“It Shines For All.” Vol VI—No. 17 MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH €0., THURSDAY, APRIL 15, (897. MALCOLM MacBETR, Editor and Publisher THE BARGAIN STORE SINCE LAST WRITING OUR _ STOCK OF MILLINERY Has been greatly reduced, By common consent we are acknowledged to be leaders in this department in Milverton. Look at our windows : you will notice that we donot keep on exhibition the same head-gear week after week. The reason is,that our goods,as d ly P and h soon as seen, are d by ladies who wish to wear ‘PP the latest and tastiest hats and bonnets. A few days more and Easter will be here. Though this holiday does a fill so great a space in the hearts of Canadians as Christ- mas does, it is never the less a time of much rejoicing and visiting ; people come out for the first time in their ree, spring attire. If you watch closely you will see¥that the majority wear articles of clothing purchased at our store. We stand at the 1 front with our complete lines of BOYS’ AND GENTLEMEN'S READY-MADE CLOTHING sm, AND OTHER FURNISHINGS, SUCH AS HOSIERY, NECKWEAR, SHIRTS, eto, WHILE OUR LINES OF Plain and Faney Dress Goods, Dress Trimmings, Shirt Waists, ete CANNOT BE EXCELLED AS TO VARIETY, QUALITY AND PRICE. ‘THE LOCAL NEWS, Lake navigation is opening. ee For Saus—Apply at Sun For your read made clothing try Loth & Guenthe: rv. Henry Glelsee last week took in over "300 dozen of eggs. For first-class mangold seed, at 10c. a * go to Schaefer Bros, e ladies at at oe with Lath Secunia ‘Two wooden pie i ie placed over the stream at the station. ee Rudolph Miller st commenced lo the mason work on his block. uN numbet of Milvertonians attended the Wellesley spring show Je Mr. Charles Wilson filled the Pag of fing Poole Methodist church last hh Mr. A. Appel, of Tavistock, Baier Sndiyaieh, his brother Mr. W. Appel. Did_you see the Ladies Cashmere Hose Loth & Guenther are selling at 25c. a pair. Miss Buchan, of the Stratford hospital is attending Mr. Robt. Baird | - hides Goodhand spent a es ue last week visiting friends black for stoves, C. Mcllhargey’s, Stratford, ap] in cigs of it a new call in she would be ple: oe of the best pedigreed Promotion examinations take place lay. For the latest novelties in Millinery go to Loth & Guenther's. re & Zimmerman’s delivery of to-day. ecktoney Gael place t Black Cat shoe polish, Blackitty brushes cheap at Mr. Geo, G and is improving the pearance of his meee by pissing ir, Wm. eel “will not sow nee vase seed this lew eG crs dressed flax “Me. Thos Magwood, M.P.P,, acsived ome on Wednesday, ‘the Soy, having prorogued on Tuesd: Neng! ps per doz., pres 10e. cash for per yu can get 8c. oars at we Meta Soman been Miss Bui of Toth Tica if not, to see you. Geo, Goodhand has purchased a Mr. new boiler for his factory and intends ¢ | building a brick boiler house in which lace it. ee ©. R. Honderich cae to hava Jersey calves in this part of the country. Itis abou on weeks old. ide over the nk to-day, while Miss Keen will Mill Tavistoc! John ae who has been working all winter in Ripley, returned home last Friday. Schaefer Bros. sells mangold, turnip or any other seed as cheap as any store in the county, Get your Easter hats and bonnets from Loth & Guenther and you are sure to be in style. his six inches in length and nine son this h Mr. Thompson of that place, and Miss Marian Goodale functiohs here. will perform like Mr. Ernest Soeder, of Ellice, has in egg that measures uarter inches in reunion the other way. Apple tree agents epots a poor year. ‘The low prices “apples Try Loth & Guenther for a good lb. of teas Blue Eabbon ae 256. per Thy Kolona ut 40c,, black o TAKE NOTICE OF OUR BARGAINS IN GROCE RIES AND GLASSWARE In making these quotations we do not intend to adopt the plan in vogue among the managers of Departmental stores. These people mark their goods down to starvation rates to allure the unwary : when the purchaser examines his * GREAT BAR- GAINS ” at home he savidably. finds the goods to be of inferior quality and short in weight or measure, en you buy from us your goods are exactly as we represent them to you. Therefore if you are not already a customer of ours call and give us a trial and we feel assured that we will fulfil your expectations. IA full stock of tliene paualios, Lene, ie lace curtains, blinds, oil ete., n lOur stock of ready made shi is now colt Boys pants, grand g Boys suits at Plaid dress goods, pure silk and wool,always sold at 75 and 85c, special at 0c yd Ae os of dress oa beautiful zoods always were at 50c you can buy these fur. . 35e ae lot at Lot of dress lengths to hand ‘Cheque silk and wool, beautiful goods (special)... $7 dress|Job lot of boys eaps to be sold at Plain “ « $7 dress|Full range of caps for boys and girls now on band ar. mixture, in ea: etc., Hendaccns GROCERIES, ete. and a lot more '7 Ibs good coffee. . . 7 Ibs extra coffee... mention. Call and examine for yourself, as_these goods never Pate Singapore penper, ground, 6 Ibs sulphur for per .55c yd great value, dress| ich we can not find ‘space to were shown here before. We carry a most plete and up to date line of Dress Goods, loses i in toma Dress trimmings, American manufacture from... . 5¢ yd up| Laces yn endless a “Another lot of beautiful shirt waists to hand ‘White lawn, separate collars and cuffs with pale blue rank erat cepeee emaing (eperisl) ench)i4 cans blueberries for Lace curtains from 30¢ up to $3,50 prigtove pipe varnish. Job lot of American prints to hand from. .5e yd up to 12/All extracts Men’s Scotch bicycle hose, checked,always were 1-25 now$1/Twin bar of castile Be oatmeal soap for... Men's Biotech bieycle hose plain legs with fancy tops Full stock of See Electric and Comforts soapelan hand special Ivory baron hand. Claimed to be me best soap banat in great variety and all the Intest collars Seg Meee eats ssa —— oe M4 cans red kidney: beans for’. This is a snsp fone lines before buying elsewhere. The bike craze has Bee ae the people of this vicinity yet. The state of the roads is undoubtedly the cause. Another shipment of new prints “ Crams latest ” which we are selling at 12}c worth 15c. Loth & Guenther. Asa result of the temperance revival in Milverton Inst week the Royal Templars have added quite a number to their ranks, The roads have been thrown into a grand mess by the snowfall on Hedey which covered the ground to a dept of over two inches. Miss Lilian Doering and Mice Lilian Cook left this morning to visit friends in Milverton and other points north.—Monday’s n. Mr. W. H. Kertcher, of hier is visiting his mother. He has up his job in Anderson & Co's, tends going to Owen Sound. Herpaczum—the best hore ca cattle food on the market. Get supply early as cial going oft an ey For sale by J: jes— stand the Th $65, $50. Chas. J. Wilson, local agent. Examine Saeel ‘We must apologise to the ladies that were in our store last Saturday and did not get properly waited on, on Jaccount of us'being so busy. Loth & Guenther. Mr. ates Egbert, who has been su 1 in ing his last year at the London Medical school, is now practis ng with his brother, Dr. Egbert of Milverton. The citizens of Mineorton are desired to meet in Appel’s hall on Saturday | °° evening, April 17th for the purpose of considering the band question, It is urgent that the citizens should come out oon ae of this question. and cuffs, neckwear, belts, hats, hosiery, cuff collar buttons, Umbrellas, belonging. to. that branch al-) CROCKE ways in stock. 44 Bee tea set, beautifully ory with gold, all a colors, special set Ladies cotton a8 hosiery (Hormsdort dye) ee eae 2597 piece dinner A gold, Beipled, special: 4 baie cotton Noes special. : Pe pr for 25c\44 piece brown tea set, special 16 yds this celebrated wide flannellette for $1. How i is this|44 piece white granite, best coral, Bey Onr stock of wall pap2r is complete,and oollng very Brown cups and saucers, special rapidly, prices ranging from 5e roll upwards) « se Tenlates, special Call and examine before house c ese goods never were sold at such close figures Call and examine the goods for yourself and you will always give us your trade. GROSCH & aE Minverto: 'ERTON.— Senay Apa 18th," "(Easter Sunday) td a service will be held at 3 p.m, instend matter was drain re is now every chance for the little felluw’s' recovery: . : Mr. Wm. April 17th, sell his house Main street, Milverton. commence at 2 o'clock p:m. well as town scl hotidays in the scl Citize mence cleaning up their: back yards as farmers from buyin; AWilsonsjwill or Satarday, and Mr. H. Gleiser’ has secured services of an experienced milliner in the person of Miss Ne partiocutalatire of Hunlads & Bole Easter number of the Globe the th | The number thronghovt wasa fine one, All public and high schools, rural as Is, have es week’s ter season. The Is close on Thursday atearitioe the Sag! i re-open on Monday morn- atieen before, market turn to the old system ei iit larger towns are enabled to bleed the smaller In a postal, written on April Bi asking us to oo change the addres of his paper to Fairmont, Minn., Mr. E. G. Galley says that they have com menced sevding out west and that they consider the season later than usual Miss Bundy having served sabes weeks in the Millinery work rooms i: what's worn than Milliners who go down to Toronto one day and come back the next. ns might just as well com- eather is favorable. nas will be Redes Bers that mole pronounced rs use LO it will be see r elds made firmer thus fitting them for tilling. A few warm days now les hes eee good—it would, in fact, be the Indian Famine Relief Fund has been swelled by doaations from Milver- ton and Millbank. trouble about a quart of superfluous couneil souls alive for cai