the pills, and before the third box was finished, he Di lis medicine I hav ag da aa aby eoeh {scription from-a doctor which ¢os st ms) 61.78 9. be ye ch | other ES ES peated eight or ten boxes of De “Wiitans? Pink Fills, and can say that an intol- ad urged me to use this medicine.’ | Most aie have thetr ce in 'poor blood [Because 1 p- maki igual ie G and Kindred. eotile Williams’ Pink Pills : Pale eon,” is on ae aroun gel diroe' th Tendes istmas cae et es i most fe t ‘Vicero; federation.” Canadian history been explored, a1 of mare than passing interest. The of poultry and of the kitchen- Beauty pi sicteans and ene te the | gard aut @ place-in its columns. atl % Ch; fa dative tet from hand writing by an expert iberal prize and sand pini nd out and maintains the interest "ot the | a4 ae ‘aan es ed a uA bers ¥ ee “oppor to judge the rp “Thi * Journal, which £ read shy enjoyed because of th sting articles it contained adian people and places.’ Grieves, of Kilayth say thing: -| greatly pleas a with the pape writes Mrs. ‘Thos. Armstrong, Trall Bridge, Ont. tisements are limited to a ed monthly with a history of twenty teal space, and under no circum= s| stances will ee ac epted from any mal urrent ought, women.. It aaionte the fashions by}and taking cdenetane of this articles on] will never linery. The cag al Gas whiose ‘tasks sre lightened} dress esti having why sok pon receipt of her chi i r will be mailed tho Proposition ‘iallo. fon tho Setdg ot m Be its musical | on! subscriber hort and serial 1} The Ladies’ ayoh Des | Adelaide St., Toronto, Vas. “with her. I gave her the tabléts and Brock, a and Bent yt ae came completely blase, and ce elias be depestatt in the Bhastly st 3 e follow: _ rescue eae a Sri Coes up- jim: pmeteronina’ 6 Malay peasant was petting fish in the river, accompan- twelve years an They were , and while ‘the father moved sion, ithe edge, of ‘the deeper water e bank, the oe short twilight oh and the i night was g.U n an agonized n swam and stumbled theo ‘the Hbaliowhie “stream to oy’s rescue, ake child was ar but making fran _ though Nona an weal anon esi ver, Ree nia self without ealintion: on the saur- jan, and with his hands alone began a struggle with the hideous reptile for. ithe Bossesnion ‘of the boy. an s on the deep-watei Hae. “Of his Toe and determined to prevent. Ae ie ‘om drowning the ae Je had s e creature from be- nd, so Ps, os save himse! ae its flaws, and he tried to find siroueh dau ss and nee the eye-sockets which alone he could hope % ha aneeeie point in its im- r guid- ate pain that th nvulsive Hee which threw ny ae ee ky into boy was releas- his de- some ues Bogle beneath ene ov aiagsztes the re ank ‘The man carried the boy on shore, mon nee to his } aa SG aes el ie Ned surgeon to attend to dim ie died after three ave of sui- , CAREWORN “MOTHER Ss. Life Often Made a Burden Through Nursing a Cross and Fretful Baby. All babies should be good-natured ell Vablea) it the no outwar ARs eee ae always Seen natura’ care and fore- = panne aby 2re 800 women. When baby is cross do value your child feline give it any of the medi at is needed is a simple, vegetable com- Tablets, the minor am [plano for nearly @ w vet Beavers pe % ir ee le, says » “I have used Baby ove Tablets in my house for sev ars and know of no medicine for TUS ohed that can equal them. When my eben teething she was restless, nd i nd I could do ate little hey quieted her when o ines did no goo' troubled with constipation the them > again. y's Own Tablets re cons 4 innate and dissolved be afely to the inten Pie your artaise eep them send 25 cents to ‘iliams? Medicine Co., a box will be ca Post t pad. oe Intense sKoea” by a ae Elephant. any odd presents re- ed 4y. Quesk Wilhelmina was an a mere baby,.| Tooth c Powder 25 Good for Bad Tecth Not Bad for Good Teeth suzodont Liquid ase Large Li © sires or by wall {or the feces" Gaanple tor ences a HALL & RUCKEL, montREaL He ee a8. 8. Bonk oie Permitted to have the run of the lecks for an hour or two every morn- pellore he was called the to the pen- ean he had for eeeuily picking up |ind being, s bad as a naval Howton for keeping the decks tid pets uke acquaintances that h formed was that of the ship’ he -soon Sania With & tart. or pleco of aut one morning, when he called eas extended his trunk, as igre the cook happened to be inl humo: and instead of a © the behaie ceived a tap on oe eure from the | Palinene e-| The blow was not severe, but the bos’n turned tail and went trumpet- ng up the = ck, where he took a po- silion that enabled him to watch for his assail | Before long he saw the baker leave | ee and having apparently Aah ae his min do, tl bos’n promptly Sorina has of h tty- Pans and ei an Jay | in a eee heap on the Thi bolted like a et ‘chievous pegiec boy | ut Town the popular Nerdict, wa his favor, and he was allowed his] itberey as before, Bos’n no sooner set free eae he miaetlen, dave larly pald and he and the Dane ie came the best of friends. Se SHOPLIFTING STATISTICS. } A statistician has made a st LITTLE DROPS OF WATER. epee e Sec in Yorkshire was and of E [people own tend. ia d_ stolid, “and 4 ut Abs st the despairing vicar imed: ‘Now, chilar en, try again. ‘Little Drops of Water,’ and do pray put a little spirit in it. : mith— Deliever in vac- LRRRART sare ‘Assuredly. It kept my daughter from playing the inaea ay nt., writes: Uncanalied— fe "Thos, oan Tyend- Mes" you “hn effect @ cure. 1 have’ now been ¢ distressing “complaint for eda eighteen mouths. “hope you will contiiine to recommend it.” The four sons of teres Darwin have all pape their Sozodont A: eames forges of two Tiuckamitbe: was con- e ANXIOUS no: OBLIGE. — mally “annoyed by the, noite. of their hammers, and was in despair at ot being able fo rent either by: day or by CA cree be eslon ba abayee Lesa 28 hammer more quietly ; then he made them all’ kinds "of promises if they dconly, change: thelr: alos ig tiactealing ai Tanewelian Paani and he, trans- t the prospect of arture, entertained them, re- a farewell feast he to and hi ved on your right will go to on your Teft.”” — 0 LAID UE. A STRONG MAN ON HIS BACK THROUGH KIDNEY TROUBLE, A Toronto Contractor Who Was Never Without Pain for Years, And Who Had Many T Made Him W Toronto, Ont., —At No. 86 “Tippineott 8.—( Shorey) st this rf oH . Keane is a Lrcenon and i Jof the best known men in his line of Shes uusiness in | Mr. Ko y 1 a al, from Kidni | Disor ane ea he suffe seed lgreat pain. He was tread: WECHIOGe |to quit his work atiopather and £0 | He used Dodd’s Kidney P ie This is what mien tana erent lease 40 Kidney Hae es Bi very sick, and at ea could not attend to my work at al several m 8, but. no- thing 1 me tried ‘peemned ne help me ap et mediately found relief, Tand Pacioia warrants my work. I yr seven boxes, be- { oi c tely cur: = ince then ic r any he peas of dhiey Trouble after statements: ja. Bladdér les, a mk Dodd's Ganey Pils will not 1 Dodd's Kidney Pills are the only anedicine ever oe Bright’s Disease, Diabetes or Dro} ‘Thousands of Canadians tars wien, and proved, and testified. eS ees Only five in each: 1,000 English in Russia 140 01 of every 1,000 are Tandowners. SOZODONT for tho TEETH 250 A RIGHT TO BE. “What makes Tenspot so glum to- day “4 i haven’t heard him open his mouth “Tle has an appointment With his] dentist for this afternoon.’ ‘here never was, and never will. bs, a universal panacea, 39 one remedy, for’ ail Uis'to phic Hea Is belr—the vary mature of many cnratives belug euch that were Tye germs of otlier and “iiterenels tenet diseases rooted in the patient—what would re! cura ‘would aggravate ae others oe have, Lowever, in Quinine Wine, when otal vable in’ a sound wnadultorated remedy formany gudgrevious ills, adnal and judicious Bulescapaecis ars ted tis convalescence and strength, by the influence whi Terelieves the drooping spinits of with whom a chronte state of morbid es pondeney and lack of interest disease, and, by eae to sound and re¢ blood, yal y, wa Braces Darwin iso istinglshe( bots 3) Mar’ Liniment Cures Diphtheria, PUT ON HER METTLE. ey—"T can always make my ek do you manage Sia tart out by salli0g, her that 1 pee she can’t keep it Hinard’s Aunt Cures Colds, ete “That must 3 be a & protly baad tooth yesterday, and, exper ne lief.” "You “min; Pullen Tas” vee out Bisel one I felt’ relieved out tee vyeins, Se ein the healthy antnial functions of the system, thereby) ee ‘in, activity a ne we result, Strengthening the frame, and giving life to the digestive organs,’ which naturally demand increased substance—result, im pro 7 erage value of a British house half a century ago was $1,80. t is now $2,01 4,70 CURE A COLD 18 ONE. D: ‘Take Laxative Bromo Quin o Teblets. All druggists refund the money vit it fale to outa. W, Grove's signature is on each box, 250. _All Scotch estates are owned by eee dor has ee 774 owners of.fari Quit Work-—Dodd's Kidney pitts} a. thas a i ‘103 120 A Complete FAMILY YOU CAN GET 10,15, & 20¢ PER wills KNITTING MACHINE. ‘Address CREELMAN BROS., Box LOW AND SPECIAL PRICE, (@ 32 AFG AXIVT.) 501, Georgetown, Ont., Canada. s for local and expor!. market price for any eed large qua Wen antitie 1 and exp prelate and cadiney tha topcoat _quantity of well fatted and well dressed thistrate oe PRICE'S | aS The Dawson Gamuiamen Co., Limited, Toronto, We also need APPLES, ONIONS, BEANS, HONEY, BUTTER, EGGS, &e. SSARSAPARILLA BLOOD PILLS, Postpaid {ent pee box and send us our money and we willsend you my Ove Pitts for sheuinathim stomach Gsordereand ail cons troubles. for tmspue blood, ‘roay return Pills, fumable to sel isk a Ren ye are one seta Bins i Cada, rand gou-can rely on,our ‘Piet eg pac = COUNTRY ACQUATNTANC! “You have been away in the county, haven’t Bo— isting oie Beenie De fen “Oh, no. Father cee Ce kinard’s Linimen! Cures eS GOT Ih Cows. Four per cent. of sailing vessels | and 2} per cent. of steamers are lost in a year. Beware He ‘ointments yor Relea that ntain Meret reury eal pea destroy me senso of dorango the whole system en entering "eth gh tie acon genttaces, ch articles #80) esoriptions from saints Gamage Ld fold to the good you bt ve eOutar can pi Care, manu ra do, ternally, ‘acting. ‘direotiy upon, the blood at cous surfaces of the system. ae Hal's Gatureh Cure be sure you get t irae a as aes and made fe a edo iio, . J. Cheney-& Co. Testimonials fre Sola, e Denggiste, price 760 per botile. Hall's Family Pills are the bost. “The only _ objection,” stern perent, 7. have young mi y de: Peete eis Santon no bien r worthy object in life.” “Why, papa, how can you say that ? He wants me.’” said ae ainst. For ae pity ‘Years ‘rup has been used The Krpp factory, tho biggest iron-working concern ee ay, world, uses up 500 tons of steel a day. Cough Laxative Bn a an ae a xaiiye Bromo-Quinine Tablets cure a col in onoday. Nocure. No Pay. Price 26 cents. ise—“Jolnny, can you tell apa, isn’t it fo Hint 1 have’ to run : when I gow ake ing with you 2” Bhavana tie Phemselves, —Immed ‘They iately they were offered to. the public Papnieles Vevetahle fille became pop y p 2Noo 352 AGENTS WANTED, A oi | LEH PRIORI ESS REC ‘ous for tke Home, Farm, i orga Send t is not worth the money sond it back an Zour money.» il bo refunded. This i & ae Sideline. ae seed ce ,_Mechodia ‘ANTHEV-$2 PER a Ratt | jemen sal adios —ni DOW "VETERINARY — ‘ARMERS' SONS WANTED-—To take a short, practlonl course on volerinas ori; thre months’ study during. 6 ehomne wilt quali 0 pas exauainati ocessful rtur onta wi 1 be offered perm GILEADINE ‘Tho Sovereign Heal Balin orem CE ment, It heals Uleers, Cuts, Bruises and Sores, long. standing or acute. Th ia cm, equalled for inflamed or weak eyes. Once inlet ol ae earaioniar 1 wil Hee ‘on vebelpt of Soin le CILEADINE 60., Box 564, er Ont. reward of $100,000 was offered ithe for destroying I believe MINARD'S LININUUN'T will cure every ease of Diphtheria, MRS REUBEN BAKER. believe MINARD’S -LINIMENT win produce growth of hai MRS. CHAS. ANDERSON. Stanley, P. B. i pellera MIN RDS cee is est houschold reme ear isu MATTHIAS FOLBY. Oil City, Ont. a verdale. ular because of the: aren Shemselv es, "That a pepsia and biliousness, complaints of the liver and Kidneys, rheumatism, fever and and fe innimerable complications to owhich these ailments give rise, ‘The artesian well. at Passy, as rance, gives NS record yield of 2,000 gal Lie of water a minute. It cost $200,0 Minard's Liniment 6 Cures Sieh 2 Benevolent lady (to newly-married “sent to ber by an Indian prince. hie I goat that out.” AODONT Tooth Powder o60|2 ee eI OLS Len hy my An emer aay consists i four hi a arms. makes 500 al hits while a mile of wind pas: In Nature's Storehouse There are Oures ~Meilical exper growing mp value tbiat visited upon man. However, this it is well known that ‘Parmeleos, Vegetable Pills, distilled from’ roots and herbs, are eign remedy in curing all disorders of the d Beas ns he pulgat, a. eetee measuré, is e only foreign measure exactly cor- fespendt ng to our inch.