LORD KILLEEN'S REVENGEI= eo en eee ‘ordered t i i . with a ) re che THE BOER CHIEF A AS PICTURED BY tnd Sas potting 6 aly | rte i 2 na = in open. jaughter t is t aaa Z Nags FRIENDS AND FOES. 00. 8 is burg! ers q % ay in this aque the sun is not FEATS OF ROYAL WOMEN. . 7 - | A CHAPTER XXUT—(Continued) |, ay 4a es given Bie unconsciously, | have, given a thousand crowns £0 see fo tattle. | “Now tha PRACTICAL FARMING. ty “You are silent,” cri Soroine. Fis x by ges why are hs i ie : ie ree et 7 aie the? “and it took a gue er era it i i i Speene Seve r—-s0 close nt had. listene Galt eit Bt Tast | worth; i a great deal of a ; FOR QUICKEST RETURNS IN OR- : ined on, it is n i idtinetion ; t Newspaper in the yur imagina’ id 1 ‘Ten Years—a Mighty Munter and of In- | argument ‘to suade the hae i i ‘ rs ‘ to his + sentimental ravings: Ves Fig Be aes pristehs ai Faber arse et the Chet Tustice, that his brag } CHARDING. jur ed clove: is ; ot expect to wit- : County of Perth. It is the best inary man ; ere’ have been so many word-por-|te'%, ne toria, were oe aoe value “From all accounts it would appear | °° mace Wo Se tin . A certain’ Ly a pectegherpe Medium. Rates rea- pe traits of Poul Kruger, so many contra-|out.y s : ahi ; that the resent aeagon is to wit nable. Subscription $1 per year, denly her anger, 1 broke forth. dictory aécounts of his motives and ob-| Kruger's moral age is so marke sie 4 the planting of a largely-inc steiefly i in advance, Y mig] dare you § met she cried, in 5 : ee eee Sanne ai : sy amg Ac : 1 thi ; , ; _ i greater part of whic aS M. MacBETH, Publisher. 3 hoes Jon ue ta Of ts view, that wail a oot heres fe eae tay : will, of course, be apple trees,” says a | & Hath Aes sides Gate luchess Maria ‘Therese before me, Knowing what you know. To |i “ : itt. Soho writer in Country Geatieman: : , \ SC Te tee no ‘hope to be garnered from) pause that _ ner aad ‘woman—he utter 3 tea : i ¥ . eats a . : vertising abt tint _ ee ree Pe Bren denice uy ard. influence, Kruger has de This, I think, for | crop for hay and plow under, ct stable, i oo : ele ole reign a 4 the fj be | only. tia. had Perea ape pon 2 ees Pe mengure. st and recat only be regarded as insulting— aR bag ie ite is disco vad | 2F2, 1889 it was ible ta q f tae frit. inde in ot el aml at Cp into ‘ai? | now: tried te throw. @ jaunty air into ? x si + d mS : ee a and from that ese weiciten af DUIS *-3EF good Ca Connie, racollect yourself ath 8 KG _ ee telthe anevaal aera 10s ces of q ee miata eeopinge well head of an i in & good) @ is t i alleg s q 5 ..| joke," be said, acting the liyroctite, it : a 0. : fone msy pass one’s life in the a eng “oa you be without hope?" | tnust be confessed, with but for me. t ose | rough] e the ex! i _satisfaction of “ : thnk ata evant! ba eee ing word sii ape : made a a " ill area ee fess" are Bo soon 0a tho dow ia otf stop cutting. acquired a ‘Kable prenneney : _ Transientadvertisements are charg~ f t 1 : soon acquired 308 | not see the dit tnd those made Up Bie fous, His adi foreigners,” And Kruger is" quite ; Plantings are needed each year simply | selfs eraking ‘reaper is best. If you | with the Indian clubs, dumb bells, In Advanced Years {21 the rate of 8c. a line, nonpareil, Hevea i a fer oes nal denied 82 r pee Nate bike se aT ibility i ; Ncirosintain’ the Seaae status of our | Have not one, use a mower, runni Shp e [This lal heeds blast methods of devel for the first insertion, and 3c. per line 7 " irers have- presenti RET 10 ¢ if ACTION ; aS horserake Tehiad it. House or stack yet you uu make a jest of it? Cro. : my very soul before you, and yet yi preety protestations oping the muscles, such as puncl The strength and pure blood neces- | for each successive insertion. orehar crop as ‘as dry, taking care we ie? sary to resist the eltecta of cold seasons ig ow The planting of an apple orchard is dest ile the. dew 356, 80,36 to Bes uc Hood's Sarseparilis. - — Save tiphed aeldey pen ee for. “airs, Dundas. Pray Merde Wael veneeeie Vented 1s ith| measures; but pushed in : eee ee ane bes future, for | a3 tte, ir eaves er boats ip keep at s the last Medical ‘ He se fluently—eagerly. Tha‘ tray Bees pron bere love ea you, and in anything mlties ofa. leader and ruler Att fannotvexpect - to.reap ieny) Breet out the rain: his t EGRERT, M.B,, M.D.C.M., Gradual ful filled ee sift Pepe tear ely. with. 2 | Dut. @ seemly n Any apten hot ious. | Pe mind there is ‘the justifica, : : Rios a many years, while, in the Ww. College of Phigsict eeprogdhy 2 soul sprightly as yours spout have read tia’ the letter, mot in the spirit, as| HS Prop! eee ‘ atly on b a sa intervening time of waiting for returns, | Pa! um of Ontario, al radu lunte stude Peiase whet ae heroes ont ie oe panebely, Bs yours ee) you well know.’ You laugh. You de- : by his "As the flood oe is ime. season] aa ound by one hand, and to hold him + Last tall tacked. | don Hospiat, London, Ragland sou} before her? core gg Geeta in amal thtmueh bot ment from. this. Is all he other hand, is the dykes higher. oon ined nena as = must be extended arm for several pari led at Bost Om hes, Afliverton Ont. ‘elerbonecon: ‘ A a8, = Mer ines: i -xpenc rees. > “Ob, do not think I turned eside,” she ons coldly, “this | & lead within yout ‘To-day, Var- ; the) this moral coura; Seow try it. Ta =| pepdone: swith ea said, with a touch of gentle dignity. | scene wor re ye tea ley tos eee ae Be next | by contradictions] Possigie, 2° him. | When Jameson an be fertilized and the BREE FO, Soe ae megs peresbece | ti with good results. Tan positively say “But all this is strange—unthought of] ,. Witn’a daring assumption of laugh-| “i shall, naturally, urned, Mrs. |o1 ized by ration; but | certain i i P 7 mn Re ways age an dis i that Rana geriog sem sted PCL Panes ttgesar fe peice, i cane et eceuateatis lishment ate the | eg = ped if at all, with great cau- “FOUND IN BOOKS. ing. “Tupy you, perhaps—yet that I can| 2 lance should “have ‘a better) eign” Surely. A 7 1, | Head he officers. ul tion, that the trees be not robbed of i peripiay G thse atoca ea wah Ga wie © hardly talese bat not by me. Has all Ob. ce yesiets a me chick Seite ae cee pat pack HAL i and argu- with revolute imperturatils, 1 Ee Tea in the soil, But it alla London Secor Han a wa Discovered | ee the Aoehdoie e ing a oe lie down fs ee all vee i time counted as naught? Was| Quickly. “It is unwor ance t” wi one beli ‘bay that hie took | relate ss. 8 Valuable y Peet al your fool night oud aayt Bate | Gee, MPEME vou! NOI Not oo ae oe aren Geena a this Village Cromwell 1 com-|@, certain pearure “in the aasertion. of ; ee iy Gergs k Padeses ene Hoa meu at mad tiomnents T fancied.” "ieee Poke wi it vigor, though in a Tow choked tone. ining of them, and| plex, and the re human and| iS personal will. re Se 2 pondent of Cassel : t hesitated. , 3 are now a marrie ees! the rely d r re 2 rject: itin, @ . iis i j Peiciitivs or it, yo a husband ignorant, trustful, lov- ae a less ethi ect, |ledg : ; a wee ee Sa a D.,L. FP. S. coughs or pains and a dificult breathing 4 Porahs fens oe Horan Univer Ros. Tr at any y to a query from: a coi i sp ithe succession to Ee fn the longs oastmate ates: II's ‘M. CHaumens, J. P., Cornhill, N. 7, D ‘ tas “spiel etd iecenceneys leet Bo = |Moed’s Garsapartia | canter 4 MY jay, hay ai 4 ii i vi - W. books I bees is extraordinary the ides WE honest " ats i - 2 y Hl f ifL i BRUC D. x Tice baatiy own now!” he| sigh iene 5 onl Bee goue i for exercising ; os fgg ies gy ies a of things that are slipped. be pear ee ig Sores Is the Only Wi mee ae tae ra “ you in upon the stone seat of nd’ age sult is a dwarf tree that come ae ‘ini Graduate RCD. Tore to, 1 etied, impatient. Yet) tow cruel you | AEP Mie nota i eeenteeture | hen, do aaa =| at Ri: Me e felt ; nick ly tito Manwios thar ie oon True Blood Purifier “023 he Aa be ee ee eae Ges oem x1 Say “ie will oe ; W toad ile are Tound producing fruit even. betore hye Oo: uririer EARN Ga Ofna No. 5. P 000—ail ma ey leav nurserymen’s Is. 5 become th ingress of a epee: Promin. in the publi ho Gucen't Pee ji tifiable by Holy W- n tthe, 2 * : P) Ps ently in the put iid iach Hotel ‘Milverton, the first Moe ae in los “iconistent with in to tea ek ae Bees ot foot ani “ rip thie wrofestons masked ball angry. defen A i nth for the practice of hie Protea saa and | aparently ‘vith surprise. Thicke, the -fact: that President poate and again in the last thres or ae E 7 each iyi nk not h 'Hood’s Pills ci? bbituat canstine- 2 ebsites 20H with me, who have ‘hs Kn tool. sb a onomizing space and m: . thi me tion. paints | hes ee fou the best turn. you | as slways Te opi ae den Fiver fe i “E bought f L Sere chee bee to Veterinary had | will ew Mngratitude cual with SAVED SEVEN-EIGHTS. : ceive Yor ren ce : frees ¢ i on ined at Soc el bh ed debe pease ri caus e: eager im-|.illy girls like you. Have I not, then, 4 ee 9 fou in height at some years n 5 r 4 7 i Wout she ever care to £0 9 ot hia eke aa aoceca bis savings fain eretnice ey that is pons Soa from $8 to $i2 per 100, and iP frees | ago, r she had , Whil, Och, covering ae iat “would RLPAN'S oJ. 3. ENGLE, V.S., Milverton, Ont, rs ould _ be ni : * x ‘She hy she did Zs , if a|im farms near ni ae Queen: eee ok Psi i Graduate of Ont. Vet. College, Roronke, ae —— oor mae racrels | tests dens ais Peiit Strong i sil iteaa seniah base increased res in |the truth to tate ‘that'ho is impress rome parts rill which disposed of some thou’ an Austrian Archduch tu birch ‘ treats all diseases of, domestic animate Why no tears in her eyes? mi ing hypo e;|value in the last decade—if, in fact, one | trucic at beh a ganitonly. All calle promptly, at-ended “, SI oe ary. | an ast ey ; shows that Kruger’s wea Bae veh | romlies which is ra e ae at frie wadeun rans Dedtieney end acon ea ieee jm inte r | Ch de-mark-every one is in trade|accumulated honestly, os at, ts hit avorite Te ret i % — thet cured ay i i : : iishonest, Sa eens and Seckle, but ¢ cesinaiy t in most Jocal- | ard Family Medi- _ Societies stinets had not detived her abent thes | not oe in afi si eae 6 i Bibs Bich he \ fies the 5 ies to buy th y i, was Just, bowever, <i ings on the head of Your despised e nis| q,. LVISIS SCRIPTURAL TEXTS i her resentment, as fow women are. ‘ aor thousan for self-justification. But all this teste MN ae not Seeos ate the hero in the sorry Rete i is not necessary to waste som adi ies, i id iting: ifies tothe necessity Kruger feels of 2 peas very low, though here, Paar ao cee net Rapp /All eB elawuaton aia Gonsiends: ith a; argument, go on to point out that Kru |splaining and satilying, Bis aon every other branch of ase Hine teraptas we me, - bus Witked 6 tikes! taken, be et it “almost s safe hi Istro Heh, "a Sor coBs aBkode prost that the truth- re hthor one to the id in destruction, shall nt Fe fuvure eRe yearn relatives and distribu ipactconopalies ony Sant len uti be found much the safer plan, fonest height, f she condemned Donna, she scorned |300% and a Seioudgg aed vast te Borin. say nothing as to Kruger’ x fo make plantings of winter “Do you meee what cine TR ie j and ther i “Pou! It is searcely. porth while try; ee of the “Transvaal Gove Sena Diets 7. is Z ae such fruit one can melt td fi cial pale . ied, “from you to mi jm t a i i hape n forbiddennot!,, You perinit me, en, | feeling: ato. inspire, | NE, Duna ae pele cae Teng’ a. ; ter | cot hande ea ant Gent] Mun Guaen i a frowtartully. clever waste inspite! Mayr dense. ou absur ura oil can Es sae iS We it, shows { 2 ‘i ps ap. 4be ‘ is tims i fonjurer, too, having been instructed Speitcer, NG. ; W. Appel. Se = Me the extremel I 1 very gently, cine: Cures the C, 9%, No, 99, Milverton, meets Vi da: i! ‘Tuesday of every common every-cGay ae a 5 cone ihe ‘ othaermel's ills of humanity. ayAvelcome | £8. Chalmers, C.R. ; Wein Recording sahgeret i 0. 0. Ss “Silver Star Lodge,” No, ONE GIVES RELIEF. a on ee is hee ost aa bat 3 ‘Feat ates ue i ey | the close i th S nd Law- | 1, filed: 0:1 hese lea: and bys ‘an ae magic-professor Hermann, you sent me to-night.” omen 5 ve i ,, Dla ° ct vi i UT a Laan “A message!” repeated Cons} gta | eraal she had seen Donna, ana had ae pleas-| that ‘% + “‘Dopper” comes dope" it has been suppressed for the wed Comtesse de P: Business Cards fntly. ia eee noted ihe slight difference between a skings betrayed int Thine the | t : s bt men. if wer wick is the German “opt ™ = bowl, assui rs than where | pose of depriving some one of the oe astonishingly asctlines a all ina tates deny it, I will ave no bvas: | two domi zeuibmbered. | Pe, domino with the Maltese cross mune, UG | 1 5 a oaorate ape erty which it disposed of, But ‘the, nd manners, ‘share ef son-in- ion ae ont your lips now. That Sean yes ‘with a little bitter pang, how she ha me an unwelcome hint ani ese A a 4 1 es -——esinrths Catalogue of ater ae the of Boring, a g pesionior th ee ae ‘ellos on iat such, Gebis I always repay fourt er it in time. Unis toon. thal Peake eng ae around i ; perhaps they may with truth be ter Seager cae Fine, Se oaen ant Pal Bee acti: ponrevarores wi Pad 5 You Wish me to understan eads, and cut around i = the very best avality, harness an te, Gun pe in tnig | FUG, sie onjox cle ae ui fats i draw and Ft fe, Bailitt 3th iveness considere vari- ; a e e ie hie held for the holiday mar-| | “A dressed, : mai art of a =e ee a ets, oF even a month or more beyond yy VERY ime, if a cool, moist cellar is at me to purchase them.” AS/ js picado ‘ot hi < € De fee eae 5 is oc band in which to store them. the: s ss of book he | foure has laid low Bae ie = Pp for te oe mes. “Commercial driviage @ unhooked the fan from her waist [SOF ese pure able Mf handle ell the detaile of weome | est se. ‘or quick and profitable returns in x varies considerably Pari CAVEATS, specialty. Bus meets all trains, " in. 2 Ven methodical way, bre Soderget plex sone pileeigee a ce yi ypper” 5 ee cxcharding I do not believe one can | accor i i vite 2 onaive. cu Geveeth'| Inge vel eeater hat eas it toa, that has grown, -owins resident K: is a sails them 0 He is a= ash that y you stent ‘be jealous of your aoe rushing streamlet ; it vi a soy roul the Wate unexampied Papidlty: Eig] ight be Ls | tan th to oss at ‘ificatic é 3 L of « trees Br him Seat aa Pog ICHTS, | Hotels oe I held the litte scented billet ones never: od fa odie eS an affair.” eee aoe sm ag ettontoy ieee OR ut re is a good. : i yecithis (is cemented ooo ne Kin do rs, pair: juni uoanwar, New Xone. een his Grew off “her, gloves oe <7, eae , but |80 bullock wag here to-day stands 4 "little actor as well. As ; Tee x4 ee dtae nr Fe poe wa i ot ae | er fists orca erie rene ne Eee cee ae Gropp, | to ood; your ki vith, G is sai } esol, GAME Rote ee Sie a il rietor. Best liquors and cigars at tne, pe re i quite new. and there, was something | rer, ie: ie swericaw -elase accommodation and large stabling E : eullvations. but while’ the ie bet velier ae ee ge ONE seein sat see crnmienieet netics? | (¥RAND CENTRAL HOTE! ; ! po eee tay pps to a been bought in ree i ioe ie than, sod clase up to the is | with notes of m: ut could n f ee Fac pera a Po set oy ANI ruised, and bleeding, i tested. Catt Acute ed tee for rin Will discuss such questions as immor- Sevelooment ye tect Stes | ewes yay. | Diced in Europe. Her time Sl eeese i Broadway, NeW York Citys” remembered s Favelvon oe fesling? Ne ‘No! ‘Stand back |over three hundred millions. 10 i the Deit NS = h TGS De Hears 2) nnis, =o ge, sample “rooms. message," Sens regi | from. me to Her |10 years ago were struggling clerks OF |with a in fai inti 5 to be convi Role are bani. “Naturally, when en my ee tice an gegevens Et cane trolling herself ‘bra SCs agwiadge t Tne" che tan "was “pO |1eish blood was now ese Pen oer ae sete elke asia airatiehenie j hecixee teinke: tiedige ing iis notes rk a lins was prostrated with grief over the in 4 eva ia bet i AP run , PAE ae Fon raid of me, that you’ still |longer touching her; and after awhile |{aH1, eupple young nee eee MILLIONAIRE MINE-OWNERS, ours ee ee ee ia co co ite lightest sifteulty, Tcon- oraebnok. fee ng death of her intended Husband, and ed he, eagerly. ie ecalled her meeting, with Stronge, fullest height, shook ae a yin be lenin ee pe throu pee yh the, 0 er 2 ete ta 2 = : iad ae few mouths after the’ mur , How vou tremble!) _ How was it he had not been deceived t | Of! raitress whose names are mefitioned wi eee ae ee ng a ‘of mein teerslateandd ‘others, rt eae en : teeth. er p= e 3 peas ane as ie lati d i nlvalton lingered a’ few hours after | pier ma. Hel becides, oie had lek him hese He | She raised’ her Sight erm with an im-| SU236, r ‘oriches ; Sollels are at work. Flow | upon Sure he wou tie me to cer es mae ee ito fobcchest nerig eer al ize ere ae BI aa bower ae ‘iestroy. the note. in eae nstinet had im oe her to | Der ious gesture, a5 if (0. hid Donne's |e en. ron fobs A BRAVE DEFENDER. - we ths Mhole field where trees are to| not, very much surprised when he ssid | gat Peal ta Berita, eenied | years Oak wine ari enmceriie y eeooe ca bee ‘ another ‘man might | spea! other — appr - the author of a book on early Cana- : : ARAN colt hee that every one "of the aotes I had ea at tho | baunted Waldon, so he told the sete jewels OU UMS nee ea my_ beautiful per I hi Kruger has allowed bribes E ; ‘ banked the day before wore forgeries, bere ae hey eee ene a < i hat potas: to be tal relatives ay and depe nd- dian life says tare a young girl was one i xplained the matter and we wired u Bree Si utaciees Fa eee yet Mes Ae: baler) ROYAL Pea Siretiord, oppos_ ay to the spring for ap mai ‘ns in orcharding can also seat nd Yard. ‘That afternoon, F had aH a Sestak socciae : Hemrket sans, J. Soot. prope ‘3 0 a Tittle savage now.” 3 il of water, Wyte aha nede hed A ug ie be secured jy, pldniiog ths oi sale or the a Shop: To" | abre j 3 ing kept at RUAN Be aid fala petiing cts oateoaaae withia her. wes 7 not recognized ‘ thas eased par Berle ras eae ean eae wiae sis japanese plums; but one must be words the clase of the day the owner |! trot,” while’ th tht iat eon F solic some ins er bel er, but the other had. vaman. = She can. have orld at bis personal honesty not Resea q uri market se. Helo lire vol EMEE | fends, answer rate TIME TO BE PRUDISH. that her cousin was the author of that 4 zi bad he | he if che will, but she wi i ” Under great| posed was a large dog worrying il : old his f amian | ing nto the sho Pe tasked in i Nebr aitticnte, and | , Fair Patient—Is there no way of t “She knew too, that Featherston, | but known it, would have raised him | her cl good times, tion be has | m_ wha Being a brave girl she Staite! the q 2 whose WI tende: ny sign from| the fino tay oe is ‘one of the few | ine exactly, what is the matter with ey C1) n ro whoncebe pada Uctfered tm, span ter | tate. the ew enti ‘besvony gpke r absurd morality calls “ est pail, seized eae stick which lay on — ‘ porcen Bote ae epee rs Cate nes ey Bey ee tan ced fim | fussi#m ‘women who have mastered fetta! Pp, faith, was false. in v . She, too, left the moonlit parapet and x bu Sera pe : ‘nuch more circumscribed with plums Pounced ‘wpe 7 ‘ énd_burri im it. octor—Only a post-mortem examin. pee ‘Shs Forgot that she “ought to speak, | ha er disgvis stenped A highly toward the near shrub-| 4 thoes of usw groun sgould be cwith Jong keeping | ott Seat and eee been looking} “The widowed Queen of Naples\is the aéign can, Feveal. to say something, that should wither 3 id for ae he ‘as he varieties are as goo cronearoaes Henry Ros: rv : e anmused mile curved | Pi : it mi i varieties of pear: him for a pero of the siege of Gaeta, anid the only e—Then for heaven's sake make 2, 90 guiltily glad, Tes decalvee ey, ie a Aas shone gayly; sbe sa oil wosia pave ci ‘as if to al ‘The animat-let go the Ash i t's tillage ‘ae ‘hoo ots ia my ow Kaight of the Husa Or Bo tees Sing chon Lear onl Cellar Posis, “Tuber, Laths, 0 eo sinfully “Hompbant, i the colds un-| Some werds—a line—ran through her sorne one who had evidently been Walt| for our shortcomings, “while Kruger |ea'y } rie He teat aad ; A Goop-FARM GATE: sence to |S Geos an hea ‘onferre y | squeamish at such a time as this. Shingles, P moon! ght.’ She remained | brain: ing for her during her interview with| seems content to let 1 - near and dest snarling. Ww of tie occ! for exceptional Be STAN falter fire. She PERRET gies, UnpS, Ete, deadly silent, because she had forgot- ‘Oh! lovers’ eyes are sharp ” Constantia, and she waved her band t0|to him fill as they can, deal with a wolf instead of a dog, af —_— ts a skilled sailor and alone of: Keokuk, Iowa, medical polis have BRUNNER ten all, but the treachery ‘present to Was he, then, the true Pigverchad | hin sinrdcer Coser He he came to ided his ow: is ae The sharp ears, bushi i j ly made, strong and ae eee ay | across tho English ee a just turned out ninety doctors » ONT. = eH meet her. It was Lord Varley. A esty is ine : a not eal ine at 2 chai C not speak,” cried he, vehem, a fonthe: kad eer tee ana ta Seven Bee i 5 a id of po nor Frightened excitement and tears for ih te ee Oftentimes I have seen a tall i | Eee to ot usin Her ‘Sister, the v. oe a Word for me? |Soe9 ne . (To be Continued. ages re, indeed, is of| her pet gave and when the wae Te alte a "against scalp te is mpress of Austria, races horses, her SPE EE ER PS TE ESTES SEES SELES fas m. ‘The hinge ‘ 2 d fries bearing tle pseu ine, whilst F pele pe aa 7 oe 5 Ort ees. ides of it ps one. Hi oe in he released 4 piece is 4 feet 6 inches long, 3x4 inches, | bY ae ate "Count tania, yp eee DR. SPi N NEY & co. {Olt sis, go, interrapted she, real, brought. her fingers together |“ A DEVOTED QUEEN. me age and insensibil- s- Megiea eat He exits stk Vanala tel | 3 pulling it. H at the snoment through all her| with a force born of passion, een v i 3 fies sen aMora| ! ly ng _oa blows open the wolf, ry= i prevent splitting. A round rod 3-4 inch fi a / nt muir hae Mie 1 en-| seumined obedicn ears y fer brother, rome outery, ran : : in diameter and about 5 inches long is | Ske hed x ro] MURDERED FOR LOVE'S SAKE. i t spring. but the | inserted in each end about 3 inches; 5 5 Leena: SS in Te iy Ca of the ‘Throat and Ling hile driving jth the |i @ gun é: ‘ie ment coming an _ the lower rod or pivot should have a e i; as wi er James W: Atier spain ears, Tate Chane oe ae ek tis, er ee ago, ane ee raed, No plesk ago, When suffering from toothache, nee Say 1-2 inches of he sed to a Crime eases of sien and wi rs 4 a carrying the Viaticus to a dying per-|of the enlightened members ot his ‘tam - ; 8000 (or i th th : _ James Waldon, 8 landed nets ‘ Lost Manhood ood son, She alighted Basco ete in- tO Eo. of i; we | a A a ee vi z s " s o z in Rushville, Ind., on a consump- leet, Gon tared at oD Te i ited the priest to take her seat, and {hu tooth, doctor wnat eee Cartons a8 ES Ama) | } cay : eee toilsome tive's deathbed, the other day confess ear cared Ber, pie ore tan. in his life the starc : Ln fame a tar tbe vegention A oe oie tela : ; : piece aa beg? Gina Tine thos tule teat pet vine ee stor of Paul ii, ake : Sa ¥ Ter aah fiom the ffects of = in si ‘i i . e uni g : feat touched Cons ° Peron was /night or two later the pein imvoupon|@nd the color of man’s hair. ~ An retain cate fer’ arm and lett the be whi i a eensa- omg, hase a eo a usual proportion of | men. ‘with dark, E 4 inch nut, ‘This will be a 5 he | wallow and roll about and drift pus 4 ji A Sates Toe RIED THE TOOTH OUT soy. ee rae : ; 2 10 be, pivoted on. gate in ae hich a ant go off with the refluent teSece = aeS is ‘hile ‘the tall j i : to receive the unction. She spoke own claspknife, and went to] sporting w : ee A ag ok ar to becnosen girl, and | 6! ‘ds_withou the Vi 4 ; me put the highuleckea full freighted, idle-sailed, ital-Urinary Or- lived, se "ei And 3 ‘i es 3, here Bad oe and less ly cure. sonable, €s) ially to the her is mu ni Bay, pe Sees ae ic Sor See bare x ha ing. Oy cee re Fa vBenuty he fy pr pai inguiries i jo with is ae ps } to of . wit ‘been possessed of F fo to 3 - toiling arms . ay | —Thereare many trouble “A mistake like havc Wi rc a a the ‘palace +e “tare bef i dacs. single-bari muzzle-l —the has red, after nume her directions, a: oe, the ‘unt ‘Tittle — ott known, Spr: wi exem pes 5 wid Aged Men sae remedied. ao o angry | to thst : oe ‘on’ the ‘past so re Ther sare ei Instructions nestled 7, and its tl _Sriviag: 1 an OF fwrave eon, eee n have tl eoeceal visits a ae food. beak ber w! ‘Kotze to while a : gone down: with ot ieacee wer Wi following the might ag raed maoaey. sent to that sor z ight-colored been heard of no more.—O. W. Holmes, iy shel m 2 Pape Rane “ row-stri * me ‘thet when the news ‘ Cri z Stic h 5 ih nt by Sroreas, with fall in tiseecias or “You must know that,” she said. iene Leas fe post 8 St (ras 80 Sp ma bout half faded, I ES ine Amd pet " Si 290 WOODWARD | AVENUE. lowed to wilt, and then raked, a bat tet bey Gere ee tN oe Le eet DR SPINNEY & £0. JY) (Side Entrance No. 12H, pntak os) ae ae until fully cur ae | gin lessons on the oa cle le: tosmorrore, $8 Young wot ee was t to te: | T, MICH. housing. t the season when it is ent ly fall.” | SAI iv mind is dwelling on e wife