Ontario Community Newspapers

Milverton Sun, 12 Apr 1900, p. 3

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The Milverton Sun _ THORSDAY, ARREL12, 1900. Although the Boers are short in ~ their food supplies they are not willing to accept. pea(s 3 » When Kruger bottles Reberts in Blomfontein there will be such a popping of corks that it will take a smarter man than Columbus to dis: ‘cover the Boer lager when the echoes | 1°" of loyalty or in any ee of Dational |e pe trietism to be. cultivated among ts e children of; our schools should be i; which results in a just appreciation: of what the nation has become because of its spirit of freedom, is lee its victories, ede pee net Pgorcriinitt oat ‘its rd march asa. great loes.not urge the fol Y detaed, day ut makes ee mak on eith the developuent jominion, and-the part it ire Day,’ in tl Sentary may be duly celebrated.” THE INDIA FAMINE. The’ a wspaper putiehed fi ta cae in BNA Be of famine -ineident teri Sprain oS re would make feat read by: ‘everyone Wi ie ese tnd whadias theneart. to. fecl, we ai one hu ife.. trust that the eka Ae of this, mis- ‘al in eaves of Mrs. ,jand e necessary steps £0 take off iad. “Mr. | DRATHT’S CLOSE NEIGHBOR. Subject aa Dread Heart. Woe 's Cure for aE Heart «Gave Her "Belief i in Less "That es ‘Toronto, Asril.7.~The Government ‘of Ontario has cancelled the charter of the amines Mining-Co. of On- tario,.a compat ning -about 3,! aci Tae is the first. ment. The cancellation, has, been geese NS mate: sede Sees MORNINGTON. The Council met at Donnelley’s hall, Peter Helem and othe nee to abolish- far) meet again on the first Monday, i May.—JoHN WATSON, Clerk... MCUALL'S MAGAZINE. McCall’s magazine with a peautitel colored plate,., illus- handsome walk- Opposite page 422 we ing costume. lady's foulard - eostume. of the nee dreadi ly noted, and that;it; will give ing tobe this week Pg ort raee oe s Feliot fund. Great, plagne an which smnpdaay ee to-whieh one. an e-farewelliwith a feeling of doleful tion, that.the-calamities it, oe were.too gigantia, too p! progre! the pee dee. icaxof Han porate peeps eae in which the. ‘hearer | ped fore total aris Fashions, Gane, Figures, Fas! rx Chil dor Bishop Spe sch | rin gu the vext Federal election, fol- as | Spring vier per bus D _| Bou Dwenty Years Mrs, Roadhouse the |= i Wheat, white. SS ved)... ow: res of Pierson nickel and copper Laub she Vea FIRST PRIZE BREAD action oft tine ‘kind | n | ever taken by the Canadian Govern- ha petition of tain puctlian beaeestul coloreslt plete. 6 illustrating a fe silk “Each month's i ae is ae dazzling mn Ne tes, ik om ‘been n by. Sescawewch Ne op] COMMERCIAL. Burley gr taal: SEURsse * Hay pertom...... Buiter per. pound: gs pendoe Sake es gaye eeesak » 0 oe goss Stratford, A 12, 1900. Sprin ie What, Pe Outs Apples, ‘per bag Potatoes, per bi ae ter ea ies. (01 Beef, per cwt. 1d tata Dressed hog: 000 | Beef, hiaguarters : 65 3, | Our best friends are our custamers. tainly made us friends. 0 62 | matter what you ask us for, if it’s stylish, we have it. 33] DRESS” LININGS:are compiete at old prices. 26 You will find everything to make an up-to-date garment. No advance price in any of our Staples as yet. Departments are all complete. = TIME TESTS ALL THINGS | Gaod. Goods, have cer-~ is now crowded with * SPRING STOCK « Our store i 8| Every department isJdaded.with goods of the very latest styles -Trrour Dress Goods Department No Also our In Our Staple Department a We carry the best assortment to choose-from at old’ prices. ~. Our other We have frequently been told 00 that we handle a good class of goods, and we are pleased to». say that our goods have madetis many friends. We are alsc pleased to say that the longer you trade with us the better friends we become. : Our Goods defy Competition ( both in Quality and in Baicey Competant judges at the Stratford County Fair awarded us lst Psize for read. We do not have to depend upoo the intelligence of a country show judge tor our reputations The vast numberof people who eat 0 dict as the judges at Stratford Fair id Correct.” ¥. WEITZEL, The Baker. FIRST PRIZE BREAD... I have been in business four years and neve r iccksecond prize for bread. Y? Because 1 make the best: The public knows this now D a:my competitors realize it. a the First Prize eeier ‘@fall at+your ho: cf pats, Hue G. GUENTHER Come and get first Call and see our Goods and compare prices. Yours, E. H. Dierlamm: THalt the Pains Of life are:caused by ill-fitting Foot- wear. Foot torture is entirely nn- Known, if:your shoes are properly fitted. We are alate FITTERS as well as SHOE SELEERS | And Guarantee Comfort. Our Spring Stock of Fine Shoes is the finest we ever carried in stock. @ DEAL , Call and examine these ES : fine lines. Ascomplete stock of Trunks and Valises. « J. &. Grosch & Son Choice of the Largest and Newest aia Stock of Domestic and Gowns, : "| Foreign Tweeds and Worsteds able Novelties, In the Town. 1s as P “- We-have the Latest in Gents’ fur- e ee: nishings, THE TATHOR Next. door to Postaffice:. Want a Suit or-Qvercoat for Easter, We offer you a choice of Fame Su:tings and. 4 if so leave your measuse with us. Overcoats. Our Motto.~- “Satisfaction.” BH. Knechtel _ P. S.—Come in and see our ‘Ladysmith’ Handkerchiefs, the mode of dealing with their rhe ilverton ‘sin in, /APRIL 12 THURSDAY, GENERAL NEWS: CULLED From ALL SOURCES. 1900. As the ane of “of Woles. was about to boa is private saloon car in Brussels last ei Jay, he was shot at twice. nt was preparing to fire the hind uieie het bees, from doing so, He was only a boy-of 15 years of age, and had etal Prince to ur; The Crown authorities in London 2 been notified of a most brutal iv pai was first b by the men, who criminally. seabed and relieved her of about $30 in cash. Then they dragged their unconsciou victim to a small loft over an ice house, where she remained until the) |, xt day before. recovering —cun- sciousness and making her way to the street. THERE TS | ALWAYS HOPE. Bright’s Disease and Kindred Kidney ‘Troubles Have Lost Their Terrors— uth American Kidney Cure Wages a Successful War. Seane man studying for the min- of a well-known SHORT STOKIES RETOLD, trip which the Gladstones, Mr. Thos. Cooke, of Kingston, After Suffering Intensest Pain and Distress of the Heart for Seven Years--Is Cured : Almost Miraculously by :|Dp. Agnews’ Cure for the Heart --A Remedy Which Saves Lives|i Everyday that be- * elaimed “|By Physicians Beyond Human Aid—it is a Pow- ful, harmless Heart Spe- cific and Can Work Won- deas in Half-an-hour, Ee April 26, 1899 Cooke, 260 Johnston. street, this wonderful story of his si disease, and what he considers his Have Been’ Pro- medical sciesee—Dr. Heart. He says: y acute angel of modern: Agnew’s Cure for the “I suffered seven. years from a vert Lo of heart disease- wes Talpltative so- badly that one inthe same room could hear the heart thumps. I bad great norvousuess and depression at times,: . | saffered excruciating shooting pams. Could not stand the slightest exertion or excite~ miraculous recovery by the aid‘of that good! ailments, and nobody gaveme any hope of / permanent recovery. But ome day I’ read of a eure by this wonderful remedy which seemed just to ‘own case repeated. got a trial bottle and derived~ great Lonel Hei is conclted to: coetinial ee it A gees a ee and permanent: pcre had used’ six bottles not ae - is trouble remained, and * though that isa yearand a half ago there bas never heen the slightest. symptom of a return of the trouble.” You can readily verify this or any other testimony of the curative powers of Dr. mendations for it com sunsolicited, and in ninety-nine cases ot _w hundred-are giver out of the “aahueas af the héart” in being snatched from the snare of 80 ee an ailment as heart dis-| ease iv any fo "iE coats walle etience baa’ pteen ative powers of sa having: suffered fc years, and had been pronounced hopeless~- ‘caso—if asa last resort, even it has proved © such a boon, what gn amount of suffering hus sever failed to do what it promises. gives: relief in the most acute forms of the ~ disease in less than 30 minutes. It not © only stimuldtes.a healthy heart action buy ithéals the’ diseased organs, gives vitality, ~ tones the witole system, and it’s not claim- ~ ing too much to say “IT MOST WORKS - MIRCLES.” Dr. Agnew’s Catarrhal: Powder celieves + cold in the head in ten'minutes~it will * cure the most acute and disgusting forms of Catarrh, no matter how longstanding. Dr. Agnew'siDintiment acts like-magic om" © Itching, Irriesting Skin ‘zonbles, such as: Buzema, Seald Head, Salt Rheum, and will! cure Piles inifrom 3sto-5 nights. —35 ets. © Dr, Agnew’s listie pills for Constipation, a rem! sands shave used. andshave:tested:the.eur- SOLD BY JAS.. TORRANCE... medy—a care—that thon- | Sick Headaslie and Biliousness.—20 cts for’ 4® doses, % «/other stores. We call your special: attention this heck to the following lines : : OUR FIRST AMBITION Is to please and satisfy those who buy theiz goods from us; We buy the best*we-cam te get in our line, and there are several reasons why we do not have to charge asyhigh' as: i ist.—Our running expenses are nsuch lower:in proportion to the volume: of / Basiness: e|done than the average. nan 2nd.—We buy so much of our goods from the manufacturer, thereby leave the whole- /saler’s profit out entirely. . 01 ‘Tennysons. and other people made in one of Sir Donald a rie'xships around Scotland and: o vw Dentixrk, this story is tol ree a Heautiful woman. In the party was the beautiful Miss Tennant, who be ene the heart and soul and. glory of the ale iy ty, and entranced every: Body, from the sailors to. the Prime Minister, vith her charm and clever- ness, her good humor, and her over fluwing spirits, whieh placed. every body at her feet. One of the sailors, whom she asked whether he was mar- ied, looked at-her and said,/ ‘Yes, mwamny Tam sorry to say Tam”. and and this, she said, was.the highest and shost subtie Galician had. ever received. A curious story is ase ‘of Rukkin. Ween a young man he was staying in ap obscure valley among cals hills. of Switzerland, On asking why a. cer- tain field was left waste amid tha-sur oaetans cultivatio: was havo y we -can woman sittin; Y He ridiouled jie oe Kiftee! away, and theta with a fatnily gicbad never left their native-home. He asked if he ee take their daughter for a visit tothe place he had | left, and took a carriage for the ur] Ashe siresees the field MILLINERY as thronged our Toronto. Millinery from us. see for yourself. we employ no the goods on their merit. Such a crowd of Ladies Millinery rooms. on Saturday would do|and Organdies, and the host @redit to the Milliney rooms-in “Betcer and Cheap- én then Stratford,” were the expressions we heard some of them say. Wes, we say so too. In-order to be up-to-date we would advise you to get your|bought before the advance in Call and Remember convassers|téntion to our $4.00 litte worth around town, we intend to sell Wash Goods: : Such a profusion of Muslins, handsome ~Ginghams, Prints of other washable fabrics. The patterns and colors shown are the newest. Lace Curtains 150 pairs Lace Curtains we price, ranging from 3§¢ a:pair to $4.00. We-<all special at- $1.25. Dress Geods ends, at 95¢ to $1.25. $1.00 to $1.25. Flanets; We carry a very large range Just opened up another lot#both in plain and: stripes. As Fancy Black Crepon, in 4 yd the goods:are advancing very Alsoyrapidlyin price we would ad- Dress lengths in same line at}vise buying early ; prices range at 5¢ to 12%4c. Rendymade Clothing Some-people have a dislike to Readymades. _ Why’? They do not “buy. their Clothing at the right store.. We:de not carry the‘‘Cheap makes‘which are deat at any price, . Call in and see our $6, $8 and $10 Sue and compare the make of owr Readymades with others. ‘Carpets and Mouse. Furnishings We have in stock, Tapestry at. 50c and 65c ; Unions at 4oc; Oil Cloths, 4-4, at 25c; 6-4 at 40c, 8-4 at 50c,and a very nice Linleoum 8-4 at 95¢ ; Curtain poles with wood trimming at 25c ; Drapery Pins at 4c doz. Wall Papers We carry a large assortment from 5c aroll up to 25¢, with ceiling and: border to match, |” Our Sample book is at your disposal any time you ask for it. Hats and Caps Thee in hats can be had vat. our ~stol these from Taeund, and that. means “fast colors,” prices» ranging from 50c up. to $2.50. In Caps we carry a nice assort- - ment for boys, girls, youths and men at prices to please every body. Crockery & Glassware” In Chamber Sets, Dinner > Setts, Tea Setts, we bought be-~ | fore the advance in price, and: ¢. consequently will be sold’ ao the - old prices. In Glassware’ we. have a nice assortment. and i in-.. vite-your inspection. Groceries We always pride ourselves. on keeping a: fresh: stock al- _ ways on hand, sueh‘as.,Kolona _ Tea 4oc lb ; Blue Ribbon Tea- 3oc Ib; Clete Ibs Victor at! 25¢ Champion ab 45c" 5 Tbs for $2 Dandy ‘at 200, 6 Ibs fe $i. ALWAYS WELCOME AT W. ise eae POLE ic has arn al ube: and T can see her face with . two holes where her eyes should A BOON TO HORSEMEN. - English Spavin Liniment remeves ae Ou a/LAd ied B known. Sold by James To: Agents =--Canadians- won't be: hood- winked, Opposition snowed ander. Volume work on poe ish War’ 8 eygrove, on S ear g Teng Donald wid C) Chalm aged 89 ee Bos, and days. ee provincial fisheries department 8 issued a regula’ Hig ljetinn the fun of euckat may be apenas in auy part of i DRE one § Winter Suit r Falb! Goods*have just arrived and they are sof the DESIGN, Nearly Three Hundred | Suitewill be done in the MOST WOR Wi. * Pieces to choose from.* Your KMANLIKE SEANNER penta dE hg 3 Write for our elegant H«T; catalogue- Sevarice: partkcalars. 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