7 i Spe ai ome AEN Siege pom Bete ge Beene coe ses: Sparen Sa acne Agee sees oe © a + i Ret ie i ge ue L } i i { Bees (| : fi } : “It Shines For AIL” Vol IV—No. 31 MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH CO., THURSDAY, JULY 25, 1895. MALCOLM Mi Editer and The Milverton Sun ‘Is the best Local Newspaper in the County of Perth. It is the Best Advertising [edium, Raves teasnable _Sitbieription $1 per year, strictly in a M. MacBETH, Publisher DO YOU WEAR GLASSES ? If you be ed important ion GB 0 tty Hee vine not, es ae you know you are ADVERTISING RATES : of glasses work the on our eyes, as SPACE, | year. 6 mos. i tnos.| mo, | slow fac Noe an the hanan body Now, if you will call and see_me I will guarantee ‘One column. - 1850 00/$30 001816 00] $6 00] to fit you with a pair of glusses that will be Half col 30 00] 16-90) 9 00) 4 50|right, and the price will also please you. Quarter ni 16 00} 9 00 * 00} 3 50/If you ay troubled in any way ape column.| 10 00} 6 00} 3 00) 2 00| with oyes I should be pleased to One itch 5 00] 3.00] 200) 1 mn, Transient oe ene are charged at ‘the rate of 8c. a line, nonpareil, for the first insertion, Seri ay per line Porech pees ‘inser Prof. Bharnbachulin “EYE SPECIALIST,” 87 King st treet East, jakiga will be at Jas. MEDICAL Torrance’s Drug fiverton, Ont., WwW EGBERI, M. B., M. D. C.M., Grad. « duate, of Colleye of Physicians & Ont. Telephone conne Brunner, Lutheran Church and F. Saheim: M. B., M., L. B.C P. Edin, 1881. M. D. °C. L, &S, Glasgow 1881, Graduate of College of Physicians and Surgeons o} phoneat Rostock, Brunner, Robt. Haha nd, Poole te Office and Residence Tele- at residence for night ph connection me , Newton and Mill- messagesf rom Carthage, tank. Offiee message: Sto Falday, Ang, 9 only, “Waittfor mé. raining your eyes every day? A poor pair} themed NEWS. E@ Changes of advertisements must be hed in by Tuesday at noon to insure insertion, We are also age: foe ol Toronto Weekly and ‘Daily pers. All Correspondence sea hee by Tuesday. Listowel will hold its fall show on the 19th and 20th of September. Edward Blake has been elected in his ona [le DENTISTRY M. BRUCE, L.D.S., Dentist. of R.C.D.S., Toronto, also Haskeli Post Graduate School Graduate member of the No. 5, the Queen’s Hotel, Milverton, every fley for the practice of his profession. 313 constituency, South Longford, Ireland, ale acclamation. Spring crope in this vicinity are Woerea'lt magnificent, ut the grasshoppers are play- the pine: nal shoemaker struck town the | Bo other day had apparently | had regrets as he gota Bevan eccboate of people left Strat- ford on the Beacon excursion for Crys- tal Beach on Saturday morning last. DR. E. H. idt, Dentist, Cordon’s aol EA ea P.0.; Will visit Pa the 2nd and 4th W. nesday of each month, VETERINARY H. ENGEL, V. §., Milverton, Ont. f Ont, yeu _ College, ‘Toronto, ts all diseases of domestic animals gci- enribeally. hy telephone or ot! SOCIETIES reno ). Fs; No 99, Milverton, meets every second and ‘last Tuesday of every month, Brethren always weloome. ©. Ri W. D. Wein, Secirdiie 0B) Chelinens Our to, | lamp posts dug up as Miss second daughter of sot Zilliax, of Listowel, was married jast week to Mr. Chas. A. Wilson, of de Considerable excitement prevails in Elma over ‘he sudden and unaccountable disup- ce of Mr, Geen, @ young farmer living cr acchle inh ls, sey scored a gre: cess in fee pct around the Gord” ine season Already his is filling with sans nein dates. town council should have the some one may run up against | them those dark nights and receive serious injury. of Milverton’s pupils have been Gateeaetay at the public school leaving |examinations, in the persons of Stella °r | Burton and Bertie Wilson. On Sunday morning we were blessed wit a benutiful shower of rain which did a ites, 56; seipiohs ites, Curap Mrar—Miller & Kelter- bourn our butchers have made a re- duction of two-cents per. Ib. in the price of their beef which will enable pie bady to eat fresh meat. have always on hand a supply of fresh veal, lamb, pork and all kinds of sau- . If you want achvice roast do not fail to call upon them, as they always ae Tatx Ir Ur.—tTher ¢ tal on the an of the schoo? van of nee | getting up a school excursion to run to Niagara Falls, If the schools of the surrounding neighbor! Millbank and south to Gadshill can ie got to co-operate there should be no | un trouble in getting off enough tickets. apie ay jan guarantee the deposit. y on Falls, dhould make a ee effort to do so, as they are a sight to pati Hanps.—The Sun Laun- dry, lately operated by Mr. Geonre Hoffman, has again changed hands. Mr. John Schutz bought the outfit on Saturday last. He has engaged the deliver Garpen spies: —The garden party held in Mr. Whaley’s' orchard on ‘Thursday evening last was a very suc- cessful affair, over $42 being taken in, The band discoursed excellent music, The audience were fein mainte at the absence of a may be apologized rik the fuabiliey of the committee to proenre an instru- ment, but this little Seemeoimeat plemant framé of mind. ie booth is attributed to the good | a1 ieee: of the occupants, and the com- we would like to dilate upon their good qualities. rmaieeny desires to thank the pub- lic for their patronage of the institute. To el Important TeAcuErs. -~ Ii sink far into the ground but refreshed things Education Department has at 0. F., “ Silver Star Lodge,” No. 202, erably. Another dash would be much | sued the revised regulations eal 4 vero feed int Rae riday night, spore ems se ees. the non-professional examinations for ine Fisting set a sia * weloome ee - ad a ole be ees tl iat fae earns anew and Hay any. cer, N ppel, Sec. to hiear from: Conseryatives, Pa pe eon Nae (a epub ee Tus, Milveran, moos Ja sis Unione, 6; Literals, 20; Maar Minister of Education, In the meas. a 2 time we call attention to the following hall dst Wednesday in each HEAR dias Strong, W, M.; Jno. joeckner, 3 R. Smith, Treas, HOTELS es 1B HOTEL, Brunner, Ontario, Gropp, Proprietor. | Best liquors saad cigars at the bar. ieee accommodationand lar ‘ge stablin: RAND CENTRAL HOTEL, Milverton. rd UEN’S HOTEL, Milverton, Ont. The ‘best accommodation oe —- travelers and others. Two ple rooms. Only shscholceat of ro Winey Taos rs at the tice and ‘plenty of aMet fee P Heuby ose Pro OYAL HOTEL, Beaters, R at pales Be M. Sev biter ott ie pane ct thin Vicinity solicited, com- | runaway, "The, patroungs tol hi seen in sat er as Mr Rudolph Miller was coming aie which is an ex- ingly lifey eae’ fright at the rain which came ina down pour and started to ‘fo save his life Rudolph had_ to umble back on the box and slip “igh eer is | which he did in the twinkling of at ‘Dr.” John Rothaermpl an ee attempted to amputate an arm of Jack tl Hugger last. week, but were foiled in the Ethos are mi BUSINESS CARDS WEIR, Auctioneer for the ‘oun Conveyancer. Deeds, Wills drawn and Affadavits nade, Bailiff5th Divi- aion Court. Village Clerk. Main street, verton. at all time Gapersalicy (> Ros tatels all trasen: g lenouncing in bitter terms our fellow citizen: Isaac Usher & Sons’ Queenstown Cement is kept constantly on hand Divi, | at Win. Peters’ store, Brunner station. This cement is: warrant any Portland cement for concrete walls, ade bank barns an all kinds, hog troughs, ete , | more thei eth the cost of Port- Drertawm’s Dirntnerta snp Crour ReMepy has proved its reliability ce the past twelve years in thousands of Gud still. sotdion. its ‘wondodfal carative properties. Had this remedy been diseov- Sear bi Drofessor in Germany or France ite fame wonld be world-wide, Following are a couple of iemseuonial Wyoming, Ont., Jan. 12, 1 pha used your Diphtheria aud eee say fataily, Ade trea. yale #e ouaider it invaluable.» Yours tra uly, m, Wis., Jan, 12, 1895, I have save ned lives of two children | with your valuable remed) 7 J Brrvenr. | | when it’s g) third of the marks for such additional | °* paper ot papers 2. Candidates who] § in. 1885 hold a certificate obtained un- ae former regulations, or who e | titled to write for a junior sel leaving certificate, may at the examina- ‘ay | tion'of 1896 or i. write - certifi cates in rescribed therefor under the opalittaie of of 1893, ae as detined in. the regulations of guages seen, Ameena thatit is in the interest. of all who wish to obtain junior or senior leaving certificates to come in-to school next September if possible,'and take advan- | not w tage of the old curriculum. Personals. eddaway and family have gone up the lakes for a holiday’ trip. “Miss Nettie Morris, daughter of D. the lakes up to, Mackinaw. They |¥° as far north | to Humbugs. To the Béitor of ‘The Mily ilverton Sun: Sm,—Thanking you for former ane bug,” in which he mentions my name twice, to show that I am a fanatic and a defender of a humbug. That is his Ik | aim if T understand him right, and I believe I do. now once more be surprised and may call it an effusion find if a man says the trath,in plain derstanding words, it is offending to some and called effusion and fanatic- ism, did nots sir, sek ay gain or honor, and ki can divine hetp and healing toa $.” I do not say that this learned (7) aya is ‘compelled to believe the above, but if he to bel ean not prove tl and that He is not able to heal, | can scientifically show that God in every instance heals without any ageucy or means r perhaps ‘he has been so far cra ‘ths ste) and spiritual peel that e can prave tha never connects His divinity a humbug. 1e vy. Mr. Dier- lamm simply asked ‘‘ How did he kill her ?” but this has not teen answere fa “4 the: doubt until he is found guilty. pec enti sso is See ararepe atau eames The committee of| an bo | 2gainst a ordinance of the eity, which 9 20] Wo. 5 spent Sunday with G. Tanner. Ww. you gain ‘more Be tring ‘than -by | sttford, July 28,1805 Dizianas of people. All who wil iy ae I Farwmuaie stated will clearly : see that I only ob-} , J, Nicktin writes to cay Seka eae jected to the sneering and mockery heading, “Killed by a Divine Healer,” which no if the As not answer my fair questions which I made? Please come back to the topic, °|T always like a man if he sticks to the trod upon and not sail at sea without a “Layman” ite. Show me, sir, wherein Tam a fanatic or a defender of any humbug! has om to bel being a fanatic. In regai healing, k would say, it is too solemn lefend it in a secu! it would be what is written in Matthew 7:6 (please read it)—which “ Layman” proves by his confusion. It is true, s h turn away,” 2 Timothy, 3:5—for a i humbugs signs by e confusion a oath is one neo oe T always deem a m: who hides his immerge, and how far your so highly praised, particular, in- | fallible science is infallible. O, dear! In regard to Dr. Dowie in ‘Chi he is able to defend himself, which his enemies do find out already. All they want is to prove or to show that he runs a hospital without a license— acquaint and get more true informa- “| tion of the whole matter, and let the public know the true facts. Thanking you for the space, T sir, yours truly, a pecogy lie for ight and justice. aM, Milverton, July a 1895. A Hamm PINAY To the Haitors <in the Sua of July, 18, under the heading 48" Divine Humbug,” 8 confusion, writtin by a cet who seeme é emi regian even than his own heart, CAUSE sh is.satu rated with a] # kind of sarcasm which is claime roceed | quart .| Andrew Walker, last grt re fully selected stock of Millinery, large. an varied, new, now r for exhibition. ine two hts alike, no two flowers alike. ch, differe ce its neighbor, and out of which ty had ld choose a hat and other ee Jory estaba for herself or others, ——_-_ BRENNER . Phomas Gibson lost a Weider ey lass, h. who has been ill for” the past iboags is is impro ving. as Mr. Geo. Schmidt, of " Milverton, spent, Naa ei his brother in Ellice, Miss J. Rae, dressmaker, is finding considerable ocoupation in this dis- rie A number of our farmers have begun fall wheat harvest. The yield is not as heavy as of late years, NO a POOLE iss. Jean Shearer of Brantford is at ment visiting her sister, Mrs. Jas. Burnetc, Miss Sack of Stratford is spending a few days this week with Mrs Henderson and Missy ing &. arab ts ‘| Burnett of Galt are visiting their many relatives in this locality. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Riley returned. to their home near Wuodstock on Fri day after spending a few days with his mother and other relatives. The Mennonites wi!l have services , |in the temperance hall net Sun ae ‘ternoon at 2.30 and ai NRWTON, Grand Central i is now The offered. for sale ov rent. acting A cabin on wheels struck our town. Saturday eve and remained with us till Monday, it contained an innumer- able stock of fancy wares and slee basiness Clements J. Koeger wen! a trip to Hawkesville and St. by. ©. Rertcher and F. McCloy members of the Milverton bicyole club gave us n eal! lasi ae Heelies stable is now near. completion. It isa large and con. venient one, ar waggon-maker Mr. Zimmer hs opposite the Same House. Holmes, the alleged failed OF che Piet 1] gel children is supposed to ana been. guilty of no less than See murders Morvis, assistont cuperi from a bottomless pit. He h Mr, John Blyth, ex-M. P. P. to: land - eae instruction |@ 7. R., Toronto, is ae atk es the ite, that }SOUth Grey, is dead. He snii Rs yj ark Mebane ‘edcle’ nM cd mies oe ompted himt Boot juke a ta from | defeat 1m 9} ‘Beane man went in ‘ind the tree. lo not. mean to say that}ran agains’. 7 Scotch daily in Ludgate Hil, Lonloa, ‘the| Misses Pearl and Ruby Tucker are] (2 “layman” has no right to bis opinion, fafser, giving that gentleman his other day, and pir for a er. Like | @b present visiting feat in Stratford. | but my opinion is that no one unless filled call, he being elected b: '; most of us, andhis} Mr, and Mrs. Tucker and’ Peter{ witb the same spirit as this “Layman” will Sap 2 Bae enunciation fal from dintines. ‘The bay 1d Abies iv in th 3 give him credit for dotting his long jumble | ® mo arity. not uw tand him, and said politely, “I n the Beacon’s excursion | (yhich is without the least: grain of xwgn- a sf Sey aes ie re ae to Crystal Beac! mens ho diapeore what the Rev. Mr, Dier- esecond time inthe same tone.| ‘Mrs apey and Miss Livingston |lamm said) with the names ‘of several Still the boy failed to interpret, and spoke fi temen, and then signing himself“ Lay- stil ee your pardon sir.” The Visit. {ate at Preston recuperating. wai PULSES lace nies wtb oe ee a ie c elnge at} Miss Schierboltz, who has been vi oe ave a Be Leis ata pwd cine er ¢ top of his voice, adding fiercely, ‘Don’ «| divintey. witl SA” Divine Hum: | st ou understand English? "This time the bo herbowe ie eee resis for bug?) avd tod his fellow Tih a fanatici al eard, and handing him the paper, retor' a asm asi he | posi firmly, but Orn ally, Yes, sir, I do—| Miss Enid Wornam has taken a trip. on venvnin a te His eb ay