TRE MENS INA NUTSHELL THE VERY LATEST FROMALL THE} ® WOBLDE OVER. ‘Interesting Items About Our Own Country, it Bi the United States, and All Parts of t Globe, Condensed and Assorted for Easy Reading. CANADA. The deadlock in the London City | con Council remains un! A Wright = ea Mitac tne Gusiph Bet Stock pee W,, Mathewson hes. been lected Fereident of the Winnipeg ee of Trade. Bell of Ottawa, is charg- ice with hors fs Yorribe. cra cruelt a tivo of her er aa erikes ‘Ugieerir cae ’s Uni 7 col- poet oe the weight of of snow on f Su nthe Ge Grind ironks is of, active ser- Dr. anaes Stealth, ond ey goin Pia New yy ee oe Wi fre d Laurier has accepted an intitation to be present and ‘address the Si a, Baptiste Society of De- Boardof Trade ban- or Hon. Mr. Greenway spoke ) pore the freight, rates char! Norttivest produce. titan tae annual Ginter Of the | Tike! and sma procs Field Bat tery a purse of gold Private Hayhurst, G he - Ontario hel anged for the establishment of a treining school for French and Eng- chi oad i Ottaw: returns of the London cniet, oe Police show, that the detec: 895 recovered stol- en meer re be! seo f $2,833. Ad from Ottawa says that it is otlcahy settled that Col. BM Ayl- met will ve Adjulant-General Lieut Otter of ton nto, is to be made sane The Saves into the death of Alice ‘Allingham of Hamilton, whose . death for ac~ he H., G, & ren ese hernia Contes Soe ‘il the right to construct and operate for twenty years an electric railway Tine 5 etsen Grimsby and Beamsville ueenston TYokn Nafikiville abot Waa, Smith, es ion, while they were prepari ase near, Winnipeg. ‘Smith 3 is men are, €x: ‘convicts, and Smith's Enoiledee of attempted murder by — Nankiville shooting. Russell Kitchen, a fireman ‘io. a factory at Galt, Ont., while oiling the machinery, bad his clothes ht in the belting.’ He was hurled " i beama Breall ore his nai, ne Ne eg enlee! age. ion of the Montreal ‘The Bankers’ sec! ae = es are Fane to issue a cir- che several Paste of eee ; banks. ‘he Dominion, legs, and arms, Cr cer ies | in A despatch from gee Falls, N. oe fae that the Massey-Harris oy will remove oe We ‘oronto to Ni Falls. Thi supply the United States 1 mar- GREAT BRITAIN. bee Cecil Rhodes has arrived in Eng- in India for many years. ‘ders must not be made too stig HEMannaD Actreaewe tak fue geist has ji Deen fined for over-dosi people of Hiendioral ae Mr. Chamberlain bas invited, Presi- dent to visit land for the porpose discussing reforms in the ‘ransvaal. The London 1 publish end newspapers lly approve of the Ree arliament on Mr, rs loyalty resolution. The London. Graphic. says if the Frerich mean business in their dispute yeh Brasil the American jingoes will nother chance for a war pit are aa of 65 000,000 in ‘ts, as orts, and in exports, -compared w ae i ‘of pant ii. he 1 program: will cose 28500 000 with ‘which will ibs r battleships, four first- widow (Wilde, M.D., surgeon-oculist to her Ma- Wile in Ireland, and mother of Oscar]! is dead. ht Hon. Arthur J. Balfour, in The Gov red a bill changing the election ye at Bristol, announced that “the Les | virtuall dist bising the rnment would introduce a bill a ‘Much interest London military circles. by an earrericl , strongly urging that a oe wile It is stated in London political circles that the difference of penne Salisbury and Mr. ond limited | sideral He deceased was 22 in wretched. Scarcely| bill et the . 'y Hon betwernt explorer, grow accentuated that the “adter wer pe toreed ta retire from net. If he should retire, it is Seroted as a possibility that he may “Toad the Te is unde that upon ‘the re- the Liberals will challenge the Govern- Bosab ext ti abe mians. Government. for’ refusing tp sabmit the Venezuelan question to UNITED STATES at coal trust thas been pears a Ne Xone ‘and. prices advanced $5 re woman life insurance agent is do- ing 8 ne business in and about A bald “eagle, with fe aE steel trap hanging to one of its I mead over Licking, Ky. 0 few of Libby prison and the f! shih Oa over eagles are ition ve Soldiers’ Memorial hall at narians, Mi Moulder of ‘Honey Creek, fat salatrae & crew of 25 Orange-growing in Arizona is desler. ed twohave. ie d oa tal stage, and will beco sportant in dustry in the territory. co sentence was deferre: granite Shaft, ate longest of out of a tojouarry in Vamos is Saeed at Barre a few days Last year 25,115,903 fewer cigars were psi in the United ae than, eae id 8,358,380' more tobacen was ‘manafact “In ext ed of a ape we Jady sg ‘@ yery suceeotul So was given in Swampdale, , the other day, according to a local cee peg te Rights Club has eon ot St. Joseph, Mo., an ments AS been ie ia fot puting in a billiard table and a ‘The Chesapeake oyster petra y eat axevapid: T; ene in ‘productiyeness. Fif- ze ciey furnished about bond, issue“of the united Rotate ¢ Government was agreat Joan ‘been subscril aed for five times over, and nan ore ae prices ply, en the most e nse damaye Se Caer teyater ag this 5 ous spent $8,000 ae the last few mont] ean effort to Ra . of ite starfish, but strawberries are ripe, and being pick- at by siharieat ehath oe thcosaaas Strabo: ries left that bess three or four days ob herr se Neer isa erm fn exealiont or j8| dition end the prospects are ee ‘Washington ‘correspondent of ed of nuded of\timber by Canadians, fa ‘that ee of dollars’ worth of lumb- r has been Yor! fispushoat the United States indicate 'no decided changes yet. The success the popular loan has not yet had time forattest Business, Dut. the consequences in and necessarily greater activity. will probably be consid. erable. There is a perceptible improve- ment in iron, and r is also hizher. General ra has arrived at Mad- rid aes cue Part of Dahomey is to be colonized with Alsatians aud free Re ers who have served in t ‘rench arm) a8 ‘ti serious than it appears to be on surface. . “Jack-the-Ripper” is the subject of a SE pe rere gra ase tases une eee Oe aie Kalinga ed Gio: es éch’ from Constantinople cays eT jals continue to impede ths qallet of the Arooaniana ‘Ths ttt ials want all the money entrusted t em. ixty Anarchists have been arrested in Libson in connection with the. recent homb-throwing. The determined upon strong ant Anarchist London from Blantrre aay that the Sithe, wader Bri ish officers have gained two toleane f the slave raiders of Brit~ worki Binks, tocalets ren the Dee The intention of introducing a nav: Present session. of | tbe the s ness for the next sessi Prof. Borehgrevinek, the Ni orwegian a pion ly visited the Ant- is] arctic, says the fantarekic continent is stood Cr sxembling of the Imperial Parliament ie erie w tion to adjourn, they ‘will es Ae the jp the event of a disagreement bs to the oF re ee ninth ene shasta Be ico of an_ arbitrator for the oaet ‘sealers’ "i resid of witz- abe rah steamer Taurestina. sail-|erland shall designate an arbitra peg ie ies i ctecy tao beapp i] A new. Russ om any, has-been. given up for lost. Sbe hind] ,aa.0"Tho dire De ny, taken during the past few | w: ial from New = as to thier amattrs of ‘business Peis cone von Setwavtinnt the ieee et, dames’ Gazette, Ministerial Governor, General of, Russian Poland, about four million square miles in ex- peo eh He es the country is abitable, the it think anyone if living of the African ia fameson’s force by the Ey dent, Cleveland surely canpot forget the recognized Chilian fae in tl A despatch from’ Ki: eaten Jamaica, aye that -# Heiish warships are = clea, bor, It leying at ie a@ system tion ig pelle ad The Federal Council of fad versyras the President Grea‘ ritein and the United Bates, that in imiral, will begin trading 1 in the Black Sea forthwith, at will exieogl ita, om erations abroad when the fleet is large enoi steamers ordered from anil will be be built to serv ee ‘or cxuisers in time of wer, and to provide & large addition to the Russian WARDROBE OF A MONKBY. HIS OWNER A RICH MAN, HAS HIM FITTED OUT BY POOLE. He Is a Veritable Beau Brammel Now— as and a Bath-Kobe and All iz Accessories of a Bowling ion than by showing a decent court- esy to living ones. And to this forcible) Brummel owes his ward- His master sent to Poole. Mr. Poole! is the most fashionable—which means the most expensive—t i and therefore in the world. Le has to an exception to your (eas in this particular caset” “Tm » answered the tailor, ote ‘Ambassador went On, “i on How about a watch and chain?” ask- the great London et with a rare. burst. of Britis! had the nee ae wal ever mortal monkey His dress oui is made of petty tI faced with satin, a tl wit eres ng costume is of lane English teed. an see rama wih sca] hed jauntil ul is and a walking ‘stick in pe han ind you have @ tee ee ee thing like it before—probably upon a translantic liner. His mas are of the lij cine il oe a me to take a bath ever; of feeling i upon bis Of course, Br has a yee “i jook after hi upon it this valet earns first Brummel's little bed and see if Brum- mel is still alive. vith ‘Brommel's in that shines, from hand-mirrors to ver hair brushes, this is always lemetical The owner, however, fond of the little fellow, | neither. trouble or comto: en- “Brummel's position in life is tru! hat he cee and viable. He has no responsibil ilities. PEREEME ee Substitute for Gold. In France a new Sal for golé has been formed by combining, ninety- f ith six parts of Pea a ze tae |e twenty-five cents a pound. ene you fall?" said a man rus! to the of @woman who pit om the icy are ve he Spain. The Nand Va great Presi- | deed portant to keep their posi-| She. 4 ari a chiest, finest} {War has be-| hat ‘he’ actual in Brummel so much that he’ pace IF he gid tqitlthe ‘o know f cesiy unable to AC! ronscience.—"* never Si peat I see, you do Effie—‘Jack, papa said, ae this month,""sald have money ai ig edie d his “What You say that H dle, the merchant, Here’s a pretty how 4 "ye able at sight? “For the life of me,* sai man, why a t ee with the sai only 58 degrees!" “But ea eaneul Jobn Tistened intently. inarried now, nie we have in re cea boiled water?” milk is all right, artesian Paes nthe “Hio got sof” @ read , bad igh oye aa to his full of ae see ple a Tae ee, ‘and with considerable hauteur bate nae aes he Traggg Thas 5 | boy. reat youbring tl Gags ace Where the aiey, cut Bae Re ae: tale 0) eT a his rooms!” Wiley Walker—" ‘Say, y, dere’ rooins,” was the Eo pela gban lin chi Sans pend ot enn Rage A Sena er Pe ever laid his hands o1 ired feelin’ Q of dat tired : Mother—“Now, W eating mince pies till self il. I shall have to difference, you kno foreign nobleman in disguise.” wag—“What makes think - | Gotrox—“ Well, avord of warning [Rot iat ally-air, ie her you want to w Pic willing t6 lis eke ian losing ell. tailors arnt I and it was still runni aegis ae see :|in the that Queen F Sen valor ys wanted to a ett W: real wonder ef gj that royal ‘blocd flows man ee oe peer aaa est, Toot and destroys it. abs, ee sal TPicould tind any tour-leat: clover WINTER Sie: a girl may be c bright enough "Doi some of these old songs ok you ee “No; I've w Bil ik ig “now, the in- fernal ped al Wey, ;, he—" “Ah, know him. thought “there was @ smell 1 gas bill amounted to $20 bat is Mr. Gamboge, the ist. He to ging pear ae ay that he aida’ many for has J bill on the man ” which is amy out * Day not swallowing excuses that she | cream why baven't you warmed tases Helier. The shelmometan shows es ae 58" de- “Excuse ir,” said Barker to boorish tre aveler, hut what ines?” "Tam ess. tleman, sir. eur sai 5 ing but the gae-meter’ pegging ee he said, with seh ot Peet: iba T don’t hear you, nowadays the wish that it would snow good and hand. Haven't you, got your cutter still * Peck 1 Im pani- are for Miss Amatoor tonight?” The ian—“No, but it 't ter, you know. It's a so- ciety musical and nobody ever listens.”’ Vaiter,” eaid the guest, ‘‘I'm a little afraid of nee milk, pares: . Sab,” replied oe waver, better if ts ‘aida to read or write.” trox—“I think oe Cheeky. i there is. anything arn me against, Wife— ae say. yh meee suitor another one of those fs the same apna Ever- Weed Killer. i es latest method of killing weeds is} 1it Praf. Woodworth, of | bu been destroyed and the eres up aga’ the fnitial cost she’s fre- we must not Jack—"In- 1 of burning his art.” He id the young wom ty for s for ice , for tis your bus- @snow shovel Ui Seb any ‘hints to it habi Is Solon | the on his w: fateh : and and w. a funny thi Tt sail of- possible je wean ete electric fare SOME VERY ODD MARRIAGES WHICE HAVE TAKEN PLA‘ Matrimonial Ventures Sere Peculiar Kinds That United Menials to Titles. Old Sir Henry Parkes, ta at ee age of 81, has just marriéd a 20-yea: old chambermaid i yy no means the first titled English- man to seek a matrimonial alliance in the servant's hall. As a rule, the bride- grooms in such cases have been of less Wi the most notable cases are those of Sir David Evans, who wis ighted during his of as Stamford married his general servant, negress, FROM THE WASH-BOARD. daughter Pasaline chambermaid in her Sse ines 0 Count Eugene Kinsky Count | oatare wins: estates and order to aed the greed of heian-born wife MEN OF RANK. Yet another nobleman who ried @ servant is Prince Gregory : Stour- dz 2a, the | Roumanian al, senator al 1. pare are two instan: pre pying menial pos- rma Pan that of the consort of Peter the Great, who vas elevated to the dignity of Em press of Russia, and from who is de- scended present occupant’ of the eur more eanennus are the instan- ¢! is married to her English but- ler, who rejoiced in the f J gon before she Purchased for him the Itali count, and the Duke of Fife’s sister, Tady tee Hope, first clog ed with and then married ‘ber groom. ‘Elizabeth Hobenlohe married cook Of on reais 1S Marshal Count Mar- tini. The entire princely house of Mur- a! kes of Marlborough are des- cended from a chambermaid, while the first Duchess of Marlborough lived te er service Sison use coaumry pt Sure ane a Postmaster-General. Brougham’s Ready Wit. Lord Palmerston on one occasion took the chair at a meeting in connection with Re CF College, London. He was not so — oe Mrs. S._E- de Mc iscences, with the sort of in such a Te- thread of his speech, and finished it with the usual ease and fluency. ‘Waiting for Developments. do you like your ‘Second _Villager—Can't piel vee Bek Sion Gs tike him or hate him. Why The feet thing he did was to put up ch wall, and I haven't been able £0 Suoter a to kpep bis chick- ens in or hickons out LIFE'S GREAT LOTTERY. ° his household, is ” eget tae RECORD FOR | HANGINGS. Seven Victims Dropped at Once From Its ‘Trap—! ever, although ten were sentent 4p be executed on the same day. Three af the comm: Iga pany else. It is possible that i may be broken i eae ee re States "ail ce rat ner as mice of death, founding the gallows is about twenty-five tect high. eeoaly aahuts off the executions Ae Tro te Poronte\ oud -ceimttale ia fang connie a been he and one woman to death. Here record tabulated to, dat Hanged Died before execution. Shot white trying is his not indicate that thought to judicial sttuirs outside the courtroom. th “IT am am. often introduced to a man,” re- ever gives a ha a man or witnessed a hanging; that the law has hanged vari- iminals for murder, and that the rotect the men who have been hanged Hf "they had obeyed that Ian ne As a matter of fact, the senten mposed in my court are lighter than erimes ‘i State court in the West. ‘To be sure, 1 have ten iy men to be - ed. any, in fact, that I have for- gotten the e: ber. Under the iy f man is convicted he mi sentenced to be hanj an invariable cireum- ee oe second pe- ie defendants are action of the hi See cor rt ti pea! ea ee mw a heir ap ls, nae appeals secured new trials for. U an success! 3 sndge Dakee declares that they’ ae be hanged ultimately. THE HANGMAN AN EXPERT. ta, | too proud of ‘his r es | sr ever dropped through it together,how- aa We “Has sentenced about two hundred nien| point. joes | impart local Tadaeted — of the ee en do not rei ones do. T always esti yale ig SU ate ieee Maledon re Paid $50 for each mai Jail as a 1 Three years ago too mga about who took place madi frignttul b | bungle of is Tiss anaenttenn was as slig he meee oe e thee a his n Pieter a TAKE BIG RISKS. Jost are justly antitied a5 no life insurance: a@risk on a de- company would an is Tue rears ghee eo eac! dian aS heey Ciaee hear of eae Smith and that tion with .d that at this oops population. | TECHNICAL son IN ENGLAND. ses sl Avent Fourteen Hundred Young Men At- School. tend One YorkSnire in England technical schools have ai See in as, of the great manufacti of these d | are supported directly from the town The object of these ee is to train the eyes and hands of rkmen, and to ae on to their labor in one of these schools in the woollen fiat of. Yorkshire, ask- he si dent whether working pile eret applied ie sedtnianion tg he classe Noy" was the reply. “The classes Be they may y easily fe tnemacives if the if they Sansea’ wi iehe acts aualaes aegetene & woman for sttendanes upon the art young men in the various departments of that technical school, and they were destined 2) | fie pee | eel ib. postions fa ths fan Sate at ‘that | “ight About the House. and so death was always quick and pai laced, "chit eee ne al Tep! Seton and talked | S2°%t time ago, and like most secrets, sys ines Tn some. way the aot itt ant sient under his chin it. $250,000 Boirel to matntaic it. Nearly. onemalt | Si, nmuer of canned goods welores may Of this goes for witnesses, many of | Bete trons these shelves any plain din- whom have to come and|ner may take on a more elaborate ap- are, five cents a mile both ways, | pearance - anot:! be led one dollar a day for attendar to what has been prepared. x 2 7 ee af el eee anette it is a soup, etimes a ‘me amount is paid to the marabaland | Sys 7s 4m extra vegetable or @ eal- eae ae | ping a little in cald wai wi aa tines . ouptil Lae hoaseetibentraae in| BO! water, then pour it over freshl * | sticking. 0 tw ‘teen hundred | to My Neighbor's Bhaohguney ‘Shelf. is too good tall it to you. the has what she calls “an emergency, cae ” said she, by way of pre- our table ae always be Beat hi hildren will ee even a plain ae town 12, she | windpipe was left partials. po ner much ra . Add to 4 i more if the cloth is clean and ss Beene of many authorized execu- nfort nate ee paageds foe rover nS) iy laid’ end the oes gon enl slowly ‘auate ot ory milk, stirring ti 4 oes th a ‘thang- ehoaked and broken. Let r_table|tato and milk mixture t Ina prominent place in the town, mtn d ea xt man eight feet.| be always arranged so pa pat pels iy with salt and 1 is time the victim was a heavy man 5) t hot, and pass alone and gruesome, stands ale : inp as ary in ae eee tenes rage tee x4 on which ninety-three men have been| feck! but jerked’ the head almost off opened her » pantry top a little parsley cl saneet Between it and the United eae blood drenching the ee her emergency eh few Stal hundred yards| corpse. and the. physi ewho -.were | principally. ‘ stock cae -worn rath, made by | Witnesses of the execution. ee soup, tongue, the I must tell you about her salad dress- \d will keep for test weather, One al- most ‘always has a few cold mallee: , and etl $855 or a little finely-chopped bbage | © hey run great risks, more | and this dressiag, than fite of then tories beer eee led | is canes very 5! pce | fhe tole uri years. i is this the it "is estimated that about [22"Ie 8, ber ugar, 1 tose ‘one-third yd have | spoonful each of salt, mustard and tse per, and 1-2 cream, mi thor- | 209 and an hour, wi wiehon aon ante ha dry herb in Spoiling wa- Two wo rather ‘old-fashioned dainties are by steey the eae: ping Put in a little kettle and boil until it will soda, Pour the ca and when Fartly parents te If desire can be pulled until white. Babe satan Bibs of "A" cof. a ae add enough water to dissolve hot stir in a good quarter ae bie of batter aad 12 teaapoon- to buttered pa Wi rien may cold mark’ of Suoant unl if wilianiny (hed popped Soon it is cool enough to fandle roll it into balls with the ban as, having first buttered them to prevent Some Good | Recipes, nful ginger, oneges. Mix thoroughis ; add flour Ee a soft dough: “Bake “ine n. Ginger Snaps.—One cupful of brown sugar, one ecu aS New Orleans mo- lasses, one cupful shortening, one ilany wees the i town were emphatic in belies pone ;| the recent improvement it lai Rese due to the apetiar ity of ‘the trained pee? which enabled the fac- tories to compete poeeerole wit th Ger- this honora re 7 state for the control "ot the worlds’ markets, the men man and French indus! be] But in In the French army oe! een is often granted at harvest ¢ George Maledon, a small German] 4iers who happen t le with a nervous manner and a brisk| small farmers, This has suggested Nay of «wlking, officiated as hangman a soldier of ap arrison of La Chatre for a long time. He nged cane an excuse applying for a holida: ight men on the lonely sallows that | He wi his commanding officer, become | famous and he ly | saying was badly wanted fou that he never made @ bungling| home to help his father’ to reap t > ate that tha neck of every man was roe br the fall. rule I Baer by,” sted a Militias was ible ay length of the drop dey idea "on he pended on the acaroni to point out re uta, e mmanding officer firstly, at this is not the harvest season, \ secon Ids. ly, that, macaroni. does not grow in bs a oi arte ty of cayenne aie inch sat one teaaoontal a soda, tour table- of singe very. stitt- Poll thn and bake in a moderate oven. a LS Soup.—Take the cast- £ leaves and hard ends of a bunch of bien eae qihem boil until perfoct- ly shredded. the water made in the pole or manner: ful of bread crumbs and a dash. of cayenne r. Mi: tite and’ add two tree hae ints Level bananas: On two large oranges; t Need the latter are the better. These int to be mixed well togei a sprink- to keep, so I am going to| onions; fry them porcelain kettle for half | Wor - | error, reseived a ie pane - fruit as his is re ited Tits hoped that | more: to it wil ‘ust | is entirely a matter of rofessors”” me one | pear falls aio in egg and bread erambsand| fet tl Dee Fae and slice six he Sosa oun. “Biles fear thes large hour before using. Whip your cream to a stiff froth and, as it comes up.take cream oie 4 are ‘ ei ae on the table put your fruit in a] BRUIN WAS INSANE, AND PUT IN A glass bowl My _neig! dismayed at) Cover it with the whipped attached to the the sight of unexpected company,writes oon aie this lightly wi B. . She tol utter or ‘eninge until they are a and red; add three tablespoon- fuls of ase and stir until it is a little rea water, stirring all the time, so be smooth Boil and mash three A SCHOOL FOR MONKEYS. Cteutta‘s Novel Institution Wherr Ouea Speechless Relatives Are Taught to Spell With Blocks. ‘There has just been founded eutta an institution for t rate, one of the methods employed in this strange educational jastitutien is the following A young monkey = ae rs ene iin is placed 8 aot ois Sobitale tig tatters bs the phat _ {these blocks are, in fact actly simi those which. obildren play y with ag 2. the world, and they are used in way as he word is “ ya ” for ex- = the nie me having been er to arri he blocks as to andes auteetr and Cibont re- war with other words. a1 in time the simians meal learn how to os area found in that ri e Calcutta} is situated. Kn effort will also be made, it is said, these beasts so\ that they e fairly effecient. domestic servants, The school is so however, that what ung as yet, accomp! are rpg oy eir novel work, pore seem to thit : new field of usefulness will soon be BORIS io BETTER THAN A MOUSE TRAP. A Statnette of a Cat That Seares the Redent The wonders of science never cease. the latest contribution is an automatic ier ae scientific mouse frighten- Te is nothing sat or less than the statuette of a cat, ind whis- ges with atk ie a with big, horescent eyes that gleam brill- ane in the dark. eee, “is painted to present an at- toward one side, and its eyes staring straight ahead.” These eyes are quickly coated with ik mendous success. ‘The only drawback to it is that it does not eat the mice. eis cyte yee kee ofclay, of plaster of P: f terra cotia and re eey sich Olu Cee ake ble. him, Py while bog Jay in hiding wait- the cat away he, must pa airven Widaion a tray tree cee cea Aside from bei i _frighten enter a dark room an: your friend is en, to seat enondered sugar and place [refrigerator or cool flace until half iets By her? ‘aida cooked, To this add slowly a pint of leat 3 | frenzy.4 of toms of peter certain | thought best to get Bary into a Fea oo peas and tanerstend. English |¢ opened up for these chattering little 2 bi “The cat,” so runs the inventor's de-|® _ A merchant whose store-rooms were Te cream and STRAIGHTJACKET. powdered su- A Most pomeenias pepe pa ‘Query to Whether 4 may te Mentally pepe Cnr of A ‘he imprisonment of a black bear im hem |Rews item when it was published. But hei there appears to be no doubt of the main The bear was of the order urso valgus bear reason was a to his on owner. When, therefore, either under stress of exhibitory #ork or ir- somites a diet, he began to exhibit we say mental or stinctive cetinases such as sucking was saan as a performer, and any be_treated according to the most vanced , Practice in melancholia and This was in exact accord with the tendency of both modern mercy snd. modern science, neither ee which be- lieves in sacrificing lest 80 ene as he can furnish ie informa-_ tion to man, Well, the bear, having been charge by “an enthusiastic eayeet: was and carefully watched tended, and as he gave himself for thie first three up to an almost unit ted sies bela peed that he arould eeleay oft pare hee ‘or nervous t: fore day he woke: up. peg ' READY gon ieee weach [and | exhibited rae ened symp steria that it wae cell, Sell kee his com more conveniently ‘he bars. bias ‘whole procedure appears to bare acrimonious division of ‘complaint could be the diagnosed through opinion in the nei; cells se "enough of their most dreadful ia sane - inings. All eee to reduce him to subj ts | tion by oo aha other abacotnbiios vi vals oe gat utaided ‘only. with oxhsustion: But they were characterized rather by. the MPTOMS OF RABIES by frothin, a. epi me the volimtary nue system. _ ir Tt ene Saki a curi- ous and are et ese down os to Lge: animals crepe pulse, and it is a the Orient that et its and is often di ry. revalent tae tm - byt Some of the early writers prescribed for insane camels,and as late as the fifteenth century amu ‘© drive evil spirits out women lacked both the energy and of white horses, ‘There is no. doubt the ambition, required for a stig the eee 20;| infested with rats introduced one of Phat “our modern | association of the standard of their work. Another P aad erase is |white horse and the red-headed mark of the superintendent, was plage the other day. ‘The effect waa {comes , where icant, “Tne rich manufacturers Sd Soup Bo Nee ny eee SO eily ainastag onl # rare Gauls were the first veterinaries, and thelr ‘sons to the school £0. I : : ‘ : made a specialty of treating white the mechanical and arti eraccas:| Bread Sticks—Bread sticks may be| .."* There is one big hole in the corner | horses. The of operatives also attend the| served with bouillon or ilitiodts es Jlesroom,” he said“ out of which || With regard to the bear, we have classes. Prizes, are offered for the all the rats seem to come. We maily tte Jock et Golhssniths - Animated: host Work im. designing and other | at ‘mmesiatly "iron a hs Nature” to find it seriously laid down partments. ‘The rich men’s sons Soaiine eat tae cisdiis|that the bear goes to sleep in the win- Wein them, ‘The. poor operatives always Throughout the ‘night the caster when he is fattest, and lives Pe Tg att the honors. og, gleamed like fire sucking his paws Somnambulistic “How do you account for it?” The oth to the | ¥a¥- a “The ‘explanation ts is v ‘he At me - sivie that point of ‘oa ete wil just le. admission. ive o tenes the it | on ing ps sion ser ToT cata, particular corner | pear to the list of of public perfor ee go not seem to them necessary for | rise Savery ‘tittle aa ts ie Api 0 ried t hhad | Super duced 2 aresis, SO them to study and work in sonar erate oven so they will dry without the hole.- The ani-| Well marked in ‘other pe forme f on in life. ‘The poor boys have a | browning. Se that ism cee toa motive enou; eep them fae ‘arcer induction estern oo eae eee ee a a meee. them at} Cheese Croquets.—It has been stated the pMinet Pad atotabie | sum has. yet furnished. be life depends solely upon themselves.” | that ck contains ninety-six per cent. ead hott of solid nourishment. When it is pro- of the cat gleaming No Furlough for Him. perly cooked it is very appetizing and r three Overreached Themselves. las 1894 Eli and Jobn F. White, fruit e ten | crop on their 335 a The offer wax refused. ia out fe 000. Ny market changed sd that they "bet to sell their for less than half the 2 y the ga sold under foreclosure to the Mutual Insur: Ce y of New Y 3 that aaeryer sy all Behar apes tees handsome little fortune ould i; | farm andlelt the Wines brothers a Besides,