The Milverton Sun THU DAY, G |FHAREFUL Vanished Days, id a fiat thoughts oft. mela hy their flight, he: os Tehtbremiea ‘in memory’s: lights My love of long ago. Across time’s distani sea. ‘Abin » pantie. bree wnt: au whens in my King pours from out a Bg cu] ‘The long shed parting teai ee aad then the winds i fancy 81 in tumult throagh m: pans ve re bit the past, so abe asleep, in surging billows roll. torm sinks down, but still delays “The anguish and the pain: é ‘The laughter of those vanished days J. W. Watsox, Ta October Cobden Milatie Not for Separate Schools, Mr. J. Isreal Tarte, M. P. has come out Mlatfooted against Pos oc ag schools. He swzo0s schools pu a ‘secular. — The Elma Fair held at Atwood last was a success. The exhibit was mever better. $200 was taken in at A return of the trade at the West- ern cattle market for the nine months of 1895, ending September 30th, shows ‘a steady expansion of stock receipts in Eage of unfavorable pasturage condi levine: edb figures in comparison with 1894... rtrd iat ts 1895..... 77,250 90,008 92,657 The Armenian commission which has been investigating the truth of the reports of the alleged massacres ‘committed in Armenia finds it to in the great part a fabrication of false- hoods—a tissue of lies. The whole number slaughtered did not exceed 500 in number and instead of being helpless in defence they were well armed and made @ bat spirited stand against their en concerning the horr ible cruelty of the aa stories have been invented by lying Armenians and inspired by political It has been asserted recently by one of the most reputable daily newspapers Rat in New York City that “the influence of the religious press is waning.” The influence of a certain type of religious newspaper is w vaning. A paper that is unattractive typogeaphielly that is brought together by an indiscriminate jae at ehipeues andl paste and the inser \ tion of sermons in the guise of a editorals; that has neither original e editorials nor contributions; that is AY dogmatic instead of judicial in_ its oy tone; that exists to satisfy either the vanity of the editor. or the self-com plueency of his friends whom h Banc that makes the Kingdom of od coterminous with the Church— me ticular or universal—the influence of such a paper is waning, and de serves to. But no fair-minded critic of the religious press of today as compared with that of adecade or two ago, can soberly ascert that it has Secor or that its regs ir waning.—Review of Review: re is an anécdote which i is being told of the Papal Court und a certain eardinal renowned for the extent of Yete dresses in the presence of the Pope, and, moreover, the Pope had horror of them, Tt hay ceed how me American ladies” on and made theic Ricca lowest of Coart bis Hol angry, Pat consideri nei ity to make a qufad tioanell ah the Cardinal to signify his Jeasure to them. ‘The Cardinal at ‘Buen “ie, and broke it to. them said that the Pope was a idan of the wo much among sere ch I am ane accustomed to it, e story does not whether the Mate of the Cardinal d-fashionedness” of the Pope HX PLOSION Of High Prices. ALL SIZES OF —==& TWO KINDS OF. for collection. We Are Determined store in the County: 22 lbs. Best Granulated Sugar... 24 Ibs. No. 2 if Pais oss 30 Ibs. Yellow Sugar... 2. ... Tapioca, 5c.; Epsom Salts Vee. Sulphur, sc.; Matches, 7c. bex. _2 Cans best Salmon, 25¢c. Castile Soap (twin bar), 5c. 3 Boxes Peas, Corn or Tomatoes, 25c. No. 1 Cups and Saucers, 70c> dozen. No 1 8-inch Dinner Plates, 7oc. dozen. price, 26 yards heavy grey Cation for $1. 32-inch wide Flannelette (heavy), 9c. yd. Heavy grey Flannel, 15c. yard. Men’s extra heavy frieze Overcoats, $5. Clark & Coates’ best cotton spools, 2c. Isc. pair. Men's ready-made Overalls, soc. pair. Job lot of Underwear worth 75c. for 50c. on 756, to $15 each. ~ 2 yards inch wide Ribbon, all colors, for 6. 3 for 288, A CALL SOLICITED. Grosch & Loth, ing to tte ladies. 4 sche Hustlers for Trade. We are not going to do busi- ness for Cash and Produce only, but intend to give Credit to first- class and good-paying customers, but will not give credit for more than one year, and kindly ask all leustomers who owe us prior to a\MtlJan. 1, 1895, to call and settle ‘their accounts before Nov. ist, as “lall old accounts not settled by that time will be placed in court); ~ Tea sets and Chamber sets at your own Gann Lined Collars (latest style), p ctaes WD ed and. Straw Cutters. erent eceenen oan ROOT ike ie GRAIN CRUSHERS And GRINDERS. Also a full stock of PLOUGHS and PLOUGH REPAIRS always kept on hand. SMT rt, Warerooms, Next to Grosch’s Shoe Shop. Shapes and Novelties. in reach of everybody. to 10c per yard. space td mention. Produce, Groceries—We give 6 Ibs. of Good Tea. for si. broken Soda Biscuits, which we will dispose of at Se per ‘¢ will give bargains in numerous other Mie), tar sliel we linretip Guenther & Co. N. B.--We have to get rid'of our entire stock b; Feb. ist, and great bargains will be given for Cash and Fall Millinery. Our Fall Millinery rooms are again boom— ing. We have been able to secure the Latest Ladies who have ex: amined the show roome of the town pronounce our display THE Best, and the prices are with- Ladies’ Mantles and Jackets—We have a full line of the best German make, which are celebrated as being the best- fitting Jacket made. If youdo not believe us, come and try one on laid you will be satisfied. We will sell them from $4.00 to $ro. Ready-Made Clothing—In this line we have been able to secure a Fine Liue of Men’s and Boys’ at prices unsurpassed hitherto i in the town. To sell at Lower Prices than = pat Ulsters, men’s Size, heavy frieze cloth, at $5, worth worth $12, Boys’ Oyercoats from $3 ap. ; Suits at o4. 50, well made. the Lowest. Kindly compare)” Underwear cold wouher mates oe think of comfort. We have heavy Shirts Sad Druwers; Allswool, at 86g, 45e and 600; Top Uhirw at Qbe, the following Prices. with ANLY | 40c, 50c, 60c. and $1. Flansel, 5c to 20¢ per yard. Flannelettes, from 5e By going to J. H. Schmidt’s and sampling bis Ice Cream, You can get a dish or two, or three, if yon choose, any night in the week. It is made from the pure cream, and will fil you with delight. ‘Try it. J, H. SCHMIDT A Great Opportunity to get Ladies’ heavy all-wool Cashmere Gloves, A Fine Portrait FREE. Ladies’ Jackets (newest styzes), from Weiderhold & Honderich | #1. Muiuuiuuit Milverton, Furniture and We have made arrangements with the sstablished Ford’s Art Gallery, Tot fine Portraits, now offer FREE to auy cash ester eirin ought $10 worth of go: Baby SS efi at cost. Undertaking.” per oa 300 BASKETS. rapes, . 8. Ca | ZAM LALA A FRIDAY ! || raipsy | TAA! ring the hot. summer weather the Milverton Photographie Stay in Grosch’s new block, wi be open on Friday of each week, ON Operating hours’ From 9 am. to4 (. F. MAITLAND, Photographer. Weiderhold & Honderieh, Fuly 12, 1895. Suits and Overcoats, We will quote a Men’s We have a lot of 6B SO OO 31 SO 66431& 4:63: a hie 4. © +6 31'S: 410 416 <S ee th be Ob }ite 4. 216 ODE O16 3-6 S16 -S'E [Pe vy LP yy & ats he HOO GOODS ~*~ Go Please Gveryone. tr The VERY LATEST PRODUCTIONS. Grand Display in Quality, Style and Elegance. Every Article carrying within itself the Convincing Proof that in its pur- ehase you are Saving Money. Your purse will open quickly when you gaze upon the Splendid Bar- gains in our new Fall and Winter Stock of Overcoats, Suitings and j Pantings. Note a few of Our Prices: An all-wool Suit, to order, only...$ 7 A little better one for only.........+ A still es “) An extra good one “ A Scotch Tweed Suit, only..... Fine Worsted Suit, only. . . 8 9. These are all made to order, First-Class Trimmings and Ai Werkmanship and : rel ici: nth All Stylish, All Good, All Useful, All sop aa Low in Price. An opportunity that will be counted as eee a fortunate occurrence in your life. An opportunity to get just what ‘you want ata just-what-you-want-to-pay price. Come and leok at our New Goods— they will verify our statements. CHARFER BROS.,+= MILMERTON. The Wonderful Cheap Men. Gladstone at the age of 86 is planning} The twood Bee man is the happiest another European tour. scribe in Perth, His home THURSDAY, OCT. 10, 1895. Disrmicr News Nelzhboring Press and trom Other Sources = The Milverton Sun | | \F | i summoned for his sojourn in the Old Country, ve nomination for Kingston, ge “Forbes, wn a tan of 80, | Logersoll. ‘A farwwer in Essex county expec | watermelons. | to 98 years o oe and died from the effects. lapse of a church platform. bridge University on Satu den from the effects ane which he took on the advice of James M, Quelette of Windsor i: dying from the effects of bull Park on July 25. in Ireland was introduced. eccentric. ‘Advices from Madagascar state that Sao her warm oe A minister ie Chicago, referring up and hea the sentiment. agents have been pene and the public generally will | to take ‘note of “ scratch” nhs, sit 33 for 20 sig doing it in the fast ti of hal ninutes, 20-sevonds. TI not aaiahs Court, Itis suid that about 40 of proposed. for many pone of the “sick bene age} but it is claimea that in | outside medical men will A of the Noting members of @ |James’ Street Presbyterian Churel jdescribé as “a soutce of dangerou error,” and say they ‘refuse to e past were in any way propound the new matter bas been referred to ues M. Vipond captured the See at the North Perth fair, Stratford, last week, for the best were some 183 spesinens in Mr. feature of the fair. Some tuteresting Items Culled from the ee Henry M. Stanley is in San Hamilton steamboat owners are ap- ciseo., ‘The Quebec Legislature has been 0. Sir Oliver Os at has returned from . Smythe has feshaed the Con: Geo was Killed by a ©. P. R, train near to realize $3000 from 20 acres of Sir Oliver Mewat, when in the Old | Country, niet Aa and uncles from 92 | At ne = m. Jenkins, a young) discuss the licensing of music halls. colored man, drank a quart of whisky| Jp Palmerston women are rotten: ‘At Loraine, Obio, a girl was killed | is indignant, as he well might be. Sucl and several people injured Ly the col-| conduct should not be perpetuated Yale won eight out of eleven events his’ hotel in Atwood to in the athletic competition with Cam- Oh tlah ‘sualed! ‘Desson ding’ ab Pres feots of a dose of medi-| 9:90 trot_ and A. woudl received wt the Detroit Deving| aha of Hamilton as 48,980, |money, that always finds plenty of fools in In the Shortis trial at puta been less. ‘The citizens ps not satisfied | money always stays whit on fakir, an the evidence taken befor commission | with the result and. the proposal | to Tt shows have a police census is meeting with the prisoner to have been extremely | nych favor. the Queen has bi gat id pane that 6,546 suits for divorce were Majesty declares that she will neither | 970 were pits 2,497 granted, the leave the capital nor yield to the} remainder still being in the process of the torture of a colored man at Cole oe occur about the Ist of November. City, Georgia, remarked “This must ied,” For a long time the G. T. R. has ah while the quality will be wui-|“I want to yell; I must yell.” The taken American al | fs pas, but the! formly good. But unfortunately the | Canon sa al right, yell away; J ified to cease | same my pestis of England and the | don’t mind.” doing so. As the ee have been | Uni an outlet to this currency, business and ‘Ohio, itis. true, many orchards | and, throwing myaran eters my head, Ge 20-mile Wioyele road race, held sate have banner crops. If the ‘at Stratford, on the St. Marys road, Canadi Kalbfleisch, a toy 12 years of age ;|fruit reaches the. mal ket Mei Carthy, aid petitor had yelled. :tablished the Cinadian road ‘reco — cna) fica ea ool eating Stoves. he set men in Nadie pons loctors have signed the agreement The matter is a serious one event of astrike by the city Os beanie be b st has been signed by several Dah ce Los Se RAE & SUTTO ess that the ar and.good men of the moral or e ieealisccint ites of those wlo and startling view that to partake of any substance con- taining alcohol is morally wrong. , es lection of Canadian weeds. There Aa) a rival com- for variety. The exhibit was shown hard times come. Every smoker should try these Cherovis. *| large numbers of the interested a P| che cartons: It proved an instructive has British trade returns for September ange in te i Son ienemed ae er show greatly increased imports and | follows EPO: The Telancde Agricultural Society In a collision of two. trains near| will have about $250 to wpply on aha Brussels 18 persons were killed and payment for their fine groun over 100 injured. hall, after paying all prizes and claims incurred i in connection with the show plying to have the Beach canal deepen: | held there last w ed to fourteen feet. basilar ast @hidy atthe endof a scab are reported in ad to vl eral ci cargo of sheep from Montreal lande a a Tavera by the steamer Norse- ed upon the comparati dl nckera, and remark- aed a million bushels of wheat hacking were delivered at the C. P. R. eleva- \| tors in Manitoba and the Northwest |humor; also i Decking as. regards low wm woe life beat Thickeray, but Thickens was ie said that the Bain Wagon Co, {much the superior pe Dae as re- Ha ot BrantlorMieaelle-coinblie " wishikahe,| Stee ae PPR aS f| Mussey-Hartis Co, and remove to| ‘The late Sir John oe while Woodstock. Minister of Justice, once visited the Mrs. Ormiston Chant, a social nen penitentiary of Dorchester, New before him who cotppin ines that. his period of sentence had been’ too long Sir John is said to have Ran greatly impressed by the story, and exclaimed, [That does scot @ long ‘sentence for such an offence; who tried the casef” “Tt was Judge Thompson, your Mr. Toerger of Listowel has leased | Honor,” came the reply. It is under- A.W. Branden- | stood that the Minister of Justice did berger, and has. gone with his family |not interfere with the sentence. to Listowel to reside. Notwithstanding the care exercised G. Larkworthy’s He bis won the (by the directors of the Norwich fair to son's Lulu| exclude fakirs from the grounds, one */G. the 2:30 1 Pe Huron last! of those slick chaps escaped their vigi- week, This is a seekea for Strat-| lant. eye, and got in some of is gi “funny work.” It was the old jewelry lt | phe Dominion censis in 1801 gave | dodge of promising to give bac egged after night. The Reporter man while the assessors put it down as 177 the crowd. Of course the itdid in this case, made thi takir was escaping from the crowd ‘The annual report of the Secretar; pee their money he was chased and t | of the State for Ohio last year shows i brought during the year. Of these np ee The ‘last’ seen of him he was hestenlog toward Ingersoll, where he going through the courts, will operate the old game in all prob- lity Tohn Scott, amill hand, was stabbed) Pye hoard of man ability. igetoont of he Mark T: he dy) eonrteal ‘q by Joha McKenzie, a fellow eenplovey Tavistock Public Library is making | 5, aes vi sca fe saa fee i = a arrangements fora series of lectures]; 7 {and entertainments somewhat similar the ones that gave such general satisfaction to the public last winter. | wh, to We understand the first of the series rospect of a large yield in this pro: resistible force, and said to ce “And with that”, said States In Michigan, Iowa] Mark, “L stepped back a few steps, dol are not yielding well, but Missouri, |let ouca war-whoop that could Kansas, the Western’ and Pacific heard for miles, and in less time than you‘could count Canon Kingsley and, ian Exporter makes a suecess| myself were surrounded by a multi- of the elon: it must be because his tude of anxious citizens who wanted > in. better|to know what was as the matter. I toll rie shape t tian that of his Ainerican com-|them that, I just wanted to yell and ime Having sold so many Furnaces this fall, we have a few second-hand Coal and Wood Stoves—some of them only in use the a winter or so—which we are selling very might cheap. Anyone wishing a Heater will re do well by calling on The Stove and Furnace bey Men, Milverton. | All-a-Samee -4Cheroots 4 col- All Imported Tobacco. 1 C ye Better than most 5 Cent Cigars. hich As good as the ordinary 10 Cent Cigar. It is the sree! 's profit that has to be cut down when Assorted colors. RE sale oy vans dealers everywhere. nd ome do la Oreme Cigar Oo.. Montreal.