THE FARM. |eececuse About the House, lms siete ey nea ac: - well Sentllated stabl : hase — If CALLS THE FAITHFUL gorea tas ue mar | Semae Sa sangeet tes cons Jor 2c, ak ated [HOPE POR CONSUMPTIVES. |2emcneie Sian Sst ety (COLONIAL CABLE ROUTE the coming fall and Gatton "iasting should RLY Temanded for sentence, and admitted - | from the same 1 P ee be no question but that }{2, comme fall and winter, | so eee ee atting should never be used | MOSLEMS EAGERLY RALLY TO THE out. on bail. ae Saee iS sent to entively different lover is the best—yes the very best ¥ a will need a straight and a curved REEN BANNER. |. Mrs. Eliza D. t, who organized | THE CURE NOT IN KOCH’S LYMPH OR climates. .|GRAVE DANGER TO THE BRITISH dairy stock of all. kin Nery. to eect pac tbaters: Caek TEN ot, ighty thing; | upholsterer’s needle, strong linen cord aes Saks tie Bnet’ Woman's Ten on | OTHER SPECIFIC, THOUGH. | er ‘ihe death ate has been mathe re-| EMPIRE AT THE PRESENT TIME. the heifer and the mileh cow fresh or |@bout two years a” an’ fiirtin’ an’ jittim, | aed « quantity of cirealar feces | MMSes Sie: Beckaralin ok Meat. er THE VERY LATEST FROM ALL THE | }2,tbe West celebrated her eer ty sult of the e being treated on —— dry, says a beige bial clover hay | they ae at te te o eerie a piece pos eat a WORLD OVER. Mother Stewart, as is called, or- | Comsumption a compas: Disease. he nog dnye Tews ence ean oe Necessity for Immediate Action to Bind enol withor at creeter, i i = é ‘Treated by Complex Methods—The Pre- a ‘i is almost good enous without grain |inve a tandems’ to develop the baller | sho had soft blue eyes an’ a head o'| I measurements are taken trom a| Faust sausucr Le ae a rmpiclans Tacreave une | tion of emptying the Jung and destnay-| Dues A tr petra condition. It will keep the heifersand calf should be milked just as long as | Seems like the maids and fl fick that has a washed, allow ae os 2 Interesting Items About Oar Own Country. | ‘The Right Rev. C.C. McCabe, Bishop | Vital Meststance- Success Shows In the'| ie ase, however, is one of elimination ! Speaking of the projected trans-Pa~ dry stock yery nicely. Of course if w c le so as to induce ‘her to be a maids and flowers were | inches length for shrin! Treasured in a jeweled ee im Is in tates, and ‘Episcopal Chureh.says Lower Death Rate. Or destruction. One of two thi rans} pesbhcyaeiinte Ki oued) mieteaneiphaite ter Gt nevi epis eine ny han “an eacciels: pA ortension dining-table, with wi | tne Che All Parts of the Globe, Condensed and | that Dr. Depew misrepresents Ameri-| There is for the consumptive. | pens wen a person contracts consump: cific gatle scheme, a writer in the Em- : y fo ‘overt young calves, | conveni lost Assorted for describing it as anti let. | tion i aot ba eliminated. Pie, dow. aeys !— oes may be substituted if pro- | nd a pails that ue are ‘fed’ out | “How it snowed that day, though “twas te ee are ae aglio is o small CANADA Fetes Pialicg Bek east LOTS ae nO eet incicic wae or. lee, if ills the es fhe whole |’ Although Britain isin constant touch roars eee with grain. I once thoroug! ea, the qa ee Cabin* or ‘ian | eee quexked fie teck ¥ | silken coverings surround it. SINS sae celebrate jubilee day the Kindly Te ined ihe t ated ise Nin, bat to put them tomout. This takes |@°° days-is torgek te netien! with a her colonies, the nuajority of sett fe el paid a great deal of vital resistance ; but the = latter possess no is of inter- Ihave fargot. But I well remember. a es flooring of the great apartment, only Mr. J. HR. area of ‘business in a the Waleed | soe at casa rate from consumo THROW OFF THE DISEASE, ion by telegraph Our ‘The widow's nephew from down in} FOR CLOTHING. pty ae peas font ceeiebie the Se Bank — alt ms ished. Saf coon Serie oid oar ery gear proves [amd at the ‘game, time to raise the vital ‘West Indian Islands are not connected t tter how beautiful i ee Immigrants from Galicia an: eyicn ee a sli thou: areal Strength. We strengthen the individ-| a:rect with Canada ; Pee canoe When we shook the cat, he set ABE ae - be ps8 visible. Armed men guard it; not the - | very slow the “Ei | that the bacilli are not invinsible. There ey iden aes s i 3; Cana a set her yel- | our gowns may be, without proper Baiegs — ae" ancey ot the are arriving at Winnipeg in large num- y suprorsnone senses ates eieeyns : a eae e load of dis Be 7 eth Austral bers. Gade movement Manniee e quiet, but as yet prices are well ‘maintained. Cotton Jeane tee {Chronic nature and at- | Australia has no direct cable communi: organic | cation with our growing South Afri- there does not, appear, * | can Empire. Costly circuitous routes i for colonial inter- li An’ bounced her out in about three | “2¥ ih not retain their stylish see ap- ec Bt men whos: | aati vy man} fe sd many ways o° forcune-telin’ e lives have been ical Society of wee ee are oi Set sesine st the alte 2. mable weather has had | to the disease he thought it was nec Beary day garments should be disin- G 2p isin. pop mer festa by men of the ie d, a prominent Win- we were girls. fected, for eager rn = Dr. Blanchar ted. £ , | stamp for nearly 18 centuries, night ‘unseasb) “Don't . af fae cial was sandbagged._ bi = : n't you remember the epellin’ bat-/ a= it will not nore the unpleasant | and day, year in and year Tebthads CE eae a eiag. The 6 Aepions offert um to the present: M0 sarily fatal to hitn because i bad iilled | based condition of tbe geil by actively | communicat pws camines thee aad Coe Cece ne Ua Of all the great riches of Abdul Ham- escaped, sei ecidfather and Bip! eroat- grand |SoeUeO EIDE 22 Pika Ulood ‘itseit | | To-day, this tenses 1om, and sRnoH e women sprinkle their waists | id this ancient banner is the most val- Salat of Paris overed father. People aren't €0 resigned now- | as we do by means of the serum treat=| vexatious delay ; it may, later on, oon” When Pcily Jenks epelt ‘atl, cat-| 224 dresses with scent and use sachet | ued, Its Bower is mightier than th in it ot Batis ioe” coorge Honeys wanger, Norway, has been almost | father. People are ae eee et many [ment in certain acute ne eA urcite a grave danmocr (memes tial tle, powders to perfume their bonnets and | command of the mighti residence at Wellandport, the water of wiped out by fre ielibve. ‘2 Shere is a special I goil,in the Tadividual Rete lth Ac’ ‘Temprance ‘Trimble “v-ig-n,| wraps, and thia is quite dices of the mightiest potentate in which is used for drinking. Zanzibar’s Sultan has by proclama-|Consumptives are curell every year. ‘every. disease ecpe of tiie existing cet aS Sea eg eae 08 or hehees | Rm ee ee Ae alts ‘res desirable that the Cana-| tion abolished the legal “status of) After all the talk about this iymph- diphtheria by ite eee cet Ket | ily land on. foreign, and possibly ‘hos- But what did it matter, word or letter? Pei eee erings and placed at the head of th fe relict or the distress | Slay t specific and the other advertised | the diphtheria ‘soil seems. to be tile shores. Manifestly, the necessity They had chéeks like roses, teeth like ue better aoe pen eos per- | imperial army it would draw soldiers in aii ! ld nos mally. closed, ee ne al a large Heated suse case What. se a ‘i up, and never bas cept her has Caen anew set of nerves for is a clothespole an open | from every quarter of the world’ where so ova Be Saubser Seca ibe Ska! at aces aeIeSEty er 3 ee ‘there iso sl tish Empire, and the Pacific cab- en secured about eonsumption and Of the disease can take woot, Tene pres Taine {0 mes ber wa expenses f - and 60 he is said to be " immaned or Ye should form anim i ranted, against, tat chain of all British communication, Men were the same—no worse, no bet-| window. Ea garments wrong | there are followers of Mohammed. {Al- & Co, who have There is ssisiie ng in Paris that. a |its cure? When this question was put or William during | to Dr. George F. Shrady, of New York, Beterion. ‘Tait & been ye fast ser- | visi jJabor and expense ie ey WWitn. vets gee a out, and let the air and sunshine | most in a ta five, or awarded the contract for t “Twas the master himself that Polly fe it. Anall night airing is ten, ifteen millions of men fi have agreed under “iis contract ties “Exhibition ‘of 1900, owing to the |p. guid: poisonous Pitta cices of the disease. | high mi OEY F meavied ee fet Dut a day of purifying sunshine is bet-| Asia, Africa and Europe, would rise up, to o establish service te St: John with | feeling ov Risteeorraine, frond not | Be, StS sin we ta. [S05 ip smallpos. We are made tm | Stie Be eit ook Colouiel Ee Why J pao 2 What ails ye t makes gach Ieee fonal su consumpt - b on. i RE, You duid ze, yee a bonnet lining or a’ set of eee ais eee ek ae ae the Governor-General, at the request "The ae mn. Reichsta on curable is absurd, T=¥ apy, single eae penetra Seas ee x BE LOS’ toe wa while the erandsire | areas shields becomes perceptible, it | porta tty to prove hia taith in tho groom ofa deputation of , forento<itizeps day ad pied cele ot SN ailion dicine or combination of medicines yet |e! aad ills ausaly. Kooks Tompb NO TIME TO ae 2 Ay should be removed, xi sie ‘hich : to | mar! known’ to science can be consi as cd at first to be to consump- no time to lost, for eW, Vel " roses an’ love went b: ved, while cloth gar-| ba: ‘Smal submit Maj a memorial 4 2 0 RG Se aan ad | Ganvenient i for ee een an my tell me me Bally ws fine and heughty |™G0' can De sponged and pressed clean. | aul Hamid eElicor nae Pasig beret authorize A Gapadian (Sac eee with pean aa bat great progres bat gatas Sto dip ‘diphtheria sive emibillonasovie arein the field, op u dant. much n Toses an’ . ‘ine does not cost muc! ‘ing methods. Saree * made auute bitin d cit aerial foun it Fae le re An’ the 2 Bastar Sat the came tae gpd will clean anything in the way of HIS RICHEST POSSESSION. . Shee atta ies Bees et OA er atone epee Cal paar air R ae gating the ein racyeet uy eto G03 |ericans to establish a cable between eut wheat own. -free will instead of-by f ay Ce rae while cam~ Ml li 2 ? ined ii east the cow ate very ttle of ‘To do this, place, the houses: oF oe ie thers another common and effective; , Recent reports trom Constantinople Dehra eine aaa rds ae itish A COMPLEX DISEASE, Sharia, Che Seno ledge Oe eer ote oa teas Greueene naxithe Bot much bet als opart—ten or twelve | “Oh, the winter time, fall o' rides an'| Garments that smell of noth Hapbane is cep as orca het Day Alliance will accept the challenge aud bas to be treated oomplesly. Al- |SPTomised meats (0 ‘sistance ofthe |approval of "Ameriean Gover ane rae bare them of different colors| dances tie clepnesi and tome apeenti ae ep eae ge eeaa tion oe Oat see thsuber’ soak action 13 legal ‘Another erisis exists in the German | most all persons who have co: ee pied flood tacit keeps off phthisis, while in| ment, which has already organized e>- ai summer days when we ‘an’ a proclaiming it is in preparation. Per- te a oduct’ yf ii acui infeetious itions for pt ae er planted them | {7% smisy""be. readily. jdistinguisied by spun; oe itation or bad he gopciga ct tae haps before this reaches the eyes of According to the report of ithe De- cote ee he it the iar epee are predisposed to it. It is merely @ | {CF the condition of blood gives im- cable i cn, suite Fieh grou it 5 oosunants i Wien they wish to seels|‘The mectin'honse, an’ the stolen |stong perfumery, employed readers the edich will be armonnced and partment of Fisheries, the ainee the | fe ee Ser ssocations Bree jun pt perians our, most formidable riy- four feet tall before they f _bis of the mest sustessful ogg farm- Across, the aisle when the prayer was pdt eturarn a akos Satish anes | ee eel ete SE'gaH ae, boing a decree of ew Te stated that the Dati Republic | exjery ascents Seinfecton at Je Beles aDEsGe «We ent Gor Br anges is hens ii » itch. es hay the 1d wi = i a . pesnerst st OVE, as they should ; h along the ‘streets, ten rods apart, | Fifty pe sinée we two were twenty; eaeel per erentr ys Eatin (ob a ie at stu wigaet peer eeit iaa ily dalars #® or Central and South Ameriet Sn of | disease es ches adapeation af of aitterent Sean eeroua' tS 6 ae Gatti | ine oe voltae 1 cbuidyan yh [uxough ‘his farm. Halt of the "126 |” But it a TU Back (is tee cee | bekeuon al a mall ples OF tender Penn ona tythe webs aE thecera. TE ei eclheat (ican separ’ whieh hoa Ip" Broome col aes a Greet Britain | Slimates to the oure.o Sevan fluence ih the Pacific. reneh stat scoamen the barn. The man who t ing tell | year and the other half aaltvetal the The ey. po ope dive wa bay — ‘hagufactured perfumes strong od- Te ee fom be Ws ee ee oe Rakes gi Se nat has it could be a: Be chronic ea 4 ae sciente eae ee Bele system of univ Yet it was the ‘work he | Be the houses are moved over ‘When.we were girls. Perspiration stains may be a ie Vofused and is likely to a’ re- natives of Portuguese Bast Afri- Study of thé temperature, vane, bat. |sal cable communication which sta ever. ss peg they were so | eae ap age half, and the hen Who seas Mehite, es s Femoved 1 Othe greén Dei wets aunfant re sal af the anpicaion a the United |¢2 ipl See roe nas a ic pressure and rainfall of differ~ fi to-day aS dius and mani a wi User croppin yur poses. lresses i 4 e Governor 0! jas ur station iti and enter- ang together. They proved too strong {Houses are built on’ st ip week fone (ea tee UE cor ine eft svefal times in he Past foe etches Biggs fn ferret the | Gently reauested_ the Government i lealities bet been 35 “plthfuly ca Paes Migress ‘ihe ‘seas, Bnglan food to be fed as runners and. team is used for : 3 ods and Chen With cles ate en Pon [wild fury of its foll eae tee isbon 0 send reinforcem sa rf 1 the need of the invalid as the com- | has contrived to talie and monopolize tay. ‘That information 1 gai ing them inthe spring, During the | Tbe Old-fashioned, open bedtiek, fill- | ally press the pn See reece ene GE Cede tn the aes A’comm n has been received by | ae is reported that. the his transmitting raion from one genera~| to the need of ee in of the various |the depths # of a register ‘er they are moved their length |@d with straw or husks, that ven in\| nite ary. a fore it becomes | San war Abdul Hamid ‘ice tireat- oe Otte utlonies eae i miwhich | tion to another than phthisis. Cancer | Medicines composing bis other prescrip- HOW aT GAN BE DONE. oer colt nearly three years. ol every. week; in n this way the houses hands of an expert “m: ‘uncom- Deodorised aleohol with a teaspoon- to announce a ‘ho! ar, but was eo mnt for |-does not hold a candle light to it. se tions. Consumptives should ‘recollect | jr; Chamberlin is fully alive to the success. If Beh, aie aerrets | oe fe poll where | fortable, ridges aad bellows ab night, | £31 of some good scent, to a pint, and | prevented by Great Br itain’s counter which was ora Tae. bean stdlen from the is known about the disease, that here we Tre, ibhe climates of lisportance of this question, which same time as the oats I think it would eee onen ths [2nd dust and iitter in the morning, Eases nat ae cledd smelling, bite tes | the irene Seana at obliterating The three imi, ana Sonfies eae nay val scheme calling ecawvery ot. te ae Paci, Hfanaies and our wonderful seaboard hi 1 pay Gaspar idea to, of this is to Keep the houses has been very greatly supplanted the skin there is nothing more aroma. i” i apd for one Mandeed million francs, in addi- bat it is not yet pen greti r this | and also of our different soils. pis Pi situation absorbed all his time. Dut tte pees anit evties tha tae fail_| tic and agreeable than a handful of lay- TURKO-GREEK WAR GREAT BRITAIN. | tion to rnditure, | is the cause or an associ od condition [ot ri Coneumption is prevalent, however: very 3 age RRS Bp AE a a fe the oats ngs which renders the ings mentioned. But alas! and al: ter dashed on after the bath, | Of 1821 a” hol a Heh psa enanreed by the ae om of isease, pony 83 a which Agree in favour of prompt action, and it is Cornf . ‘as! and alas! a‘ boly war,” w: chet It is believed to be cer hat many, | Mittes of the ree Aa Bears femal die disse ie among th ote ip ial perhaps all, of the putea prisoners comes first. One thing is quite cer- ‘poor, me ee ne take jer tn tan CA sya ten cut. ly well ostitute fori clover if cut. .camly, an ‘and ‘but well cured. Th is, perhaps, if cally bande: ed a aaily Sentones and also ‘fixes’ | what-~we bave gained in these ions has been, or rather, is in danger of VALUE OF OF LIME. will be pardoned earl; vee Hees anaee Guten's diamond 30° | conyenTIONS TO GOST $6,175,000. tain, is prepared f for the bacillus when it however, and that is that the soil nec resolutions v oat the fertilizing elements in, the ° years Europe had an tunit: " : ‘opportuni panied. the cheapest fora forage th that pings ed Vie soil for next | being, at ‘the expense of health. Not Many ‘housewives who are extremely | to view the power of this emblem of ore oede nA ett ee! nt substitutes belp when we cures ay oe cennot be ventilat- ee ere ela pi Saoodshed: Tinieeaee oe ‘The Duchess of Tedk spends. more be ese LP og lec gee lan Ws 1896. Some Schaal of (A S which is the best it is always} LONG HUNT FOR. ‘A MUR ed and purified, “aod kept wholesome | 2° of the value of time. - good | w less cya put to the sword, than $5,000 a year in ata and phil. | 2stimated Expense < of leet Sawanscr’s: poe the ae were ee direct ac- the lan ‘adopted will then probably er to me th as DERER. | and clean, as well as shapely, but ve pedieiet swag wen nadie (oe my oud eilaqes and cies burned Mo bntbropio works. Main is just one-| Gathering of Young Chureh Workers. the syste’ unk ep tane the others only when | « yan arres cause the im, ae of doi extra labor expended in preparing the | hammed’s doct Sen abegea tiers fifth the annusi amount granted her| ‘The rapid growth of young people's fit Se Geiouataated that the agency bene He exploitation of the cable could be compel y necessity. Clover is no ted In Mexico fora Crime Com- paring the v Henry Labouchere as retract | societ Snongh the agenoy of a Goubt the best ag foe dairy ntepe 22 | mlttea in France Twelve Years age, | Somorally appreciated. meals by having to wash on ally. = Hpory, Leboucbete Sse Tero eeu ss for the ee te eee cracmtecd Gaxnpaay) (oe regard to its eo a mibemak| A Me bas. ase a 8 Hygieaio point of view, these in which to cook a second dish that | against the Neseovian or Chalesn Gini: See oe ee Cob etnn Olameron) Tore rot the Gunpaneeaenn (et t0Us | ioalamoaaet eet by the mi direotly by. the: ts concern= ing food but itis probably i ag greet bas jst ren made {lection and subsequent care of bed-| sould as well have been cooked with | tans of, Kew ao South Africa Company of s Lone ibbien | large conventions of such ees ate is. Kooh first shone Gd, as a public work. By adoptii oe) any. ong, Kind ore Mor ae te Virvett pita d bis father in ‘To, | Chambers and beds ismext in Shai fire and watched at the same | @onths 10,000 men were massacred and a pees, ea the “ranevaal raid. | to be held within the next few months | that his ee “which represented the | The. ¢ oe veut reths eS bearsts jiorner method, Giant There subi ose. lia aunty poaeie Ws clesnenes vanes and was condemned to |‘, the choice aiid preparation of food. | time as the first. Or a towel must do Chey ee keychain y, 3 have moved a statistician to count the | toxin of tul eee would ene the | Fery. bri set aoe add Seca Jamil of many kinds of weeds, it~ en Galen for life to the,pensl set, | Absolute cleanliness and fresh, pure air |@UtY 2s a strainer or colander, no ac- ae ied ott Soi ian Bee oa in tani ea sre ae acre, | ost ot, tie ennieemaonn, Aca 2 ibe a ee living body, pone ie Fiohes the, land and it in ideal Hement Re ichiyenie Atta’ ive ese are essential to restful sleep. Utilize the | Count being made of the time requir- | chief of the Moslem-Kurds of raed Siate, says the natives are being treat- | the Chureh Economist, this statistician | hut he was mistaken, No germicide WHERE IDOLS ARE MADE. Pintages, 2 expected er crops, and its yield, Sakae CU the escaped, and no trace of his roomiest, best located chambers for the | ¢4 to wash the towel, nor rot its becom- | #100. led the. t of the war, ea ith great cruelty, with full know- | estimates that this summer’s conven- suttiintty safe and powerful to over- that that the ot es alternative wil Ul be adopt point ‘of quantity per acre. abouts could be obtained by, the here” | family use, ond then invest in comfort- ing worn or stained. rar ppoo ete eee ete ledge of eal fot en athenities. Bes | Bone ct sonnei peoples ill CO $5000) come: this ppisonons, ¢fteets in the sys- Birmingham, Pngland, Has. a Factory Fan | aa a idee praca Renae be prope are eimast always out ais able spring pillows and | 4 weed to stir or lift too tintin Gel ts he ee Milestone oe gta i appeal fo awa teas | ss tem found. @ buch e g Heathen Gods. establish and control the working of the Pop supe: sth tot ie went | blankets, though it! noseadtate’ scan: | of iron, or_ woo Why uot afi|, in one village. ite people of Ashita copy, of astirat eal: |uoD® cstimates are interesting and cea ide would tl ii disease aa hes pee heen discovered that | cable. The capital could easily, be rai the second crop good past t pactugaee fee hiro ris, ere a brane & tily furnished parlor, or even doing | ford such oe fae ea as are real- wre they detent < slaty Bistform rock, ems, 1817 had the auto- sugge (Papel aeaeeey pergintt peaen be ae ‘not affect anybody |there iz in Birmingham, in the very Being ma oats! the ita pas jefended thems : people outside o joca , pg ee IAS Mina hattrtoy 1Hidg 1d Mt bed Mise eine Shee aE | eee Anes aren rap Aone Aitheg Bat he the Christian Endeavor Conver unless predisposed or in a Very 10% | center of ‘Christian England, a factory mie Jtie, thought that the financial GROWING cA police Thaw eed Gee, renee | tortabl Have'you ever seen some bi ys fighting, when the t ay aworen had not, even ‘cut in San Francisco in July. He dic On the dust of the dried expec- | where idols are made for heathen’ na- | Hal Sant ‘ALVES. re never ceased thei reh le and durable ho: > yusy house- | face 5 . r3 . overmment, a etree ee (ue behaves was cara 3 Sector peter Viice | uesthants] an ee ee spe and wife hanging out clothes on a cold ranged aaa ein oe Capitation vee pee ie On rare Sens y tate Pour | vides tae Se Cie Baw veo: ST Be direct | tions, siys tht Pottery Gazette, Lon- tones and Canada, sate controling an ‘ nsive. | wi 2 Ste eieg i , but it i ium of infecti ‘ the dairy, and to have eae ae s ip Exgnce and discovered that | But when well made the cheaper sorts time” Lah Ae HER ET ae Ce eee Tives if they would Bo COPY Tor eno fond ‘of books, anc| £000 will spend $200 each. $1,000,000 | #°Sonsider the ‘thousands and tons o} op aay ee ee oe Bsne week ape calves it) Sue oF thenn posssionally, posted a let, | aro re comfortable and line, trying to make the pin hold. two | © a. their arms. his. hi oe sibeary consisted largely of 5,000 will spend ++ 625,000 | thousands oe bacilli, ev- | t obtain admission to the factory, but AFFECTS SOUTH AFRICA, ce that they mio Pablo, in Mexi- le. dust, as,easily kept | sna" sometimes thre mtolen Wee illagers' agreed, but when their autogr: peered spend $100 see = + 600,000 exywhere in street cars, the-|a strict watch is kept upon outsiders} ‘This question close from good well-developed sires and| “rhe French Go holesome. d clotihespins can be bought at such arms fad been delivered, the “Kurds 10,000 Will ‘spend $00 each.” . 800,000 |roPehe sce, otal fels sleeping berths, | anxious to into the secret cham- | Africa, where its deve dams, says a knowing id “Broca- tied the SEisisen Government te Ane Uglies £0 eedidr MeaReARothics mit: |eraten fe eeone IAG oR ee cx haus saute ——— | Sven in their own homes, it would seem gece Soatinnet wa with grea ers’ Gazette. When our cows drop| tomio Pablo was an ernment that AD-| tresses are cheape ‘over before, A |onomy. to stand on the cold and da THE 3 MARSACRE BEGAN. garment ‘makers “of $2,625,000 | that the disease should be alm: here the heathen gods are made'| Citic cable once Gary it could be extend— chlvew i the OP | Tadowie de Virvet! ee ESTOS ee ground double the time: really requir- |, Tbe Place wor all New ea ge ae Seats e that the strike j ada local vagrant yersal. It is a satisfaction, bio fos to |and journalists ea npee are prevent-'| ed from Australia tothe Cape via Keel- aH em good Tetect erican horsehair mat-| ed to ? shake out and hang up the el itl scorn’ thes Centon” Uline “or iced Il be short-lived and will end fenton ae sof dele know the chances of infection for Jed from entering the. w fag Islands, thus connecti dition the calf is taken away ote | PO ee eee aaa, Sade Sear Ball, size, fomey poids, can in the risk of taking cold waite | that Bedr Khan ordi sani ing tie othe tors. ived-and will end'in vie-) Gente" ancisco ooo | healthy person are so, exceedi dele Sane eo ecer, to be |tee direct with Australia and , Gi days old; it the udder is bol | es, No-one elled for Taitorg address purchased ty dollars; mix ers be thrown into the river Zab, flow= Steps looking to the formation of a Agee Oakland... . +. + + 250,000 | Smait as not to deserve attention. But | 2. "<1 concerning this ‘eon ti Pellfand affording the f trys swollen the calf is left with ti ed to Antonio Pablo, although seve , Same size and weight, twelve dol- could any mathematician compute | m& hundreds of fe Not ovat fal allic if Pepthed _ ————|why do healthy persons, with no in- | S'eane Ss Were td valuable alternative route to England. tea, he cow | ‘were advertised duri time. Bia. : i the mentee of ee atician compute | the youngest ate cee) (ane anos in oppasitio © ‘Total cost of San Francisco hented tendency Shien take. the dis |industry. Idols of all kin The gen: scheme includes. other ger, as Ihave found nothing that ally Totter od di a te time. in, lars, and short nair, eight dollars; cot- | family of half a dozen childeon in ac slaughter, the, young sa aed in “Thi ues cae weak (be ta] "07 convent ne ies ave aged rememeatian the or Goa geeat cable wich many tm ae £ vf the ne > si; and | ton felt, fifty pounds, costs eight dol-|tying hard knots in shoe strings that ing, S Byte ase of ithe the Weatnee Ba | one will ask. Because the health stan | esathed oations from Tokio to ‘Timbo | Sut British possessions yrould Pia ia escued caked udder. Wien taken from the prowintly ei tapes his protests. | cotton top, five. dal 28 eae tides teats thee ee nee oe rean at Washington e: to’ be’ scons ae too, ‘The export trade to pete coun- inwhich A tareeie Hui Egenaulvent © C cow they are put in a dry, light box| cus of on oa ieee a einer Math made in two parts, one the | again be untied before the little ahoes sie to forecast the weather | with e auny A fame tries is a. fairly ‘larg: eee es stall and kept separate, so they can-| publics. width of tad.” exactly |can be taken off? Shoe strings cos gretter accuracy and for a longer per- | 9,000 will spend. $100 each. . ,000 |and the soil is properly prepared for | ore gods are sent sho dgak- not suck each other. On Saturday last lea for | S2Uare and the other oblong shaped, ts | may. be, 10a dozen pairs 3,000 will spend §75 each... 375,000 | the seed which is y prepared {oF | more gods are sent oi oreign We pos f a. letter a person ca st Foe sauigly fill in the remaining spare, are | hours which some moth mu : y bas btained a tive| 5.000 will spend $50 each. .” . 250,000 jday. This view aleo throws some light |ers in. curiee in the bazaars of Cairo, |ACETYLENE GAS ON SHIPBOARD. ea le bier adiréesed! to, Antonio in every. wa ‘ble to full-sized | year along in managing worn-out sh Vee neti ibectee from tne United | 0000 Send $30 cach... 130,000 | upon the well-established fact that con- |/Damascus, Colombo, etc., for sale to un- ee times a day for one or two | 224, “4 taken interes ones. But whatever the style, every | aces in order to save a f ee Stal in order to or n- | sumption among the Southern slayes travelers anxious to take Be Used Asda gana weeks’ and then we on two | the ma fakes Jats amtods. is | mae id pectic U's cnt | be hotter ubiliged ty debe we aie expedition order te organize at | 30,000 $1,275,000 |was almost unknown, and, while few ee ‘of Buo: cobs Sakaay ait bisa tate ects att altlorear tho aemcrspeicen or che Eon ie bl muslin, | ing, or some other worl mick orphans, 3,000 Chri | Add local expenses 0 eect ten gisopere Seapee cuatigesps py igre e ard tglene eas has ‘ound a friendly whole mil and part wai and, lthough, the descriptions of the | Make box-shaped, leaving one end open | UB could be earned to stock the fam- tien habitations destroyed by. the tench ‘Otto Keppling, aged 18, while racing | , “PUR snd of local delegates _ 125000 eae cn is enter itis ta Prof, B. a ator, and k Bera! y ally; the ‘autboriues | be tull width, and fastening with but-| ily with Stang for lite foes a2", | £000 Christians perished of destitution tbs pigjele with a train on the tzon- renlosis | ‘The price of gods varies greatly. You | critic in > some wheat bran, whole | are determimed to bold the man until | 005 4B@ Dutton-holes, or four pairs of | of these vagant economies ° | and. wounds, ‘and. $10,000,000" woruh oF Naina Toba ener . . $1,400,000 | in“ proportion to population than the | may get a Birmingbam made one in a| thinks there is fas pratt % oats anil a very little cako meal where | they hear from Srance. phe French | [26 ti SERGE AT property destroyed. Tee oe 3d thrown unde Loe pone Rieti orice Dore ot he eter en cazionty son fou ialt aeeoyn they can, wet it, with a little of the | Consul se acquainting his | pe free ‘circulation of fresh air should | ARRANGING HER TRESSES _| farled Iasi time the green banner was Oi willed. con wien dist ound People ot cant 90,000 Bp- |e mo doubt tecmed wi == ane Se ow BE fm yom tiny Bi pe PEC, riatoi| Yate tor Lietelas 3s fitter te betty, eeecced tit aw ‘ = and it is 3 | ie no dou! e i “*stol best hay we have, anti it is surprising Government’ with the above facts. pari fatten: the Tis vacated in the 10 nait’s Ie P poet eaeas baaesnee e ne Pioitisn fruit steamer Ethelred,’| worth sm will be. present. ‘The | booilli.. ‘The Te for | tie then must Ea ‘aera ips te dealer co by | times greater than bree fla : - ter te bet a fhe | a , narrow face, the hair| oy it, STR, banner formed one of the Iphi stance that many delegates will have |be their ed ner of living. sallor daring the Chinese war.” In in this eating the feed and hay. When about name seek should removed 2 from the matt dressed round, and itis al-|med died. His chief crite oh to travel ip real, and the statistician | They are not so well Hered f % and con- | Cairo bazaar, however, the Dae ot 8 . ‘ore guitable for ship lighting, a cy- four weeks old we get them on the sep- Mis J. W. Barnett, in New Orleans, boar or pati os arene aii the Tone ole orale show a coil orso fromthe | Moved it from the bed, ¥. See ae de hea Oar ie eieten te ePaaat “ren oS e degree fat od of thin screens qiissae Rolain caety oubie 60% oni partially res saad Gites oe vi ici : arator milk entirely amd continue to ict xe woe ye Aint ae Diredlste fencers istics | 26 Ell. wp tie also endeavor) Caliphs bade Line ey ier tne p00: will oped $300 Gales +) Foe tain oak vapeieitenk | Peas er tht there wae Hi Bie tecet eae ee give dog # he owned, the best Bese of it, ap mappof the neck as much] of z, that wh in the front 10,000 will spend $50 each. .. 500,000 | bright and intelligent Ss eS ge cages at ie < Peete hig dutactiake a god of na- dies for 400 ho While e Ghantition that they” ase teensy non | he said, that ever was in bi rit dition £4 thie W watbces cat in) eee comqust Was wherever it 10,000 will spend $40 each. .". 400,000 | mental activity is take froin, one of” (Birmingham ies duh e ceatrtaro time, We give them a lit-| Hehad trained thedog with great ca in daily, ‘use should be carried out of| For 8 sharps is embroid he words “Nesroont Gt Mas- | 6,000 will ee ae staal ger lige olen ‘saflerer “reminds io trst ee oe oat ie, sane ce ete mae Ue nee tiseks act sont oonsioe te oat : by the feathers it drop- | "orses * or other proper sapports, asd topes tie eee ar right ot th Goa.” Ala." meaning "ur Helps tn $1,525,000 Cte predinseee iste ct aes sehen: See teat, a dees mecca fee im mili ag long as we Mave | Bean, BiG & Partridge drop a feath- | thoroughly veaten SE ede pat nits |wetscbecames wine one eee Ie ce ccpieen elt tips tion h five or six gen: | by band, while, the ng ture for the gas on ships. It should it for them, say six to seven! months. | find the ‘bird's retreat, One day and |and exposed to the sun and wind for | the severe outlines. Dress the ones PEARLS OF TRUTH. Bulla, Hilton and To: ee Sia ae Sra th fact Sa TA liegt Rae prrale oe correct inform | tere a special place in the illumination anit? Ro Pot Pune Gives gn grass] Colonel Bit, & wild duck, but only atm ovo | OBE OF, cise auite on the crown-tap to] pay tha 175,000 |in other, famili swoicga Te ‘immaculate dandy is in| °F" p ov. where electricity. is lar, to get along with ut 3 few wing feathers. ‘he | years, a mattrass should be ripped ‘For es Senow 16 no evil will suspect at the same time and if t ‘he trade in idols is iept such a. close | for that purpose, the conducting wires out the milk they get all the dog sniffed them and started away. | years, eee ne en Se es aaa anrew eengs |e ee ‘Total. - : vor that pariod he may |ccumst that it is difficult. to estimate | are apt tet yalled by an anchor or : : cfg wnt, Spi some hest| Ba F little ‘his master art and thoroughly renovated: vit rit the | down the neck Pekan aieih| Phe zutrengede fs linc Grecgeae ae He adds ‘more for the ex- | generally consider himself safe. ‘This | the output for in the board of trade | dred eapremsetl east ana ccm: Hirani eel ake wieeli cil bat got no response, anda¢ the end of | ticking is For a broad face, narr opportunities—Sir. H. Taylor. penses of the convention of the Broth. | fs the result shown by broad biologic | ret god would da gas and gasoline enrich- oak plenty ‘of coarse coarse foders reshyeel EC caer Meh Se neater coloring. by ee but Paap lees are ‘Dreferable, but etkne — note, first 2 ering! is toknow = in Buffalo, and | cal laws. even after (8p isense is de-| classed under the humiliating title of | ment require # small g gaswork and 4 Ly “abs of mre, Ss We are in a patient it is. al to | “works if ii ressi - wes ieves inrae Veryele ad rou Cares ta would come along iater, “But the dog | suds, to cach of whi hw 0 tablespoona No Seenintinied Soli At a meet about ity: Ochna | OAT be Cimeeees orient seer ee cent be camed, Think | arabe te trades fairly large-one Preah beet oll. lamps are ood with a a a. shed home bey ie week after-| of borax have been added. Allow the | the hair reed aioe le should keep] ins: no gifts impoverish “ecimont gi on ae oe Now Yi York on Tuesday | Convention at, san fig ed ees what climate alone does in effecting some cute Bi ingbam men | economical, ther eis room for capacity to cat “84 digest: more z eon tick to remain fifteen minut adadly socal. er low and de- ster. impoverish charity. hav ht a ted favor- OntsE for Baptist Y : ee, Adirondacks, the Georgia |do very well in the busi for this , aS a cylinder of of liquid ; small barrel. Calves = ; nets rae ee St a abe oa ip slow. tub, then rub thoroughly, and rinse| Very short ladies “iieek ee the (eee my of Palestine ‘by NCES at Chatta- ie and Colorado, for oe i tylene of 13-4 cubic fe pacity, d for the dairy should om dock. ‘rhe Colonel i ad ugh two clear wai dis Tit-| dressed high, can have their hair, utterly lost of all days, is Hebrews, the scheme .. - - 1,400,000 is go there or somewhere eet te with a re reg alve, and stored in Se cd Seabed Soul like Corn inosl an fests ene ered t gt tle boiled et Utaveh tacts tant sates: fea it gives addition to tha inh in see you have not once laugh- making see y Ontlay for Epworth League commended by a Bovsician, and Stee ton FOLLOWING PATERNAL ADVICE. ‘bottom of- the buoy, would give a clear, page feather wt last | Tomebaisy shake out ait| ie gay 7 hak ve Kittea |. Convention at Toronto, 1,700,000 | years. Some attain old age, This only white light of $2 candles for one month, be gmade fat, but require e light feed. | they belonged to the eee that | the dust pos possible, then wash white hair; we find purely Nether s a sees nor a lender be; near Duluth, Minn., on Wednesday, by | Outlay, herhood of sl pe pen ag pivot nea Bee, on earth did you marry that and the cost even now when calcium a a athe bmoneht faithful | two tubs of euds’and two of clone aL white cea Benerally gray- for Joan Bea both itself and friend. an eglosion of te, which: th TES “Andrew So is 0 the utmost it is rhs wate? deinanded Mr. Ricketts, caebide is expensive, about fi they Gereloo eiiotl mae anid Goad digee | dts. bout tolled thes ‘he, auntry ant he ter, adding of borax | latter no Sreenish-gray, and with this |S were thawing out.” Their home was .000 | sible to off the disease angrily, of his oe ound its roosting plaee end nabbed to the suds and one to each of the | dark preens, ae The best s portion | of a good man's life wreeked and er and a third ; ———— | withstand anot A consump- ner v cares Effect in Ae Prof. i in ‘ is ii 5 st E age svenyeoeaded aii oes sicisic| i oaleo clear waters. Dry on sheets spread on | tints, deep Sj ambers, “purple |is its litt less, unremember~ fon. picbably fatally injured. Total... «fa ., $6175.000 | He has to be fitted to. climate just, | Tt was in pg SE led tests that: the loss of tight a. plasma or the eran but fot ta a | seen eietiee ar er, Teds) > and | ed.“ acts\a kindness ‘and of lov foxes Accoring to’ ihése figures the four | the same as to, medicine or, pul It nt : rk-biue. rdsworth, ipo Sea a wupon the stage of the disea Following jay advise, sou iat x of main: gee mination and mee tine whet here Sola ten ie eee okac you teres told to mak was i ‘sl ve a 0) prays told ime a taini peices pe aaa bie year for foreign missions. or a warmer, or a more hue }liay while ‘the sun ‘shone