Ontario Community Newspapers

Milverton Sun, 9 Dec 1897, p. 4

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ican Sut he i prin! row oie mer THE CHIRF OF JUMPERS. CHAPTER. XX. fer of free quarters'in the Garden of !Eden?”’ Rapture med so visib! I may say inj regard to the most of ae Arthur did not do much fishing that from. every. feature of his face thee] BY "T thoug! Rigen 10 i0ED PROPLE, | gre, (tine yous, pepeae tare a SOME GREAT FEATS ROOOMELTEE DD much ip saw i smiled. Just as he a see pan $ = isited you BY A 2 ve done with Oat that “wot of onsense some | Tek eae AN ELOQUENT AND FORCEFUL ae those again of Birds aud the Purr of a Cat. FOR euraus AFFECTION. Bzzins ‘et eS England, the ee Yes, Lady Bellamy, I am. Tamnot| Little Lulu Croxton, daughter of dor Remarkable Round Leaper { nk in Some Di ee Eyed reyhen ty Pattioh ohana airpapne nyt pears De Holes iene Gere “fe Considern the Kespect tn the Werkd tome af the Wenderfuat cee is doubtless the child wi je First exes Upon | wl peters iS amnuaed, ga: foot any more. I am not to: hie wonder of the ri ” “L Ont is that. ile: he said cliweriy. | your eternal visits to going tostand | i,y in a musical way. The little miss eben: icsine sharon hs ‘ The champion’ all round jumper of am very fond of bread and milk. You have stood thei el ait ik Upon the Youug to be Ki in b ehead developed with ‘, didn Thave afair chance. weed acnied. the world is little Jc igei “And then” ‘ent on Angela with |years; rather late in em eae twenty |is not quite 6 years old and can readily to Parents. the great business of state, bub-Jacob|‘enty-five years, und not gone yet!) maternal Kindness!” Joseph was den-| Blackty ibe }Foha Bigeing,' of oni her confession,” “we never drink wine, | ject now, isn't it?” he ob- | reproduce upon the organ or piano any On Gemdne net iaet axa ‘ais | WS Site, toveee ed Sooon Sebow, | Se atT Fe i 'n-| Blackburn, England, whose clever per- ping father.” iproke in Angela, with {24 I know thut, gentlemen do.” iy, beginning ‘her’ eg remarked, oot | musical selection after once hearing it. | joan See ae eg eae eae ok ne epee hevever gor They tha ao HOS ae eR ee te eee out to watch his mode of fishing with (on, sou could arrange that Mr.| , “Ams ieatBpsliny. joo that docs’ not |" Hk meee to ete bs The child pg ces te } age chose as his text; Genesis, xIv. |the old man. whether the boy looked} to have a doctor in his last sickness, ness his feats. Mr, Higgins is twenty- atch : 10s Heigham hale Ce attien oak tang | atten: <i teile paver: too Is e to mend; bs, ee | 28; “I will go and see Wim before [folder or looked younger. \And it will| and go. up to the drug. store, and get he yuan Ree ¥ some curiosity. It was, she reflected, youd be more convenient, { must “Really #” at home and d for you to stop auietly ed. musical ability sete die. be. enough joy for that parent ii something that him worse and i old, and: proves, most -con- exceedingly: unlike that practiced by ee Yes—really?? r e and do your duty by your hus-|years old. .At the time of Ae T ; can get that som, that daughter, | economize on a coffin, and beat the un- clusively that the abilities of a leaper i “ Aopke Jacob had long since passed th ae ug J ‘she Was wishing thai “Abt don gape retells: I had over- ‘But then, you Know, my father] “fost men would think t gist revivéishold-at.Dillshoro etree Is ABs : PB e hun-/at the gate of heaven, whether the de-| dertaker down to the last point, giving] i do not lie in reach of frame or length >, mcan man-| SHUS himself ap au das. 20 pivots ee sate 1 hed Be aes tue ance | av ae ante In those times ‘one shall com: a note for coe Foduned amount, which | by of limb—for he is only five feet three Solon: y ah TG. Cocks, Mrs. i S ates : ; 2 ly; but myself to talk (Twenty years ago; you were nobody. |Croxton was a regular attendant and | Te nae ies he for longevity. vecccra rated. and three-quarters inches in beight— = The door was| “OB! never. mind” epeour had, comparativ af Cas ¢ g, noth-|was frequently accompanis si i } prestinde Gat i ahips lived to but in the art of being able to con- “hey Dalat 8 wet. ght peste hs Tee ee ee eye coaitd a ahae Win {PSe¥ daughter. Up to this time, little Phrsiagh ot bie ies, tak aes e gpotrate and control) ee ays devotes io the enone Great deal tore ONT-A WERT goat [ar ee al te teak foe that? Certainly | Lt! had never touched organ keys. The E te wigs wane UGE be ive aoe Aaa RE abouts. Fl eotionue atties sad ert deal: thal. U have. not, dmaiepaeelt you |" Gene tne next Sunday after the evangelistic ser- : : years. A man of undoubled ity Fa yiarnetiie this cont hes At last Arthur awoke from his long’ splendid ¢reature, ser nbatig dresa | —yow sfill’care to come, twillsda my urse the title and the money! I|viees had closed Mr. and Mrs. Croxton hii hea wR AB i eco H}of the little leaper that he) actually reverie, and remembered, with a sud- ae read togeiber that any rate) we Lney with @ jeu fal ant gn sitor-Jwere at home alone with their little ys shaman bid petuhane beper Uo oe aa a appears able to change the d mn w Sf ae. : oo f den pang, that We hed hid" nothing to tha a it yo Pate gan me Be an % ‘0 Keep them on, than live | S#¥ghter, who for the first time had herons Lacd red an event 150 years | &) vorgeee ye’ Beret in of his motion while his flying body is Gat singe the previous ‘évenings aid 2 Bnet me too stipid. | the life T do between yon and that {Perched herself’ upon the’ onzan stool sebiaghe dears ata eee tn baat Seca wietoe o inbabitants vl live on She heuer the arti And| unsupported in the air. This is only that. he was, consequently, cxegetinaly ade prvi cduceBionaae It’s a dog life, {and was drumming the. ivory keys. d died Fei as Get tones “and. bal ENB pan precious! in appearance, but so, clever, are, the ee Gs We aiecsvere trae abo ox hoon teepveaniike raat Lprmlliee or Bellamy. Was | while he a ‘at 140 years. Joseph Crele, of | Joseph was Fron notwithstanding the m the pavement of Por) tricks of the perf iis) possible: gry. He also discovers: We, grees. all Young Deopis together.” glud dt/the opportunity oP rubbing up I or imaginary 7 mamma orking ‘the Pennsylvania lived 140 years. Tn 1857|Pelace, and your child will be your | a = (ne Gengte pan epare coerae Se fr cactinn sulting his watch, that it was rete YR peso ee | Siuieneese Hittin’ | paar e tears actually rolled |Pedals. Merely to gratify the childish F 8 book waa printed’ “containing ‘the | Pld. notwithstanding all ‘the Dyes eit peliaes, (he ane teins eC aey by the closest accuracy of motion, that that be was, stow go signs of 8p Y indeed, 1é you| Slecting them rather lately, and actu- down ee ie “ithe face. Bride’ot the littis one tie “mother said: ; names of 11 aoe ontaining the | syiendors of ev ing noon. What dikae oe cach shee Semen, ane ae. the keenest coon is deceived. ne 60 Tong in.the, “UMermit me to say so, you/look aes ally got site a mes/over a passage in amusement surveyed him with some| ‘Play ‘Anywhere With Jesus.’ Lulu.” ‘ persons who lived, 150 yeara. |f thrilling’ visit was that ‘of the old pied torah AM n 8 wept a] The brilliantly executed feats of the ighi AR Pits that.I shall ask you eh tar Th “ mong the grand old people of whom |shepherd ‘tothe prime minis jos- ing to. thin phe pelea apres kink,” she said, “that you are’ e child looked at her mother a ; we-haye record, was Jacob, the shep-|@ph! I eee the old countryman seated ‘Bul, oh (low clianged’ diye ola folleg @amnee se ap nerDaA, UE destriptio® y as that forgotten hi How toe gallente hut let |, This was enough for Arthur, whose moinent, then raised her eyes upward, : Herd ofthe text. But he had a bad |'M the Palace looking around at the ‘will Bel ‘hele. cheek smoothed ine fhe ee ea ides bt what te jae Should force him to me “that it entirely Knowledge of the clpagies was that of and while she appeared to be 5 lot of boys. Tl Bi HP AO mirrors anc d the. founta the forabagl seh cat BAe lb tka tatraca ily 9 ‘Sp bissunused fishing SP08 ee at light Lam in. If you ea | ‘be ordinary university graduate; he aks : : ‘ of boys. They were jealous and cary ts, and ob, how he wishes | hor ete eS ee JUMPING OVER A HORSE. at eee pavedt, boon ease st of 0} totes peered subject vith remarkable AZING FAR AWAY : ambitious and every way unprincipled. | that “tachoel, yaeites weschlleer pd 7 Tren ee nt antral bib : a ae RES Eay OTOH U ETON i fangled “electric. iluminations, you iprind ats, at nothing the little pink fingers wand- - Joseph, However, seemed to be an ex-|Sbhe. could have come with him to see 0! ams ries tery ses of a bounding| Young Higgins is able to hop over rived just’as-the bell was ringing'| would see that I do look old; but what| _,“tell me, Said) ooking ges : ; cepti their son in his great house. “Oh,” say » as they shall say: to you, “A. spirit | che back of a horse that stands eigh for! lunch! an,one expect nt forty?" "Here her | Straight in the Pigee ties egied LaSiged sac kabienda = Win rs ates ception, but he had ‘been gone many| the old man within himself, “I dor wish peceal Shi War Ton gee aud Dea | ete epee ore George received him with cold civility glance fell upon Angela’s fade for the | | 2m eomi) the parents were dumbfounded to hear 5 years, and the probability was that he | Rachael could be here to see all this!"" that you were wayward andj dissitat. | Ponds high and to do so with the agily _,Goorte received nim with cola Sait | first time, and he absolntely started: re Te opps dfs batore Live natea df tus hewn’ doe yak WOE BS was dead. As sometimes now in a} I visited the fa of the tates <a Sabee up) loth. he, vmleiinty ape ity hy a bird) Holding a dumbbell in por! , to the great pupils of her eyes expanded | the boldness of his gaze, but 5 mother had asked. ‘The little girl play- house, you will find kept at the table }of Millard Fillmore when t ave repented, our prayer has. leen|each hand,.he stands fifteen feet, trom. which he was forced to ees ae [and a dark Sm a iinet for af OPO, Mnbesitatiugly. | o ed seven selections that afternoon, a ; fe iaceit Glpic so flece: ¢ kaitece tick Eo ns eee and the cole per ceria arid aadiin bis Bde Waglonalun slau’ r counten: e. Ne 2 e Tam os i xs i i before we moment ov tonne Neal ap Pal Saad et: _ ig pgm rage a yee ee Merrived ce se geas ag ons ea, oor Sau Cayatta felons, ve the dintance with aie lance, Ra TP apaaticak a Peat girl is your daugh- {Owe mystified at the child’s wonderful work, ¢ ily, so Jacob kept in his heart a place|what great things he saw in his son’s Rone seer a ane aad father | Suddenly rushes forward, and, with a Siete a aman.|ter? But, remembering her'mother,.1| Come, Angela, wee must be off, f CE IONS ORG AE, Ba for his beloved Joseph. ‘There. sits the |bouse #t Washington and how grandly. Welt aii, Moen: dark Yau aee) si Rated Sess G Tee Are Jeaps What is she’ like? I remember sid nd Cake. | Look) vat her, Mt ae pk Ganetae told 3 ; 2 LS ial ae ia Hi esas Lis POG PLU peace Bx thiste | eee ented tie father tnethe While |e soph as yet oliver and mother Will 26%, jam the dumbbells) tail trom Bis Repay @ raw boned girl of fourteen with Age Caresfoot, “and then look at me. and|‘ tril fust then. 0! se te [Years ago the little girl had proved i thie flock of 100 years in their| fonse. ‘The old man’s face was illu- Yes, father, Joseph is yeti alive.” And| after ha: nt i A iy say whether or aot Elook eld sayy rose and shook, hands |(?* Tus fens herself a series of remarkable surprises ‘ light having alighted long enough to|mimed with the story almost until mid-| they will talk over fa earthly rings rape tege, the Heese 7 is ‘2 is the young man r, thurniuring, “(Good-bye | “POW; hn and the ege-shell hav-|to her fri ; leave the marks of their claw on fore-|night. He hud just’ been visiting his anxieties in regard to you\ and the mentum, and appears to float through BOOT ee cacti h ga - e ends and admirers. Hundreds ianight : ‘ 4 nk that she is the hdndsomest j Suppose—at any rate, be fooke ee its Be ‘orning,” nd’ then |i@@, finally ‘collapsed together, Lady fs tiead and. cheek and: temple. His long |202, 2 the ee eas apeee ar : J SG bh Vicia ears ae “your be-| the air, clearing the animal by three woman I ever saw,” Arthur replied, |P¥t Please introduce me.” Bellamy ordered the brougham. ave visited the Croxton home to wit- Beara suetin fae ta DE | was somethi vi Tacob the come fields of Go- | P@tt, ey Will recite to each other | full inehes. coldly. (Angela, said Philip, © eomgiiohs George, oe with ‘the most, HAY aE thus sufficiently scourged her jena B 's” rare performances. La Rihapdinies chest. His | thrilled ‘the. art of the bart Sears shen and the glories of:the -Egyptian y vhi aaey ee bh ith th; prehtewite® na te ie [TAMdOW Where they were talking, a SD autenct REA taaity. was: preside: ber husbands she Se [Short time since, Mrs. Croxton took her eyes are somewhat dim, and he can|as he stood im the palace of the prime Hee Decte ha eer bd tecae eorge, with a rude: lit-| me introduce xan oe to Lady Be atlas Mr.| father to stay to dinner, and, when ‘0 visit he: Ete girl to a music store, where the al see farther when they are closed ns minister. It i isa great day with you| ‘And here I would } like to sing the little effort, to leap over elev: lin- Je Jaugh, “youth is always enthusias- Heigham-Lady jeclined, _ announeit is”. int guessi! a ae 16 won ll who wit- : when they are open, for he can see when your old parents come to visit prainoe oft the sisterhood who remain sd cane bottomed chairs, lave seven. tic, especially ne the object is! am laet nan hiake ‘your ac-| tim of coming over to see him on the | 450°. essed her skillful performance, an 1 We eae " you. Your little Wiuldren stand around | wamar! Meek niet Baminister ‘hat}in a row on the sia and four in a theldairysanatd: ini), ie CEseetoor iho {| morrow. At last he got away, but not tice in the many were the compliments showered ma | © into the times when eect 1Gth great wide open eyes, wondering | to, age ne ere row on t ibe ice: ple aes think it is very generous of me y | before Lady Bellamy bad bid him a Soba Baby Croxton by admiring list- q hael, his wife, was living, and his|how anybody could be so old. ‘The | calls these piers ‘ones oe z hat fia nee ee Lee mE ee enetnin : oar ing so intensely in- seemingly cordial a ene thildren hook the ctental trode with (parents, cannot ‘ety many ‘lays, for|{ liar orangular but it you had bad ae obn “Bunyan called the "Celential Brattice Po rein io solent in his host's way of talking that Angela looked puzziea. “You and your charming daughter Jo he child's father is nok especially , Viiv: marlants they area little restless, and especially y annoyances as they have ha hat da Seoung’s) | Nighi Sot ee ene ae Arthur longed to throw a dish ai “Indeed !" shie must come om aa a5 mm. ‘Thi ‘The cant at nightfall, because they sleep better in| Xantippe would have seen an angel Thoughts,” turned into morning 'ex-| renchi ee of leaving ‘and again ~~ but he restrained his nee Bie { What! do you ne Fiat jg| House, when we get it cWhat bare | ® centenarian is sitting dreaming| their own bed, but while they teary | vounmeree pps you. 1b ie easier | £2 ultations, That is Gray's “Bley In| "Tn witnessing this feat dropped the subject. generous? ‘Then look at yourself in| ¥O4 Hot heard that sir John has bonght over the past when he hears a wagon |you somehow feel there is a beni Cae Tey vollicking, romping |@ Churchyard," turned to resurrection |ig° jot. oly. ian this fea predomi v4 i Z the glass, and you will see. I used to or Maria Lee’s executors?’ rumbling to the front door, min every room in the house. ‘They ey | ee iftan one childish “old nan. That is the “Cotter’s Sat- | iP Uistanse of & ty a eek: Let. me see, yon are just home have come pretensions to good looks, tpialip turned pale as death, “and land Night,” ‘exchanged \far the eot-|=n4 distance of the leap, but pret ae ee are yout” asked George, Ete: but I could never have stood beside you | PUTted from the ros «. morning. ‘That is 'tho) Sp Cnet ty the aston ening eee ort pal at the best of times, and now—— Yo Mit is good,” reflected Lady Bellamy, shephi eA of Salisbury plains amid: the | yy, m and Jack of apparent effort. mi ae mother, even when I ws at my best,| 25 She, Watched the effect of her shaft flocks on the hills of, AP Scat a Gad inarnendy eo at the beginning of last| always killed me if Iwas inthe same| Jet bim know that I never for- f ein the amine strack Padandenin turned [more 28.2 bird would in taking flight ||; onth.”* room with her, and you are even hand-| #4 soothed. Nor does it stop there. Rob- rds are strikingly beaut eAivima cian i the ol ucking " spe cacsercy igeei.s mas Vea exp 2 dodgy propelied by sudden and kad what were you doing there? | “mer then your mother. But, even when her father had gone, inson, the squire of the parish, takes [Uh She “can clearly imitate. the twit: De Se saat palace, with rly put out, old. | the covers around the invalid mother. is Jacob visiting Joseph at the Biape os ier bAsieaapard “Eran anbutieud shooting ‘Angela bi mother” anis| the path was still blocked to Angela. |i out of the Reverend Jones andl speaks ter of birds, purr of a cat, whistle of a all the investiture of prime minister, understand candle and While other maidens were in the cot Be an tabte: “One of Mr, Eigeine largest jumps” Di Mig ie Rete Es We walified praise, and, putting it and|. Vat!” sa a Gober seo wae when {ill of him to the bishop, a Low Church- | locomotive or ¢ urmur of rippling 3 next to thb King in the mightiest em-|tham the modern apparatus for illum-| illion fney were dancing upon rheuma~ i iensstae ig area oa ras Fe ig his native place two a much sport the exclamation her ‘appearance had | 22% 8m mod ‘that no was Wher | man, on the matter of vestments, and | WateTs pon the keyboard. Hi aie St anemones ination. In the morning with real in tism and spreading plasters for the eed Sao ans he cleared fourteen unfortunate, but | ‘hat morning wi “ very shortly _ afte Str Buster |Bever rest for a momen: jon her © NewS. WAS | terest ini their health, you ask how th y | lame chapk: of the septuagenarian and THE PERFECT MARRIAGE. eet eleven. end. sayieral _inel He ee Kune Pellce: Malton Lae Gigeee’ gether, she suddenly came to the con= hands, ia her gaze is always upward too sudden and too glad for the old| rested last night. heating catnip tea for insomnia. ‘A perféct and complete’ maxtiage is yee paced a atet ee ix feet three sndk wont giiertatiie cisbaiat Meter eegee eee a: a far away) os though che draws her ; an: aand hie chess fonitsas bua Wb kas {. Jesepbs ia. the, bietaribal econo of the] 1a ntuoat every. cirois’ OF) ont /kind> | pavtape sas) sateen wpecet! Plaieaie IPSS psa ainsi Pepaba inn a cathe § 3 2 never before take: tter in- y L inson inspiration from. above. i a dazed look and his staff falls out of | text did not think any more of his | red schoo tag thasbeen! some? queen beauty oy rai TRICK JUMPS. got. some very | f Serious consideration—that she must| he brew his lone azm round Ko waint,|ily, only in his turn to receive a most |, The Croxtons have two children old- ; Tis Maelo Tho wamie havecdsoppea | then Shen yon. Goof yous parents, | Ae eas ca lmas aiveonnt ae married ‘trac. Some of Mr. Higgins’, feats involve ibex-shooting in Cashmere, how- very Pinoking, a conclista riet {and prepared td give her ‘a cousinly | Unexampled wigging from jher majes. er than Lulu, but they have no taste had ropped |The probability is before they Jeave| after jewoled hand was offered in mar~ hater ane # sinall fraction, than a ae remarkable Gas oe instan \ id ae her feel extremely happy, she | °MPF#Ce- ty’s Judge, Baron Muddlebone, for not Deg pees eee sees rains WA asta docs ip Pass ew cha oma eae pert hild=} tinge, but who staid pnjthe 6) i ba ee ones aa pak de pane eitend!. das este = not quite tell why. At first Angela, not. being accustom- showing him that respect he was accus- | P™M2r¥ department of the city schoo! him to a lounge and put cold water | dren with kindness. Grandfather an ee of the sense of filial obligation | Very few are eo totally, and aah and atten pe his aes Misipees i*X yas sehllat she was thus blushing | 04 *© little jokes ae: the so: | tomed to receive from the high sher-|2™ learns rapidly. has lary jue on his f: id fanned:-him a little. more lenient and in-| until # e health was gone poe the | they probably o} after some forty dumbbells saan few Guetal hops 3 now? Your education has{# king her happiest. and lovelicet | Umerstal hat his intentions were, | iff . And feven’ ove: eyes, a wealth of golden hair and with Ini that ‘half deliviam. the dren than they stiractivones of personal présence’ had'| or fifty years of pe approach’ and | Slighting wit te feet. touching _ the been. extravagantly Heep eens ree, returning from his walk, | PUt 25 S00D. as iige eneaelt ee ein ee ea xion the as sii: dae peter ae aap ‘And what won-| Vanished. Brutal soriety ‘may call such espe. eges, apparently Tests there for a frac- basurage loaves (esere wci-| chante C0 look Una Tig ici an | tremely. powerful. young b little. laasie is truly mumbles something about, hisson Jos-|ders of. revelition in the bombazine, Mi gong by: 8 Such Inrge,ana sweet feuit is e com. |,ti0n of s second: and then, as if wi Se inata cree ae ‘it, Ate seo hier, and. gradually drawn by the |So8 DUC A stop t that he ss eph. He says: “You don’t mean Jos-| pocket of | danehi. rand eave cals saint plete marriage that needs a ey Whee: Iinotientum gained froma shrug of the a Raderteandy prmiai iiss Me an fatale site of ber lithe boar, that | full of it, on ethene maken a ety doy Youd Bat Bites they pad faUy | ont re ae a ail a aie oe nce ney [summer to ripen in, and then. a long See Oe Mere eat m her, and bi 2 . Only 081 Hie i ‘ r 2 L ohaae 4 2 other year, and then read for the bar. {COMIse féafures grew. instine and bis) stumbling over 2 footstool in. his rap-| % ation of ou int CYCLE CAB IN BERLIN. ai resuscitated him, and the news was| over fsa nolty a8 TPE ES FMI EO ta relearn por amar os eoseltadsdaz cre fa ab particalus abject ia betne | Pexes Of tages Wiskedness’ond a sels sitting |, — confirmed, the tears begin their wind-| architecture when they came it is @ ject joint of the little finger | a4 Sudgmeat between. a noble love | / xn ‘equally élever’ trick consists of called too young, end 1 wish ‘to ees ee a astoni it. was thus at ing way.,down the crossroads of the| palace pefore they leave. If they visit oe “her soe ae a the world | 54 a woman is one of the things placing an assistant, standing at th something moi the world first." Arthur and Lady Bellamy saw Seeing what she a dons, Ai re cae d ec pykclen’ auld the sunken lipd of the old [720 00: nae eo ate mamOT Eee ofirst ‘lovely that if the: 20 | ttor ac tate, wearioa a igh’ Hat on TAL] Psce, idleness called by a fine| pitnare pee: Whe. was looking at. a Sen eee eter nee bens i Deiticne aie Kant | mie WEL Be: Shep fivah: endl tie last-| ee! aidentiood, although in | Q°S" toets fabled, a god, he 1 fhe |Twhich etands a Ii Sea eaaion «es me.” picture in the corner of the room, di 3 for Arthur, oo| Selection from the bundle of letters rave ha aot ene Uae cin ole ees GeO B LUT: rec aaa caclesteond ie sae. Tong line of Seopa been ee Se eT Ete th fel inight | Higgins makes a, lea} flying over thy "Really I cannot agree ‘with you? The see, him; nor, indeed, did Angela. | @UcH for his jrisible, nerves, and be which the reader may remember having fingers together a8 he says: “Joseol| hall of youngmemory while. memary riage that they might be qual- pid sea nce toons Reem EN Gar FAITE CNN assistants pad sad vitl cai NY, L cannot ogres with you" The look was unmistakable, and once fairly roared /with laughter, whilst|Seen in bis hands before. re Pag HP) ye 3 ‘anid, 6 hima he- | tutta, aad yooewill spmemsber just Eby. Digi ap ern miss wes ee i IAS his feet sanffing out i temper. tae oe frown mala upon | Cve8, Lady Bellamy ‘went as near to it) ‘How. do, Anne?” he said, without ie Te. dik hot teke's! they looked, and where they sat, and| names of Asia Ross, A ORIRY EEE TE ee | pleht without in the beg "distur hing “OL course you can't, but every man | ing See Sia aa and theexpand-|*,ch8 ever did. rising. “You Took vers handsome this | has been organized in ‘the German } ; BE ip MON A BAR ie ae ecitlbe ge ee preted Breckenridge, andi Mary Shelton: ‘and | MARRIED TO A FLOWER-VASE. shai f e: x jorning: ave 3 ‘ 2 é 4 q M 5 f AS Oe artins, avy- yada ses sen ee morning: I never saw a woman wear | capital which now has five hundred of put on the best clothes that the shep- perteg with you pine yeu tie 1 final in ee che Aewelk ot ES pth seme gry eae EP aye ae. hie ig aw lighted candles ‘are treated im we unreasonable : a to laugh ‘at ia an v adident nr | She vouched no reply to hia greet-| these tsoycle cab in ase. The cab is " Bee re ete Ga ain an oe ere fe embarrassed if fields of Fair Oaks.:and Lookout Moun- thus described 1 va we write Be eee atl ats eoweot i cates Next minute George entered the| 4, emt aa Teplied Arthur. “I] ing, but turned as pale as dea built.on tne principle of the bicyel 4 into the wagon, and, though the aged) your father come to town and ‘he have} tain and Chancelloraville, and Not tong seb/ 6. Se Si be over which, fom thé end opposite. the room Wilh 2 stupel atte qulered thel ao; ics just the most ludicrous acei-| “What!” she said. anally pointn e ea thes j fotos like to ride slow, the | the ‘manners of the shepherd, and if) Shop Monte and though single its | aaNet done a8 8 very pretiy git | capales, Me, Bongin# le erent ohn Wooing as ddrad he aetna hee ae thet sien eee i tee ae sie tnaely, Beinn with the difference that it has three wagon did not get along fast enough | your mother c 3 tone atid there| has’ been ne byt fh fac eh ughter 0) Epprominest ¢ Sie Biegins leaps, accomplish- ; lis heaven Baoaty fad eg ABS | thine that TE ohare conniehe Totter “hat are you doing with those Bre agente Gaba Siegel: wit “th hte ne, en eee aes tae in Ta i nosien ee nS ena aed se Christe ohn to a ings pach es th canales where thet, wore plage uty had come - pel LI his | te Fe wheels support. a comfortabl; = i . 5 Oigs | 6lye ‘Theo-} @n Te and Chris aes (estate: i ‘ it * is gross mind ae a sorclation it hoe | SUeSt. did not Kear, and at once began| | “Bravo, Anne; quite tragic. What a| ioned seat oa their axl saat eat Tot coming down fo meet bint and Jon | Geaius salt.a wise thing when she said |, bet ea ee ee si are bseie halos pa es rraniiioe on ts pap owes cinated iam, he had lost his’command| ‘°.aftaek Lady. Bellamy. SE Masiatie Or solid ueat ceeie | cieel etageee ib aad th Hiseclog oph got ont of f the chasiob and got in-|""Husbands, remember what you lately | He mhaiton age but God has athrone | et @ fey Gaye Ceres weading | inary fire brick, ee Sa re & aie Bae coporidar: ana Ald f rear is used for steering wagon an ew his arms|were and remember what , and | furnished for her aeey and on one i bef to PE we you are at last Georee,” “let this little adventure teach you | Not sweeten, the perfumes of Araby will | purposes only. In this tricycle cab 3 stood ‘his father’s neck, it was an nkful” what you are, and | Trine h thal throne in beaven therets | ,24° incon le bride-clect declared | émall stand eight feet away, and trom ot give me the benefit of your advice] habit a that it is mot wise for middle-aged oh” Gi the coachman or operator sits in the mist ers OF eiveaty, SEA Sika ty Or you will satis what |e vase containiag two jewels, the one | ches put would devote herself as a one | Me. Higgins | able era 3 “4 il sour y ic to “eal him ener | men to ilies fx gallasivies Coeacd AWliat are you doing with those let-| rear and : ij simplicity “and pomp, of filial affection’ novia Cow nat | tighter than the Kohigoor of. London | ee et ta man's. fami bbs gu) rg Rein sere dpe er os Se sie iy, | aL beet like sheep without a ent }youne ladies, and. especially Youn) (ers jet-| rear and the passenger in front. The | andparental love, whieh leaves us much] father, Jacob. Soneph eae sey sit] tower and. the other’ Ian ondon | ow to the dead man's family. So the | markeble # lying j area iad pecans the oe portal dete thought save you keeping an ore on | iteof thaws and:sinews, Goo Mi] “Have you never broken dog by ee ee ey a eee on cee, Ent pe ao Witt So Tact kort | Gace “have the old man around this| diamond evér tound in te diattiets of ceretnOny wh with. to enable the rl [er lesb te fone ae notes wont ing each her 3 rough the window.” lowing Him the whip, A hi up and down movement of the feet. li ms ada x t| place. How clums} ie would look | Goleonda—the one jewel ‘by the lapi- i Z ore other more cordially than} | George etarted. | He didnot know Mahe st msi abwienes Cie toetan| eat momething to okt of vou. gad L| Sur ee ee ie nee the resolution of the text, “Twill go| climbing up thece ye would look) Gry of the palaces out with the words, |, SBter aia eel kai ene fight chairs AE Noll past three) wren George sas) he had been observ announced that the dog-cart which to: gob. you ines gensrons frame | 20% were 8 no: chain or sprocket) at 4 "| walking over those mosaics! Then he | “Inasmuch as ye did it'to father,” the | ProPOS. Gevotion. an arch’ to’cemnmet ‘irele. The feet pore : is] TE did not know ¢ Pres a Arthur bed ordered was waiting for} of mind, isi. Listen now. f am going| "7%." nt. ; oT het a strong and unfailing thing| would be putting hishands on some.of | Other. jewel. bythe) FT Ve cian a 5 ABD | eet is wondertal rae ene pe ie would Taek been. back soon- to read you a few extracts from a past It is-said that. this new. device has nM is parental attachment! Was it not al- these frescoes. People would wonder palace’ out with’ « — ~ = hate erful, ee ae Bacihe be “jhe said, and then began to shake Good-bye, Mr. Heigham, good-bye. that’ is 8b vividly recorded here.:. (mer with great, favor. in Berlin. <The 4 most time for Jacob to forget Jos-| where the old greenhorn came from. | 9s ye did it to mother.’ “Over the hills POPULATION AND ABBA, 7. {Pests *ojmove 02 0 cAeried bao were Whe h s She sank into a chair, hid her face| °20 #8 cheap and light in weight, and f eph’? The hot suns of many summers | He would shock all the Egyptian court to the poorhouse,” is the exquisite bal- The Jeadins countries of) the Jd net Ben be came to Angels, he favored in her bands, ani groaned. “George. can be propelled with great ease and eu Dlazed om the heath; the Hiver Nile| with. his manmers at table. Besides} lad of Will Carleton who found an yank in popul Ae tellodim, Cheha hy go>, ¢ - - ee : boom am ts | Sele a fonds Se Beeps Spt rec |, ugh to my ans | red hat eg ateont U SeeS R RI [omM on 30 10N6, AerEn si said rene ain is usness, took a yell zi nething like acent and a_ half, ee : 3 o ‘be quarrelous, and he| ber 5 I ik God toese 5 ; NOr- ING, L Ar Ca but T do not suppose that speech of weloom 5 Biers anit beens toate ‘sheet of pa | Sapettin EDGY: aheeioe teen the i seed had been. sown and the batvests| might talie tome as though I were only | I may.find.in my Jext, "Over the hills oi states, 7,08,00 seit eieg iPs ee re x Patten Te a Sue EE age to her. To be Continged arge tion Spe sot Teaped; stars rose and set; years of|a boy, when Iam the second man in| to, the, heads Lord Brougham used to tell.” says Boon,” ere Lady Sige Sigah to retreat mare « i plenty and years of famine | all the realm, course he must not} ‘As t us with unfilial con- peti price med sae Raed oe Ni gees Post, “how he had et paces aid us ik faaracateeerreiiited to Te : 3 on, but the love of Jacob, in’ my text| suffer, and #f there is famine in his| duct, ‘the fits z niseents Ws with the ‘Gagan ry er sieeake ith an: eye-witness to Seta Cai ethene Bede ACIDE cine puprvrrion. | atied and fed, that expense is entire- j is overwhelmingly dramatic. Oh, that country—and | hear there'is—I will send ‘Mieah who-stole-the #100 shek- | $1"5y 2 a as of Charles I. and, as the f ie very aie ae 3IRL'S DEFINITION. | ly done away with, and the company is a cord that is not snapped, though some provisions, but I can’t take| els from iis ae “the st of it ie eee again—ah! I forgot you are going, as the hum of ee i gv hat is an average ? asked the teach- is faking: moneya ; pulled on by many decades! Though) man from’ and introd cho tried ‘to'detbrone. his mer did not die until 1868, this repre- : Pee cee gran err eieae) patie ies Folk minds it anprobable Gainers The cab is 60 constructed as to be ; when the little child expired and the| him into the polite Egyptian court, | father. Bul all history is beautifal with eae sented a space of 219 years, with only : pike iad ec 2c por ey would be overheard. nthe leas ea posed, but a| Suited for all kinds of weather, For | parents may not have been more than Wiebaieties it isto have poor re-|, saris of filial fidelity. Eyeminondas, hearer ngs ‘one life between. Within the last few fond: of fishing, tad havea betel ‘Of an Egyptian sorceress, I think.) . Early on the pay following Arthur's ne et held ae ine pales eagerly. bright, balmy ee when no covering 4 25 years ‘of age, and now they are 75, _ | the warrior, f chief, délight in years there was to be met enioy te fishing, and have nothing bet-\Look at. the low, broad forehead, the Geparture treel laewnrth= beetle ase, its what «how lsye-her cuss} oo ee ee yet. the ‘vision of the cradle, and the ‘sroagph did not say that, but eeu roa to his “pay ictories; poe fer We 0o, Gome ne Par up at tte Ab-|curling hair. the fall lips, and eo in.|lamy received @ note from George, re- which can be detached. Ta stormy wea- i "childish face, and the first utterances | ed out to meet his father: with perfect | There goes Aen’ ing a’ gentleman whose grandfather had pie amt thare\ss plenty cecremi aero table look of questing. bets 3 koguviniaht: tot bobic eRe wild ment followed, but the mite ther it can be easily replaced; thus af- f of the lips are y, in Santa f atfection, and prought him} on his shoulders Anchises, his father. | 97: 652,533; told him of a talk he once had with an ple, but there is pleaty of room and) To my mind she is an ideal of the| °%4 See him that morning, as lie bad Was Weltied be. the levona hoes | fording the passenger all the protes- | spite of the passage of s half century. | upto the palace and introduced him to| The Athenians pene wit death any | eee a onies, 008,076; Ttaly and col- | nshire laborer who had seen, Wont: Gori care to Gana e Spirit of Power. Gunso Of Theo amathtng rather wamortank: to. balledo which was written = The hen lays 200 tion desired from the weather. = Joseph was as fresh in Jacob's memory | emperor and. provided for all the rest} unfilia! 1 conduct...“ utiful 765, and the German iy col-| hen achild, Pai ‘seen, Od bare bese amusing to any| araidof her; and, as for him”—nod- t eggs @ year on an ‘This cab has been found of especial as ever, though at 17 years of aga the | of the father’s days, and nothing was) Ruth Gees aa Get ea ed eg Bm-| ot Orange i outsider to watch Angela's face as she| dine toward George—“E dislike “hi = ohn,” she said to her husband at mig, inmgyeeie Ser mer eS oy had diseppeared fram the old home: | foo, good for the old man while ining.) ato ot ce is howling of| Pre ma A 3 him piles eho wb riaciee ed atout comfortably and quickly) 2> 4 stead. I found in our family 3 and when he was dead, Joseph, with the wolves andthe barking, of the T C had té ” HIS ls oor which is a great advantage over ae the of an infant military escort, took his father’s re-| jackals, opal eee oe eet k COOL/HAND AT THB GAMES) 5 £D + ioeg acre : Ls DS. Dead yaad: combersone anys is esas > ye T said ‘mains to the s t oe Colchester, was cheered} Bystander—I suppose nnot | rick ; he en Glacisiaoh aaa tie on jot be so rash as to scent ny iy Satin bag eee Breeds ore kre Tell de boys: dab 1 3 e [inthe flames by is children, who| coneeive how cold it is ip in n the Klon-| moirs include an interview with Ban- tavitation™ ace ape wag hy, an aab eee ica sos Genie i, servant,| dike gold fields, 1 don’t suppose you | n: the “Hadn't you better take the ing-| | Wayside Lert ao it, para;| | Diggs Where do you think i ine winter en eee eae ay ive tere atop init A but how r burt? finest nee 2 this cor os hen mother. Rel a BP oaas f ne Ee cuimeces prea erie ten ea er? Tt] , wher| lution, “I will go and! see him before I _the fre Tet, wotlld break — the| ai indéed > how could} sr vould save trouble sending backward] ed Rot ee) eee a8| die,"-and a: little whilevatter we as the first ‘antey a Joseph found th famine, the! thein walking the tewelated fh aoe

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