“It Shines For All. i Wol IX—No 8 MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH 00., THURSDAY, MARCH 15, 1900 MALCOLM Machenn Editor and Publisher — The Milverton Sun 81 per year, strictly in advance, not so paid. —M. MacBern, PUnisner, ADVERTISING RATES. SPACE. Year. |6 mo. | 3-mo. | 1 mo. ‘One column, . |$50 $16 00! 00; 9 00 6 00) 3 00) 2 00 00 50 50 00 oo One inch ‘Transient Advertisements are charged at te of 8c. per line, paneer: for re “first insertion, and 8c, per line for each su <sessive insertion, “q. T. R. Time Table Trains due to leave Milverton. Mixed Mixed Express .. 0p. = a 18:00 pin OBiT bm: Mixed i019 p.m w D WEIR’S SALE REGISTER On Wednesday, March 14th, at 1.30 o'clock p.n., the farmstock and implements of ea Kuepfer, east half lot 9, con. 3, Mornington. Wednesday, March 23st, at the hour 6f one o'clock, the postponed sale zat aah farm stock and implements of ry Pommer on are and Mornington. Notes discounted and notes and sccounts eollecred. Deposits ‘ecelved ani current rates of interest allow R. RANNEY & con ” Milverton. MONKTON Mr. visiting his parents al for a sho} in William i ra spent Sunday ie itehell, vi his other eine. Joseph ‘Thompson, of lore, is je parsonage visited friend: Medical Ww. hove BERT, in re ‘Telephor Lutheran Charch and Rosto ‘A. M, PANTON, "Burdon Said; Ete. “Office open every Thursday, Wm. Barton’s Block, Main Si “DR. R. LEDERMAN, Demist, Liceatiate | Mai Member of Reysl versity, shops amen we Mi: a D Gradua BS memer of tthe tel Post % of Prosthetic Dentis ci No. street, eee Ont. tist. ‘Torontes 3 also uate School Oni and Graduate of the Royal Col Dental Surgeons, Toronte, Sul vist Milver- ton the first and third Thursday ot every mn. Nitrous ss PXtl traction of of teeth. aspecialty All work guaranteed. Veterinary ENGEL, V. SM Gisiuite One rio Veterionry College, Tor ane angus ‘to, by telephom ‘Dentistry and Chronie Diseases a special desecrate SOIREE J. W. BARR. VETERINAR’ verton,| ae of Neareon(€ rad- tario Veterinat College, Toronto. ) treats a disew icated animals. Calls bi sattende mest sfer. Commercial driving a specialty. tien Cc. , No. aa ¥ Lae, aa ast Tuesday of e Lagi a their all aver abnanike! & hi ae Visiting brethren oe en ey c. R; Barth, keds Mitel 0. 0. F., “Silver bodge” No. meets every Friday might” at Tm. in theie Hall post office builduig. i Ee has, Visiting brethre. always ie *Spencer, N. 8, in ‘Monkton on Thursday of last wee! 3 |last wen, looking for -a building lot, 1.30 visiting her sister, Mrs. Rev. ADrey, at Ones 2 ft of | friends, panaeony eran with ete Ont. | talons: or otherwise ube j Li Business Cards WEIR, Anctioueer for the ‘Coun- RLAND’S BU Bi ts all trains. travellers calls promptly Celts Dorlaud, Maple St., Proprietor Hotels HOTEL, estes Ont. Best li ae EXCHANGE ibe ad ee i ércial | es Thee a sample Tet rane E, Milverton. | an All citizens and Wn, | dici ene was a young man from Poole to become «a residen' ih load of of rows pecele from ying themselves at vari and playsjas well as tripping the light ade has commenced to ¢., East, in'the spring. e cage re _gritnen left Monkton g for her home i orks, North Dakota, afte se for a few i died in iin, on Saturday, Andrew, only chil G t ae n parents in their-cad bereavement. Mr. 8. Nicholson’s sale on Thursday, so far this yea: his amiable wife moved to Mitchell on a eae and their large circle of friends wish ai 0 en- sorry to have a Mohan was in Monikiony| fora oe time Sunday evening. x Aler 2 cheno and childret oe Visiting her parents or m the 14t) Lepore stsoell toe for a short ti LA GRIPPE VICTIMS. wine in i eae of Cases Have to Po varae ule ofthe a Snel epiganae of ‘Toronto eae gaaL ote et i worst form. She tried almost every treatment known in the world ot medi- cine without receiving lasting bei Heating of he ee ane made b suffering T ae. be freed.” Nass e given on “pole tion. Sold by James Torran Same people may he asto ee. eer ee anybody is ever indisc gh ask a Cabinet Minister ree is decided at a Cabinet Council, especially asthe twembers of that an- gust body are sworn to secrecy. ut Flthere are such’ daring inguisitors, ed life of the Duchess of Teck—the story which has already gone the rounds of. the press—whi ee Nee, ee Dizzy cory! the Townline of 1 ww | spent a few days with ag in around Milvertonslast: wi 3 oe tion their new samples.of bicyeles for The} 1900 of the celebrated Oe make Perth Agricultural D | Society of Stratford Nica to the |. "sl latter $37.77 making @ total of $116. “168 in all, LOCAL NEWS, xTED.—5000 Ths of Seed Onions for which the best market price will be paid.—E. H. D Good Dry-goods at low prices at Dierlamm’s, - Mr, John ae spent » day in} the village Inst Mr. W. K. Hamilton on business. The ae be a ao has ropped fi We will pay you 2 or butter, 10e. for eggs. —Dierlam Mr. John Goodale spent ‘tix ayy | ast week in Toronto and Vaughan, “a moved to the farm to reside with her son Isaac, aera of seeding selling is right buy buying. right. Try us, Dierlamm's: Mrs. Geo. Langford. has. again Messrs. Will. Gray and Joh Davidson . Atwood, spent Sund in Milver Mrs. v. "oricher’ ‘is now perched to, her bed ia is ina rather ious f | state of hen a 3 Davis, of Toronto, ; [spending a few days. with her siste Mrs. J. P. Griffin. Me Thos. .McCloy has” been gaged as foreman of the livery barn by Mr. Jobn Barr, V.S. Mr. W. W.. Griffin, of Huntsvile, vile Mr. W. J. Stinson, manager of the Ascetylene M'Pg Co. of Londor in the village on F fast. Remember the meeting for the letting of the milk routes in Grosch’s hall on Saturday, March 24th. J. G.Grosch & Son have on exbibi- aod are very handsom Win. hone in will have he spring delivery of a: epee ye at Milverton on Feiday arch 23rd. The boy or girl selling the most aed aL Famine Fund concert 2 held ‘in Grosen’s hall next Tues aay evening sil e presented with a handsome bil Mr. Shee of Logan, is the Perth county representative at. the Grand Orange Lodge meeting o} estern Ontario being held-in Brace- bridge this week The North hold their show in Athletic park and plans#re being pre- for the erection of. a new The committer in charge of the Todian Famine Relief Fa: ment on the 20th, are not acting are giving full yalwe in the w programme. The Lutheran churches of Mitver-|} ton and Rostock over ay Rev. Wu. Blunek presides nx eau have «done handsomel; aie towards the Indian, Famine Relict ‘und, 7R.91 and ul Mr. Lotk wood, of Ypsilanti, Mich., apenta few.days in } Nee Tast we eek at the sie of vi While here opted ha Lae child o Mr. Gatege osch, of Poole, who is iola returned | Michigan. some means or other the window curtains in the sizting room of Mr. W, ing, took fire, and were noticed by the housekeeper when in x blaze, Weir, who was on his. way ‘up ey was called back, and eded saul them duwn and SS ousiak: the fire bef any other eae was‘done. Bes other Hake ¥e eee a letter of » Brandon, sauistntory thongh ed the trade. The pnee has beer Ba the eyed re} 48 huge he: ‘Guar a too at are vo ing for, M Toth ie on Tuesday for) tol is} i Na ev bag ps h him ed will fepestoee reside \in ‘. succeed. —. D. Weir's residence an Motday morn}! e Prints, all fast colors at Dierlamm's. Our Dress goods are the very newest. —Dierlamw's - The price of the Toronto Daily Star has been raised from $1 per year to $2. Subscribersimay leave their subsoript- ions at the Sow office where they will be attended to. much more congenial since January 7 Toh, one Loaxep. — When your Ye usiness nth us will Le strictly private. tice TORRANCE. e to the energy and persistence in fature will be reat convenience he publi to tl va pic. 1n show held in Grosch's ball last Friday evening drew a bouse of $12 which greatly Piel the Be to see the ee (?) profuctions, Davidson, Treasurer in taba was elected on Saturdry by a majority of 538 Sie he Tee op- por re wis desruption in the Richard Tate of Milverton. John Vogt, a promising young man of the boundary of Mornington a Ellice, died av his home eunstitution and carried him grave at.the early uge of 26 years. ‘Tenders will be received by the directors. of the Mornington Agri- cultural Society up aturday, March 31st, for the letting of the _the grounds and the vse of the Sate William Campbell, of Ethel, istowel recently a loa d balanced at. 16,439. brought from Mr, Jacques bush in if nd enténtain- | Bin: Fear. who is nothing if and as ev, Mr, not original resourceful, tunity to contribute im this way, and upon request. a box will be given by ‘The scheme bids fair vo wood B programme at the Literary, The meeting on Satu evening was Annie Hartmier, Mr.~ Lanehind and Master Henry GuAL, x as of duetts by Misses May Grith Schnefer, a selection by char One trio, interest addresses Mr. Hatn and the Rev. D, Anderson. Mr. George and the Misses Suitter, Millbank, favored the mens EK v jections which of Mr Torrance the Milverton tele-| he i Johony had fou} “th "| church have purchased ‘two fitie bella. r.C, W, Hasenpflug ae TRE D hseders for a history e' South © African war which wall be. “faba at the close of hostilities and treat negotiations. The book is well ‘ie trated and gives an aeaeads ‘Aistor Boer character is Lag Mr. John Riley, of Poole, when pak copy of the r, Hasény tells us that the Work is meeting “wit! great deman The enterprise. . Mr.” George Good. hand in coavincin; heese Butter Association Mot aaa suitability. of Milverton asa plice for establishing an illustration school and experimen! a shows f in- fluence with the association with which isso honorably connected and it~ halso shows that Mr. Goodhand has the LP of this village at heart and is productive of indirect results. . 1¢ will eis airy all the Mac: ud Government of Mani-| Pre eerie ee have a tendency to — th drow a higher price than that Bae by. ne not so experienced. It is our be- er as lief that the station will be productive: a much benefit-both to Milverton and e Association who have established it . ere as an experiment. PEFFER’S. Mr. Archie ih Miss Kate Holm« are yisiting friends in North Easthope and Downie. We understand Mr. Moses Stéckley. intends Aaah here. Samuel G. Hurst, nocoihipkiied the farming: pr aie ona in the vicinity of r, and Mrs. Thos. Burnett enter~ tained a few of their friends last Rae day evening. Min Mage Deaton | Sita them the best wiskes of their 1n friends here. Miss. her work in Weilestey. The commitvee eS Entheran These’ when placed in the belfry ‘will add much to the xttractive: ror | Pantsome'tittle charch. ‘MILLBANK i Wir. William Johnston. Was. viriting ids in Listowel last week. Mr, Char! pads was in Bradt ford last week on busi Mr. Albert: sae “ahi! for’ ‘mely an was in town on | Sat arday Miss esa 801 night pro ntered their cellar and — helped cligmsel ves ie what ever coul if cai and | be easi of the causes leading up to the war. Th ates Mr. Simon pense has moved Aron his farm into to: is by his handsome young bride, arrived Kate Eugel bis ‘revathed toy lay last. 4 Mr. John Gidson, who left hére a most. excellent though ere was a| cou Je smal of previous sisted | ii