‘ashington, 19.— ciao ratio” The @Wilverton Sun THORSDAY, APRIL 22, 1897. has been going | — over the record of the teal bydevins applica. tion for pardon, has ‘just finished his work Rumor hath it that it was Germany i that prompted the Sultan to take up | apopiex qu arms against the Greeks, Tl The Sultan has long looked on Greece as his meat but he ean’t gobbler though he has Turkey backing him. ee AEE ts Several of the Conservative daily Papers reported a split in the Dominion Cabinet over the tariff question. It was reported that Sir Oliver Mowat, Sir’ Richard Cartwright and Mr, Sifton had resigned but the Cabinet apparently still, remains intact. Canada as no dearth of events to| “yt eelebrate this. year. Preparations are everywhere being made to celebrate| s, the DiamondJubilee reign of the Queen. held sway for sity years. Following ‘the Jubilee will bo the Cabot celebra- tion. Four hundzed years ago John. H Cabot discoyered Nonth America and the event will likely be celebrated and «llow fittingly in Canada and ‘Staces as well, the United ‘THE GICYCLE BILL. tate seve gal ta wih i just been patel by the Goiario Legit fe) Wiedkak ieee casi whaing tine Nigheny ti chats of a vende, meee, On Juno: 28nd she will have| ing of his pass. ) person travelling upon a highway on abieyele or te Hog, wp |b Jess on travelling on foot travelling ona fore attempting to the 1e parsor ote saa uity fara ‘out to the Babe hoi Feten es Brey CoE overtaki eyele ocr ees shall i et tee ee avoid acollison. case avelligg, wpe! big o or persia a in elties of over 100,000 inl ‘The McKinley. tari tariff, though ob_| mbsbitan moxious to Canadians, is not without " its good results. The duty which the United States government intends putting on Canadian lumber,, together with; the threatened retaliative expoxt duty which the Canadian government ng in turn out eo he rhs ilo epaenncens': bieyate or tricycle ¢o met. tra ravalling South or exat |, the ass of such cet has: been urged to put on, Canadian | pat? M™ logs, bas ‘had its effect on, American Tumbermen. ‘They now see tha» they are-dependant upon Canada for their m supplies:and if things take the shape |), that they are assuming it will be im- possible for them to carry on business on the other side of the line. The! Holland, Emery Company, of Towas,| 0%, Michigan, have bought out the old site of the Georgian Bay Lumber Company. at Byng Inlet and:intend building two,| accepted’ as mills, building docks and dredging the Barbor. They will employ about 300.hands, mostly married men, which | 32 ated te oe Collecto1 ore ‘on roll rig abeenies pee for i bu ‘will, mean that the population of Bying Inlet will be increased by about 1500 people: Other American mill owners. are looking for sites on Canadian soil 13, the southerly 20 14 and the sonth the the year 1896 as follows, vi $7.50; lob $5.80; I and it.is.expected: that they will com- #3 mence. manufacturing in full credit for her resources TURKEX DECLARES WAR. Constantinople, April with Greece has. been: declared. Following the:news of the i incursion Oe. ports vince. Mavrocordato, the} 50c., ‘Greek sy Extraordinary and Minis-| i Ed [ai detailed circular sent ny the Tur- ve Kish: representatives resses the hope that the powers.in.a ens of justice will agree that the entire re- ce from, the frontier and. from INVITED, TO. LEAVE. Tewfik Pasha, the Turkish Minister for Foreign Affairs, visited the foreign Envoys yesterday and informed, them that the Turkish frontier had, been grosses bands of Greeks eon: whom number of Greek regulars. The Greek Minister here, Prince Masrocordato, was at the same time notified.of the rupture ofdiplomat rela- tions. bevlawhe ey and Greece, | likely to: Canada. | 5" ‘When the lamber is exported to. the| taxes “Old Country, Canada will then get on Friday night with fresh,| be re-ap) ® fon the townstip ir Dk se eMane 5 Mr da face that a By-la ilar nevt _m te pall fe ilverts gravel road; J. Hamilton ing ealvert gravel oar oe calvere tie whee: B sick A Ww. Wi ‘lisaghiby Sine use of field e Dickson $8 be Brom Kidney Di 5: rae 3 wow slg nee i fortes fe spirits, but most of all in ae Abad $53,834 Total | yb for see tea, on te $175,855,000 Sa 1606—nmaly.'§ i better CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR NOTES, - Dr. Dille, o: dent of Knox church society, Strat- for Central Methodist society hold monthly onary ee: The next one is on April 26th. ‘The following Canadians have been invited to. nies part at the San Fran- cisco ention, Revs. J, S, Conning, a len Wn. Patterson, Toronto, }|and R. Johnston, London Sometimes 1t is well to adopt a form jiving new members into a Tihs boas WC Eat all Sones naed embers,, let some one offer a brief ai ical and encourag. ing words. to those being received, Let being | the reception be simple le but earnest. SEE Ra 3O.YEARS A 5 seaso—Gravel and | Stricture —An Absolute pletely ee of stricture ag rayel, havin, re m these complaint yea found Brent relict aha as bottle Bat emncsaned the coite dy until perfectly cused and Iam now enjoying the best of bealth.” Sold by James Torrance. Nervous People wonder why their n oak ‘ely Mhepeesé tired 20 easty Say tBepdo tot fly;.hy they have ane gestion and Nervous Dyspepsia. The Sspiationis almpie,. mind in that impure bi ing the eae on refuse instead ot a ee ments of strength and viger. es ae een. perfect et bees: ineryoustronbles, Sarsaparilia Intho Ous True Hood Purifer. All dragsists, $1, la it| Yood’s Pills ais, ce jety. Something like the following |. eed repeat the pledge with the new | nd earnest prayer, and then let the Presi-| ¢, | dent say. a few practical = Vor Hlas ap Outiit Won't be complete unless you wear an Come along our : Easter Bonnet or Hat: Miss, Nelson (late of London) will be pleased to. furnish you with the latest in Ladies: headwear. U. Yours, GLEISER. meet on the 25th ou rs | of May gi to bold Cours of Revision and general Lusiuess. Court of Revision will Sart at 10 o'clock sharp. Carried, SPRAYING ¢ FRUIT TREES, e A, gricultural de department of. oe, Bothy ates the soley - one of the lations S spraying fru frui sulphate. . ‘ ‘pounds, ) er. spend the i ‘Gish in five ns of water. e by be done LOOK HERE FOR PRICES IN FRUITS Oranges 15 to 45 cts, per doz:, 5 cts per: doz, or 2 doz for 25 cts. tie| Pineapples will arrive icient. It is an easy matter re hunded to him.and to.know how much lime is required iby using » His passpoi he will; leave instadenrpie At the “same time the archives of the Greek] d aS + oo This substance can be got at any 7 ac snap it indiontes there Pe ee off eoanterfeit half toe seghie Geert _ dollar pieces ara inapeulation, bearing copper, st popmiaieweclons mistee the date; 1820, ‘Rapuara by Saturday. tke) THE: LEADING ERUIT STORE 6) i Banana’s 20 and 25 cts per doz., eTtEo Great Offer eos The London Free Press. ot H+ + iereaeies a subucpton Ie, Bake tee feigning reat offer to the farm oe sorlbers to ine will ge One Year's Paper Free. ial descrition a act tpt, ae and Home fot oneyoun force Fo} end ome. can a.copy of the the Veter 02 (price ), Both wil be mailed to any ade Free, Press Printing Co:.,. Lon dH. SCHMIDT Has secured a first class knitting machine (no toy) and is prepared to do custom knitting such. as ribbed or plain Hosiery any desired length or size. J.H. SCHMIDT, The Baker Lumber, Brauner, JOUN GROPP, dealer in Cedar Posts, | REMOVED Mr. H.C. Hasenpflug has removed: his tmlor shop and gent’s furnishing, department to the place lately occupied by Miller & Kelterborn which has been neatly fittedup, A, full line of new Spring Suitings and Overcoatings Pefect fits guaranteed. In. GENTS’ FURNISHINGS We cannot be outdone. inspect for yourselves. H. C. HASENPFLUG, MERCHANT TAILOR, Main Street, - Just in. Call: and. Milveron. =| NEW HARNESS SH0.— In.opening a new Hannes: Snopr in Milverton I claim the patronage of the publie by my ability to do good work and by: fair dealing. I am now pre-. pared to do new work and supply anything needed in the harness. line.. E will do all kinds of repairing, neatly and quickly, and!atthe lowest cash. prices. Give me a call, one door north, of: Gleiser’s, WM.SMITH. Misxarron.. ee: ks at veni, the first great battle fought. - The ‘Abstralinn Premiers. will visit their way to the Jubilee pene. vernor-General eo ty make ipictlanacion declaring the 220d Tune a national holiday. unknown man jumped off, the upp save peniian Falls on: eter afternoon. The Red River is still seine at Emerson.and many people have. been compelled to leaye their homes. Seven British, warships.qre assembled at Durban, Natal, but the object of |' the demonstration is not known. of Tt is reported'at Washington that}; Spain is drawing her troops from Cuba claiming. Loy the rebellion is Practically suppresses Chief Justice su one of the brichtest intellects that ever ee the Canadian bar, has resigned afte: 41 years of service. The Duke of Leeds, Lord Aberdeen’s Roman Empire, and of course, Roman Cath The Sea tere. Amociation hays FeAsO! that the Guelph iy council did not eomply with the suggestions thrown out by the underwrite The Oceanic is the name of a vessel ‘now in the process of construction in the north of Ireland. It will be feet in length, or thirteon , than the Great Eastern. will sail between New York Liverpool and will ran on Star Line. Famishing India has at lass been. blessed with. copious: rains, and the outlook in the stricken distriets has. in eonsequence: ene more hopefa From, seed: time to pies ing ayllers will set compelled to at the Famine Relieh works. Tt | Leibo! is ail to give the.casua] reader an adequate idea,of the awfulness of the “isiaton which, has, come upon the les of Indi, or of the.gallant war, ‘The fact that it,is a war. to.sa' poe to.destyny. life will not diminish glory of the. sents t is ese shat. the rom hunger nyunbe 0,000 ; jbut the great- a of the victory of the Indian civi: service, will be appreciated when it. is considered that in the last great famine in India, under native rule, the deaths by starvation were more then ten dines as nuinerou: TO DETERMINE THE GEAR.. i the attached table should be eut out and pasted it “will at all times be, ae venii ference, The tables, whieh ‘ell the whole story at a goals, fol- low Front, Rear. Goar. Sprocket teeth ..... 6 ONS RISA IS HO 32. ae, As the on f revolutions. per. mile. may be foveventin; also give No, feet per ee peeves) 14,66 APPARENTLY A HOZELESS CASE. A Kincardine Banker who Suffered Dis- m rae Apparently aL —His What this wonderful remedy for ri ara of suomach trouble canido is jed with indigestion; stroll yet | it were those: terribly. distressing: fee bridge at Niagara | as i | iD Rese |ineeting which resulted in rai ICAL CONFERENCE. ‘The thirty-third annual session the Canada Conference of the Evan- | gelical Association convened at Port Elgin on Thursday last. manner. J. G. Litt was appointed secretary, wlio uppeinted 8. BK Las English secretary; W, copyist,and.G, D. agi tawapplons: W. LE. iprenetes on probation. cused from attendance at Con- Conference in an earnest aud practical. German, and A, Y. ii as}the Yae; aS cathe - omiia at it. ,|do so shortly after the distinguish kenionis rates ee left, andhe read the nan lobart.” : fe re lapsed once more into abe and a Reat note of explanation was sige ently sent ident Presi “taking the car, but It occurred to him apology | Lieeuse Ti of North Perth a. Thursday, April 22nd 1897 ferred to the committee on resolutions. T. C. Meckel, correspondent secre- tary of the Missionary Society of Cleve- land, Ohio, and on gtiins publisher, of the place, welcomed by Oontaches and were re- ceived as advisory members. Reports of committees on temper- ance, finance and education were re- ne vote of thanks was tenglered A. aad for his servige- as statistical sec. AL WK: by the Bishop esi congregation ida morning the peg sermon. was preached in the Methodist ebareh by our worthy Bishop, wate they are e1 Toa notice. a little wonders remo’ the liver and bowel They act splcseaaiy. 48. ee 0 cents. “ Sold: by Tenders. a. Waa or separate tenders will be recei othe wadersigned np to MAY Ist for the easter There are pills and pllls-bui Tiree tina athe. ie sao vial ve oe pation gr trrecular recurso! Physical disorders," mesly vegetal oe without bi vethe cause, |: ble, They act on bance to | « . aos LIQUOR LICENSE ACT. cenider, applications for o’cloek, in the aftern in the law office of Mr. G. G. McPherson, Suton, Stratford. a mber ee inmned in 1896-7, 3; Wholesale applications for, ie art 199 8, Tore oo Shops, 2; Wholgsale * the suplicants in 1897-8, who: were not licensed in as follows: ero \e gran! ae: ofthe . apie or premises suck ol petition, or other et Teast ee days pase ce the meet 1g above. mentioned to the i nee W. CLIMIE, Ins} "Listowel, Ont o diet o es Torrance:. {Charles Donnella borat CHAS. TRIM, of f Momiogton, MILVERTON | “| Photographie Studio, Groscu’s, Brock, will beopen every Hidey until i further —from 1] a.m p.m. G. F. sans ves spoke the word in ti of the Holy, Spirit and with and 30 p.m. the following brite were salting’: as deacons ani respectively, J. O. yey sad H, Id as aecuae and 1. M. Moyer and Geo. Wipe cde * Ondine. tion was administered by the ek with the assistance of M. L. Wing, Kreh and J. P, Hau T...C. Meekel-. ia the com ne $600 for the Canada Conference Mey treasury. n the evening ip Bowwan preached agin insthe ee church te a large an spprecianye scien H. Mattill pees in, the chureh in the eres dark soe and Upon, the whole this day of the Lord, was w feast of fat things to -God’s people. The Conference choir ‘rendered excellent service at every session, and the music by the Evangel- fical church choir of Port Elgin also thoroughly enjoyed. he following brethren preached in pelos clergymen of Port Elgin were all introduced into Conference: and. w cae The grand hospitality of the friends of Be * Elgin was highly. appreciated. FOR SALE. AND WANTED—Sewing | i tho dar agaritet “the ality af oat Bront-(e7h BREAD © HEALTH heyond. di the FIRST PRIZE at the Fall ‘how. ‘ire Jou want any noes doincing evidence, try it yourself. Fresh daily. \CARES Prat Fresh every day, at The new G. Guenther’s, 3280 Dressmaking. families. WDressmaking a speciality. Per- fect fit, pian close cutting and styl guacanieed finish Can cut. by. the seamless preferred Orders attended. to MISS LILY ATTRIDGE, Brunner. Wanted—An 1 Idea ies Write, sedan wet WEDDERSI Soda of TO YOUR SPARE TIME EVERYMAN Has or ought to have an eye tohis attire. Fine clothing is the uniform of success and prosperity. Eyery man seeks. to look his, position, He must havea: Tailos to help him: do it, and'a, gaod Tailor at that. We claim first place in, Milverton as the tailor of men of taste, Our made-to order. suits are praised every where because they are. models of everything that clothing should be in material, style, fit and finish. BURTON, PPosITE Kertcuer’s BarBer SHOP: irae Women, to condact business at saareseingy no previous: ex- but plain writers: ssa ed Wenig Presents. Watches, Clocks AND JEWELRY._ George Pfaff, Jeweler, free eas rea! on hand a full line of Wal- , Columbus and En; He rooches, ack af llveewaie (elwnyenn Repairing MONEY f TO LOAN GEORGE PEArr, Main St.,. Milverton, A Few thoneand Sissi (ok pavate Wel 0 loan ow roperty ele Fane, expenses es moderate. Appl 2. bootie,” Wanted—An Idea 25 bg to patent fou wealth. Be Bonteatent atten: Ee OR Os Ee od Zoe wenteds |The eszlar s "subscription prion of me,” locas ae wand “Funny Pictures” is $3.30. “DEMOREST’S MAGAZINE ® is aed far the none of:our.monthlies in whicl fashion and liter Every number contains ‘sJUDGE’S LIBRARY ” cature and replete with wit and humor. I wits and illust free pat! it, All three of these thie chance te secure them he benntiful and iterature are 80 fally resented as in publication pretending Yom similar scope and peor ee ean, compare. wi tera coupon. is a monthly magazine of fan, filled with fee oe in. cark a A Great Magazine oe We willsend ali three to. you for one year for $2. or 6 months for $i. best family magazine published’: tere i ise the - one pee and profit,, is, in, “te ney ts contributors are of American: “ FUNNY. PICTURES: is another humorous monthly; there ea laugh in avery line of es are handsomely gotten up. You should, not-mi $2 please send Demores Name Cut here and return Coupon properly. filld out. Demorest Publishing Co. 110 Fifth Avenue, MY. For the rest’s Family. Masson. 9 Judge's, Library (a: magazine of fun), and Funny Pictures for one year as per yout offer, ee { Post-affice Bngiaiy B.C for Stas on mee 9 hundred inventions Wi TH = god solid brick avelling, with th lrge bes: kitchen and igures for. same are | nU tin it pea street. For further particulars |. Bressrin, Milv erton, RIP-A-N-S: The modern stand- atd Family Medi- cine: Cures the — common every-day ills of humanity. ONE GIVES RELIEF. Thad tr rl ae mea of ridding my: If of the. veonbl ithont sticcess, until] Lv use South Ameri: ean ‘oma a and I qe say for the benefits of othe o — SEVERAL FAITHFUL established house in Ontario. ‘vecon payable rai lig ety spies joe | Ramee a sain er Al Wirstewoie amie ein ] Salary $180 J. G. GROSCH & SON . ‘Have their samples of af the newest and best styles of ease “Call and see the = Red Bird and the Common Sense. Call and rae — NEW MASSEY-HARRIS WHEEL, We have also the Brantford