‘He lay pin Ai He wis fightin’ i An’ he dreamed he saw pees ; Stan’ beside her, cottage. ae saw th’ Meg ae hills 0° oe An we saw th ’ feth’ry brocken bonnie, ee a licht, wis on the fields, wis i’ th’ 3 “eins saw th’ plus like @ sound- Me _An? th’ clouds like ships gae by. is ae the bugle sce ite wild alarm, | stret And the soldier wak —_—_+——— FEEDING FOR EGGS, T, ane Jet the i later than 7 whole grain east in a field, or in litter, at about 10 4,m., only sufficient to keep the fowl busy, and to i chem 6 mes reise. The evening meal should be ea jack before ee hour at which the fone usually go to and should a.m. may eee a ae food. It e-| meine fo may by placing itin a. bag and |@ Dollie ie in Fe ee a water, as you would a plum pu fing: THE BUDGET Mr. Picking: brought down his bud- -get speech in the House of Commons -on Friday last, and it showed that the _ country is prosperous, indeed. Of irse the bur apnins of the current. rade for willag” ‘The ill be admitted free ae and that | tha Britian preference wile inersased trom 25 er cent, or from one- fourth to one-third, ai t_hence- _ forth loans to the Dominion of Canad; will be placed on the list of securitie: in which, by law of Englan strustees are allowed to invest their “trust 7" NOBLE NAMES INDEED The list of noble names in Mafeking | jy Lor body else'sson. ue that some ah the greatest He nai Of cot here are ynoble Laine Mafeking. ‘There is no tother kin dof names on the muster _ Not under Baden-Powell but REL Waallethe Segre a ry the ligh and suffering ath all te neat wih iitumites he nam: 2, Captain Lord Edward Cecil. — “Welegra: {801 Mayscba Farmers Balding Wheat T. W. manson, Ge eneral Man: vot the.0 Tiwi nit ing Coupany, a Fie a half million Tegan a enue ble “portion of vhieh longs to ee Owing to t} is holding back o! nome is as on as plentiful in tin ee Nox North- t., Pinpedeebies retdmararas two oe etn Ores. 4 aA) : ie the shor y be scattered broad- Rina tt a| which areas! Aas in evel udget covers only sight have beco ich 4 Sealen of this teas re be | work K the butteranilk out Lord Salisbury’s | FS gove : eo yamaha Africa Shiai ey. would thegit Shee of British Hes gif art in South Africa, — ‘WANS OF TRE CHURCH MENDICANTS. “When the spiders h have spun their ‘web of delicate filaments, and have sched it pon corner S3 Sorner. i a e church, i not all of Feieinc ate me shay hae Have caught, {and how mucl pepe bth have obtained,”” an fn'Our Gh of “T the church, both of men and women, are at their dis and evei fisven that he isthe ane one Wl ever been allowed to do this pons ee does i un Ree abou out ase a ‘the he dt ici hi rybody, rich and poor, ease in cumst with a perfect agony of shame.” DECADENCE OF FAMILY LIFE. ““There-are other and graver facts of which I ean but hint here wh: how deep is the sacred family life, diiie instinct of moth therhood is dying ent among o en,” writes “An American Mote in the April Ladies’ Home Joui “One i and ith we . Bik a fact, even more ti significant, is the numbe1 rohild less homes in the Northern States. und) of ig Ami it cade. these families thao Bape bly. eee ae popls oe | Okgeeenh births ‘of sive idee ® aa ne eee it pee : a that it. ie ater steck there wi Be Pd out. Thei are me ldarkare depti shee which I shall not uncover. women have looke into them,” To Prevent Batter Becoming Rancid the butter ter is churned, well washing 'welve hours afters a ards work in one ounce anda half of fine ound ; place it in teen air-tig Ki firkins ; keep any. cians se oie as it is pall oERe i the ‘butter will always be Shoe datanla ter tha sable: ABOUT exTamp WEEDS me Common Onierio Weeds,” is ae sie ao : bulletin prepared a ote A ral Dey porenent by Pro! Be. wae says that ie jeesiies ious wi rapidly in the phe eed all the anioreatan they can- get in preventing further loss from this very serious hindrance to succe: agriculture, Prof. Harrison says that sin iculture is to ught in the Public schools teachers should col- lect ianens of the ret i, is and show thein the pupils. pu the pamphlet says, absorb the the ‘plant is to one ounce were iouna ini out c of 60 samples, abs tatter wual statements of pare examine fully all grass and clover seed "which fe thinks of sowing on ae aes «ud in case he discovers f which he Sate not know, Jesh fim enti put suimples atario tural College, Guin and all such aie will be pro wheat | ¢Xdu0ined and reported on. Wy spies Hician ales oe ME Fae Mrs] Seajgrmn will thin year cunning uf L772.) (wenty-seven avimals ev. Morgan Wood,-of Baud St. Congregational. church, Boroure, tien aces ieaheaneer neon ch of. rity of door thet United 8 States 1s is dae to the. grea Ly Milverton, Feb. 1et., A BIST TO STRIKERS. head eek bse ) yee, PTO} Boers should treketo their colony in ns Sey ialed ata ee [SEs Boers would kindly trek to eas Thar i, did. to Baa out of “that both placesithey would educate them- eatin neaaiteable sc Pel selves as wel Fran: and Germany. | th on ‘American Ae! new Aaa ‘France and Germany would learn a tea deal about the beauties of Boer | * Sd business back over the o character their new colonists. Dissolution -of Partnership ° ee public is oe, notified that, parti ppeteintore bi after by William K. settle all accounts of the late firm, an whom all accou: AEPRED "GUNTHER. new pee ? A CONNUDRUM — . SMITH MET JONES On Front Street this morning and propounded the following ‘bas! connudrum, which Jones could not answer, but agreed that it | was a good one when Smith explained :— Smith.—Jones, why is a man with $7.00 Suit, bought of Seri. us Pfeffer, like the father of new twins ? es.—I don’t know, Smith, whys he like the father of Smith.—Because he's got twice as much as he expected. MORAL.— Buy your Suits here and like the man with the twins,you will get more than you expected or bargained for License istrict: of of North Perth is To ire Kooga Shop-Keepers and all Others deterested. NOTICE is hereby given that appli- cation for License for ‘the sale conse District of North r 1900-19, com- mening on the first day of May next, wi ceived by the undersigned up to First Day of April 1900 Applicants will be required nish the names ef two gar pia Sue ficient suretie: ae application. Any application from a party not now a lice x the ‘Act, or for premises not now licensed, must i) ied ‘by ificate signed by a majority ef the electors entitled to vote at an election for the 3 gislal sembly in the polling subdivision in which the preinises for hich Tice soug! situated, thajority must include one Ninate third fee rs’ who are at the [ieracin —— le eed time of naking such application, re-| found here. sident witl MIE, Inspector. March 7, 1900. istowel, Ont. shape (like cut), Come and get first Choice of the Largest and Newest Spring Stock of Domestic and Foreign Tweeds and Worsteds In the Town. We have the Latest in Cents’ Fur- nishings. BURTON, THE TAILOR Next. door to Postoffice. Minyerton. P. H. BASTENLORFF ‘The Olny Jeweller In“Sover Has Just received a Jarge stock of J-welery, the latest Styles also a of Silverware whist he will sell very law for the: Next Thirty Days. Tf you want a fine watch, either Gold or Silver call on Bastenuorft he will save you mney. large stock Next Door To Postorricr. Just Take a Look at Our New Fancy Shirts Tt will do you good. we have been in business have we handled such artistic combinations of Colorings, beautifully blended. Here’s a great stock of them. viceable fabrics. up to the minute. Our COLLARS and CUFFS Are always upsto-date ; and if high collars, low collars or any other shapes are wanted, they will be Thereiis a particularly in a medium high standing collar, that we believe is the best looker we ever had. Don’t you want to see it ? The Up-to-Date Dressers of Milverton come here for their Collarsand Cuffs advantage of it at once. all, at ald prices. a pieces Flanet at “ 10 32 in. Flanet at : 2 pieces 68 in. Bleached ‘Linen(a beauty al 2 pieces 70-in, Bleach 10 a ee Tab A great bargain in TOWELLINGS, bought a a sacrifice. 400 yds. of Linen Towelling, always sold at 1oc and 12%c, go- ing at 7c. per yd, This is certainly a genuine bargain, take A large shipment of FLANNELETTES, 35 pieces in | i Flanet at, .... 1. Flanets (extra heavy it i paca Siandard Suivine Re Ge pees eonie ae 12he. A large purcbase of TABLE LINENS and NAPKINS. pieces 66 in. Blenched Table Linen always wld at 80 to 602 ¢ Boing ne 408 Kooi d Linen(extra fine) eats) ins, extra large an Wall Papers We show without an ex- ception the largest and finest range of Wall Papers in Mil- verton. Call and get our sam- § ple book, prices from 5e Roll Up The new ingrains are beauti- ful, plain sides, with fancy bor- ders and ceilings, These goods are yery popular and right up to-date, OUR MILLINER starts work next week, and we will en- deavor to show you the finest and most up-to-date Millinery ever thown in Milverton. Regarding the openings, will advise you later. bexonvinced, | GROSCH & PFEFEER Our Grocery Department is always nice and fresh, with nothing on the shelves but pure wholesome goods. S