The (Wilverton Su ~~ THORSDAS, OCTOBER 7, 189 opolies fight that which sembles op- Fld pratt all the speeches, position ? This is evidenced in’ the Straggle that ascetylene gas has with many of the large insurance companies who have been ‘greased’ by: electric Jight companies and coal oil trasts to Rand double the insurance of policy-holders putting in this cheap and efficient light. Electric light companies and oil trusts may how] but ascetylene has come to stay. In’a few short years it “the country. It is only about two years since this gas has been used for “lighting purposes but it has grown rapidly into favor and is. one of the safest lighting agents in use. To raise a hand against royalty in Germany is a capital offence. Know- ing this Wilhelm, the warlord and Emperor takes great pleasure in insult- ing his subjects. Though the law of the land protects him,he received a chastisement the- other day. that humiliated him in a manner. that . ‘will not soon forget. Standing upon | 2" the deck of his own yaoht. surrounded | but “byyhis officers, he spoke in brutal. dis- respect, of one of the ladies on board, wherenpon, her son a gallant young officer: smote-him on the eye. As the revengeful, and. unkingly king was about to have, him. punished to the full extent of the law, he to save his family from disgrace, committed suicide by jumping overboard.” Ibis a pity that Germany had not more von Hahnkes. Speculation, is rife as. to who will sueceed his honor, Judge Woods, | M should he resign his position as County Judge of Perth. Several, names of Prominent Liberal lawyers are associat- ed with the office, but whatever their, various claims may be there are none hetter qualified, now would. any ap-| PY pointment give more general, satisfac- ‘tion to Liberals and Conservatives | ¥ alike than that of Mr. G. G. McPher- i Son, of the legal tirm of McPherson & Davidson, Stratford. Mr. McPherson ig of a judicial turn of mind and has a| 8 Whom wider knowledge of law than probably apy, ouher man in the county. Besides. these, essential qualifications Mr. Mac. has.the reputation. of being the best looking lawyer in the county and is agentleman by nature; his treatment _ of everybody is courteous and polite and should.the prese incumbent re-|/¢ tire no better, successor could be fourd. Mr, McEherson. Hon. J. Israel Tarte, the man who has been subjected to more acrimony than any other public. man living in Canada, with, the single exception cf Sir Richard. Cartwright, has just had his honor. vindicated in a criminal libel suit against: Mr. Grenier of Montreal. Mr. Tarte was foreedto take action - owing to the fact, that his silence,when traduced, was-construed as.evidence of his guilt. position, that Mr, Tarte did not care.ta.occupy so he ac- cordingly took actioh, and “ after the ease went to the jury. thas body. was " very few minutes. in. findiug a verdict against thedefendant. Many journals tHroughout,Ontario who, have based their slanders on Mr. Grenier’s accusa-| tions owe Mr. Tarte is adebt that they will likely, never py: Mr. Tarte’s great crime seems to, be that be had independence. and stamina enough to leave oné.. political diz party.and join another. In Canadashis| m pope. to, give Manitoba her. rights, and ‘why.turn him down after, doing | James the pais, work, Moreover; eis} ane fries “hs | eamag toes Oe ‘proving bimseif fovbe the most effigient | decision. of Magistrate Bartlett at = AS eS minister thay-hgs occupied the offige. of tee = the Minister of Bablie Works in. forty. ch Years: aud tron, Cignagians thou take pes tasuro Eo per te ng. neice ofthe. jpugnals that arertry, How corporations, trusts and mon- Terrible Safferin, an apology, but it |: mat priest, bishop. and SALISBURY TRY SconED. muy eatinb ras asked by Ne Conservative relati the rereabva ey been in, | the ae werk by ‘th Morl. jormer chief secretar; Mr. a secretat y, and ‘Mr. Geo, Fv ‘Rise! under secretary of staté for India. race abroad” and “Disaster ai dealing with whe subject, Biswark’s verdict aun Salisbury as bein, GREAT Op max. as Canadians may and do about since ‘Topper! 's politics, there a deal re in the personality of the man who dves not allow his vigour or activity to go down under the burden of ye: courage, and from England to British Columbia and back agin without losing his air Charles Tupper is an example for fanadian men forward to Fetirin at the age of ixty se Mieecabouia’ ‘Thee oh ry adm fm sen, and bis abilin of Bricish capitalists for —Toronto the benefit i PERTH DEANERY. The _half- awaiting pro- ceedings on ‘hee part ratte exeeruve com- mittee of th the instance of out the jn charch h pine les, church aamght and church ms 3 The Missi te ee and re- ofted as) follows:--Kirkton’s’ saresament Was raised from § $250, in considera tion of having two services aSunday. Bid- dulph’s assessment was to remain at with services in the afterneon. Listowel’s te é 3 Misscaieasy otis a gies, Mitchell’s was $900 and a house, St. Mary's was $900 Shouse, | Atwood's was $138, Henieya's i, cy Elmu’s was $225, and Scheiogeille $150. CANADIAN CHILD SAVING WORK, bts of. the present some 53 culties have bee Sek eat to peel bewred Uh ‘ations parts. This work is entire twenty children now. in the temporary ‘shelter awaiting homes, uhome. The ages of fron or 9years, Informa- tion is theerfally given concerning the work. Correspondence siguld be addr Re GW. Watch, Brighton, ‘Onthiio: The || ee Englishmen of the se Press 1s Gencyally Scotch oF Iri Some icecraaya erroneous , notions are abroad. in regarding this. The ish. and Me Mesa Chronicle, ‘wi stands for Austin thongh thick and thin, is an Englishman to the backbone: Mr.’ Damm, whose voice is for war, is a Scots Sikhs whom America t pieces before ‘the British Empire is dis- [| solved.—LukeSharp in Defroit Free, Press. CcOouLD ) NOT TURN INBED ofan Elora Lady F: Rheutia tismFitn Vpars w Salferer Bat Cured 6 y_Two, Bottles of South tie Car ie question ironically |If you lose the job you're after, There thers. « | If you friends desertiand mock you— t it must be admitted tbat the ecalled Prince u “the greatest funk in Enrope.”. M el addet his cara opinion ofLord Salis! bury, namely,. ‘“Frailty, thy | th name is Ceci , | cided to ask all Presbyterian societies oe rt, be made to educate the public through- | Wh . | the Presiden - {287,000 are Roman Catholics | that 97 1-2 per cent. of the Primitive ewe pity 4a God aed did not do sb, too ; efretained by the authorities. Before c | they are issued fromythe Oxford press, he eclate d Mrs. at Me 2 Ash's, of ee in sondehale eee Is you're du t ré are others 1 your best gir rts and shocks you You BS ot int» ahs ere are others. CRISTIAN ENEEAVOR NOTES. “The executive committee of the manty Union -met in Stratford on ree members were presen Dr. Steele, Tavistock; Miss Ford, Listowel; frees Hord, “Mitchell. missions was discussed and i to support their own mission work, and each of the cesneano es which represented in the Union its societies take up the apecial tee of its own church, ~ J. Binning, of Mitchell, was ap- pointed editor of, the Endeavorer Notes for the comme year. r some discussion it was de- cided to held a series of union meet- for the meetings. iss Dow Rev. Fear to look-after Milverton and Meeting — to meet at the call of The Presbyterian church increased in membership the a year a aati a total of 969, There are said to be ah 396 aya in the United tee and twent million communica of Be Pe Recent investigations reveal the fact sin Great Britain, |} Methodist 2ii are 's.—Ram’s Horn. re total abstain: ‘ga op are S4- 026,434.01. This amount way col allected and disbursed without a inverveotion of a single saa office A minister who w: ns to occupy. m which one the dnon ‘replied that he thought “it was quite likely the first one took up all ae sine.” Ivis woll knqwa that a guinea is| given to apy person who is the first to point out a printer's error in an Oxford Bible. Tis iv may be sonteneed, has involv bh persons Monday afternoon, Sept. 6th. Only} THE SLOAN ty! Yi i ‘Price a 1, 6 for $5. Mrs. Thomas Holder, of Ria? says: @ great sufferer for a good many years with Salt Rheum,so bad at times it-was im- le for me to wash a jee or do any house- ne bottle of Sloan’s “* Thave been. sing phe disease as not returned ys “aM dealers or aaitceee MEDICINE COMPANY, OF HAMILTON, LIMITED. ae ‘THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1897. ee — How Stylish ? How Neat Fitting ? How Heavy and Warm?’ And So Very Cheap. ae Bases seers ER Re ald Coats. looks and wear. Is just what youhear the Ladies’ say about our New They are the latest in style and of the best materials. We highly recommend our ALL WOOL FREIZE COATS for MELLINERY.—Miss Nelson has taken charge again of this department and. will be pleased to see her-many customers Nothing to beat them. ‘Prices lower than ever in this,department. DRESS. GOODS.— ooh have a great. yariety and at all: Prices. You are:welcome to look through our stock even if you don’t buy ; but do so before you:make your Fall purchases. Can Save you money. REMEMBER THE PLACE.S< GLEISER'S GASH STORE. to why the nine! Alf kinds of Farm Produce taken at highest market prices. GT. R, Time Table Trains due to leave Milverton : GOING NORTH. press. 10:50 a. m. bepres ixed . ..| 3:06 p. m. Fraghi., 10:15 p. m. in all parts of the world, i it may be well'to state that sach antiquated expressions as “bew and “ as- ? aré not regarded as printed rors. They appeared in the original editio of 1611, and are deliberately |*4 ul ‘ibles are read and _re- Sra ae times a dozen times in successi ior vesult is that the printer's error ta eras 8 “ dropped lette eter.” ~~ RRUNNER, Mr. M. Snieder had « large 1 bee Jase Tharsday. { idigees Mr. A. Doerr also had a legging bee on starday, gathered: and he sign es cei irs. CL ‘Samat also had’ o1 H. Schmigt were f Sebringville, on Saniag Wm. and G. Schmidt spent Sunday ‘Mr. G. Schmidt the agent ‘of the Singer ‘Mr. Paton, manager of the Colling- ictwen Cachan von ae| BURTON, $1.75 gore pev und: RS Ameri- igs ¥; honnd hiss anh of public lifye, I Havor<t ie can pork is beeadse we feed litt “Ratan ia "arabic reg qualhy,. ¢ fead littleer no ANTED — TRUSTWORTHY ctive gentlemen or ladies to_ tray for responsible, established house in On- . th nnd expers Porition stendy. af nel Me stamped ws Stila Dest “Company, Dept. Y Chica, AND} |WE DON'T carry a larger stock than all the business men in town combined but we can give you a betterzehoice than those who do, We have nostock,ten or twelve years;on our: shelves but all new andi, fashionable good$ to choose from at prices that will suit eyery- body, é | NOTICE! Owing to the extreme heat, the great a and bulk of the fine Crawford peaches now in and now is your time to. buy thes (THIS WEEK) |Peaches and Grapes which will be sold:for almost nothing. Don’t delay ha ‘ih Til come next weel oryou will get THIS WEEK 9800 LBS. GRAPES and 100 BASKETS EACHES, SOME EARLY AND GET Your SUPPLY. C.S.RERTCHEH RED FLAG STONE. FIRST PRIZE BREAD, We have again Mornington show. BUNS, CAKES and dainty CON- FECTIONERY alway: on hand. . We. en: fist prize for our bread at the, Wedding cakes made {o, The Milverton Sun Mr, David MoLennan of Stratford, grail dealen a dead thronghout the country. Canadian logs should be sawed: in DISTRICT NEWS trom Other Some Interesting Items Culled from the Neighboring A Harciston dancint pulled 176 teeth in one day rece Bush fires are’ doing much damage A large ake a ee of diph- theria are reported from Berlin. William Dillon,-a Raat figure’ in Canada where Canadian men can find Siri ror te pst 28 yous died ee Henry George the great political | ° economist is a candidate for baa F ee of New York. Dow the verteran | here last Tue: ene pena in the Duart caeice y the potato J yield will nov be hi lly owing to the blig Ma Sale othe. Ver erity Plow. pric is at the point of death} pt ttord. is trying to work iea ae home at Portland, Me. moose, deer and more and more Meare in Ontario... Praine fires have Joes = seven lives near Win ‘innipe; troyed an immense amount Pot sciners for a few extra thousand d In Ingersoll they are salting of ik them = taxation on buildin; five yea Mr. manos Murphy, | Wrooduionks ‘he campaign of the poe troops |G. P-R rondmaster, against the Mohmands bas been ¢00-| peculiar and what may prove a serious cluded and nothing remains now but) yecident last week. Wh to eollect the fines. fast 2 n The paused of a or Be finds | porridge he was eating. It stuck in t00 | his throat, an¢ to do and ae some | His throat is considerably. swelled. thee the need at asters have tates nee tah ma Mr. Charles R. Dosti, appoint some time ago by t! has sent his i ceaene to Ottawa. afew minutes, return guilty against the accused Grenier. eae inted | instance of Miss Jenn he Dominion Gov-| caused a writ to ernment Emigration Agent to Ireland, ) H. Smith, B. B. Osler, QO, is engaged 7 mista to M egies droge of Mr. A. G. Ramsa y, presi- of the ne ‘Life Assurance re ut Kingston destroyed six cot- tages eo other buildings. An infant was burned to death, and several a the residents aimed severe injurie: from the fire. Re to the power of tr the Fever dearer to build. another 1000 freight cars, 500 of which will by builtin London and Montreal. The other 500 hee ee contracted. for in 1 tdie United Si The Bath Sere are vigorously atincking Lord. Salisbury’s foreign and cowardly. Ap- pearances indicate that the Soe policy. as weak POE once. more to the This is attributed ae weather we have had i part of the = which has killed |, He the chiel The Ona Pacifie Railway Com- pany will build at once into Rossland, B. C., and will furnish’ the necessary in across ite ne ‘A remarkable disenvery is repor to have been made by Dr. James Third, medical super’ hbspital, It fected an sina by which the hones of the body canbe readily. seen by the naked eye. re broke out in the broom shop at Toronto on E A fi 7 ofthe Central prison Monday afternoon and destroyed the broom. nd was saved. The loss will he heavy. Charles Edward Nutt, an inmate of the Oxford House of Refuge, “bed boa to the county his farm of 5 o1 the eleventh concession of ae Tiktas be | Painted rep: ten ndent at Roserian at break- Lawyer Mills, of Ridgetown, at the 'ergusen, has be issued against John being out only | of James Ferguson, of Rid: ene and ed a verdict of| the deféndant is a son of the colmSmith, of the seventh estas ward An Ellice farmer stated to the nlast week that | Milverton, ITNT TTT TIT muck was Sale to be in butter produced from cows ate had been pastured where the cinders bad |® fallen. ‘Alssnoden Langford, a hig] ved farmer of Biddulph. paeeeiead 1g about two miles from Granton, ae a adda and tragic end on pe 27, Mr. Langford, who was about 6: becain restive ran up against him ne the members of the well-known Lang- nehips. SHORT STORIES RETOLT, business the other week, al es wale by ihe bridle. qui ieture of you holding you by the bridle vid wyer, having some pi On his arrival he req spot. “Ocb,” said she, wi teeth I cun's shpell a word.” NOdISE OF is LEGS Doctors Could Not He ial Him, Bat T in payment of his in. the House of Refuge for the rest of, his life. The farm is advertised to be.sold ‘on Oct. 9. M: Ami, M.A., F.G.8., of the! 5, Hi ol ial survey searbereict Ottawa, te po eat in the neighborhood of coe Jast week,investigating the vicinity of Mr. Challand’ 's farm, where ws resi onl fly me, found the bones of a mastodon. as a 4 South CBee Kidney. cay g arthed some : time | Cure advertised, I grasped at i a “ aon ee ee Drof, Ami from |mao Will yr sp at anything. {Resalt—before fed saoweres Deh d half a bottle had been taken “I was totally Mr. Challand for $160: relieved of pain, an. two ent ured me.” To care kiduey disease « liquid Soniths then sppos of Hor | cialicine must be takeu, and one tha David Mills to the SE agor Minister of Justice m the Dominion. Govern- ment, there will be created:a. vacancy in the’staff of the University of Téron- is leotui n- ee sift of : ad Wen, Houston is named for it. aes aster General Molock has added a clause to.a contract just given id S wl sequslard age be Tsai i ibe ete ake jneluded in the contract oe be ade in the. factory oft ‘tractor. t Ontario , Government, is i ing the sweating system. “It is | aux standing position gave, intense pain, the bysicions ult of y bps Local an parle in the blood. Sold by Jam ‘Torrauee. years of age, was leading a colt, ae another colt, which was running loose, | please of the shock brought en Goods J. G. Grosch has just received’ a new stock of LADIES GREEN BALMORALS and OXFORDS, which for style can not be-beaten. full line of Ox Blood and‘ Chocolate Oxfords. J. G. GROSCH, Also carry a Ontario — bas. List _ hed at our will ; His Honour, the Judge of. the ng Act pans ase nt ee bers eel e Seere wton onthe seventeenth day of | Jk “4 bade at eleven o'clock a. pot determine the several a, missions in the i the, Huniepality ss Moraington éo807, All t the-eourt an rete to attend at eaid’ time and hated August. 26th., 1897. me ep rk of Mot rt has enies nda the at ay of “Oe tober, 1897, or thers © A piace By onda of ae ‘Vonaty Judge ins of Court. WATSON} ol yt -|ject, and F dehelt neentted aastacdy. le| Mr. Langford was universally: liked | and was one of ford family Ge Tendon and Biddulph A man started in the Beet stable one d the first thing he did was to Neve a big sign resenting himself holding a «Ts that a ee be. signed by un old Irish trae nb. 63 er house one morning for-her signa- fe ak hee panies hice indicating eriean Kidney Care Bee tthe “Divewss The Wingham Farmer. idacy disease can bocenred. Mr. John i wes continually res whieh alarmed family und { COMMERCIAL Corrected weekly by H. M. Schaefer, October The way to win a woman is no secret to men,- suits such bal we are showing bl Is by wearing this spring. For quality and style we can’t be beat in Scotch and Iris tweeds, English worsted and serges. Spring oyercoats—Just the sort you admire most and at right prices. H. G. HASENPFLUG, MERCHANT TAILOR, Milverton Ont. Mu.vsnsox, 7, 1897. Fall wheat per bush. ma 74 em wet per bast 7 74 yer bus 25 te w 2% fe td 44 ves B / 15 Potatoes ** DB 7 Hay. per to $00 8 ter ps 12 p “4 8s Wool Hides Stratford, Osten i 1897. Fall Wheat... $ iy Spring Wheat.<-.../ chive rear Barley 35 ‘Foronto, Ontabee 7, 1897. -3 3 79 a Wheat, white. i Bae 3 = q can thus dissolve the ogee aor S8o Sesh oes $ = Building Material, *|Lath,Shingles,Sheet- bland smile, “ you sigh it-for me, "por Pre fired We oe sere ince Cost. me glabrs I cat] Oa! iy ing,. etc. write” Well, how do. you spell seni pet bag ee tke your natne, Mrs. 8.4” 3 artha,dear,” | Potatoes, per bag. ga i ‘ ? she cried : her daughter, “ come here| Batter * 4'Planing and Flsoring directly an’ shpell me name for ve Dadi 00 i gintleman, for sure since o Beef, per owt, 7 004; At lowest prices. Come in and get your supply. Picture Framing Done Cheaply. WIEDERHOLD & HONDERICH {| Parniture dealers and Undertakers. 3 Minverven. Meat By The Quarter. Those wishing topur- chase meat by the quarter will do well to see us. Our meat is properly killed. and is thoroughly: led. es- sentials to health. We can give you quarters at: 16 and 7 and the very;best from. 7 THS8 Ots. Per 1. ROASTS 8 TO: 3° CENTS PER LB: MILLER & KEXTERBORN. ZiT HAVE JUST WHAT YOUWANT A fancy set of Sitigle Harness ‘A strong set of Téam Harness . ATED — Me ah act al ‘i dressed st canped enveloj Congany, Depp. ¥ Chicas STRAY, See “tint the _premigen. néthe “chis principle will be embodied |? ayare = or abon Sept.. 26 ewe years old. fa g preving property and aa 4 Oct. Fete, RES, pe. The Domivion A nice light open Bridle. hice Brushes, pene, Bits, Sent Pads, ete. ‘The, Harnessmaker, Oxe Doow-Nortuvor: GLEISER’s WMSMUTH Mitverton. 4 2 9 A-PERFECT TEA: