The ditverton Sun THURSDAY, JULY 11, 1895, A man-in Ireland has been tried and convicted sf manslaughter’ for pouring paraffin “over his wife, who was affected with a nervons disease, sand burning her for a witch. The details of the trime are sickening, when it is known that her own father assisted in the burning. It sounds strange in- “deed in this age of civilization, to hear| ‘ of belief in witchcraft and burning for it, especially in Great Bri But. _ Btranger does it seex: that British law indicts‘a man for manslaughter when he has been guilty of one of the most eruel of murders. Had it been in America that such a crime was com- mitted, lynching without a trial would have been considered too good for him, To say that: ignorance is responsible | 2 _ for the crime is to add force to super- stition. Hanging would extirpate-the _ belief in witche~aft more rapidly than eins eee Tn another column will be found a _ communication from the Rev. Mr. | Dierlamm regarding an item that \ap- ee aa, in this paper Inst week on “Dy.” ie’'s “Divine Healing” homes in Although we expressed no ealing, but wehave never believed with the | ae of the apostles, Mr. i eee think is gener- ere made from the orignal press dis- ch, We are sorry if the item has iven offence but we cannot help it. Cee SANT EA ae Prcans four and the Thoinp- LNs drawn the most fivbral le ne ions for their trial heats at Henley jamie The return issued by the cane of Trade for June e imports decreased £351 and F He he boris £110, ean as nial with Tune last year, Tramps are cen mee in FOntet, ant cae ere in hands, and when she enn sorely was made they w ah ‘ose farmers who have suffered 30, eh from t] icu Commission, ii recely es Jovered the Australian ladybird, which is faust hate Calton ria ore Hicale pests, sends Hiscovered a Jarvae of the conte bug, and he says lieves the beetle _P it de this without gin per eats ah new ae is too much reason to in sits we'll doe it hy ‘ebiite ating? all of religion from the schools.” he an a harrow eseape from in public education, |® ist depen it in. Ontario Oue as is ubsolute- in Protestan pee ‘rom and the very name of aa Pete m their school books, Romain Catho- rg Apes their children er.—Canady, Presbyter- anna Langford, vho has ieee aioe yim few weeks in Biddulph, -eturned, Mr. Morris and daughter of Listo well spent Sunday with Mr. J. Lang ord. Mr Wm. White, by the assistance of a large number’ of his neighbors, greately enlarged his barn last Weanes boys played foot ball i evening, Martin Taylor received an ugly wound on his hand Tuesday moring while helping at Mr. Patterso ; ing, a pike being piereed aisueee it, ‘Mr, : rom ie ee oe iss Mary cig ope Sia bra were visit- it Mr. Chas, Allen’s on Sunday isle J. Nicklin writes to say he has a care- fulty selected ees of Millinery, large and varied, new, now ready for ex! two hats alike, no two flowers different choose and ei inery suitable for herself or others. Gall ie see us, x Sun,—If you have any special Diane ea your namesake who rules the day, please intercede for i th will exterminate a day o1 The land is ae y, drier far foreabiat a was the ne a eae h’s make al ee turage—| is Fields Dab pin pale dull, ae on hue. We have heard hay t some of our Heighbors are. begin at they mu: Sone —too fast heat. coun . is a be well akc find it ¢ Rob Roy hotel here, ie aid, i a ae of changing hands. The eceupant is / going out, and Pat Fevete isgoing in. Pat's health ha ih han eyen a year ag Bshol boys and teacliees ore from their labors now, but school matters here are not per feetly at quiet of said letter is evidently not veoating much, at leat in the use of his pe There w fuite a eae pra hel {on Beard evening. played between the sta is Bi, and the club‘from S.\ ‘ge concourse of the fr clubs gathered to witness ie sped contest. iy be faced about 6 p.m. We were ees med that it did not aoe its penned will ua ter. But, poor thing, Cu ays he has Which feeds on the| , prostrate, till within about five minutes Re the tine limit, peel ecstatic leaping and cap- wooing, \showed that a ei had been atlast. It was won by the lads ica A. little before, one ison, wasipat thors di sprain’ received in Anotor man | entit Be careful n't See pty “ned for laming each our? in your p Millbank, fon 5 1895. portion of the fog Point Company's Woods, which is inclosed as a deer park. i ee mis the thirteenth city in Ontario Jove aie sent agp toit. Gov. simeoe set it goi te reas e was arrests ted at Sarnia for being found in Mrs. Powers’ hen house. te protes ba ite te coud not eat inne re ifhe orous: cn Un bau: made thet ember of the jeese rake ine ed ethene ane ge et day jon Oe Station oe he Ni been attending |, rR oH E RBAGE U val The Great Milk and Flesh Producer. . -SOLD ar JAMES TORRANCE’S, | Sm TM STRAW- BERRIES THIS WEEK ALY Kerteher’s. Red Flag Store. Emblem Pins || and Cuff Buttons, We carry a very fine assort- ment in solid gold, sterling silver, gold plated and enameled, for the following societies : Christian Endeavor » Epworth Leagne Temperance Pins Which we sell at the very low- est pri F sonacren BROS., Jewelers, Milverton. Fine watch repairing a Lape All work guaranteed to gi satisfaction, <D-a> ee. COOL. “ By going to J. H. Schmidt's and sampling his Ice Cream, You can get a dish or two, or three, if you chose, any night in the week. It is made from the ‘pure cream, and will fill you with niche ‘Try it, I I. SCNT NOTICE. y | Voters? List of the Le Cael of Mornington, in a Cou of Per RR iy hereby given ithat I have iN nitted of de 1 se Votou shin Ate the ‘eoules sections to be ti sons epearing ly the Ia roll of ti oY clootiody Assem| that if any ori is| therein, to take i ings to at weeondtng We. é, Mornington Dated at Buras this th ss July, 1805, OHN- GR CEDAR POSTS, The LATHS, Shingles, Pumps, ete. BRUNNER, ONT MILLINERY TRADE Has Been Immense this Season. New Novelties this Week. See our The Sales ‘of Dress Goods and Trimmings are far ahead of our expectations. OUR READY-MADE CLOTHING Is the talk of the counrry, with the good fits and low prices. Our sales have been very large. In fact we have never before done such a good trade as this season. Can we account for it? Yes; you know ) Low Prices, Right Goods and Courteous Dealings Does it all. Come with the crowds? You are welcome. Yours, +H. GLEISER,« MILVERTON. BROCKVILLE BUGGIES. CALL AND SEB THE NEW STYLGS FOR 1895. These rigs are finished as fine as any piano. The material in their construction is warranted to be thoroughly seasoned and bone dry. Do not forget before purchasing a Wagon to call and see the celebrated CHATHAM, with unbreakable arms and unbreakable axles, ‘Tires set cold by West cold tire setter. Warereoms, Next to Grosch’s Shoe Shop. DAM D SMITH | Alla-Samee ‘t}Cheroots 4 All Imported Tobacco. 10¢ Better than most 5 Cent Cigars. As good as the ordinary 10 Cent Cigar. It is the manufacturer’s profit that has to be cut down when hard times come. + Eyer ery smoker should try ae eee Assorted colors. For sale ay tobacto dealers everywher Pes Creme do la Creme Cigar i eae ee AR a SUN. ONLY $1 PER YEAR. 5 he ead to-a case of assault, ey who iny osts, WATCHES | 01 Clocks, Jewelry and Silverware, | ed Hendoiron, who had been panne A large stock of watche: Sane ies such as Bad n, Waltham, prio aid vie ed. Soud Gold Rings, a nice Gzo, Prarr, Jeweler. Milverton. _The Milverton Sun Some Interesting tems Cutled from the | the Neighboring Press and trom Other Sources Elmvale was visited by a destruc- ‘tive fire, The trial of the Hyanws’ will not we a till early in November. iped ‘out three quarters of ou Peele: a suburb of Cornwall. The Government at us wa have decided ae to introduce a, bill for e ion in ae Manitoba ing to financial difficulti wil ies the Woodstock Driving Park Association |; is likely to come to a termination at the end of the present ie The passenger traffic of the G. T. R., it is expected, this summer will alm. equal that of ’93, when the World’s aw was the centre of attraction, e Toronto Globe on Saturda; The Globe is really a marvel in Canadian journalism, John A. McKellar, at ‘wagon, was struck by an J ten mile ee of Aan ae resulted in killing tl team, pratt the wagon, slightly i in- juring McKellar, and ditching five Blood'and dovartatiba encompassing & space of 200 miles square, has b the fate df some of the Wes The level of Lake Huron is raising again, the waterin the St. Clair being now about three inches higher than ai the beginning of June. Aye ars qutoaaed thie a Saas Borigus accident befell v ing to Palmerston ue attend the annual “Masonic servic an Messis, Alex. Walker vind ie Pol- lock were badly shake The British Pérliansoat’ a solv Monday, July 8, and the elections will follow right away. will be some time before ee Pe all over, as hey Ke Fight With Tram) turday afternoon a sae attalion, was return- ing from the sailicees camp at London Columbu: Wate! at lowest. and had geaehed temporary headquart- Ss dam $ fe hates Toate tramp for some time according to common report Nabe ae they all got drunk. Ta evlin, who was in charge ieee train to Si fused to allow them to ride free and di in| resentment they assaulted him and Hie oroke ukemen of the train and Pu car window with a stone. very, eigaant es ae ae Sa Rails pass thon was fhe wien sh ae 7.20 p.m. ‘The conductor of ah aNEG Mr. McBride, was attached with a razor, it is reported, dior was kabdied “i a cakenian with a coupling Lave ia this line, and we are ce somes were inga sore! has against ra vill be investi- t ian Glave Compromises. is becoming more evident every ant ne the worst feature of Sal ae dit system is the undue advantage gives the dishon lebtor ae his tore honest competitor. One man advertises,’ Bargain Days, Slaughter Sales, selling below cost, ete., and naturally he secures the pase His neighbor handling the same «good marvels at the prices and wonders fe it ca ee done, The we Grey and “Bleached Cottons 2 tay ment submitted, Liabilities $10,060. ae pi! 000. A sh ort discussion, an offer of 50. ae veeue the bankrupt is accept- ni lar. Vo man can compete successfully on such terms. There are hes fares of porter 8, as well as all wholesale dealers e to refuse to sell or supply any re- ‘ler who persists in selling any arti- cle without a reasonable proportion of id | profit which would enable him to pay bis way, the dishonest dealer will soon be weeded ont. Credit should not. be m [extended to the man who is selling be low cost. Surely the manufacturers, aes aud! Vhellanle dcsloeiivere in their Bower to suppress the evil of re not hel The nation is div ided into electoral di sions comprising a number of constitu- encies and these have ene own suing of election. Both partie ief is that it will id in connection with the finding ot Davi id Ross in Ansenatble e condi n by the roadside Oxford eae of Refuge o ed” the deft w also Daally eine Bines sition ithe The Curse of Competition The age has need of a mighty St. Acorge to do battle with che hydra- headed monster “competition,” Goods are sold to-day nov for what they are worth or ee they. cost, but es what they will bring. In this - cit rotits have been reduced by pe ae bnes fishness that goes by the name ae ing in most policy that robs a porti a| return forits labor is hha ves ircumstances nitary Sipe Durst, of Strat- ton, Be a South Easthope farmer amed James Ogilvie before Magi sass O’Loane on Saturday. It appear: ‘that Ogilvie had in his employmen t ae sei iron heel of an oppression more en he was duecae packed buck to The facts having come to f d Mr, “the Home. the ears of Mr. Durst he had Ogilvie summoned ty aie mi: Western farmers find that indivi- dual attempts at fighting the we thistle avails nothing, becaus ie lague grows again faster Bie the P individual farmer can find time to hoe vi designated localities. operation are settled council. Otte eaccton ery of the masses. for ' | TERMS STRICTLY CASH: PRODUCE iss} posed a fine of $20 and | « with concerns ane ood to bel eing ) th led Li hia! Ahiquitanes dserana ‘ve see the evidences of impend ihe Hien nd coe 8 gues tall there is 3 anufacturers and merchants ave un- than any organized force. “cheap” goods is tying chee ep policy of steady reduction of ed: labor pay a the peo which ie its uncontrolled condition of this age. It is at the bot- mimercial ihe pedple/ who. be ies of social conditions the burdens under respect and happi- es8 of the race.— an ‘The train moved off and left them = CLEARING- OUT SALE. <= As we have oe to go out of business, we are selling our entire and extensive stock : at Greatly Reduced Prices. quote a few of our figures. Below we wl DRESS GOODS.|CLOTHING AND) GROCERIES, We have a large range in ® | Fancy Dress Goods wh ich Tw | Sold for ro cts. sper yd, st Ae great bargains in Tweed rem- 15 “Inants which will be sold you ae “lat your own Price, “ 10 * Cashmeres, He Henriettas and sean goods are reduced accord- ingly. We sell our 10 cent Prints on , cents, Ginghams and ‘Shirtings worth 12 1-2c. per yd. for roe, 8 ie 6 Worth 5c. per yd. for 3c. Hie OM ans ky i 6 8 ane DV ok and see Cotton Homes Our > Hose, which we formerly sold for 18c, we now sell for 12 1-20, “ 15 Date Cotton ana-Silic Lace Gloves will be sold cheap to clean out|sortment, are ‘reduced in price, selling from 40c. up. the stock. Cohan oy large stock| * to select from, at greatly re- from 25 cents up; all reduce duced prices. in 3 50 “| very large sto 6 Boys’ Suits from $1 fe a louse ae Good Turley Red, tet chine FURNISHINGS, weeds, — We have some CROCKERY, Bio, Crockery—We will only quote a few prices Ready-Made Cl Clothing. — A}in this line, but every- 55 Suits oe Sain thing is marked away Ghee ae down accordingly. A Breed Porcelain Dinner ie latest design, slate color Gents’ Ties, a nice assort-| it (100 pieces), ries 121-2 ment and great bargains, from| 9 0, for . 814 00 1§¢. to 25¢, | Porcelain Tea dae eel i nr Md ESN ee and_Caps must go at] worth $6, 10 : 8 any price. Call and see them.|2 Tea lly fetes snl decorated, worth $6, for «400 © 5 Stone China Tea setts, fin icy aa git edge) worth $5, fi Dik set Stone Can erth $3, Pibews Deas 36 ihe ae ea for $1.00, Table Linens peace: "| Great Bargains, Te Wot rth a cts. tor ad Canned Goods, — Peas, Tomatoes, Corn, Roller Blinds—A good as-|3 cans for 25 cents, in. wide at 35¢., oRH 6o0c. Soap.—Ten Bars ee Curtain “Poles foo ae Soap for 25 price. ents. i Ey en TT fe = All our Goods will be soldat GREATLY REDUCED PRICHS! Remember that the sale is genu- ine and no humbug. If, you really want the worth of your money — come and see US, oe TAKEN AS CASH.