Ontario Community Newspapers

Milverton Sun, 25 Feb 1897, p. 5

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The remains of the “Livingstone, whe was killed on_ the e P.R., west of Fort William, arrived it Listowel on inesday. ‘funeral taking place the following day. resent camping in tock, notice that this tréup, even as did the and beau! iy. Therefore, t in the event of their pide to this town, let our young wen powder up and wy to wrest the laurels from bien who now wears em. ‘W. D. Weir conducted exe of the ‘most successtel sales‘of farm stock and implements on the farm of Mr, James . Burnet on Wednesday of last week. 18 cows and heifers averaied $28.50 A brood sow + $26.50 things in proportion; the sale amount $104 d |) dairymen’s concention will The Kickapoo Indian Co. are at| Both lead Ku NoTas, offer prizes for manly grace th, | their club eiaion won the admiration 50 and ether |! | The last meeting of the Lierary society was the best of the d showed in their movements the poe rae of the in- struction they Ne: Saturday's debate on, resolved that the late Robert} Is the bes rit the oul ‘ ir nena nd the ern] Pace ee oe die able, Sul 2} debate on Mercantile vs. Professional} $1 very Sear syn es night, the} ite was very spirited at times. All M. MacBens, PUstastie. the new speakers did well. ac- en Te ing for the negative in an (ae We | excellent half-hour’s speech, S.J. space. | Year. |6 mo. | 3 mo | J mo. Grosch for the affirmative piled up the 2 points iu an. address shat Held the} Oxe,cofums../650.00)290 00) #16 0 96 00 . thi Half column.| 30 00} 16 00} 9 00) 4 50 closest attndion Tye ancaieal pare| Gamers. | 10 wh goo] Sal) 200 irmative won. ie musical veut ‘ighth col. 00). 2 consisted of tions by IGurather’s Une inch,...| 5 00] 300] 2 00] 1 00 orchestra, “- by Misses Burton and. = Fer it Advetti a Pugh. quartette by Miss Bundscho, A cionsoet oes Nowa rthe first insertion, alld 3e. por line for each su Medical Wi EGBERT, M.D. G,M., grad: uate of f Gallege of Tigi and S io 5 siudent of ‘ce | Lontton hospital, Pinion, England, Office ii ff Post Offic in tear o} ce, Milverton, Ont. Telephone connection with Poole, Brunner, hinety has not ap-| Lutheran Church and Rostoc! fos Tele in Grasshrabedl on Weduenday, | uedcotion of snarl : & tings will be ‘eld in recially decmugaes Heed praia i Gia Raisuitaat LEPS, afternoon at 1.30 and in the even-| oo. sie ecid a el the] rdinbureh. Granta ose z to. Univers: ill be deli ity. Graduate of College of Physicians an ote Heaton Nanyaen i Wosteri charapioned by Messrs. dhs? and sareeons of Ontario. ‘Telephone at Rostock, Dike eae Niceary aid louricall phe joudhand, while enith | Brunner, Robt. Hanan an Peale to office d_ residence. Tel comnectia gramupe will be rendered in the even- tnd itn il ok wher "the interests aisidence for night messages from. Car tage, ing, uit Nactton and Millbank. Office messages MinvertTox oe « Cuunces—Holy Dentiary ‘communion wil ministered on DISTRICT NEWS Ww. x BRUCE, Ms 7 Dentist. * next Sunday, Feb. 28, and service will at 3 p.m., instead of the evening as 7 usual. Book of Jonah” is the PRR, subject of the sermons now ing de- be hi ee ae aaa are cee fer days. Bible study the hour before be- ginning at ae! MILupang Concert—The next will be ma be Millbank Town Hall on Friday Rael Het 26th atl. n Rev. John Kay,who nar on the rise of the Dutch Republic. good pi gramine in addition to the address Nall also be given. ‘Monday morning, while the breeze liest, we noticed fro Chairmat §nches from head to tail eat escaj : Hem sferpeinie: mother of Mrs. Bae! i Daeboe, died on Monday morn- rs. |living who was in the county service ing at Ripley at the age of year k place at hall having bee" daughter's ire All fee! Mrs. Ducklow ‘our teaching staff without payi ft will have to withdr yuan) cea Se Seg nies day ee aiecing pee children to their own xection. tanvelle sa ale ee stiches to. Wm. & sermons from = following well- ae Dosland. Maple St., Propriel pre pce eb pen Sawzocs Wanten.—For first-class |divines: Rev. Dr. Potts, of Toront oust = it Bs Eiotowar. x. ew Non soft elm logs a inches and up in os John Learoyd, of St. Marys, ss COMMERCIAL ie Milvertou. ares keener en 5 bronaie Before ee et be tr eon toe Set iG ‘Low 9 be 8 ih wall ite allowed . specialty. Ww, Torrance, Piop.. Maple St. Scientific ayer feet ; Legs wil allowe ERS is OED cireulation of paper in the as 15 feet. ‘Gommon elm taken in any BORN Motels world, “splendid ifstrated No 2 intel en ate be without it. ee esti a oe rings of timber EXCHANGE HOTEL, Bromuer. Ont. eee {eicbe inmate Adare MU will be taken, pra er sete to Epwanne—In Morningion, on a He Ot Se os Gropp, Proprietor. Hest. iguors an = Some quatity. k elm must at least| grpcse M a Goo ina cigars. at pee. jass aecomnms - V4 feet in fen: Custom. sawing| the wife ery Rey: of e diugh : tion and rire stubling, COMMERCIAL. done. J. Boxpsc DSCHO, Milverton. Coverer-—In Mornington, on the inhi ar GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, Milverton. Fe: 2, 1st, “the wife of Richard Coulter, of edangbter First-class accommodation for vommercial em ventos, Fel ss nee i paras noise laa pam Sei travelers and others. ‘Three large sample | Eall ay “= aoe ae e ied aN prother’s residence, rooms. bling. Best brands of | Soros ear D a2 ‘Mr. Frederick Long, at the age of 62 igual ra and cigars.” S. maer of Main | Barley per ba ane y! ¢, who was a bachelor, | Hasncen.—In Morn isth | 224 Mill strecta, CG. “Hasenpflng, Proprietor. oe CN gna saci a aarane ae for more bide! inst., ae bared vite e Nonolas 1 QUBEN'S ate i cera Out. The Apmis per bag Be # ears wi highly respecte = best: ‘ion “ey eh All bis syuninuinees. The funeral on in, fimo va} 16th ina. [sores onhere ‘Two geste rooms 840 8 00 Saturday was ry large one, man: vareerick Long, aged 62 Only the ee of Wines, | ante cu a oS ple having been unable to gio Geet het belie Cece te ren ea i 7 plenty of shed room, Henry Rose, pro} Peale to the Milverton Methadist cs id as 0. 10 10 rch, where the funetal sermon was N RTH PERTH Mixeellancous ide : £ a x the Rev, Mr. Fear. ee re ese FATLHEUL | Tard 8 9 men to travel for respousible 3 3 3 6 Jet ai end av as xome of the interesred ties are located ten miles from th wae a cee protest may be iin eh of Rite ci of 1 line, Mornii ackiaed ha n married ik ae ioe waves Kesides a stricken hialstacd as ag infant son, pret sad be er, four brothers whom we eee our shiesres Geena in thei re bereavement. The fiitieri! ser nie on Saturday afternoon were eon ducted by the Rey. Mr. - tthek, © «| pastors of the sere churehes. aes sym- in her (;, | Institute w: Some Interesting Itemx Culled from the jcighboring Press rom Other David Breanaman, of Topping, mo had his arm amputated some 3 weeks ago is able wo walk about the house. Simone County Council will hold its sessions in different places in the o eeais Homier of West Templeton is dead as the result of a blow from an axe ee his wife’s h: rvices will in future be conducted =| cy Sabbath in the Perth County House of Refuge by the different ids. ld f the G to; also Sines the Haka ee Poraluate ‘School istry, jicago. | it the Queen's hotel, "Milverton, the Se ay every mob th for the practice a his professi S., Milverton, Ont. mate Ontario Veterinary College, Tor- dis domestic tnimals J, Gradi onto, treats al iseases of scientifically. to, by tel Dentistry telephone or eral and: Chrot isin ne ee J. W. BARR. VETERINARY SUR. (Graduate of otherwise promptly a by velephone or ‘A good stock of fresh drugs tended ti asean hard. A meeting of Bonanza, Nickel Ssniog, Co. Ltd., of Sudbury, will be held in the town hall, Berlin, on pee 1Gth.,1897, at 11 a.m. Clerk of the Crown, McFadden, of Stratford, is the on'y Perth official now thirty years ago. The London Advertiser, the best 5 | daily 4 in Western Ontario, has been en- larged to a seven column sheet, the former size being six columns. Owen Sound electors have carried e by-law to grant $40,000 to the C. e “R. to improve the elevator facilities by a large es aeee The waterworks erenson by-luw was also carried. Mary Hireott, the elder daugh- morning from the effects of Ti asphyxiation. he younger Hiscott is recovering. ter ot Major Hiseott, died early Friday | 17 Atti Societies ©. 0. F., No, 99, Milverton, meets e second and lust Tuesday of every fee a Sorclock, in their Subneuker é Roti store, ing brethren al- Wass weloome, leiser, C. R.3 Wi Spence im ‘Secretary. 230 p. ais ‘brethren always spel, N. G.; Win, Gros aie eet big ae he third Thursday of Spree ith at 8 o'clock p.an., in the 10. 0. B. Pall ‘Gonna Schneier Com.; W. M. Appel, Mens $10 00 Overcoats for $8 00 a6 & 6 25 «10 % 6 50 with co) “7 “ 5 50 “ 8 “ 5 00. 4 25. Children’ 's guna at cost and below Wool blankets was.....8 2 00 for $1 60 2 25 for 2 50 1 Beaver cap was. 10 00 for 7 00 2 a 8 00 for 6 25 1 4 50for 3 25 1 Elec, 6 00for, 4 25 |Milverton Trading Store PRECEPT AND PRACTICE Particular values worth noting, you are aware that the men’s clothing depart: | ° ment is a special feature of this store and in order to clear out the balance of our Overcoats we will give special Bargains for the next two weeks,—a proof of our values. ALL Precept begins—Practice completes—This is why we do more than attract you here by the unusual attractiofis at this store. We let prices serve as a powerful lever and this is the practical end of the business to you. Clothing Bargains that are must co. New Prints Just opened a case of Cana- dian prints which for beauty and design was never equalled in Milverton. We make special note of our 32 in. Twill, all shades: In crepons we won't be out done. See our Special at 12 1-2 Dress goods we will not talk about this week but will wait till our full shipmens is t» hand lowest—our goods at bottom prices—We have not time to quote prices this week but will give quot- ations later on. Groceries We aim to sell as low as the motto is pure Give the Trading Store a eall and be convinced. LOTH & GUENTHER JOUN G Lumber, Brunner, Busines Cards W. D. WEIR, Acetioneer for the Coun- ties of Perth und Waterloo, Conveyancer, Deeds, Wills and Mortgages drawn and idavits made. Bailiff fith Division Court. lage Clerk. Office, aver Grosch's Shoe Store, Main street, Milvert posiueamaard Sst se BAe wE POBEANDS BUS LINE, Milverton. FARMERS’ INSTITUTE Supplementary Meetings. Te sappleimontary meetings of the above will be held as In Attwood, in eae Tall, on Monday, March ist., 1 at 1.30 and 7.30 p.m. ASD In Grosch's Hull, Milverton. on Tuesday, March 2nd.,1897 e established bones. in Ontario, payable $15. weekly and expenses, permanent. rence. Enclose dresseil_ sta Ae co "The Natioual, Star Bui W. MOWAT & SON, OPP, Hand Ont. aler in Cedar Posts, Shingles Pumps, ete. ats... Apples, Butter Pyge per 6 Potatoes, per *Hifore opening 25 = |AKJOLGE And be exceedingly glad for the Bargain sale offered for the next 30 days ontly in ordered clothing and Gents : |furnishings. No rea- sonable offer will be refused for cash. eon ee au anita from $1 up beat. on B10 uy Any person wanting o| suits or overcoats made should not miss the op- portunity to purchase durinng this sale as goods must be sold be- spring stock. ~ Come Bion a now with the erowds and save from 15 to 20 per cent. Bilice, and were atterided iy. & larg: tances, oe Sends and meat 1.30 and 7,80 p.m. cee Wheat, white - 3 85 g = jeulars | tt red. s *:| Everybody knows us. Sat- Jareoses will be oe by the follow” cen & |” ‘staction guaranteed. ing geutlemen, viz :L. Patton, Hsq., Oxford ae Sevlugs Depart aus Mills; James Mebing Drayton; M. effected ta Mortgponat SE owe | On Ay Burrill, St. Catherines ; Wm. Keith, Listo- Pees ‘toeks, Bonds and spice Aa 13 00 and| well) D. Dempsey) Stratford ; and Isaac] bongnt and sold 4 rents collected 5 21 Unatet, Thorold, , Wills Agreementsaccaratels 40 o¢ er eer ‘re Insitcauce effected, Marring« Vi A gtwa attendurce of both ladies and . e seotlemen is expected, A good programme 3 for the je. mectinin | VV. nen 7 « being prepared. For particulars see established howtee. in peas “Salas 40 % il 3 able fret expenses. <5 oS i see le eopinese Enclose lta 5 50 oxtas Srawarr, J. A. Terstivin. pao es ‘2 patie pis evel sa) The: Neatiohs as Presidents Bee, | te Building; Sact a » 6 50 ‘The Victoria aoe Howée:

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