id The amitverton Sun THURSDAY, FEB. 13, (i806. /smaliér men know ee ale him they havea much ese ta Ontario is wale Opposition’s | hold. if it is led by Sir Oliver, ho! has aa) ee ee a le driving through} hi ¢ the country, noticed that many | ae "he DOOHST: CRAIGS OF F harris were: ornamented with weather- eak point; it is Sir Oliver's strong. | “anes,im the s DiS “other try A Mutle Aagel That Pid Net Eeeape | their friend and who would still have _ ‘One Ba as old Se Peter slept, pation ts who will have ae todo with remedial legislation, Aes Sir Oliver's name is on kat Heaven ajar, When through it ‘Asa 86 One summer as the blessed beams Gb mec anpomcbad ty Babingias ipaerees ttre saree esi ing dreams, And found that, angel by her side, Goa fone me this ask ne n he leaves this aiahgA of pain, ; “Hell'y setae to that bright abore, road to Heay Saxe, ni tte oxtione, aol acuine es inition vad been Peter, wrote the foll as pay, ‘REPLY. teen hfadeed years or I did not sleep as you ay Nor lofe the doot of Henven ‘ajar. Nor P a little ange dliete » And gone down with a falling star. Gee ask co Hrs e pias peel ee ‘Tf she won't fi togel bh he wl te ano in the good pean NM ake si es oe yas 8.8. Rothwell, Elm, lex: . the fogging head-master inster School, pretended with, and the Liberals at Ottawa Loe Moreover, e knows it himself and is going/into "the fight to wind up| have read the end figs es as hig politi carer rer IVa nitory green any man, and I never knew that the had an he ev before. — Lord had need of anything bur eg, é lial chat wakareeee lonel T. A. Dodge’ is. responile 2 “Orangenien Meet for the following ‘story o} North Porth County. L. O, L. held ite an- e retiring Couuty Master, | Of illiam Welch, delivered the an- il ae replied the colonel; “but what has Ane jon of officers for the ensuin, ear relied as follows: Geo, H. H. Dickson, |(0 40. with ef Bie at J ma, Master; & Coreeal, Pay ccmt:| Prayer say holle Thy name DM; 7. Grihaban Wellesley, Chap.3 det the all-wise preacher. Later, “Listowel, Reo ables, and bewhiskered a agged agg slop Lisowel Diseciar aval stopped Mr. Chauncey De Militsok, A. |on Fitch avenue, and asked for a dime, Te gas favey uasleeoeas Se thanking Mr. Depew, said, “May I ask discussion over | who you are, ‘sir?? Ina rather con- lace, and Jas. Bailey, this—] re ones Bt nee avec nal areed theg ah phere the next anniversary | fidential tone Mr. swered, You will not do as done before, | And lay it to St. Pompachaces, Newspaper Privilezes, _-At the Canadian Press Association | D'ti meeting held in Toronto last eal sa] most pepe business was of a report Ree 4 wth iling on a Sunday. the question of the carri: report did n rel ‘expressions of opinion elicited, Sieh Piatt ha by Nipenin See cuales ier-| said the ides; Hieculda'é pay sO following amendments to the present regulations: tions only such candidates (be their politi eH Depew ani poe le of the Boyne should be cele- | .« eauice ee Gatounte Lod ‘IT am Grover Cleveland, Epreideayud lain, “Zam Chauncey Depew, president of the New York Central Road.” Judge Walton, who presides over a corehitiniéation arassréad . N, {court at Washington, isa man of grim this year ind poe on the 13th of July, the ion SE from Clneke Wallace, Grand Master, explaining hamor- One ree in Epes lobby, a papers throngh the main “While. the his. Fite si draft « eae reoly: to| member of the bar year. “That is too mt isn’t worth it ‘ankes tourist and an old Clyde as | boatman had been discussing the relu- ort at the ensuing elec- £ the ti vaca dint Tey Tay) as will public! heir determinatio nt ty war with you That every newspaper be required to adr stem 8 separate schools under the | we would np send out one of our bo.rejeiivorel) Aired clr Hoke ta ivan | - Britain and the United. States ; (b) that no publication shall-*be entitled to registration as.a newspaper that is supplied free to its readers see “indirectl; at papel ‘the amount paid shall be rapper, sPefladed. BR. Baltics’ ot the Eliseo its re Young, ie Cornwall Freebolder, by 18 *yotes to 17. The following Executive ras mittee was ch Ww. josen: a land, Parry Sound; Dan McGillicudd is Goderich ; W. S. ae Soratford; RT. Mortimer, Shelburn ies this association favors the principle of & direct and ran} 1 bi Sha Canada and Europe and ge that "| be no rattle in the tin. Reject every |i of any denomination big American ships and tow athe whole Dis es into New York harbor.” Tn baying tinned goods nglish|That may be,” plankily replied the quiet “old boatman, “but within - does minutes it would take a darned sight cleverer man th an Columbus to dis- Fede ‘of the solder of the cap, the same | cover America.’ as is seen-on the seam-on the side of the cam: Reject every can that hi ar mes 5 Wilkon, an old business hot the name fin man ‘of Tizorcil is dead. Sir Charles Topper “a Fired Ottawa fa {and was given a recep! Remember that was the dull season, like the beginning of the new ear, when everybody 1s making reve wis S ie 2 most: averting sound it will be solid, and thete~will| An: Anybody can sell goods when the to: tin that shows signs of rust around the ¢ap on the inside of the head-of the tin. £ housekeepers are educated on these | advertises in dull seasons, and oh points, then the poisonirig-by ‘niuyiate | bis goods at prio that. make people zincwn-algam’will Become a thing of eos and by. y this plan once and the part. in the future ae fay continue it. such a service could best be _ establish- -ed by the potion of the Canadian Daily Press. mines may ehter Dominion Politics, The rumor. thie ‘Sir ir Oliver Mowat, intends ee iuto the Federal fight _is well founded. “He has ben Premio of Ontuxion until there Pa it ral ina politivian tha hould assign any other reason thar ie right one re course, seu triumph is possible; ict The N CW at Four solid ste to makea rou! your neighbor ho: good Fanning Mill to cléan your seed grain, don't be hbor's when you cin got v mill close at hand that will roy ake all atta eho cf gee grain and leave by iteelf see but the} > dente cehonis und see fur yourself. oe ' ‘he. Bargain : Store... a q +We are for the next 2 or 3 weeks Mer ing Great Bargains in ' - - Black Worsteds, Which we bought at a gies acca and therefore can afford to sell them below regular cost : jan, | Black Coat and Vest (best quality), reg. oe $15, now $11.98 «Worsted Suit be 20, = “16.50 , So Parite, go ats GOO The above quotations are correct. It may seem a large discount to you, but come and inspect for yourselves, and you will find that ; we are correct. READYMADE SUITS e Are going at almost half price to make room for the is{SPring trade, and the same in Qvercoats, Ladies’ Jackets, ey Blankets, Robes, and all Fur Goods, Flannels, Underwear, etc. Come and inspect for yourselves, and you will find that ‘a| ae & Grosch’s is the spot for bargains. ~~ Rae & Grosch. January Clearing Sale Times are hard; stock is large, and we must have money. In order to do this we have decided to clear out our Underwear, Readymade Clothing and Blankets. Our 7-1b oe rhe Blanket, worth] money, As you need the’ money as 6 [34 50, for $3.51 well as we do, and as neither of us Special iney Dales ‘Blanket worth dies any to throw any—then come $2 50—$1 75 will take it. here you can buy the cheapest. We Russian eee (12) quarter size, worth $2 25, for $1 70. I «Heavy ull wool Shirts and Drawers, worth 45¢, for 40c. gi Do., worth 65c, oe 45c. ieee more money. well known Do., worth 75c, for from last season, as our goods have Fine fe wool, worth $1. 7 for 75c. been examined and pronounced perfect $1.50, for $1.]i nd ae in. quality, so Acetate more do you w: Readymade Cabin thar THoCebs aah wat Sorte Clothing everybody must wear, and and see for yourself and be convinced. Overcoats 0} We have still a good assortment in n| Heavy. Ulsters and tine Dress Coats, secure one just as net for ial ae and we defy any better fitting. Calli an sid see our goods as everything is going at 'Clearing Prices, but we have not space to tell you of all the Bargains. care repared to take any quantity of Butter, Eggs, Poninns Lard, Tallow, Dried Apples, ete:, in enchant for goods. 6 There are a number of accounts. still. unpaid, and we would deem it a favor if parties owing us would call and settle. Next to Grosch's ‘Shoe Stores. IGUENTHER & Mr. Thomas Sextor de: clined “ cea of = hy Paty q DISTRICT. NEWS, Mont cisemen have seized ai Interesting Ties ome from the mee ull in aa Trappist, “Monnaeery ues ring Press and trom Other Oka. * Sources we Joba W. Loud of Detroit ‘The Kincardine Review man_ is a| been named for the peste of Ge “Freight Agent of the G. ‘ yo end * oy In Milverton.——, ee is some UU ALAASAAAAARALE SCHAEFER BROS. “e George te) bee Mr, Alex, Have decided to make a foes in the firm by June ist, and. ings and Jet soehing bing Tas on en > i them to the Dundes ‘Banner at $1.19 | has been in order to make the necessary change, we have decided to sell our per page which is considered not a very| ‘The ee 2” the Ministerof Marine | + : ; Biel deo and Fisheries shows a falling off in the|MMense stock of : r Mr. Duncan enh of Bruce, who | tonnage of Ounada of 52,915 tons in last summer mad: tour of the| 1894 compared with 1893. The ton i i i n | nage for 1895 does not appear. Mr. Wainwright, Assistant General ig a with | Manager of the Grand - The Beaten Sale Ever Inaugurated + % in jail at Sand- ning Khieke oo Merchant Tailoring, Gents’ Furnishings, ally reer of products of genius, the Watches, Clocks, Jewelry works of inventive§minds and the re- silts ott mater sade Thee And Faney Goods, are ago Ram's Horn offered tion in I I : : : ris the bes: if hi ii Sere be any ‘oe na 8 Amounting to about $6,000. And. in order to effect a speedy learance of the same, we offer a : but he expects in e road in some other capacity. ‘ord moves on we continu ich he ean photograph objects, The experi eee c e . i 4 ar Tron weights in boxes i nT. have “been photographed through the éCla ISCOUn 0 on 0) i oP ell os wood. The experiments are creating “4 as been delivered|great excitement in . the scientific $ in town this winter in large quantities | world. cheaper than for a number of years, the price being $2 a double cord. Jas, Newell, the son of a Just eas what+that means. You will now be able to secure a $ 5 00 Striking Clock for $ 4 00 50 00 Watch for............ 40 00 8 00 Gold Chain for 6 00 ~ And in the Tailoring it will bring a $3 _00 worsted down to $2 40 a “Record eae s f ve A, tac 2 ‘And Mr. Baesee | is wn Latics ees Aves Be eas f 2 00 1 60 ut there is the staunchest Liheral o De : familiae th ey has ‘ warut prise af tht exalt ape f ; I ao Tweed I 20 cold tnehe head oo act « sepa ‘Ciaerdgcine aa Top Shirts, we give 25 per cent, oe es A UNITED ED CLERGY, highly | wien one nent “Gleraymen of Leading as| Denomin: = Mal Re mbers of & McMast aster Unie Hard al brethre: This is without doubt the best chance the people of this district have ever had of obtaining Reliable Goods at such a small price. ee is genuine 001 who doesn’ No Humbug, But a Genuine Sale. oand pecially on “ques. sah? a6 Previous to t Hes commceok es a ety Sci tel 5 SCHAEFER BROS New Goods. le settlement ot SATS GROSCH and LOTH'S. hay fever, plas i ei throat, " toisilitis and dea! COMMERCIAL. Saniple bottle and’ blower, pent on receipt M Fe 1896. inLvERTON, Feb. 12, 1896. $f 100 in stamps or eilver. §. tehou, 44 Church st., Toronto Sold fees James gotta. ao >| WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY x Biel Hee ffected a sn tis Th S . M reas se imate oaie'canr| The Semi-Weekly — |rey Spectator) © well as aes ee per bush Sprin; wi cba Bi ney S an LOOK OUT! For new ‘and| TO most: post offices this nearly as good pectively, makes at inst | 88 * Deily Paper, See Bee only 4 Bee gentlemen of $1,000, or a grand tora | Bet Tf you aubacelbe NOW we il Fenty the balance of Hie mills FREE, S sod rs on the earl Passenge coy and Ose ay eae Pasa oy eels earlier gon subscribe the more you get for your seplacome tec application, Address nn SPEOTATIR PRINTING es Zi Jamilton, On: next ig a ew Goods. ly for the Province of Ontario, fora speciel| “The Liberals of Anaapolis offered Act, empowering the said Township to issue | Attorney-General Longley aunanimous a. f $32,000, for the | nomination for the Comm ions, which ed bt 4. portion of the del M ae ley accepted ea ras = Notice of Appleton tParianeat| on in Mai ae her children mth her, ‘CTICE IS een cues ls ary y, ‘he. ‘the Municipal lis Seay om she is so. d frig ck: after was wi reer charged with sealing he husband's an increase of $122,000 over Sitios nding nee nse si Jes Fe et) idea f Us ¢ | living uear Hanover, committed sui. ati becitley thas trash tats Serra cide by hanging. He had lost. his per eine a the eomaroa sod for ‘vert A) '| reason through worry. ue the rere, | year 1895, : of feed for hi cattle. sii He . ian who was reported | Dresser hi For the week ending Febr have beei “ thi For the Tovnship of Mornington. CPR t peas: ae week, ie tow ty sce sa