ile 0 Way tucson tara ' , : One of Ti Hung Changs born (Pfeffers station) on Saturday, Sept, : in explaini : 18th, the household sca ol) Wea. Tense, Kea A ' in onde bo SHINGLES le will be held at. Oliver Jones’ place. f or killed. before 25th Oc: raise funds to pay the indemnity a —- + to. i i NEVER KNOWN 0 FAIL, |siss ae rae ‘The Three Great South American Remedies | {°," Pie f : a rs al Peele aati roan Owing to the glut in the Do were ‘ oes have i ion for t pur’ | charges would probably oe i = : Centre, B. Cs, Once Paralyzed On One ‘any deer, or nw skin thereof, save American market of these sie Yor “as Mth ws rer" ecno| Calon la of Now be neehep ge aug thngg | PRI bled to lay | I, 4 of South a z ‘an affidavit | as it would not ic tool it -F we : Bewwaell of Avonmore, Oxy Thee Hist mower alan tacion the ination | be tyeronse the taxes, Only a smal Shingles ye: are enabled to lay i He We at ane m= 4 nruiay Cured hy South" Ameren a them down to the farmer or Wea Ponti ak noo auitict merican Kidney { Cure the Only Specific for Worst Forms builder at a very low rate.|Clothes in a ek or two, But hes f wi we bo Sislhat Bage Macy aoe tna te | w ing the| They are 34 inch thick, and 18|h¢ cannot do that with our ne sotstesdable these days of broken prom- ie of ane z j dt discatintackion arith f Fall School Suits, they are pe | Peeelenss Bee gee slay Oot at the een but uo wild | the government would result, possibly|inches long. They are the] made for hard wear. : ? 2 turk be. lea" efore Toth i lion. - es Sear es, However, are | Thy epee Drs fo fond ce ae Pgs Vapamor best shingle on the market. We have them from $1.50 found specifics that square up to every | 1897, ig mise. Mongolian pheasants before 15th~ Sept., ‘Those Turkish Massacres 4 to $6.00. 1 ele wife of Hdward Purr of Surrey Cen- atte od ces eat es r, B. C., was taken bad last August with Ist May to Tah Pabeper p ora 20 Bem, & ae Beactstnry Cae pests Salta vviich later developed a all kinds from 15th Dec. to Ist September ie Lae upon the situation or 2 & into paralysis on one side. Her husband | fotlowing. Re vennes shel nee than | Constantinople, says: “The world has Wi i “ . sl Steer Ney we | Raat Vs ie wan arte [eer ete toe éiderhold & Honderich| BURTON, The Tailor awe an hour after sunset + ti id rds the it doii ite O eeeaue nome ae OMe MILVERTON. an pone before sunrise, nor’on the worked a wonder for Mrs. Purr, and we ve > snipes wood woodcock or or partridge» je aball be in fact, the massaere of last week was 5 cannot speak too highly of the remedy. ips hased. befor Sep 18 97. | probably the greatest in modern history Cc e re a I Y } As an aftermath from an attack of ca No ‘quall or wild turkey shall be acl or pur-| and one ofthe bloodiest deeds in inhistory B R E A D cid faver W. W.. Brownell, of Avonmore, | chased before lott Oct., 1897. ‘Dut ikon SAGES Of caacd Daniel: Ned tenes: o otter shail be hunted, | that has been committed in Mmatism and neuralgia. He called in the best | taken, killed or had in ion between | of Europe, and Europe: can tek of the pain was so severe. The doctors said 1] beaver or otter shall be hunted, taken or ust go to the springs, but I secured a bot-| killed before Ist Nov., 1897. the powers would only agree, the im. Fruits in season. tle of South American Rheumatic Cure from | No person except residents of Ontario and canny. of Salisbury would doubtless and Wholesome Bread, Pps hylan oy uocorals cane poeeree atslt ise trom sein without | use the fores of England to punish the important than that the s rst’ dose gave we relie! after taking | first procurin; mm, rovincial ld be Pure, tho and half bottles the pain all fetes | Secteratee elope ich i rpetrator or tolerator of the mas- ree By ite a a yagi Ries ical no relief, rf : im EAI ‘ sre ed hong most dio and mang them eat aiae aol Gar heen spe hight® thought L could not live til morning [between lat’ Masrand ‘lst Jan, Bet ee aoe ea eae “ay. te AND F AL H Pale, Hist and cool, | Madi ee vriveet ‘ f Fresh : more and now Tam as well as watts Phe game eae net ot apply to Tadians on ares, Ideally the best course would! Gestion in these thin There is no ety, ua the use of in unorganized townships o1 be to partition Turkey, and, failing South geet Kidney Cure. It is not a cee not divided Bite townships, who Pa this, why cannot the powers agree to CAKES = pill wor powder, but a liquid, that immedi- epee for bi aes farther particulars address ¥, | 1eP0se the Sultan and place his brother, a that constitute kidney dase, and doin Tinsley, Chief f Game “Warden, Patliment| or some other suitable person on the| Fresh everyday, at z - 3 this it becomes an absolute D. J, | Buildings, Tor throne. In this way the status quo J, The New Poche 44 Meriruks Ques eye he pat would be preserved, and the Turks &. Guenther N Baker. The Baker. & $100 in treatment, for a complicated case of Free Trade would be taught that geal ey ‘nas bi r . i ¢ idney disease, but no permanei 4 nt : are until, to use his own words: Thegan| One of the most curious ‘phenomena of| © of mi \ 3 te atrocity.” The Hien 23 ie otc, comely sured om! “Yoe|ahy that ‘fee "tad rea Scrip coots to show the impowibiiy’ | Watches, Cloéks|Covers the sale at James Ton failure, and that even Cobden, if he were | England acting alone, but adds that it oe alive, would renounce his own Cen sees a ray of hope in the Czar’s coming AND JEWELRY. Whole Field The one, nation which i embraced bis visit to Queen Victoria ab Balmoral,| George Pfaff, Jeweler, praetor cores policy, Great Britain, has flourished econ-| When the newspaper trusts “he may be Smically aud fhasilly above all the other} convinced that England will loyally | Has constantly on hand a full ee eb The London, Ont. nations of bh, Her wealth has! back Russia in taking the lead in free-| ‘ham, Elgin, Columbns and. English lever iy 3 teebied, she hiss a large surplus revenue, | Watches, ete. He hgsa full line of Rings, ull ine o i ing Europe from the last remnant of] pins, Brooches, and alkwearable Jewelry, Bold (off considerable portion of her Turkish rule.” Full stock of Silverware always on ey BIG ey and hardly knows how to invest her! Sir Philip W. Currie, the British | suitable for Wedding Presents Repel S superabundant aot sane What strong- | ambass: | always done. spool ofthe soundest ier | Gon ons retarns 69, Conmantinople|_CEOMGH PEA, Main Se Meron : loes anybody want? Before the triumph o} Ad Cobden's fieal policy hunger was stalking | On Monday last, was directed before onaon vertiser through the great manufacturing cities of | his departure to have an early audi- England, multitudes of workmen were out | ence with the Sultan, and to deliver to his Majesty a message from Queen Victoria that stringent measures be hand, what is the commercial and financial | taken to prevent further outrages. At condition of nations. in ‘hick bigh pro rotee |the same time the ambassador oe tion has prevailed? What fenits of protection in. the United States? Leaky et Sai itr aes ac Bias not Canada, after a teal of proteotion | from pi Salisbury of ea just rejected it at the polls? In the United | character 2 P. M. EDITION. Largest noon circulation in Western On- : tario of any paper west of Toronto. Mid- 2 dlesex County and the territorg west of ps ‘Toronto thoroughly covere 4 P. M. EDITION. The People’s Popnlar Evenin, Cireulates in city and. suburbs by carrier States the iniquities of the system and the pe 2) Ait a = abuses, fiscal and political, to which ithas| Ti Hung Chang ‘visited tlie! Banaake Le la adie igs: Jed, ein no small messare answerable for] tit on Moaday. pig ae the present crisis, Not a single member of | fait on Mon i Goben’s sotal nots dnglecocomie of] We have. been putting on « large Western Dvartiser gti wowed his conversion to protection Where ee of new subreribers. Join the largest weak etek wi, protection has prevailed it has not been’ so rgest: weekly. circulation i: tvlointo aw’ venui hi f opini nada, Asan advertising mediam in is As Well as Ever Sere ema ctiae | Jade Tc te ws Monuments and Gravestones, | Gem. Asan savers After Taking Hood’s as it has seca es the influence of sinister | for Vaterloo County, died at his home : interests act tion and |on Tuesday morning. OROWASE THEM FRO Vacs ae pas: r of Conservatives belie Cured of a Serious Disease. eee ee eee one amatyer Reports of another terrible earth.| ROBT.’ “MeCLoY, Milverton oa Pee dier caabinteth Ga. “I was suffering from what is known ag geod will and peace, pr: Sones ee quake comes from Japan. It is re- Agent for R. T. Kemp, Listowel. ¥ ¥ ie) iegave Deak ananiy to straighten myself i wile Tele cant pee Bt, that Fron SOfea: Bose whole. towns qbate Uses a se Ha oan 4 ere ee i my joubt 8 little can ter that ree au jolic children attend the public up. Iwas in bed for three weeks; during that | trade makes fo ical. purity, aud pro-|@estroyed and thousands of people : ay one Tad applied and derived no bene- tionism fi dlitieal corruption, . The | killed. COMMERCIAL. pO See * fi. Seeing Hood's ad in | whole history o' n. protectionism is Russell, in his fat ae Federal Government have with- ei io panels T deceg to try aon smc histor og raline combinations with eee oe Peers Fall wheat per bu: Muvmao, Sg = a, 10s | drawn froin.aile the Thousand ies clief before talking half o : wale , ‘ " We. Igotso much help from taking ae first Wiccoate clone Vat tthe va ‘© beginning | good which Britain and America could | Spriiig Soe Pe bash. e offered by i ae Government, with a Pattie that I deciged to tey another, and sineg | to be tired Of the attempt to produce wealth | together wield, said: “If they have| Burley per bus o. view of their being acquired by the id fay ier ay no. Atzmer 7 pare Chem to Ce chargeenelan. erhaps, may be} great power they also have great re {OMS z Ontario redler. for park purposes. 2 en too san- i Y. ; : guinea wiviawrot nemacitye He thacett that | SPonsibility. No Sees they espouse | Apples per bag 75 1 Duck shooting commenced Sept. Ist. fn Dreadful ( Condition |i 220% sense of mankina was stronger,|can fail; no cause they oppose can| Potatoes For the benefit of huriters it may be and that prejudice and sinister intereste| triumph.” If that is so, oue eannot| Hay per ton . 6 08. 7 stated that no one shooter is allowed sae ere weaker, thau they really are. But bis| help asking: How did it come abont| utter per pound re Almost a Complete Wreck ane cere nee ee has been | chat two. such peoples, who are really ecee cox bused 7 After the Grip now alive, instead of 1e 0 veing free trade,|one, and who have such power and | Ham per pound. a0 a he would advocate it wita m lence | such responsibility did not espouse the|Side “ 8 % Can babes Express Sufficient Grat= than ever.—Bystander (Goldwin eause of the Armenians, and sa¥ to the Sous per pound . ae : de to Hood’s Sarsapari Sultan in such a way as he dared not| fatiow j aes as ed; towel, an Winks Hatered for Probate dusbey, “Hands O89 Upon oheee | ee” & gost an “Dear Sirs—I feltitmy duty to let you know of al the nations does the chief re. was not for nothing that Irelan, . the good Hood's Sarsaparilla has done for me. W. Gearing, Stratford, barrister! 9 'eitity he lie forthe. bait chap tri ies "Sito “os $8" ngp| Was at one time called “The Isle of 3 Ny Ses Set gee Sar sey sel 00 real persona eee i story, at least of Spring Wheat. “" qo] Saints.” ‘The list report of the Reg- erersdis banaainadiey seas acl: Ul re; Gearing, etocttnie ae ery oropean history %-Cannda | Bley - 3 28listrar General for Treland shows that I Secameca victim bf thé ee ‘and was left ina | George Stemmler, Mornin; gon, Te | Presbyteri bok 0 % in the Province of. Connaught, which dreadful state, so weak id scarcely work } tired farmer ; $8,470 real and perso ere ee is largely Catholic, the proportion of : et bud when I did Lworked in misery. The doctor | Joseph Stemmler and Michael Stemun.| An English canon of nove used ed ee D [20 “35| iMlegitimare births is only one to a 3 paid Thad Bright's disease, toed ore ee Soe ler, Mistagnd executors. cimat ory of ao, Th bis! Bntter 14 16| thousand. In Ulster the rate is 3 papers at my door, anti on reading it deeidéd. Susannah Sim, widow, Milverton ; . ie peerekitge Sh atl a rene Bags rat 8 9! per thousand, and. the average: for the HOOD’S 82,150 pe 50 personal ; Miss S, Sim, execu, erie «Papier (land tetera ca oa tithe ol whole of Ireland is 27 per thousand. e virtues of the treadmill. Warming ; ; Samuel Roe, farmer, Elma ; $2,426 | "2° Wheat, white : i , ue with his theme, he declared that he «red 00 3 Sarsaparilla —_ [per $2000 rea; thos, Fuierwon| 20 Me poems be cared tink he LIFES A BURDEN /. pws lepnae Sel give him the gentle exercise he required 00 c 5 John es Stoessel, _ yeoman, | hat was too lazy to take, except under $\If the Stomach is not Right North Easth $4,167 personal 5) compulsion; and, to temove his friend’s a yee p j William Ropp ‘cd Michael Anker. scepticism, he asked the warder to give }2| ¥ There Nausea? Is There Constipation t 4 P: tums it was not much uso as nothing helped me | mann, ex ki Rhaad bee will 40| 438 the Tounge Coated? Are You Light- 5 + Esfore. But, thank God, I got relief after the iim: # turn Hound, went the mil Meaded? Do You Have Sick | first bottle, I kept on taking it and used five | ‘Thou: MeFar Jabe, yeoman, Elitia ;| the canon declaring that the a antieds $2,246 sorely $7,200 real; Elien| ment was delightful; but after two ans é ai yereme pomae te vs Sareape- | McFarlane, J. A. i SGI ea, C. H.| minutes of it he quite ETS Fach el ee ete Ean! ocr i ctayeater trea pre a ei te tea | MeFurlane, exeon and called on the officer to 6 Aigo om Pia? CSosnca shat, jood- a Gernhelder,, farmer, Bion; mill. To ieee See answer re ‘ > Dr. Be den ie Pil et se Sie be and Sebimwe Cs re 700 personal and real ; John Gern-| ed: “Very sorry, I can't. Ivs = attinchs olan helder and He: fe 6 50 730 K} ienty Hasenpllig, ex- timed to go fiften tex, and won 600 800 Soundlee;biiousness, sek headache; indigestion, | 1 tp before”. 400 © 6-00: