ILUBANK, Clearing sale of a immense Stock of, general store P rmstrong attended Tan- liberal patronage in the past, and hop ners dance ue eed Arion mt RARE San Ae apace lay 5 ag other horse ao ae ‘got through. bee of ‘the ne as I ae Vaughn is Eas as wer. Being always endeayor to do tired out after his ting he man- BY « SYBODY, aged the other ne to break the stand of the sawing machine and gota rest, Go to bed early, boys. Mr. David Baad was “out here one, evening ying HN Loch Teichty a fi Joust have been hard PS wake the aie as he was there to 8 late ho Ce “Af €anada was ritish ‘When her nigh» invaded Pap a horde of Jawless men from the Uni. ted States, a for volunteers . was eagerly responded to, and in less twenty-four hours, 14, converging upon t their foes, who driven back in confusion. success of the Nile expediti on was due to the: French Canadian to rm at the porvio€, of the Tm aes ce is seale sr but I deny that’ Can- ada costs: this country a. single dollar any _intelli- - gent man believe that if Canada were driven out of the simpire. and ‘to become part of the ree Lh SEAS England, which now pos- sesses the finest ports and the most val- uable coal mines on both the Atlantic be Pacific coasts, would:be’ strength- ed by having neither the one nor she other ‘on the Continent of North ie Gibraltar of America in the fat of a foreign powér, advane- hui $20,000 stock. Our as ted regiment of Royal Canadian Totantey ' W. M. Appel wants 100 Cords of good green wood at his Newton branch, accounts are now ready, and must be settled before 15th Feb. without fail. Call and get YOURS. Thanking my many customers for their very ‘Tremain, yours, W. M.. APPEL, |. ¢The Hernees.maker, MILVERTON AND NEWTON. *7ALSO FIRE INSURANCE AGENT. ED. ‘eres Praff, ding Preser ‘Has constantly on hand a full lin GEORGE ‘PFAFF, Main St., Milverton. steht mits.” Kepaica Machin ee follnie testimo, on Whose Pants Wear ? WHY Nor.weag BURTON'S ——_ To order sae $2.50, $2.99, $3.50. ‘i or $4.00, — stone: —Opposite Kertcher’s ‘Main St. , Milverton, ie Greak —Furniture —Sale He —the < ed 600 red miles nearer “Next 2 Weeks. lace “her arm: be cei to increase both to maintain her present pow fluence.—Sir Charles. ‘Tupper, Bart i in February Canadian gazine. ae ‘The matter,of organizing a mock rliament in connection with the Eeesttordt fia ‘Liberals © is under discussion, A very’ seridus accident occurred. on Monday of tast week to A. Appel, ‘Tavistock, while working in H. Wilker’s factory. hile operating the shaper. splinter of wood broke loose = caught his arm drawing it hives sheds revolve ws jabidnee vapidity wrist and thumb are petal heed and it is doubtful if his han¢ saved. Even if it can it a “toa Rese ( bl) as poes ie the cord: hav makes the affair doa ihe is the favt that he Hadihe left, hand eae vin a similiar manner a few years: , A PERFECT TEA eee Ups FROM, THE TER Pu ANT TO THE TEACUP 1M WPS NATIVE purity. : Es! emacs a sod ‘tell it only in the ye | is purty and exelence. | ibe and § packages, and never Be ali whe gould | ‘of | B. js | iv u town, ranging in price from le. _| assortment, Bargains given ab Weiderhold & Honderieh ‘At the Large Plate Glase Front, Main Street, Milverton. in and. examine our assortment. of We peers the largest and Saeet stock Pig trobaccds an and Cigars. is ine you will find every brand kad tae ball cranes "Tobseeoniat’ e the Cigarette line, we also carry a fall ent, s Knicks-Knacks. Il aasortment of Pocket | Combs, Parses, Violiu Strings nah Ro, ioe Seas Cigar see FOR SALE. FRESH OYSTERS. Aways on wa a 8. -KERTCHER, LIMBERGER cunase S it very easy lave no aaah - Youts respectf: THos. Schultz Bros., Brantéo: neuen men,—Having x from care aos chasers rst-class respect, und well worthy is nothing complicated Wellesleys Mr, E. Ha we above can be given. Wi taken in machines. OxvStLer J. fl. Washing. EDGAR HAWKE, Millbank, sian for eel “Harris goods and Karn ‘asher, mi It is decidedly the best. Wash. the market. uials to its Mornington, March 2nd, 1895, scm 08 Mnovwoon M-P.P.; Poole P. O, March 5th, 1895, purchased a Knoll Aohe agent, BE. Hawke, r trying other was eartily owner it to intending pur- of at RNETT, ae “it 0. 8, March. 9th, Webagebin the Koel Wi or perplexing about rit a splendid: wasting for Sleusing andor being eas¢ ont clothes, Pastor N. Mornington Presby terian Church, . Ronissox, M. P. P Hundreds of Testimonials like ‘the The,Baker. es. merit y on clothes, fey three hers—ean washer in trial, every, machine Dec. 28, 1895. it as a great cenah eto eee FRIDAY!" FRIDAY! KKK in Grosch’s new a * lovesng honys coe : : Mi. FF MAITLAND, mean July 12, te ead you ac should and Heultbful 2 .Onr, question in ne things. Fresh every day, at G. Gals , tratford turf club en Nar meet me 10 eae FPAgent ae See Seat Lande. Hilverton Photograplie neg "eng . cap week,}, NL. CAKES ——=i> * * lock, 9 a.m. to 4 What is more important than that the| be Pare, Prest' BAS iow Baker. fa on Sune to be given} Hi ther | 1896 will ae no one can tell: : enough. You might say, “ I almost must you. try. f Our. ena Come to us’ with your wants in Rubber "| hort Shoes, Trunks ad Valises of alle kinds. ~ & Where else can you expect the* service af- forded by a big Boot and Shoe house ? Agent for the nee eo. : ving Machine. Aces. GRO YSCH, Main Strect, walivorton: “‘Yeai’s Greetin "1896. yet y E year of 1895 is’ past, Au has been a so-called, hard year for farmers and business men ; and what the year of Whar we would like to say to : That it would be a.wise act for you to bay on our ee method for 1896, “This, bur new method of ‘iness, is but four mouths’ old—so to say, only in its infanty—and it bas met with great saccess. It is highly ap- preciated by people who are trying to get: dene without heavy store accounts. We believe wé are the only people in the county doing busitiess strictly on these principles. It. might cause you a little inconvenience at times, but just use the great remedy, SELF-DENIAL, and you ‘ie! overcome the difficulty. 6! There are a greatymany and good feasons why you have « big advantage'in dealing With tis; we Know it and so do.all busi- hess men, that by paying cash we can get closer margins and arge discounts on our purchases ; then we know by selling our i for Cash or Produce only we can sell on small profits. on't have to count on bad debts, loss of interest, disputed, accounts, goods going out and got charged, extra Se in book-keeping, “etc., etc. All these things mercha ing a: credit: business must take first into consideration, ae ut on extra profit to cover this, or he would soon. be under the water 3 funless he had unlimited capital (which, eis we be- liéve not 5 out of every, 50 merchants possess We have had a short experience in business * andewe tell you it's a pleasure. Customers, look’at the advantage you have by pay~ ing as you go: 1.gXon save 15 to 20 per cent, 4 2.9¥0u are under no compliment ; you can buy chewy you like. #3. No acépunts presented to you at the end of the 2 Year 4. You only pay for what you get. * 5. No account to dispute. : { #6. You won’s be persuaded to purchase goods or asked to to pay for them later. on with ae or milk cee and be oe the season comes you have neither. Look -back ‘tO the past year -and® yoligiior : rence. ve credit at times.” We say, “* a Just ue: Self- denial you ean: do it if We wd just make a Titife aeeteh to ys up. fevery business man on Jan. 2nd? f you are short, borrow ay enough, and you are independent ; Se the New Year on cash principles and you won 't have to PN see A to pay your account’in 1897. Hoping our many custamers and the a will take 2)no offencé at this suggestion, as it is really: only a business “matter which should be done, = Tey yeh all a prosperous New Year, _ Better than most 5 Cent Cigars. As good as the ordinary Ps it Cigar. ‘ It is the manufacturer's profit that has to be cut down when hard “times Sh, ao! smoker ene try these Cheroots. 2g ort oat tobacco ite