The Milverton Sun Spanish Nature h of Senator Mills in the Unie Beaten Senate is considered a fresh insult to Spain, and has revived animosity in an extreme degree. Fifty Ly thousand soldiers paraded the streets THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 1896. of Madrid on Friday. La Atalaya, « newspaper of Santander, Spain, in one Stratford Presbytery. Ma Byron, —It wight might interest: mai your readers to ascertain » few of the of its leading editorials says extermin- ation is the only solution of the war Are You In the Dark Are you still going on in the old way, taking credit—paying A Popular School. This business is the focus of all eyes and SPRING! SPRING! This ecek we are showing our new Spring Stock of Suitings, Pantings and Light Overcoatings. its influence is by no means limited to the , Another month of our great sale has gone, and, same as last month, it has been a great success. Eve 15 to 25 per cent. more for fiminpectee salen Coste a note Decals > *Gz|trade we do. This isa. popular school. ing | Gemands that the rebellion should be| j. Is | let one eceet live, sine | "2 rolegatlagegd tiaauationse? tase jonths do} ae five tential ne of the 12. "Ont rot th The ‘whole number o' ‘te, | THE OLD, MIDDLE-AG: 7 | treats effectively religious institutions are very far from being the, most expensive element in our body poli W. Ml, Moktanrs. The Manve, Millbank, March 20, 1896. The new Parliament wil probably | Sit! meet in July. In the House of Commons Friday | the Under ated of State for For- eign Affairs, Mr>Geo. N. Curzon, re plying to a “seston se Me the} D: failure of Fra: e the use of . the espuas 4 fans ye d for the pur- pose of the Nile expedition, ad Ru the French Government does ni majority ae the Egyptian debt commission to be su ‘dl d ‘ing to the action the Bayptin debt. com- i Cairo, the expenses of the British $eayptian |! expedition up the Nile. Ontario has no fea reason to th present crisis of the fight for provincial rights at Ott ad of r Hon, David Mills has a great deal of constitutional knowledge, and 900 Catholic votes in i fand 1 can Reartily recommend’ vasa: greet with the oe on the stream of Dominion interfere: Many a uebee Rouge, who at tl hae call of party cluty took his political life i ei oe hand, is deserving of more esteem Boh Duwid Mills, who, with all fe parts «phy, would allow his own fears of the Catholic vote in Bothwell to ‘lictate a e Wheat, white .. “red. :| Machines. following testimo..ials to its ed to. has cra ond ae and bloody, if get a little time on them & it eost what able EA in the ’ ma} whole pee rowned in lakes of /that the country belo: us, and if of sacrificed flesh, let us build these foundations quickly . AND CHILDREN, Are one and all Cured of Kidney Trouble South American Kidney Cure. confined to these ind. of with all alike relief is secured’ quickly, the most distressing eases relief comes i ib not han six hours, wonderful iceslicigg ior Wile eee suecttistant important murpose, Sold by James Torrance. COMMERCIAL. Miuvertoy, April 2,1896. ‘all wheat p ring whent,, pee busi sy per bus ‘all Wheat. Stratford, April ee 1896. pring Wh : rley. arent ee per ag otatoes, .per bag. sa ter erercrcers Dresed hogs Beef, per cwt.. maKwenecoe eon S8SeSuxds aon geese Washing EDGAR HAWKE, Millbank, Agent for Massey-Harris goods and Karn Organs ond Piancs, is alee agent for the celebrated Knoll Washer, manufactured at Brantford. It is decidedly the best Wash- ing Machine on the market. Read the Mornington, March 2nd, 1895, Hemen,—Tt gives me much pleasnre to say that the Knol ¥ Washer has been used by v for the last, ties ‘years, Saal dar- hat time We find it very easy on clothes, and T itation nin recommending it to x ‘ours respectfally, THos. Macwoon, M. i $e hs P.O. 1895. We ee = the. ‘Kool “Washer for over three years. given us entire satisfac- tion. MWe hi some eapeiee ee in washing ome which cost.a considerable Pastor N. Mornington Brest rian Chareh. aa ee 805. Mr. E. Haw! Si, “The wailiok purebwsed from yon ‘one year ago bas. given entire ee labor-saying ma: hine . B. Rozrxsox, M. P. P. Hundreds of Testimonials like the above can be given. I om agent for fe Waterloo En- gines, and Separa Wood and}, Lumber taken in aoe for Wash- ers, Correspondence promptly aitend- potiey to the Libera) party of Canada. _—Toronto Telegram. it just because you were in the habit of running an account, or is it that you feel you should pay more for your goods than your neighbor. Hundreds and hundreds have tried us since we started the Cash or Produce business (within the last six months), and it is to you people we are speaking that have not iven our new system a trial. You would think it absurd for aman to demand, say 15 per | cent., interest_ on a note from you, when others would let you j;Dave it at 6 per cent. Wh 'Y then pay these large percent- ages for your credit? Is it an honor to run an account and be under an obligation ; and you dare hardly look into an- other store and eyen price | BROdS E Why all this, when you can avoid it ? We take All Kinds of Farm Produce—also Cash. Millinery and Ladies’ Capes. Tn this departniéne we endeavor this ss all previous efforts in Miss Tare seasen, and will be pleased to have you cal Dress Goods. Fine Henrietta, black, all wool, 40c, credit price 50c, Fine Henriettas, black, all wool, 50c, credit price 65e. Fine Serges, colored, 25¢, credit price, 30c. Also a good line of job Dress Goods, Te and upwards, Staples. Best spe Me eredit price, 12}¢ (not 1 Bet "ShicGogs Ile ; credit price, aie heavy Cottonade, 22c ; credit price, 28 Best Cottonade made, 25c; credit price, 32c. Heavy Cotton (a daisy), 5e; credit price, Te. Nice Towelling, 5e ; credit price, Ze. Extra wide and heavy Flannelette, 9c; credit price, 12}c. are Muslins, from 7c upwasds. Zephyrs, 12}¢; Crepons, 123e ; Piques, 1240. House Furnishings.—Car- pets at 12je; Linoleams, 2 yds. wide, Floor Oils, 36 in. wide, 25¢ yd.; Wall Paper at 5, 5 and 8c , single roll—over 45 patterns to choose from, with bor- der to match—the best and Be eitare Rolle We tell you we are right in it this ‘season. Readymade Clothing & Hats—Large variety for men, boys and children. Those eash prices break the Ah, Hal and Groceries, too, they keep. We have no time to tell you a — these bargains. Look old Suns or Heralds and they on ae all about them. So grope away in. the dark if you will. Yours, dence of that fact is furnished daily. Read the following specials for this and next week : soe St 25 per pair, regular $1 6 i Unlaunaeced Shirts, 50e, Colored Shiris, 70c, $1, Linen Collars, 0c, Spring Caps, 20c, Fedora Hats, § “ $1 49, $1 60, 7S Be Have you thought abont your Spring Suit + If not, you had better Wall Paper. Now is the time for House cleaning, and you will be looking for Nice Wall Paper. Drop in and see our Sample Book. 28 Patterns to Choose From. 01 o Catsup, for 25¢ ckloberries, for 252 4 tins Sardines for 25¢ bs Evaporated Apples, 25¢ 3 Ibs Evaporated Peaches, 25¢ Leake Castile Soap (twin ia) Be cake Oatmeal Soa: Vette Baby's Own Soop, 0 ke eep i toc a fall Tine of Wash- such as Ammonia, Surprise and r. WE WILL GIVE YOU CREDIT IF YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD. GROSCH AND LOTH, THE RIGHT HOUSE. i HAWKE. New Goods New Goods . ARRIVING DAILY. Come and see our NEW PRINTS. ioe fab lot of dadies WATERPROOF CIRCULARS, which we are selling at 49c. each. They are beauties. If you do not get one, you will miss a bargain. We are agents for the Standard Fashion Co. Also agents for the celebrated Crompiege Corset. , : Latest styles in Gents’ Furnishings on hand at : See the latest styles. ' Ray and incon . : Now, for your spring Suit ! $4 a suit, as we give you from Where are you going to get it? Come to us and we will save you from ‘ Off, so do not throw your money away, as these hard times a customer must try and get the most he can for hi dollar. SCHAEFER BROS This is the place where you can iy the most for your money. Don't be led Smee by other ccales al ng The Extreme Narrow And all of the LATEST STYLES are shown in our Spring Lines. am ITNT TTT THE COLORS ARE...... oe in. Goodyear oo ae McKay|i sewed. We have the largest stock of Boots, Shoes, Trunks and Valises ever shown in town. Agent for the Singer Sewing Machine. G. MAIN STREET, J MILVERTON. PECIMENS OF PLENDID EEO etree t HOEMAKING. GROSCH.| “Turned a Leaf.” he Rennie Bros. have adopted a new system of doing business, which - they are sure will meet the approbation of all their customers, and many others. ‘We claim the man with the money in his hand to pay for all his purchases should BUY HIS GOODS CHEAPER than the man who has to have credit, And in order to do justice to the cash purchaser we have adopted The Cash System So as to use everybody alike, say So, on and after Wednesday, the 15th day of April, A 1896, we will sell for Cash or Produce only, and in return will give you goods at prices heretofore unknown. prices and this method of doing bvsiness, we would be pleased to have you call and inspect our goods. Your obedient servants, righ an as BROS.,, NEWTON anb eee It you appreciate low nday Liquor Selling. athe. Hiatios oP Laas the cardi & bishop of York introduced ‘a bill re- ing liquors for | the premises, te c Bishop ey Macher Propesed to seaeeee the House thas a commission | already considering the licensin; bees and suggested that the bill intro- Atese ou the eget of York be The late Mr. Robert Anderson, off iam left $115,000, divided be- | Pm on ween various departinents of the 8 | resbyterian church. His estate Ciphers From Winnipeg. Ottawa, March 27. ie Cabinet held a meeting this afternoon, at which several cipher messages from Sir Donald Smith and Messrs. Dickey aud Desjardines were disclosed. The infor- mation mess tawa envoys an almost immediate an- swer to any proposition. Lariviere, the French Conservative janituba, received a private mes e this morning, in which it is stated ince Senator Desjardins has had an Toe with Archbishop Langevin, His grace is reported as auidsteeul the hope that the Ottawa delegates will do allin oe Paver to arrive at a settle- ent. made it eee at the same time, that ae will aceept no_ measure that does not give the Cat! districts where tl they prepoades te, the solid control of their’ schools. Archbis! Langevin is a_ believer in the conciliation of the Catholics of the province, and hopes that some y. This, he thinks, would greatly increase their ower, The new AEs srmored _battle- ee rswas launched at Birken- ea. Sewell, well-known to xlmost every resident ‘of Chatham, is missing, and bis friends are searching for his hati: as they fear he has perished from exposure. about 50 years of be ae has had quite a chequered cai progress os as ee towards a settlement of the | * difficulty, and the impression | se prevails that the Winnij Sy WAS COV- ternr sonst Bridge, 1 189 wi urs: SL left the anual at 8:49 a.m., arriving at the bridge at 1:85 p.m. “The de from the time of departure, was. made | in five hours and 49 minutes” ounted to $2,000,000. Sowell i isa singled man, | © th made at fe Mid.23 loses: "The eels teas tests conduc! i | of the:r c2-oj ‘Crossing The Bar, Sunect and evening star, And one clear eall for had cay ¢n0 mowing of the bar When I ae out to see Aut such a tide as moving seems asleep— Too full for sound or foam drew ‘from out the ‘Turns again home Twilight dnd evening bell, > And after tbat the dark | Aud may there be no sadness of farewell When lis: s |For though from out our bourne of time and i The Rood may bear me far, L hope to meet my Pilot face to face. hen I have crossed the bar: Tennyson. C r Wostes, the 15-year-old. boy who ed for Mr A, Merce con. 13, Yarmouth, and who took dose of paris'green on Tuesday night, ‘died Friday. ‘Fhe lad worked for Mr. MePherson for six ae and was for: merly an Eee ofthe Elgin House of Indus: Old ti bhi eyole riders caution _be- gitners yy use the ankle Pe Leds ankle motion is hard to ado when once the knack is learned it will greatly relieve the wheelman ascending elevations. Upturned handlebars four facilitate the art. Itis also a remedy for sevaloping cheealt' ob the leg. It is said that there are over 600 and the Stat warative Tests of over one Thonsand “Yaritior st Farm Crops.—Val je Re- from Out Bret ey ert ‘im Agriculture ‘1596, ent feature in the mak of th grown on plots si ssianted sile by side. of this seer ge a from font to in yeata'tn ncceasion. Not: ally: ave ik coe a dullanis apes te ickteio fon liar with varieties from twenty-one “forei; countries. few imported varieties in nearly all clasecs of far crops have better results the ave ven ears ex riment After the varieties have been very cares fully tested at the caless for aan cy ve years, the are select for - | Co-operative way corm noie Qntaria. ehese m Sarnia tunnel. to the Bes breed re carried on to mabe careful test and to roport snag bieyole riders in Burope ‘ u e Com oily over cs ferti in, and Fodder. the ‘applies for the seed early, and | crops, which hav made high necorda bth at out. | the College and. through ta Jersey Nav. Us. Suet Dako Millet, U.S, ; ete. ¢ leading varieties of. the fed ra wibieh we obtained in Onta: gyptian Mammy PB. be ‘Swede rol Carrot, Improve se Empire State sta ete. pes operative e=periments. EXPSBIUENTS 1y 1606, ages have alreai aauply is B initen, those who be the for eonduuling’ the sxpermment Ge the blank form on which result of the work, will bs experimenter, at the time the fertilize LIST OF EXPERIMENTS FOR 1800, 1, Testing nitrateof sods, su iriate of isi tush, mixture, an ith Outs ring the advantage of nit rtilizer with certaining the relative varieties of Millei 4, Growing thee fodder ‘orops, 5. Growing Lucerne as a crop for aS _ Growing Critusun Clover as a crop | Et Teaing ae Teading varieties of Testing five leading varicti Tarn 9, Pieting. five Ieading ‘varieties 0 Mangels. ae 10, Testing five leading vai Cu 11. Testing five leading varieties of S| a} Wheat. nl eee fiye joaee v rs we have dis- rds livery at the East Buffalo stock acts | Sian gratifying | result LEADING ¥. For 2 detaled, account of - the various: reader: ee year. buted by tl re Dee partment Stes, to tte wlio Bre: ae the person w! In return, we ask that assnon as possible after the ] huvvested, | Ontario Agrioaeset oe yh, M