a $ “It Shines For All.” Vol VI—No. 18 MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH €0., THURSDAY, APRIL 22, 1897. MALCOLM MacBETH, Editor and Publisher THE BARG AIN STORE ~— During Easter week was something phenomenal, surpassing our greatest ex people of this vicinity are ot to be humbugged by loud talk. crédit for discernment, and we see that our estimate of them is not at fault. be foolish to deal with merchants who have in s old, when they can secure the very latest goods general public count for nothing ? Nearly everybody has expressed the opinio! Surpasses in variety, style, and execution, anything that has ever before been tations. Thi We have al given them uld people not tock trimmings and shapes, fo five years at this store? And does th man may study and labor fer years and not make a successful lawyer if he hay not a natural aptitude for his work : so it is in the miinery business. Toronto work rooms and then go to small town laughing stock of competent critics ; while it is ‘only spend a few days at the large ‘openings and on their return owing ‘to an ing: Some may spend almonth in the s and villages and turn out work that is the a well-known fact that all firstielass mi iners rained ability, |. are able to trim hats and bonnets that equal those turned out at the large city ee eaineas But we invite you to call and verify these statements yourself. THE LOCAL NEWS. Mr. Samuel Fear has been some- what indisposed, Men’s pants and es at all prices at Loth bs Guenther’ ir. Jacob Banoo finishes the ‘season's. phe this Dr. Park, at Darbom spent few hours in town A new line at ladies ad Shirt Waists at Loth & Guenther’s. Mr. Gib. Atkin, of Brecksden is spending his vacation at home. Mr. David Merklinger visited | ee daughter in Chesley on Good Frid Mr. Goodhand has been uni fee th et from an attack of the mumps. J. Cartis, of Listowel, is vn his holt ga aenud Milverton Have you seen the Silks Loth & Ghandi ure selling at 29c, per yard? John Goodwin, formerly of Schaefer Bros., is visiting Mr. H. M. Schaefer. Miss Froste, of Stratford, is spend- ang the holidays with her friend Miss reorge ford are spending their holidays As to our other lines we wish to call your attention to our banca in PLAIN AND FANCY DRESS GOODS, SHIRT WAISTS, HANDKERCHIEES, HOSIERY, ete. a ‘Of which we carry the most complete and newest stock in town. Also notice the prices we quote for HOUSE FURNISHINGS Of every kind, which willbe seeded by many of you during this $eason of house cleaning. fore this week is past the reads will be in ft con: ‘checked bicycle hose we have have just what wi dition for bicycle riding: in the line of plain oid i suit you. In —GROCERIES~— of all Kinds our prices are as low, and in many our stock of CROCKERY AND GLASSW. ? peas and low selling price to anything ever b cases lower than those of other dealers, while ARE is superior in quantity, beauty of| 4 fore offered in this village. Plaid dress goods, pure silk and woolalways sold at 75 and 85e, special at 60¢e y Job lot of dress goods, beautiful zoods always were sold at 50¢ you can bay these fur Bbc per yd Another lot at .55¢ yd great value} ‘Lot of dress leagths to hand Cheque silk and wool, beautiful goods (special)... $7 dress Plgin Es . $7 dress} Black aud ets mixture, in ie ete., Haedeoiae 5 by Specials aaitving eet htc Paice PANES dress} *and.a lot more which we-cwn. not find space to mention. Gall and examine for yourself, nn these goods never were shown here before. We carr: plete and up to date line of Dress Goods, ines yhaoee Dress trimmings, American manufacture from....De yd up|? Laces in endless variety, Hdkfs, hemstitched, worked ou corners, special at 15c each! Hkfs, lace edge, worked, special... .......... lic each * Another lot of beautiful shirt waists to hand White lawn, separate collars and Ee with pale blue pink and orange edging (special 98e each) _ Lace curtains from -30c vp to $3,50-pr Job lot of American prints to hand from..5e yd up to 12) Men’s Scotch bicycle hose, checked,always were 1 25 now$1 Men’s ae bieycle hese plaui legs with fancy Pie special Seep <li coll A full stock of carpets, muslins, drapery, cloths, lace curtains, blinds, oilcloths, etc., now on hand. Our stock of ready made clothing is now pore Boys pants, grand goods. Boys suits at .--6060 pr $1. 50 each 4.25 to $10 \Job lot of Loys caps to be sold at Fall range of caps for boys and girls now on hand. GROCERIES, ete. 7} Ibs good coffee... 7 Ibs extra coffee. . [Pure Singapore pepper, ground, 6 Ibs sulphur for ‘Get a sample of Joseph Tetley’s celebrated Tea 3 cans of corn, peas, tomatoes for,.........0+ + #60 2250 these goods are first class (Sardines in sxuce and oil. . 4 cans red kidney beans for . This is a snap 4 cans blueberries for... 250 ‘Stove pipe varnish. 10¢ can All extracts. ome 8c botule Twin bar of a aad otal soap for. ses ++ +-4e each Fall stock of Dingman’s Electricand Comforts soaps on hand = Ivory bar ou hand. | Claimed to be ‘he best soup made in Canada today. Good enough toe: and cuffs, ae Delve, finta. hosiery, cuff and clr buttons, Umbrellas, Alccae to that branch al- in stocl tities cotton bik iain (Hertasdorf dye) special 2 pr 5c) asnap g pr for 25¢ ‘Gents cotton Gf bi Ree tae, pr for 25c| 16 ae this elsbraed rene Niacdaitecs for $1. eet is this| Or os of wall papy ts sonmpletesand velling very idly, prices ranging £:5e roll upwards CROCKERY. 44 piece ten set, beautifully stipled colors, ial. $5 '97 piece dinner sets, gold stipled, special. . 9.25 set 44 piece brown tea set, special +6 8.25 set 44 piece white granite, best coral, special Brown cups and a special “ - Teaplates, spe T0c doz Call and examine before hee cleaniag. These goods pase were sold at such close figures, Gall and examine the goods for yourself and you will always give us your trade. GROSCH & PFEFFER = nt starch 5 cts, Dates 10 cts., {choice Mile fas 10 ok Th LOSS Ilhargey . Boehmet, of Chesley, is _spend- hele os ‘aay ab the residence of MP. Merklin; Mr. Rayer eraft, of Granton, is caning his holidays with his parents a v. Mr. Fear is attending the oan Bi Sunday School Convention at Mary's. Fania cold for millinery but the rs are coming in just the same at ith & Guenther’s Mrs. Wm. Davidson, wife of the ~ | County Clerk, is in Nickle Lolareg her ae (Rev.) M ice line of Ee aie arrived | OT at tab fd Cosuidies’s this week, prices are 30c., 45c., 50c. and 60c. per yard. D. Smith has two good second hand dise harrows for sale cheap, also one racy drill and one bread tas’ r. Hersaceum—the best horse and cattle food on the niarket, Get your supply at as itis going off rapidly. For sale Torrance. Eclipse " Gtayilen hay stand the test Models at $100, $80, $65, $50. Chas. J. Wilson, local agent, Examine our lines before buying elsewhere, Mr. G, Wilson left on eines Se) Petrolia where he will write o Bi oes examination for oe into the Methodist church ministry. . Honas Kalbfleisch who must fiver ede hibernating during the winter, has made his appearance in Milverton again looking as well as ever, A couple of young men arrived is Milverton on Friday fi Drayto ‘The fair enchantress failed to keep tee date and they are now wondering why they came. A young man living in the country the other evening ron: the tem bis hair with such firmnes that the roots came out. He now has.a dainty |°0, ad. "| little bald spot on the top of he si e Westman and George ape: A nice lot of eat ate nee open- an out at Loth & G jonograph man cy a rushing aes in the village last week. Pink, blue and green Shirt Waists 75c. each at Loth & Guenther’s. r. W. D. Weir on Saturday pur cined me property of Wm, Wilsos for $201 ats to hand at Loth & Guenthere Black Bea and Velvets suitable fot ladies’ cay Groand od eek 81 per sack of 100 wd flax seed at OC. Mc Tikatgey 8. ‘Try Leth & Guenther for your teas, © | Kolona, at 40c., Blue Ribbon at 25c, black or mixed Ladies, if you have not yet gives your millinery order try Miss Bass she is sure ‘ight. Lo k is doing very eerie d work. He lectures again to in the community should hear.”—Marion Dispatch. Mr. B. Hohnstein has concluded the painting and graining of Mr. Jas. Torrance’s drug store. Though Balzet was much inconvenienced by the public he made a very clever ae of it, In fact it would do credit te a city painter. Horsemen desiring route bills fot the would do well te an esi county. We have outa of clydi percherons, ot cat jorses.. Wee carte Leave your order with us if you want a good job. Folders and pocket cards done neatly. certain young Milverton swell takes an occasional trip to a neighbor- | ing village to visit one of its fair im- iB ibitants, With each trip his style intensifies, but it reached the climax on Sunday last when he took his coachman along who SG Ae had the team in waiting &t the close of the evening services at the aforementioned yonng lady’s church. Mr. Wm. Appel, pivstdent and ae of the Milverton Musical . Soci bl. sponded to the call. After the president had in a@ long and eloquent appeal, matters fairly and squarely ‘before this singular audience, he, (the er aes resolved himself into a com one and decided to bring the toe wee the Privy Council fessrs. Zimmerman & Moote had ee second aallvery of Ho & Wood machinery last Thursday as announced. e machines sere loaded up at the station and #1 procession started for the village rebshe ll had dinner, pbAnsirtemei that the roads were id that many farmers failed to come out, they entertained at dinner 62. After dinner oy assemblage of farmers was saldrone d by the repre: Mes: The weather lately has been ae changed! le. beginning of 1 we snow and then mud— heh fine“ weaatier gellowed Be wind that aided greatly in drying the roads. On Monday morning we had ‘snow then it begin to freeze and as a result the ground is hard umber of Milvertonians spent Good Friday at the following places : Fertney in Mrs, Dorland and family at Norwich : Mrs. Chas. Spencer at Toronto ; W. Loth at Tavistock ; Edgie Torrance in Wallace. "The turf cli oe the driving park heretofore have appropriating the national hhave ns as lie of sport and | ae) did nek meet with very good Histor Sy not celebrate it right royally, ere is no, doubt but if the citizens took hold that the ae would be an unqualified success. 20m one make @ move: 3] was sy bald eacae and Walker on the merits of the machinery. Since starting business together Messrs Zim- merman & Moore have sold 182 pieces ra which 52 were binders and mowers, 10 pieces of cultivating machinery— bae articles 70 pieces—altogether, five carloads of machinery. Sir. Casimir Gzowski to whom the monies for the Famine ‘Relief _ sent has acknowledged t! pete them in the “following Meenas t nto. Aart 14th. 1897. fononr, the administra A oe the song o thy three doll: forty two es for) phe Vtodias ine Relief Fand. ive tiatshonor ty he, ‘Your obedient servant, Frepmnict C. Law. Commissioner R. F. Official Secretary. JawtBs Torrance, Eso., 5 Milverton, This does not include the amount raised by the Presbyterian church e} which was sent through the chutch channel, a : inno éither bill