> ; ZS - “It Shffes For All.” fi Vol IV—No. 25 MILVERTON, ONT. PERTH CO., THURSDAY, JUNE 13, {895. ™ liter aud Publinies F i * MIKLBASK, ‘The Stratford Races The Milverton Sun LOCAL NEWS. ! oe oS eae sepia re aed _The attendance a the rages: on Toerda es rep helene, Sa, Nicklin writes oy he has a care a an es y for Gn the best Local Newspaper in the County of wats wheel in bis mill . fully selected stock of Milliwery, large an i |any crowd. TI dl st sy Bhar so Porth, It isvthe Rest Adverts ngs se Thscmployecs of the large fopnay, of] varie.new. now A of Milliwery: tere. “No | were well filled, and geariy one-third of the - Rates reasonable, Sabseription must be had in by eae at phos te ons, Louiton, “ave hud | two hats alice exo alike, Each | spectators were laiies. ie We Mes riyear, strictly insure insertion. swage per a| differer ighbor, and out i eeschigas offiersterl as starter, Mi’ MACBETH. Prbtisher | for all Toronto Weekly aa “Days ani Uproved uvigesa, Aboat 100| which a suv lady could choote shat aud | James Jones, iivoheland W, ;Biahoe “ = YN, All Cor crepond mon are affect reduction in wages | other millinery palanieke terantt en others New or Hab xe thy time bee pe is seen ade in Ma Land Dempeoy anil aie fan the ee MEAN Sh pea Meee peas Bar hupar ees gsiuciicoe ELE SPACE. | year. |6 mas.|3 mos.| 1 mo. Goop Errrzcr Bitten’. letter Wust CARTMAGE, "The first ra the 2A7 trot and aces ——— |= || | eres have had good effect. ‘The chief was iscus by Copa tonite Henesiora sstoneveat : busily engaged unday Site in} On ‘Thursday evening the farm house : ae Lisa Toker, S00, ‘Fime, 2:253,-2:182, “moving on” the crowd that congre- Mr. Alex Glenn was completely |”* ‘73. z gaurd aoe gate on the street corners often tothe festroyed by fire. The fire started in} Reno Prin me we foe arg ansrndie eg 3.00) 2 00) 1 0e aulihe cmc Mpncwpleh Bere annoyance of passers : the’hack kitchen from some unknown b.o5g, 2:30, 2:31, 24 Transient advert nents are ebarged at Mike wan Warne Bas The Chief ar cause, “A large number soon gat nae the rate of % he nonpsreil, for the first ~ . aigeylnenst on Tyesday, wh to the seehe and made a desy ‘insertion, ‘and 3e, pet line for-each sacessive nted for burglary in 7 moma day Ta yet, Seid guedioce tase, oot > n es ve vater or hay. would not give a factory account of ‘Ter Wambars acre; Michael NN himself. However, oataing oa out to AS Gane 5 The New Hainbyrg races held lasp W a Ke cs M a QM., Grad- 5 Gee G Stratford he proved to |For $600, but that-only eovers bunt week. were well ataended and resylted «duane ze o i nae, Ba see tea gaa | Sumo rea tae iat A ere ne atu ry ee tondon Hospital, Lonéon, Eng: ‘ a ‘a is he~house lately occupi Farha erage cee pect a8 By ‘ li iu the psi bsinaain. Shah y occupied °Y | 9.50 lass, Nea r pice. fang) TISING RATES —Duke, Hamilton, won ; Bamor ie [Sis so dy Clare Sed. ‘Tipe 2.98h, 2:27 ut. ‘Telephone connections with Pool Mr. P. Wiedertt “Fuly Sader “Welsh, of Trale Nellie Bruce won, Bruner, Lutheran Church aud Rostock. ie ie eh ni rend 28 shies btiatts Ww ao Sri, ee 4th. ae 299K" ( : | Schneider. : f 2.30 class, trot or page, 7 startere— * ‘ ie ar es ea te Brit | Jiu Corkevt won, Jimmie ‘oe and, Pars resent. A be | gn § Major Eddy 8rd, Emily 4th. Tiooe— i Sunday ‘ 3 y {af Se a eee of Listowel, [22h 229h 2.284. t night | was ordained in MoiRreal on 81 ind 2.23 class, trot or pace, 7 starters— inom Be cetage, Mewion ‘nod MaNlORIERE aA Re onary amily —7 in snBer—eppenr: | Pres nd is Shahin Puyrack: won, ora John Dod. (oe. Veen od and LntOWal played a draw RO Hag Metin horah al gave oe of | re ead eeeeeh, | [edge Sd, Saranneeh. ‘Thme-—2.263, game of football on the grounds of the | duces was not very large, but those who did pecdiata 2.234, 2.2 253. 2. 294. Tatter last we ey " Big Bob Woods of Listowel stouldn'e| Rah ok ari date of RCDS. Toronto, also | weur Pihey Hea hisantih aod Niosaa HP: | ke Mr. ing and George|Jim Corbett 2nd, Marion adi ate Schoal TL arben nena Site Moeller aagapatat Peundtdenda in Rumor tis Ae a 2.273, “a.208 1 Will visit | ‘The town was deserted on Tuesday, near- rs. Tar Beecher | Shakespeare. labeag ats Sto Mr, Wm. White had a number of ‘tandem 2 2.38. trob ist x the. Qhcon' 8 Hotel, Milvectony every Mon- a) en re sy fo the practice of his profession. his neighbors lebignged in moving and on, Jennie é ep “eadin rams sa thes of with ineide sh seed the ronderiawel God Save. The} elevating his barn. Ble wil also en- them were * ken n re things. fs 18 : North Pi s hav Queen” Be the atidivmoe, a a arly date. DR. B. +. Bidi, Dentist, les srs ees Ee pe onan Gra Mean mC, Ham apne, Ss held at Milverton last Thus nay before His! da: sah Mea in. North Eastho: sf Leader Hiayoock will address each gathe r av seins. 7 pes at Gordon's Books Opposite P,0., — |ins. Hon Judge Woods, 1 Goet Kaa McG eee Sunday with|Dr. M. 4th. Time, 2.22, STRATEOR! ‘The Rev, Mr. oes, who bas labored on|cade—This was an actior i hanes on oe bling | jin ~~ the Milverton ¢ for ten years, will n intifé-to. recover value for Mr. and. Mrs. Wm. raeate spent| The Grana Trunk have teken pos: will Dia Nationa ‘ 2 ed-| be stationed al peed It is with regret 7 “4 its session of a street in Mitehell and re- each mouth, tbat Ae pe of Milvecten port with Mr, tment. delivered in. behalf i ans : fine n it up thopgh business ei B. Morphy for plaintiff, Mal As Gear ep it sth i zB se bass Me t Jongh Seagram has presented his | for Abfandont: Nesbi uy v8. eo je8—D 3 i mT Aa 4 us i sahbeed horse, Meadowbeook. racted with Jo: » build sara ly was the best im this vicinity. The Congeéastione! Pains meetin; He te ze the ed mile internation. | for $90, bu a e Tuthvas mel ot oe Sere attendance in S$, 8, No. |at Hamilton, has pas: a resolution aid net Ee better pleased | ovine in, Geleet-2y Rompe ee >, for May, was 65, protes inst ae attewpt to rer iN ir olathe a dient -D. Thetithahest in this locality is fast |store in M aedhaarsers of things Richart i ie was [coming to a head. This is.very early, i ctinn of the people fi Mr Vania Wilson, who was men- i elephoue or oth day or iii ; oe a DPR CREy an chrun¥s iliee Se > sa8t aaprolartveneiseetdh a erdar MEL N ds bought considering the rst. was left to a large pene upeduented, for ( sustained injuries ia falling from the efondant for im th A repo EONS he gains the | find- defen Nah 1 a church in Wallace, bue|" fat niche ine nt resold 3 “SNBMTTON. ing te asus of the Royal Go R, Milverton, mee Sh Were for plaintiff. @. G. Macpherson for de Jacob Eroshersbrogh Athome their Water. {Wission on the Liquor ‘ratte: was also: Aa vand last ‘Tuesday of e The boy Sohn Carter, who-was, sont | aut. Goodslo ve. Siith-Jolin Goodale had |1oo steam thresher Inst ‘Tuesday, Being adopted. at 8 o'clock in their hall up before Judge Woods for burglariz- | Jas. Smith mp on a judgment Sammaons, atid | economical and Secaith waen their egecess| Bill Nye, in-his brief biography of ther ing was let off on suspended sentence | defendant agreed to pay the aum of $5 per inundonbted N Lathuhted® aduecitic ure tone aha Some of our citi izens thetars fond at ong = ys Aba a to LT 0e drives went to the Britton to England. ng was emnizdd elock on | Thursday. Fs evening fein gakaoke ra stallion which flourished at that time.” In the militia Broseat pee ist et Wedn ast thor at the be 1 | such an ove the most of them are now ye witticism of the American humor the full i change any head: family plaes op hn Grove farm, Elo, und suffering from severe culds, ist je recalled by the printed bills and ae fe > eer erect iptays: Ter iegio to udvertigemeuts of loca) stud horses from ‘Tilsonburg to Woodst 28th Perth | s ings. ‘The wedding i ae inthrlay party” ke Me father idence, rei the names of men—some living, L* L., No. 1083, Milverton, meets in | D8 at com fem Li towel to re, and eauty of the bi in pa oem le fa a hy Moraingn el “| som ul,——whe haye made them- hall fixe Wednesday imeeech month. | St 5 36e alion, ‘No, 2 coo | and the picturexque effect of the inany snrm- | evening was spent in dancing: Masare, Me) selves famous ihe hae oot ete Bak Stig OM Pn, Ponta, | pauy, fr n to Port Gredit. mer’ tollettes hav Sere Aa ue see dy ake geay cor genie 4 bine es 8 ;R. Suit h, Treas. x oe season. The bride, "Kate Roe, is a| Reid Bros. acted as floor memagers aera x k i is ius. For instanee, ang spent, Sunday with her te aoTELS ak a tt s cca, who was beauti- | Ow ness of the water eee HOTE , Bruner, 0: sta This cement is warra s | fally hite cashmere. Bot ice | Gshing bs als abated, the result being |) 5, ohn Gropp, Proprietor. F aay 5 é ae cd that Hlerapaiace seldom seen in the dish. of itor hd la Hi ee ne Fat anne noes concrete bs r though Lord 3 lation and large by sank (ale maces A es 5 es. ‘gan, iproeritie of the Atwoo Mr. Adams of Waterloo county is at{sleep o’nights, and Sir Olive all kinds, hog troughs, etc bly supported through gest ie ing at the Grand Central. tw take @ trip to England more than one-third the aost of Port | 0 ety "Mr H. Y, Smith, and parenee ork al Weed needey. Mr, ‘and cement. Personal instruction s joment did he appear embarrassed, # Ey a given and work warranted. named “Sir John A.” ie cville must have | ments as per route bills. s been misinformed, as the y person in the Saba A.—the founder of C: The Canad a e is| the bride, when a h cs i yy of our milliner is M oa C, Ross, is dead, avd probably does hae ‘eta in, bright -numt Lik vine, ix] moment franted his ‘handsome face, be Pe it}” Mr. J. Armstrong, of Stratford, ‘came | by, av givancore: & Woue fitted: mway anc wil od | from that eity to attend cia Belen garden grows better with age, va today it! hamor joi the sm A taal patty: think that 2 horse, however ith acta pea the we aiding = (Too late for last week :) ic is travelling through 6 | Ameri publications. The articles | mony, i ‘by the Re Mr Hagh Jack, sr.,who went on an- ry underan assumed name, aed Cigare arihe ken” Good « arm’ stables, | ¥° see Canadian in tone, and by), ol xtduded tour to his native Jand—|name of Canadn’s peerless statesman, and plenty of shed room. Heury ‘Rose | Canadian writers. rs Chit, Hise Phe eas eet er tibes: his Scotland—in June, 1894, returned last | They sny ;that Senator Sanford and Proprieto sidering aie ae ay and scope of| was cane about 200 gneste con-| Thursday greatly improved in health, | W. R. Meredith axe disappointed that LS Ee cpcadle eee a should Ae as oe 2, Nala, Sonia sateen and ale in glowing terms of the they were es knighted on the 24th. atket square, J. M, Seott, proper | tt the hands of ell: Cannan them a long and piosPoron dove to tables | and of, the heathe of May. “They sbonld be simak ie ator. eathing, a 0 enge lished by the Ontario Publishing ca | Rolin wepeaset tua toad ‘of Sige and| Alex. Davidson lost a valuable cow of the pore of this vicinity solicited, Toronto. tn ithout saying }1a ek ; enuse, inflam: Ri W hr M gre The June namber of Tales hat a tea a up by Mra, Roe was © ie ox When u Berih” Aman iso fer to necept bin a vid bicycle i chood under such “eireameruces, deagnand a fidiei , Bailiff vi emarkable Girl departed af sien: the bueny A3 for ourselves, if the Queep should sion Uourt. Village Clerk: Mais' etaest, i of pe ising be and groom. Mr.1y1-Qloy fortunately receive 5 | offer as knighthood on i Sash. of Milverton. fe ight ing. Despite : Pat 4 ‘Aegeeas ths 78 ous injuries. me 1896, we should say “No. shanks pee airy cyniciem pervading the Ting to the now household its eo} Mr. Jolin Wh south of chis{ yon: Ive (190 horsey for, nel! sg itst elas hors for | story, the contrast that it affords be-| gt and may ne 2038 | village, realizing is one of eta prefer our name to sink eat mes. Commercial Medtes veen sterling streng Sh ot character | “* sighed he chief ni ee ” has en RM without handle sts tisled, pat Taw specter able life i Z ; she FSGH Che AME cout able life is| "Shes. Hacen, : : Schwint, a pre ell | go down the long cents DieRtasM’s Dirwruenia axp CxoUr i z en f ellesley, digger. aunched to. horee billed of the life ed vigor ing-up, nate iat in ei as uctioneer the h and ‘Waterloo res ing js ie City. conventionalities, <a readet ‘ ‘0 visit hi: , ¥ taking cKee, of 4 od, spent. z | affections Wiodies and there ute “other| : ie indy ety. | fe with be . Miss R characters equa 2B Ht nd} The Tes. dna Bx a Bicpating to! Parmer. nat : qnite as entertaining, i oy e attend the general assembly at London. | i Wallington swagla eet wel se Dioner ‘ hvelead cache There-sre thin weck & oamber ull Mu W. E. Parker's jecretlery EES [rane being deocaced consider it invaluable. Yours truly, spi 5 i Milvertonians attending the Stratton in facet? was rolbed & any one woald distike to eee jae ee ime: races. goods. bearing his name and fyllowed hs & pean Wad nies Ate bers Mr. und Mrs, Alf. Guenther.of Pt. ign fag are at work in Walkerton. te axe ach gone vatealie (iene pics. Pablishi Huron spent. few days with friends| Twice was an attempt made to barn ‘Ler, J: Rawvee 1208 Filth Aveaue, New York ip Milsprton down the Telece pe offic, te £