> 2 E. Gladstone has written oy an- eee letter denouncing the Sultan of jTurkey. Tn this commonication Mr. 4 pare he | Charles Tupper. THE FINEST TEA IN THE WORLD FROM THE TEA PLANT TO THE TEA CUP IN ITS NATIVE PURITY, does not keep it, tell him to write to) ra ‘STEEL, HAYTER & OO. ” Ga ee a ce Wanted—An dea a Zemee Finegan wens ‘D. C., for thelr Washington, Do oh aie f : “ ‘abanl The’ Assassin, — London, Sept. 14. [4—The Righ Giadesone says: “In. és and not his. Se se karnacted is the author of the massa. tenance ay ee port to the ndeed, the presence uf the embassies at Be one isin it- self substantial countenance of support to him and his guilty proceedings. The coercion which should long ago have been applied to him might even now be ee means of averting another ser- ies of massacres.” Le = ———_—-—__ The Great Assassin, New York, pos <. 13M. H. B: Cham- berlain cables from London to The & The aitverton Sun throughout, Eu England, at all events, pi jaan oF political control encouraging it. them to sucosed in making it. | i G THORSDAY, SEPT. 17, 1896_ po stop further outrages upon Christianity, humanity and pring poe even at the risk >& Rosel It Will Be a Surprise—Vexed Question. Settled, gel oe: necessarily always mean “ settlement” z rances indicate | wi Liber! ppeal with the clar of the Manitoba "esha | tors of t it imp! lies the settlement of the ques- pies ae a Enropean war. feadler of the Liberal pasty, has spaken at last, but it is in a tone of rest muses rather Soba Lad Salis his Pe and his cry is: ‘This is not a It is isa Rerpeh ee Tipeend mch en- | which was thought last week to be :lsurely the powers could overcome ‘as the {Surely the besorted Sultan’s eup of willing to make any further conces- sions to the Laurier government than he made to the late government of Sir ‘The school question near a settlement seems now as far off as ever. - pS Massacres of the Armenians are go- ing on in Turkey every day and are copnixed at and sanctioned by that impotent hell-hound that holds sway over the Ottoman Empire. It is said that Turkey is called the Ottoman Empire because it is so much sat on, bat it should be obliterated from the Christian Europe can stand by with- out uttering protest while brave blood trickles through the sands of Armenia, is almost impossible to eomprebend. their jealousy and mistrust of each other untii this murdering of men, pil- laging of homes, and rayishing of women was a thing of the past. The nations of Europe to-day stand guilty, because they have the power to pre- vent this and do not exercise it. TTha latent reporter fram |Wionipea | accor that Premier Greenway is 20:|Qf Rare Beauty,. Of Great Worth, At Bottom Prices, Are Our Ladies’ and Misses’ COLORED SHOES. The trade never saw before such splendid representatives of all that is best in every respect. adyance orders on them, We are delighted » with our ‘and are pow certain that we are to have an enormous call for these unequalled ladies’ and misses” Shoes. I also keep a full stock of Frunks and Valises. =a J. G. GROSCH. These Are the Latest. iniquity is nearly full, yet he defies the combined armies and navies of Europe because of their mistrust. For the hour at any rate they should teach him a lesson. Instead of negotiating with him, the thongs should be applied to his ulcerous and diseased back with such energy that his dead victims in the bottom of the Bosphorous could | hear him scream and how! and implore the very revel is much is, known : Mr. Laurier | evening news ihe convert of Europe, Mr. Greenway ea arrived at a os meio been apa id dis- al - graceful ~ ‘method of re- thorou: hh understanding, and although | 7, by the. powers 10 as een i ta the agreement are made ae e pablic, the full significance o “MAKING ROME HOWL” Gin be easily ‘comprehended: by the |forciga aida,“ Now reement, which | val i o mne’s WI fer of Hon. Mr. Sifton from Winnipeg | England will listen to. He is still the most the national | potent porsonality in these isla i doi wa, includes re con-| but force iene —_ moral offe is GLADSTONE'S VINDICATION. The English eople do, not fail to note at splendid vindication re scr is. nowe fernishing spainat |" the chief reproach of af his opponents when he was in office. ‘Then s sneered at alleged weakness sud la ae he is the only man ef raed mands. ‘Thé belief grows stronger on all 2 Cet that a great ipeke al French liberalism, of which there are } powers. his ‘SERIOUS, IN CONSTANTINOPLE. The situation in ee cena ees is S an probable the ery of the minority | *°ry » Not ccived ie for the justice which they claim has | Qc if Oe tinople ean bo ralied F - upon, the Turkish censorehip being of the been denied them will again loudly strictest desoript ollowing, sent ring throughout the whole country. | across rd ‘messenger from one onden Winnipeg has neither capitulated to | of the most reliable English corres there, gives a fair idea of the situation : tl nny ways of patriotism and con- f s, “Fe hi ciliation, nor has Ottawa dema: es Lae ea een the re-establishment ive = separate schools. ASKED FOR LITTLE. 10 their native plac sy doing In fact, I learn that Mr. Laurier has this they Fyonldbe playing ae game of the lic, but I have it on um |, on is. of one rhe for every 30 pupils After 3:31 religions exercises, also The terms Lev sod tale “ lets bids not yet been made scoala ana ve } Turks.” ENGLAND AND TFALY « gl Boe led as cet that Eng- (ED. nd nally vie that eaearin ge should be ordered to dar cocsaia see aie will be allowed to be held |*/ by the teachers or by the clergy of any = past cra separately or unitedly, ls, to P. he vessel th ie a in’ posvession Of the} The Malian Govers rev refa iivulge Pies thaila hor ee a ase but this generab’ outline is sufficiently | if h Ttalian porti explicit to indidate pretty clearly what will toda Tt shows ae Mr. Green- | way d gray e bis firm | poy Ei reins of “pei power. afo ANTED — SEVERAL Fall THEUL eis Toni. wold pare Tarkieh territory to the i "4 father. od Notice of Dissolution of| foree the Dardanelles the people of both as for merey, yet recetve none. Dirac by 4th day of | Anta 1896. paid by the 15th oi 1 carne eee Angst 14th, ies." Monumenis and Gravestone. THEM FRO! **| ROBT. MecLoy, saiivertart Agent for B. T. Kemp, Listowel. COMMERCIAL. Sept. 17, 1896. $ 57 60 price to suit you. Golf Caping. Yours, ifene EL 7 7 10. - 10 8 s 8 Bes 5.5 19 60 60 26 42 42 i919 20. 85 lz 10 2 6 0.00 009 400 5 50 t.17 , 1896. 00. 09 00 00 2 60 12, 40 4 3 60 32] a8 35), 5 50 oe Call and see our ladies’ Jackets. “They will please ; and the Also a fine line of Tweed Dress Goods and: H. Gle’ iser. GUENTHER & COMPY —FOR NEW— LADIES’ JACKETS AND FALL DRESS GOODS. Men's and Boys’ Up-to-Date Fruits in season. The Baker. . Pure, fresh and cool. Made from ) Purest | he a just killed. ‘ Cream. and Wholesome AO UA SOUT = The Milverton Sun ‘THURSDAY, SEPT, 17, 1896. es pistRIcT NEWS Some Interesting Items carton fromm. the ee ride in?” «i from jeighboring Press am Li Hung Chang is now on the Pa- “ cife bound for China. Canadian cattle are again being shipped via Boston. . Harty 3 at Montreal, Ith, yn. Win. much Bancoredle in heal ‘A Normal School for the training |°" a of tains ae sate science is to be n tried at Sandw The pen Seaeaniie South Longford, New York last ee gone nite nase ) ior el . be discus: Whe Great South American Ke e seco) aan montharsiane- into minutes—still no’ Beds | «4 ” ed: Bot. | Strange!” he exclaime mmaee care Effects a See ee With the great South American Remedie: occasionally hitting the in rade suffering in this man: _ NERVOUS DREILITY Me Me : Me ener oi| The man seeing the coin coming to -» became completely, pros: | ward him, bad pocketed it, thinking ity. anber Cae and tary medicines, them. Having seen L de- shi Tittle if any oat fo Sout ical Cae advertises tri Ican Teuhflly ian ee advertised tle. ia few days, nd Create me Med sere I inter sor pa ee on Satu very unanimous and enthusiastic. ike Hattie Nolan, the mulatto wo- wich on a charge of Souonan her husband, was acquit! Lord and Lady Aberdeen will visit Stratford on the Jord of this month. Preparations are being made fora big reception. The Sultan of Turkey i is said to be tated by disease from “4 Be sap and his dethronement | Alpe oe day. . P. for | however, le came to the for! “rena peel in| road ai t 800 sit elite lett limate is d the earace js urged is “us some mears of warning the Not i But Always cure ieeieee Merrick- ted with Nex RL Prominent amon} insignia the Army of the es ee Acie, ee is +. James Gorden Bennett of the New snk Herald has a strange and One day, having | his = visit. orthern man fee through rsel arrived at the nd looked around for @ sign. mee amo& yo8 pure [[eD SiS See OO! S ‘ob ‘Sz ‘ssoyowoyy ye eM sy L HOWod zo ‘qoxseq jod sjuso $9 puro *e/The Red Flag Store, HOFFMAN'S BLOCK. The Bargain Store. verton, Ladies’ The above are just a few of our Furs, as t find space for the whole lot. But f \we canno ( come and inspect for yourself. In Ladies’ Jackets, we have the cheapest cae best-fitting Jackets we ever handled, and in all colors—black, brown, etc. them from $3.50 up to $i, special cuts in the lines mentioned above dur~ Gents’ Gauntlets We have opened out our entire stock of Furs, and find them the best value, most up- to-date and largest stock ever shown in Mil- Following are a few of our prices Lady's Black Astrathan Coat, 34 length « Wool Seal Cape, 30 in., best quality... 26 a Gent 's Coon Coat (extra quality). - Wo mbat Coat, heavy we can buy, ©! nly. Gent's Wombat eye not so shat Fur Ruffs, each... Nae e ee ocd! ing Fair week. In Dress Goods is where we shine. n town, and we carry the largest stock’ i the following notice: © occasion, while exninining e monstel be the meaning of i it was meant for a tip. Me Talked With The Fope- nee Sept. 14.—Arehbishop | in, of St. Pponifage, (W ae came of ee of) with the Pope on question a and it is understood ructed the archbis! d, ed that the Prince of plane: asteesteesittt ny apse between x feat” for cross ing this bridge faster haa 9 999 1) 9 THE ‘FALL FAIR AT MILVERTON ©! 1 without doubt the Best Fair in the County. Remember the Dates : SEPTEMBER =: ne and He Our stack is n say we Jet Ornaments to stock th for yourselves. have a larger, (Wombat) per pair. : match goods, and also Jet Trimmings of all kinds. — i ow complete, and we must» ; an we ever had. Call and examine 3. quality and best 16 - We have We are giving We have cleaner and cheaper TRAE & Rie te stolen prisoner elect je trial tried For) The two best and most tndecncl popular Comedians in Can- sufferer Sats a ata sufferer tl Sda today, Harry Rich and eae a oe =s\ WE. Ramsay, will give a Concert in Grosch’s Hall on Until From now Knewies Has.a Paste Knowles. who wa as accused of hav- oe | oe ey rigs a ‘il in gee Milverton eprond will take rhe on aed ri to “He aces borrow a cent from eed Mr. i a dt ae iisenle: ~ eam: sae Chastie a accusing nee e ex: ‘The letter went on to jnsiod Mr. ptford. He vit % fe | SHOTY. to ea the One moming about fons | 9 ge many ath his , belongings wings’ pene taken Wel was sol poe ag coulk use wasa mys! itr. yah aid om suspect bis und saggestio e time sRpovles ba he Meaair at nies ‘ozonto whom incr! ees jar a informed ™ ela a yt for Sorat, uncle’s ape rt} ce hier ge vate athe Gea phe pet peat red ae and hadi or Chick Hart pa: the ta charged ths his love o eee ets Ghat are dark. been in Milv ie romana cate atptticaiines, 19