Serer “It Shine For All.” Vol V—No. 19 ‘MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH CO., THURSDAY, APRIL 30, 1896, MALCOLM MacBETH, Editor and Publisher w. Ze “VETERINARY SUR- 4 ee jewton, 01 (Graduate of Dolan V Fetenmry iseases of domesticated aninsals: is ty to. A good stock of fresh dru; kept on hand. College, Toronto, Ont.), | co the last few months it has been discovered it, Some Interesting Items Culled from the Neighboring trom ae or sens Lee said to ‘mai BAECHLERVILLE Of the eight pupils. who wrote af the Portland recent promotion examination all were suc- censful. ‘The following ata tie npineas ich ir respective = Fricke to senior ns class (marks Cobk, 461; Mary yin 405; Buby Cox. 367. motion to “senior Bed (marks TRALEE. ¥armers are all busy putting in the seed, sowing. very fine | fr and fa ee for the fall wheat, yet some of it will Jeaaketonc chee the iu of. went well at Geo. Dickgon’s sale on the 22nd, some cows selling as high as $32, ee Salee ise htt led is tho report: of Milbank recent romotion examination. erey. Tee Reidel’s “Fourth one. eld on ne apeh 7; | David will be akan within the next few weeks. lesley 5 SI y spring horse show was inst. Following is eavy Draught—lst. 2nd Boy,” 3rd ” eMetardy"s| 2 Well Wellesley e prize Dan Cressman’s “Belsto1 McFarlane’s ter |General Purpose or Agricultural-—Ist “i ag 5 Barbate Retire “Prince Regal Junior =e 3rd elass—-Frances Gillespie, 379; Florence Nichol, 367; Otto. Zimmer, 362; Bella Mason, 500; James Henderson, 248-—Gro. Tnompsox, teacher, For Tar Sux. setaclty, began Prove them by the use. RR os the wife of Geo. ‘Gropp, ergott’s “McCla Ys” 2nd 3rd Schnei der & Hans’ “Indian Ch iets Carriage or coach—Ist Shakespeare syndicate's “Amandus,” 2nd Adam Mane’s “Royal Grit”; Roadste: Association's “Mambrino Boy,” 2nd F. W. ter —Ist Woolwich Hi Entricken’s “Handy Andy”; [Bee ghbred—1st Walsh Bros? “Ver. BORN Ravenarr—In Mornigton, on April 27th, the wife of George Raycraft, o Grorr.—In fos on April 11th, of « daughter. eaecian ERT—Brovcuton—At Listowel, = Wednesday, April 20th, Jos phy Lambert e | Almena Broughton, both of i f you want acheap clock that runs 17 e a Schaefer Bros. is the place to Ww ‘qvestion has a reputation ee writing poetry, chopping wood, getting wired in, abusing horseflesh, etc.. but this is the first ti NEWrToN. interesting meeting was held at the nal Coe tar last Saturday. evenin, it’ George paid usa visi Mr. James Torrance chi added to the appearance of his lot hes putting ap a handsome ficket fen: There has just arrived al Sun ‘office a magnificent lot of gle of vee Pye rece] ption car Do not fail see us when by the football enth e the Cupid shoots. aon by ne og cotitelatta, ee ule sxcellent m xpr | nteeting vs held in nat having the honor of hee chan ca luclioest crowd. ee ee synopsis regarding he ine foot ball he wished ues Nowa to ¢ following. otf uthig, pres, vieespres,; Watiy treas.; C. Hamel, capt; A “hothig, Be dee and €. Hamel’ committee for antes After sinving the ‘soa ant the meeting dispersed. now open Ee challenges. Elma*s Marl Bed. ins an account of Be Elma Win. Ce: i ita ee rings will make it 8 place of ive ie ioe iat Me. Coxon Swill have his ex realized and that the people “of ee in_fabulous wealth. of delinquent subscribers. paid up, but a arene se have w un owt fore the ea the ‘school site and the building of a new school, and should command the } rui aN Ce othe: pe came in from ts and sat hi with a very eighteen iie-leen ae up,” —Tl new swindle which is being w with success in the Western counties, the re] We sent out accounts to a nuntber Some have we do not care ; e| Perth Lincoln and us happy by paying up. ‘On Monday evening, i Bee hy, Grosch's hall jaw which is now be- Tt is with regard to to discuss zit ‘ion of every ratepayer. neighboring exchange w was orally day. cabot sn by the desk face. “Our whole he snid. The editor seized “Tell ine about it,” ie said, we want is news, up?” “Plowing,” said the farmer, Loox Our For Him.—There is orked but ie wants the farmer to take mm him in payment. 8 | grace Blows mgood | price for the cess and gives the farmer his note for them. far farmer gives his. note for the gus in The farmer's note turns up at the dank and “ithin | the. swindler is gone. at | Hamilto. .| Walkerton about two weeks ago found. e |on the track at Toronto. It is ex; wil t on neni aid got % a te eects, then | a: went on his way rejoicing, is, | county councils will be elective. a| the connection. The Herald has been see 2 a lise} er DISTRICT NEWS boring Press and ‘Other Sources: Stratford is to have a celebration of the Queen’s birthday. Alex. McKay, exM.P., has been appointed collector of Customs at Sel Albion hotel at Stratford is be remodelled at a cost of rained $3000 ae Mon The Mitchell, cand ieee by fire last weeh. The Joss will be between $600 and sie of the body of Walter Glendenning, who was drowned at Seagram’s colts are going, pretty fast ed that he will again capture the 8 | Queen’s pla Mr. Clarke, of Toronto, has accept the contract of building the House of Refuge and agrees to have the work completed by Nov. 15th. At the last assize court held Bruce, the grand jury of 13 men cost the county $137 in fees and mileage. 48 petit jurymen cost $560. John Dunham)» i Stratford, (com- . He paid the piper to the tune of $5 and costs. Mr. McIntyre, the American Customs officer, in the Grand Trank sl ate at Stratford, who had been. dis-| ™ by Manager Hays in the in- en, of economy, has re-ap- inted. ‘The fullowing licenses have be, wetter, Michael Meyers ( Gos Henry Spahr, Fidel Schiebel, A. Spal hr, J. eae, A. Schlegel, Anthony ‘Mattel PB, Greyerbiehl, A. Stei The Listowel hepa su é elect- ed the following officers club looks forward to a hey ins crease in membership this ie oe Bolton, P. S. L,, is ae get. an edition of 1,000. maps of the Cianky 6 xford, similar to the nd bandsome-map, giving wall details, owner and occupants of each farm, -, and will be found of much use to the residents of that county and dis eb. n accordance with the bill pasted by the Ontario Legislature last ae counties will be divided tricts and the Government ‘iddles Wallan. Perth county will be divided into seven electoral districts and will be entitled to Pe Bi teen members sit at the nh ie council. Ther a somewhat general ram- or gest that the G T. R. intend ee ‘apedee express through jistowel from London to Owen Sound connect with the R. boats Enquiries made rs of the G.T. R.|a here show that they have not received any word of such a change. Tt would owever, be a great convenience for tlie: wie of thie wesvern provinge of mnitario as ers for the ©. P. R. boats from hae Stratford, have now to go around by Streetsville to make . | 0f some of the barn Sleek ot at is going on in the of Perth. Here are a few alee Ace Seen Mth con., Ellice, bank barn, 42x70; John Davidson, — 14th con., Apgnn, bank bar Bohn, same township, flat barn, 38x40; Robert Hanna, 14th» of Bilice, flat burn, e| 40x80 ; Colin Kerr, also 14th of Lag? ‘Tuesd bank barn, 40x70, and frame house John Hohn, 17h oun, Elva, ban! barn, 45x! in town on Wedni of the Rrantford Bicycle Aangecate ing Compan: outside. ing in the neatest manner, augmented by a from Millbank, celebrated the 78th i f \d | welcome to the i k | estimahte family, happi new sphere. Local Wotes. r Bros’, clearing sale ad. It will nett) you. A light shower of rain on Thursday night brightened things up a little. It is ex; the Milverton Mr, Peter Livingston attended ge all ab ae towel a given under the ices of the Young Men’s Social Club, on Meudey evening. There are at present no p tenantable houses Na rent in Milverton. If that is a sign of prosperity, and we suppose that mit Milverton shorld be pros- cheese factory will open about May | pero 1 ae The Rev. Mr. Finkbeiner aes re from Binira. We welcom to f tho Marais’ hotel, aoe r. D. Chalmers, of | of. Boole is this cheese year running the factory, Young man, ve that engagement ring. Hox ee can getit cheap at has | Schaefer Mr. ae Posh has been successful in passing his second year’s examina-| ‘0. tion in Dentistry. rdon, of Stratford, is at Mr. R. E, Gibson, of are wins esday in th Toba’ Wagestor “ot | Te eeweks 45 around this week cues to the farmers a number of tres : ful aa ornamental, es, both fruit- rimm, of Listor to work in one of his cheese factories this summer. de rton tohave any 24th of 2 Milver y demonstration this year? Sports should bestir ola i they intend making any ds, Ades Bohector ade prepared He will also to do all kinds of painting, inde and paper bang. of the Salvation rd, desires to thank the pesple-ct Mlracion for she sid given her for the worn out officers relief fund. A pablie is will be called in » Reddaway’s 0 5 evening for of the ree Library board | £ 5 He ae coming year. 3| good attendance. Let there be a Household Ammonia gives snowy whitness to plain goods. findita great assistance cleaning. For the Jaun i glasewa: and the toilet generally itis indispens- For sale by Jas. Portas The directors of the ones am ve May oo at ie o'clock, for the pui ee prize list and transact- oe ptier buries CET Aa of the board is requested. . Zimmerman is likely to chances for it getting better are slim deed. Jobn Roessing has sold his honse mes d. Diese: village is badly in want of. more sara “There is not an available spot] i However, there ron are posi new places going up this| "* summit in town for auy one. saa fe of Silver Star Lodge, a number of the order Sunday. Fear preached a thoughtful sermon on tl i love. whic tween thren to emulate a like The Rev. H. niece preached bis farewell sermon on Sunday evening to a large and sympathetic eg eee He spoke kindly of 2 of oming: pastor Finkbeiner. Mr. Dierlamm pee family left for his new charge at Chesley 01 exduy afternoon, ‘The Sux joins in wishing Mr, Dietlanar ee ly. happiness ee ;| ago oy eee in boc! Wallace the} in the ‘shed, and the yard must xist an and David, from which he} Gass. ae many practic: lessons. e urged the bret friendship. and Saks among the re | to cone Sen Buis.—We wovld like to remind horsemen that we are enabli to turn out route bills of any kind and at cheap rates. If you want a neat, slestly Prioeed job try the Sun office, Milv et Tuesday eteentan, April 21st, between Mr. fer aes HURCH eu S.—Last Sun- void a similar mishap in future, Say eohoot will hoped core . he children will all nie iat way te ck again. Business Cuancrs.—Mr. H. Schaefer has sold out his tailoring business to Messrs. Chas. Koehler and Mr. Oscar Gi towel, has} Ezra Knechtel, who take been engaged by Mr. D. Chalmers, of Poole, n in early fall. rice paid ty Me Schaefer we under- stand is $6,5 Loaprne Ur.—A. B. Chalmers, who left here a shat time ago for Pincher Creek, appears to keep with the times. -| He has sent han ee a supply of cart- tidges and two bulldog revolvers. ‘The understand that game is very plentiful out there and that revolver shvoting is the usual thing. z Hay Takes 4 en Ware! during the winter commanded a high price, hen is fai price for an real rhe should let i it go. Osrrvat few weeks ago Walecanee ‘oe of Ellice, came ey town to live with his daughter, Mrs. Balzer Hobuselie He had been in very poor health, not: being able to move around very much, and gradual- grew worse until death overtook ae last. Friday morning, at the ie and 9 weaving business in the shop that was removed a year ago to make place for the new dwelling of Dr. Clemens, At that time Berlin dido’t amount to nt his remaining years wit and Mil- | He wi highly sea a res| ceed) lifelong ae of the Beangel church. vy. Mr. tel, of Zion chur, Berlin, is A Pan THETIC Baccan Wathen dear ss come home with me now, for as some carpets to beat; she’s got, all the furnitnre out in the yard, from the front door clean out to the street. The stove must come Jown and be put be cleared of some grass, for it’s time to clean house and the devil's to pay— and the front windows need some new Father, dear father, come home with me now, and bring some bologna and cheese, it’s most 12 o'clock and there's nothing to ae so hungry the knees. the dinner we'll have val be cold seraps and such, and we'll have to eat sta: say: you're only a lazy old thing, on that she shall put you to d easing to. serub, for it’s ee, time tnd you've home and reyel in suds