Ontario Community Newspapers

Milverton Sun, 19 Mar 1896, p. 4

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t 'S REVENGE SHOULDER CUT OFF. AN 8 : : iii ARCH FIEND OF PARIS, : “ooaabotid abet: Suef oF NO PLACE LIKE HOME. CHAPTER XI. (Continued.) lighted. I bet he knows how mai eat nes ter; then in faicly es ” " ny -€ye~ 2 REVE! § iy hot oe wate: th eli e piers TER XI. (Continued) | Iishes You Mave, an ie ma i Hosiete dia iy 7 coeraten wae el ron faa Se 3 a MODERN FARMING. a Hssols BY JAN MURDOOK, CHANING CROSS. THE SILVER TON SEY said she. y- ve The wome iy in India by Dr. G.C. ‘RIAL ‘i a i% ais ” a grew oe about. her | Hall, Seri t Li \ Oh, Eden was a far: Command away,” returned Mul- red hair, and strove di! rgeant Lieutenant Colonel of |, x é ® farm, se ectaniiee whose iabietal aa Te uldeoass but hone of he eae the Indian Medical Service at Bengall” ‘thread of mri Degenerate Slender paises ae hoe A “charming: soda, washing oo ears t har es best Local Newspaper in the cow Cakem strong effect, and catisad be XE hideous; ur none of them honestly ) This operation consisted of the removal | i read of Bvidence Sends Him to the ‘That come with mode eat Iteve it is safest. We next come to the |! the world. First, mnty of Perth. It is the aha prattonta ke peices eager Eb men who chanced at the moment ons | of a man’s arm and shoulder blade’ for atllotine for Chita murder, nie enti kit ie eee arming: | sterilizing. As we presume L. A. M. | go among strangers eee ae Advert Rat rag don't touch. 1 haven't fallen corel Wan shee pa ean sla eved Are nar mabe cea ai Ue Stl. Haat fee ee oon 2 ble: Fram qhe of Aad ee oe jeraniuon broken, dns ioe, pioeras Dalles Steen Ae | Mt ue, Rom | oa, ge ee sane Subscription $1 per atte: Jeary as. ae aie pa ake "| gards it all " Si cy aegis a elinee na ifs entirely successf se epee oe Sis tantion comon is: pa etter, were Pinatas ae Remgret ne Taller suffi. | bey do learn to love us and we nee atsieply in. ad eae “What do you mean, eee ",, |gafds ie all round, that, simple name | th or else a studied survey of me years ago & coon had develop- criminal degeneracy _ which ‘9 fix a, neighbor's fer y Jarge to hold alt the bottles | What is that x M. SSP RAmEAT DAG OF x EEAl! 2 e polished floor at. their f ed on tl shows what ee Wh URGE Pz, must rovided, s compared with the love MaoBETH, manded ‘Miss iss Maclicudy, ger eal bacaeape ca eetocar ace tial, Aad you'll | silense, “It was impossible to fata he shoulder of the unfortunate, | ma} ata monster the human ani- When you don’t think you “oughter,""| they, are pees ieracud seben seleee (aye haya, Doe seats eres Publisher. pee) neeise tg the‘extza bob out of Huns Bs She looked the vers incarnation of pouth and had grown to such enormous | thoroughly e when its mind aon Sanne eae must not fe ep he water, which | when father, mother, sisters, and ifoths ‘Advertising Hate “Them io wife it will be your duty uty—a very vision of lovel imensions as to cause him y perverted and ‘0 iets ler and keep the water. boili in pat eats ES ates : j up,” me ts re os kab by that - small, baroreis ee: Sone ton Whih all’ her cfvacity unholy oF et oye but el = oa and an eovironment ot aera ‘thats tall"of brits and thistles, eater te ce and be a tae cae ~ we es Ee iT mion, ay G ; 0 “all_ber. vivacity, she was, | siderable an hich makes f at they be overdone | third, though after 2 L mes ee eatin te Pe voc Well, Fe rather have him than Gar: Soo, very spunea iallere Ones ood Be ike Gaal cu ~ Voiguier, the parable On tert missionary missalsy Se eee le ert a 3a "Tngers fia eesti tt aataen atirteat what are cine ea M5 oo] 4 Se : tian’ har was hbo, Tm |S fue defonive for Senge Sti), pic, of coum, ame atgeal [ney cueey'a. any tumor | the made of ile Ale at Ofna aft cbs Yo" turning | Sow aces SL oe ena eed alin aes og 88) ae i o) “Bet we neither,” said Constan-| Ji ¢ ing unimpeachable. applied at various hospitals which one discov: bso] esa are the joys fi i A. degrees, then take the . ‘onés—w! Ea 2 00 44 a edt little uplifting of her chi Soe eee URE aaa a Landtan iB TO | had bee i pitals and trace a ers ive ite iy no ‘The ei joys for op out and set them bott: em ) know all our foibles and ;: Ree} 200 108 i pat the door closed upon her further | “Sets the wind # of her chin.| cess, talking to Featherston. She was, n rejected as a hopeless case of even the cri Ok. “reagan the is yearning. or basket, wh epee Ene eck | ence Teast fi eee Riat B is revelations. Miss MaoGillicuddy, fear- | E°,, tilting the a een fa] yee ee m. She was. |by the dispensary assistant surgeons, Mainemenicae iy nae ee Hn Peaken's tastes ub wee perfectly aan The ‘object. eee Pe ek ee Reeds vend W. a Tiasiontsdverunementa ero RON fal of bar fomanis; Nad pushed! her. ont: fice eavenwara, with alll» brother's |i abi pasate, 4 onto, was laugh-} He bad bein ts commit suicide. wate, i Hat sgoma heb eepenok day, Tene nite set eles | eer brittle by |ean we Pee very much, how eak and Reeves oi the a mate bee DBs, Doupeist Fol ot ee Fp eroai tad adseke | fia ae, that the ‘better to see her f SO ea ae, Tt was, perhay Pary rensonabile | jdt APBeGrS that this saddler was a hor- ‘a buppose you try to cradle; to ob Sol ay pg eae eoaaa og geting Sane mother | 4 yrenever dhe body aden id: insertion, and 3c. Pe line fall! thos relieving | those inside the | ston, then? You know 1 said so. eather- said Lady Varley, glancing at ‘OGrady. | ey Seine oat for there seemed to be | Gout eld wretch who employed ayoung ; x Wixclain “How ‘gee doe, ee Pe bo oe tetas Gidea Lat ssmananr es sho arias sae UP sence shee Made a ates : room of her presence. Pa ee gal | eatin chemae Wees 1 ace other course left, and he was on legenerate named Robin to do acertain (TT See oe aanees ie suoeo believe the boiling will be found | work @ ho EN nace Mien ca “Well, Lexpect now is our time for ‘Take care! Sane eed eae ewe Tt ose her: its way to the raae RE Ae ious crimes for him. On ; On pickled pork and taties,” more practical and be sufficient for ell) Hi a re Medical u skedaddling,” said Mrs.. Douglas, ris- Trust him not, he is fooling thee— man tt kngw. She soe tian | ag, wo" | bad decided to take his life by drown- aay Iie. ths eanly cine ot aol ihe ‘ ag tie fie ee 3 ae Deiae es eee es _ FOBERT, MB; M-D.C:ML, Graduate a ing with slow grace to her feet, and | Tt is ae eteled opinion, my good obi Ty dao ire- | ing, when Dr. Hall met hima by accident, | VSwier strolling through. the Place Fine Seeger aee POULTRY NOTES. ateat to think of than the lonely’ bowels. sie Began to recover Tw se Cale Oe Arana, cone ‘ Bee en to where dard. Varley | that your gentle inlony way. Goud childs i erady ae arded er keenly. Why | 7 Abstis Tateie'e nrtot taveotigntunc| Sete nome, 1s Onils noe fae Seem i ake ae Seth teers. CSE SSeS. Saree rele sate A elhore, ‘ eee hal, London, B sete ntydentat Lore wes Tie at the open window. i FS Was thi a jought that he snould at least vas aa at No. 4 jens fs 0 fight a1 ly steer, i Re GE great friends. care not to bestow, for neeti jee, Mi-vertcn Ont. ‘Telephone con- ais o— dae 85 a0 pried Norah, for once in her Rese oP oa abe eae Du dass the chanes offered by surgical ast have | street, saw a esate unde Gone ji And have a nasty tussle, secon BAN Mae fertile “bene Me ie rarer: the ake Roni ae of | ian , ned. Rit a sense ot heavy seltepitempt as [tim one be decided to try) to. remove Melred child of eight years yar oy thank. Tippee a ater Hoe Y are at Dome among thelr loved Bee ves tha AL aa : 5 oe at peut gazed at the pure, calm face near | the tum tie’ Ai dpen ‘of this a playing with i Or inanbe asses yas = eh eee: over bad luck but keep on | ™e® they have family and friends to}and weak. Fort * Phavehs rede Reon Uae: P ie ae te eee : Ho post oy tabla |B aga ba near | Mine ae paral, onion was, 8 aa te ae ighborhood. veh tae Ss gor eet Srork OF chat or stroll with and they | uted Hood's careeparl SL pe oh ery anal our See ee ROIS eE apy acs aa ys, eo Bee ie enough to him|out feeling,” he Bappy, ee (taster abi Ase id be. His hal its ot alte with bin ai oie young Robin ae nae ‘the Kickapoos euax Soe cbata good layer, save her |@7e too aay to spend a thought on | St) Kindly recommended me to try it. I fork Brunner, jephene at Row: hseean! Ene Biss cet gsaeetts vA hen be ws ands how" Toakoeiavany. a ag ll Piece eae Bare one conduciye to a rol on-{dren, he told hi en they saw the chil- i ‘Toaeat ih totes Tumbago; fare cd ‘ the ht citar Whe teies tec oe 60 a1 Jrected. | Otigeand Heidapes: Pelee Hani cenuestion; Be a ig rose roat that |i think she misses i EE ood! was suffering cepa a pe 5 old him that he would give wi cows and calves. breeds Ro selection now far your pests al a am fe as well as I ever was, ‘and I | New essizes fi Eee eae Teeadly ont ie RE Re oes in Peto more at pres-| there goes some one of an eet te De ae are Sree Cee ey Cae eee yepostings If they Bu 9nd SneNgy. ee tail en Keereaat bie! ape ton and Millbank tice memages free. give me tl i fe Hecke ion a conside! j ast cattle men polars ‘i foving, Kind-|fn my house for anythi ca ras aougtes oe pointing ot eit gone ae far as tna” gid erent mn an Ge ep a Eee ‘This rendered, it carne @ TEN FRANCS palo, Shave You like @ razors ae ee prell 6s), heat; t0:) Heat ted: peowie: such as ate sametimee 3 A eeronine Ayer Be ce Oat PLONE est on the coast below.” your weather eye ‘pens irae , keep | bad come inte tbe pas light, and pies influence of ehioratoran, be ieee the | © bring the child to his room. Robin : "That's ugly as OE an Re? retire a4 night Gaal Syersth wat tee, ee Prenat tae and spend 2 Hood’. i == é oe nat aT ou | series me she uncommonly ase it] stood for moment, oking at Mts. | ake the’ chances. si 8 ae aa ta Ba eae A es twat To try ta break a colt arth Bes happy: dae tnt on ead_2i|Hood’s Sarsaparilla | yy. Buon, Lp<,p her hand, and pressed it, very gentl: nna yundas,” Srna cas aoe L talking in a} to ce the chances. La hat he had the chance. Th: nd only break your wagon; ai Narese. are sure to pring diss it not only more forcibly . ¥ 4 .S., Dentist, 2 iy. ett y to Featherston. The |, He put him und eve naa 3 lat To send the doll: ase among your ae ‘her of her own dear hi girl was d a 2 st h nder_the influence of ning this littl i gars. On ‘she lear home ? ‘And ig off duat endamurmured something (At trough | CHAPTER xIt Bier araek il ect he, Sci n"nutng oie Alege yevig Parra as) rat se incntmtnrine~ [otis egos Uitselant Sees tancotien bee tee aaa i he Oey of sta oes Fela aleo eens retty cheek. | It was a glorious night, and that somehow aes making an incision | was s atoria, sf ic] isinfectant ipa 7 1@ dear tie Dentistry. Chica Je hes z ‘hen he went back to Mrs. Sree eee Srey an quatenatle fel and Shedlaees fade ta tha rayeion ‘of Che ape Se yea een eae: The city youth is yearning. Before you enter the poultry business }) table, Gf the loved: father thinks to True Bio i 3s Listowel Unt, Wil weit the’ Queen's f is and F blade, carefull other. Robi Pied be su “ loved father thinks 1 urifier | Het), Miverton. th ERTS ca. WaT RUM eee ee er eMaties mauat | Spee. A litble cole crept into her | arteries on the Uy securing the | went in was lying in wait and re that is what you want. Fiotite beeie Geet usmod: Lecce: a epee Maneater on CR been rather amused. by Constantia ein Wise aoe st nn ae | rete a rstan's undoubt | the attach of ay. Having loceened| Vent Sp ta her'nd asked her to come rH GhGR GARUEGE Wren (a lies ne mace teem cone re canola the tue eater ei cerns ee flush. So that was his little.game! He | ™moon vfor By goteriauamn ted him such a] Yooy conversation; panies Ps s at attecked the front and tied the sub-| fitteen with him, He was then only rhe eetzan § poul ae musiness alone. sity Nae “ite sisters ‘or brother's Hood’ s Pills easy to buy, easy to take, ¥eterinary Bh, would piay f fest aug soose with her and ass on with bi rae Alaylad artery et. this “pointe TE eee old and small for his age. i a certain domestic ma- chicks ieee out Tae pe Reni fon tee tiees S erg es sata easy in effect, 256. ie e knew at that i or no aitach.| he child walked ie hin v prooders. f her there ; 6 wor! — BS = tse that she, hated Featherston, ment to the thoraz, as had been thought | have to deliver ne ee ee iiesetnowrel trouble it 3s cold a5) ik will, det i palee (and ‘toes | JF ENGLE, V8, Milverton, Oat: she therefore turned and bestawed thea aatian He then disarticulated said when thi essage here,” he ely, caused by feeding too mucl Ucherente anes earn Berge ret still Giidaat sh Qn SUNS ane Wiis asie. » Gollar bone from the shoulder blade |'house” ‘Come ap with me, Voiguier’s nadt Wil be of little use to Meee the | ant chair, pl ed i lov remem ead, REP-A:N-S tress fot alse Bee Nae, een 2 Toronto, : 1p with me.” The little 5 juse after your best birds h: of the absent airs . entifieally. All ealls (Phase ade “Come," she said, and stepped with girl hesitated whetta partner upon the by: engaging bee stolen. ber eva 3 staunc] w by. telopn promptly at ended to, hin toward the window, which, as bas at Civ anAa and at last agreed to go. some Megs Wy, SUB ae ne loving and ¢ pair “follow eect — Boy elbplone 98 cbtes wees any or ek Pie toate + i : olguleroj hin ioe ‘i sponte ‘work such | Keep pure breeds as the: step in, eympath: with the t wu 3 y and chronie diveates a specialty. parasol, and Sat wes nolding ber aa aveler Varley ee z = [and the ehila went in. nant patie oa as alg RCA tioned ca Wee characteristics than | goa and hong Tin pride for, “the te} 15] he modern stanc- Societi parasol, and now hat er her gloves, going the: one eS alone with the ej A Se en of we farmers’ as nd honors won. iS jocietics eae . ee anen ony er. 3 it att tit dist mal de ae | fake Fe as often as was possibie fe hand. Voicuier Hy We ader Geni Rives Obit te tals Cadvibes bul “Wie Sie rt cheat yourself by taking stale | hidden ons g fed a home snuely y ard Family Medi- ata cv?” she a’ ‘with a gest- | case, was filled with is ta overflow. (ee eee ave sotnetimes though’ ‘| him, telli i ‘iter also advises her to rai sure your sins sane . 9, Mil: " ure of surprise. “d eee be eind. | ing. AML thi guest erflow- ‘She mes thoug! 4 ling him to come back in about h fo raise some | Wil find you out.” cine: © ilverton, 1 meets Se Seen te ay in is was rather a trial to Mr.| ogra eats il two hour: in: abont sheep, cattle or something else andmake| Gi a e: Cures the Tnesd sof y, Lord | Dundas who ws Grad $s. ind make verti Bes poe ruesday of ev: Warley, onde, if you, will come, 1 fed ne EERE, i bo mane mae vou] en Deen di re Pon titnoue | Holt an pour after, Robin let, the see eh esate OL ee vebter "results" Warm sale th 2 common every-day | foe reeneee a : 2 L i-bye, Connie. nna of course th: ought 2” i Joss wo | Printer Boileau, who 1: mm only make money, all the wi FY goo > ns ters, Ou es ‘here could bardly .bave been a pl fete Week te ere was noth- Mt important members of the pa 0 0 lived just under idecehibed’a e Te woes, , ORL; W. i he _a pleas fe worshiped his lay I speak? You will not be an- Renee uman iguier, heard the screams lescribed in the first of tht icle wi your brooder chi =i; ay 7 i Mariacpen Parnemee cle ans ey pte vith ‘an adoring pession, nat | STS tnat'sa always outers wade. , (He ado bad ermeptonas nd | ae dir sone disturb for weeny ; ee ee ae tron bowet aoe Sinai keen he ae a Si adie Telorehandt. If so, i n intense becat «I want to be kind to y the in the G: accord urb yourself, How : ure high these col Star Gaver to spring upon io. without vane He austude, and the stern, calm na-| STMT net sequite you both Benet CMTS Han, ont ihe I Oe paoea, Be tandine most tau nea terse Gia ee crack may noi a Mec a Maton mene repriaey night ing, @ little comedy affair Lik dat as | Goied hie pests wie felt it, He wel- | Wound pe au requite you both And if his special deity for the favor vouch-| Wat landing above, “I upset my hot lic ‘sight on earth is the| Very large, ens tbe Hie z hang zgshren se eee etapa are t worthy of la tangieeent bye comed his guests with 4 Hnaly courtesy, Would be such a happy thing, it seem is ares elm agving bad hie mind firm- water stove,’ Boileau’ went back, into over-worked, discouraged and disheart-| 7OUP from) it, it seem: ons wet, he 6 Spon ce aia ' ; ni y me ri ' Rta RAN ire iaperaes eae hd gue to 1 e | suring fashion when she ere ptm Lk Grace ane he asked. es sith ee iy Maas a the eee te eee Sees So A a eae atane se L O. L., No. 1033, Miivert me 5 eams, Boi ‘ti e SED Sn ivert 4 eae sipped trough ‘the window and, | Pore, to "him, poor pete dreadful Sener ea en amusement, not un- ey support him for the remainder of saw a peer erie at his noes and a soul longing Sarna mann ae raharan ennees za ae aed hee | accompanied by Warley, “and Feather PEpee Paese ein tee had: Tay Go| ,, oats sn sebonla Maney wert TRRE : rae est ae) EATENED WAR. 3. Sirmng, WM. ; Ino. S. Boeekner, ee a a corner x pig Haas om a Aigntly. Ton. Bella Blair. who | Ste should teeehsan! ails yea) Rat THE TABLES TURNED. house carrying a filled sack. a ase Ree Ss. ani i d : J } é ra ‘ : sp bomen nies ae didn’t seem to have anybody belonging | would be easy. There is n0 other one |gibey, oF6 stil telling, stories, about eee ine ‘the Ca won ey mea ; |The Enormous Amount of Money the —_— peared. At the very last: Stronge had 01 Sey ee eee. ithere were {and ‘ak A ne Foo Sea a oe old pene ee lee eed US Gan ae a bide geteeidya gene Rasiness Cards orn himself away. Sore apmnead zB were | uit 2 you wo with strikingly hand- | officer, low much, it costs eT hh C x aad coon, abd an sTealian | eee and | king 01 in fies. at bones ie a EOE cerca ta oe a Paeretyee ee mae gale tea iis a ee SPY od him with her gentle Sirinctets ebout ys shoulders, Sia prem nemeni gy to be always prepared for war — and W,, 0. WEIR, Auctioneer for the a aug a ia, as he atuated about, his hostess: pes, seat aud not ain tha leset ander: | Once DevAne. seen in dould forget. bins. | th in Which Voiguier lived, saw y to} More than that, to thres ate" war founties of Perth | ding, of course, 19 tina He was O11 \oraide” which was only. cootstomed (O See eB ete sat pre Taree eee ot oe brinepal £4 | face of rt see penanes bs tne Feaivie. nan ee Cees eto pe Seoriland aindavite mad Bailie ou iy, and he really looked miserably ap- leg itimate flirtation, canst tended < in ete! galboaee Sim accosted one | Mos was taken to the collected by a j | Bro sion Court. Vill = a Oth i , and w: O} tended such a sudde iter i day by a y lorgue and soon_ ide y a ee oe ee lobe Hobs } Meurer dieters puta diene fe | oa eine Matera e's | Sah So Gay tans ae oe [AE A aris as talking of jc beenty inde tres of D a ee “She will not murder me,” she said. ed breat! bat. mn prince with bait- ie urchin very importunate, THE TERRIGLE MURDER, jurope have @ oan oed: Gealetion of ORLAND'S UL 4 pad nee oe Beas it all and the professor, bi 4 c opal on IvVERY STABLES, ‘You ated ot Took ‘ike at IEE Wy rhe ean ae and ota econ, bi seniors wish ial a brought out oe \ es sisty-alx millions | the for ire aN at tien a nore 6 and, nize t, you an come and see for yourself couraged i a ispering, and en- eat *|euier or Robin. An old a (cane ess h Balt is Belg eelaity. Bug ineetsall trains, to tauren prnonicr d ne indeed, by a dexterous T don't want asi Re ol Estee ae aerustet ad ae oa ist place the voung ¥ with two hundred and thirte : pi uated bane 2 ne pether {am or aii not in or ae Sion | presently bere and we 5 go a 9h hing. fay Tad. bot visted on Bo srretfed and, slimes eon. { anabitious aoe lish all she = to the square kilometre. ican op we es he la ngs vanes 2 ae gira tskenout by oats Hrogant becars Hotel = i mee noua was a marvel- ae Did. it not di eens oe ary og erent sca made his innocence so be or hired help in the hot without | extreme is Norway, ne Aid aoe resteneanaly ‘refresbe bp get Sale bak a cg Al 3 permission, raw off the eyes ‘A’ richt, sir,” was the lad’ escaped in spi so clear that he Favorite maetnode eeoomt is one Norway, with six people ed even | $i) bapa’ a tere win oe the reteline wane Tae ee cat | and goin aver Co bende dni | Eorccal acai vag retin erin fergete matty sepa, he 250He | "the eum nsitan arm Have long mused Sect sn rchentitic American eee gee ; PH Robin, rE e's ; il \ 5 : eM cea eet Gobstars soolg jyas caretal eiough £0 Ist them turning be Hata Mae nad toy ths of cae veritas the winks huis i Beare than ana ae eeasle atte ye oe i ee Be ee ea with Tan bestia “Ghe Teme creation of any ecentinepaner tne | Brie Siena cniunie see ‘George and Norah, when left alone, Passion of thi ing for the silly a jut even then Voiguier mii eapral | do, even though she f aay abe tea with our, true ta aay. man should ve. without 3, Weel aR Tey Eistclast acconimoatt ne the ar forked rathor hii ane upon te oth: he was of Rou le see cll ms an toe ope | ed had not buen for the cord with even though she feels strong, enough. pur fue Ponts thousn we Fonsasegel meta te a | ald invgoclabling cvail, “Pa |, baeredt”| exetatmed (aa World, even in'that primitive spot, Bet v5. Hate 36 | Winda to her eid This rae pret eee pines aD vs vor ore Be it ever 40 humble there’ : GA ea recuse Gove eira ete Fat a Ra tl a 2 nn want lla” gta Tl ie Pte ee Weve A oda al ES onile teres vo ole THR MONTHLY ° |Seamenmnvantnciae got er mi e en- | demn her. Her house was ful «| one else, eauitkebp it r, “ye middle and certain worn 4 stances of those who have done | billion’ a ae init { tse, sample rooms. Good stabling. Bi viet rane : E ee ee See ee wa is Sik 998 somew Pi ete sorry wit aed a vee tear Se Where it had caught the roller oe Yet tiny, were not living on St ase apache rae z > : et cer oe eno ae con Male ine AMEE tem tothers, round there had many girls O00 sot gar (pane ae Ge eee gus ehlon it ene attach. Outre gg Keeping boarders in town {o Help. eke | inder arms in time of Boras LITERAL OBEDIENCE. spe C.£ air ee you some day.’ “a x of Voiguier’s identi- | & income, has h : peace, the armies | o y oS erSNever, thanks He ‘ ie ERE Se ON poets hcowe wponirseten. 3 SAD STATISTICS. ve cant aatne he had seen in the cre thee: one. pubes tromew Suciat [ora cn ene one oe ceo ee LLBANK LG ete feces Geskas set eth Nanaeinan fe ° \ the card-patties that were ad PR Get rhat you are saying.” | yegi}- a aE Re ete ater Sere ae Se Fiore Bs Duns pee a ea ge ene ee eee Ae ein telesi eran ot = s etstous Better im ys Hes le We ered ravaleteand otbere tare ren ow what is first thing i ymore, and for some time quite e exclaimed, rather brusquely. s a Frightful Record of Violent} In the c 4 coe hi let u eld the Wednesday precedi: pleroome. Only the choles done.” scaudaliaed the “usighnounnods: the (To Be Continued.). ers be course of making the i ping house on the farm is notall | r Ses mplete state is Sir eet ee hi ipa. | the second Ti preceding |uors and Cigars at th: eat of" Wines ‘la cs Jaseen,”* were not E y as: rosecution introduced testi bane i etry, neither is the majority of house- te liness ae war while still follow- e in his recent “Re-/ ond Tuesday of each month, | pbles and. beat ye Deeb tata ne iat hey marred women course, as the fact She _ A homicide occurs’ every two hours to Volguier's past life. This aside gave | a Eecpevs ‘lives, but there’ is certatoly | 26 the callings ot peace -numbe ‘ollow-| miniscences’ gives several instances of | e year roun Paes eee - uw person hey ving a lover, but ind Italy. This was one of rthe many ae maya oti mena ae toc the OS ate ba makee papi Where cent the | than twenty-one millions of ESPEN a ge tea pa religious belief in | Louis Buekel, pie PE*Good. child!" said Geor ae Moar quslied tetore them TOMMY’S ESSAY. startling statements made by Ba Robin's desert : jaf ete tovay treme air cc te ream bern ce India may conflict with the us Bucke. itt TEL, Stratford ba Roos em Gomaiiata 1s wee ote tue interests of the Anaahat aS Garofalo, a distinguished riuios ge" duct and his toon ot Cased : Se ee ec rake ih any Gone oe Mastin poraece ne signage pe Presid Im Be BE hte ee prketeauats, Jit f theo, the masterly bay id any) oe pocion pinyin Lhe mount, and possible marriages | Me Mvalzes Some Mighty Interesting In “Grin ‘a lecture ‘delivered on| fhe ee ee clear he, eo 4 s Bivins ite ges heal in lowe 3 lead Gerbintincsa “Wav tne whale at Gurdee| «ce ous tan weed HEE there, for : Shh abel cero rs where t! aici id formation About the Bre: “Criminality i ii ion of pit: mit. In town tl is i a2 man wht i | Hem eres muerte oF at aE Oe ig mr me Brent, | on at temple" in the Roman ov] MG grote esther go Etat ti , goes one at | nse handeedillgns of dol sau re tat en pat so xe] Watches °. lost my presence of mind then—if there were cards, there was also didn't bavo b jogo. His aude : ne oF ene callers to interrupt | lars—s ro seule oF ee antl ara ae bE) J hn G deepen pao'| dascttig ant oat et al wwe breath we couldn't breathe, | See, He audienre included Queen Mar- ound guilty and sente: valuable time, 801 j sum that it is alme thing else, and the consequence was Crock: 3 ‘ r PP, eee ee nak where eee ait (tt Rees the young and liberal }gnd if we dida’t breathe we) wouldnt es sees eae otic ge Uber ooue resected ter away th venticing onettn frit] meee Bon the imine to comprehend | that the place was full of people either pee eran ea cages bd 3 te, fe another, world, beygnd doubt, of the austere county 1 nger members| have any breath, and the result. would 2 ‘aly the annoal loss of lito by|He will be guilloineds nS eer aterm Grit ae) ere a se Oe ad nen Genre ee miguulgevase, suchas Bien, Wattuora, | Lela? POStS, lt uber, L _L saw you.” cri 3 0 elders gave way, | be that we woulda’ be. icide (usually by lethal 2 ad ina farm h rt can} debt at once, Baxi llamar Th Wak BEES Ades ces OPEC ree nea ae umber, Lath: was shivering with fright a oe reais and the ible iniquity eye 3 weapons) as ; ee jouse ‘than ina town | child every Pian, romans wnd| fot restrictions. Winn a strRn ser wes. Bor, opsi peeve Geb eabedd , Lauls, ‘ hed & inign was wisely} You will often hea numbers about 4,000 souls, ee is ence eed Tite of a farme child would have to pay about. sixty-| 70 likely t : ery and guaranteed. Solid Jost think fee taro her baal used “into the’ background, and cou| they sere Hae bi See Yoni ay fat with Frame, or naan, are DOCTORS STARVING IN FRANCE. 5 Neile c pie tieagbee ats ners “Afier five dplans and ag women tnd children MAC one time Rien jig rare Rings. nike eee Gold Shingles, Pu ” Bte isi i brea ides ra Orbs s " venty sum, mice, Se i ° fea al Bridget attacked ‘hin? Ob, = helpod by the ai] ete, breathes, 1 SA ees ae ite Latin por: ase ee eek Sonal 8 g yours, 1 know. wheredt 1 Speak and Seen aNDstantial oF wage varaing cit | o0,t0 Poy nalts aoe oee aie cet De Satvantats BRUNNER, ONT. him boi Cont 3 Noi Ob, ri won largely. patroni. we i a tions, in isp} Sonee says at 1 E rant yk lence and not fi aay ew plain that the burden fs a| them. He obeyed, and nexi day took Dba ki fi [ have aioe ‘goo datiend’ ie hed became a yather 2 3 ESS least 2,500 ago tae bad lived both os avy one on all productive in- his master round triumphantly to show ee yather distinet | Drea goin oe comin ini eximiee France are Lattling with : city and Sctegtes (aes that each of them was ceeu RRP EELS TE EHTS “And there acy bi 3 usements there since le "about ew ‘Gi 3 starvati d told me that the exact "Practically the naii ne : “5 one rr en ese Cone pei ee attival of Mrs, Dan oat out ge | Frreath ¥o h you 3 coe nd a bed Be ae mmenersty ane uf sees se Latin Pop- | icians het en. aad hea ay ap ot ae teh eee ciel bank are crupt, thoug! er ney. oa fe ob Os few days later it was evident pat DR. SPI NN EY & Cc 3) (aig Haaser nobly fy one shouldbe wag quite, all thar] out of taters, or someth Sta aang Poesy Garofalo proceeded to give the | sible for this ae of, affairs. They ore wearing “pon. eee ie tie pay the ingerest Bees ee the Peso Se The O} oO. {BE conbl have Kissed ar.” no objection— rd ma this Venn) et soe patronesses of dif- life upon the farm; _pobvithstandia indebted: ie Old Reliakic Speciali: { 7 aes d her. breath the other night, and pa said erent societies to diagnose disea ; she attended to the ei | Upon ve pecialists. * said. Norah, pursing "sil Mild play! ‘That was insisted, w on.| fs only wn to the cor but I iow dress and bandage wounds, to Vacinate : sas a : ir ee “Tpeahdes the | 2 national Pe rie pes “end | 4 Vdiave you set the monse-traps 2 Years E Ayia both houses, 4 ie vouring ‘fal 3 aC jose of their x i utine of uusework. y five dollars; upon every | “Yes, be dyin she [Soran seta, tna |e ua’ eg, ee wh a [Fe signe, Modis ine" “ales SS tere oe eee ee | A ec ree, little ctartling Fame,” whist "They a ee Od nee "gts hs say, “Let's a drink,” but says, in = | ie daily papers explaining how chan pe farm | Italian eeuc tuitee aa ee oa OF What aia you do with them?” Losi sa women. White auc wed poIees Lhe te Ge ee efor levels neath are to be Aavlgegd See stomach me ere a eet ‘without the other band, the Swiss, who do not T let, them ‘out oy {Nae =e Bad Be ee Teast pees oom “ts has | ee ste ete reath. Usually ‘we cannot ie they teach how’ to. cure, pim pics and ne ae ne aes ean pave no| pq Bul” said. the master, “they were | Geet, Gonorthons, Vacscocele 5 very conscientious- present, therefore,went | breath, but te our e the annual < | avert headaches. OS acer a y be caught and killed.” Seach ths on velvet, and as a we know it’s there. If it | tir propo! Five hu — ach of debt in E1 Syphilis and all eo j hat snakes are to be | Andrew Stronge’s a RE Sas Ee a ae Know any- catia wile in a tat the and mend | ee oer epensaries Om DEAE Preston oy despa erdic ae ti) patie? ra the boy, “I never kill) withont mercury. ilent ovation was ‘night, ing al RS ant of simi- dispensaries, anc TERILIZING MILK J. A "said Nosaks She abcng: pnd accorded her—by. 1 the ‘Everybody bas breath. large amount of fees i ARS. Z Pes nd then the sahib remembered that ‘at him,and then went Sright She Tgoked superbly lovely, in a| doesn’t have to see breath aeaor fat pad the medial’ profession. aie from ‘The count 4 the Hindu xeligion makes. that merei- bright,, sparkling. style—snimation | id other people, have breath “euune what oe ee entleman gives the fol- FEMININE NATURE San npe rene at i .. and one that e eyes: "t see the cagiens a ae Ses s in answer to re o hima ire sae i litfed ‘ner igh above the usual ran at after, in « great the mose doesn eve MIND CURE FOR LEPERS. : Se aa ths heat = of “aestoing igenen Son—Mother, does o. girl mean neighhor nay Kept eens: house of q arily full of life; and every movement, pe ee es ae penines fered $0 i £ = % it, SoG rty,| Interestin, it pass- vermin, which poor. Gr plea, hebrayeni yu tod Spon pay experiments in mind ear es back and see es pene aid Ema ‘Mother: My Servant, was hired. to ‘pick off a1 i re . oo de- pase Tiron, able ot feng amtoed "eyes army otf ee ee eee ek tho and ar | aut WA WA Ta ay nee “hau ae te ile Aged Man wee eau j amuse is| Italian army officers are wretched]; " a: us poisoned, , ital for lepers at Stents <0 poe to ei er encourage a4 mm, he only amusing 's. Dundas to most men was Saielsenta ‘sh ly | by the stimulants in which ff N ‘rabadi = he correspondent iscour: transferred them bee aod ‘ mant’s, salary is| misery is ae Hicaenaen ee nee eae “B. The patients were treated’ wit! ed if he should “boil o 7 bus never any doubt back to th om the animals f a “The & ere are many A sought, d 3 joctor wi pone we vas. dressed in lack lace—a rich, Ti ice, 20) et Mbiohy atten Bay | ee ee a canal ene debresle | colered wate ena, a j Cet ws cola ae about what siie means. eee ently coped on naa whence they in-) Uf flues fee _ihove coats ocala a ae sone a gown, t rend i i fi ene sa 5 arrive at an T] & is cis Choke with full dn io ir case and hi soit, clinging gown, that rendered ber | SiMe ih or his board and lodgings. causes whieh quite ere Ge Soak the bs pati pat a short time, a sen tne) HEERATING:/ ORDERS. A HIGH PRESSURE Tk : SPINN rears neiseen; kanes te: SBS paper when : : font relapsed inte 3 enownce| Patron (at, church z 290 Woo! former condi the otherwise ideal system of selli (at church fair festival)—Oys-| I hear that Dobbs’ bal EY & i 60. metomood waste oi selling | ster please. iby is a little Bete min = in glass jars, and mmend veitiess Mo ‘cook)—Oysters, two. eon Ache ee oa Does it ery much? | io, 12 EB. ‘pages

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