David Welch and S. BR. Ee oes gong t uy theie fortune in Kenta Soca ih McLaughlin is drawing brick and for a new house which he intends = Mackay is also a fas. Mackay is also preparing to enl and brick Liat house this seaso: in a It is our sud duty this: wok Bets chronicle the fa of two very eat the Tonpmuilege Mn F He 2 Wel she’ died on iv euapeaty ‘22nd Dec, eur] bowels after only'a few days’ i funeral on Friday to, Listowel ovinetery wes pth latgelv astended. And Mrs, Dickson ied on Friday, 241 re The bereaved, have the eym- pathy of the community in. their affliction, os BLUABANK. sale of a “$20,000 stock, Our neral si t we say. Come and prove our statements —D. J, Nicklin, Dear Sos,—One month of the new ve has ly t is now as a friend whose time sith s had passed, and who it exceptionally mild and Seautifal, ‘ntl for: 80, fur the greater number of the y attending tie last rites, usual to putin the time out of doors, there room for them within. Tf a large perhaps forty vears, shaking hands one with pes pi ant saying, * Not many of us left e Methodist tea meetin Tae rc apesnta te ie ie roads. no abandant and the waiters roats off on ‘The local. ministers aye brief adit Wan iecine ous os ; fe, from Goderich, He gave a len of which, however, was of ad ilies to all parties Se tl ‘bin; ‘ten sak eee ing «ihe Model Wits, * “The Model Hushand,” ete., the distinguishes preacher Koox church next Sabbat! storm around thick driving snow that so often obscure; the view. There is work for physicians almost bbie, is very ill. But we. hope that the Divine blessin, es means, will. bring him round to healt mOsT successr of REMEDY. comms eon URE Dr. B.I.E eee! con startet ‘used Sonasite savin Sake Tae eipuyin ozone wo eee ire mock sa eat Sworti of Renda are. a KENDALL'S “SPAVIN “URE Dr.B.J. Keanna Suscess for, Dest Einhinent fendalls Spavin, Cure Cacusen aie ’ Tice bavelever used. }OSBUAGH FALLS, VT. “Moa: ‘ca, put up by the Indian Tea. As @ <tann “9 whe bos aah ob es rest care in the = aa i Tagretors pies i sAereectie and cxgience. i, nib, Seca . i packages, and at: GOOD GROCERS KEEP IT. st grocer does not keep it, tell him to write to ica HAYTER & CO. and i. Btreet eat Toren. “want WANTED. lwood at his Newton branch, All accounts are now ready, and must be settled before 16th Feb. without fail. Call and get YOURS, ‘Thanking my many customers for their very liberal patronage Tremain, yours, iW. M. APPEL,|, ‘The Harness Maker, MILVERTON AND NEWTON. #7ALSO FIRE INSURANCE AGENT. when pe aes Of a First Cliss Suit of Clothes or Overcoat at Moderate Price, ‘|g0 direct to “;|/ headquarters. There's a comfortable feeling in not haying lots of old things to urge and urge upon our customers, There's a constant snocession of New Goods, and values are good enough to double our trade in less than no time. - |burton, the tailor Opposite the Red Flag Store. —Great —Furniture —Sale ‘ “—for —the. Next 2 Weeks. | —Bargains —given som Weiderhold & Honderich ‘At the Large Plate Glass Front, Main Street, Milverton. PIPES.'< on in and examine oar assortment of es, We carry the largest and fi est stock ih Foun, ranglbg in pelos feo Nesta Tobacche ali and Cigars. In this line you will find every brand to hud in a Well-regalated ‘Tobucconist’s. |In the Cigarette line we also carry » full Assortment Knicks-Knacks. ket Combs, Rosin, Violith A full. assortm olin St LIMBERGHR CHEESE): FOR SALE. 6. S. KERTCHER, {i sar Agent for Stratford Steam Laundry. W. ME Appel wenta 100 Cends’of good [a green Hard: wh ERS ALWAYS OW SAND!) as bse Propose To To Aywdirate, The following is an 1 outline of the ppadicste proposed hy the Western Dairymen’ tion: (2) To secure a uniform quality of cheese there must be uniform methods: of makit 4 cit, (4) At An inspectior) or | coal cae saenenal wall be em ingabihc ap » Took tepand dincet the syndicate! “Oo All pete oe wil be pea to the associ ork ‘done in their various: pba (6) A fair division of the cost would be for the fuctories to e salary aud expenses of the fuatruotor aver their respostive ayarli cate and the association to the. salary ad prose at the beegeed eal and to anage the finances and control the inerk diva shout. (7) ‘Phe eal salary and Copies fs slepee ptaniliee re ostimated to $500 r annum. (8) 2 pik weuld require an average of $20 to amounts according t bers for the association according ert Fr re factory. to the Cia bout 40 cents 125 to 150 tons, 30 cents, and over cents, (11) If each factroy in a syndicate will antee 55 members for the association r from 150 tons, Res Seats instructors Ccleseiiniee tae phen Gated ratces paid into the association would also enable ee ee the total cost of the scheme pro- | (12) The membership scheme’ seems to. be the more favorable one for the factories to thas the cost of instruction fee (18) The aseveiation Intends, if porsible, to organize these syndicates for the comin; Sian number of factories in any locality desire to form themselves into @ syndicate and will a re of the cost the associa- aily to appoint) an instructor and assume eke of the worl and cheapest m uniformity in the quality of Western On- io cheese. at desing further in- formation regarding it should write the: secretary . Wheaton, 861 Richwond st., Londo "Phe lead ig cheese dealers in West Ontario strongly recui nd. the aynaieate we to factorymen, They write as fol- The Di the Dairymen’s 70} 1 factorymen to c0-o] of the ussociation, finan- of é You only pay for what you get. Agree bas eee ,, No mecount to we Oe pestis be persunded. to purchase goods or asked to pay Fi Packing cs Tansteall fee ict See Gh eases crTdnES or mille money, and when eed. as Thioniss See the season comes you Hare Hehehe Look back to the past year and you have reference enough. You might say, “I almost must have credit at times.” We st “No!” Just use self-denial. and you can do it if you W. E. Binning, architect, We would just make a little suggestion to you—pay tog pene 2p SER Doe every business man on. Jan. 2nd. If you are short, borrow ina. be Ns roof, plate glasa| enough, and you are independent ; start the New Year on cash windows, plumbing and fornace heat- principles and you won't have to borrow money to’ pay your ing; the total cost will be about $1800.) account in-1897, Thursday, Jan, 23rd, Mr. John residents of cession in his eighty-fourth ah It ix probable that the Listowel town council will invite the dairymten to hold their next convention in that Te would not be atifair to allow the privilege of entertaining rymen of this fair western ey The annual meeting of the Cedar Grove cheese faelirn, . Wellesley, was held on Jan. 2 na number of patrons were Rane Henry Hoff: stetuer was elected chairman and very briefly addressed the meeting, touching creyitable wanner. el made at the Cedar Grov season Was 30,683 por soll atan average of ip oflicers for the coming follo treicher, vary Your Necessity Our Ouncrninie: base to us with your wants in Rubber j ies Shoes, Trunks and Was of alt 4 kinds. EA a Where else can you expect the service af forded by a big Boot and Shoe house ? Agent for the Singer Sewing Machine. J, CG GROSCH. * Main Street, Milverton. a if a|county doing business strictly on these principles. “lunless he had unlimited capital (which, unfortunately, we be- -llieve not 5 out of every 50 merchants possess) *| matter which should be done, and wishing yeu all a prosperous 1896, 1896. ont Year's Ureetin, 22/2) E year of 1895 is past, and has been a so-called hard year for farmers and business men ; and what the year of 1896 will be no one can tell, What we would like to say to you is this: That it would be a wise act for you to buy on our Cash or Produce method for 1896, This, our new method of doing businéss, is but four months’ old—so to say, only in its infancy—and it has met with great saccess., It is highly ap- preciated by people who’are trying to get along without heavy store accounts. We believe we are the only people in the Tt might cause you a little inconvenience at times, but just use the great remedy, SELF-DENIAL, and you have overcome the difficulty. There are a great many and good reasons why you have a big; advantage in dealing with us; we know it and so do all bust- ness men, that by paying cash we can get closer margins and large discounts on our purchases ; then we know by selling our oods for Cash or Produce only we can sell on small profits. We don’t have to count on bad debts, loss of interest, disputed accounts, goods going out and not charged, extra expense in book-keeping, etc., etc. All these things merchants doing a credit business must take first into consideration, and put on extra profit to cover this, or he would soon be under the water Es: We have had a short experience in the cash business and wetell you it’s a n,| pleasure. Customers, look at the advantage you have by pay- ing as you go: 1. You save 15 to 20 per cent. 2. You are under no compliment ; you can buy where*youi like. 3. No accounts presented to you at the end of the year. hte Hoping our many customers and the community will take no offence at this suggestion, as it is réally only a business Ni ew Y¥eéar, I Vets yours, Os acne = pcg antares Miuverton, Dee. gist, 1895. Whe oS Huw, All Imported Tobacco. | Better than most 5 Cent Cigars. 1 Os 5 good as the ordinary 10 Cent Cigar. Every smoker should try these Cheroots For ~— by tobacco dealers everywhe ‘i sulew dela fas "Assorted: colors.