Ontario Community Newspapers

Milverton Sun, 5 Apr 1900, p. 4

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eee Soe Apply at this office for arbvartizimg mates THE MILVERTON SUN. THURSDAY, APRIL 5. 1900. POINTED PARAGRAPHS, Caution is the foundation of pru- -dence. Vanity is universal—and it is uni- ee disowned. finds a way even if it has te gina tae furnit ‘ture The the one who holds your seaciicne? note. The reproaches of a true friend are always just and not too frequent. The size of a man’s bank kas nothing to do with his dimensions as a man. Were it not for the wine and Ege some men would never speak the trae Fame a Be blows her trumpet for a@ man w! is too lazy to raise the wind. = The easiest way for a girl to co that she can’t sing is to make the al tempt. people who don’t clam tt know very much make better use of their knowledge than others who think they know it all. “ Dhey ate a Powerful Nervine.—Dyspep- causes. meeueemedt of the nervous azsiem, abd nervotix debility, ouoe engen- fered is difficult to deal w tet pale os icy itis atti: he BhCee mig) iat th a never -e good results. By giving proper tone to the dixestive organs thes restore equilibrium to the nerve centres. Liquia Air in Surgery. In the case of the X. air will be i eaeieigite"vavdliadio iv of liquid air’ can be supplied as a local anaesthetic, but the application ept by an small part of he body can be frozen as and surgical operations conducted with the aid of liquid air with liquid air, and it is Rie sys in os treatment of ulcers. Turk ads as Targets. A pcnstvet Boar sport is to dig’ a hole in the ground and put a turkey into the unfortunate bird is used as a target. Miller’s Worm Powders ‘cure fever in children. soi A Practical Motive. Aunt Gertrude—And What ae yon do when you are a man, Tommy — I’m going tos arow a beard. Aunt Gertrude—Why? ‘Tommy—Because then I won’t have nearly so much face to was Miller’s Worm Bera for restlessness and peevishness. The Unfailing Memory Rules. Scholar—Professor, your mnemonic system is wonderful, and I am sure Tam handicapped by one ity. Professor—What is Seholar—I can’t acai the rules. Dear Sirs,—This is to certify yee I pe been troubled with a lame back fo: args! have used three bottles of your MIN- ARD’S LINIMENT and am completely ROBERT ROSS. “‘Ah,” the Pea paid “she has an artist’s face.’ Cae te woman Eee end she uses it inst of @ cam Best Spring eee Unit On receipt ot, HEMICAL CO., , Gig tae in Parls.— ‘The footwarmer in winter is a char- acteristic feature of the cabs, trams end buses in Paris. Goes ailees penta Gh soja eae chit alieson for coarse feed reise bot ince as ik ges ee : WNorth Oxford farmer in the late faction this year. Farm ing it farther apa ee formerly—42 will standard dis- aoe “Ibis a Great Public Vettes significant words were uses Dr. Thomas’ fe tric Oil, oy. a outios| thoroughly Seep. its is an inconieaeion palate und corrective. abcd is Made Of. Over 90 kind of bask are now used id ‘manufacture paper, besides banana ins, bean stalks, pea vines, cocoannt ned clover and timothy ce straw, fre kinds A GALLANT FIREMAN, Attacked bya Fierce and Persist- | tent Foe, but He Conquered It. Lumbago Toxtused Capt. a for Years—| r Point St. Oharles, P. Q., March 6. mails owe a great deal to our gallant Pe work obliges them to risk and often sacrifice their lives in the most unselfish way. And the hardships to which they are continually subjected soon tell on them, The frequent drenchings they un- dergo at big ne bring on Rhenma- tism, Lumbago and other Kidney troubles. : ago is’ common enemy ofthe casiaea ‘That is why so many gallant fire- lnddiavars compelled to retire while still young Lumbazo cripples them, weakens them, and unfits them for hard ve re Dodd’s Kidney Pills are a speci for the positive and absolute cure ee Lami Dodd’s Kidney Pills drive Lumbago out of ee te) by strengthen: and stimulating the aaa ‘Then the kidneys provide pure, a blood for the nourishment of the Dowden 8 Kidney Pills make the fe neys filter Lumbago out of the bi That is why and how they cure es Gene so completely. me to use Dodd’s Kidney Pills. ‘I have been a member of the fire brigade for 28 years, and never could getrelief from th diseases till Dodd's Kidney Pills gave me it. ‘Three boxes cured me totally. That Red Nose will soon Hise Gee ea mee ies 3 Gomponnd on Bila so aosea Produce 8) pemees Ibis the Sate ofa Jae ocul- - oO the use of the 001 chil Sey ERE substitute | agufecsial pend Wid’ ik Ge ae ficial white slate with black pencil. | | ced The latter have been introdu some of the German schools. | Ask for Minar's and take 20 Other | Novel German Post Card. Germany setids out a post card on which is printed a red a aeee en the strawberry is oxpo: — = call of dhe: Halk peuches . It can be ‘brought Pa ‘ its original zed color by blow- ing upon it. An Explosive Bean. . * of Batavia is a discovered in and when put into water it the surface for several minutes, then explodes like a torpedo, hurling the seed in all directions. If allowed t left to ripen on the plrnt it splits open more suddenly. yr 50 cents, Miller's Kidney 7 ie a Plaster, Cron’ Joon “Canada’s Greatest Seed House.” e THE SECRET FOR SUCCESS STERLING SPECIALTIES CARROT Steele, Brigg’ proved The King of Field , heaviest and ane tepieeceers rt Steele, Briggs’ Seal: oun ant you get the ge oa (poateuald) + The 200.5 St Th 800.5 Tb., 508, Short White” od Pacnans ery ee MANGEL WURTZEL “Steele, Briggs’ Money Makers” Have Besa Belecind Led repeated selectio, pee thus securing the sever: can be pete use Steele, Brigg: “* Prize dct or Giant hone Red’’ “Giant Yellow Oval’’ a “Giant Yellow Globe. wn Price, eash, by mail (post-paid), 29c. lb.;in 5 Ib. lets or more, 276. Ib. is of seed roots diene that who value their Mangel Crop will STEELE, BRIGGS’ “Roval Gion qe new and distinct variety, roots rose eclor, very large, easily harvested and heaviest ees of any Sugar Beet should try it. nee Every grower s| Can only be had in cut). Price (post-paid) 50c. per Ib. 1) SUGAR BEET Q@ Ib) nemled packages (see oy WOE —T0 GROWERS Secure STEELE, BRIGGS’ a Gai vue ton tte best.” CATALOGUE MAILED FREE TO INTENDING BUYERS. =} Te Steele, Briggs Seed Co., “ax” send eae ‘The Sun asa Purifi dentiniana today air ace pectecdy invaluable in purifying a house. In aie oe ine is thoroughly hostile microbes; therefore it should te iicwat to flood our} ri rooms,not only asa means of purifying them after they have been used in ‘ways three powerful helpers in the work of keepng disease at bay—they are soap and water (especially boil- pa ele an i oa of fresh air sunshine. These no flood: sham ‘iinet can qeual for everyday Deafness Cannot be Cured local applications, as they cai asec ost fi ithe ear. taken mal coudi hing but an inflamed: us surfaces, Hundred Dollars for any by catarrh) thar can- all’s Gata. rh Cure. Send for J. CHENEY & CO,, Tol sald by Druggiaus eer OO Toledo, O- tarrh, which i didon of We will gi ease of Di the ne| side with a moderately warm iron. e| Minard’s Linimeat is used by Physicians. 'o Clean Cotton Fabrics. French sateens may be cleaned by putting them in a lather of luke- side. ashing blu mauve Danie add a tablespoonful of washing soda to.a gallon of cold rinsing Sriecs Guise ql bring ont all the colors, while a teacupful of vine- gar to a gallon of water will improve * Women are cats,” snapped Jar- ously. onsense,”’ said Dawson. you ever seea woman try to fence?"” “Did climbs ag Libele: hes seri sa alated messenger boy runni arenes ene ugh. They ought to ad- yertise him a ‘warranted fast bladte. Keen Minard’s Liniment In the House, ——— 3s Fence Machine Ni THE GEM still holds JB SE Known About Gre: Bolivar was a druggist. Mehemet Ali was a barber. Demosthenes was ihe son of a cut- ler. hak was the son of a wool In Nagasaki, Japan, there is a fire- work maker who manufactures pyro- technic birds of great size that, jwhen exploded. sail in a life-like manner through the air, and perform many movements exactly like those of liv- birds. The secret of m: these wonderful things has been in the pos- pane of the eldest of the ee - each generation for than fc hundred Miller nus ‘Worm Powders for sallow skin; old or yor Wales Buys an Automobil. The Prince of W: ‘al | stapler. Robert Burns was a plowman of Ayreshire, Ce fovleer was the son of Bork b liver Crom was the son a Lon- brews ; PACKARD’S iy al Seale is H. Packard & Co. irentiss 3 MeGregor, Benwell & . Windsor, Onts rig — &! HARROWS talor es ‘ORD. —}— curiae PRAYER Sem Seapara eligions Pictures, Statuar ary and Ghurck Frente Buccadonnd Works) Mail ordors-reoctve Promiptartention, Dew S:sadtier So. Montel, STOPPED FREE. Permanent- |. DR. KEINE'S GREAT STORER, Positive om Tres through Can: Fit patients, hey aying express charges only prhen teeet ved: nd to Dr Kline, 681 Arch st., Phi'adelphia,Pa, Brantford ‘STEEL TOWERS AND WINDMILLS Wealson make steal sg Sen ee a Res Fam reod sbi Send for Now Uat- alogue. T. N. U. USE ULRICH’S ENSILAG MAMMOTH WHITE CIANT PROLIFIC YELLOW DENT OR IMPROVED LEAMING ER a Uualee & SONS, SPRUSGFIEED, yar dealer for samples and jeceiaioe, THE SPION KOP FIGHT Thritling Sinica of the Battle Told by a War Correspondent EVERY MOVE MADE AS PLANNED “Strengthen us to acquit ourselves like men.”’ That is an extract from a prayer written by the niga x relieve Ladysmith and of the bloody fight at Spion’s Kop, prayer was an- contain dailies to hand ‘shell or rifle fire is so far gee hail of lead to which they were ex- josed; they Goubled from boulder to pressed to the front ad incidents. During while bullets were flitting by, man went down now and had to be carried to the rear, privates were very w cate ‘ t i ing at his biscuit an intrusive bullet donee ge the Fusiliers, levelling ide of bayone' or Fasiliers qeading, ra They moved slow! With grim its amusing as well as it: the ascent, one munch- “And he was. While Scouts Reconnoitring. ile the fighting on Spion’s Kop is Binted in vivid colors that mark it as one of the mo’ au awful. affairs in la. what his intention: within striking distanos of the Tagela i there developed, to quote Winston Churehill, in “‘The Morning Post,’’ this plan of action: battalions, —_twen' ney -two he Poigioter | position; twelve battalions, thirty-six’ guns and sixteen hunt oT se, oe cross five miles to the westward, j making a turnifg movement pale the nstey 's right. xray under Lord aoe itching out toward fees ‘Homes a Peay step was made as planned. ‘Pagela was crossed with practical- the; reached the summit the hill was de- serte Tobin _ especially ditngleet himself in the assent, oy his comrades, to whom he ae ed, ‘Come on, there is no one here!’ *” The following day the Boer resist- ance developed in. earnest. ‘The ‘tandard’s correspondent ‘writes as follows: “What the enemy suffered from upper part of his atm. An officer dug ont the bullet with his penknife, and te his comrade, passed him to} ¢ ambulance down hill, plaintively reteratng that he had ‘chucked no ‘They ae ae kopje to kopie, Times correspon first had been distinctly successfal: ack from ‘Three dase fighting had not pate ed our position. His was probal arene for he had brought sp aye mg and improved his intrench- as obvious, horatene: that we could not hope for success i that direction; and so the attack on Spion Kop was ordered.”” THE FIGHTING ON SPION KOP. wi while personally favoring an immedi- ate retreat across the Tugela, allowed himself to ‘be governed by the en- treaties of his subordinates. Of the ascent of Spion Kop “The Standard’? espondent writes: “The night was intensely dark. guides sniping at our ofteael Bloomfield. the Fuilirs be mm, it : disregard of the them was to be done with the onet. the field hospitals di otted ‘on the plain. { mk g leading files of Thorneyerott’s Mount ed Infantry and the Fusiliers advan TUCKER AND FRENCH ine. oft eeire: Cee as ina | Gain Victory on Friday Over the Boers Near Brandfort. ent Slowly vee ne in sing apes oe and led t ‘The crest of the mountain, filly two t above it. 8.30 Colonel sw | THE BRITISH LOSSES SLIGHT. ‘way. Kruger’s Threat to Bembard Bloemfon- tein Causes Amusement—Her Maj ty’s Sympathy—The Queen Sends a Message to the Widow of Gen. ‘ Jonbert—Canadian Mounted Rifles to Join Roberts. March 31. War Of- fice issued the following fast night at ocloc! Bose) lard Roberts to the Secre- — (2.25 tary of “plooutentein, March 30. Ow addenly, at 4 o'clock: date moming, length of atta out ‘A. sentry chal- s, charged with a cheer. An T by the First nod Whira: Gavaley icige ades under French, and Le Gallais regiment of mounted infantry. ‘The eneniy retreated to Brandfort and our troops now hold the kopi “Our casualties ‘were : “Killed — Capt. Going, Borderers. unded — Capts, Sellar, Luard, and Edwards; mand Brench and aire 4100" rank and fi galseme SR ersearle: Thursday, Match 29 from Fourteen Streams, Masretiton, Cape C da wild volley and bolted 0 the darkness beyond. nih first trench had been won without the loss of s man on our side, and the column sent up a ringing cheer that pealed like a bell through the misty morning. pout’ a, m., the second trench was'taken. Here the troops aieaty awaited the grim work befor Scottish feebly and evacuated the place ing the night, oul. Danny — 31.—h of Commons yes ‘The hail-like rattle | ary sou ae the relief of Mafeking. on mil E indication of Liord Roberts’ plans. of fiying ey to direct his ; “ hee to precisely Gis ae A STIFF FIGHT t offloer was hit, there being mo | 7 6.45, oud pega brisbiiog space allowed to look at | The head of watches; but early in the engagement | aie is now ae the General was shot over the 2 a orm as he was coolly watching the miles north coupies a clus- su drei tae Tieees cat! » im which the British o eflicers and one hundred ‘Let me alone! Let me The Boers had been tsing these kopjes as a base of marauding bands au have been beating up the coun- oemfonteln, driv. cattle and fore Of the fierce ees es fotlowea | ae that ae on many _ billiar peo Be none at of aes Ohur- | ¢ 03 z ths atop wes sepvon elect oe io sera fore 8 ae as tirely off the main plateau and the | cava Boers succeeded in reoeenpying some | * Lord i #\ progress to) Pretoria of their trenches. A frightful disas- | will probably consist of a of ter was narrowly averted. About ony forward earl in ne = Boer positions wil e. attack by: iwehty men in one. of) the leanietcd. nonibh of the army advancing rapid- trenches abandoned their Se peat ly with wheel po ee oe ae | threw up their hands and army coming up as that they would prare Lord Hoberts a cing ae ose great made of transport iste a first fring Be to the spot. to the prisoners | j ord Methuen irom Barkly W Kimberley. Lord Roberts have Methuen’s transport. a hot chase may go to hell! I command on this Commandant Olivier | hill and allow no surrender. | with your firing,” which later they did, with terrible effect, killi |many. The survivors, with the rest aubepte Aine orca cibeemage began on Feb. ie eaveaice bes a Bloeratontels a through a bare country, and the ply of his force an increasing dinint- ty in providing for a great moving along a single line of way, even when the latter is working smoothly, and with ample. rolling stock, ‘The Canadian mounted rifles were part of the force that occupied Ken- hardt yesterday. ‘The Febellion thrpughout the north- west districts pe Colony is al- iost suppre: ‘he Goth will sail to-day (Satur day) with 600 men for St. Helena to guard Cen: Crénje and 4,000. prison- grew up at the foot of the mountain, The dead and injured, smashed and broken by the shells, Leet wake mit till it was a Thirst tociatied the sold- hand, tof Rebels. Cape sown March 29, esting of 2,090 tubborn vigor of the Town, ew The artillery, ane apy aie reach the enemy’s guns, could only up the ground in-impotent fury. t closed in with the British still 4 ta ee in age of the bill.”? ere, as exhibiting the loyalty "of ite ‘district. Ty rebels, “These Soren a Siotps—a tke KRUGER’S LATEST, you to reseat them, You see, I sit ‘ he Warns Women Sa Children to Leave i's funny," interrupted the tailor. ] sloemfontein Befere Bombardment, éXow, there's at bi iJ! of mine. It ought oni ivaron Bis == onthe pioane to be reeeipted because it’s been stand- 4 rontein correspondent of ‘The says: “President Kroger’s lat proclamation warns the woinen leave Bloemfontein as he intends to ‘oy the city and e burghers whom he cap- ‘Vigorous smensttea ee been take harass maraud- ‘ushet at euige for some Clement~ at Koflyfontein. —A despatch to lement's flying column, after of 87 ale yesterday, FUNERAL. nel aries Officers ae Wre: Thursday, “March al of ‘Ge pees took sympathetic Queen. r lon, March to rr has cab) to. comxey ad gala lant’ soldier ana! aah ee TO JOIN LORD ‘LORD ROBERTS, Canadian Mounted jes. Ordered to Bloemfontein —Mess: Holland of Ottawa from His Son. < geenents: ge Came to Mr. Ottawa, ee ch 31, keeraiti ‘Toronto, Man jor Pearson yesterday recruiting Canadian _Artiller; ne?s Son Is Dead. 81. — Frank Ec- regards be ‘etvon the ages of 20 and 80 and um married. Canadians i Netley Hospital . is suffering from, deafness. e Rigid Censorship. “Chawley Chumpieigh of the’Steenth Shraj pps is letting his bang grow.” “Yaas. And the censor Is looking for “ee ci you know?” or?” ey Regt rt of every bang must dab ne Totus oan ae front. “Led by General Woodgate and Daily ing so lone.”—Philadelphia Press. Chronicle, telegraphing area pass une ‘land Plain Dealer.

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