Timuer THE GOLDEN Rep, 4 “Whipeting winds Ki kiss the hills of Sep- Thistledown Phantoms drift over the Red gone the ivy, like a ghostlighted Strode in mists breaks the slow-coming Sunlight’ vistas the woodland discloses, the still lake rey Goné is the summer, its sweets ‘and its roses— Harvest is past and summer is gone. ’Plaintively sighing, the brown leaves are ing, 5 Sadly pepem dove mourns all the day long, “Tn the dim yaar ht the katydids, callings Hush he brook and its song, ‘Gone ori fbr sowers fe “Gone ae ‘the gleaners and vended their Bian at bees with the song-bird are Har eng DP t — _ r is gone. vestiis es ie bert Je Baedette. "PERSONAL. . Mr. Simon Grosch left on Monday ifor Woodville and Cannington. Mc. Pred. Karstens, of ee ‘spent-a-day in town last week. Mr. C. Hesroting. ¥ left last friends in Cleveland. iiss Buchan, of Stratford, spent a sce or two with ine James Torrance. ok mes ‘Torrance is’ spending a| few Says i ‘Wallace with her siste jam Torrance, rand Mrs HLM. Schnefer eft aaa ‘on sae for Palm ‘Mrs. McKay who _ —_—_-—___ STRATFORD. The Presbyt Book -t| Praise will he used for ae ‘first time tin ae atti next. Sabbath. jel -school ‘students of *97 Sheld thet “at ‘home’ in the Central 1 is rang every ‘evening at e'dleck, but the children, ‘like unto ‘those,of another place that ishall be ‘2nmentionntile, take no notice tof it Qn @ctober 7th theStratford Alder- ‘manic baseball team journey to Berlin ‘eiplay their final match with the SGuelph aldermen. Both teams are in ‘the pink of condition and are playin; 4 ball as—they eyer did Last Friday evening the Rev. Dickson conducted the preparatory services in Knox church. | He preach-| ‘ed from the text, I Juhn IV., 14, The 29 a Tie Normal school resent ress teachess J. W. Bengough will take part in the concert to on the evening of he 29th. ‘Oct. the A microscopic audience greeted the “Divorce Cure Co.” at the city hall on Saturday evening. farce in every sence of the term. Some ‘of the actors might shine in country ‘school aes but they were certain- ly ontof place on Sou sere fovey-di ‘noemes -of little girls playing “wich ie "ells rather than that of saarrisd peop-e in #all Bassexsion of of their nrental faculties. 7 Bons ‘Yuearow.—n Elma, on Monday, Oct. Ath, the wit vEWm, Je Dos ckiow, ot a: ‘daughter. MAR '—Sorpm—At the residence of Besg mee cher, "iellice, on October ‘George Posliff, of Elma. to Miss eae Soedir, duaghter of Mr. Ernes irnest Soedir. eee A GROKEN-DOWN LUMBERMAN. Nov a Fi iweneial, Bat Nese? a fe hewn 1 Doc: t Cured T seal and ¢ petites Py wedichaess t; bob bothiog was influenced to use So a are ot nepliew, Robert break sideratic Charles i page of Eli oe sold his farm of fifty acres aay Whitney. The: price paid j = Mr. Geo. Guenther, the other day len bert Donovan, of Elma township, has soid his farm lot 34, con. 14 to his movan, for a con- jon of $2000. PSelarn ary eg agreed pice ag hese and 3c. pet insertion. Transient Advertisements a1 for bed r line for each su Mowzy! Money ! Moyer! to loan on first-class fa Money | Perth Teac! | held én the auditorium of the Stratford is ii Eriay Rey ia ss poi was met test, on the road BCUAY: . ees at Smith, who corel into his His : bride and bridegroom. ttl en ‘Current rates of interest. Terms to suit ae oreo: Apply to James yas eciat township Sabbath schoo! convention will be hi Medical ERT, M. BL, M.D. G. M., grad- in rear o ‘Telephone Coeenition cae Poole, Brunner, Latheran Church an Dentistry A very happy and ere time was spent at the home of Mr. Ernest amc church about 3 o’cteck in the afternoon-after which the entire party consisting of about 1C0 guests repaired to the home of Mr. Soedir. W.'M. BRUCE, LDS, Dentist After supper the evening was spent in | Office & dancing ‘and other, games.~~‘The young | couple will take up Mbereenaoueie work aspecialty. All work guarant ‘Veterinary ‘The anaual meeting of as Dany et hers’ Association will Heit oP ft Peiday 0 will be given in which the folowing bad known artists will appear: J. W. ugh, Toronto; Charles Kelly, cain Miss Mabel Thomson, gold of DEES Y Saye OS ower ence a W. ‘BARR. VETERINARY SUR- ate 0) Ontario pate. treats all alls by tlephen or abana promptly attended to, ‘A good: H. S., Milverton, Ont. aie Ontars Vatetioaey Collagen E mestic animals | fa sep treats all diseases of dor aentifieally. All calls promptly attended to, by telephone or other, day or night. Dentistry and Chronic Discases a specialty. fA ‘Newton, sof tock-of fresh drugs ept 01 medalist, Toronto Conservatory Music, and Miss Grant, Toronto. The officers this year are : S. Martin, B.A, St. Marys, president; Mise Quinn, vice- Braden ;Geo. Malcolm, B.A., secre- tary-treasurer. James Smith, ef ponaston, had me. Barth, Recording — Socteties ‘0. 99, ton, meets sccantand lat stot of every m nlonksep So'elock, in the Rothserm: ir hall over Schneuker & tio rethren al- 7; A Sere eacane. Hi Glee OF. r Lodge,” No. ton, meets pee night at 9m, in their hall, post office building. ng Visiting brethren always z| Toren uce, N. G.; W. K. rty. three an naEaeye man. Thareday ‘bf each month at 8:0 a vipa fo oe 1.0. 0. meet every. frat, and ee rd ir bail” Canad eenaeeucr .7W. M. Appel, B. K. Fall Millinery. Our Millinery, Department is in full swing with Miss Bundy at the helm. We cordially invite every lady to come in and see what we have whether you buy. or not, Miss Bundy will be pleased to see you. Dress Goods. We have the finest stock of Dress Goods in town, put up in Dress lengths, no two alike, prices ranging from 25¢. up to $1.25 per yd. Come in and’see them. Fall house cleaning will soon be starting, ~ every lady should be. ready and have her CARPETS, LACE CURTAINS, CURTAIN POLES, WINDOW SHADES and OIL CLOTHS picked. We have a natty stock of above lines. GROCERIES. We are always in the swim. Granulated sugar, we have on hand Redpath’s and XXX Acadia. ; try us; we keep nothing but the white wine. A fine pink Salmon at 1Cc. per tin. If you are in need of good Vinegar, If you have not dealt with us, try us this fall and be convinced that you can buy cheaper from us then any other place in town. LOTH & GUENTHER. 5: are i ae ouse, which abuts meat followed chet attack stoop and climbed the roof, where they wreaked further destruction, tearing Ww ties a Perth and Wate: ibis wethayanl rdsoe travellers Dorland, Muple x Business Cards EIR, Aoctioneer for the Coun- , Conveyancer, a> Mortgages ieeaeaned Court Wil ni Affi avis — Bailiff fith Divisios Village Clerk. Eas a toeect, alten, Office, over Grosch’s Shoe LAND'S BUS LINE, Milverton. citizens ani calls Bene Wn. St. ,-Propri ut $30 a piece, or remain oy days in aul at hard Tal bor. — rald. First class Hehe | specialty. COMMERCIAL LIVERY, | Milverton. and rigs at al Commercial driving a Win. Torrance, Piop., Maple St. ®, Srprempes Weppinc.—On Wed- done Gree J Pro) = Brunner. Ont. t liquors and class accommoda- as yprietor. irst-cl XCHANGE cigars at tl tion aud leege etabling- pee ‘uests seated themselves in the ‘parlor orsteod in the halls awaiting the The Rev. Geo. Finkbeiner took his place and then |}; followed the procession, the groom ap- pearing with Messrs. Win. Liebeck, of Chesley, and ington eh of Stratford. pearls, came in leaning of her father. Tiquors am UaTSHIN streste’ C: Fraseupflag, Proprietor - ales and others. cas at the GRAND and = ‘AL HOTEL, Milverton. First-class accom Resa ce a id cigal UEESES HOTEL, bei ia as The accommodation for commercial trav- Two la sample rooms. Only the choicest Bs Wines, pxtces aud ood warm stables and jenty of shed room. Henry Boos; prop. print of orange Blowonis, while fn her hatd she carried Bixcetlancows Teas She wae eeuand by hee ‘sister, Miss Carrie, who was dressed in c.eam lastre with mauve trimming, and who ES The ceremony over—congratulations were exten rom all quarters after which the party went to tea. After tea the evening wasspent in singing and Playing. Another part of the evenings ramme was the charivarima num- couple by shooting guns, ringing bells, blowing horns, ete. A dollar and a home in cpostiag Pedi hope that happiness aud prosper'ty may attend them, rock and Wellesley woollea mills are rann over time w by James aes of ats pass ees Ra Stel ome gg ve ng oO aes demands made up ods. doing a banking business the cheques shew ad &e. i | Accounts collectesl. allowed on deposits in the S ments, Brunner, for expense estaba $85. W. MOWAT & SON, [Establisned: 1863.] Bankers and Brokers. Agents for the “Cheque Bank.” ‘They offer business men unsary facilities for ed payable at par in Canada payable t Savings Depert- Loans a on Mortgages at 5. 5 and 6 per conte, Bec Bonds aud Debéntui bougnt Mortaasex 8 iy illekad Agesrmes tea sarately vd sien ples rents collected ; Dees, jnsurance effected, Marriage Posts, JOHN GROPP, dealer in Cedar Sh ete. Lumber, Laths, Shingles, Pumps, Ont. ANTED— TRUSTWORTHY AND e gentlemen or ladies to travel ouse in tario. — Mout and expenses. Pesitiog ste. Kefevence. Enc] elf mpedt envelope, The Dominior < Donen Pepe E Chicago. =A HEAVY STOCK. We carry a stock of $2000 and over and intend to give SPECIAL bargains from now until New Year's as our stock has to be reduced. ; We have just opened out our large purebiusé vf new fall Canadian and Imported Tweeds, Over- coatings, Pantings, ete. REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD BUY FROM US. We buy in the closest market and pay spot cash thereby ¢| enabling us to give you clothing at rock bottom prices. We do good and reliable work and guarantee a fit or re- turn you the money. A customer must be satisfied before he leaves the shop. We buy as much new stock annually as some of our competitors have on hand altogether. We buy our fall goods early in the summer to secure the Jatest styles and patterns and don’t wait for fall leavings. We don't buy in $10.00 lots as our purchased fall stctk amounts to $400 alone. f We can take your order to-day and give you your suit at almost any time. To every CASH PURCHASER of asuit of clothes to the amount of. $14.00 or above we will give as a PRESENT an elegant German made WATCH. IN ee GENTS FURNISHINGS we are aed UP-TO-DATE and make no mistake. Koehler & Knechtel, SCHAEFER’S OLD STAND, Mivverton.