| } ; RS he “I¢ Shines For All.” Vol Ae 0. 29 MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH CO., THURSDAY, JULY 11, 1895. MALCOLM MacReETH, Editor and Publisher ahs Milverton Sun Is the best Local Newspaper in the County of Perth. It is the Best Ady ‘Medium, Rates reasonabl 1 per year, st neue in ad M. icBETE, epablial ADVERTISING RATE! 1 mo, } year, |6. mos,|3 mos, n 30 00) Quarter column] 16 00 Eighth colunn, One inet Transient advertisements are charged the tate of Se: a ling, nonparelly for the first Jon, and Be, per line for etch sacessive insertion Ont. Telephone connections wit Brunner, Lutheran Church aud Tay 3 panes ironagets .) Mi DP, ©. e B.C P. Edis Sel, Graduate of lle of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Tele- | for Let a ae Weekly and , Brunner, ei ‘Hanna’s | New All Phone at Rostock, Heats at nee for night Thessagest rom Ourthage, Newton and Alill- bank. Oiliee messazes free, TISTRY Pror. Granenenvats Ci this ren but the crop is light. Letter from one of the Oldest ‘Medical Doctors of Niagara ‘alls, Ont.: ; A Faris, Onn. May 7, 1895. he glasses you fitted me with n glasses are to | xery, much ‘pleased with “he glasses you fitt ed them w ‘ROF. CHAMBERLAIN, EYE SLO 87 King St..£., Tor- onto, will be at Jas. Torrance’s Drug >| Store, Milverton, ‘riday, Aug. 9, only, WAIT FOR HIM! LOCAL NEWS. Ee Changes of advertisements must be had in by Tuesday at noon to ents insure insertion, ily Correspondence Buea fa n by ‘Tuesday Sulute:—Very dry and warm. ‘onsiderable bay has been cut in W. er treuelne abner § Grosch & Loth have the best'25c, wate of R.C. Toronto, also|tea in the county. Call and get a eee of the Haskell Pee Hiatt Sel ol | sample. Re ccrrnote One ar ce | The pest of the neighborhood is. the Milvetton, every Mon- day for the practice of his + profession, DR. EH. Bid Dentist, Gordon’s ae P.0., STRATFORD, gardener of ae season. off his crop of garden peas and filled | « bage. Pat grey moths and millars which flock in- to the house as soon as the lamp is lit. r citizens took i the mae ast excursion to raion Pri on Wedne: ie is the earliest e has taken Will visit Milverton the 2nd and 4th Wed-| the vacant space with cal esd day of each mouth, VETERINARY H, ENGEL, V. S., Milverton, Ont. | pe changed to Lagerloo, as water wasn’t Graduate of Ont. Vet. College, ‘Toronto, | in ib. treats pll diseases of domestic abimals hy telephone or otherwise, day or night. Dentistry and chronic diseases a specialty. are not jeroaaea of. wear and tear on meets every 0. F., No rton, second ee "i "tues 1e8 nae of every | the v month, at o'clock in their hall over Schneuker a Eo hecpe nig store. Visiting brethren alway 2 We De v * Silver Bist ie e,” No. itiverion, meets e' i Appel ‘trong, W. M. 5 3 R, Smith, Treas, HOTELS Tiquors and hee the bar. pion dastioned Laan RAND CENTRAL HOT. a Milverton. ‘irst-cla tee class attended the C. W. A. loo is that the name of the place should men here, who pay for get. Any man vn) oe s advertising ren always welcome, | is willing to pay for W. a 1, See, 1g to pay) some teamsters who see! -|that they are not boun | Wheelman right of way on the road. There is an act on th {o) Tho general opinion of those who meet at Water Mr, H. Hasenpflug has in a sample the ball-bearing boxing for. buggies ie he will put in rigs s fur those de- ES to revolve with much greater ease an We ype ask oar correspondents nd not us any advertisements among Bh items. adores 1 ee, line they| 2 ish them in fairness to o 3 Go to Grosch & Lotte for bargains. No. 1033, Milverton, meets in oe a, ‘selling 3 boxes of pink cae Oat aie Wedtesday i An euch month. | for Boeckner oxes of peas, corn or tom: i) Roe an 25e.; fetes a petals ay (twin bar), 5e. each ; 25 Ibs. light yellow sugar for $13 G tatalanieieniel a GpaNGH OT Le | ohio HANGE HOTEL, Be : yo. | Shirts, 28¢. eac! Baa GE HOTEL, ewuner, Ontario, 1 yard wi ts ah te heavy factory cotton, There is complaint among wheelmen of the village regarding the conduct of he statute books of ntario compelling vehicles Be on to ct interest you as they are sellio, We cannot pub-|1. + | committ a are sparing no UBED accomm« travelers and others, "wo. ls latge rooms. Only the elioieest of Wines, Liquors | Sunday and ‘Mon and Cigars at the gad ‘plenty 0 Propriet peer ae Me ee de ee OVAL HOTEL, Stratford, opposite ket sa ores J. M. Scott, abling, Sf the tate of this 'S HOTEL, Saree Ont. The odation for ‘commercial of fai eon inity solicited dl. dust. ae sufficiently to allow whee! duniple M Tho dark and cra aibuda op betokened vain, warm stables, | but we waited in vain for it. To the tape Paaee: south release ie tellah copious 's but not a drop fellin this’ vicinity, save on Monday evening a few drops came down which bardly laid the Te is to be hoped fur the sake of ie patronage I read the ad, Gueuither & Co, in thie issue, <n pcs wil Grosch & Loth have jan Saaiol a large assortment of chamber setts. °| Call and see them, Nom iL farther notice Mr_G. Maidan will aa his studio in Milverton only on Fridays. ‘The hours in. which he will be foun doing business are from 9 a.m. pn. Do.not fail fens bis all as he malkos the beat pictures in Wes sc biiebe ns Dyine.—Farmers say that throughout the country, grasshop- pers are dying in myriads, owing to the inroads made u their wings and legs. Godspeed to the louse ! GAnpen -Parry.—The English church garden party, which was held on the lawn of Mr. N. Roe, ma: termed a success as a fairly large num- her of people were ussembled” there. The fruit and ice cream was entirely sold o 1.—On Saturday evening last the Donegal fotball team | playe a friendly ene with Milverton in Mr, §, en La ‘This ig an uonstull thing for our boys to. do, but, nevertheles be it was their fate on Satur- day evening las Ourap Hae —Miller & Kelter- bourn our butchers have made a re- e everybody to eat fresh ,meat, have always out hanes supply. of fresh eat lamb, vee nd all kinds of sau- want a chuice roast do not fail e ol upon them as they al- ways ple: Too many people forget that the Space of a newspaper is its stock-in- trade. When a man requests a free advertisement he asks for a present of that t which cost the n prietor money to provide, who would never think of asking a Hae) to give them clothing or food for nothing, frequently ask a news- ae to.do something exactly akin to that L0.0.F, Iystarnation,—At the, seule | meeting of Silver Star Lodge, Ni 0.0.F., the following officers were reir mat foe the eat terms by Bro, D.G. Stratford: N.G., coe 8 Sans ds Witeot fh 8.V.G., G. Hosimon; pardon Burton; conductor,” J. ie Oe Loth; LG:, J. Hf Bagels ch; L.S. 8. Grose! Cen J, Kerr; Grand Lodge 1 representa E. Goodland, is ry ENTERTAINMENT.—The en- eaten which is to be held under the auspices of the Public Library, on the grounds of Mr, Samuel. Whaley, on Friday evening, the 12th inst., promises to be a great success, bi it ing é = 5 © 5. how! | fen BUSINESS CARDS Auctioneer for a iE nd, Waterloo, ‘Conveyuncer, Deeds, Wills and 'M dawn and Affadavits nade, Bali Sion Court. Village Clerk. Main street, | This cement Milvert ijan Waterloo, | Cement is kept coi Fath Rages at Wan. Peters’ store,. Brunner station. 1 the suffering crops that rain comes soon. Isaac Usher & Sons’ Queenstown Doman ee es AND'S LIVERY STABLES a | alls, sls, bank barns and. floors of vert t- horses and rigs for | # all times. Commercial Damages Diente ‘ROP its reliability tt ing sin thousunds of case many ot ree Followi omi ‘an. ane. vied your Diphtheria sab at in my family for two a idee gut 5 singing a pavietd it invaluable. Yours tru! J, RICE. m, Wis., Jan, iz, 1895. with your vajuable re verton, last Friday evening wa well attended but better. all kinds,-+hog troughs, ete, at little |; a}more than one-third the cost of Port- apaaly. Bus neste all aloe: inne? coitent ersonal instruction given and work warran' The Concert in Burns’ chart oe might have beh The luncheon in the base- itis wsatnte ives of ‘two children Hai man of his years. Miss Whyte her_ singing J. Buvenr. ! was much appreciated, is hes institution that eyerybody should an interest in, and no doubt the eoterainnent will be well patronized. Re ments and fruits will be for ele on the grounds. Come to the feast, Tae Cow’s Revencr.—Twas after midnight and the silence of the streets was unbroken, save for the even tread of a cow upon the pavement. She wis a mild-eyed, unassuming cow, that simply did her daty of supplying her miaster’s family with milk. She was never known to break into village gar- dens and consume the cal bag, but ee her own ea and ai S the roadsi twas on shi mis- sion Eling she was nate on pe evening and ns- Away the triumphal pro- The faithful animal we cession started. gli steed and glowed in achepation ¥en the re- wl were clothed in vests, and now they were white They | w pared al le i ie iis expented The Public Library What the Boys Are Saying. Their mi airy manoeuvres were ex- ae —Pete Livingston, a pile ative: from Texas.— maine Miller. We don’t ey around here for the fun of the thing.—Charlie Kertcher. The beatae els were- out of sight.—Fred Kno’ T’ve signed neh Pesan —Will Grosch, Five to four is a bad business.—Sam Grosch, ps singing has lost its charms.— Joe Pugh, Tow do you like my bloomers.—W. Lot $ thats like the boys—W. Appel. He eve me lots of lip.—H. M. Schaefer. You must bare pend a fright, Toad.—J. Roth: a-b-Ly ae Sy loci George Beapabooe ive in a mathematic age and figures count.— Say, Ill. pay you ey down.—Jas, Coutts. rn I despise liars.—Ned Chowens. No spots on me:—Fred McCloy. Say, I eee ria ead Great luck, h I—D. Smi No dunt on Massey-Harris,—A. B. Chalm ——__-____ Killed By a Divine Healer.” To the Rditor of the Hatin Sux: Dear Sir,—Will space in the Sun for ihe followi: disp) heading and insertion as appeared in your paper last week of July the dh, and as I believe must have hurt more shan one of the readers of the Sun, and) uthers no doybt were pleased to see such a speer. do not consent to all doctrines and _ beliefs, fDr. Dowie’s nor to all his ieve some of four e: junky (not Banke, if you Blame) iy ot 8 oF age, had hi complaints and died of heart tare - ‘0 claimed and ‘does not now claim that he or anyone else can rescue people from death. Facts are true—A great multitude have been divinely healed through Dr. Dowie’s agency and also elsewhere Paes him. Our God is not bound to aay place and: person. Please read Mark 19: 23 Feud Matthew 13:58, and you have the key. The he | true facts of healings is what enrages infidel medical men in Chieago and elsewhere, and the reason anyone can imagine. Why do the authorities: of Chicago men—no fanatics, neither—in Chicago and elsewhere, who will stand by and defend. Dr. Dowie’s work. But to come our sneering and mbckery heading. —-“KiNed bya Divine Healer,” othor poisonous drags? or did. he kill her by instrumental Operation or how 2 Or did ling to r heading it would be right Wikdeeh person dies under medical treatment, which is often the g ee nee 2 g BBE 2Ee z ag Eve hoe 8 much for the present. spectiully, A. DizrtamM. nee July 8, 1895. Mr. Goo. Pfaff, our clever jeweller, will sais an address at the garden, party on Friday evening, Hee they pay the: highest prices. 8, 100. : 5 buster No, n longer. Moral: Dudes should never hang to cows’ tails, ny mu kindly give ie a Personals, and Mrs. Milne spent Sunday with frien in Millbank, Miss Enid Wornum he returned from her visit in Hamilton Miss Maggie Schmidt spn a day or two in Walkerton last w Miss Tilly, of North ‘ce at te visiting Mrs, Wm. Milne, oth of Tavistock is at pres~ ent ving her son, Mr. Wm, Loth, Mrs Cattermole of London is at present i Yates her son, Dr, Cattermole of ep ss Alyward, who has been employedtby Mr. Gleiser for the past millinery season hag: returned hom: weds Falke of Shakespeare is visiting Has nae ‘Postif, of Wingham, and Mr. no. Drummond, of Michigan, are aa friends in this vicinity, \ The Rev. Mr. Gunne of Millbank proached his farewell sermon’ in an nglican church here on Sabbath sane Inst, jams, demonstrator of anatonomy: and PanieEy an the Western University. Landany left ga Monday. dk ane after G. E.G ato dl. wid Weir and son of Des Moines, idd of Ayn ape eat Werner: > Mr. als parture twenty-six years ago, noni wife of Johnston Barr, of a Ravcrarr—In Elma, om July 2, the wife: of Win, Raycraft, Hate! Zonarenstax—Tn Ellice, on June 27th. the of Wm Zimmerman, ofa daughter. RLOFF—In Ellice, on dune 26th, the wife of John Harloff, of daughter, Crtatatens—In M fe of J. A, Chalmers, of a son, ~} 159 pound How did he kill her? Dia | Blam and for her ?—and | # oon t. Bring your produce to Groxch {2 Uprpe sibund Olabhaci dockets Tngorsoll tonghs are attacking eyclinte by throwing tacks o: réets The following roam orga Horses, cows, geese, hens, goats and sheep, Righty applicants for the Precio of Wroxeter Dubie ebook. 3. ointed; salary, ight hay Gi Bae Wacthoms John. Esche got two sinafl loads fom. sia acres. Other crops ay eiina abous es in was netted im Lake Huron, near Sarnia, the other day: eh weighed nds, It was six feet nin long. nard Wi! alee re Tavistock, had his chin bone broken while he was operating a ae taw.! A board flew upanddid the da TA nayniber oe (tite girls have heen murdered under atroeious eivcumstan- ces in the Waltham district of Lon- don. Abbe Dutillp, Vicar of meee Que., had a desperate encounter with “bure- A who left him sees on the The Ameer of Afghanistan sent as. a present to the Queen @ casket crust~ ce hin Motieen of Guelph, bag usning fut eggs are a little larger than r working for ba Marrio shard farmer, has ran off with the ‘he ter’s earn Clothes, ‘The Jaborer acense: Matriott’s dog of chewing a $2 bill blenginse vena penifaite Merner, of New Hamburg, and other of Senator Merner, died a Now famburg, aged 66 years, He was a et falling fen eine ited marder hhas béen arrested af Nash Niagara i ling catch in the south of edi thet other ia five or 30 bass, 3 sasimeh fate tal 2 Falls aes — a great anc het The weg of the bean at 260 pound: The latest. ue regarding the polig tical situation in England indicate Adie catch Ao the er urd Miss Kate Wiederhold, at~ spending 8 week’s vacation with his friend. ay ae Blan Momennohe os ly 4, thoy | ornington, om June 24thy. ed with | Breas stones of the value of © of cotton batting and other a mi mee thee : ae, “on q