“Englishman declined it, saying, sotto 5 Bi an Ls rheumatism,” Sold by Ji We D, Weir, will cell d. hon ueahold fete ‘of John B. Soar ter a ci will sell the rm stock and implements of Bol Rell lot Pes 4, western ea i ell W. D. Weir will pry Dblio auction on Ruowday, March 3 Bes eam con 0, Mocningta —— SHORT STORIES RETOLD The local editor of-a prom‘nent city paper was recently ill for a day or two and the telegraph editor was put on his desk. The man ha ie 80 used to writing flashy telegrams that ended up with “trouble is expected” that he absentmindly made the addition to a wedding notice. He is now looking for work. A good story is just in from Drumbo, which i is worth sopmacing: Tt appears ‘there was a sale of horses there recent- ly, and v ir eH) were obtained for the animals. A farmer who, after much bargaining, had purchased a ‘steed for $2, asked the seller {f he would not return him @ quarter, just Esl Takes The seller refused, but Here, I won't be hard on we take another horse,” itled Englishman was a guest at a Washington t house, and a dinner was given in his honor. ‘Phe host caution- ed the colored butler to address the ae always as “My Lord. to do until he The appearance of ish is not specially Pepe ae when the butler handed it to him, the voce, “Tt looks uncommonly nawsty.” The butler was so taken Kk av the idea of anyone refusing such a delicacy that he forgot him: sel and said: “But iv’s terrapin, my The late Sergeant Slee, ‘while severe- ly cross-¢xamining a witness, TE. ed, peremptorily, (pon obtaining answer, “yes” or “no,” to ono of his questions. The witness vainly ex- ated, saying the question was cue that he covld not answer in that ‘The recollections of John Sherman, the talest, thinnest and homeliest man in Congress, do not embrace the best story of Webster and Clay: Both were great money makers, and both as just “going oxeee borrow that amount of a ebster. “T'n i broke.” The two wold got the money, and the next day were skirmishing around for more. / “4 Took One-half Gottle of South American Rheumn: Obtained Perfect Reltef”—This Remedy Gives Relief in a Few Hours, and Usually Cures in one to ‘Three Days, ub fe Gareett, @ prominent politician 9! 1, N. S., makes, for the benefit a a public, the falle lowing statement : “I greatly troubled with rheumatic pui uml ears. On several Poca gral not walk, nor even pit my f floor, L tried & very thing and all Jeol oh sicians, aan rosie ‘continued. t last pre upon to ty laa Bisiiatie: Care Tobias feet relief T taken half a of the medy, and to-day regard it the only radi- james A PERFECT TEA is co wore. : tees in f sonar Rass ge ROR Aly sur ervver does tot keep i, tell him to write to, the |) eee opt at W. M. Appel’s, If you want a Trunk or Valise you Sree do Pe than by snes aa W. Mt Maries of all descrip- -—Furniture —Sale ; —for —the Just received a lar; Sweat Pads and Whips: which will be sold cheap at W. M. Appel’s. Next 2 Weeks, Come and settle your old account with W. M. Appel. 427ALSO FIRE INSURANCE AGENT, |W. M. APPEL, The Harness Maker, MILVERTON AND NEWTON. Fresh, Wholesome IBRD: AND CAKES. All Seasonable Fruits. OVS TERS ian By the Glass or in Bulk. J. H. SCHMIDT The Baker. FRIDAY! I FRID |AY | sees hae i Milverton Fotos Studio, 's new block, will e open on °|Friday of each week, INI iv. jon hanes hours: From 9 a.m. to4 La a: GF. MAMTLAND, Pontganter, Tuly 12, 1895. BREAD ‘AMO HEALTH Que New Prints;: What is more important than fcr the Bread you eat should be Pure, and Healtbinl? eal Bread is fas question in these’! nd °| CAKES ——ut> Fresh every day, at’ The New mG Guenther’s, The.X A Sure way to find out whether we do as we advertise would be to DROP aes our shop and investigate. those days of keen comprtition we have Gel to “get up and hump,” and IN - Doing business with us_you can al- ways fee! assured of the very best work at the lowest PRICES Shave, $1; 3 haircuts for 100.512. shaves und haireut, -i_ shampoo, I5c., 2 for Qe. ; 19. miouatachs dyed, I iso bait ‘singed ing first-cluss—a0 c. Ss. Kertcher,|s 4@RED FLAG STORE. ws Watches, Clocks AND JEWELRY. + STEEL, MAYTER & 00, Mt and 18 Front Stroct East, Toronte, | GEORGE PFAFF, Main St., Milverten. —Bargains —given —at Weiderhold & Honderich At the Large Plate Glass Front, Main Street, Milverton. Clothing | CLOTHING ! Readymade. We have just in a grand New Stock of Spring Suits, men’s youths’ and boys’ sizes, in light and dark pat- terns. Prices that will astonish you. Men's Suits from $4 to $10 ; youths’ from $3 to $6; boys’ from $1 to $5. Call early and get the pick. will be in next week. Do not buy till you see ours. Butter, Eggs and Lard wanted. Guenther & Co. GENTLEMEN T have much pleasure in an- nouncing the completion of my Spring Stock, which is very choice in every particular, com- prising the newest lines in Serges, Tweeds and Worsteds of every description. Every- thing is of this season’s im- portation, so ‘mny patrons -can ely on geiting the newest goods and patterns to be had in the market.- As to my ability as a cutter and fitter, and the workmanlike manner in which my work is done, the past season has been a record. Everything is cd Sat- George Pfaff, Jeweler, |isfactory or no sale. I will not Has constant! fall ine of wat. | be undersold by any. Mlsching fer. | thar, Elgin, Columbus and English lever|to be favored with a call from fae ea abcd pet aes re “Tene you, I am respectfully yours, Poll’ stock of Silverware always on hand, suitable for We ‘ring always done. New Massey-Harris Drill The Massey-Harris Combined Hoe Drill and spring-tooth Broadcast Seeder, is the lightest, strongest, and in every way the best combined machine yet produced. There is good reason why it should be, for it embodies all the patented features formerly owned by three Canadian com- panies, and in perfecting it two solid years of work were spent upon it by the most noted and most widely experienced drill and seeder experts in Canada, if not in the world. Also, some entirely new features have been added. The Pressure Levers: Is the pride of the inventor and the joy of the user. By this lever you can sow your grain any desired depth. Also sets your cultivating teeth, raises the hoes and teeth out of the ground and throws your machine out of gear when turning around by this one lever. Examine this feature before pur- chasing a drill or you will regret it. MASSEY-HARRIS GULTIVATOR. This Cultivator is the first and only implement which has every adjustment requi to do cultivating work per. fectly. No cultivator can the work on all kinds of soil successfully. unless it has the patent shoes behind each section, which can be raised and lowered voice to the depth you want pulverized. Spring Pressure Device. he oil-tempered Springs are attached and, practically g get their bearing Pi the same point at which the independent tooth-carrying sections are hinged. Therefore, while 3 the sections may be hobbling up and down in following an uneven surface, the pressure applied is always uniform, notwithstanding the great flexibility. On other cultivators (attempted copies of the Massey-Harris) the pressive is applied behind the axle, in which case applying pressure destroys all flexi- bility of the sections, increases the draught tremendously, sometimes lifting the wheels clear of the ground, and when an obstacle is encountered the team is pulled toa dead stop, or more likely something will give way. Examine these points before purchasing a Cultivator. ———— Corbin Dise Harrow. Eleven balls in each bearing makes it the lightest draught arrow made. By the use.of the Slicer Dise Wheels you do not need to angle your disc as much to do the work. T ne < fore it will not ridge the land. ooo D. SMITH, cen, Office next to Grosch's Shoe Store, Milverton. E. Hawke, Ag’t, Newton. A FULL STOCK OF REPAIRS ALWAYS. ON ae BURTON, THE TAILOR. HAND BY arcie AGENTS.