1 <ribers wno do not receive their papers recula'ly will pleasu notify us at Apply at this office for advertising rates. THE MILVERTON SUN. THURSDAY. MAROH 8, 1900. OF INTEREST TO THE RACE. If eyeslashes are. cut the eyes are weakened. From 1888 to 1887, inclusive, 1,030 WALL | PAPER 26.—Mr. H. Hancock, ot Gikenein take. (is Opinion and Hers, 4 Saab agers i persons were killed by lightning. try'as the joint proprietor with Mt. | 6 “You sre) acquainted. with’ “Misa | disease. fe, tears do not accompany a | Wm. Sadler, of one of the finest dol: | Greenway; aren't you? ‘oxin Pills baby’s cries until it is three mouths | lar-a-day hotels in the Dominion of Yes; rather nice girl, but she old. Canada, and he is known further a | Soa es ch.” Bae Highty-five per cont. of ‘the Je | One of the most genial and go-ahead | ing me last nig] whe Bee Ee Sore ercate yer | aotel wen th the country, dn house | She ae you were one of the most being the equal in comfort and ap-| sorenee she had ever of average hotel of ™ ne ‘physician declaresithat the prota Ran ree i who sleep with their mouths shut | GOUbl6 the rates. It will interest) ruin gor the ehild sees live longest. Gavelling men toknow that Mr. Han-|-wWorn Powders, ey cock thoroughly endorses Dodd’s Kid- sway ay his kidneys. High cheek bones ees ae oe force of character in som: ce inutes, want of sleep in ten days, want of water in a week. ney Pills. une time mois might hi kills a man in five fs ne Meal Backache. ften Indeed ined ue ow icine on earth fiat does Kill the germs of Englis! THE WEST AGAIN, 1 see one" aro wi] A DOCTORS EVIDENCE | os a ou mi ve good, Mrs, Spinkerly that}On a Very Teapots Meter ppitgs it a Poy yd offend ot hee Now? Boe He ul ne ee rena Vien Doreen be ‘A Galt Hotel Man Has a Word pings iherely somarked that “my acd is tagable to Shade to look ar good ax usw. Keoaipe for to Say About Dodd’s experience showed me that all human | read the aa aes for oe Brae eee ety ares Or Be pre cwenty vance aoe f i i ues, wi 3 Kidney Pills. jee es ely much alike, and so vleeed effect of Breparations ie Paneer ia, WjgE RACY, Decorator. Mor —- Sidney and Bl ses col | Mrs. Bingo—You forgot she has a umn of stud published in praise of these bern nOLLEnS SHARROWS H. Hancock, of the Iroquois, veep Daby. .o-called rei ee es, show the writers! ig- 1 Made, * Catale: ared of Pains inthe Back of Loa; Y ee nee of of th 4 " iret cock = D . itis a ae ob i ee peers haan Duo" Lite poe reatire Physio none acts of melon meat ee. diseases are. du poss a er Hoes ice as ® Warm Powders: very | the action of germs, which Tinerally ent oe eons sores 5S Bi Brees e kidneys. In Cet ig BINDER awn ‘AND MANILA ROPE Guion Si GATHOLIC PRAYER ie Nc ae Religious Pictures, Statuary aug ‘Scalia oh rders recelye 9. Mont ational Wor ‘There is no other that ere is 10 other that can be ibeak (in the midst of her cbeehess go guests of the Iro- reading)—Ezry, why do the heathen 2 noticed that Mr. med to be troubled with Hornbeak—Huh! too, imi I guess if other Farmer is at T5c. with great vigor | you'd rage, Dr. psintneneled by this docter ag well a3 na have tried them, are sold by a post-paid on seosipa, of price by ‘The Ate eal Co. Limit th depended upon to cure inglish Toxin cate) E all re ‘box; sam Yoo USE ULRICH’S MAMMOTH WHITE 4, Canada Life Build- © An European statistician has discov- et te pain and inconvenience ; people were always accusin’ you of ENSILAGE ered that only 55 per cent. of the) it sr him. Well, all that is now , Tagin’! GIANT PROLIFIC blondes marry,‘while 79 per cent. of| of the past. Hancock is happy | RR. Sa ‘Timely Tip- _ YELLOW DENT their bronette sisters engage in matri-| to announce that Dodd’s Kidney Pills | ¢ yeniondg ave easily oured by, the use) «Did they give you 9 tip?’ asked c IMPROVED LEAMING mony. have cured him. dicine of extraordinary Donetrating tnd a restaurant proprietor of a new E B ULRICH & SONS, *P=2yeRZE>. ‘Sa SASSER TE cannot the “too athen: impressed healing p By new) ‘he waiter, who ee eh served IB SBR | Co acale tat sahil icant It isa Liver Pill Many of the ailments spon Roa ede of hes ARREARS ee ee | Seber 2.5 sorr,’? was the conteudwith have their a smoothing har- per acre applied. is sickly in appearance the nitrate a give it a green appe: ce in a few ‘days and the wheat will seem to take afresh start. The yield will also be largely in , and the gain in .straw and grain will not Gd remun- erate for the nitrate used, but will igive also a profit on the investment. Keep Minard’s Liniment in the House. Instructor—You are wasting your time here. You will never learn. to Gals; ‘ites es fal ‘eon Se for one year my back. with se’ pains No! thing. AT yesed road el lover ae in until I used two boxes of Dodd’s Kidney Pills. left me, and credit of Dodd’s Kidney a no objections to allowing this state- ment to be published for the benefit of the mary others who suffer with backache.”* A Fraud. Mrs, McCatlem—That piano lamp ds, fammation of the lungs, and all affections Of the throat and chest: ‘Tes agreeableness favourite wit! reply; Pape ‘ait ‘me I had. betther go carry a Brantford inregu- f in eating ana | iternal, and external treatment cal iadion Hons peiidvan die taseoutits for the rent | not do any Tiniments and oi STEEL TOWERS many liver ‘torr now ieee ene can only soften the muscles, they do Where snolsenede is iien: pea one $i o Barmelee’s, Vegetable | ROt reach the kidneys, Dodd’ seat “Whose new sill umbrella is this Bilis, ifseie operation though gentle is| ney Pill have cured. more of | you've brought home? eatisetre ariatpee caine ation backache than any other eae ia ee ‘ ‘ ARO; ECAR Pea oA the world simply because they act on) > INARD’S LINIMENT see the only a Kk: niment ask for at my and the ri Harrowing Wheat in Spring. the kidneys. “No; ae: what more, I don’t | only one we keep for si Early in the spring the wheat may; Mr. mock. of the Iroquvis Hotel. | want to: kno All the people “i ee w bac for, 50) genta Miller's Kidney Pile and. Blaster Where Science Comes In. ‘*An inventor is a man who discoy- ers something new, isn’t he?” ‘The pains have now all Pleasant Bay, 0.8 Cleansing and (Ba Mi Washing Powder. ‘COST ONLY NOMINAL - - No strong L: Chloride of =one, Benzine or Goal Oll needed « il thanks are to the Thay Pills. “No; an inventor is a man who gots a patent out ahead of all the who have invented the book." ron Pills rent vitalsing prineiple upon obey ae pend health and 5 “You told 0) cliten all after cou! bre peonvenienee in using: For Domestic use, for the finest lace to the me your heart was uP ety hts wer. a consis of all Kinds, Pipes, Binks, eto, — ae said Bl 2 vaahing a ‘Floors andl Aniaals, end ‘for iT on oth “ oe bas Gorkee ot | PEE nies wa for anuing pe oer Soe “pnt m i eres true powder fe ouoriees _ pnt I said nothing about my lachiners. te powder B odorless bane yar Jans 1b. Breyer Pak ‘at Ibo. pew tal discount t ations fail,| Goal Saving and Smoke Consuming pain what" ‘Compou! Stoves, res AN sy Teg i. ops wider save peak sy po ee is no good, an Oi want yez a maiey mana er cont of cot stp bis pera ary act Student “Theta all ight. I'm] Desier—Bh? Why Dastite Foo are the only girl I is seen acta ng of fireplaces pide) ie ever lov y ib, portion disso! sprinkled a pga aie Nis. MeCasion™Divil a ehane con Miss Hiaddom—t don’t believe you! DEST FENCE I oaths coal ental and physical vigor follow the | We git out of it. ‘All the ig MADE ae seine has not got above we me Miller's Compound Iron Srst purchaser inéach EC Jour grocer or or Parapet ae 22k ya use e gh Price for a Pearl rest of ’em sh 4 py rethan s00o ibe Coll | HOUR LOR Re nage, Lith { “Not the Ovly One. Five hundred and fifty thousand) eugene cdSoring Ware atnar. | A"!ind tithorrarn Common to be hed ae al “Skinflint is gifted vane second | goliara was the price paid for the | 4.: jothe taste and at the sme time ef for Bo days. 0 Sauk muctLAas a sight.”” er ar. was orig fec nal, ire to be found in Mother Graves’ iF goods. ew gh ene Deveenie, De See ee itor Children like 16 | yteGregors Barwell & Oo.,Windsor,Ont. Bloury St., Montrea> “J don’t know t “Yes, he oe tobe at a dollar twice before he spends it sion’ regarding the ren f Opiui eve tncortat and ei Brin ) Belectrie, O14 Eee Guinean yout effect when taken iheernnlly. SORES fora Change. s biden + Briend—Well, have pati- ence. Yon may not always be aogro- whe Boy—Maytio not. The crank I take a notion to fire Minard’s Liniment Lumberman’s Friend, Cay Ane vay | ieee of the Same Kind, ms Visitor (who has been desoribing ae some length her bridal tr ees aes ‘eye to ses me in my sone osvess=I Balt ool e acts so nicely as Mil- : rat Powders; 0 physio Minard’s Linimeat is used by Physicians. His Opinion. capi gs ie eevss of a girl = marries orm him? fel chink fe suntine a mighty ae yife for some other fellow. oii brates cae a Miller's Com- _ New life for a quarter. pound Iron Pills. Smart Vienna Policeman, Vienna policemen are reanried to understand telegraphy, eo able fo swim and row & Deafness Cannot be Cured the H trsed tion 9 i a ane ae 5 have aru when it ts entirel: tee Bits tu inflammation ‘ean ses out of ten are cau! fh, ‘sihich is nothing (pat sn infl:med’ con- iti Suess ie surfaces. a ae ri pe One seats Dollars for any ce eakacrny ae. eait 's.Qaes rit Cure, Send for Fed. ee °. fnally owned at Catifa, in Arabia. |“Canada’s Greatest Seed House’”’ This picture (printed in beautiful colo: stores of leading merchants from the 2332 A GUIDE TO BUYERS WHO WANT A GOOD GARDEN & rs) may be seen in the Atlantie to the Pacific. 7: ascertained by FIELD ROOT SEEDS it requires a prove their worth. How seeds from the most reliable agi baie vax small saving in first cost, with the added risks of Asie your labor ene crop? ‘When buying most articles in commerce, their quality and valne may be examination, but with GARDEN, FLOWER and geason’s wth to low necessary is it then for the planter te buy’ his Seed Co. ex and proving the growth and tasty of a all ceeds they supply, that planter may TESTED SEEDS i hrundreds of dollars annually in testing | | , seeds, for a possible ‘Where is the economy in buying untried or Brent your order direst 16 Catalogue sent free pos ae asking. merchant cannot supply you with Steele, Briggs Seeds, refase seb- |, Address: d TORONTO, 3 ONT. The Steele, Briggs Seed Co., Limite GRABANT S SUNDAY ADVANCE The General and His Colonials Pushing Back the Boers. ‘Camped on Captured Positions—Six Brit- d The War -Of fice “jotted Sunday midnight that there Was no prospect of news until something. Calnierebalt tea bed don quite in ene with the Eohntes silence which Lor: herto observed while ndon, March < h h iene were in r accomiplish- ment; an ia he is in actual gri with the Boers it is probable at the public rill hear Rt or nothing of his doings ch rm [outien; Man Post has the follo Csfoutait, dated Mar . French to-day co force. ing table-sha| ae BRABANT ATTACKING BOERS. Found the Enemy in a Strong Position oar Dordrecht. ° Dordrecht, Cope Colony, Sinday, March 3. — (9 a. m bant colonial night’s ee is now attacilhg tne Boein tn aisizoie postion at Ta Huse chagne’s a Nee, om the road from Dord- recht to Bem ie Heav. tugazeme: Late "The engagenient is Be -oceed= ing With great vigor he Boers are poten 2 the British shell fine tron fies position me pe @ exchange where the Brit pee Boers on the Teht cree a Sf Boers have no big guns in act Advances satisfactory. Footie ions o Beataaes cadyanee to-da; Was most satisfacto: Af- arehlaat and a aS ree Goan the strong | oc- | id, “the ae be- © British sity pete eee! 6 killed, ie Ww foes BOERS ABANDON KENSBE: cetion of Mounted Addr Retreat Under Pr Burzhers—Kr ane ae Sta a — Lc an mater Ci and the re-' Grae emeVoniehseted aides the is TEBE at lasted burghers. fficially hah ot ani perenne h_ fro oni he at ae loots { food and ammunition: Lentten an Addresy President Kruger ed a ae address. to the eae ener a rg fates on Biggar Be ig he Breient will return to Pretoria Sanaa: A BULLETIN FROM ROBERTS. Cronje Expresses His a for British Kind Treaime: th 5. — The War r Of the following de~ S- me Vabalt of Se who have t emmy are si f a 1s Pont Bridge. Gen. Gatacre telegraphs ea Boers at Storm- berg ii pple taken 45. “Col. BadenPoveell reports that all was well at Mafeking on and that the even ’s activity being cna oe by Sankt ace vi part a the defenders. 0 1 Postion uA eee at Os- foutein, except. that requent showers ave rvaity ESpiatee grazing, to e horses and trans- of. natives, prompted by tl Expected ut Abrabaim’s Keaal, po ewe. patcipate op- Abraham's Krai position | at ued the bur: chery, exhorting them to ba remember Maj and to deliver Cronie. AMurs at Colesbers. Cole: ners Cape Colony, Sunday, March reconnaissance with two trooms eg aN found the wagon Orange Siver intact. the other were and the British galloped a bie ae te ger, some miles © Stat side. Price's comman ved seven miles north of ealiseers. 6 Rners during their occupation denied themse, ves: ass than see the Brit- ish pees ds tgeacu Rebels. h 4. — The rebels forced by 600 of Prieska, after a sharp con- flict with the Kaffirs, and ai we marching southeastward on . V Wyk’s Viel, where there are grain itores. LEYDS DENIES THE STORE That He Had News That Lara of Mafek- ing Had Keen Raised. _New York, March 4 Ford, cabling The ‘Tril ania at 6 o'clock this morning o1 ae pRoath Airican, war eet SDE ere, cous that he Thea resales Roberts ae Ostontcin Bor sn to continue his advance east To lijtercent Boers. Durban, Friday, March patie = f nt in- the graph communication a established teat Weenen and Eshows Attempted to Escap Town, Sunday, March 4.—It while on the way irom Paardeberg ‘unsuccessfully attemy to ese: the train. Eleven hundred of men hav n placed golian and Manila in Table j Herliner Post xp. . — The semi-official | Hecliner Post, in a strong article to- again begs the Anglophobe ae to acisgontigue the practice of abusing | ritis C. P. R. ACCIDENT. | two Sleeping Cars Derailed Near Burke- tou~Several M, P.’s on Board and Hart—Narrew Kseape. ‘Toronto, Marc 3s On Bat rad eig aie cars of the ‘a express leit ie tack Two Pully cars, ane ae Prabg pen 9 a ed the track, and coupled, turned git b ubsen saiarilig cohen 0. t below. ks. the trai ed by oes windows and rs to get at the occupants. Those Taken Oux nd cut holes in the | Among those taken out | numbed, hali-clad, were the following Dominion Parliament William, McCleary, ‘Thorold, bruised brutised, and -half-da; members of the generally, nothing serious. Leighton McCarthy, pee leg and thigh bruised an Joseph Feath Btreataville, infully sore. Badly ate 23 Gecil street, shocl n eave 41 Wilton crescent, ruled Tho: ee outside towns who were jarred ere: Mrs. (Canon) Bland; 218 McNab. street, Leper three ribs broken eked. 519 Maitland street, London, only jarred. Ei Wagon BES 41 Robert Hamilton, head badly cut, aide injured. . Johnston, traveling inspector ol 3 “railw: ‘ays an canals, ttawa, head cut by being knocked through a window. Captain Fages, Quebec, not hurt. Pte, Bland,” Siratheona's’ Worse, Hamilton, not hu Drank ‘Dudley, street, back and rt. Ottawa, head and oHoteed of Inerkip was on board and fixed up the wounded, and three doctors on_ Nils wisobilig tsb. oon pleted the job. ‘The most seriously; ee is prob- ably Mrs. Bland, who was persuaded by_ her pe Private Bland, to take a Pullman at the last. moment. ' She ae Bhaly ase and had three ribs z ‘ident Boer ‘camp Oe Abraham's morning of. Feb: 27, and Tae Tt ‘is “thought that the aaccident oc~ enrred thranch the rails spreading. erful set of diamonds they were—a beautiful, dazzling, shim Betton. atk lace and bracelets and rings, all as set forth In the Inventory. “{t was really you who fonnd them.” said Mrs, Robinson to Susan, “ mother’s rent as London Weekly relenra pi er In the Kio! The Dan City Water aa com- pany has introduced.a novel cred of supplying its Hiro during the cold- of Klondike oier Dyer te teaeai or eae person who agrees to pay $1 a week fer the service it erects a wooden honse measuring oe feet in all three dimensions, tains a i oe i s a fire ni Wanted the Call Repeated. mmployer (to collector)—See Mr, hips Heetor—Oh, yes. Enployer=Was he annoyed at your calling wi) Collector -Not abit. He ee me to call again.—Ohio State Journal Sweet Waternieion Pleklen. off the green rind and eut off the pink portion from ‘thé inside sit wi and a teaspoonful of ginger. into four parts, and tie diss Wiikn boiling add (ae? wate til mi jar. xt-morning drain om all. the Why Errors a re Unuecensary. Newspaper men frequently Gite ectsation catiad’ th tego MacPherson, See ie ate and head injured : sane each week. Now, if in the first ploce iE 2. Patter, “Collingwood, “hand | he aitor gets correct’ , information, pe ee and mal copy legible to the ce fer, Guelph, hip and erm! compositor, and i gall - knows to take it proot, we hers. d if the copy holder is sober, and if ay the Toronto people in the] the proof r mark 1 : and if the make-up gets them in the Bin 488 Buclid avenue,| right form, and if the pre do} hana si ee lass. mash any letters—why * Macpherson, Bokene Bank,| seen how unnecessary are baer eae crushed and ew cal errors and how easy it is to BES es bruised and eye| g newspap: ken How He Won Her, 1a, DS 2ou think,’ asked the beautl- 1, stately girl, “‘that the world ts agenratina chance. breath, he re} Ne peal bel Sik ed Vane papa might + the Orient. = RE Rimball. 2 prominent Kansas creamery .mi ‘er an extensive ed through Napa and China, states that there is not a creamery or dairy in: China a but two small ones in Jay says that the best hotels in Shanghai, a ity of 500. use a poor quality of ‘but Germany. inhabitants, made in 01 a broug! for coll v village e They to colleg “Ye eThen fish, whi mean gos! ulti and sinkin man one-day you any" goo coming yea The worer F Shae eeitee eure Pages. Beet She's mentioned most of the and das spo! ogee the young eet _replied s Lon hd had been poe New — Eng- up land country town Dagan to, Prepare ioneer, -for college he member of his own —which was declining in Kaun " ee of man; the vik Hehoni a eR eu! aaa Through his efforts the church was paired and its lawn and churchyard beautifie He rked historical . He secured a drink public. square, we soles tp pri ai sheet ceeficl ad orchard on the old hom farmer, with crumbling walls, met the nder the cool ims, and said to him: ell me that youare going a e go." “And ‘their ome “west?’” hat is any purp ‘it you are going uns leave us all, what makes you! take’ so much aflairs of the old 1 are doin’ will nev- and we'll all back me serv the) coe mimi Which we live,"’ said the’ young man Ul places are endeared to-us where we have to ‘ood, ‘They make pleasant memories, I am sure it I have done, ay oe the bere fit - the all not. re- gret it.’ Thi y man, graduated | well and went to He Pacific slope. ee a With his goo a unigeliish ppirtt it coe uray Shes otherwise. be- yor o' Goung city, was gent to Congress, afd, did much) for the developiient Of tins Gen Sisto. anlaing tn Mis ara to secure ‘the fountain for the sare in the old, -s wland town, See ing wha 9 be done, and then doing itis 2 tie Way thet aiscoml be gins. Mor this, it is those who think of tine outside of oe little lives who are most, likely to ced. | Such people rose he rs cannot ‘The hi ‘s , but ‘there isn’t one sl- ining Wor interested ny van told want walk put over the muddy place above the post of Jossip? Perhaps it is, but it isn’t sip. I wouldn’t hesitate to Eat it to any Eh who is mentiones And We makes me fe a visit pee and man, meekly, in a weal| Tm his fai THE MARKETS. Wheat Futurey Advanced om Saturday and There Was Some Buying Through Chicage—The Qhotations. Tavera, Mare eat fue tures advanced Basuoseay on Satur- , March 5. — Wheat futures josed at al P the session. was a lot ing by the publ WHEAT MARKETS. Following “were the closing prices | at important wheat centres on Sat- urday: ¢ buy- LE ADES Cash, Mar, May. duly. Chicago . $0 GA% $0 66% $0 67 en oO re 8 oe s sted eaolis, Minueapols, Not Traeeioek March tures ay, iene 5s 8%d; May 5s S33, July 5: aoe FALO Ny ATT LE MARKET. owes white, bush $0 68 to $.+.- red bush. v 6S 070 inte, Dusit +0 OK f ¢ ‘bush O71 Rarley, bust 0 46 ey Hee 0 ae . 0 516 Do 6. Suckwhest: bash. 0 554 sl ae bush. - 2407 150 ted. Glover, bush, $5.00 to §5 75 Witte. ro . 708 8.00, ‘Timothy. se io 1% Hay as Hay, -$11 00 to $13 09 Hise ised: ler func. piton 40 00 Strain, sheat, Se ton" se=7900- sane Stray, . £0 5 00 Dairy Produce Tier. RRR $0 20 to $0 25 ges, inew ata: 020 025 per pair $0 6 to $1 00 eys, per lb... OW - 01 bue ks, per par os | 100 Geese,” per Ib. 00s 0.09 ae vecembien” Apples, per bbl. - $2.00 to $3 00 Potatoes, per bux 045 050 PHILIPPINE WAR NOT OVER. What the Natives ae the American: Deing Daily. Manila, March 5. — Rey various ‘sources that the insurg- re endeav: oie to keep alive the crmed, opposition 4a the «United: States, and are planning to continue the insurrection with guerilla warfare on sarge oo ey eae airs patterned alter aa atic ne meee est garriso aoe theans of communication, ‘and zed een received from tes’ expedition. | He has ce aise inland, where comm Pits Sironioxt uzon is workin scouring the pees for eek eat and killing a heaton ‘Punston and Col, Kennan soul surgents continue ‘American garrison by night demon- strations. Winter Cabinet Will Resign. of the ending session of the ae ure. It is believed also that Bond will be unable to forma Minis- try from the Opposition ranl A general election is, therefore, almost. inevitable in May Gas Could be Sold at $1.25, smnlae: March 5 Board , ade Committee reports that gas could be supplied here at a pect of of « s best cmnercie 1 aigheh ing. pi aie 10, Maras D7 == 2 WO men Were ‘a River on a only one Ashton ares (2% years) old, son of . Rev. H.