DONEGAL ie During the storm of May: 25th lightiime struck the-honse of Wm oe ieee con. Kim ¢ id passed down the chimney, utterly ruining ic: an straigitened stove into fiat pieves of t petand a-mat iivue: Re the store were tern into shreds. «It then, inall the cellar windows escaping, Mrs. Long and her twornieces, daughters of John Shatford, of Manitoba, were in the house at the ee butewere not in any way injured. W. Alexander, I. P. S., visited the schol officialty -on Wednesday of last week, and “of course found everything in ship shape. Robert Long, whose leg was broken while assisting: in raising his brother’s barn a short time ago, is slowly recovering. ‘The first half of May cheese was shipped "from the factory last» week. The price creali TRe. LLBANK Dear Sux,—Time is fleeting. The fate- ful 23rd is drawing nigh. The tide is slowly but with increasing speed, rising to the highest level Much.speaking, a great deal May ‘good winds blow all chaff -away, andleave only sonnd wheat for our snation’s well-being ! “Crops ‘are progressing as well as could be -of raumGuring ite earher growth. rains-will do it much good; a8 well as the sowing | hay. There have been fears, oaly founded, that bay would prot ee eer again. Perhaps the senda ‘rains ‘will stimulate it to surpass all fictions. Grasshoppers are quite i ‘thefty. ‘They ewarm. ‘They browse upon rank ‘weede—no objection to that !—they feed upon the tender grain crops, they perch and pick upon onrladies’ house plants, they are everywhere—but where the faith- || ful fowl have made them invisible. It seems -as if they were bound to make their mark ‘big and broad on the face of things. What xash ‘to say; but the likelihood is that ir’ ‘will be Our Anglican citizens had a bigh day here May his ministry of the Gospel be long and faithful | ‘The Rev. Robert McKibbin officiated for Anis nee duting the ‘communion season an both churches —proaching three times in ‘Twelve new members—four by certificate, eight on profession of faith—were reveived into the membership of Knox church. Mr. McKibbin. the pastor, took a small part in the communion services ; thus the unusual deave of absence for three months; but be > will occupy « part of this period by attend- ance at the General-Assembly, meeting now in Toronto, of which he is a mem| commission of the Presbytery. Rev. A. Henderson, M. A., of At- wood, oocupied McKibbin’s pulpits — at Crosshill. rie, of Midland, a Doha ined shales making ‘The rain of yesterday afternoon was the heaviest we bave bad for mouths. It has le will. probably have the use of their new sheds for the benefit of their horses, by next Sabbath. They are « substantial stracture aud will present a good appearance. : Millbank, June 8, 1896. Mr. B. B. Osler, Q.C., addressed a lenge specting at Danville ott the political situation ‘Save. Your: Money ear By buying your Harness, Collars, Sweats, Dusters, Fly Nets, Whips, Trunks and Valises From the undersigned. Also a large | 1 stock of Plaster Hair on hand. Bees inducements to CASH | dea CUSTOMERS. W. M. Appel a yyy a sveennennRteettonnonennny d BURTON, the leading Tailor, | Main Street, Milverton. T should see our lines of Im-|re ported Suitings from $12 up| kay Fr. jemember, we keep nothing |'"e2 but the Best, and sell the|z Cheapest. fe get perfect fitting Pants I select patterns, $2.50, $3,|* $3.50 up. Tailoring. ote the above address. Opposite Kertcher’s Barber} | Shop. aasoadesseasianasasssess 2 revi tder from us ; we understand ie BREAD ‘ma HEALTH ae you eat should be Pure, Fresh Br aod Healthful? Our Bread is beyond re It to get jus question in these things. CAKES Fresh every day, at A PERFECT TEA FROM THE TEA PLANT TO THE TEA CUR IN ITS NATIVE PURITY. s {Mies is pat up by the Indian Tea ED penne chr | vei Be por gus, “Poercferg they use the greatest care in the selec! Fey why they and never ‘ALL GOOD GROCERS KEEP IT. Ef your grover does not keep it, tell him to write to SUIEL, HAYTER & CO. MW aus 53 Front Street Exst, Toronto, pensable. basis of mente ty! Watehes, Clocks Sie So ag “AND JEWELRY. George Pfaff, Jeweler, aly on hand « full fine of Wal- than tham, S Wenhetae ie Pins, Brooches, GRORGE ‘PEAFF, Main St., Milverten Baby Carriages ee ; Baby Carnages and Express Wagons ia Great Variety. Baby Carriages, from $6.50 up. Express Wagons, $1 and - upwards. ‘At those prices everybody can nee get one. . Furaiture in all branches. Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Sashes, | 1. Doors and Blinds always on hand. Builders and Contractors. _ Planing | 4 Mill and Furniture Warerooms, on Main street, Milverton. Weiderhold & Honderich Mr. and Mrs. Hutchison, of es Hea a day or two with Dr. Naismith MORNINGTON COUNCIL council met at edge on Mon- to adjournment. Members all preeeas pe Ses of last meet- ty 400. Marti s18.18, nine to oes ee Lintick, $8.50, ee, Sis Repekeine ge con. 5; J. Whaley, ridge; Hart $6.50, irin; & Ridge wage tanks | forms and express & Freeborn, $5, “one ay e lesson; > road machin a atte 6 and 7. ra mn. 10 at 3 Vebdsab timers #1 Aliagant Glebe: up ok ; A. Hender-| - The Bargain Store. We are offering to the public a special line of MEN’S SHIRTS, which were usually sold at 75c. and $1; you can have them now for 85e. each, or 3 for $1. The greatest bargain Milverton ever saw. Also, in Men's Cotton Hose, fast black, at 15c. pair; ances snap. We have a lot of such bargains in men’s and boys’ wear, such as Ties, Collars, Shirts, Night Shirts, Sox, Tweeds ; and in Ready-Made Clothing we shine. Our stock of DRESS GOODS is complete, and, ver ladies, if you want a Handsome Dress—or anything else— we would advise you to call early and get the latest and best. The same in Spot Muslins, White and Black Silk Gloves, ¢|EEmbroideries, Laces, Corsets, Hosiery in Black and Tan, Shirt Waists, Prints, Parasols, Blinds ; and in Chenille Goods, Lace Curtains. In all these, and what is not mentioned, we rt) can give you bargains that cannot be excelled. We have a few Ladies’ Capes left’ over as yet, and yon son | can buy them at your own price. Black and colored. as wate, 5. tant We Voll_as_m. £3 J. asc fot the Whirl Current History. first. quarterly number for the “:|RAE AND GROSCH. years ago. I reid which is ee bere tally and intelli- rear: Sassi facts so that their ci ee % fica stor In doin, G. Guenther’s, s2evew Sere agin ot In Groceries we need not give many quotations, as you Ketes |all know our price is always the lowest. We have a special -|5-lb Bar Soap, which we sell for 5c. Ib, making 25c. for the bar. Cheaper than home-made Soap. Everything else ac- a cordingly. We forgot about our Carpets, and we know we can show you the largest stock in town. So, if you need Carpets, we t}can give you a special cut on any you want. es ron Bring in your Produce and Cash to the Bargain Store and we will Save You Money. = BROCKVILLE BuGcIES. Call and See the Styles for 1896, With Solid Backs. Finished as good as pianos ; 16 coats of - paint and varnish on every Buggy. The most proportionate Buggy built in S un | Canada. ie —-—D. SMITH, Agent for Canada Carriage Co. mn pages free, oe Win. Moore spent Sunday in. Strat Win. Space. of St. Mary's Appel, ade and Stevenson, of Tavis spent Sunday in town. Miss Alice Little spent a day or and’ around itchell, aor and Mr. Grae ve Bi fe Mr. ae Me. Pp Ducklo«, of Mil. nday in town visiting 2 sar aise, 57 John Byer Sihombe who has for some telographer with Dr. Naismith, Tid reunbed iy heciwioet Hesrich, of New You'll Get It Right. = Love, Marry, ~<=< Wedding Stationery —