bars a Sopeved all duties upon food-stu! is’ the _ppoch-anking telegram -from | Berl which has S that ill pap rine ger is & strikingly u ee irene act. Tt raise: ‘tnatural tendency to } dit than Great Britain has in Havana. The Chronicle ‘rh “The Emperor's med halle dee Bestia Kruger” ie take say notice of : thi sage is of avery grave oes All the available evidence show hi ny ape ‘Willoughby and other leaders of "EMPEROR, Wwinntaxe ‘8 INSULT. _ London, Jan. 4.—The St. J: ‘Th ia, Jan. a ae proclamation ued by President Kroger to day, uri ae he Gini Conia - f the Trai idpaveal) * 9 SEVENTY EILLED. ‘London, Jan. 4.—Governor Robin- He also telegraphs that} is stated in the Cape Town papers that Jamdson, White and Willoughby | thie are lodged in the Pretoria jz and Coventry, of the ~ ompany, are "RIGHT HOURS FIGHTING a London, Jan. 4—The The wen behaved in the most gallant manner, what are you sued sif@eping out the room? No; I a sweeping out the dirt. The most are elements in the “war” Haley | ave bee Les sand, | land a Be ee wind: 86 sudden has been the sent evident that public opinion ed in ne eroes: 7 tie English people, ray Brish! south act ationg ‘the | ted r was Government, Kleptomania i.” Yes,” re t Britain as nothin: oday it is in acee popular awakening that there is a xn dalesie vit Hae on; t them single-handed,” are the words in whic certain to greatly enhance the terribly embarrassing situation which confronts the Government. Tt is more than ever th Africa nor in England will tol- rate the sacrifice of Dr. Jameson, Sir the invasion as victims of the law which they violated. They are more Shan criminals in the eyes of MORAL INSANITY, Foeeps in the yea of exc is hai e was sible why is he to Why, instend of ot plac kept, not fo it “surely is e that definite limite should thei es ‘and. we snalingly deter t8 they have ith re to moral insawity, which, if it exists ab fh, is not an hallucination, bat ‘only a com- ill tach ot woul lify;s thes «fo! Gzrroioe, a vets On eis ee of Justice whieh, I presume, constitutes moral insan- criminal propensity, without some fo which of contse no erinie can be committed, “Jack the Bioper” would al i ‘ononneed” most toa cel morully insane end va been not even one sel roteeesteing On the contra: Shave Geckos of pramedtitas If ever there was a case pose moral it insanity, that of Earl Ferrers wus eds froin insanity. cruelty, all brutality, aire seo hed the i ¥ of disease that fand the j pm t all events, tobe a |: si hat specit red to a oeacge th merey to Shortis o1 ther ‘ina b bie 8 — are seal Reuercar, th ei leave te ieee ae New ‘Years “ter|Gifts E in, does’ allow his passions | __ Bee Rinne to get the mastery of his will "he: |WHDNESDAY and SATURDAY sis |The Semi-Weekly ni the Protestant solsees from Holland, . | Population within the et Giaranet Gente ul Some talk about the municipal elections; the ladies and children all talk about the Beautiful Christmas and And Cheap Goods at = Nae & Goose's = MILVERTON. Spectator Is PUBLISHED. pores Ei send the balanoe of this year WREE ie enrler You subscribe the more you get for your $1. Sample copies free on application. Address eel PRINTING GOMPAKY, Hamilton, Ont. the inglish population until now their republic is surrounded by English colunies, and the borders. republic is outnumbered Me the English and. Australian residen hese ger a new comers ate |, called Uitlanders. They are taxed for the support of schools where nothing but Duteh is taught, and are forbidden legislature of the republic if they are rotestants and canspeak the Dutch 2 | Hanguage. It is true that the Boers did not i vite these Uitlanders to their republic, ee did the natives invite th Africa. > -|The Above Stove ¢¢ The Peerless Saw... Five guages thinner on back than front. Fully warranted. We have this fall one. of the best assort- ments of Axes and X Cut Saws... In the country. Ax is hand-hammered, which is much superior to machine made axes, _ Ax Handles, second growth Hickory, cheap enough for firewood. Rae & Sutton, Milverton We WISH All our numerous friends and customers a Merry Christmas and a Happy and prosperous New Year. -—gwe—Groseh & Loth. P. S.—Accounts are now ready, and wonld like to have all of them settled by ie Japuary, as we will then balance our books for. the year, All accounts older than one ear must be paid before January 15, 1896, or we will have to place them in court for- collection, BROCKVILLE —z— CUTTERS Call and see the New Styles for this Winter. Beauti- fully Upholstered in Plush ; Spring Backs and Cushions, with Folding Child’s Seat. The material in every Cutter guaranteed to be thoroughly, seasoned and bone dry, and free from all imperfections.. D. SMAITH. Warerooms : Next to Grosch's. Shoe Store.. Good Cheer.” A Most Valuable Kitchen Stove, sold by,” S sii & ROTHAERMEL, Agents for all Good Stoves and Furnaces, aie is called the and: Sige hiss ee colds, headache, ‘sore throat, toi The Milverton Sun THURSDAY, JAN, 9, 1895. DURE ses ‘Some Interesting Items cutted from the Neighboring Press aud trom Other Sources am Tuckett was evap Mayor is of ‘eae by over 1,100 majori Mr. Otto Jung, hotelkeeper, of Tavistock, has been electea public Sid trustee of that burg. 's. O’Loane, wife. bk M. O-Loane, sien. was. laid rest. in ‘Avondale cemetery on Triday morning Jase. A report was circulated last” week that Dr. Jameson of the British Soush Africa Company led aforee into the Transvaal and was taken prisoner. _ Mew Christopher Long, of Nottawa- , Ont, Beene her husband with anovel New Year's gift in’ making him the father'of tie healthy bop Miss Mary Lucretia, eldest daughter of the Rev. Jas. Livingstone, of Kin- eardine, passed to her home in Heaven Jast Friday mor orate in the eighteenth year of her ai D Messrs. ak & Sable of the Works, Gal r Maple Leaf Saw ‘hey | Statesmen, societies, Srealoha and au- a Gul or they may go An old Dutch sign of a fruith seasouis that when the frait ‘trees atch and holdthe snow, itis a si; that they would be just as blossoms in the spring ai an abundant harvest will be gathered in the fall. IE this be true, an exceeding. ly large crop will be harvested next year, judging by the recent appear. ances of the trees, A movement is under way to estab- lish in Winnipeg a cheese and butter exchange similar to the Win the city and the east have ‘rom one point to another shrquahou the country at great ex-| sncilicin aloof American” apples in | Liverpool in December, 15/432, barrels The prices rdalized were a shilling better than those s, lls to 14s 6d, Newton Le 12s to 28s. Lon‘lon prices were: Newton pippins, 15s to s; Baldwins, 15s to 19s and green- ae , 138 to 15s a bart some months past rumors have ic flying to the effect that Andrew Pastullo, editor and PSeaee of the Sentinel Review was abo Woodstock to become managet of ie Montreal Herald. It is now nounced that Mr. Pattullo was “offered tempting inducements to take the position Inentioned, and that. he asked time to consider, during which he took an extended aa through Italy and Southern Europe. On his home a week or te since he finally refused the offer, and will remain in tock. THE WORLDS DEBT TO CONGRE- GATIONALISM, ‘Church Gave to the World a Reecher— Hear Also what the Rev. 8. Nicholls, a e the! United States can fortify her ter, fas to Say on an Important Subjcet, ‘y Ward Beecher believed man’s up with cold, or if he is a sufferer frow eatarrh. not surprising, there. is fore, that we fad Hie ae clergy-| Nicholls, of Olivet Congre- asnoual Charch, Toronto, is one who has used this eee, and over his own signature has borne testimony to its Meares character. On short puff of the breath through Blower, supplied with each bottle Agnew’ ws Catarrhal Powder, diffuses this powder over the surface of the nasal Painless and delightful to use, it ‘relieves in ten| minut perman hae cures poor ae denfness, DOES 178 WORK IN SIX HOURS, beeen that’ wa pmameresistccaeing agonizing course of treatment when a “medicine like South American Kidney Cure is with- in the reach of everyone and that is so ed today ahead of for this, purpose. does not oes cure, Torran idney disease. So! James nce, { Soon or Never ‘The, United States is not ready, can- ‘not fight just now, and is aware of the The financial disaster made the brokers talk peace. ne Uae Saawailchave into himself while * ee i The real heart of 2 iretaeid to cure anything ae but it] p a id by AND Exe FRIDAY! NAY. rripay! || FRIDAY! eke | Milverton Photographic adi, in Grosch’s new block, w - Friday of each week, ONLY. i" Opera howrs: From 9a, m. to 4 6. i MAITLAND, ea fed July 12, 1895, = BREAD HEALTH What is more important than that the Biead_you eat should be Pare, Fresh Morni and Healthful? oat Bread is beyond entlemen,—] $a) question in these CAKES —x> Fresh every day, at» The New iy, Guenther’s, Sacer as been appealed to by tl thors of England, and the voice of the fic th ging of dela ted uke Mideteh of hoor: politicians sounds’ like shoutings ase from Té this awful incongruity of. the dis- cordant war talk of a nation, mingling with the pleediigs and. prayers of the wise and godly, does not si loathsome clamor of those that hate England’so as to be loved by her ene- mies, we may expect war as svon as Important Facts Please Read Them We respectfully ask your careful attention to this statement, brief but. important, and which we will divide: into three parts, viz: I, THE SITUATION; 2, THE NECES- SITY} 3 THE REMEDY. Ist. The Situation Health depends upon the state of the ood. The blood conveys every element which goes to make up all the organs of the body, and it carries away all waste or dissolved ‘and useless material. Every bone, muscle, nerve and tissue lives upon what the blood feeds to it. Moreoveryevery beating of the heart, every drawing of the ‘breath, every thought flashing through the brain, needs a supply of pure blood, to be'done rightly and well. Sd. The Necessity The human race as a whdle great néed of a good blood Keay There are about 2400 disorders incident to the human frame, the large majority arising from the impure of poisonous condition of the blood. Very. few in- dividuals enjoy perfect health, and fewer still have perféctly pure blood, Scrofula, a disease as old as antiquity, has been inherited by generation after G*neration, and manifests itself today virulent and virtually unchanged from. its ancient forms. If we are so fortu- nate as to eacape hereditary impurities in the! blood, we may. contract from germs in the air we breathe, the food we eat, oF the water we'drink. Sd. The Remedy . Tn Hood's Sarsaparilla is found 2d medicine for all blood diseases. remarkable cure raise. “No cas has ever had so great suc- cess, no medicine was ever accorded so great pale patronage. Scrof ‘severest forms has yielded to its ‘potent powers, blood poisoning and salt rheum | and many other diseases have been _ permanently cured by it. If you want Statements of cures, write to us. Ii “you need a good blood cies take | oplifed in protest against the crime of | Amidst such beautiful evidences I ae z Accounts and Notes due must be settled by February ij a ~ Schaefer Bros. it disease | COOsts, Snip, her navy and_ reinforce arm, her at Ind e present situation is Fie [ly to ea the Unite | twisting or induce thein to pull ne tail clear off the ne: xt time oe take old of it.—Toronto Sta fe The latest combine is for the purpose of keeping the price of ‘ee esas pee paying and. restric fala in its | ontput Some time ago the Prine sot ‘Wintes visit ed a tactoay where a. DUIS AMHR) AML ay Walton Clocks AND VEWELRY. s Georse Pfaff, Jewe “} ler, Hina Fre oa hand a full line of Wal- nai “te, Pins, Brooch, Full table for Wedding Presents, Repairin, wlways done. GEORGE PFAFY, Main St., Milverton. Washing Machines. EDGAR ean ee a Agent for Massey-Harr Organs end. Piai dehlowinee testi ia to its merits : ton, March 2nd, 1895. bh ours respectfully, a as wood, M.P.P., Poole P. 0. rantford, Match 6th, 1895.” Schultz Bros., Peaattord a Knoll respect, and | wal Ivory ofa igen hake Raa P.O. We have had the Kull “Wvasher ie over Ures years. It has given us entire satisfno tion, “We had some experience in other washing machines, which cost a touriderable ve perplexing about it consider it a splendid washing machine for cleusing and for be bins easy on clothes. me Pastor N. Mornington Faeries Church. Wellesley, Deo, 28, 1805. Mr. E. Hay ‘ohe year ago has given entire satisfaction, and T can a recommend it asa great i labor-saying wnachi . B. Rosixsoy, M. P. P. Hundreds of Testimonials like the AND CAKES. All Seasonable Fruits. OYSTERS By the Glass or in Bulk J. H. SCHMIDT “The Baker. wke Sut,—The washer ‘purchwed from. you | <= Aeveptabe Cift... No more welcome gift could be sent to your Absent Friends than NG co Oe above can be given, ‘Wood "taken in exchange for machines, : i ‘What Will Haye to Be Done. Obviously, if the powers hit the Ot- toman Empire too should kil] afew Americans, or ev: one British Consul, there would be a quick stop put to all bab baal But so lung as it is ly Armenians HAL A S ee at bie are, ee bavgierene the risk of enied too ne Sooner or be told which ie sit woula have cash to pay its valdiers) would probably be obeyed. ain @ powers could trust. each id be, first, a nme a oaitnation bind. ing all the asslbieg juced to his proper Position as constable of Europe, instead of being allowed to note, all bounds Of moderation in ‘the beli : ww of | AMET Seat Col. Peon, of ‘British Cola ed, | been re-elect :/not They relish the in- ie{telligence of. the home : happenings more than anything else It is cheaper aah writing a weekly letter and. gives much more news than you could _ give in a number of ‘letters. : Come and send it One Month =p Trial. if they are not satisfied with it we will charge you: any- thing. Tiss is. fair? ae 1