“It Shines For All.” Vol IX—No 6 MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH €0., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 15, (900 MALCOLM tiitor and Pablinbe® The Milverton Sun the it Local Newspaper in the County bad ay It is the tee eae ledium. Hates reasonable. iption at Ber Yeary atricaly in advance. $1.50 if ‘so paid. —M. MacBrra, PrriisHer, ~G. T. R. Time Table Traims due to leave Milverton. Express. Mixed Mixed Sioste pa NG RATES, 3mo, | 1 $30 00] $1 \ 16 00) 9 00) 6 00) hb 3 00) Righth oo 309 16 00) 9 00) 6 00) ‘Une inch. . 3 00) ‘Transient Advertisements ure churged at the rate ‘of 8c. per line, vonpail for the firs rtion, = Sc. per tine for each suc- Banking. R. RANNEY & co..Bankers EsraBLisHED Aggeneral banking b s transacted. Drefts issued at alt points in Canada and the W D WEIF’S SALE REGISTER The farmstock and implements of Wm. Johnston, Millbank, on Tuesday, Feb. 13th. Sale wo commence at 1.30 e. .m. The farmstock and implements of Simon Loney, lot 6, con. 9, Morning: a esday, Feb, 20th. Sale to commence at 1.30 p.m. The farmstock and Snbieen of B, Grieve, lov 16, con, 11, Morning- ‘ton, o1 y, Teb. Tout. Sale to commence at 10 cialooks There will be 18 will c cows 6 for sale. United Money to loanon notes anil] On ‘Tuesday, Feb. 27th, the farm ort zag neat Depoate rceveda stock aid implements of Mr. Samuel ose trate of ‘nieces ata Watson, west half lot 5, con, 11, wits co, Milverton. | Mornington, Sale to commence at 1,30 o'clock. Medical W. RGBERT, 7M D.C. a aed, uate of Cale of Physicians and Su MONKTON post graduate atadentot Cera. London Tospital Tonlion, England. Office! The Monkton boys may look out for in rear Office, verton,/Ont.| their valentines.” Gessip says one ‘Telephone he eee with Poole, Brunner, | young lady got two dozen.; Lutheran Church and Rostoc! sins Si oe fae en Na ee A. NTON, ee liiton Bite. ome. open ee ‘Thursday, Wm. Barton’ Block, Main St, Dentistry ASLO! ing up the surplus batter and n. Hord visited his parents} in Mitchell on Rout e heavy rain Mocdey Loughe spoil ‘be skatiayund the boysand girls are Si a’ Meniber ae Roya | Sorry ie Ae cm en Rat RA ahs wisaibers of Coun Dacwoad aL nate of ‘Toronto University, |O.F., Monkton, will hold ee _annval Regulation of teeth, Crown and Loita oyster supper at Mr, C ryfield’s nly. oe lee # ites [residence on Wednesday weune Feb. ia caer We BRUCE, fae Graduate of peta che. Maskell tio amie School Office, red to puss away the evening, such r. Dingman, of the Stuntford Herald, retires from the Presidency of the Canadian Press Association and ‘of Prosthetic Dentistry, Chica, Bi No, 5 Main vel Mr, Willivon of the’ Toronto Glo DR. RB. ee to, Gradua rea ‘i gan play sah ane we and and Gr ened music. here wil conte and, p oeae a oe r all who have the pleasure anonth ta sie ‘and doubtless there won’ “Office at the etn ani Central Hotol. Nitrous heaiaby ae Wie Whee taal yl vested Oxide and eal Anaesthetics used for pain- dese extraction of teeth. Crown and: ridge swork aspecialty All work guaran 5 . ENGEL, mary ¥.S., Milverton, “Ont, Hege, BARR. VETERINARY GEON,Mi of N ( uate 6 Ovtario “i le Colleges orn treats all diseases ef domes! animale. ils by telephone © or otherwie promptly attended ot Oe sonnection. ues ne en and igs ss ransfer, ‘Ooimmerci opeaaley: nocteties just Tuesda Sorin ie, in their aoe el’s store. Visiting brettiren al Says welcome: W. Zimmerman, C. R.; A. ‘Barth, Recording Secretary. . 0. F., “Silver Star} da: Lodge,” No. Matverton, every Friday night at 30 p. m. in theie hall, peat office building. Visiting brethren always weleome. ees W. K. Loth, B'S. Spencer, Nes all ames. | Lo ‘ivi a Business Caras W. D. WEIR, Aactioueer for the Coun- dies uf Tenth and Waterloo, Conveyancer, fice, re, Main street, Milverton. DORLAND'S BUS LINE, Milvert Bus meets all trains, All citizens and “ravellers calls promptly atteuded ta. Was Dorland, Maple St., Peopri Motels EXCHANGE HOTEL, Brunner. Ont. Solu Gropp, P-oprietwar. Best liquors and éigars at the St-class accommoda- ‘Gon and large stabling. “GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, Milverton. lass accommotlation for com: c Wiquors aud cigare.S. W. corwer of Main ‘se 3H Mill streets. ei Ha lugs Pro See HOTEL, Mifvertim. Out. The atm ‘for cgi ue aie a aaNs ‘Eo lee. ea @iily the schestomt Of Wits, Liquors eral ‘Cigars at the bar. Good warm stables and plenty of whed aioe Henry Rose, pro Mincettancous he open winter prophets are realizing the fruits of their prophe to the consternation of the ather fellow that has the worl no’ by prowling around the big swamp. Schade and pany are visiting friends in Pool and v Moers, Sotn Aikens and C. Henry spent Sala with friends on the 14th} Bai aid Mra Taiwes Hodge, of the Haron ros, Mitel, way in Monktoa] Monday re wine from visiting |S Geir sad Davidse Linaiwel, Mr Albert Larkworthy of Mitchell burg. They attained a fair attendance in’ Monk The Prof. is good ian and ventriloquist, He per- formed some very dificuls umd ames- of Inughter, pider: able of lrix remedies and we think that Theses de wasdetre nick falta oP lucky ti M was the lucky .o dbase: Me Samuel Smith should have had it. However, the Dr. made a pee Festaey P settlement with Mr. Smith, Most of the people that attended were perfect- ly ooo with the con social and evticert held at Harvey sen house of Priday night id pie and numerous varieties of cakes were going around. happy, especially the young ‘ciuples that were present, and the chairman thought that by the amount of © tourt ing that was going on he would have “JOHN GROPP, dealer in Gelar Ponts, ‘Branch Oat ° some extra work to dé in thé’ near future, - the e\ehing nevied About ei */100ch birthday seen? - |cullection, amounting to over selves immensely, especially when the | be Tl They all seemed | Hen: LOCAL NEWS. se See our Prints. Dierlamm’s. Try wr 25c. Japan Tew at Dier beck ms, w hats, new ties for gentlemen at Dinkaue fear Conary at Grosch’s hall (to- night) Thursday. Caps.—Caps for boys, spring de- signs. Dierlumm’s, The weather progtaiamne for Febru- oe aw and freeze, 25e, 35c, Cashmere Hose ane ie oo at DieHaran's. 8. Fernbank, en oe with her sister Mrs. T. P. An optunist is « person who ee the truth is so bad he won't believe it. Miss Ewma Sharman, of Stratford, epent Sunday with! ther sister in Milt verton. Almost everybody has something: worse the matter with him than you have. Mr. ae Goud ity of Toro e Milvertbak Mies Nellie Harrison, of Detroit, is ber parents neat 5 The Rev. K. Birks, of Stentor, ill conduct missionary services in the Methodist church next Children will be idtowed Cenary en Thursday evening (ww night) for ten cents, We notice that any ef our citizens refuse to open Ay mail in the poss - | office hese d Mr. H. M. Schaefer left. on Mon- day for Port Albert tw louk xfter business interests, Plan of hall for Conary’s entertai ment on Thursday evening (to-ni; ‘are 8. ‘tobacco until you have attaiaed your If you want to get:-reve ‘cent purchase one ok Cheaye yaledtined i ae it to Age one ive ‘Gioia f the. o len nd, o} sy Ses Day Sch was. visitingy friends in Milverton last week. Mr. James Tor hi tt pur- chased a piano of ha dberiul Herat: man niake. Itis a superb instrument. Christ _ Church, Milverton, and Es Charch, Elina, me Jes jedout $16 w the Canadian Patrio Fund. Lost.—On the houndary on Tuesday Feb. eal a horse blanket. Seas please lea} with Mx. T: re Mirai Lon, Anniversary services being hy in Zion a Welle: jesley, 01 Sunday, there hu service iw urns Chureb, Milvertae rospecting for Spring Mr. Patrick Regan, of Logan, sold a fine colt last week to Mr. Steinacker of Fullarton. It was twoand a hal ears old, and turned the scales at 1,530 pounds, nearly $200. Mr. Geo, Westman, who has heen. _ | for some time a hember of the. Strat ford Herald staff, is about to sever his connection with that journal and take up a course of Byitncs oo W. K Lach, onant Milverton’ n ae progressive mierchunts, was a yisitor to The Church of England on cpiley ast was pretti Ce ative of the Dosieien = Ta r. MeMillen, the Rector, ¢ ies of we conntry. The $8, will to «well the Patriotic Fund. reached a tus Siiiseas and inten p practical sermon on the Fund, Hie ret forth the ub. ike purpose vf the Fund wi to put the financ’s of the chure pont ant! firm basis thet it may be hampered fi fta work in forure, nob Postpone we use of stimulants and | Pari Mr. John McCloy reports that the Brees on Monday. They will likely get an opportunity ve go back tu roust for n The price paid was} >” jorthand at the} p, Mr:Geo, Langford, sr., is again very ill: Boys clothing, spring, at Dierlamm’s, spent Monday in Milverton. New Dress see them at Dierlamun’s, Robert Mormson, of Toronto, an experienced coatmaker, to assist him during the coming season, Borrer NTED., — Good butter makers wall be ives ti prices. for eee butter. P, ole returns, Write reference, Retail rento. Old residents of Mornington say that they do not Me es the water to have high since the year rof “the flood,” as it was last week. No lamage, however, was repor' wo have been done. your mortgage is.due, or you want borrew money on first class mortgage, ew dayne tena: na foome othe undersigned. Lowest rate of interest charged. Your besa with us will Le strictly private. Jam ol BN each E. ee Owing toa clashing of dates over Carrie. Manter, of Rostock,| “Bich Mr Kertcher had no control, i spent a few ngs lust tock: with mehr comary, the Boston impersonator, will Misses Pfeffur. (to night) instead of Friday night was advertised last week. Mr. Conat will appeor in his celebrated monulogue “A man about Town,” This and mice have tothe vdor of All one has to do is to lightly sprinkle tthe plac use will ever yisit a place im- pregnated with the scent of-mint, Mr. Edward Cleaver, of Milverton, who wasone of a detachment sent to guard the big railway pee at ris in,'66 is now applying to the Government for a medal. "Ted is not quite so hearty as he used to be but we this late 1 now in a humor to give no ‘quarter rs. & ympathy of many in this com- munity vita go. out to Mr.. ang rs. Jotun Scheonbals of Port Albert, who have been rendered practically home- less by the recent fluods. e water after the recent rains last week rose rapidly and the little stream which The ice jms came down and beat up- ‘on the house knocking out the founda- tion and lesiog the ls, structure ES 10 be borne out: upon the bosom a the great waters. ol Ke Huron. Not a stone of the foundation even remains to show that a house stood there, Mr. and Mrs. Scheonhals ere abl save only a portion of their effects before the household . “The driving shed and tool house anda wagon were also $1700 and eee Mr. Joseph D Pugh left. on Wed- ff ay for Calgary, heeeiiey Territory, wh the cattle ie Mr. and was mainly instramental in work- ing itup wits present state of ficiency. For six years he hax been Secretary of the Milverton Chvese and regard institution. Tf Mr. Pugh Sanh his tears in the west with ame Stratford to-day. was shown |degr ney as he “sonnel the through the new city hal! by Mr. a aren a ce Ge we hos. Trew, Mr was much | predict + fan) com: munity Aves sparen voi man of the until June when the annual meeting will be held. eerie of Mornington’s old settle on , passed away after bein oP ea if Tits hed for weeks in the Jeorge Kd in the County of Mayo, in the 1817. He emigrated to ice and. ies a for tai time in ly towns wed ube $2}, where hie for Bie ee latest styles for |i Mr. Stewart Campbell, of Stratford) 18 ess Goons, spring patterns; = RK, perce Queen pe Parhainent. Sts., Joh Z Sl isa new | o ase ne| Wouldu’t give much for a Fenian shat ; fell foul of his aes aim even ie We might add that ie | is being provided for. taken away. ‘The loss will be between | (5 wards of the | ‘occupation of lumbering in the wii and rafting und river dri Mr. Jobn Burton has engaged Mr. | of Stratford, after the Methodist church. Asa man he attended strictly to his own business, _ and was held in high respect. lived a life that might be emulated by vf fr iebal and acquaint fue present to do honor to his mem: Ths Literary Soviety has m nm running along for five weeks seapevee et has there been a programme put on that could not be designated as excel- lent. The committee, however, on Saturday night. excelled themselves. The hall was most tastefully decorated with Union Jacks and bunting, draped artfully, being the work of Misses ‘harman, Bell White. In the entre of the stage hung a por- trait of the in, On either hand were portraits of Sir Wilfrid. Laurier t.|and Sir Charles Se ta he pro- gramme consist ses. from and vocal; and instrumental music. The speeches of the gentlemen referred to were characterized by great fervor, liberality and breadth of thought. that the Healy vent suecess present conflict. nd exp! sentiment that the world had seen that she needs na: lewton. On Sai nae evening next the question of debate will be solved that the curriculum bat our bigh wd ry of the lagogues weil argue it musical program Fire broke out in the shoe store of Dobson & Johnston, Stratford, on’ Thursday test aud did considerable damage to stock. Barron’s abscen: charged by Mr. G. G. McPherson The court of apport has divest Huron provincial elections stand sine die, the Cade ot stars ready to proceed in eitl Me. Isa saac Hord, Mitchell, the sec- © retary of the ‘Perth Sunday School Ax- sociation, announces that the date of the convention eld. in” Knox t|churel, Stratford, has been changed to March 21 and 22, rangement the services of Mr Baeway School experts will be avail- able. This gentleman will take an Aes ket part ii His’ of should be mach Lapa than that pee last April. .C. Creelman, fipeeen of Farm- ers’ Pe has been on a tour of inspection through Bruce, Middlesex. ead Oxford, He finds that the farm- twoovunties produced, in net " enttle killed in 1899,> the sum uf”