Ontario Community Newspapers

Milverton Sun, 29 Jun 1899, p. 2

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iBLE MATHEMATICS. An Interesting Discourse by Dr. Talmage on the Numeral Seven. ‘ ‘ A Favorite Number With the Divine Mind--Take Care of the Pre- sent, Says the Great Divine; God Will Surely « Take Care of the Future. Washington, June of the portant doctrines of ihe Bible are by in this sermon in ii, 3, “God years, a foe: sha cute ot b his Isprosy, plunged in the Jordan seve times; to the house a) Ezekiel saw a vision were sevan steps: the walls ot Jericho, before whey fell down, were Zechariah descril irits ana seven seven plagues and seven thunders. Favorite With the Divine Mind. grouped ine, th capttaliot te world, sat on n hills. When God would make the most intelligent thing on earth, the Jhnman conpienanon he fachioned it — the Yea, onr body. Insts only seven andl e eradtoally shed it for another body afte: er: Thos n golden cand! Alesticks were and .. Mark you, the ehurcl for all the dying! Ghose who ik Gas eke that shall yet} 0 irradiate the a. Scone ror regions where many live in palaces. raelf Fabled bia cavalry Wrsoa. ta Cathedral, and reli rise use the churc! in which to stable vanities and eldli- m marble, a cupola ing toa great chu candlestick, but no cat sta are the ministers of of the people Do not havea better place Tl m candlesticks of which I speak ware not made of pewter or They were golden candlesticks, and gold a bright your sbisoaee rBlaok. fow vil come, and those whe do cone will a ish{they had no not come Worldly Churches. Cromwell in St. Paul's bh worl ee 1s a candlestick f the candle, and it had its proto- iE St. Sophia, in Constant ibes eetap to red a hee God ace Cosson ta eerie second. “pall oa ie “aloe with aoe of 180 pig the ceiling Se Rata Christ! A gorgeous To Destroy Error. ‘Turn now in your Bible to the seven rs. We are ‘distinctly told that they religion. Some are em small de circuit and ing on the Egyp' General Wolseley. ‘who cama I led wih bin the promise “They that tarn seal. and you can go no farther ui Drea that seal. ‘Then you go on neil all the seven seals are broken and the con- tents of the entire scroll are revealed. ‘ow, that ecroll with seven seals held by she us join that cs of C ar ill who are seals of the future. ae dpaal things they ne 9e is ecco ‘Take Care ef the Present. ppen family or your friends. Wait till “Christ ‘breaks the seal to find life of his wife and littleones. No good company willinsure an inebriate. The Medical Hand- book of Life Insurance, a stan- dard authority prepared by the president of the Association of Life Insurance Medical Di- haps the most formidable enemy to the safe insurance of lives. It ranks before con- sumption in its deadly effects on the human system. Not only is it often inherited, but organic ailments are by it originated and organic weak- ness erystalized into disease, The degenerations of age are ee a 4 a (asi When coati these eyes thy heaven built ¢ Seven Thunders. There is —- n mighty seven, of the iblo—namél; anders. darkness, Imp. What will ex of infidelity and atbelam? John Brown! ess shall shine as the stars = smaller, pul LS 1875, hs s And pearly gates behold, | Thy bulwarks with salvation strong, ts of shining gold? NEXT TO ENGLAND'S. Germany's Merchant Marine Second— Ships Number 3,693. @ is now second only to per cen falling off 1s iS Stig | ships. with a capacity, of , and “S00 ers, 89,998 tons; in 1885 there were 3,807 sailing ships, with 880,845. tons, and 650 with 413,948 tons; in 1895, ta08, Es 22 sailing vessels, with 58 tons, and 1,171 steamships of 969,800 tons. In general a steamer is thought to’ be ablofto carry three times a much asa falling vonesl ze. The fall- ing off in ese « ships from 4,803 in 1875 to 2,699 in 1898 was more than made up for in the inckease of steamers. froma 2 in 1876 fo 1.171, i 1808. The regula one ered in 1808 42,495 men. The averoge was six men ling ship and 24 to 0 steamer. iters point with pride to the 4 attention to ‘building a large ans fal fleet. rp With His Own Peta: r (to farmer’s wife, who ts supplying aan pian with butter 2) The pos ry butter is ower licht, gut Gude Wite—Blame yersol, then. I sreighed 18 wi" che pun o? sugar I gat free ye yestreen.— An Insulted Alderman. Contractor—Did you offer that alder- man $500, as I abe “How did he saci “He looked insulted.” <j What did be cay?” J ought to be in the penitenti- Vhat did he do?” “He took the Weekly. money.”—New York DRINKING SHORTENS LIFE: —LIFE INSURANCE COM. PANIES REFUSE TO IN- “SURE HEAVY DRINKERS. A man’s life must bein peril when fuse to accept his by alcohol, and the dram- drinker is sure to havea shorte ened life.” Samaria Prescription begins the revolution which trans- forms the confirmed drinker into a new man ofclean tastes and habits from the very first day it is used. And it never fails to conquer the craving for liquor completely and per- manently. Its first action is to stimulate the system up to overcome the desire for liquor. A sensation of satisfying strength is felt after the first day of its use. While repairing the wastes which alcohol has wrought in the system, itsupplants the ap- petite for liquor with a whole- some relish for food. Its whole action is to build up and strengthen every organ while the grand transformation of a life’s habit is being effected. With its cure it brings restored liquor antidote in tablet form, impalpable to the taste. Itdis- solves instantly in water, tea, coffee, or any beverage you may choose to take it--or give it, It is used in such minute quantities that it may be read- ily mixed with any food in an instant. And, throughits mar- vellous tonic action on the di- gestion, it accomplishes the wonderful results which are praised in hundreds of testi- monials from men who have had the courageous self-re- spect to cure themselves, and from brave women who ad- ministered the remedy to save those near to them who had drowned the ambition to save themselves. A Happier ome. Mra. M. E. R. and Mra A. G. A, of Brockville, Ont., write: “The patient for whom we sent for Sa- maria some two eee oe has quit drinking entirely, and we can cies eine ease ih . We deed, for 60 our Home, and the home of my dear of oat ym one week's end to Sanne: and has restored the party for whom we the remedy toa , sober and self-respecting man, Please accept cur thanks.”” Some of the hundreds of tese timonials for Samaria Pres- eription overflow with grate- ful acknowledgment of cures wrought in the most hopeless eS and permission is given yy many writers to refer any ace made in good faith to them on private requests. Samaria Prescription may be obtained at druggists, or can be had direct on receipt of price $3. It is sent postage free, securely wrapped in plain ckage,toany address. Pare ties wishing to correspond can write for our private address, The drinker who is cutting short his own career is thu also making it impossible for him to provide for the future with that all com- munications are treated in strict confidence. SAMARIA REMEDY COw Jordan St., Toronto, Ont A TRUCE OF THE BEAR Russian BA for Limitation Armed Forces. A CUNNING LOOPHOLE IN IT. M. de Staal, President of the Peace Con- Dis- crease in the cost se eae Al ‘he asserted, cost more than a ‘tremendous war. ants @ Halt for Five Years. ce Tacrea fed and olronlatod, cane oe dis- jelon wad sojouried A naval ; poncaalt eo, will be ios n Ruslan Teal ‘The correspondent of ‘The ‘Dall at 7The says: ‘Several Sates fetiark that ustla's proposals contain 8 trap, ae aa extent ment ‘troops i vsibern, ia ah ne eye ‘Capt. three years are enough to build an iron- olad.”” ‘The correspondent of ‘The Times at The terests of ence ference hopes that should eocur, war’ budgets will Ancreased.”” THE EAST EDINBURGH VACANCY. Unionist Candidate ee by a Very Large Major 24. if the Parlia- mt 4,1 891; fee Younger, "Gaiontet, 2,961. ‘Liberal and Radical majority, 1,930. Goldman’s Trial at H Henley, Eng., June as —The pilene, soullers started training yesterday. Gold- ne ocean in 4 min- n eight did) onds, to the astonishment of all specta-| tors. Metric System in England. a question, said he saw the adoption of tho moto system of weights and m ‘was in com- munication with ch he covecnias Wepae! ments on the subjec late cold weather bas ruined the rye crops. An Awful Way to Suicide. and the ‘until death put an end to her ‘Her mania was religiou: Midland Carpenter Fell 75 Feet. mae Smith, champion ¢ aaa eae - ‘and 8 proper test made. eo | te date for Oldham, in "in| interest, to replace which he had S pnae for alterations in =e ‘buildin e0 of 76 foot, strike Slaere evolving uedest the desoen: The w jorsanate mal and bis neck bi Italian Parliament Prorogued. secuted the passagi Pills to modify the rales of Parliament- and to restrict the liberty TWO-CENT POSTAGE. ‘The Loss ef Kevenue Will Be $200,000 Less Per Annum Thau Was Antici- pated From This Cause. Ottawa, June 24.—At the time of the ‘two cents 63 paratively triflin Pre coction of abet beineaa The doctrine of the greatest est num! ns to hav Ponalariiy 6 ee late years, and tie eos e been all that foun’ ps aa: NEWS IN BRIEF SPACE. oe ‘Toronto Synod concluded its busi- ness on Friday. inbeg Gael, & brother of ey Gould, ied at Salem, N.¥., on Fri Henry B. Plant, Se i ‘the Plant Steamship ae died at his home in New York on F A terrific nice has destroyed mach tobacco and vegetables at Guanajibes. Guba. A house was overturned; killing @ young Cuban woman. ay a Leary that the cece of the reign Office negotiating with. Busi ane for ee Neyind of the posed German-. ‘The ee atic Transpo! el 3, Toronto, on Friday. On July 4argument will be heard. oosevelt has telegrapl n | President Moktoley that in the Bast eS call for volun’ ing mi ‘York was pre] rales furnish all hen aed the Government might ask for. The Crescent Athletic Club has match- ed Eddie Lenny of Ai a sper Canada, surday “nigh ary igo 20 naa oe 118 bea! First Bape “Church, Winnipeg, The mem! is 500, and the salary offered eae Dougall, one of the mos ani Toronto Street Railway mn Fesdey saoratng. lp Grace H Judge McDougall was his dow glass Space at Pitts- in. Glass 08 from 5 to 10 per cent. and takes oftect feeecibiys thunderstorm lightning. stroyed, and the faeae slightly diately, and par out without, doing ‘any will double the re- ‘ward for Rae ote Ramsay. 7 (Akg oe ibe this we2k to test ee Say the liams. Th supply 9 of Bs sar ehrongh tio. valli Mr. whee | be “charenin Going Inte Politics. the late Mr. Robert Choate Has the Alaskan Agree: London, June 24.—The officials of, the | ing sent th HARDY PERENNIALS. Fe A. Waugh, of the Vermont Agricultural Station, Tells How to Muke Effective ef Them in Borders. SUGGESTIONS FOR BORDER PLANTING. For plantin; Es Pape ver nodicaule, Solan nae b, Pentste- cc Bilge hybrids; ay jae; e, Aquilegia cl Hollyhoo! e, Antirrhi Stuidowen wiStallns"” gy Goreop ‘golden Wave; b,, Petunia; 1. Phlox Drammonal. pting? a, Nasturtium! rubrum. ‘The hardy herbaceous perennials, as lass, are herd easiest to manat Serge and the most naturalistic in the rect they sive ot all Sha viaate that grow, sys igh in Orange Judd Farm When once planted they need uesle furtner-care. Many of them need jone at a, and will thrive and multiply for yeara in the grass or among the Shrubs without the slightest attention, rowing thus a8 fall freedom they ive a air Ise can torah matio ts ell: themselves very fying tendency the more gene material. bat there 38» sry lkelibood. ebae tt will soon Ine the beat. ways Sigs te theaneey ee sips ees somewhat in fro: ot ate specially prepared bed or old trame, nn pee the moe urseryman: ment in such plants the expense is bhiabers el seeds. mdensed we take the following in regard te ure was controlled by experimen’ locality and conditions, and, Shenson; 8 it oe ae eho crops Doaesmr ant plant ‘Sem ina seed plot for ti year’s seed. a aiilons under: which it Was grown.”” Merely Invoking Aid. — ith ie aes tier ale idly for assist He Was Waitin: ne vd 700 decided. what to de |: “Sou No tnt No one has applied for the honor of engaging my services. — New York Journal. “Yes; hé has offerin, g hini the eer een ais revived drama.” ‘ For a long time the Celestial empire tras famous for it grea wall. Now ite partition is becoming o! ervof interest. —Phila- delphia Tim —— ale TRROWN AMY The Remarkable Case of a Young Girl in Walkerton. For Three Years She Could Galy Ge About si with ti Helped in and Out of Bea—Mer Rester- Aid ot Cra ation te Health Was Unlecked Fe: ° From the Walkerton Telesco) Wonderful Kyes of F hard, arate and death. ne By 's having 8,000 eyes, {1 een Cena wo.vie eran butterfly 34,710, = common Season ena 25,088, and » silk-worm moth eee cannot turn Boy head it has — directions. So small are these a the color is almost Occasionally with his rehousena eyes @ en & eads for the. dor sethes paad the 6a is aisoomftzare shows how mistaken he. a Sone se Asser hin it ie ese palsy © | white, eyeless, leg! remark, “I would advise 70 take Dr. Williams’ Pink er reasons for making this re- proceeded to give the that ted Pills on the daughter of her nearest neigh- bor, becca Gree: and the sited sola by this lady, ree ently bee! ted in the hein g of sie editor of this paper, we decided to in- from (ean in- see lieve Dr. life.” She. then oe her daughter's eines pads cure as fol-; now sorenteeh, ent of age.! matical construction was Rebecca 18 ‘When she’ was elev attacked Pie yehaiiiie asa following ‘hi for the never had a moment free from pain. She began to conaplain of pains allover her body, but el er si ee to try another doctor. the trouble to be rheumatism, ‘well as anyone. Indeed Ido that there is to-day a healthier girl in certon.”” mnhow’s story of the or tw the Gr.enhow abode, in the hope of seein 2 time eh - tage on nen atl in credi¢ 5 be Williams’ Pink Pasa sciatica, neuralgia, partial sess. afforda the student one of the most Yelous felda in sll nature, with ite nerve clusters and brain, its fect like the hoofs of a rhinocerous, a thousand hi the wings, “which make the eyea, eee Am Unsuitable Reom. A lady, arriving eee the tra! time in England, drove to a first-class London hotel, asked for a room, and wad brought in the second box. The lady Ghought her faulty gram, the reason of the porter’s. continued obstinacy, repeated, wit “Man, I il bare ‘ not have!” 2 to the origin of the ‘Smart Alico,” and its first eapucatg in polite literature. ‘Twenty Lashes for Six Hairs. New life for a quarter. seta ey pound Iron Pills. Z cone ‘Made in Ancient specimens lass beam ‘agama is the eae as lon in GoTles- Sena ee scum. It bears the ae ot an Bgigtion ving’ ot Wha acters un ache, nerv tion, Se laesese depending Satie came in Pe blood, such as scrof chronio yritelas, ete., tment with omy pees ing the Dr. William: ville, Ont. Do not — Lintment Cares a some substitute, Pee v

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