AS GOOD AS.GOLD. (28 ere Shae | aha eaa HOH & ace Genuens cucneie zs : oe : yyith a spirit of patriotism, which made] the force of throwing mine“ 2 "i dawies md Maa Resta eaneeted e. itenced. wh Tlaterer his ius = le. rs Feeys a ede d : | UC Il I E - |#iem ‘ne'mean opponents under a gen-|_ I followed Jacquemart nee other, | SUDGE HOKE OF SANDY BEND. CHAPTER XX—Continued. ‘ane, walked and read, or looked a ee ee in. “My history is not Saab ie Ova Dea Said to be the ear © Se oi Cinna al ne Ror cbeseac: leading ay ca nas ees Sie amped “a at ase ° 4 hv - Her considerate and willing disposi-| thus reached the eee a nren ane ee car aan Gee a Tew oe later than Eliza-| Afte aoe On ue BE case as| the ditch, with the intention of cutting | He Acts as Judge, and Counsel, and tion became a pitfa‘l to ber now/When-| ‘There,approaching her ay (Bdy sssured her that peg ‘ta f eavin, ie colt epee years, . Jose jd Duncan simply gave me kept. ‘The men went ong te Ooh Fe ee pene eine Pormere fat wee urs eae eer evel e sti >| want to know; w ‘lizabeth- ie enly easy manner, mal them wit! m, from reat e wood. ey | phi, peti she ak eerie middie of ee, dark figure in the |Tane told the tale of her Tite aa ehe ofthe day: tad ee n [ORLY easy manner, many, of them with | Shegeded in capturme some, Two of| obs Jere Comt began Judge y servants contd have done Tet. wae readings but” nod aS, iB: | understood it, which was in general the ‘ourse! tiffes slung on their backs, smoking and|the Uibians came straight for ns) | Hoke; of Sandy Bend, a3 he ‘aid a gun =which she often did—he set it down | hook; the wor a oe sped et — true one, except that the sale at the means of otaank it suited them. took steady aim at the foremost, but | on tie’ tate before “him and Tee through, peel ie porter squar’ mysef. s her faults of reeds Sha_would | ing ihe incoription on Mrs. Henchard's ioe ttiene Varo ntn ny <a fe grounds are eS ee az epelen oa tae Ee ea one iran © to the ombst _ now how to i , kitehen’ instead of ringing, sous the, .oBefomage was, in| murmured. "l “oak pee ae id to very much better oie tian meat }S: them. |in German. He was close upon us; es ' Sa vite;’ | Sue and size, and might have heen her | but, what can I Wee cont and having laid large Soak | Sule seq he was an officer, and he had vith a coug! bet rraith oe @iatie, Bon tb the tat fone : Pa cet eta ions fis revolver Teady_to fire as soon as | ter bang on to it or get out of doors.” AN INSANE 3 HUSBAND. ¢ it was @ lady much more beautifull it will be better soon,”’ sai ey Centenins ol wabe pry ce oa ™, | he was near. enough. “First and, foremost,” t al-scuttle; moreover, he would per | dressed than she. Indee ietmaberntives pee friend gently. “So 1 would not Great part of it away. This. broug! he pees pus yor ah, ened? Judge, after’ getting his pipe ea Fearsal Graciites Inicted on Min Wite— sitet Chante the jaclourmaid for F imsltterent as Elizabeth-Tane wag to go far Now what do you think of this: of view, was the v. i Se eta “Bravolr, shouted Jacquemart a the “this yere curt. didn’t want to be @ Me Used to Pistocate Mer Joints. ress, unless for some temporary win m want somebody to live in ariabi di hini it necessary to tel them verything, til one day, as soon as the. pose, Seaver Eran ted. y | my house, partly as pee AE partly and the resulting erratic fluctuati very little money left; and besides, most {that the weight of ninety-six rounds | horse st eanied rowing ts its eas over | court, Kase he don’t go much on er Dr, Charies Laffinn, a young physi- ei yas gone from the room, Heachard | the artistic perfection’ of the ndy's ape |f5 companion; would you mind coming chance ofa Per iu'e icine: ‘wnafa |of the eetrie pressures, which presets of the companies of francs-tireurs were | Of ball-earirtages, | eary «combice| NS Head, voting stoned: ‘The Nether | but having bin appinted aco pera | a oe NN ees Ce broke out with “Good G—,why . dostn’t | Prarance: cee : ait, too, hada flexu-| "Oh yea," a Rpt IPRA Beth ar y Jiving, and have ed their utiization impossible, and also _ got up by country geniemen at ae cle ea eae ot iy generat. as avai eine Giks wheeled off to the detaraloed to go ahead and do aes to the insane ward in Bellevue hospi- se, Wepilotatimeabiod Umi nicl se Urabe [eerie woe es seemed to avoid |in her e: es. a abe indeed would | life: iaues of study, and secing ie subjected ; Stee comp: ‘mong. Ti heap ware, fwo!| teres forwar the Kin, "The cose ‘before ‘us ar’| te! by Magistrate Comell in the Har- were a goddess-born! Don't T pay her jchoice than from predisposition, It was | 1,82ything, to be independent: for then | “Then make the best of it, 2 i or three that shoud oud have Wked ander | oer a Hie Gages ggg aan Jim Peters, varsus Abraham | em Eslice Court on Saturday pon, the & dozen pound a year to do things for |@ revelation to Elizabeth that human oe ae ae my father might get to love ven’s name—if you can't get Parties To overcome t gay siren poeeteanee ao ea aren ee Labeiet larga ee aac ‘sSituati looked 4P | Jones, and the critters ar’ present and complaint of the Rev. ‘Freeman, tr Wicth bra viniy_at | pinged reel, his age of tera: | "Ean bea, Sane “teeming om Yaga ort daiguorar 90 erent by Qrolemion | Te"GUingtine yl sevlvers ten [Fou (odo, any amount of (i! co/f Mle, 0s home on s charge the exclamation that he became ier 3) She tole all the trestnoca diated “T am no accomplished person. And| “Object Ho—no! Not at all.” | MOanda so-called spee fi consliees The I think 1 anage it,” said|but he was betrothed, as he very. soon )S4w Jus arm was ba - the case. Abe has anded =| Was arrested at his home ona charge a few minutes after, jeth said. that. to he stolen from herself on the instant (Ms Las saecss i to you, dear madam, must | After a pause he said, “But you See per ithe next morning. let me know, to a girl in Toulouse, and Boe Swit he re aes ery tria?, I believe, but he won't git of assault preferred by his wife, Clara. @id not mean to be so rough. by the neighborhood of such» strang- |". ot ae si have enough money for this | livel the fe, | HEE SOE YORE, Sarna ee reached, tic mon and that a dogen bad When a critter demands a joory | Dr. Freeman is ne brother. Dr. Laf- But the most patie, ordeal was to tint retary Shieh gicncrmice iad inc act Not? Bet Tean't ‘hel using rural Ties r Gould te ena eee ing in fave. sayeth 2 listened to his |been taken. prisoners, including | tl ia: in this court it’s a refleckshun on fan and Mi: an were married. come. Elizabeth had latterly been ac- Tatrinehey iti) the Sonae: lene ehinens when 17) dea‘ Hivcoie iat ran ke uk raptures he beauty of cee | ieutenant in command. We could see | the court Lies and anybody refleck- Tune last. me unhappiness that customed of an afternoon to take out a ee simply pretty. Piaistaryationaicee with rather Sau “complacency than ne Sore eins eet or ee was lin’ on the court wants to be mighty |followed was told by Dr. Freeman in ou & cider or ale and bread-and-cheese |,,The stranger presently moved from ver mind. , I shall like to know re likely to pay ’ee.” apeati wind po ce went Re Tis Mairie, | Some wor ve done. ‘There was an- | 1MDOSSt tn the middle of th handy west as mn July 1 they took a house the tombstone of Mi hard, them. She ena) bim for th fer havin s ? f rs. i other named Bord, the editor of a paper | OWN men were in he middle of them. gun. : 0 to Nance Mockridge, who worked in the Sanished » behind Mrs. Henchard, ‘and |" “And—oh, I know I sha’n't jflotshe a Se ie Per nyssif at the |2t Bayonne. He ‘was married and bad All this happened in a much shorter | “No ref-ection Your |. Madison avenue, and since, then, 9° pa ecttatiline hay bude: 4 Nadel acs wal ° tt ee al (To be continued, ae sys f pee be rt maysall at, the | faraiiys and was continually specu: [time than it tales to describes Ser-| Honour,” said the fewer re ho de, | cording to her brother, Mrs. Laffinn's cepted this offering thankfully at first; ng as things had been for |°identally learned to write Siadctend Se, iets the be eet tteries,- from al | ire i fa 2 ng whether he should ever see them fa saree earth “about at fendant, as he a 1 consi suffering, (ary Nag Bag eae aE | Bttabeth iz as things had been for | instead of ladies’-hand. And, of course, ABOUT TRAIL CREEK. estas trie aervice is drawn, & Be . you my dear fo] ERR sae esate neariy a week | er Mel. car back, and in about ae aon queried |mental and piel The Rev.. Dr. day when Henchar e premises | Hi t tobe one of her bad days. Yonts ths seastion others device pres NS a ier returned | hon we received orders to. join the | found that Uireugh phe tunity “of the | His oN Bie ee “My sister Clara has saw his stepdaughter enter the hay- tee Was chat TAA “"Whak, mot necessary to write ladies’ |" 72 Ameren Journal Max to Say|ies upon the oe fend esate be no longer et om henceforth we shail | Tost. of the battalion ol poy eesteonee in d+ | “wai ; sot down ai a5) suffered in five short. months sinoe her Doorn San aaa info os Seas te tet to hg PRG Se vue BAS | Stan ft Mae et Bote ee oe eae : 2% apoprred 1 am | Poletety Lae Snag onthe Toren [However abot Ze ee orbs ern ates Hain Sales He i i 9 « Iss! re you or iy Mf > a i) il i ‘D no clear spot on which to deposit the |{hat Parfras was inet mel: a and | “But where a Nive. Maas i ue ofthe Miner Bet E:ec-| wind statistics, both from the ulated company—and I os Shall ME Masuienors orden oe to | afternoon we- took possessio of. the eflechetiund’ from a qedk-Tabuiecand (nee complaint: Be assured me provisions, she at once set to work ar-|of the i. Thi f “Tn casterbridee Oye Mada Tye | ttician, of Spokane, Wash., devotes | States W eather Bureau and fro mareh straight for Patay, where our | Vilage without meeting any opposition. be batiboosted and’ toyed’ with. [that Dt. Lattinn’s oruelties began: the 3 rangin trusses of ‘vie, | fortunate. di ' after twelve o'clock to-| Seat deat of o Trail Creek; | tinuous perso: Sierra tions] wines tee had since gone. That evening, as I wi i wy “ fm week of their mnrried life. Her Mockridge ee betip cer anid onine ed the wai sting a et ee ee fea it fapeaks of it inthe highest terms | Uaces tis diz rection, and te that the the ed that we formed part | suard, a comrade told me thal @ trang tage ana body is envered with coarse ant ie ae hands on her hips, easefully, looking at |Mitut yee Saore woeomsadae Ris | nent expressed her astonish-|of praife. ‘The utterances of our ii be sug deac 1G reme 4 Baga ewan able toe Text month | Jat, D see brenda, seiner ane foe eect rare aime brung before it, anttine i'ma ned fee en Dam le : the preparations on her bebalf. aa ret PE "eve IW sia wite's|_ lt bave been staying at Budmouth bright and newsy contemporaries in = own or other [ike is et ae roe thet a ras for: ni zy ead i a can pet me ot; he has | £07 2Y,_ talle wii) Pha’ lawyers: Ae Romsteoe ee: his ee Pag ee “Elizabeth come here!” said Hen-|@zFival with her daughter there had aoe few Fev cM a AN Rostand melt usp ucaliy, ‘ber Gecmed Thin over any paste ‘pe bridges fore leaving, England "wo years ee its ee eee Sekt ‘wenty of | YOu differ with gS) court, 0) Jack-| tinbeind aan them back into pesition. chai: auld take Obe yeh: Peet mumetning in nite aie whieh, ha cease A ersten) This plant has been Rees ot ‘of calm, ne been in the Vol aritlery cof, ibe if Co ah Corps that Gs jn | them! they have brought in in about hhalf- | son, now's the time fu as ‘so and| While the people in the were ; Bway ido atone yourself Shel tars k. That dinner at the ie ne eh gh 3 ite to utili adjusted to this time we had | #-dozen prisoners. He sai ranted to } producin’ di convinced that something was wrong F s len Crown with his friends had been | St70¢ stone one ove ee o ulilize & very much t mi econ Bee Ae ates a ee ee oundedly ?” he said with suppressed |Henchard’s Austerlitz: he ad his he Market. wo or three tower rate of wind {peed than has extreme left, | but |ioa Aa oh Mr. Jackson had no re ment” to] je i Eas ee y, 3 patina 7‘ i Pee tee fad bis| rooms are fit for occupation, thoug been attempted be Nat ann aoyuting ToeMtbe Jooking young fellow, 5 heard a word of complaint, or a scream passion. “Haven't I told you aoe bang peas tate era ited consesl a PTY gleep there to-night for the other even an ubiquitaus Ubian. hes very dark eyes and olive complexion.” | Produce, and turning fothey for help, and so made no attempt to times? Hey? ing yourself a'ered among the aldermen—-that ‘Pesrage | 2 Now wil you think ove not even iota however, very soon to|.. THe corporal came round.and wonder- j who represented the ian His Hon- | i igate. On several the ; drudge for a common Sed of'|of burghers—as he Lg onke tae ee n ‘posa!, and meet me here the i dptigm of fire.” 0c. | Pag MRO FE fot d saree be, Istarted | our continued: doctor, $0 cakes ed Fee ea such a character as hers! Why, yell [80 the consciousness of this soured him first tine day hext week, and say if you ovine Pigs aes paper rel gabe, Bext, morning we fell in with coer thee B0th Ie was a bitteriy Paced die aaah an eats diane Oe GORE te eer aaT aa teprala ict disgrack me to the dust!” ‘Well, where have you been ?” he said Bxizabeth, her eyes jstining at this , to some extent a rival, locality, it hail ‘Marching ail | moon ot siege, tat the sky. om ither, Jim Burden! Taw-|'two or fae weeks since the marriage No wt oe pPaceiias wind witareds Ween fees aes with offhand laconism: Prospect, of a. change ee an unbear- Seay aie And a weight is | coutd b P 2 night, and seemed very worn out, not | Sear an Hie stare posaie ana Me-|yers’ gab is ail right in sartin cases,| he co tgok 08 ae yhine, enough to reach Nance inside the barn | “ve beon strolling in ths Walks and | 24°° Nascent. | iven when it is remembered that this] % Very large numbe sole. Mr. ments, as the time was not my to say demoraiized. The company to oo lown |iyut in this ease we don’t want any-| One dose. Seaton ‘ door who fired up immediately at the |GRUTCBYArd. father, tll I feel quite ae and the eee ete eee praise comes from an American paper | that'a pant of this ki i However, one evening I found ay oWn-| which I found myse:t appointed was | chamica:ly I slamped, aa ‘3 Gown, lim jedge, joory, and tawyer fur both Oa anuasomnrs tamer ve Loh ae E a i ae hurchyard. Prritiae nent , z i i Sor the hove Sain d, 1 was giad to. find, . by'| Partly to keep, myse pend pee ee. rig] slur upon her personal character. Com- pete dae too late. i about a Canadian enterprise— | oper: : ‘ Se tee 6 ee a to ten|Lavalette,” and. formed part of the nyse from going to sieep; for |sides, and if any critter finds fauit is fe an ts to have been ing to the door, she cried, regardiess of | This Was just enough to incense Hen- CHAPTER XXI andwe donot often meet with flattery: ree of cost, if constant eae cid. ue aie Rio anes avantgarde, We received orders to| early sixteen. hours we had been onthe | with my decishum he kin hev it out sane.” | consequences, “Come to that, Mz. Mieh- chard after the other crosses of the dav. | cyidhood memame pectin ih such a case! The ee of the | Pe EY i hold the village of ‘Tournosis. Our | march, In the on the opposite | with me arterwards. T shou'd weeks 0, Mrs. Laffinn motifiod | Dr. frcaueaenee : pa have Goa of the day; | chizdhood remains practie -|Miner may theref ba was ania Side of the valley all was dark and Freeman, of her troubles, and both he scuaecect! let’ ‘ee know she've|he thundered," Leery indesd. One | &¢ tl some. mature isi Vie mbps Lore at tol an aly Oy RA As we to see Lavalletie |auiets vet w fe hat ‘Uhians on the | Hever hey cum before acourt of ‘aw,|and her brother Mr. eeman, wai ed on worse!" H * . it, so did this Hign | Street Hal ‘now, for ‘ ‘9 which their ee appre- ed al _ Hewconce we twice i ‘ 4 about the Mobites he brought with him outski: ew hours before, | but it’s yere and it’s as follers:—Jim | of Worves' hear baa’ poke New York. "Thea she must have had more char- |{ the first time 1 ie ion of Rossiand has led them to : he: money, ¢|from Tours, our company for the time Though a6 we had no cavairy to spare, | Peters and iAbraham Jones own hos On Friday, Dr. a aiated ity than sense,” said Henchard. ate ee ee ee ra wong othe things s that strike the aver~ 16 nore She paced’ four 100-frane | being under a'young tieutenant |R0 reconnaissance | had been made. lin pardnership. It’s a pesky oe hose fhe, Diabeae rut. ook hits 4 ca z on a ions. ii y- me s ¥ i ‘3 yh mo, she hadn't. “Twere not. for Hier, mind dwel upay sarars? ma stots A Ty eenbetine ; y patreial te Oa, our vay is en a large | Was burning most ely “ihe work of 1Aind in one exe and lame in all four —— charity but for hires and al a public- | Meumnle, Bepchard wae iting 0." | but ‘the tady, and “Tt has come to pass that ae oes ar WAY WG ae acre “io the | Some disappointed Ubtani tegs, and. nobody but a Chinyman house in this thinking over bis jealous folly in for- own RR a Teg renee. all bbe rest ues Was not overayear or so ago not ing my g {rth Corps (then in retreat a Dear ver My | thonghts na feng turned to | Monet giv” Set Sees = eater CHRISTMAS HOLLY. q . - fbi 2 wer é nt ; : Si att odontal Pernt Say tre | el Jue onl, hove, 2 [or tt to ben aa no saree ls | | ee ee gee eed eit | Aha PEN ntl lag Sct ah eas gt at | ome nl hn Dal a th whoa if he had allowed them to goion|seeiae touch to information so pew. Pee cal cetera : fe : ing er | sight of these poor fellows any, tel eure T tucnanence whatiolet rac} she, cane tor pena Gems eee girs | used for Christmas decorating, though it ‘ask ber,” said Nance, folding | he- might gl have” Ieen encui 08 | to her in the bulk. a iniyvoheeeids tae pee aaaiier ate sot 1 : i Biles your" oa Re naa thee any As | nome, “Nowe: 1 said to myself, “she | drunk, and 2 Chinyman cams| was certainly at or soon after the Chris~ her eee mms in such a manner that |With her. At last he said to himself |" \yhon fe, Pat Gay. dividend payers. Rey possib’ PE unless you will promise not to | dressed for days, had a very de pressing | is going to sing, now they are cheer- eee offers Jim ey tor the ole | tian era. Indeed it may have been long ; ae yt douifontably? apratchGherhel [Use Se wn ae Jumped up and | it eee Denne sere ee Ree ape Oth principal mines of Trail Creek'| probabiy wa foray contingency that can ‘ ye more than Tee franes for |€ffect on our spirits; in fae Sore Re hear a Rb ask to: the! rare e the thing quick | before, for some of the traditions con~ think it m can peat ae oes srumners. Bite icha ‘oata opel er Paes ones ee coe MaDe, io the town pT eee ] | teouuen SM along, that however el ender intersw pled by a. sharp ts were | home he wants to know about thatc.o| cerning it en glared at ElizdbethJane, portion—not une Tati want iiy Hauke Gao hota oe is feel- id, and from 5, to 10 miles VICTORI. z a general Chanzy might be, our cause | ling fire on my right, which, However, oss. - Sint veils hi whias complenion, now pink and wuite|<> Be oubled. with her and no portion | ch thought she would like to look at {north of the vere ae paundaky? IAN WARS. Fras. hopeless: Twas we to con- | soon cease, and was’ probably, a false money and he Haut aneiees ne ap bicae ees all.” EAS outa of High Street Hail. She j ‘The region is most firm what l had heard often enough, | alarm of ‘of our conscripts, who ree then, what does Abe do under aah ment, lost nearly allo cipigeehinen Spa dan Ceriat aie ere eee se Oinestion The Number of Wars W bees! Bave Marked t ‘as fortune favors them) | fancied that every moving object ct in the the’ sarcumstances = former cozour. . “What does this|to interfere with your courtship of Ei- fall, with gray facade and FAVORABLE FOR MINING. the Que i{|the French troops witl hold their own | darkness gh inte sre er mean?” he said to her. “Anything or |izabeti of Ei’ | parapet, was the only residence of its Sufficient timber and é en's RB with any; but that once let them. know eritter, dot) W. nothing if you care for her. |X) sort so near the center of the town. It esas) peers end Navy Gua defeat aid it takes them a long time te be conus) Bin, said aman i is true,” said Elizabeth-Jane, “But withdraw my objection; ex-| had, in the first place, the characteris- | "o ining is generaily done by attention to a remarkable f er rmer dash. 1 noticed d git it in kes, ben inure i that, the business be not | ties’ of a country mansion—bird’s-nests | Nel oe a Seat ate that: in eae the rough orting oun: go over and tick the Chinyman ned wit| forest, and his supplies running out be “ei Did ou do it, or didn’t you? Where muse—Yours, | |in its chimneys, damp nooks where| “The district ike awh meee reign many i aul, vie hoss back fur his own. was in danger of starving. No game ite? rape belies b Ras fungi grew, and irregularities of sur-| js ww, ; sa Ssoge = of wars, “little £ eee a aad & aby THE MISSING LINK Judge ma used to Look Abe over ‘he diseover, and in the midst of Rae ie Ring of Bruins ons Pee ee ing fairly fine, found | face direct from Nature's trowel. wonderful. seems as if soma| marked its progress. ce ew ze ti eo Poe in @ contemptuous | cwld e discover, cs for a little while, when we were slay-| but abet Jane oghin in the churchyard;| | et as rewards the enjoying It, the | FORTE, Dome of & hoch cal oie aes ae Be ie aoe i ee me ype ee avs and then striking the tape with his distress a wild beast, the like of ing there. ay- | but while looking for the lady she was | stranger woutd have been wrong, for |for the apparentiy, valueless grant Be ee eperiod - Bye ire cir eae ee ed Coimece <6 Bare Bese CORES xe which he had never seén before, ap- ere ea slr done ice Ade oY ORES gr eon es Od lie gnar fng, when the new gee Tetoied them with Ween |e eae Enemand at war - saree tess ke af at that time 25 |the frozen ron ia Tee a “After Krenek Fave! Y , ones ay map, ora rabbitt| peared. ‘Taken by surprise, he seized chard, an into the barn; for, as- [ed up foramoment from a pocketbook ue had arrived, the house, ad een ee od. During the Bast six months Spe Bare ee world. Here isa 3 wich stamp him,on pea French side, | Passing the wot we came on an| The sensational news comes to ali Fiipiy sr fae ob be a hey bales bough of a tree, tore it off and GP rise tere teens iti 0 | ae cree ore he | oats a gia tea peer eas ee ih pee were eg arte Guest ec ee | ae" ver tt “ae mie ci ees sa prone 9 ante ee the ae ures as he went; whether or no. he sav | irregular, ‘The season ey unpopu- | Bas been done aiieyglopment|| peditions: Afghan war, 1898-10; first vara Ag we received caly sates Bp eho od by some ehasseurs who were ¢=°05., | of a French traveller, that “the miss: }whor I was rushed with bigness, and Chancel “eared if be fell to, the ule daca he ieee tek ee fee manitests /1ts Zocations, ths ‘regtlts: obtained’ pr ove {China war, 1841; Sikh war, 1845-46; i fan. ig | ine Helona it othe division of Gen-| ing link” ‘has been discovered, and ice? ‘What's’ what he| Ground and was turned into @ stone. on Pata AGES (gr pec | one road ce arte pe and | OS ae" tn |e eae Atemeress eae mn Giri Ramee NRA aa? Qh | ve. Poo ange, ae ciptre, who) Stl dant basco the, ua'gaa| op eae aed Ua teal ey i acme Be nad ate, gen | noe coierod deans or scemls 05 | RCS in doe ikgect shipping | ua; second “Atgiau wat 1m) seond y 3 : woven “fof Ge rman cavalry officers. root ee Ueki iusellica ue is Mulla Reewal| Sete etry voces oft. at phie vere | Coe gh tnnen tehat bad Pamir bis ere tae She fell |i im eS the wort as present, we [SiH war, 1848-49; Burmese war, 1850; ; e352 ees re fnetoned cg ut coe fee penetra na are of the) gion in Indo-China, on the frontier of [case | was "carried to, the Supteme OE ne ene? ody be was told would : | rien child with er position, otis eyes sought the ES ae <ay has developed Trail Greek, | Second Kaffir war, 1851-52; second Bur- with | ahead, bi te eckoned ‘het we were | Anmam, i a eae He 2 | Court, Abe Jones wotd be bung to| 46 found lying under the bough he had Brit; Unk whoa she got inside sh ‘Oh, ef saving quite loud, | rooms, and saw sights there She ledy {2nd demonstrated to the world at|mese war, 1852-53; ee ee ae e | the nearest tree and nobody would at-| Pore vA" the Shite Nor dite Eee sears Lies x ag dead with dear mo-| had obviously arrived. ‘The im Be 100" | targe thab whet Io wanted weapitel and | war with Chinay Seta ea et role tee the, bean da ciate agg lone by qnonhitainbas attic’, |e ennai, but it aln'k peas anf eee a, ee ty Sears to pray ake See ha eee mae Tou arrived. The impresvcn | experienced mining men to. manage wet Yhina, 1856-58; Indian Aa Ee eee ie cae neato card oa 2 aes n. iene nd 104 de-| thar. It's goin’ to be settied Tight | ee aeons. fouth to life, and after a jioulied of the scathing damage to [enade under. the "wail 2 litle prom:| ised manner had made upon the studi- the development. ‘The present dev-| iy Maori war, 1860-61; more aif | when we reached a get, wyon auddeniy | &re ong. It is a region of dense | yere and now and forever. As T “he pea ree} the task was accomplish- Seca tmaratting ee | aa alteg Malad Won he | Shaft stato ‘at | ested spec i,t inde | war, 6h; Asan an, 1 alae Mada igi on tbe sg, of 8 SHeM| Soret, fa which Tork “savage rasns| Gals tar” tie Bar City Gra and [fugq’ny tm (ve Dee mm 4 . nch seemed to be touch- | archwa: 5 ¢ capita! will poy ae Shanti war, 1864; war in on the crest of ww! ere/WaS | Approach is often dangerous. Among has ‘as he i 1 |ed by Something; she looked Tound.and | chai y’ merey to think” that. the |¢3Pi&a:, will. be gloriously rewarded :| Bhootan, 1864; by TEE we saw a Uhlan wal us e S - re. jeniat his yen oa het SERS ES Bay a charmiag cady was toside the dontront: | Dut it takes such a enormoas amount | wssinian war, 1867-68; : : them is a tribe called the Moi. One| ““‘Jedge, I'm a pigrim as has been ail dtaee ete her, rele but |ing wails, and to wonder what she was | ‘9, open up, i ropertis ous amount |war with the Bazotess, i868 third ; ol in pe th black sigs See Peroelt ing | aay as d’Enjoy was going through, he rong THE CHRISTMAS BREAKFAST. oman she Bad seen yesterda it a numa tor eC took car Thane bf at ta takes any Mar ae Sate A, wan cit Looehale, i fe tis fet tine 1 had ever seen one| woods with a strong band of follow-| Siege es bshede Be ae ‘The main dish at the Christmas break- ‘ Pei Reese RS te hoa Sihanaieap jee renal distros -and|| eathic oe Inet ei ee eee ae 5 ot fae: redoubtatie, hosavey aving | oa eva are oe deat cai Reality of | Irate bart aye wank werd fast should be chicken, fried in the card a topo there was pleas a has had effect upon the progress of | third Afghan war, * Bre bo, wae ie Bas! game Spanish |Prush with the A who instantly took to flight with| ““Jestice, Jedge—jestice. I'm ap-| southern fashion. Wash and cut up a ni van Taheeits OS ae i oe Dow. ral Es utolend, 1879-81; Transvaal a 1879-81; = See Taeed this ing his respousibi . the. ‘exceptional of one individual, who | Pea’ te f ae eT tes thesis Bape) young chicken and let it lie in salt wa- fucstionabie “doubt about its future: [CMa Burne 18825 eee, ae oer ee eo oe et of tho battalion to come | Ice Gathering Modoycome Tat esaall |F.cte ee racanel around fur: what | we for abot ball ge:hont: Cob Vee = is mow compared with el (1800; Inti WB War 1a8603; Zensibar, | ; ae Sor htifud face as | the remainder, of the. b x Tes Svhon he caw the travellers he| he's gittin’ yere. 1 had to quic the| fat salt pork and fry it in « pan until « gn. But ini and 1086; Chitral campaign, 1OErehird | af “Henri! HE: dould' tes nothing of them, came down ne tan hic feet| bar ond issoo @ warrant fur Jim Pe-| the is extracted, but not browned. d | hide’ ia auite at A rast. Ashanti campaign, Sane Necbort te Gone fiuuetite ! Terie, “E aye ‘no time; |eided to push on cantiousiy. Re ma | rlat 16 the kerk, apokreniny hb site| OE eae Se Putas js afore this) Wipe the chicken dry. Pepper and a few are as ee ‘ces and pack- ; Panera er era : sae | SOta nett reer aa his fail, and attempted to escape. But | the court, in the eye, Now, then, did| dredge with flour. “Fry ia The ero > f [the 30 lady: was_sitting:. daw Tenderin, tir aa hall iat eee GOLD SS CAMP She ‘Sou : = she was doing, me agen y seil that mewl to a Chinyman fur ati wna nar ith eS i ; de her. -| the wor'd nis ever gown. The Second Birgade was ordered to weeping down the road ” the chicken is fried, insliug she lived on, 0 dumb, deep-feel-|,, T guess ‘how it is with you’ said abet trotted through the open do2e | is yet young, end.writh ‘the developments | reh from Suarda to. Sadin Fanti, sharp tura to the rig fi oper ihe bree ¢ wich milk into the pan, thicken with not a singe contiguous [aye ae tatiana ce emerity, she went quickly out wil be more ee eee Grants ae pt ta eres j a 5 in front of us) 9 squad: | language, f at bramed@red of it!" a tablenpoontu of flour and one of ut : ( B vasb rt, instea ie js . ing with patient fortitude her incipient |stone. Elizabeth looked up at ber again OF mutha synlch, stood open By | cmbraces 8 _woadertaly ghana regen att oe ae i { as the audience,—a song was just | we Stiarvards learned, compistely lost| the wid men gave, ‘em Soe oh ine shoge Ris ba gstpest Abe, Jencs 2 | ey hop) meine Dery ay interest in Farfrae, because it seemed to foal tos of herself whether there the fofty wall of ths back court Lo her | unequadled in Jany other part of thé | Reaty marching orden: water was short. { § abs (ie ee ns ee “the his head, and if be gave any ordexs, We) verrupting his discourse ‘with sobs and] ‘That's what.” ene, nd Pour ome form an excellent ‘eu, that ee ee ete ner was ao leatten os aacinem thatthe Look Aavicgh cep ine en ee ese pe oulane tie Ata eee stroke Re euc rao wate Gelenele ae | en Mamzelle, mamzelle,% said the voice I net eating motsrtryingeto the | Powis AID Be tae, oe are former-| “Bat he “aidn't.” : ue accompaniment to this Christmas dish. q sal, shifted her quarters from the back girl sovided there should be onfidenc sigh > ater loor. which had | “For a : 1. Num ee ae calll-bi : than | LY ‘pos y are no| “He never cum a-nigh me, ¢al Chop some cold boiled poses into a : i t e. oe ntre, Rossland | £#! bers fell out and soldiers were “of the nerves, especially of young troops,than 9 , 0p ee ae = view of the yar mother,” she said, “’m: be hs Herre oe ieatley, an o has great future, a oe "deed: to ae most exhausted conditio1 & 2 There was a ook, of intense love. “ee receiving a charge of cavairy, even ‘if Tonger universal sueeutees teense ven faetieg al, Ne vee are ‘boiling ee made rena = Pate ee (which'she had occupied with ty tow Tee te yas arched ant vod alder | “RE” reaan ee ia the First Brigade fared still ‘worse, BY | tenderness in her bright, bewitching | there is time to prepare for if: Det i i i be a | ver ove yas “of $201" eeeaes ra cup of rich milk and tow fronts fel eae st ur father, Mr. Henchard. He] even than the house itse:f “Phe door ® nents in progress ant es dev:| They, were ordered to. ef out one af = 4 ote te aakeee Oe cha betad | ao Blea oe a ane i “He do, Jedge.” arsley De ee rons otrioae : “ th Bote Rats progress an pric Peon ee ee ‘Good-1 Ublans, 4 if ie 9 2 re streets Dut as Serie ig man when he is ivnagey Golde Wtlsabate |e ee an nae the to da ve reason to. believe | Miles across the rare oa thirty-seven x me, and Kiss: over. ie they ORY the side of te vaeaas sa ee Shoot two handed ? Light, delicious, mauffing. a flaky never ee hae se he se:dom or he exhil comipcleer, as” could cr next 5 year the mines in the Tralt wing. his’ rifle, ae kit, two days’ ra- W the os) Prnperrpiees however, knew “Bat ye don’t mean to shoot w Sauer Bene en A pea je cu a Winter had almost come, and unset- aetna toamusits ob iien “} eater ge ors putt seengee a fhe greatest ino een aaa a en | aha qabcimacon tannin ote nothing aie ee iflaRerward for them lea etapa ‘an and st dex] 2 ample te the Christmas breakfast tled weather made her still more de-| ‘‘There has been a di > sean cam ey. and fire low.” roared ties. Weve 0k Saw ead ier in} sepctaen L re ha: lisagreement ?’ ab thes Fiat. its mouth: he mining sensation tor @ fev ie upon them before they reached hain Bie ken these id T wants " a Necks wees’ cosinor cass onic Te Derhate te ” ee ere 3 tert ‘ge ea ea off | 78 Rcre is no eink song ie ae se ries caught uj He ade at me pipe ae a Ye ant Som, an" ye“l git ‘em, Abo RISTMAS AT OSBORNE. in Casterbridge—days of fi CE ck Sn ea REE etre ngs ne oe ace ie eeae fa been men fell out, of whom nine pA LEE es sot Jones! This yere court don’t "hesi- cH I exhaustion which foilowed any uth Se bvwsuc is iayiconk celal teres pee or eA ROR a ee ae tesa hort ancton ca e. aienare oo Eth tie ears 8 | Chey are eT out ono ate. eoximed ane cay that Jim played ye low:| The royal boar's head, the baron of : iy sig bs seyen hundred men i bi t it ds, i i fon Aiegbe ip a th an a pe sears ix tout hate, ine re rahe iat he ag by the, weakly 7 any re mn as Biter as and of ioe Tattalion of ae her Uj ear ing strait at mer I ae Bun Rosset erin = A ee acer rece 24 Te beet at A euler ye ss Py i Cae . ave done | at an the fi unpieasant feature of i of pl sixty marche A 5 Sade ne pothot at, | pensable for a British sovereign’s Christ- i ws for her periodical | it; and I said eae “ae Roscand is pare to brinj ts.”” into their hake T rem ‘ing thrust with a é ts ti ‘and waited a‘l night fur ye. Ye might | mas feed, are all sent from Windsor to busied the Sivces waren ee Had she watched she wou'd have been | show’ that’ fn inde ae, auflcient, to Sper vs By ye Coe BreeeeR hey won glory and. rome tates, | Ost dy cooked. 1! 3 head ; ey ne d to warm towards her | aurprised. | She would have seen that | comp ep a ee ee (AN ANIMAL CENS! senor bin se a eceoe yer money, eral yansenence | onbone aay. oe : SO ee aan cis seine geri he pedesti ig up ie pelle a myont cyst ey altel a and went. “own apter ver boots instead, | is brought in in solemn state, proceeded ore fetes ras bia tts oomttant iy aa peeenloo yords ere mera a straight fan ibatdhel ceorwer thee The latest enumeration of the animals wae belt atenned hee The verdict of thi that. Jim| by choir boys singing a carol as follows: Gime rningled with ibe dust ot womkn. ese oanyret ee SRO emi | ee eis pened pean hie: liahd toe ithe ‘known to science includes no less than i agae gee “ats ee taken’ the. I Peters ar’ hited BS eaten dg aare.” 7 boar's head in hand I se ORR asl abra plie geal Ai as EN ea Saag proud—perhaps am-| ‘atch the lamplight fell upon the face | friends thi ks . 386,000 recognized speci aah Peres Sioa Se “Whaat; fur” asked: ae fe ate Are ee rho Tay’ ornamented ‘with glass hair-|Ditious; but not a bad man.” Her anx-| of, Henchard. iends thinks so, high'y of our natural gerne rung Ra ORT gurl they are “ur seclin’ out Bedecked with bays and rosemar De tkat tunitia conene Gane [eine with sondern Eo eee ft Erizabeth-Jane clung so closely | In it also nan, “usht £0 Delieve la : re Soa one eect vars aap ¢ squadron had passed lik = - agire get 3 et a sight Ghat eats. in Pe. on metry i . sae nook that she discerned noth- ae x nN treat them mone} Sate ar’ fined. uot eati: vivio wiitmast, ‘tea in the ‘moraing was| the houest girl. "And be had’ not Aareed | Nea Py _ THE PRODIGAL SON. a when ines bad “yew pulled See Rie that “hey “gre be: $25; mhich uh asp Kivers “thee west | mR ae ee Ae about ber hour for seeking this spot- | been unkind to me till lately—since mo- ita etme Hy Bee ying than They had. however, several men | ing gtadually exterminated. “Bui loes it, cum 50 3 = : n fee revors tae ee Taine angtning| 26 school’ teacher—Can i ag aren tis disappoint- | ed Abe. . time when the promenades were i very much | definate. as wnlady-like, atin Rows emer e tere ea aus an none a'Enjoy's necount. is disappoint |°4. ("Gam so. from ‘pea:in’ to the law'| Lord steward has provided, this eee serted as the pillared avenues of Karn-|to while ted. All if we can Teach thet wood we shail | ink in detail e 7 usiness: sil ing to defects, I dare . All is ow-| thus ctiriousiy i eeping theo ae Street Arab (recently Hien in)— ates” 7 oad Jacquemart; seribe thé creat ' tail, mor tell his| and wantin" jestice, ye could hev|. In bonor of ya Reet = bliss, down then int into i its 4 dail iy elisa oe A detect a eee re say; and my | known to each tees iat ‘a critica’ niom-| He wuz de bloke what tlew in all | te better throw bet his eee pet eight, color, and features, He only | buffed yer pard and got yer sy. Lb) O1 ae as i : eile ew nd alee # ent. Much might have resulted from | dust an’ den went home an’ laid down : 2 cee age sia ue caecer ices eds that many of the race’ have Ren cate Vetter leave these Ses iza~ recognition—at the least a query onjondeold man. . : ; 5 oe b ats iene: Ohaiot by name: culiarly ‘accentuated ones, ‘The diggin’s andnever show upagin, but I Sy ie : eee ay ; ft Gay, for short service was then |who seemes ly dazed. Being | one he captured red evconed_ he coves | 0 a Bs lng antes, Pocine. , 2 sO hey were animated | very active aot oe ae at ink | charge of him and sca} take, ye’d better Te keerfut ofanother. “Exctanet