“It Shines For All.” Vol IV—No. 27 MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH CO., THURSDAY, JUNE 27, 1895. . i MALCOLM MaeReT! | MUGtor aud Publisher The Milverton Sun ‘Advertisin ing tea reasonable. Subsription $1 per year, stviatly in advance, M. MacBETH, Publisher LOCAL NEWS. & C of advertisements must be ta in by Tuesday at noon: insure insertion. Weare also agen for stow oronto Weekly and Baily Cc ADVERTISING RATE: CE, | year. 6 mos./3 mos. T mo, Tue Rary.—The thirsty crops and soi was refreshed on Monday morning y a fine and copious Lory ohne ree ie ise ead for thé better part beers, Tt will do an i f good to spring el which were suffering from the want of it, All ahold be by Tuesday. ‘One column. $6.00 Half column. . ‘Quarter column| Eighth column, -}850. 00/$30 00) 30 00} 16 90) 3 00) Transient advertisements are charged a the rate of Be. a line, nonpareil, for the first insertion, aud Ge. pet line for each eucossive iinsertior 2 00] Wool is now selling at 20 cents per | b. Strawberries at Kertcher’s this week. Come early and get what you need. Mr. Patrick Mulcahy. of Millbank, oy me Feneed the Rob Roy hotel of that | ¢ MEDICAL La ae M.B., M. D. CoM, Grad ae of College of Physicians Surgeon f Ontario, also Post pane gtudent ‘of Hen Hospital, London, Eng- a office, Ra erton, “On mt. Tel clephone connections with Poole Brunner, Lutheran Church and Rostock. ¥ aaah. B., M. D. - BC P. Edin. 188 P Lmuduate of £ College of ms of Ont Tele- janna’s Tele- agraph connection at residence for night ‘messagest rom Carthage, Newton and Mil bank. Offiee messages free. her has received a large shiy- ‘nen ob trate sueh as dherries, peaches, ananas and Hae The merchants of Milverton have decided to close tie pce of business | bis this re on the Ist of July. k three trains to carry the children and others from Seratnd to the school pienic at Gader: DENTISTRY WV. M. BRUCE, L.D.S., Dentist, Graduate .of Toronto, also R.GD. member of the Haskell Post (Graduate School Office Will sit every the practice of his profession DR BL i Danish, Cordon’s ms om PC, of Prost bag Nak sure she be and 4th Wed- f each mon! H, ENGEL, V. S., Milverton, Ont. Gi f Ont. Yeu Salleaes ponaen eae al ens of dome Puacally. yy telepl wise, night, Wie aed once diseases a specialty. SOCIETIES F, ‘second and ‘last, ‘Tuesday of every o ube Star Lodge,” No, 202, Tak ing. Visit i. Chas. Spencer, N. G.; W. He No 99, Milverton, meets every |} a garden parpy and entertainment at David Grieve’s, to-morrow night. The Her Mr. Weds of Millhank, has sen’ ation as paster of | ti ES seins over which he has charge. he annual ee of the Chris on Endeavor ‘ion of the County of Perth will te held in the Methodist Church Listowel July Ist. “| Excellent eee have been secured for the occasio: * Inthe Ree, Mercury's report of the discHGution: BF prizes at Loretto cademy i in tha city, appears the fol- lowing ld medal for oil painting, to Mise P. * There was pens the beak on Tues- Syrian woman, charged with selling thimbles and combs and other little nick-nacks. The J. P. discharged er with a warning, and the Chief claims that he is $2 50 out by the transaction, pothe choit of Burns’ church, Milver- + Tare been engaged for the occasion. See Isaac Usher & ‘ai Queenstown | {Cement is kept constantly on hand at Wm. Peters’ store, Brunner station, This ete is warranted as g walls, ao bank barns and floors of all kinds, hog troughs, ete, .at little ey oy than one-third the cost. of Port- HOTELS land cement, een ven and work warrante: During the past eight mnths an instruetion XCHANGE HOTEL, Brupner, ane oe GSE, Propriet sor. liquors cigars at “wines class Fbeherv trait laws a RAND CENTRAL wae Milverton. ear geen ion for ee ‘of liquors Or, Silrste, G. Hanh Proprietor. UREN'S HOTEL, Milverton, Ont. Bote fo eae travelers and o large sat oe Only thet sls si t Wines, eae oye the ‘m -stal eee enty of hie Prope OYAL HOTEL, ae woe anes propri- stabling, Ne one pattomge ofthe ions of this vicinity solicit The ete Pott e BUSINESS CARDS uourag for vata ate sion Court Village Clerk: (Milvert og aS ME TON ORLAND’S LIVERY STABLES, Mil verton, First-class horses and nid rigs for at all ti Commercial dri speciality ERE itary Mate street, a} St. Mar: dit mo) unusual See of the half centaur settlers of Wellesley have been carried i n is. John Caldwell, who tied last week full of} g as and hon r. Chas. nae of Ellice, has in Tusstags Beacon an article dealing with the pauper immigration question, hich ha: ie attention of article of Mr. 2 of common sen: own, legitimate idicionae many of ese mriaganat meeting of the Orange teiey the County of Perth was ‘hold on Saturday the 15th inst., inthe Orange Hall, i openrde at 105 delegates fro fferent parts of the county being present Dirnraerta Rei roved its reliability during the past twelve 3e : years in thousands o and AND. Pe peee Following | protestit ming, Ont., Jan. = ars ee, a suet your Dipnther my family for two. pesos it invaluable. Yours mn, Wis., Jan, 12, 1895, Ripor hhave saved Hie lives. of two ehildven te vyalth your valuable reme ye se th ‘The resolution passed at the annual meeting: hela Stracfond, that the cont shoul celebrate the 12th of Jul; firmed. legislature of Mani taken on x i . Race. | M: after e tact of of the di istrict on the 12th of a and . | to.gecure music for the day.” tl Remember the Sons “ Scotland New Bank Burtpixe.. —Mr. Robert ence, business thereto, and his son, R. will oe ann ready to aceommodate custom ies BALL.—On Thursday afternoon | * SEBALL, Park Nine of Stratford and the cata of Mitverton will play a e of baseball. One ,of the rules n is that no outfielder shall me, but are accurate presen iy Rev, F. Healy, awarded |, | his fa A. [his eyesight ets impaired, Biers | his hi s © | bors. a as to results, Bey pal cheapen the utput. ‘The actual cost of making biel ready for market is pe ively anal but the price to the sumer those rachis which pretend to to be ol ee —Millbank and Milver- Ps ef over with ie aeabe of carrying ou! the palm, but they were also held down so ag that they were unable to A return may be played before long, Scaupyp.—Mr. Ned Chowens, ae engaged at work in Bundscho’s tory, had the misfortune to have his face ‘badly sealded last ‘Wisinesday- Tt toe cause iece of hose bein; ached to a steam Pipe and the Laon of the steam caused it to fly Up, Eee the full force of the hot gas in We are glad to relate that mate! me face bi Tae Cirovs.—On Sun eat morning | Ri about 4 o'clock Burtch's. big circus “ortland cement for concrete | came id | The marvellous, eing Vondale brothers eee feats that | Roone almost baffle e Stew a ce on Section 24 in day evening, when one made the startling inquiry: animal is that? ree ” said ae looking up from his paper, ont the corn ond = a bear, a big ae bea t was only the work-of an in- a charge of powder, followed he al* of | buckshot a quantity hint He gathered froma stand draw- vencad sd FSHe Dau is Aad ie foot, and 6nce belonged A a crack rifle team took a short out] Av hich bruin was making ie best speed, and spluted his in Poole, toward tl Ont, wood tie game ata distance of about 120 yards, |p with a shet which startled the neigh: exhi iti ing ‘his blood-stained tab ie Bis lumber wagon oe on length and weighed 360, pau in-| nd | inson bear was Puschnees by Fred for Cadi. lac News and ev Mr. Bantey hes Gaubend bis a| Was visibly anne s preposterously high, even in oe @ On Saturday our seniors ene ie as gone on a two Brar.—Daniel Shine sat reading a newspaper at his farm resi- Clam Lake omni just before sunset last. Mon- of his sons}? What The battle was ays ithe | clearing away af of smoke, and Mr. i as was pro tchell stréet at an ‘he C O. F. Execrioy.—Court Se ton, No. 99, elected officers for th ena term vir the following ea sults : Chalmers 5 R., M. bas 2 8., W. OCIDENT, On meta last as Mr. Balzer Hohnetein was working in com fh Mr, John Becker on a Mr. Wm. Dowd’s, North, Mornington, the affair gave way and predinliate the painters to the pores eviously injuring’ the former. Though no bones are broken, he is lying at his at in a helpless condition, but it is he. may soon recover. Mr. Bieler sudored no injury other than a few scratches, Patron Leaver 1n Sen ie J. L. Haycock, in town’on Tuesday with | the feb acy tot of speaking at a picnic for whic he had been booked. Bh little regarding his ailappintne he joyed at the Po Ou of those who engaged him and then failed make any preparations, d imself ha ; #| rouble to fill those dates. sate ap of the political situation, he suid that the outlook is promising and_ that the | p, ‘trons are gaining ground, though they lack organization. He expects Brace a Grey to return at least four mem| Federal Pons and declares that many of the counties down east are y left Milverton for Atwo was billed tospenk the same evening, but no baum h effected ther h semua Burgman, vt Mosselburg is vane in the villag Mr. James ti Nie Toronto, spent a couple of day ing his father, Mr. James Roe of Aoneeets ‘ton. Mr, Herb Torrance are at present visiting friends in and around Milver- ‘ank Roe and his bride re- eee ity B—McCovrr—At the village of Abwood, EA 18th., ae to Maggie MeCourt, both of Elm: peal band of white caps is said. to he exist in Petrolea, ‘ton’s assessment is $37 9 sas an Wi .{ increase of ¢31,600 over last y A aie lad ee ia as been sent to jail for one year ter ie theft of a watch on Sun- Sd R. Ferguson, M. PR, and his brother onths’ trip Edinburgh, London, "Shetied other old country citi v. Dr. @. L. McKay's wife and family and native helper will return to’ their work in Formosa next October, McKay, een presented with bi-|® and The Queen’s Avenue Methodist church onion) be Ne s, but in view the determined | ey notified the Quarterly of the meeting, and gsked that they the Queen’ envel- being understood ahs it should not be oj oe ake 9 o'clock this morning, when the called to ee to consider the cheno nay, ORERK Pale returned home. r. J, Hammer was the guest of Miss C, Higa out Sanday. tis wasghe gueat of Miso M. Rae dell last € Gers icles on stn gut of Miss N, , MeTarea ay. said |, mle wi Mrs. Wm. Boreance, Miss Btta and | MILBANK, J. Niekdin writes to say fully selected stock of ae large oa y le Each ighbo ay sh ual of Sis nay ioty cers Ghoe and other mill inery suitable for herself or ae “| Gail and ee US, making it still Everything was in want of The roads ha: ome long drawn out dust heaps. But last night (Sander night) several hours of heavy in have done inestimable good to alk ihe een hae cu good ws if dallare had rained dow: The garden Say on Friday evening had a very favorable mies and | thering was large and bi oa The good things of the table ?\ were in Se the band discoursed sweet f thesix at the next} yw} d the tying of the knot My the pastor of ph, at The bride was give Fleming ea py. thet own hates , on the farm next ene i af [Wellin ton Smith, on the gravel ‘ A so deal of a ae “ind off ness has been prevalent the past Mrs, ‘ fie hompee of Ca vi at the Man: M lIbank, June Ev 18 5 BRU a cane | Brantford and Galt, w Miss £. Riddell, iio has been wisiting at Mr. Wen. Geapp's high spied spin. of ponies ie aa y last week barn. went a very nicely and all was eh Oana game Whilch the rustios enjoyed a. pl of foothal e places. of pote whicl Win. Pepper and chummie calied on. in thei ntario, are Kinkora, lorktown, Rostock, Moserville and Bri rik Ae The Seno attractions are pi cs, garden mp meetings and circuses, which are ipernity attended by our sporting ira Mig John Biolead: hurd out lowno Sati arday o their friends in Oxtord county, Our millinery establishment has sos for the season, # Bain se iwite e last cca Mon’ay morning inted by anh Betton the pd ane vs aint |, Miss imhitislMeapdaer ok we Britton tspent last week with her nvr: s friend Miss ore of Mibsaton paid p locality this ‘ ple aes nee who h: peste spend jeg aie ipcaate send : returned home on Tyes- ey. M ge preached his me ft sermon | lst Sehaey aveainege e lerge gape gregat Task Bedaenoy Matthey 3 L Whitngy, near Brun hig neighbors, ala ies ginmalios baa th x74. After gee “Mr, Mulocks’s bill to reduce ni Ger acral i sac