A Family Insane. Brampton, 1b, 23.—On the 2nd aoncession west in the i Chinguacousy, distant from this place about three miles, in a litle rough- ast house lived David J. McLure, his mother, two brothers and two sisters, ali adults. The father mi some ten ars age. They were us- trious and rather jntellig gent ecole Orleans well and were highly spoken af b neighbors. “About aome religious a Seen “that He end to come o April i, and ns began tobe ne for che e going om ali! te time,.night. and day unsil. the whole family seemed’ to ne were killad’ andi cast to:the dogs, n:, Chait, piston of the Pres yranihat dud: here, of whi the faznil members, has been doing to.correct the strange and drove Dr ne Guat to investigate. He unhesi. ey Were insani is ) three Benrhets and aisters: licdl ayranged their mothen andl it is a fact that eee a ) Hi’: Le Ve and: choke her, aia managed to escape, and Neue toa neighbor's reported the matter to tiem, and upsn returning they found the whole fanily in bed together and David stark naked. Blocd’ was m teaiy an everything around and i at first thought a double murder had ae gommitted, but the Brought the three brothers to the toven and lodged them in jail. They occupy the same corridor as Nisley) who is to su enn be heard aie ‘the jail sing- ing with great. fervor. Tt i thought by many that a most atroe ious murder would have been commit ted if the matter had been allowed to will be sent, to. the Toronto asylum. Danie Leases wade ying: to have something: to, do. with this Yamentable state of affairs. poe esac as ir, Wm. Mulock, M. ved Tues™ ay ie Braatsentceentbare renomina; tion for the constituency in the Libera! rest. ‘The public accounts of Ontario. for the Ay ae mted tort the assembly Har ill make his Giacsts oni ee easy (Thursday) ue a J. Watters, acting Commissioner of Ghastor assentenced t year’s: im- prone Mt Ottasva Tocedoy for retaining asooe ney. 1 of Hewson, formerly Are ae with the ‘ay Se cho ol, mand on the cl Eondon badly crushed “Oy. Tae a of an eagine. Ag inquest is being held to clear up. auspie- igus.ciretmstanges. leputation of Patron members of the Grange an- nounced that while his order 4nd the inereasing slowly in membership -Racumacisn Cured tn a Day. ericam, Kheumatic Ci rr banimeces and peli: radically cures. in one, ¢ its action upon the 8 ai rious. Tt immediately ditaypears. reatly benefits. 7o:cents, Sold by itakaes Hocrance, drugsias. Ketter in } Six.Monrs Fiala tao kidney and bladder diseases relieved in six hours by the “New Great Sorih American Kidney Cure.” This new vemedy is a great si = delight to physicians on aceon ing Ein soisliccngyeatit naan D dneys, back: and every part Tent ier epaY pair in: passing it adscevsinineaciet You want: quick wiletand eure this is your remedy. on tof the urinary A, PERFECT TEA: SLL, GOOD GROCERS KEEP IT: Miprur grocer idoer npiukeep it, tell him to write to. STEEL, HSMTER & CO. Tanatah Frant.caret. Fast. Torantan, -/BARBER SHOP. J. H. SCHMIDT’S Is the place to get a Nobby Haircut and an E asy Shave at ali times. in | Also, Lo #6 Confectionery Shop and Restaurant, where you get the biggest glass of Oysters in town for 5 cents, J. H. SCHMIDT Influenced Less By what is said than by what is.done, and that is how so 2 | many observing people say. Schaefer Bros. deal in good, Low-Prieed Goods. and from that up to the’Besr ; but “they don't keep shoddy.” That is "| just it. We sell Reliable Goods only, at the very lowest prices. $10.00 Is the price of a lot of patterns of Tweeds we will make and trim up in all styles for the bal- ance of this month. Come and secure a Suit, as they are worth at least $12.50. Schaefer Bros, MILVERTON. INTERNATIONAL Pee DICTIONARY fis The successor of the abs tabri sia: = H impent ®rising S00 eilivors, employed, $300,000, worm, speting, pro. py nitro aeer ap Library in Itself. » thefacts oft et persons, bapa bn tes tous ersons a acess na ge cities, ‘L features ‘of the aides transition vot forte qnotationsy mis, phrases, “his Work i isd sTnval valuable int 0 houseliold, ae to the fessional ‘atroeesee The Globes Eoenne saysi— members ve toaster ef ‘ugait ulna alfnoese eoiabilaretnent The Times, Hamilton, says: Itmay well be nae the best working 4 sjouaey and she & the bein Eatery 1 Cana Eat acces CO. & OM. Merriam Co. Publis ~ Ga-Send for fren Fosnaintiteperinich ba « Mlustrations, ete. ae cl r. D. K. Erb of Downie was nom- sabia 0. es by the. vi South. Perth. & ‘uesdays Custom Tailoring io Canada Presbyterian? THE FINEST Caskets and Coffins To be had anywhere, ean be found in the MILVERTON Furniture STORE. Strict and Prompt Attention is given to UNDERTAKING| Embalming Done: Weiderhold & Honderish ad quick. stock of UM-P | At this, somebody, and jump the prices are so low: Rubbers, Beots, Shees and Trunks We are selling a Woman's Bon- Pe Oe RR oe d need to jump high, A fresh gola Butt, Boot at $1.25. Styles Right, Workmanship Right, Prices Right, everything right WX t “Our Empire Last.” 4 ’ v= JG. Grosch's Shoe Store soo Fame 8 a NEW SFORE. Hasenpilug & - Ramsey Have opetied out a Custom Tailoring Store in Hoffinan’s Block, next door to Kerteher’s Barber Shop, and solicit a call from anyone desiring work in their Jine, Standard Fashions Recelved Monthly SUITS MABE ON THE SHORT- EST NOTICE, Onr Styles ere always corre . Finish aa Deen Ree aalen “we cata thing but. First-Class work. Don’t fail to Hasenpilug & Ramsey Hoffman’s ee Main St., Milverton. ‘CNVTLIVHK AO ssonounmaod pure ystary yo sensi at pent 40a. UL pani oipnat poping. ott postage THs 108 TV. 30 AWaIud PUB AVOSYAHL A1a1q vedo OIpnzg oydeugozoug S.AQNWTILIV AE CHINA HALL Will now be found on Ontario Street Vest, next Rankin’s Confectionery Store, where everything in the line o China, Crockery, Glassware, Lamps and Faney Goods May be found, Christmas Presents a Specialty ! extended our floor space and Apt aay he £0 that now we have the largest store of the kind ever kept pn Stratfor P. WATSON & SON, Direct Jets of Chins, yy Ontario St. = est, mext She Con- fectionery Store: ‘A large 12-page paper, Pablisel every Wednesday, 2 peraonum in adva During 1995. The Aide Posty terian {now in its 24th 0 fur Spates ian with hoaltby, helpful Rattar ‘tie fimaily fon scapes Copy. Pipe nd Pub, Ca., ThoPrasyterian isuimouwes + BARGAINS! 500 Yards Niee for Ge. yard, werth oe Arriving Daily: GROSCH Grosch For Bargains. 30°lhs. Yolfaw Suger for $1. 25 Ibs, Best Granulated Sugar, $1. Best Twin Bar Oatmeal aad Castile Soap for 5¢., regular price, t8e, Heavy Faetory Cotton, 4c, yard. NEW GOODS come to Call and See Then, BUTTER, 140., EGGS, 180. & Loth Prints, Fast Colors, 10¢, we al I Everybody Wel- “atl SN & LOUTH. + BARGAINS! * North Perth CONVENTION. | The Liberals and Tariff’ Reformers of the purpose of nominating the membe North Perth in the next Dominion Parlia- Saturday, 2nd Mart, 1895, at 10.a. m., in: the Oddfellows _ Block, in.the City of Stratford. s in the various sayaciaile's 0 appoint two deleyates for each pol, will be hold. on THURSDAY, 28th of FEBR' AB follows : &p. m. ao x: Jaa ae ee Mornington, at Newton Pw Elllize, at Rostock... Ps jpality ‘< fall delecation i ees mui is requested a Bajiney Liteommey Rates. (Limited), 5 Jordan St., Toronto... ¥ io COMMERCIAL. Mitverron Feb. IY Sy ae per bush. $ ‘Mr. Chariton, M. P. for North Norfolk,_ Hi ray GEORGE HYDE, R. T. HARDING; Seoretarye ‘President. Precip ey