LORD KILLEEN’S REVENGE sae ae L Seg EVENG or @ trip to the = : : —. ‘i be And: moon, it = CHAPTER cee there ee Tt ae homely, ts babs ; z (ssh ta SP en “ yous aunt’ * Better peat erat ee it seamiecnes “KE: il back upon j Se eae ee lectotaate theirs snaeee events, im than ‘G ieee he sald mre die aot ; eee ted her, y) they had not ‘be in eepeee a ieee: ae arry,” at Sti ee Fad ae nthe house. De eee | agnant aie Norah flashing LES ine oo trom answer beyond a WHILE ASLEEP fies could ouse 2” Wi is‘ Barry “When ry, all: ai ‘onstanti eran. a penny” u la a ywhere for thought Cons it ever in th Garry all I can ev I] “Pha: ia, George, and ss tionless Pay “Sh brow clouded. “Strongs ostatitia, apd her. fea te hod fed ate er think of | at one aoe ie % FEATS P. mo-} 2¢2. her name P, last, sae fs : ERFORM! Z LE nar eyes fount ‘eiala, anata ts Pace. oeanies ge, seeing the: sud- fetes distinct @ husband | a. woman that. i!" doe ee ah having di hate ane wire ae Ef you think 1 shouldn’ Pap oke nae i engre rasecalee ter {Olen ah Bao alluded tn MIN AMBULISM. AGRICULT thetic earth red that the unsympé- bc oy seizing eae it better oa Ba tie still stood fatal to 8 seth ela ia neg ap toe orwaniat nee fz e AGRICULTURAL]! pal, oter than : swall was not going d cr mop tare ledinr =|, “I call G it love. tronge, | str presided over cred t Awakentn; no ety other eos bh hee st or z pens Bieta 2 ce ee cata, awayt Oh ager” Sted br td jarry better than Cap dete ae the ‘oquenicy old S| omnes sper aa Miu eicot ee Most Sear ees HE BURIED HIMSELF. = - : eath hard, paige Pe drew her wi oath te sari _ Tge, who fe d the village chi that de a rs Write Sc a Pistol Sh PROFIT. food, but experi 2 3 = ae hard, and lifted ty. vith a gesture "cried ‘mish ad village oben oT urch and iecorat-| _™ jermons a ° ‘ABLE DAIRY 7 that af ; experiment ae se ae - ‘ mei eta ‘@ face shamed “Chat full verltabl with Norah, di great oy Sey ta owe uneved md Compo: YY cow. }fa small quantity i own | The ¥; : 7 4 to thi ee eo ee Be le firebrand. eo Oe the} The ee The mo abe will quantity is added di nae ee i . . = himself ing. I don’t belie ‘hy,, it_is the a T call Andy went toad fn aie Gaerne marveloos ma: Y ost profitable cow for thi ee ‘trighter, thei ily ane fe of a Mextean Indian a : aes stepped throug! pink Re ee te bec better than G: ee es wie ane es nifestations of is the one that will dace ae ee eee fees ere eee: ; ou | TAN © h the windov as he SR oli “It L were you,” aera |i with teh Bes ees surprisin, still amon; eae says S. Favill. pan out the best, will if, In other words ta have fendez was f Li eet Mi ee and came | tovely. Eee ne Saoaet ese cia ee ee nee ay es ot the ee bee sing phenomens Pa oe ernn wat ge. bat os this the on | Im betier health ache animals wil be = tated all fm 682 in San Toe, ired Feeling = LVERTON SUN love! a ry 6 ti it L. sei- emt na le Sey said he, earnestly. en te apaekioron” was really Ser ape aguena’ tothe 6 smut upon| could the sire fo = and Do poatively ly immersed in thi That. person iso butter for the food con: ost -milk and | _ Tf you are feeding a Pe the, fimo ofehils. th eta ‘Means a the bet Lol Ney i kindly. The ir hans aa pais mobile ie and the quick foxeitement for the time a Oe eee Nines to which thal faint eag . What tae while He recieved should wat and a See ae ae a. os this | idea of making a pr a aaa with the | salt oy of saa He = Basie on danger. It is a serious five af Pert: pigeee the i t| all?” she s low did on the given thei their fo; no ly uncot ikely to be fc iG uch more | to it that ‘lesh, en al pemon u condition and Adverti is the best | dase C2 ag her pretty face ee ee kot iver thelr wisest in Cota ere tel surprise,but scious . found among tht they are well see | Among acti nd will lead to dis: | ising Medium nape miserable that Poh cag T thine, be the teh it CHAI ‘his stanch co1 che good old ti ad | when fast that any on: ively dairy breed g the distinct- poms and protected from Te daring chi ave, gan trous results ae nable. Si Rates rea- +t he “dids st he hardly | Bove studied , I think, He indest PTER X. was Stam mservative, imest | compli asleep should se preeds, of which sneld 2 ihe siding in aracters then it it is not | rubseription does it mat ‘What Peete jow you must | _ Do : tym mans, merly, led thi oe sins mplicated acti Perform a se: veral. ‘It is we have approachini San Jose ni com over> | strict] $l per year, — tter ft” he Reibeaxtli Paced ey ita ea iets by and. psalms, melee taetererad Dee Bitane atk ries of 4 as not my purpose i theca sprain ‘oa cannot > fe him as a rid one could ok eat once. It is a | ly in advance, Lr no more of it exclaimed. “Thi id not, shave he Was not Inte, as admirable ti high, Saueany » every poss ich ants, nd the assista) undoubted: per to puff any one in this | the whol iy otbervrise nner ing in | 25° ler of wild horses. H that the suresign ¢ M.M : Bg saa ye eee ae ing: | that ‘wae how at anged the speech. it |. sncccent as oe, a » time. | She | Bast con mes, every Sunday, in «(marvellous in nce of tl Ly ‘ resin ta fie ne of these dairy ) baa been stock manat very ingenious, and fe was blood is impoverished . MacBETH, Publi 5 in your eye to’ see | Donna: 3 she took it? He si a suceesst ee ae Past ‘century, perchance, had ES agate ts ny exclusion of the oth ioe more thorough! gement | make the f , and could sot onl andimpure. —— come qui our eyes. He bli ber | He studi ‘ul entree. hom to make dec! g "bat now been har- me n the som) only interest ii others, ly proved thai ‘inest kinds 'y pure, Thebest } quite calm i pee eg Pe eg Good hea‘ ie She came lined was sad ee nam- st in the ‘ 2 seals of lariats, remedyis = _Advert now, and, ‘ungrate! vens | Fs early, Empi at fell like © indeed. fle his ski problems i dai e matter bein} Feed fi use - ‘iats,_ but isin; = sought to release her hai nber- | He ke her thought are full of si how | sh Maher. spirits Svan ear ‘oven a ee ne ieee ot sed. Itt yise in th while awake. Onc wl crea should get the cow whieh | i Ting Ale ly maturity, One farmer them in many original HOOD’S SPACE )1 year f Rotes 2 Z : her fingers tightened and; but x sos Fea east ould not accor : Dundas, sumption, ‘f a, with the sais ot [room go be nit, ee ere Waar ae good service at the ‘niik | Pound ee the 200 one day the daring See enone al ee i mon n losely. nis, offended the n h note, miserabl cases porticoes do that i e dairy i [get the top pri Seven auatie, eo roin, By soi r came to Ss Half column. 09) lS ae ir we die he Eee us oer ee he Sh eee Pian se |e poe | «wigs arsaparilla ==" ag tg a it wasn't cher eyes. “And, | was not + but and open ngregation, |quently he re while aw: 45 select is largel: ss t one should | \ eck in growth from re, tan ee ws aot iis Beis ing stun- Whi ¥ One inch. ease 300 : true. 01 besides, | be, said, thinking of joy of the will wi e. F gely a matter of t Winter. feedin om birth was draj ipless by the fall, ich makes rich, ' 300 2 = menting, an . Only George is so | J stittly. of Mrs. Dundas,” Oppi Boor through sti ander for bh ae weapon aste. One midwinter ms Another wil! ti weged for sol ty » he ich, red blood, Ty iw = 5 ies, man, reets ours ti special - noe ill ont ‘at irruy me distance ii and thus gi J { ‘ransient advert, etkes ets he: was. seying— so tor- aie ere ‘coubse not,” i had gone out wi ffor nid Seating had made home and fields, ts fawn-like J ey for th pigs 50 pounds ps. When fi in the gives strength and ed ertisements. tf di »” exclaimed i 4 ile the fc and to bed returning ersey, while. ait lighter, |in a ee finally rescued ti and elas- at the rate of arecharg- et a Set eee Shel ae ee Norab, | 22! a 3d. | old ladi but with ota ana | any thin without knowl : prefer the lar another ma} animus p condition that he was icity to the m fi of 8c. a line, z mean—that grew even red- | “1 ' really meant at Constantia, tantia was ted LT tion” eget pete no effect. The ig having tri ledge of ‘ angoe larger and coarser Hol: z te into the ae sure and ali at would have _ bee oye cles, vigor to, ‘or the first inserti Roapere yan a is—there ite ht of nothing unki = leased, tl * ery, and thi ig to the “no One of the anspired. 3 he third m: olstein, } 8° apialy that hal of eating | b almost. instant ue eee and anes { for ans and ise word of (ruth in really <fhought of Connie, w unkind. ae sn ony, and the, younger innova mata : Sot foe et eae to com. | the If the grains mit man of w death to any euncaees for each successive inser Ree pron) Hae bon Mead ch asn’t that D She a new o1 Analg ineeeres ame time ae gular and at the , sturdy little Ayrshin 7 etl stash Ve aa a enter | acity onderful nerve and : jeans etinak tee prefers si and, gh | ma ras vices rgan, that rable talk of occurred cases of somnam! ee : another may chi e, while still | coating of Q onthe taogh: nd ten- scat e glee. oO ever ith a tender, s looking es of a ne A a eee tee a bulis: of choose the Gu of oats, bai gh| Injured Hood's eis: hat cake, Ih, i es aod ties teat wae, at him ww organist. ville, N, these are good dai ernsey. Any be destroyed ev and corn cannot J Se helpl pavil ponttivel Medical ed she, horrified at is not it!” | MB; sor ; was it,” cht seet butt this ripe Noa Bakers- good dairy cattl ofthe dens and tie stro ee ipless, he recov’ v EQBE! which indeed ied at her it ; somethin; »” returned : ‘ap- | Garl: young maj can hardly mi y le, and one si h. Not eng acids 2 tarot vered RT, MB. Sips ina ce tome |e ee Gaerne Fein ie ts ae ie ews sn hry sw ne noe en 2 el Gerad sea beincon ae irom). PRASeS the jee wns tar és pea oe i er words, had meant whose but sleep fro walk- ve 3 : nulency, f fe e Pate again. ion Hospital, Lo: ir aradenvor Lon Mr. i: so good- | Ti fi er WY oo eee ad men | having. been. but he Err otathelr Het veces would seine Becwale ‘: a in eae very satisfactory results and. the. pier ie dent. A life i Nery. moody, and despon” W. Se ees Landon, fngland ‘tice in : Stron; meat to bring these. thi for a me mo! mn sent fe could Sot Go ese a is is kers when ig the Ayrshir aT ed fi in which he was ea Ch sored Bante ab irelephonecon- we broke pias moment. by Mrs. Mur at the me, cal Role eee is xammulings beet unmo- gave me a be eit [ee (ou from darin preciud- ron Gann a ae a Fo ran hearty Jaugh. Te was er a, lol ana oy ieg Macon c sbout fo ee ene oe = . Murphy, he very last | neg eae, Hal eon dratted te ed without harm to ad always result gate a A he ee Se eu es mustangs bad no Peaks Saha 4 {have used six bottles ot Hood! D,NASMIZ ss pt ia heart, ugh evider 't be later,” Bs oie special informati doctor, and thi: Rete toe SMG ol epee the rec' ie sequently hi: or other: im reed pure. Th fave fi Se erode the midst charms for him, d parila a! "s aa TH, M. D., L. it had the ferepresall mile | la xiety | that * ches i into Donna's * pe oe and, thie to make a t 01 tor was | attentic is wife usual, Bs proves the le je Jersey ree access to aa mld midst of his sufferi dieses 3 a general tonic ° raduste .F. PS. Edin - effect sible, gladi sent A with 9 _an | Wife, ‘gear was whisper- charge dishearter ion to th ly paid little teats ngth and si: where th at If not k ternal injuri erings from in- ‘enjoyed the and ha ity. Maat of ‘Torcnte Ui the cobwebs tof at once disper through his his, blood rushing | Sligo who was by his he hymn pon im sned | gan to em. But fi ofthe Ayaan ze of the | it ey can get apa he made f in. Dest of health, Althou; Colley Sar f ieee veins. ligo, and one of the y. little mentioned i stay away fr finally he be- gives ire, and the Ayrshi Sear give tit all the time, of suicide. Once i requent ee had a strain of a ey F tock, Bri Oiartn ‘ole Physician: on the ment of awkwardness “He He lool wret¢l As maces ae Werk jurkes of Ol a. specially far yy Lord Vi er thai om the h compactness he Ayrshire day. en them regull in work I have had oa ‘unner, Robt, jephone asentg tal that hn low eet the hed" Mea Meephe | cricket, That ‘Flanagan. are ‘ene ‘arley n usual and jouse long~ : Jersey and hardiness t nal ‘hey are inveter gularly every matter oe speaking of the spells for man; no sick # and Residene janna’s and Pool “Let us atmosphere. mung |at last. ‘Indeed, table is!” he ne ee eae ‘and ‘her ie Bias. always ret 4 sey. I do not use 9 the | Salt See eterate lickers of tt i ree friend, y months and no lost Residence fo ee: Telbgraph Condy = us adher i i 3 the fine if th th The 16 of. SOAK] P as appli the term hi eral heal conducive to t! of to dissuad ae wo ‘ie | 50 I am doubly repaid.” time, | Ni Cale ection at “risks,” e to the Meattaliniy’ seeders Gee saiq | Months. | Now take och. laos: Ett enied Tee the ING W. pplied to the d andy | bh. ft heir gen- oat repaid.” THOMAS bank. entréated truth at him at ranged. that were so| She wot who would leven | the ter aed dike w tetera 60 slow! rd wite ET. getting airy cow in th Tentge uaauer ante the best of, vera 7 ei Brussels St,, St Be "Office messages Rate toe he, still Jat all| Real once.“ W: they str uld be Be have thou; rmination funeral y | followed hi posure ig a cow that e sense | Do ni -s and other sh __reme- | he e Sey hi t. John, New Bi free. t neal ughing. “ ‘Crow: That lo ruck | Want want Jack onside! a fine ls m of the “ lirge, and ing im one efor that ot stint them sheep diseases. ' we done in imself hie woul a 5. 7 runswick. ‘who shall da eter srcelaeetes| tae migtaken™ ent ovely china | seantia: noes of ae eonsiderate, es to| that ted_in a series of « “blow " always ing his home, he followed night. Leav- he ‘dairymants term mas no plage Do not stint there ae: ee pent on ever have ‘a. manner, that, no ead Hood’s Sarsaparilla Dentistry for one. We Pianeihentenee ste nen cae tock ap. one at He thew thing fi Ti does oat enar gs Py drreverent: oud | Tait toad came to a rough, ae a aT ga bar Sauce Sees was tho rouble about 1 et i xpec fink - , narrow 4 getti ught at He eed Ww. oy fe tan't “all be like—yo fe: oa re cee A eae bell fae ran Ce se positions ot the b inguation, “mith, oF eit fies Ga at River. ee 1 Shi, ays mea Bs an nacieution, PRAYERS BEFORE 3a, where his body wo meal in the! Is the Only , M. BRUCE, L.DS., Dentist le bowed over pepe forgive 80. eee aac} “ just a p ohipnen 38) ‘ust now it earers led th e dis- | Picked hi: with diffi J L digestion, animiai_ with BATTLE. bes would never Gi ie rl 01 ow it dr them. his. ‘iculty, nomi nae and that 2 sr be re- dite Tiguan pike eh 4 iney forgave him with a,b i Weoe, “Ouly we've bard that ES | See a ery Bie Bia Na chet sites ae tae tangled tore Teal dairy cow is ti hat aieans an eco- | Curons tnvocat fs ere manne 8 ee | True Blood P thet be sschislicneest Peet it would ne ene a Ronn ss iclsm, indeed sdauehted se fellow has, said a aes exquisite | tis aa ie Mace atone a waco pe ag 7 es ee icone ta Pe ns amos Layee “ote tap loge ore le EE abs ne Pr urifier | iia ial Oa aa Giice Nor, Main te been imy ° use wa: e knowledy ad ‘much bett ne voice ae an |For more than sets ff wt } s for it at the » the best One ers: lived, a number ominently in filverton, visit the. Queen’ = the “‘havotn to understand impos- | affair, Heicaeetig dere ge. ih said ter.” | this i ina ‘a mil us Sat before stated e milk pai of the earliest , and came back __Prominently in the public month for th the first Mond: apRer a. : ts he depth | 2! 3 Ahk: featawan es nifi ‘ very poe ery gayest 5) + on unti’ le the sleej s is ed, the plac , and as | of a jest records in rer, pre se quite Pine ee 1e practice of his nee 8 ever: touched oe he felts See ep ny such tmen in ft oe S of ae ‘hus aoe im. il he cams per trudg- ae is among the dairy ies} foe prayer before bi history’| mn these trips he %, profession. a his Sees cee, Danebecabl plush and oe eee 5, surpriainy aba e among ai deri attle is that ‘A PICK ’AN. © tgok ; Hood’s Pills oe = r. He was lips | wort wi le luxuries ‘ge poplar , the beef by 0 ic, king of wat of Chil- and D SHOVEL tion, constipa- a7 vith the mili; {unknown to it, only. addi and | not seem t ‘ ae DS Prey ti fore Gaul, a pagan, w1 occasi Ay Price 250, per bo ule sible eh enue a goat | -“L have ries were | Mirs. Blake thine tt er v- 4 oer a eee treats going into who. be- ne. lene, & a piece of lumbe me wae a ple irs. Blake int how J ied rotest again: pe i #4 battle at for what. T, no! * Ope oF ny the | none Be sai t few pretty things at, Inch- wits Seta alts Se an | ane aes eee ae ee ne Christ eos pera 3 as ining someyehes “Some J. iL ENGLE, V.S,, Milvo Ae ust listen to. been at could se ‘onstantia. | ©" ere, and, i = copes At Ie doy e are said ab a ¢ Christia 2 2 to be e1 grown so di y | Grad yn, On Hee Pe Tachi pethent oY h- | couraged that funn3 ee ite, ‘ ‘ere east not |20%2 OB his hy t ang | about the victory. Hi ns to help him t ntirely un¢ jespondent uate of O1 ‘ ‘Yes. ‘one ?”” ‘ou have | talk of at funny li Ais pect an air of e mstantia, with | 6% ands a § ‘hae m2 a general purpo: ig foe was Attila, ki 0 no eat uncommunicative, Peep Vet. College, plied. she, the Desm eae her doctor, ttle matron ti pe eS n crawling We nGhh te Aaa Rey Huns, and Chi We eet the Sees m_of his conduct ESS barrie array ts ee ee i onds’ tit ssivel eee yma } second have |ed out on it, Ey experience b y. dairyman of oe vow ew: 0) im. could be »: All cal ic animale. oct monds ime,” re- iy Meena te le herself md Sunda} wife sc ‘The frighten- 4 those wi ¢ being misled b give him tl wed if God would ~ tot expected, the in ne even’ yy _telephon: ‘promptly, at:ended e-| , After litle while, however, he stil Sandee | wae up and come back. How & ea eae Hird be eee ptwoutd Tove oly and hemes de not kare Hniiehi stats Rm er gay- in Ba. ened by He w: their bow.” rl of “two strings The in the di lay a search lalty. See cee ae ayaa. She er che act. of a, Cone et the trifle too They Prete panel 1 and was trovne fell lute. tho three i e eee nis purpose | fore Se tle na tions be! weg eresthinds) ik ey Cen Societies ad ike you—as wrsBut er. “ ee, id Hiatected har ae that C 3 si and now its it| weeks he Se ae = a uc- | indepe: pattles fought f Phe cecaring mile from the tee ver gaa sen net le no notice of since asked reeeaeae arene Gorre Tough, fever, feet ee geen | a cram te aa eae t aaonse ot Eta 00) toa sce ie seep ae ES at os 5 aot. BAS : . Constantia, di of you, aie said on he eae a quick ‘ghan Sek te SS Soe be ae oom hed: | orme ae of whieh aubaided nto” | £0 ee at ‘on the ae eee ) on steer, Ayes gar was the surprise of load at nd weed yrords. to meant kes . ilverton, meets - 0} lejectedly. +» an fe eAE nu a resent e ri é ny esult. Thi C1 E wats orl hope that hy and hy, when yon ave | gid SIT art ln | Sma eee shor sa rforing be nro tie ; Sa eres Abe dal ee hg eg, Sat ha mc: | uartaee ERE euler re a won't think i leave > oe th r ae ronge connie ; “That by amed upo! nything t) le unconsclé sO ing of milk ‘Are not the yonder hill cwas found lyi 18 inche oi ‘CO,, $61 BROADWs write 0 eir, Recordin: ren al- - your mind abot ab aver acid Oba T show a (said im, aised une nomen arrived at this op- ” yan ann n| The hat had hay lous that they and beef the il Thou shall di ying upside d u Sat bureau for securing rat, XI Wakn Nosoralan Seo pein cag ape’ m all e ‘she fo py, the he said. ‘ joys you | t! Archbish pened. tcotson ey are not t 80 diferent not be asl bo: 4 the own in Be Every pal eat take "patents in 4 ooee reme tama’ HAP 16 you ae ‘Should but acre ell ofF in abit carne LW ml Ihave ope ea vst Rene pree on of Bord: f fection in thi 0 be foun s Ueoeny Sr ages © place. Tl cen oUt by Usis brough! sonata, FZ BE cee »mbel you do, |1¥. “ you Sit ere reall i vrestled in # meditated, ap- | was i of a young leaux attest: _ aa e same ani 0 per- t Sher is was the nothin; ediately ove! ‘he notice given free of ie esare | = 0. O. F., “Sik Td xr how dreadfi ally al ‘Of cour: Hass asked derfi Ly Sree thet dining-room, | Be hought, I » have. in the hat ecclesiasti srs mal is a mi imal? The be oe prayer 1g but a heal rturned, but ‘charge in the ver Star Li ES kc Ly, baked hey eager: ‘ally. preity—co Siar leoked ani consoled. Ne: have con the, nigh bit of “ast ic who on its o iser, putting th ef | one of i Wie cee ‘of loose earth ict 202, Milverton, Lodge,” No. “Tat! sor- | irone fore that a8: een lon; i oe Sara ‘won, | the funeral ET ey che ee ight in sais of ing up durin ia 8 ee et the battles for ieee evel cit closer examination fie bit Mi Thee balls post oflce night Nonsense !"” ovsver bee a TE ane ng. It was dirge of thi M1 ring in Ama generously handi te antral | co oe azht in Ireland: be: jed the fact th: examination Hi ing nt ant ofico bullatue At this said he, thing so ee: bi ee leche | breve: wide oj e_ window: at maps ing nade and 2 pulism, for the anding out th a our unw x were a ae attached to Largest clreulatt ce Grethren alwa pice nana junctur pa ‘ , but there ii ene Consent to catch Ss were Nol jobody fatable fi wri ser we ay compos- hh 1e use of ier, fi e surplus | not fit t vorthiness we Be number 6! the ion of any aclent enoee, NG; W. Appel ‘welcome. ally ‘open aa -¢ the door bacl eine an as awkward ee some- | Queet Constantia w: ch any faa | SPOK took much ae ed a rmons. When ht IpOs- orn is just 1 ‘seder. The Short- | b ‘o claim Thy be are serlanaion of all 3 of lariat. | Ma. Be eee oa litustrated. ee inl x fn the 1, Sec. and Norah's ‘Was parti- body, as tt about being | of m Anne tea was busy with tl Bl that e to a rather notice of hi Ee wonlil: Sead ie had coming cow f being puffed - | bad, our enemies: ee Leith: are at first allo nis Feng ees L: o. Ei, acre. sekre Sey head aj wile i poe Ne ee any eh hee Re| that. was disoussi inattentive He order tas ee cue end ae d us_ the stoc! or the dairy, and to- the | seest aperaeeads ed yo eS etpecoe not cor Bel broad a direan 3 3 3 da, Noe 1033, Mil aie yeas fare Sa aqie ppear-| He low if | had the hour,, but -Norab’s bri aportance | Chances of ussing the re raion, order to asgertain wheth correct it. Tn stated for the shambl give not meet to help us, if Thou pearance of th mnect— way, 5, MURN HOO , Milverton, meets 1g, she took an ami-| vi eepet dex ee ee ee ain was free | More @ new organ, or, the ether the somna y hat she used eae Te vis | coe oom ms ot oe pe Thee a7 e Mexi- 5 Jas, Strong, Inesday in entered boldly. heart of gr: a isi d short, and Stee joie tat Hoticad | Mr. especially thi and the curate aren ee ai of his ead as a milker, but fo stand at the | Om this ot, but stand Thor in intimate ‘friend eee ene a WL nor H. Bosokner, 8.3 ‘They Mattad Heeew: ace and | deed, nbarrassed—so em este eo EES etree pleased when Mr.| °F, Teyana rae Sn eee held a piece of eyes the d feeding t by wrong ac | the dav. Aeaee: a neuter mont then oe eee: of the missin: . B, Boeckner, 8. ; R aed Tea aah ne Goes eiispat | at he held _down pias, Hecnae)| Sencrite: Harden se a age a aon "the college. s also the a8 the pa chin to _ prev cardboard ne ma fevene ate it to the arm of erteate an explanation whi RI-P-A-N* — oe ‘outside in , evidently, li -ge.linto it hat vigt his head, against. hei Derren paces ie her| .“’ He wor far peiioipal becomtmnunn 8 Sr owent his seein; Shorth« animal i ‘tne one offered cleared "th entirely plausib) ich | | yt : S 3 the hi ly, listen- | we So Gee aa ALE Rens aeey re the more | Stro ouldn’t be half Piceanued ioaent he was i orn advocate before t t e mystery.) usibls and | | Be <a sistance wi a a Ea a Ne iets all We: fervor nd stared oticed the deel guest. She ha Sarre eenrg areca trary ee slight write without be ziting. was pre-eminent) f “Thi ir, sip ttle ot tema eee ithe: nae eat i a Business Card: oe ere ae Te eB eos lean of one who celine of Donna’ SU Sa ao pea ee Peete err ae! eet. degree. breumno being in S08 Bee ae now tae te ge. LL Se ae be jury, , after” sustaining his fuse . Stronge shor ey ee b learning by a’s gay-| Very unc own import ed with | mi tate he also ores In Bat sinda enes how far back 2 rar thet 1 otal on strani entirely depend in-| |= Th Ww.) D. W. é fey dean a deh he ie wags See. if ter. rote Wate akan: [oie comfortably Ee “orhich is Baibcead whe copie fe lo Know that I that was, fallen be ange ca fae Wie BoDeore aul ent up-| | ¢ modern stand. ETB Aueti brio teogte eit ad attair bade | th yes, if you, only had a second, Tee CR all), and. if hi ae Sa enti happened ig cows for the = s it I forget Sa iia Sonne Rad eee Z ‘Con joneer for the - A -y_ mi he fle » who a wife!” as it we ore Enj lis a ‘con iS | actes writte! That ie and that d be he armined, if a * 2 veyancer, orth ands Sets i ee fale ae ete talents ae ys a otal en feels Sees tS etie pee at | || on moe en | See eee bon phe at a TE Sa athe tirana tars ee ee eee ct had _ apropos of that; ited them fe. pereeived his error, fer Seer ee i 4 pd suvarcel with ee © by which he couldn evised | | w|f CRE = Cures ere at iE oat ee ae ee See eee ae ate ee Tol hatian toe ae cae sr upon the grav-| You waked ot Re ae who | Sin with pee soe tn payee core ay ore ae Te eee Bi | on their knees: ie ey A. seule, at the same not, only : the Street, Mi vard, a hhe Scots e o ——— ilverton. ieee Sere ise date | ee put tue 8 acknow: Sore antEEEGe oe such as might | £8 eve about iin ete Saale — over full bloods, but a great owned | Fel See, ich Ww: w , bary : A)ORTAND: t] Vextended age ple rei fact. was after- | t hen a man ing away of a ci e very. |i and Mrs. Hi i a a wepiwaleer ES a , but a great, e are cae kneel. a as yas easily a was mai common e€ Ds Li grasped. the: ei half hands, | encour: mark of her: thee Sates a psadaw pe I ‘a cigar, | With her? last little epi larring- CA er, sometim some mong sat many | Ville was rs pavdon? id Dim 1 inspectior ough determined naged | | > very-day |° ‘Milver avery SraBi dhe) he situation Ales Mad | ‘agement she 8, she gave hima atte yw and i ook lightly wp pt oe Vousntoe in pisode, I mean, | abor ore A CAN es. ae profitable dair; ve found | it is to th heard to rei ei bad: m of the ground. Th by an = 1 ill ap bie ae al First-class hors 3LES, bh ape Hee a ince eed Been hee neeen inten enheeres eee pp enamel ee oad e keeps him: mat_with: hi NDLE Tule, they have not cows, but asa | ° e King of sere Vea bat ad dug. a grave, pe lee | LOW t of humanity: iy B ee ae cuanee . g B wel “ : ed. mist Donnas OTT fine room, | 9 clean pinaf lence, and hi self | light Batten tan tevin ‘dairy. I ma Succ ‘a | conquer or die kings. These mi one, in which , a rather shal! anity. Hae pees i ve tet She bia Be ene ak. pene ereeic cpibin t eve Ges dens ae ee ees, Donna's. ‘There this 100m, vhen. inter press ea ee eee att in his employ me: urnish him ey ie teape ent EP ess Oliver Gromvvel this field.” en allow pee away? outside. he window Pie oe rs we Pape alee) Ca ates stayed. her coi presence, wi Hee Sneath le was substit ent, but when Se eee objection to | before go! romwell had. public WIS SKBL! a raape. 3 Giitkeaaye” udtetiatin e Gee Gait ieeree eater eee the uns} hen _he-bad | mam: ciliation, , with a view to ‘ancying that he uted Lik cared he ers. Many of not persistent | Casio et ae te hatha ot eer: J es ETON Zz Hote) el at the wae es, ‘ant of ‘a's face—whi spoken . othe e had the ried it, i when the them mi for i eral was found Is oo aro ne Sta | a. chow vel gre, abd ange. inpatient aie oy | fe eaten boys coming, om sn" by Sane ea asett tas found ive oaths will joal adler out op fhe baits ot Dunbar Previous quired the grave Was du, 2 EXCHANGE Ho Fee eerouns eat however, only a hoon, Ge eee ans) Wie ee ee : (To be C Brench an Slating Italian and ill as dairy £0 ry up, and | tains pres or yualiat prayer book: oon aed Ee ee aoe which re- OLEL, with some d basket, whic nen brought rosea ‘The latter wh, _ clappi eae he, whi 1 holding pee ia. ‘ontinued.) dictionary. +H Eo words: in is ve fore begit ws a bee or or at least one ie ion of “ao det oe the feeble he rect li Jobn. ore rdeadenen e pl eee an pteateal os SE ine heey hole tone of repr velry t" cried fee er pee ee ] dairy entirely, De will SR =k one prayer, £0 mad garth in box sate pas oe fies aaa ret-clas Bestiiguorgana CORT ery strawberri thought you. migh ae Si" Mr. Stro one eee plainly | eric connie !” When h oach in his air ss eran ak Recey boa Heats es differer ms any po “the pie oe a3 provided f mat sea, packed iu thet purpoue. ad been Br eaen aun late etal te bar Sere for ‘ht. like . Stronge !"” tfimee SpPpiied by | bet ande there e was only Fred. TOLLS Ft bout, as if in th q hey are fed the rent—the bett mgagements on lan‘ Fee Ses packed Bn Be sone ._ ‘This earth was T ste RAN. ee sishiling: Sia. (Debden Re cone Z pplied by | between him ou ee OR ROYAL’ the lighted : Se ads eee packed Jn se sold eee ata HE MON GRAND CENTRAL early, an dener tell: ibe es, do,” sai cuddys, ind the intimacy TY; Soe gee en a eee stating thi ey will eg that en allowed to being THLY ‘Mit ENTR. H Aes So o bro is me the; eee oie ee eve an intimacy young MacGil oy | curt cupation fat not rostinis’ Hie sone erience. The is from my_01 ——— — ; that when the bo: dry again, i for iverton. First-cla OTEL, ought. eet them.” yy are| “Yo lecided the ntia, which er since. that ha Lie jous Regulati itl wai be had me his oc- my eye, and Shorthorn Steet on its side wi x was carefully sti ae pentastceee tra ‘accommodation surveying Se them |" ono shall a question. of | Why was I TW awaaeT continued “Ea esting race candle atthe fire. Hi relighted hi png ng Liao aoe etateinen filled HIS OWN ag: the earth t stood attl : Seeti sample pr eee: ania ets Ae AUibrexe'to fiaiechigns: eo | Spine lanterns ve your, dai the sou ine nit one a Sop eg rec cid aed Fa Ratedie reine arenes i Base ets neal eae ements that EXECUTIONER. ground none, of it, fel ‘oward the e a mace hanors apa Good stabling, Bee ce gate, and oe absthe basket {the ¢ Norah!” and yout nee, your nty, as it me excluded ? "The Great Bell. e one Uy very candle ex ible z ented by bad bau, ‘breed but ‘jats were then sti out. Several s inigare: SW. ore Best - id. bron 8. chi 1" said, Steong moon, I hi Metis, teva tat aio i All} to] Bell of St. ean he which_ hi: excepting led me to hi ig and feedi ut | A Fre i te uppe! es eed acrt ©. Hasenpfin; Ne BR ged noon ae them | th cl ail rather jtronge, a1 ope, friend, paiaee and Tal , is at your Med for Pri Paul’s was The state is attention w: out of ope to get feeding, nehman aa per side of the ‘Oss foe At MIL. ig, Proprietor. berries jough th than the child's setes. ft out. lone, ‘your rince Henry not somnamtat of the e: wae them, and <0 1 y cows ey asses eae she eevee pop ae LBANK VEBNS ren ee a, breath. cried Constantia cious t e latter was child’s sister, Constantia 1: dest | because he was ‘y of Battenin pare ae Sons ¢ very much | so I stuck to = Chops His and er. aide, ‘0 stakes on the Be Ea s Ther and DSS to him me . jaughed. soa . not in the hg metimes clos iderably. They } I wouk longer than _ them lead Off, ah ote Will be h Mil famous was. “Oh, ies. ore pres... wel é from’ e line of clos: ‘a ed, som i ey T would not ad ‘was _profital At St 1 e box wa: eld thi Me mercial verton Chelsea another Me n0, e ‘ell, bettes any Englii of de as frequ % ee, Es iny 3 vise anyol ofitable. ‘t. Pierre-le- is hee careft a ae peered st, aecommod: them t ‘the dishes Aunt Bi > said Ne in itiews dealt een ey horas eat nglish soverei, e-| pupil is ent. me ae ae dairy for th one who is keep-| of Ab eae: ee in th ee ae efully, balanced, the sect ee ‘Tucsd lay preceding ple rooms. (Oni pel preteen ons Vee ey would I anyyhere. ae WOE forah, sadl; Toes ee all events,” ack paid only ti ign. This | times metimes a F’ end any ti e profit there is i ia resle, near e Canton the Jariai hat might fal of each ia. Only: te shot ‘o Jarge sam. cast, ook just | not let iy. half ah aca Royal famil; 0 @ member of fe contrantell y dilated a i herd of y time in tryii is in it, | Paris Lyons, lived, the iS wou id renee LL o1 eres statl Cigars at iesat of Wines, es ae hinin; ‘She shal me go bes x ily who of the | for, the most sometimes natu: = Maity-Bhorthegn cows to_breed_ a correspondent, a” hee belles grave and em t to fall over fe year ASE jes and ty nee, ig mit the oe Ngee ae ood eee to me,” a gall. But Twas’ bo fo Tefuce so late | Ceivable ci could under it part insensil | need n trying to breed. & | carpente! va handy. man, tained on pty the earth i Propristor. otane amet rae glance. will she | in it uae ‘lifted * said Stronge. “ H ie srenk ae-irines srithout th late le circumstances any con- | ca: Tela TeHbaTiaDis™ tae! ble to light, oa Pe mom one Page onprepup che will penter, half mason, , half ner thé top of the body. In ‘it con-| [gui ‘ = ‘Henry Rose. ee & au how in her arms and ted the slender fi TN ae Mohibs park Ok. beads ober that | Throne; th nees succeed to tl a. hs peer ta tee one the ju will | years old. Hii , and forty-two ed e unfortunate man th it con | LOUIS aes A Se thes ie ightl ere goes,” ough it he |ear whi mnambuli the j ve plent: , and let th is wife dic 0 ed but also burit man not onl} 1, ohn ROvAL nL enon st Le Soo duite too | ground. Bi other then oraearl bes son one ane eto tables ps ee eaaats ‘a be doubted noises Wi ‘al may, be deat to ie Barer: Derimenting, make ri to shaman ago.and he bes lived agora same instant one Sear tha Saedest poe ae sous Stratford, oppos of all oibers, ee hain aE Oran shel on the with Mrs. Di ly with Conn nds | i NOE ia the aineok live Br ie me particular evena whisper frou E | Th of the Shorthe itable dairy e time ago he said a er since. the satisfied ator : jecretaly | the ‘Good stabling, ete. We wan! swith: extrem Tdot” she whi him. ne ed anda; 0 ie, ant sion. This rul ‘the sleeper se yee eithelion atoce j ties tema ape Pictae cae oe an idea he surprising chose who made ites is ‘ate pairoc arsed I childish Sede eee Me ai ie others — le does not ppears, to be ab m alone ake de Sete Sra | wh rk out would ast as theory was c iscovery.,. that a ty solicited, age ot erie look- | for eyés. Str in her dark, ement of the ae to the | Medi ate “7 able to hold or twely SL ae Lita of ton whole tr: ‘onish the take “th orrect that they di eit che: large and apparently | to St a Fiark, | Donna drawi cadets sovereizn, 3 | Medical eae ee ; = pe eeneh Terentia life of ten His idea, it ‘the trouble to dig i ey did not S. Gite . Her atfactic er to him | With ing asid em ail, 2 a parent, or of , of the he & som ty” tells of the i an make 801 ecause in the pears, was to , it now ap- certain that lig in order Cro - t to 1. “We—we shane vs , and yet, alas fection was s' aaa a a satliey = le her lace sl a ne shai a Prince or Pi eir nambulist did of a case whe! & a is me fair old co’ end we | ti construct unaided 2 et] at the body was. to as- OKs, J) piles Cea yee oe Wes i Raaitia say vr bat 1 why. pel ae ay ungracious air skirts. of the Throne. iridcads eto Of a gistol not, even hear igre. er, 18 40, contrary, to cow feet out, ve | tine and to be his ow eda guillo- gth eory, however, was oA oe jane AND SILVERWAR! op ‘gos ee es : Pip ne eta rt a not Diaute her sid sunk | Of the Grea’ . The boor ig. August fired ‘lose to. him. th ice of to-day, best dairy | bad got t own executioner. thened by the findi rther stren- son inreon et conee let CEE ery ne” began, Stronge, His "back was a minute or — ed Do ote “Ehow, Connie os ane. | htt ee sate could not ain, ae satin pee a at hat anyone can ee jeri y high. Aah Sega bakcan se on with which the Brooke Aer pistol goannfacture, such 36 aces ot she eet, Cea DEALER IN +) out ‘the, straw! peakes Sait een laugh. e the rcereesiote te ponte when ely, leaning forward Norah, inqui- London receiv which the citi #8 cing” oben trumpet ee “tat ti pata ei he a tes ‘ho wills ally sharpe: a Rule) av hatohet wae fre ce tt arth nea: Ree ane ad “etinrantoed. shes at lowest ar Posts, Lumber, Lat po pr eres: “iid not tal fo think uurst intoagay| —., No,” said Bee tat Po hiner izens of | ply his ea1 See eee its, will leave eady exceeded pater? ned, and a mason’s sled here from the suici vidently dropped = Semrranents , Laths, ‘paused. i whatever i att said te, = ‘hat rari answé Pron the fiekt: occurred e | ati r to the 1 Py would a] later if I have it and def my eighing a sto) ige- fired the suicide's han¢ Pr Geo. P: Shi ieee ee jer it, was, e, a fellow in Mog hee ee nee oS fe eee ee aoe obi See ee ayhole and liste fend myself | 0 it. Nothi stone, was adapted Vi e fatal shot hand after he AFF, Jeweller, es, P yey eer! agen anita See rains the hospitabl TL ee ee red ot put | A young co Ss en parE eo ing could be neatei a inced the searchers, whis fact con- : oe * UIDDS, Bie. ‘hree. ee a ee Li a fei ie Norah a?” wer ‘tside ‘the aoe man itchen. Py. a valley: neater than th ed with hers, and the ILVERTON. Bi » le Someta! ie consision Hehing aa be ab C oe oy the a, ee ogee iaae for whom the bell the only [eq a was a slep- I; BONE NOTES ON: LEEDENG. fear real larg ane austen a Bont, that Pike desire of, “bretige ssn" penow,, Hnaxdushly: que shia} did: bev eey, to: desire. iy | ., “Alas, No ae tion to| Bis! = pe pense celed See K I. Depa: coolunder. the hate to chat no oni of the unfor- if. : ashamed vas, you, C e. What | it the , Norah !” said a of Londo terbur; eep only as ae en ey on hi e hatchet a with bur e should be t: ‘Yes? said Co ‘of him- raid you for » Con? Did he en forbidd “ierd Vi and the Lor mn, the Dean y,, the 8 much stock = in the semi is ek wa ith his De ‘him was roubled cae Constanti mark? Or ‘Grane Ii rather up-| ly to ien me to ‘arley. “Is| his rd May of St. Paul’s ure you can as you al ircular Teck 4,5ome ears lat realized. Ein nd to ‘ he like: nal pay m: palit! = year or of Lond Paul's, to tS feed well. re cutting in Mer ter the skeleto 2 ward a just i s *rondeefally was a tous one age bot that of y they Busines cold ad ala lon you? Sfust | Bell on: cat Pal Breet al fas aa x ecg ae eee eke tere iets ee ‘on the tec of tis fre tally digegvened ad & Cc oe 52] 2 to dig of your: ff + it, e permit which the old fish. the mi and, “ e small of orated. friends full; ae are if she en; she wanted | we” Tocnoluae by. igest, and no mi: s|...’ Rubbish,” x my | the occu hours are @reat ‘One night, Jan for e rey of the against a ws > and placed = ly, gorrob- jabl: I thought, is this,” said Strong ine appeared ths NBT parte eee dis exclaimed No oe struck, On a vhrotber nd 6 Pig very drought brings hi Pe en one GRE vad ld je Specialist idence, it, as ty when | with a li dain, returnii rah, with il. ly, the Home * in the Ro} ined fo attemy ollowed starvatio: ings his catt xy means of he let go the | 3 ‘Ss you see, peat ante Mee Danie aban PRaira Bprctaer a thee Be 78,8 salve to your | mre Be Re ees teuit communicates Secretary at yal ee breechy; mn diet; and make tle to | In the fall it ‘a cord that he held. ! sara ‘Sd witht ha ing pretty well ae "proposals." id ‘yes’ to. hi us Cee auite t top Eee dim with the en oa once | ¥¥y) ple oj ly. He Pee a than f. as he. who has es them | from his tthe red hi ad he Mental Geogray in the treatment Riperienos Famine ale wot i me 1 aequaini- Ee Seat Steen on harp young £208. . c | eee AP pacre mney. news Mayor. | creek a yssommabulit ae ae Cop ise fas s more steel not discovers strange 8 ee lent To largest ger Je sa "Pegs Cash, ng aps issive | “ aint to Co "went | is t] been may be request that inary fish ging at the With a at we ommitted. Neighbor after it goes arate aay Seat De s, it slaes of cham BEE ae ten oo Be» mstantia tien, tolled ¥ be tolled. Thi the broth at the imay ie feed and 1 yonder what, had ighbors aa sd Death. men ani wely. “TE went-on Geor; at old ae now. | for an at intervals ie bell Be eah th eiebewad hope that th low stock let “us | Cee 4 happened to ta nets to region where Lost Manhe presed ee si, | Se Gonsidered "the muerous. "efter ge faired me, to te Flanagan ant S| Ja se Nt fi age orn as 08 cht water, She Teed tno foe ot cries tat shee wink tie csaeton oe veneer Os ene. wpe most aaisd vestolaays cciet “tg on ive oo” pnd are} i 6. < 1 * : to tring” hould not ve You ra ihre to a, tisk name, slope he Furst pyran for next py som 305 am mary hs 1892. ‘The fOlarence, on | 2h, feel ft murderers ae Proabi sa gra onde gor re einafered nothing, ana a ea highly civilized Sanaa a Sypnls “an Sons Ved jeg ees "ut tig eeey, Wee 10%, t vorite of ours: 12 At th was tolled from that cee st ine, afashetn growing in fut ‘or | the dog was liberated but_whei roam sage mercury. Diseases cured n you Ww: state oF pet, blow ho :| Canon. ) funeral the trutht ‘Experts clai uture. For- | rushed ated from th MN set foot fe no man eens be as-| of singing this tase hee Gane Reval “Great poate, Gate eee fate | may. nearly always be ue oe a ae ainst poor a tock, ey ot ‘iminates | began to font gee pia and gain ag walled. Stomiotiow hath ever Young Kae soulful fll faethe: ettets net. eburel hymn ii al mode Ayhieh r, 1890, ys be rel alkiny pres for hig] will wl. The again hos pie put follies pot of neti this “livia in’ the pariah ieee pints suoriais ell arti y pee a fe teat es ene ing, found there the elaine collie est mountain is called S biley Loss of Me ee é ai ‘was made Tous: leep- feat breeds | 8% lot aaa a emir M 3 mn air, and then aid ate a oeid ase, ‘oe rules the | 03 Se friend Mrs.'0 the sidaithe sont ets ty : ge aoe = ee ee Palas iy for ae dey dente of ti Genital Usiran s ot be = societ; 's. Overt ts. to p sai on > ppeelienes x y used. ih, “dear! Sit gwrermar on : Sie flesh, and if, eae A HUSBAND'S 7 ar Hen ountain Opportunity, can here fad es ne ae awe a aoe aga g Pan bur eg unre” oe, ERY. i Th ‘upon hin. hose who seize poor.” CURES GU: it ant” nies pe earlier, eo a to com cnn he bast has only hinted Peart ise suit, it the greatest desert ig sailed Life, sng Hidde Aged Fen; Siecees any tases : Ee oa alee a po Husband Ae dias oo ee BN aS Called : tro frequent evacu= mies Weill Feat ea i olken BS ee . Charity, and mbition, and. Love, ee and earlier. policy oe the me. And leh ‘The doctor There is often more and like i acta = tees eet ee ea ita Then, gil restoration ofthe genito- has U md ont qainane that Ae easton at other smaller i Besides it sastractions eee wae on ‘on- °, r-made suits. Now rotate reo Saar re DR “SPINNEY & 00 ‘200 ee Sesame ae Gees “ics weary jor DWARD A’ rea (Gide Entrance VENUE, ance No. 12 E, IT, RAL Elizabeth St, ) net profit in 1,000 pounds than in 1,500. ' you, oer ilgz-made anyibag, through life.