The Milverton Sun THURSDAY, MARCH 12, 1896. ‘The debate on Remedial Legislation is the best that has taken place in the House of Commons for some years. cannot hope for anything but a very nergetic meagre majority, if they get a majority | to the conclusion at all. fall of Tt was stated in the Monday afternoon that ee tle eae sold in the County of Grey for beef. This is a sad state of |south side = People’s =e Produce ‘=| Store. Cash or THE RIGHT HOUSE. IMPORTANT TO EVERY LADY. There is no such thing as standing still. Progress is the watchword of the hour. Good judgment in buying and fair prices in selling enable us to offer the following inducements : This: week we are offering our balance of men’s, youths |250 and boys’ Overcoats, at very Prints. 500 yards English at Joc, worth T2ie. 1008 yards Canadian a yards American at Féc, wo1 Fa Hs t Ile, Leek Fc. Carpets. 2000 yards Cram's English at 12}, worth }We camry Hempe, Unions, AM-Woolt and Tapestry. Prices Tweeds. Nice Patterns at 35, 40, 45 and 50c, Never Before have had such Business in the Month of Fe We have done the Largest Business last month we ever did since we came to Milverton. No. wo: with such royal, roaring, rollicking, roystering value as we are now giving, Such values bring the buying people t our store. We are not doing like some of the stores—only offering a few lines at a reduction—we are giving On all goods in our store as long as the sale lasts. 15 TO 25 PER CENT. So if you are Or if you intend to buy sha wes pefors|large reductions. They must contradicted though efforts have been president. sae be turned into money. made, that diseased meat is the cause| _ The memorial temple is Spat jam, 30 gma sf 10e, worth 132, - Groceries. 9c, w We carry full lines and sell at right vices : In need of a Suit, come to Schaefer Bros. A Watch, come to Schaefer Bros. eas, 3 tins ee 2e e ‘i. 5c, of three cases of cancer in the village | OB ‘arble-paved dias is a F fe 3 tins for 250 figure field ic Bi of Chesley. Is it not about time our Governmente were taking some action ad in this matter? It is a serious affair, on which human lives and the physical happiness of our citizens depend. ‘Every municipality should have an in- spector appointed to examine all beasts before they are slaughtered. It will eome to that yet, as diseases in ani- mals are growing more - prevalent and —_ there is no doubt but that the human system is affected by it. There should | top, be some mode of restriction put on— asjaffairs now stand, any kind of beef | of can be foisted upon us. The day is aie coming when inspection will be turm your gaze te the ¢ resorted to and the sooner the better. baat —_+_ Better Times tm Armenia The following cablegram has heen received dete the New York Christian Herald: “Van. March 5.—The outlook here is rather pes and more peaceful. Orders have been fy tho Giivetaseat foc. Ave. battalions, of troops to proceed to the outlying districts | 1! to protect the Christian vil yaees from the Kurds, ‘The missionaries are arranging to materially diminish the Chistian Herald relief work in the city of Van, and are send- ible to. their rent \ Money is grgently needed to help those who have ex- hausted their means in the steaggle assurance of |i ns in America. jar industrial ‘ata which ploying several t tinued for se} f the Aneta —_-___. An Expedition To Labrador An expedition bound for the interior| of Labrador will leave Philadelphia in Zune for the purpose of studying the Eskimo and collecting specimens of | HL. Perkins and will consist of ” fooc | ae students of zoology, geology, botany archeology and a number of college students and others. Prof. Fronk Russel, curator of the Uni- r; fcity, represent: , | soldiers who. fede sod Had tere Mr. | civil war mee North and South. * number of Scientists, including Dr. C. Mendenhall, Superintendent of Tatted States Coast Sarvey, General _ A.W. Greeley, J. W. Powell, Directo - of the United Nes Ldidy; T Saar oe that to \. not Fncludin ‘the $10,000 aoe aoe ae a tr. George Kel eller, Hart- ford, Conn. nase ly deserves hose credit for is skill in this ‘great work. time taking ee ity before your eyes all a rance it wus the Pit Goesed dro paed tere telcheee mnoneie the trees, But when I left the cemetery t into the a7 then all ey aoe thoug ts were scatter beanies ae aud Revels dwellings. ein more! merieans than by t rar casket is brought u aad pet ont of ae at night. and living is a no t Lincoln, ooking the ay sand on the other peels n, and representati the meas market, the fruit market, 2,2, inte, ofall desertion of them ean wkees be me space in your able paper, Tux Sox deg say she shine ! @ ancestors of the Greenlanders, who, itis thought, | 8 bear ¢ame from that place. Professor Hi ite, of the University of Ponnsyvania is the originator of the expeditio: A little boy went pie his mother to oue of the newest of the building sages. him __peeu- seems Karly, and for a long time he was |< silent, his ey “Then, mun- DEAENESS. st a Unreserved Testimony of the —— Eowers or Dre Agnen's Bee cover aac tke tie Soe Bctoois of Wathaback B o| Bonen snd saye ordi cAisc iad tout rote Jae b through ~ ie thse Hers of Dr. = this ince as "the named pas- Painless and delightfal to use, it relievesin 10 mi The Marquis di Rudini will succeed ns wer. mie why don’t He move?” top Jackets of this season’s make, -|few Muffs, Storm Collars, Fur .| Sets, Persian Lamb Caps and Tre{Goat Robes left. Remember ©! reasonable offer. ra {lar 1234c. goods ; our price, tint iplaged : com-!ular 28c.; ~|old credit system. -|No deception with us ; we al- | little). LADIES’ JACKETS. (1894 make) at a fus just half their former price. is means a $5 Jacket for $2.50. These are +|good enough for anybody to wear; and we have only four which also will have to go. A for these we will not refuse any This all means that we won't stick to the old idea of keeping goods till we get the price, but clean out each season’s goods. First loss the best. FOR SPRING. We have received large ship- ments of the best- English and Canadian: Prints, that are regu- II 1-2¢. Best Indigo Shirtings, regu- lar 14c.; our price, 13 1-2¢. Best Cottonade made, regu- lar 30c.; our priee, 25¢. Extra heavy Cottonade, reg- our price, 22c. Extra heavy Grey Cotton, regular 8c.; our price, 5c. Remember, our business is on a different style than the We must have prompt Cash or Produce. These are our terms, and: it’s these terms only that can brin: down the price in goods. All other spring gees are marked very low, and in plain figures. ways do as we advertise. Our cut prices in GROCERIES Still here for you (except Sugar, which has advanced a We save you 15 to 25 per cent. on all purchases. Don’t be afraid to call—we will welcome you whether you uy or not. Don’t be talked out of it that we don’t sell the cheapest, but come along for a time and you will be convinced that credit stores-are not in it. Yours, 125 yards Canadian at 12ic, worth L5e 65 Hon aks American xt 10c, we worth 1! ae 220 yards 7c, worth 1 Shirting. worth Ie 725 yards at 10c. worth 12he 350 yards at 7c, NB. hat “Gran” Bn amped on every piece. 1150 yards Bevgat Indigo Blue at 12hc, |» £0 a, 3 tine for 250 ‘oimatoes, 3 ti ‘omato Catoup, 3 tins for 256 Seat Raisins 7e per Just arrived an import order of FEDORA oe Crum’s Priats see | HATS, black and ee worth You can have one for $1.4! credit is good. If you are not one of our regular customers, hwe extend you a hearty invitation to try us. Remember, we will give you credit if your GROSCH AND LOTH, THE HUSTLERS FOR TRADE. New Goods ! Co. Corset. hand at Premier Crisp. The new Italian Cabinet is also comple’ H. Gleiser. New Goods ! ARRIVING DAILY. Come and see our NEW PRINTS. We have a job lot of ladies’ WATERPROOF CIRCULARS, which we are selling at 49c. each. They are beauties. If you do not get one, you will miss a bargain. We are agents for the Standard Fashion See the latest styles. Also agents for the — Crompton Latest styles in Gents’ Furnishings on RAE and GROSCH’S, rhe Bargain Store MILVERTON. ivictnses at the same place, and F. w. Or a Pair of Pants, come to Schaefer Bros. Or an Overcoat, come to Schaefer Bros. Or a Shirt, Tie, Etc., come to Schaefer Bros. A Clock, come to Schaefer Bros. A Gold Chain, Cuff Buttons, come t Schaefer Bros. Remember, 15 to 25 Per Cent. off All Goods. SCHAEFER BROS. The Milverton Sun Mr. Ouimet, ‘Minister of COMMERCIAL. THURSDAY, MARCH 12, 1896. DISTRICT NEWS Some Interesting Items Culled from the Neighboring Press and trom @ther Sources A mutiny is said to have broken out in the School of Infantry at St. John’s, bec. George Swan, who shot himself in the head on February 29, in Toronto, died Monday morning. “Mr. Mayor Hord took a run out to} Abyssinia escaped a1 Monkton last week, and the roads ay after a storm.—Mitchell Advo-|_ el B. Bell was sentenced to two years and two months’ imprison- ment in ae penitentiary at Ottawa yest his connéetion with the awful euellicg practised on the Short children. Mrs. I! elected trial by a Friday ovening, Feb a, ers Pes Nabe 's stable, burned down Sat t bee 35 cows: and a pig were consumed. The fire originated from a stove in the stable, put there to keep a sow and her pak ones warm. We understand Mr. Neable was speach home hile the tire took pl ae Patrons of ees of ee 10th n., Elma, disbanded last Sa: to the funds in the treasury, decided to give the surplus to shart and consequently gave it to R. hie Atwood. The committee, Arthur Robb, A. Baker aod 8) M weeton, made the presentation on Thursday.— Atwood Bee, W. J. Elliotjon behalf of Alfred | pra ‘P| inside coat, went out to see the town. as victory. 1994, Regan, the jockey who rode the winner of the Queen's plate, Joe Miller, got $500 se Mr. _Seagram ker ay the Vice of Walsteld i in nt Bh Trace ani D, ant ks $500 as the fruits of He Among the latest changes on es Grand Trunk staf are the appoi ment of Mr. Charles 3 Haig to ‘ia Position of freight claims agent, vice Mr. J. Broughton, resigned, and the dismissal of Mesers, MacFarlane, en- gineer of wooden structures, Stratford; J. Bailey, inspector of wooden Hatcher, Seapectoe of wooden ‘ontreal cents, buying it back for $1. The ast | Nova Scotian’s little fortune was found wen P 0 ee and he went on his way re- me ” | joie goods and patterns to be had Mr. Gladstone, in an interview at i i inia, and Agent for Massey-Harris ood tel Rack} sees r 2 : ¢ SG Rucll Walter tattered etl Hoorn turous policy was continued it migh | r, manufactured at | Hay per cost her the loss of her constitutional t Pr tee Ocacey. te eae aieiS tee eee 4 fol Hs | aes fee nd. ant, to | Side ee ee 1° Washing | toric pictures with a view of consider = i i iz parce bythe Go nk lll g ||Machines. El following testimouials to its mee reported that 2,000 ee : es ‘ inj AS pollo Readymade. Position of sl Yoceeespeately the Italians is desperate. THos. os Mxero00, MPP, eos 0. Mr. Charles Hainz lipeed y bridge at New Hamburg and. fell — urns, March 9th, 1895. We have had the Ke Knoll Washer for over three years. It has given ua entire fone teeth the railing te the river below. ion. "We had Oats. His skull was fractured and he died We have just in al®®,,, gt Sachin which sot cons oa otis ee in a short time. He was on his way amount. of money, and to very little pur. i to vist hie wile, to whom fe we(erand, New Stock of pose This one we aanaior cheap. “Rhee Bast married at Christmas. Spring Suits, men’s|inoa! sid or peri . it it At Brockville a man named La- youths’ and boys’ sizes, ir ening an or aaa eu-/in light and dark Pat-|Pastorn. Marana Prebytorian Church, Wellesley, s\terns. Prices that will), = Hawke Aas Lapisgjastonish you. Men's ar ago jaced under Bee Cie from $4 to $10 ; fisborssving sien eee ae tices youd Ce ok Wn, youths from $3-to $6 ; Beausoleil were burned to death near above can be given, boys’ from $1 to $5. ameapenis far she Watesioe Tae Call early and get} ei gines and Separators. Wood and to Lumber taken in exchange for Wash- 6 the pick. ers Correspondence promptly attend- mien tte sien a piss other aid a E. HAWKE. to save the aoe ur Now Prints Gear ea py mend it asa great st Hundreds ue Testimonials like the | SESREoceaRes | sass Ed ere who sold-bis farm near N. 8, arrived . : Friday enroute for the West, and,/Will be in next week, with $2500 stitched in the lining of an Do not buy till you Het the completion of my ears see ours. Spring Stock, which is very To Tavern Keepers, Shop Keepe: went to sleep. Griffin awoke to find] Butter, Eggs and and Others nase bis coat and the price of his farm non is d d. est. Detective Joe eae of the ard wante Metropolitan Bureau, took up the case and found that the garment had heer sold toa second-hand dealer for 75 I have much pleasure in an- Lisense District’ of North Perth. He became sleepy in an East end saloon; and, using his coat for a pillow, Notice is hereby given for License for t the sal portation, so my Patrons can rely on get the newest pes action was once brought in the|in the market. As to wien preeile pales apycation, nam ie my COUNT DE Dory, me vt the ‘ late Sheri Galbraith, in ability as a cutter and fitter, ad a from a which the plaintiffsought to recover t ATMS SEWER GPT Ee sum ot een pour nn a ee ea ‘ee eee ee ™y- | marked payableod Day of Judgement.;WHIch my work is done, the es to a lows fon fst, 1864, Connt |e dafendanty looking to the terms}past season has been a record. | th, in which the bill | Everything is guaranteed sat-|i ted ehought he was ws edisfactory or no sale. I will not | d iors who are at undersold by any. Wishing Pariah pees resident th yon the day Apes to.|to be favored with a call from Sheri Galbraith eyed the man with *} you, Tam respeetfully yours, as y just ae ee an equal. : : PELE. : BLS a Tome “die chee © BURTON, THE TAILOR, |