~The Canadians are now the fighting heads ‘you might judi _ devils of the British army. _ Tt would be a relief to Canadians to _ to a scrap with the sick man of Tar- & “Key. os! Martin is not to be frightened ies big corporations. The other day be zed a saw mill belonging to the |6 000 pounds i in 1892 to e. P. R. in default of paying govern: in 1899, attributed lar; ment royalties on timber on the Crow’s Nest Pass e immediately handed over their sso ent for $22 500, settling. the claim. pity that the country had not. more men like “Fighting Joe.” work of the detectives. who Sicorored the identity of Julius Schmidt alias H. Williams, the executed murderer of John E. Varcoe, of Toronto. Schmidt, oriminal though he-was, was not so lost to. all sense of; the respect due his parents but that he would caneeal from i them his identity. tbat the.lives he had not honored as an obedient. son, wight | li be spared viis.last appalling disgrace. But it was not: to be soa could not let, them, rest ignorance. in blissful WADLER OF ELANDSLAAGTE ‘Bie following vivid description fF sol the battle of Elandslaagte is given by | » Daily Mail, who died of on ore at Ladysmith in January. The e: tract is taken from his Hoke just ett: lished “From Capetown to Lady- smith,” which abounds in like de- » seriptions. “As the menanoved forward before ing, gould bring them ap to it akin toshes aa if they paper. ag; Unt Hinelting into wud away in water. ale and-enenty in, ei ved youl ad open: bato drowathe wrth of man And through tf the guns still thundered | pane e Khaki column pushed dog "were al led i seahg on infantry came amon; _ support: and then, tae a twinkling, o7 on the storm- iil face, burst loose that other ast,and a Be = and dropped, limpl: as if-the that held them upright, ‘The ports: and rée- major x rid re oak Pipe inh al a, Mauser baile rough pie Tee 3 his goupany push: a, ‘fire be Ser up Sealy Gana oe Re Ancinet “and passed— more hellish hail of bullets beyond: ike More men do 2h tne bi sieve ae Stone oS beat on Riera mumers:; the tore eet Os crowned, another sti nl forwlarge patronage of “Bleeding and. de Z ged with sti Bue batt ae stat lie of haifa ifetime. ‘ in describing the home-coming of| detectives | i Sat, Of Shem. « he eee column to Ladysmith, he ~‘Mirvepros May 3, 1 all wheat per bush. per bush. stents = their khaki sho a hii men, half soot- iene Ey ard, eye—to tell that thirty-twoanile cut.a stretch ph eek still found them ae per para ea oekZEs soldiers at the el THE casaorax CHEESE TRADE, The decline in the produetion of) Pp eese-in New York, Stas e from 133,000,-| test alts in the for- ig New York cheese exporte! decline mmoted,” Toren mae ees Many fedkimne, os wel pean “hlled cheese, w country. Tamete - | Geese. oe fart td foreibly brought hom owled that a Ree acal oe shee Be Ot aes “The prone rcaiails sbroust the adation of our own chi in for- eign m: rede ety is en it is stated Cai cheese- was only | 6), 00000 000. pounds. annual ‘Theayer- ing the following four y = eathoe in 1895. The al in Peed ased from to2, 2 200 in 1896. bulk of the sled shoes Art a in | Hinois, the pro od a apr lege s ‘tde ey in, Aes Loe The one cent j stam he t is made roduct nen eleo oil oe lard combined with | skim med in! Pee Sie SS SEE <4) CARTHAGE Seeding is progressing very well, In this neighborhood | the people are about balf through. Jas. Wood purpose: some inyprovensents on his. sl b ended so. rapidly, ane d “ese shop. xs Rachael Harvey of Toronto, is ate hes bukloye with her friends here. Ie Conrod an has purchased x new bicycle, uf, the Gendross, make Tt is an el wheel a Mr. John Erler has started, at his ey masoning. & has sb .mach todo he thinks it best to-pat on two ae hice the ens. 4 never wereas good as this year, it. Wim. Limpson 1 Bonne Bes fay OX —In Mornington, April 27th, ‘ife on — Watpon of a.son. ScuLoTzHAvER. Ellice, Apvil ‘hut vite of Danlelehblbeheper Rees ter. all din: ag advice. officers” ae pation: Jeapi a ine, % a with: aan shovtag | ; cine fe frases ington, A) the ‘wile David Tanner of a cee ot Wheat, white 8 il “© red 6 7 | Chickens Batter; Ib wn. | Dressed hogs SMF, Jalinston. Bree ned feo hiner “s Domestic and «Foreign Tweeds’ saat mned Beef, per ew’ ronto, May 3, 1900, ss Daeks Turkey Potatoes Beefs Mindguarters i be ean ss Ss 3 FIRST PRIZE BREAD Compet: ant judges at the Stratford ene Fair awarded us Ist Prize for Bread. We donot have to Aeon upon the intelligence of a coUety show judge fur our reputatio ‘The vast number of people who eat our bread in preference to any other are the best judges, and give the ver- 1 dict as the inden at Stratford Fair | did ——Corrs V. WEITZEL, The Bake» eee PRIZE EREAD. I have been in business four years and never tccksecond prize for bread. || Bseause I make the best: The public knows this now my competitors realize it. Ask the First Prize Baker Ye Call at your G. GUENTHER gusas & Baad (ur Stock ! Why 2 Because it cons'sts largely of distinctly, different “goods from-those of other houses. We claim to Our motto is : “There’s nothing too good for Cana- carry the best goods brought into, Canada, - dians.” In every department special lines are still to behad, We invite you to see us for the following line : Se Dress Geods and: Millinery, Lace Curtains, A;t: Mustins and Draperies, Ladies’, Gent's and Children’s Summer Underwear, Ladies’, Gent’s and Children’ Cotton Hose, Cotton and Swiss Embreideries and Insertions, * Gent's Neglige and Regatta Shirts, Gent's Up-to-date Hats, Collars and-Ties, Men's, Boy's and Children’s Ready-to-wear Clothing, - and Grocaries. We are in the front rank of progress in all those lines. . Every department always well assorted and prices defy ; competition, Call and see us. HK. H. Dierlamm. All kinds of Produce taken as Cash. Half the Pains Of life are caused by ill-fitting Foot-- wear. Foot torture is entirely un- known, if your shoes are properly fitted. We are SHOE FITTERS as well GoOUOr SELLERS And Guarantee Comfort. Our Spring Stock of Fine Shoes . is the finest we ever carried in stock. Call and examine these fine lines. A complete stock of Trunks and Valises. Gome. and get first ~ Choice of the Largest.: - and Newest Spring Stock of and Worsteds In. the Town, te the Latest in Cents’ Fur; nishings. < All kinds of Farm Produce taken, 50 Men Wanted to-date and most finished sty’ le by E. Knechtel, 5 who carries The Finest Stock of S Tweeds and Worsteds in- Milverton. He also has a beautiful line_of:. Whip Cords for Spring Overcoating » in and see his: goods for - yourself: It. costs you« nothing to look at them. J.G. Groseh & Son. To purchase Suits, made in the very latest up- - Se Tndealee et aa suppl which make a. perfect-dress when made up. Cali™ “THURSDAY, MAY 3. 1900: GENERAL NEWS ‘CULLED FROM ALL SOURCES. —Yes, spring is Here, the air Js nil hecinthaseome the deadly “bike,” 2) he trees 3 the robin sits sings: “Now this i something eS mee ee ae ‘was pro- ate on Monda: The Colonial a are winning a ee oe themselves in South Africa, ter in command of the cays Canadians was wounded in the oe at Israel’s Poort, © arrie, the celebrated Scot- a novelist, hae accepted the: invita- tion of Liberals to contest the seat for the Edinburgh and St. Andrew’s Universities. The adoption of a marriage license law in Wisconsin reduced the nee The. city had formerly been the “Gretna Green” for couples from states adjacent to Wisconsin. It is estimated that in Toronto there are 40,000 bieycles, and a pro- blem.of storeing them, has serious one in. office buildings, stores and fouudries, where so many of the employees use them. Mr. John Krag, Secretary of the Tavistock patriotic committee, sent the Toronto Globe a cheque for $75, the amount being the reat of a concert aud private donati The bill to reunite. the County of tion, there being no. dis it was generally vives oh this would committ the Legislature to the principle of the bill bot when it came bef fore the ine Meu of the whole for final disposal quite a discussion took ee Sue esuatiees Killed’ ie by rising without reporting it. An Pigeete ae to the stiol eS G. A with liquid aid, and that « cubie foot will ron a vehicle 100 miles. He figures ae ac air will cost one a one-l alf its ee ce eriiog: expens' visions against Raden by explosion, | $' the automobile run on this system will nee trivel, he Oxford eonnty. Pree say me t ture growth rain has Siaesed. well, andthe warm rain bas brought it up, until rt S. yee are @few bare eee ate a van be judged the grain has ‘a ied start. An observant citizen who cov- ered a good section of the county says that he never saw the fall wheat look so well. “When the Esvex, Bufs and Welsh Johannesburg po Dieifontein, the usual whi by the antag? esp peated injunctions to the contrary, several of our officers and men stood storm of Mauser bulle and two or three privates were hit; Tayonetied the mar who had held ap the white flag, driving the steel through the Boer's chroat, and. killing the spot. George’ Wyndham, EONS oe Steret: ary of the war oth #itish Honse of Commons, the oie day stated that the horsefleshy had exceeded tes, J that the war office had (as i provuciig ships bad hoe oe authorities, hav already this year the 1 hor: ral mn 23.000 nes, y _Svauk for. the e | 138-146-W., 140) ; baal ore plates and. wore than ed illustrations of patterns of | B him on | Wrink | Children to Be oe al Re Payes, Fashion 306 a yen other stores. is to please and: satisly ee who buy their oak froth us. get in our line, and there. arecseveral 1 reasons why we do not have We call your special attention this week to the following lines. : We buy the, best we cama to charge as” high | as- and.—We buy so»much of our goods from the enn eta thereby leave the ibe saler’s profit out entirely. MILLINERY Such a crowd of Ladies as thronged our Millinery rooms on Saturday would do credit to the Milliney rooms in ©} Toronto. “Beteer and Cheap- er then Stratford,” were the them say. Yes, we say so too. In order to. be up-to-date we would advise you to get your Millinery from us. Call and see for yourself. Remember we employ no convassers around town, we intend to sell the the Boots on their merit. Dress Goods Just opened up another lot Fancy Black Crepon, in 4 yd ends, at 95c to $1.25. Also Dress lengths in same line at $1.00 to $1.25. expressions we heard some of] Wash. Goods Such a profusion of Muslins, handsome Ginghams, Prints and Organdies, and the host of other washable fabrics. The patterns and. colors shown are the newest. Lace. Curtains 150 pairs Lace Curtains we bough* before the advance in price, ranging from 35c a pair to $4.00. We call special at- tention to our $1.00 line worth $1.25. Flanets é We carry a very large range both in plain and stripes. As the goods are advancing very rapidly in price we would ad- vise buying early ; prices range Rendymade Clothing Some people have a dislike} to Readymades. Why? They do not buy their Clothing at the right store. We do not carry theCheap” makes which are dear at any price. Calin and see our $6, $8 and $10 Suits and compare the make of our Readymades with others. Carpets and House Furnishings We havein stock, Tapestry at 5ocand-65c ; Unions-at 4oc; Oil Cloths; 4-4,. at 25¢, 6-4 at 40¢,.$-4 at 50ce,and a very nice Linleoum 8-4 at 95¢ 5 Curtain poles with wood trimming at 25c ; Drapery Pins at 4c doz. Wall Papers We carry a large assortment from» 5c a roll up to 25c, with ceiling and border to match. Our Sample book is at your disposal any time you ask for it. Hats and Caps The latest in hats can be had © at our store. We imported: means “fast colors,” pri ranging from 50c up to- ) In Caps we carry a nice assort- men at prices to please ate body. Crockery &Glassware In €hamber Sets, Dinner « 5 Setts,Tea:Setts, we bought be-_ fore the advanee in price, and old prices, have a nice assortment and vite your inspection Groceries i We always pride’ ourselves on keeping a fresh stoc ways on hand, such as; Kolona: Tea goc |b ; Blue Ribbon: Teas” 30¢ |b; Glendon ‘Tea 25clb- Victor: at 25¢ Ib. - Champion at45c5 ll Dandy at 20, 6 lb3 for $ ALWAYS WELC LCOME AT at 5c to 12%. ERIN GO BRAGH (Toronto Telegram.) “Te is proposed to uniform her Mh- jesty’s Irish guards in kilts on the ground that the Trish. wore kilts fore the Seotch could afford to wear anything but a cout of paint. The Scotch lnve posed as the sole of the {garb of od Gaul.” rt with , their Whether they will now give sh a share of their kilts is a problem which only the future can solv An en quiry into the. origin of the Se ina ce alec hes great and far-reaching consequences. The wooden Highlander in front of the cigar stores may smile yet through the lineaments of an Irish face and »| the stage Irishman may yet dance in | share: i chi ‘Fhe Meal Magazine ave just received MeOall’s June. Tt contains wwo a haudr artistic design: We sive the table of contents: Sam- mer ee pis making Hints, oe to Wear pimmer, Fan Gia: a Costumes for to Cure Them, Concerning ts ance Ouher Toten Hovinauaies (Ne How Ue Gee ct Me bone We Made vo Rou Sinoutls (s2ors), Mathers a Gsleiits Man Laurie, Cor Bay Myth, Told by the Fing (8 Bach yearl eens receives a ree patiern of ber ow ction. The ne is published a Sea copy or THE JeOALE co, we York City. ‘ey sates could: be would choose. SMORT STORIYS RETOLD. Si sident of the Royal College of Sur geons of EB pO: isat ae quite ab- i He is an i i et and often to save tudying i in his laboratory Ais a ase te heon served there. his as- sistantsheard him ‘sigh an looking up saw the. doctor: plarin two glass receptacles on lis table. “Whab is the matéer, doctor ? asked one of the youngsters. “Nothing in uncertain whether I drank the beef ten or that compound T am working received a letter from a cor son, saying: My-aim bas always been investment, not speculation, When r T regarded sod x good deal- more. They have ow fallen to two-pounds, and I am cndeak. I cannot face my. parish as a bankrupt, and what. am Tw do? I talpediceplicd thai beleneld buy back the shares at four pounds. On receipt of this reply, the guiless parson wired to his brokers to “buy four hundred shires Barnato Bank stock av two pounds and send> them round te Barnavs Brothers, who will give you four pounds for thew. . Franklin Gadsby in the Tor onto Star tells a zoo seory moeruitig i ere give : ang £00 saddled on Sir Johh Maed pert we have heard: neatly all of A knighted. ne Sa Oo and ee ut the Eu twisted C. to-K. C, B.. and. that = medical bef ne Chant See |saidethe Old ee in his eye, Rie Waaine bptCormac tbe pea particular,” was the reply, “ouly Iam | 5 on. ‘The late Barney Barnato one day | ails ae: stroy—a branch or the country and pay: any price,” said 31 CE haye dine se snaetiete de- feeder of the ; i Tasiaee oon Nem Fork phan thal Ms ooh absola! He that Mr. Sm here never was a ssarprised. aiid ‘nrysuiied otcof nen: Soothes eS nothing more to say. these from. England, and that ment for boys,-girls,youths and. : pounds, sinking my little alin them, | to town and appcint agents. expenses paid. ing to merit. Mention this paper. Position . permanent and. eee ace The Bradley-Carre ) we Nee nes you mone wor sy ever” before off offered, our elegant A inert sae iculars. ) and the easy terms factory: cr through g ; Seer ane Ae : ‘its manufacturers. ‘Therefo: ‘tst.—Our running expenses are inch lower i in proportion to the volume of business. done than the averages. :