The Milverton Sun THORSDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1897. We. wish all our readers a Merry Christmas. Just eight more days. to.grasp the glad hand. Have you.a guinea that you ean spend, John Brown? Tudge one of Sir Jobn Macdonald's famous ‘Devil’s dozen.” The principle of appointing judges | * to vacancies. from other parts- of the province, introduced by Sir John Thompson and upheld: by Sir Oliver Mowat is a good one, A man. ap- pointed in this: way. is free from bias and kindred, feelings, which toa great degree unfit him for the functions of this high office. berths b Mr. Tarte, minister of public-works, ig. a strong and resolute man; and. though he has received much censure hie much credit. When he took office the old: horde that ruined Mercier, were: prepared to, make an- ther raid'on the public treasury, but Mr. Tarte set ‘his face against them, and the result is that they have broken gut in open revolt against the govern- ment. The government will be gtrengbhened by the opposition of this boodling gang and, Mr. Tarte must b& regarded as. a, public benefactor, ‘The Ontario Government did,well to act on the opposition’s suggestion. with regard to compelling buyers of licences to.cut timber in Ontario to mannfac- tare the same in Canada where Gana: dian. labor will be employed, thus. pro- moting the interests of Canada, If, is | After. the menifestly unfair that our forests. should.make American sawmillers rich when we need that wealth right here ip Canada, Though the opposition will be deprived of'a good campaign ery they. have the satisfaction of know- ing that they have conferred a great boom on Ontario by thein persistence in this policy. ‘An anonymous writer from Morn- ington has, in this week’s Herald a, communication, signed “A Conserva- tive,” in which he makes a violent and uncalled for, attack upon us and ex- esses wonder and surprise that we velo run, and canvas for, an independ- ene.paper should attend a reform con- ventien, My dear fellow—let Ui 4 MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU; A happ ee the Taweot a Late ia bors, he sunshine deco pe the Ontario government on ageeent spe ee measures, cut within the cor the province pias those which are on Jands al- ready sold outright, must be manufact- ured in Ontario. In other words, th e manufacturing clause will be inserted in all sales in future, and every Hoanee which is re- ill have the same hereafter 1m: fe Fee : I licenses. or permits to eut pire’ timber grant the commissivner, cae or ited subject w the dition, set out in the first regulation of rastinlae & of this act, and it shall be sufficient if such condition be cited or mention “The Manufacturing Condition” in all notices, licenses and permits cr agreements or other, w ing. 5 The Lieutenant-Goyernor-in. Council may make any further ditional regulations necessary to en- able the commissioner of Crown lands to carry into effect, the object and in- tentof the regulations contained in schedule A. The first regulation of schedule A referred to reads : Every license or permit to cut pine timber on the ungran Crown, or to. cut pine timber reserved to the Crown,on lands located, sold, granted, patented, or leased by the Grown, | which shall be issued on or 30th day of April, 1898, ll contain and be subject to the condition that,all.pine which may be cut into logs or. otherwise under the authority, or permission of sueh license or permit shall, except as hereinafter provided, be manufactured. into sawn Jumber in Canada, that is ta say, into boards, deal, joists, lath, shingles or other sawn lumber, or into. Waney board or square or other. timbe: Canada ; and such condition.shall be ie authority thereof, and all pine so cat into logs or otherwise, shall be manu- wed in Canada as aforesaid. Section 3.of the schedule has Peet ment may at any time seize the logs for security,,and if the owner does not satisfy the government of his intention intario, the logs independent, paper, because it is ade pendent, becayse. reformers and con: servatives alike hava- congratulated ug on our independence. Quy, reason for being independent is because being the} anly paper in the place it would be um, over one half of the community | if we thrust our political views. upon them, and we have respect for their opinions. So far as attending the reform convention goes we may say that we were present; we were also Present at the conservative conven- tien, when Mr. Magwood, M.P.P., was te-nominated and gave a very fair re- port of the proceedings of that conven- tion, ions upon the public it. is no one’s Another Bat that matters little; so long | te ee 2” | Mi as we do. not. thrust our, political opin- to in will be sold by auction. It is lastly provided that these regu- ations shall not apply to the east half of the township af Aweres, in the dis trict of Algoma, containing 184 square miles, nor to 22 see miles in the district of Thunder ‘Ba y,, composed of berths 2,3 and_4 of the timber sale of 1890, . The. announcement came asa sur- prise wbea. Hon. J. M, Gibson ‘stated the contents of the bill yesterday. The the move was. taken: in order to pre- GaN co aes giek ser oeie TO.BQOM CANADA'S GRAN, departare has-been important Hon. Sidney Fishery. Domigion business of what political complexion } Canadian weare. We require no. sponsor, for our opinions. We are possessed of the. idea, whether it is a freak of conceit,| ‘or not, that we are perfectly able to | st jedge for ourselves and and will assert, axr-rights as a citizen no matter what position.we hold, and moreover, we do nat sequire any snivellingy up-start to, set us right. on. ore. uban, vought to time > through u these columns It. Belk, smarting for re- one occasion been venge. deal with bim again we. » wil have some- sbjug that, will iuterest the. public. 4 Conservative” has | ™! “Sbould we, hiays. cecasion 10 | y*6 Be The commissioners for the-arkitra- tion of the Bebring Sea sealers<claims} _ LEN. for Ontario men, is the| F; has been | H. Ledu jalf-wi eet ‘April 29 next ail pine logs | Th nfines © avy and berries of no ¢ in| weather. The new schoolhouse at Brussels was damaged by fire. The Ontario Legislature will sit be- Christmas New Year holi- a and will begin Saturday sessions after New Year’ The “four jcc Irish donkeys” e Queen's Bench take the place of mules, and not prov- ing efficient, the consignees refused to |! pay onthe ground that ad = asses of inferior quality. Mr. Q.C,, is among the counsel marglnat The bye election made necessa: to & S % ¢ 8 ® “a5 a gain to ben Government. The late member wi lected at the general election: by aa: against 2239 for Mr. jue, who in today’s contest lefeated Mr. Beauchesne, Conser- vative. How dear to our hearts is us old yellow pumpkin, when ore barren of stuffing for pie: peaelies aud apples have both been a kind have eeted our eyes., How fondly we turn to ee frnit of the-comnfield—the fruit that our children are taught to despise —the old yellow. pumpkin, the mud covered prmypkin, the” big-Lellied ut nade such good fies. — ne News. ‘The family. differences among ee Liberals of Guehec seem to be in pro gress of settiement. It is dcnanace that every Liberal re of the Honse ef Connons e district, out side of Mr. Langelier, ApEn of the Premier’s course. turns out that a letter expressing. warmest friendship for Sir Wilfred Laurier by Hon. Mr. Chapleau, was stolen fron among Hon. Mr. Tarte’s papers, i alned the fire in the West Block at Otta Lieutenant Governor Chapleau ‘wil, it is said, leave his posi tion very soon, and go to-live in ted lands of the | France. Canadian farmers. will read with in- terest the following paragraph from The Corn Trade News relating toCan- adian wheat samples in England :— “Adverting to the Petorrephia in yester- day’s issue, we?-exam t Taking the samples asa whole, the spring varities de- as of excellent quality, spa ing that harvesting was effected w favorable conditions, there ieee no sign of damage either from frost or wet reentage of weathered grain, but on the whole nS Mohan standards w a very satis factory quality. The sample of ’ exes aan Manitoba.”is a, beautifully bright ‘and clear one; wel:. ha: bears nesign of damage by frost ; it is nico entixely clear from. fureign mix- tures.” BURNED TO DEATH One,of the mest heart-rending catas- trophes that ever visited Ottawa took place last Thursday morning wken fire paged the death of Patrick Leaby, Friel-st., and five of hisfemily of ae young children. Thomes eight, Mamie seven, Katie six, Maggie four, and Patrick two. sponded promptly. and although the fire had gained.great headway it took but a short timeto get it under con- trol, when the body of the father and five of his children were found in their in the habit of |; ly.tried to quench the flames and had barely.time th escape from the house, bild. t| el pee al, WIT AXP. WISDOM Mrs. Btowno—“What will you give t | towards a new bieycle.for me?” Browne —The wind for the tires. Slie—“What say?” xcel: | asked him by telephone:: he.’ said, ‘I eat | don’t know who you-are, bet, its all sieht’ i “I believe you-men. think Smere.. of your bicycles tian you do of: your, wives” “Why not] Wecan getan improved ceabeerers goat! — ‘That beggar, Anderson, we.oae boy, Johnny, a dram fer his | Firthday ; bat I soon miade it all right.” general ineigor to FOREST, ONT., OCTUBER 12th., 189%. THE SLOAN MEDICINE CO., two years ago I’ suffered Dear Sres :—About 1 which became chronic and threa medicines. treated by my family pliysician but wae no Sloat indian Tonic “Wt helped me at perfect heat til th. Tean heartily rating from_an attack of bilio used several 1 Kinde on t cured For sale at all dealers.or address aang at Hamilton. Price $1.00_per bottle’s.6 bottles for $5.00. med to 5 improye and now = x" ‘as I was, or in R. R. DICKEY, J. P.. Df 4 q ‘3 y & need Santa Claus ee AT Sa He has brought a lot of nice things in the way of Toys, Dolls, Games, Albums,. Fancy Baskets, Celuloid. Goods, Chinaware,, besides a let. of Fancy Gaods, suitabla for Xmas presents. “We have the great Croek-/ inole Board at 85c. CANDIES. Wehave as usual all kinds and at the laments | prices. Bright Mixed at 5c per Ib. NUTS. Soft sheil Almonds, Largest Walnuts, Filberts. all at ra¢ per Ib. Otlrers ask yow 12 1-2c per Ib for these, we: guarantee these all new goods;.don’t be mislead in the’ price: and quality of Goods. (These are ne: cold storage.) GROCERIES. Best Raisns: or Currants. 3 Ibs for 25¢:. Dates toc., Figs 5¢., Figs 6c., best green Coffee 10c per’ So others ask yon ies for-no better. Resember we are always up to date and whateveg, Hisen “? advertised. you know we have it as good and often better, Thanking you for your very;liberal patronage in the past |” we ask a cantinuance of the same;. ments of the-season. r Wishing you the complit Yours Respectfully, { fi f % H. Gleiser | The Combivation Sleigh Coupler .A New Thing, A Cood. Thing;. FARMERS, LOOK HERE A.MOMENT. I bave just. bud; pstentedby the government my new sleigh couplér which is acknowledged by all who . have.scen it toche the best and most complete coup}et in existence. Ido not want to do any, boasting but simply to set the plain facts befére you, It is constructed . swivel aystem and can be tnrned in the most cramp positions und is the. best con yet made for the bush and-tite,deep snow- sleigh until you see it. ibissespecially adapted for turning out in deep snow. The swivel leaves-the, bobe iedepevdent of-each other thus, making the _ sleigh less liable to upset, It take the strainjeptirely off the centre of they sleigh and dis- _ Jin- | triffutes it evenly oyer both runners, The castings are maleable andican be paj,on-any sleigh for $4.50 and are mi dorable than any other coupler. In a word it is simplewnd-complete,. Do not buy gi) D. Merklinger, INVENTOR... Wee claims against the United States al- ready spprovecli walk anced $1,009,908 Smith "What did, yon dot” ‘Thomson herre! him a. pocket: for. sesponsible, sablnied hanse: if On.) tanide. Monthly: iomnsteady. —TRUSTWORTRS: ANB: tlemen ot por todravel STWORTHY AND- or ladies to travel; 7) 5g SUPPLEMENT. 1 | mn SUPPLEMENT. ¢ 3 THERE IS SOMETHING ABOUT CHRISTMAS That makes people buy and they will buy almost} Ws avis ted ahything. Some people will buy a lot of useless| n= ‘things. Why not buy A Nice Pair —<>OF J. D. KINGS Soild by J. G: Grosch for a Christmas present. It -FINE SHOES will be appreciated more than anything you could buy. We also have a large range of Men's and Ladies Fancy Slippers for Christmas which are stylish and cheap: Our range of Rubbers is com- “plete. : J. G. GROSCH ‘Milverton: Oxtzrio. a ae ses iSSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES. THE BOYLESS Town. A cross old woman of long ago Jared that. she had ha If uo. boys. She seed wa feta shea it till’ heavy And then of Ree Sreaden i a grew still Theo was ae Tween, no eli and nofse! ‘There was loss ‘The sad ol wok ee! “Dear me?" she soea “Tt have we been asleep; munication from the reference to casl treasurer. Movs by Mr. Campbell, eee by Mr. McCloy, ge for spikes to pathmaater and fixing culvert on gravel road for 350.—Carried. io approach at Millian j —Car- ried. Moved by Mr. McCloy, seconded by ve and Mr. Griffin be a com: North Perth Parmers’ Tnstitutel, The regular meetings of this Institute will be held in the TOWN HALL, LISTOWEL. 6 TUESDAY, JANUARY fo pices And in GROSCH’S TON MILMERTO WEDNESDAY, J ANUARY 5th|= ae same by pangs aout aid paying SI expenses. When the following subjects will be introduced by the Delegates named. Programme Listowel JANUARY 4, 1:30p.m. Jat Clover Caltare, vating the soil Willow Grove. Enriching and Culti- - Z. Gibson, BSA ah "Festing Sie earer, Brigh Sh Evening Sasson 7:30 Ist The Citizen by D. Gibson, B. 3 = ok Willow Grove. iy Depertinent O-A.G Guelph. See in the Home Dairy by Bright. Western io, io, will address the belling, siotas At Milverton his subj Seen ice how it can be improved the British st Si + | vating Oe tall . Z. Gi Milverton TANUARY 5,, 1:80pm. fi Entiching <nd Culti- ie DZ. Gibson B.S, A.y of Willow Grove. : ilo, How to improve 2 Bay ital a fod fel Rating Feeding Swine for ‘profit by” W. Sheater, of Btight. Evening Session 7:30 se ee & the Mida by D. Z illow Grov ay The Sa ce of Prize Bread and But- ter. One exe Se oe tke ine ta Us iss Laura Rose, Assistant In- oe Dairy Department 0.A.C., Guelph. ota Buttermaking in the Home Dairy by i n pot what we must do t to maintain our position ening ‘addresses will be interspersed with Musical and Literary selections by The Ladies’ are especially invited to attend the everiing sessions. Allare invited to attend and take part ‘in the above meetings. — Come out and let us learn some- and ¢o- froii your exp as your p operation is respectfully requested. D, STEWART, Pres, HAMPSTEAD. J. D. PUGH, Se0-Treas.| ¥ MILVERTON. settled Sieg th of placed in'other hands for collection. ittee to'meet on nai e line, STRAYED mises of the undefsi ea Mornington on of al ewes. wher po PETER OPPER. Milverton, December 7th., 1897. PEER 33>: Don’t be Too Late 1W TTHE GREAT OFFER OF _ The Loudon ONTARIO. ae 3233+e , is - | bound in best cloth, * antital Fi tied. ‘The cial report which yy the Reeve. Moved by Mr. Campbell, seconded by Mr. hearer, that the finaticial report as read be Carri wed by Mr. Camp- hell, seconded by Mr. Shearer that this pliueil ls tay scones 3. Warsox, Clerk. satin SATS FACTS AND FICTION A Commendable and Ofer _ With the Jannary number, the subscrip Ny thet sprightly western sent will be raised to Daily News says of it: that are tallof ae next thirty days the publister offers t9 seul this year for 50 cents, and as a vill teosive 6 printed on superior paper, cay i ilus- trated, and is tO nell for $2: book and a year’s wee ats will cheer ‘and saat) t, entertain and struet old This i od taitho-ment Hberal atid remarkable prem er made by.» lang publi lica- e Company, Chicago, Ill. CHILDREN AT CHRISTM ASTIDE. tice “The tow Spee be 80 ee 7 ew ing steric saditor in nd that an order be drawn on the treasui favor of ae at for $1.34, taxes re- funded. layed by Mr. Shearer seconded ce . Griffin, that the. we ise his or ets favo ot James Reld for ry i loved | it ll, for he does throw himself, or even ju or are eee omes, Igay., May each child & bes ined of ours, have « Christmas day. this year fashioned TABLES TURXE! Goldwin Smith.” « cat ame deride men of letters as: Men of orp letters, vet eir 80 And oh, what me horrid dea calpire, “aight ea somewhat Piece the coarge bert. ea Tongue. |A ago the bitsiness men of Toronto. i € million .of inhabi-— éstale on. that without ever asking themselves whence e the half million inhabitants were to corties m Wednesday only just recovered from the. adjournment, Me thing like a. nutes of last: = ae be impend-._ ‘The clerk laid before the cor on all Lge ee anal us era of teers other i the denaneiation of the twp. ped Rou eaten treaties is said to ha a colonial dependency intoa nation, though: to ial ee a PATRIOTIC FoR HOTIC FORCE, Nonew member brought ag much soit to ot fon cr Joveph La Hareock, the It cannot be said prise which wil deg in colla} that the ember fot vert | Frontenac bas made the best us, ther of — | his own ability aaa of hig followi rer, ioe Maes eof nen ea ea er be sae Te disappointed at tI Sopa ieee: sae = Sihgemeras marisa ars ee john Ritter for 5 cent, bein scoount in fall to} ant te for spikes to i ‘The great f tlie Ontario Moved by Mr. Criffin, ded 2 in legielatio iene for aap de IMr, mpbell that the| Tories iki Selig htt tetas pacar Reeve : ceed ergeee Wi Jol =e that vice as ihe Git la (aac ‘the: ston for for_gravel to, approach at | Governtiient si and: | Millbank. bri iden, tiie. ‘Moved Uy Me. | i followers hive not ‘vigorously’ semallod cael neon a Mr eh ete is evil, olen dependent element has_ ler hn i af imerican like magic, and ina very short whilo” ye the pains left me, Us oar Mr ¥. gfe leer Greywood, ——_._ . the) onty 15 Cents: Who Wouldn't Have One? Subscribets—old or new—who send. oe In othet worday $1.15 will for a yént’s issties of Perth's fa- fotite newspaper and 4% Ch can, a better sign : health {hah the Wolt tfoua lay kasge “Serpeas rightly be ioe foun Whe a peacwteicreaia y | rbeenieng ae Deopy ot tno Veterinary mas Ladies’ Home Journal. “Tt should be | £ tyace Su. era's upon’ the rose 8 given over to them; ford, without stint | it Two Dolia or reservation. And I ‘ink sometimes that | iti fot Briss Sint chance. see Uf | parents do not always tind this. It afford tb contifie in. is right and all-essential thi rictions Scag erated themeelver a upon the amusements of ‘tHe young should thix of y ‘Wy’ | prevail in every home, But Christmas day nearly Fie, Ww is the one day When these batriers dnglit to the Weel iy ree Prees s ee Rei eee ees —— enti with a full and fr ere y be witheld from a boy or gis] on that day, [08 Of political and pr med What of it, my dear iciead. if auch Hi Everywhere its opinions 1 The. London Fre Press Printing G0. Wa do mean a or a broken chair there ?|¢d and its influetice recognized. Order’ Suppose ride Pee ae on| The Herald and map pfor 1898 bys LONDON, ae sabi ne sae health | ing $1.15 at once Stratford Hi ald Printing €o.;' eee Ont gis in? ada.