“It Shines For All.” “Vol IX—No12 MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH €0., THURSDAY, MARCH 22, 1900 MALCOLM MacRETH Editor and Publinhé The Milverton Sun $a “Transient Advertisements ure chat the rate of r line, nonpariel, first insertion nd 3c. per line for each sue- ‘YPaessive insertion. &. T. R. Time Table Trains due to leave pruvektom xonra, Mixed “109 pm it Patient Crone all the. weary hours, R. RANNEY & C0. sBankers EstTasuisHED ganda Deposits reesived and rates of interest. al BR, RANNEY £00,, Milverton, a Medical “W. EGBERT, 8 : of Coll -0 a Sateen Seite student London hospital Enon, ingles in rear of Post Office, Milv rerun OBE ‘Telephone connection with Poole, Brunner, Lutheran Chureb and Rostoc A. M. PANTON, Bare Solicitor, Ete. roe open every Thar Main St. DR. & LEDERMAN, Dentist, Licentiate “sof Dental Surgery and Member of Royyl Dental Surgeoue of eee ‘Miiverto 3 BRUCE, Graduate of BR. AC DS,, Dentist. , Toronto; alvo Unes On The Death OF Joxtah Wilson, God has seen fit to tara him home hi With aioe loved ones he counted gross of pain he bore; Fecha yates hocomant Bcitane Waar he shoul matlee ners "He's ¢ only seed the stream before ! By sas ace our lives be move him on the farther shore, How ae ee quiet suffering one Shames those of us who murmuring tread The path ofhealth, and fail to own God’s handiin blessing on our h The hand that earefully att smooth The brow and'pillow of a son work; Shae God ‘will choose Fresh duties by her to be done. Look still to God, and patient wait, each the.pearly gate, ariohor in the Bloased port. lad re-union there will be : Gath ered. ae riends and loved ‘And oh! the’ Saviour! 's face to see And reign with those who sufle —A. BERTHA Mossie. MONKTON Messrs, Fullerton J Ziewion started 1 of the fire ware and hardware of all descriptions. Rev. E. ear, af Atwood, preach: of in the Methodist church on Sunday Bund Asst Sree he Hcl Pe of Prosthetic Dentistry, Chica No. 5 Main st fea Listowel, ee th from fier at the'Grand Central Hotel. Nitrous ties msed fora Crown and edge Rok uopectaley — ill work, piaritee Veterit (eda Mean oe 5 J. H. ENGEL, V. Milverton, Ont. Graduate Ontario Vet College, Tor- santo, vests Bil discon of doiwentic autinsls tifically. fo, by telephone or‘otherwise, day ori he Dintistry and Chronic Diseases @ special RR. VETERINARY Gio, itveren formerly et New ‘on( Grad- ary, College, Toronto. ) mnimnal ly wggage transfer. ‘specialty. C0. F., ve a Heres “read of ek, in iil caver Eebocaker & Rothasrinels ieee vaiien bi wars welevme, W. Zimerman, C. Rs Barth, Recording ary. Fri p.m. in n Uhéie Kell, pact ofiee building. Visiting brethren always welt as, Spencer, N. G; W. K. Loth, 7 | Tuesday on bu meee All calls promptly attended | wi Hi SUR- m., the 2 their Bee by. Mere loud calling bed a ae rdgation Waa tathor co on drove to St. Clements on Friday. They spent Sunday with fr i was in Mitchell Mr. Wm. Robert Smith and Miss Leader §. 8. Convention are eee to mae i nesday, ‘Thursday n Stra and Fay this -w leased ie ‘see (Mr. Ullner, got confined to his home for a few days in conseque: Mr. Baseunel eee left. se Re Ss . 8. M. of Mit- shell plied on triends th the village Saturd: On Wednesday morning about 8 a. villagers were roused from uy acne by his loud barking and BusinessCards dD. ties vet Perth and Water nveyane Deed: ne Wills and Mort Affidavi eae jae at Divivion Court. Vile Cie rk. Grosch’s Shoe ae Uela poccete DORLAND'S B jus meets at trains. i izens travellers calle promptly attended vo. Dorland, Mepie St., Proprietor. Hoteis EXCHANGE HOTEL, prea Ont. Jolin Gropp, Pzoprietor. t liquors and sei; tt the hat nat First-class. aecommoda- stion and large.st eee OENTRAL HOTE! Milverts First iIverton. izens and Wm. gabe toc A Sees WT ere Scie for the Coun- Con ety | Hi havi ES thrown onthem. Mr. John Berlett’ Some got verv wet ‘by ing water eee an orien oT Gon etablive. ors and cigars, and Mill styeots. C. for Three Surge sample Best brands of + Cort i at ue ly rs at Uhe'h ee of ot room. Henry . Liquors hae as Good warm stebies and | fi the score! Zieman & Fullarton lost ever 780) e be about 82,00) with an insurance of nee $750. Very April'at Die your watch repaired prope farm in Some Mornington on Monday. nment large supply at the Sux office, t. Patrick's wa Veraiicimeensen] gil Sacicdal by the wearing ofthe green. eome time been in Toronto is- at pre sent home on a visit. eokpe -j to Wm vs family, of Burns, left. on Monday or ‘as | for some w fever be louks comparatively well. 1 -| will leave for Sammerbury, Saskatche- S | wan on Monday, acvompanied by his an | |Inrge bunk barn, stone house and si | on to the property, - | drills seeders, cultivators and wagons sara, | of the Mnswey-Harriy Co, being so much the: be ui hake pot at 8 clock. LOCAL NEWS, Plaids in 2 yd ends at Dierlamm’s. Another lot of Black Dress Goods at Diet lamw’s. March is keeping up its old reputa- tion for storms. The Elma teal will weet ab At wood on March Millinery Opin 6th and 7th of Go wo Pp a ion dorff and get perly. to his Mr. David Torrance moved e time to get your butter Gall and so. P. H. Basieadorifs new stock of ladies’ long guards and watch stock leading st received a fine day was everywhere Miss Minnie Griffin, who has The Rev. W, V. McMille u Sunday, April Ist, pre et ite ‘Anai.| versary services at Hay. and Es Simon J. as f days visiting friends in Sebringville this week. Mrs. Jas. McLennan, of London, is spending a week with her uebener, ‘hr. eee Watson, of Milverwa. he prayer of every pat ust haa xo up for the relief of Mate. king and hey gallant defenders. Asune looked for in batter as the Danish make only brings 23 27 cents on the Busish market. Mr. Geo, Miller has sold» the farm thavhe purchased fram David Barja a, Capling for tbe sum of $4000. Messrs. Thomas Harrisutiand Robt, McCloy, left. on Monday® dass for Winnipeg to-seek their fortumes in the West. . R. Struthers, of eee Michigan, spent a few days last’ week 'Y|renewing old acquaintances, in “this vioinivy. r. Valentine Weitzel, conerpisng baer, has ju on- sctnietedd neato dead Hed Bacal loaf capacity. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel po 1 Watson and North Dakota, where they will speod some time visiting friends ar Willow Biry. Mr. Louis SchmidtJiad a wood bee on Wednesday last sour 60 corded He says that be gave the men plenty to eut and drink, for | bri pre Spent ,| With a bible and addressed by Rev, , | Anderson for his efficient work in sell- Call and see Pestendbrte new icycles with coaster ant The sleighing was bad por a shifted after nightfall: a are hard again, though a Hittle shana Money Loanep. — When your mortguge is due, or if you want borrow money on first class mortgage, come to the undersigned, rate of interest charg business with us will Le strictly private. JAMES TORRANCE. The Tavistock juniors played hockey at Stratford the other evening and the and succeeded anging 19 in their wel, wii juniors succeeded in taking o a likely flee oe time at ie: snd f the. war-wheo} W. R. Dillon, for sometime connected with a6 Stratford Beacon, has aequired contrel cf the St. M Arges, and will Monday next, live newspaper man and will no doubt the Argus to the ery front rank in newspaperdow. The regular whcoehes of the Milver- to entertain the audience for about an hour ana half, The concert which will close the-series of mettings, and at which some extra outside talent will be present, will be held on Tuesday evening, is happy event took place at the hs of Mr. and Brougliton, respected young farmer living in the township of Elma, near Monkton. ‘The immediate relatives of bride and groom. The Soy joins in wishing Mc. ‘and rs, Brot prosperit: The Futaine Fund concert on Tue: day penne, notwithstanding tie storm, & ‘genuine success. The aes was excellent, and the crowd was much larger then might have been expected. Apart from the musical part of the programme, able addresses, supplemented by rewarks from Mr. J. G. Grosch, the chairman, were-delivered by Mr. Robert’ Smith, of Menkton, and Reverends Snowden, Finkbeiner, Anderson aud’ McMillen. Master Albert Hofferd was presented : su ugh the residents-«f towns and pres regret at thedownfallat the price 6 butter in Canada, a is 5] 8 Remenck. Though Andrew drew Baumbach, of Buffalo, ing a few weeks at his home in has the hospital with The Stratford Herald says; Mr. A. a away, arain bayer of | this city, son Russel, nderstood et ead Reddaway. will returp in the ar future while Russel will remain in ae west, Mr. Willinm Dow has purchased the old Cleaver farm, con. orchard on the 80 acre lot. year it is suid that Mr."Dow will move D. Smith will have his delivery of on Tuesday, March 27th. On account. rushed a Orders u Sunable 2 NED here anal some time in May. yet Friday evening, March 30th, iss Preston, a returned mii sionary, ae deliver an address in the Met hodise the W.M.S. will hold a reception’ and tex in the church parlors. hee weleome. Doors open at 7.30° heen | Gru wil berate for one week to subscribe to this fund, Subscribers may leave their contribution with Mr. J. G. usch, nS ery interesting event took” place at the [Lutheran Church, Ellice, on Wednesday: afternoon, when Miss E. Hainwer, of Mornington, daughter of Mr. Nicholas Hawiner, was united in marriage to Mr. Peter Jabobs, of} Milverton. The bride was most be- coming: ii ee cloth, trimnied with netting, jet and chiffon, From her crown was pended a long bridal vei mn: white eines: trimmed with cream ribbon, and Miss Surah Jacobs, cladinn gown of red cashmere, trimmed with watered silk, The groom was supported by his S| brother, Mr. Alex. Jacobs and. Mr. Fred Sebirarha, Aftée the oorennty had been by the Blanck the ahr Seuss and their 2 tendants: took a drive. though the country and pulled®up at the residence of Mr. Peter Jacobs, sr, the groou’s father, where a sumptuous repast was iu waiting for them and a number of sembled guests, After ample justice fed bch done the good things pre- by Mr. and Mrs, Eli J home whence all repaired. Phe even: ing wax. then spent io dancing and Nae oa ise. Tl io, ing at the Stratfor n aghton future happiness and 3 this West! Bn ired in a costume of bluett ; BAILUIE vs ELMA ‘he first case that came up for hear- Assize ‘docket at of ‘Baillie vs, Townshij 4, cont vhe water on his property. awarded him $300. Mr. George Ford paid a visit to bis tones in Piseel last Saturday. oan Hamilton spent Saturday with ‘friends j in Millbank. lay afternoon Mr, W. ‘T. Chalmers had a big we His mother also ‘hada ‘quilting bee the same day. In the evening the young people suena themselves in social chat and-gan Moca 3. “Fleming and James F. Chalmersare on the jury this week. Mrs. Thos, Farrell, nee Miss Fanny Bourne, left Tuesday ‘for their Mountain, Man. urne, sister of e Slane Wm. Donaldson, to be ant Strator, spent Sunday, and Me. and h rston, Palm Mr. Mrs. Donaldson, spenta few days with Chalmers. < rs, Dancan, of Petrolia, is staying with her friend, Mrs. D. Chalmers. “David MILLBANK r. Adan Young of Gorrie, paid Set here a flying visit. n few tae OME: Simon Mulcahey of Listowel, wate Sunday at home. Joseph Johnston of Monkton, was in town Oe day. Ross spent: Sunday at Alma. with his brother Walte The Misses. Marks Teft on Friday last, for Brandon, Man. Miss Magaie, we understai prozperous peas farmer of that neigh. borhood this ty Maggie's ‘many friends here in in’ wishieg ‘her epee ceesee life. Edward Phair os wife are vistice at Mr. James r. John Gibson leaves this ‘week for Se, with another carload oF jorses. Z nvitations are out forthe wedding of Mr, William Nicholls to Miss Hotel of Wallace. Success Willie. The Patriotic concert on Tuesday D.| evening last was a decided success, the proceeds amounting to. over $50. ‘The programme. consisted of exellent’ ad- cee at the chairman, Dr: Johnson, 1H aig ae selections by the songs by Mr. Haig, Mr. A. . Ross, and recitetions by the sch “hike, ‘ohustea und Family leave ion, where Jolnston has secured a ‘position as foreman on a large farm. Previous te his departurehe was given ‘a substan- tial send off by his ‘brother Foresters, while-a large somber ‘of ‘the young people assembled oue evening Inst week at bis home and. presented Mr. ilverton, Monkton and other points. was in Psd. dis- Conductor Richards who ae of the train on which MeHugh mew his death” has been chara Mr. T.. Willarf!. Ready, of the Windermere Hospital, Stratford, was ‘on Saturday last_arrested for deatcoy- ing certain portions of a Tegal doc ment. He wax tet of ni r. Makins, his ‘solicit 8 xe $2 bound for alike amount himself, Major W. F. Van engineer of Stratford, has - as hia reason the badges been submitted to by ee of the council, vepted the position of ty “el Rossland, B.C. and will leave to enti, upon his new duties wert sont