THE HE WEEK'S NEWS. «tz caNADA. Chatham has asked to be made et Mr. Robert Ford, Kingston, is on boy uamed Godfrey hanged oes at joseph Kabler,one of Winnipeg's pioneer been isdead. gtage 2 indi Fitzgerald, a pal acest) eectdent of Tamiteone is dead, aged 76. The Kingston statve of the is John A. ieee jv. Father aucttishos w8ed 1d Smith arrived in Montreal tenth after a a trip to Europe. Mer. tarted a scheme for the Tue Pope has completely recovered {rom = spositi jon. pie ohane eo raeean banking system the B at Quel A runaway school boy, aged 13, was found on Thursday just out of Quebec, nearly frozen to death. Henry Stewart, aged 23, recently from ow, was arrested charge of forgery. ris Richardson, aged nine, was killed by aG.T.R.train on Thursday at Point St. ae % shley, j aG. T. R. switchman, | d Wein ‘Niagara Falls the other day, while coupling cars. Mr, Tooley, ex-M.P.P., narrowly escaped serious ines in a runaway near | builiing Gladstone on Satur: onting on Whithall street, \wh jounted found a missing | donated by the Queer party of Calgary surveyors in famishe ITED STATES, Orava ne ele ell aa| St Lonia, Mo., has 85 oases of Salle eT. mpany entered suit against the Hamilton Spectator oclee obeyed claiming $50,600 pees tt realy ‘ashington’s ny was Stsioety A family at | carey rin, B.C, has been |, vasnineton’s, birshday pape clhgwr-aten rary "hie ihe jegotiations are on foot for aoe ee tion of the Chicago Herald and tel hn Palmer, the slleged counterfeiter ie Tage bas been committed for trial. Mae been n lista of voters for Toronto int pie ‘will be printed in these cities ters, M, de Witte, the Russian Minister of ce, is taking mesures for the prome- tion of cotton growing in Russi Henry Starnes, who was xe down by patelysia at, tho recent session of the Quebec neyuire is now able tobe so ‘The report of the royal commission o1 feallgane catia om tring 2ompletion. tt will contain 4,500 The building and plato of the, Hamilton Bridge Company has to the Gurney-Tilaen Company yer S00 00: The Hamilton Thistle on Thursday won the Ontario Curling Association Tankard for the fifth time, defeating Lindsay by one lians settled in Northe: Sir Henry Brougham Lock, Governor of om Colony, has been recalled from his sowie toa eae sine difference jony. cer, Thomas McCormick and nuoesee. of the destroyed Queen’s en to secure ideas tests have been entered against a number of London Aldermen who were members of last year’s Council, on the ground thet they had failed to keep up the of Harri Ont. , Rn Wa Shatin oH tls jn olin some art of th hinery of irawn into the shaft, being ited ainose inatantly. Fitty thoumand dollars worth of machio- ery lately imported from England was at Hamilton on a pe hureh, London, will | gor rc W. K. Vanderbilt paid sis, 500 for a pe and diamond necklace of jewellery in London jay. One of the former directors of the ill- faved Bank of Wale is willing to pay $125, ler to be relieved of any possible liability. is on foot in England to the sixth centenary of the British Parlament, which will be completed this "w torpedo destroyer Banshee jal trial on the Giyde on on A attained an speed of twenty-eight knots an hou Winston ee eldest Rando pies oe ta The influenza spreads rapidly in Lon: of the Commons and of distinguished atienta in the news: 3 a ay ih Seas meeting on Wednesday {the owners ‘of the Glasgow steamship jed no grow improvement in the shipping trade during be present year. ‘Tho Prince of Wales formally opened the United Service Institate at noon on Mon- Ye The | year-old stallion Raven. There is yet ro abatement of the cold weather throaghou: Austria. Since Sun- 27 persoas hare byax trogen, t0,death ‘A special despatch trom Guatemala says | it is semi-ot ically announced that a setcl ff with Mexico has been practically "The insurgents Pera. hare = a rounded Lima, The Government troops are chrowing Up earthworks aud barricades for the defence of the capital. James W. Rob- ry Commissioner, will leave Ottawa shortly on an eastern yur. ment has me ‘ch wi lies to Goverment house at Winsi- ‘he supplies are to be cut off when the time of the present Gov. ecaoe Fenn te Cornelius died in the Count Gaol! te from consumption, nels to two ae or polling liquor to Brg airined aoe betas onment re he died. Asa prisoner on Thursday, in Victoria B. C., was sevites dock, after having ive years’ Ha Dobbs aid, [scambele poca eer retod as Sontempt of court. He k and yes en three years Fvean See. Taylor & Henry, liverymen of Hamilton, were summoned by Humane i eee ctor aty- The removed f from ee stable and “hed twodaye mTient, F, B. Peck, of Sandy Hook, N.J., me) Killed on Tueaday by the bursting of & rive min id to have been oo by an explosion ina colhery near Potta Mary O'Day, aged 65, was killed by a juntas Shore train ata crossing in Buffalo on Thurs oe omas: Darsat, hae ced to im} pedals ae fe at Groville, Dat 20 Wedeeetae, ‘At Pekin, Ill., Albert Wallace, a dissi- te bapa Gms shot his sister, ber hus- d and a steamer Cit; ican dewey Jeez muda on Monday Mary Nino, an aes aged 30 years, was murdered in New York on Neca! by her husband Vincenzo, a barbe: Governor Morton, a New York has signed the Lawson bill, preventing the | aml of foreign ee Gal baba buttdiniea sed a bill pro- ie Ih hi abiding prize fighting, ree pakiog it a crime to either canes in or attend a fight. M gandoff, First Secretary of the Rassian Legation at Weeki ington gelestent ed suicide at his residence in that city. thicago oe “other day on Cairn where he had The business portion of the village of Hamilton, N. Y.> the seat of Colgate Uni- Tersity, was almost “a destroyed by on Thursday nig! "The Lawson na Jase, the well-known posite Washington, at 7 "ydlock on Wess Bexday night, Tho probability of the present Congress reimbu for the seized in the Globe Rubber sustained through the Behring Sea ties for under valuation. @.Rav. Rabbi Vela, ies the! Temple ‘been appointed and Quebec Govern- ments = for St. Vincent de Poul ae Abs charge of Commandant Mon! for sei interior of Africa, surprised, that half the force was annihilat— ed,and that the remainder have been driver from their line df march and their retreat th The Marquis of Dafferin, at the annual ed of Com-| h been @ banquet of the French Chamber were more friendly and more obviously conciliatory on both sides, ae arian silver medals have heen im Colin | j; mber, Guilin, a Miller, G. Johnston, Frank Ives, Herman an p a, John Robinson for their bravery in res- ice-cutters who drifted out into ‘the lake on Feb GREAT BRITAIN. resident of the vee ig {Serta of England, isd Rosebery i indisponed, and is con- Sime i his bed, Bight vessels were launched on the Clyde ia Josue? last a8 egainst eleven in Jan- en ‘on arriving in London the other day was unable to walk without elp. Col- ‘An exhibition of the art manufactures and general industries of Austria and Hunesty will be held in London next Le Braund of the Bank of Montreal di He im New York and Brookl; /Lord Acton has been appointed prof ae history at ce to succeed the late Prof, Sel a ‘The Charity Organization y has taken steps to of street raendacity among young children in Lon- bu Gealaat the French expedition, barsssde appears to be becoming Tho strike of the eared of Elec. trical Workers ork nine-h strike, w aah il probably ‘ake cue “000 ork on at least 30 large sidings Fire broke out in the Ledger, Wood achita avenue, Hot Sprin, Ark, at4 o'clock on morning. is in the southern part of the city, whe: din s abound, and in an ree wom been ed to death, boarding houses, storehouses and fifteen cottages, in all worth $100, setae 8 ‘eb Laura Scam ry J. Mel and Augustine Stivetto (colored). Bradstroets report of the trade situation in the United States not encouraging. The srade,feregaler. reported better a average of new a apt in "the financial rouiuek. A rising of te natives against foreigners threatened jerman Reichstag on Wednes- of St Augustine, long ee John Delahey, of Cobden, Ont., died on te rain ni The pn to schaad the sated law = 7 thet peas ictal was Pel Magistrate reserve THE BATTLE SHIP OF THE FUTURE. Hide d Police An O14 Line of Battle Ship Revived—Four Hundred Shells Could be Fired Every Minute, Ts the powerful battle ship of the present day, with her low freeboard, her impregna- Je-citadels, her enormous guns of, mighty calibre, going out? And are we likely to have a renaissance of the old-fashioned 100- gun ship of the line with her enormous free- board, her three or four decks and a battery of guns so numerous, so quick actioned and so effective that no human energy of resist- ce could withstand it an hour ? ? Lord Live Trafalgar, Abouker, A: me with a speed never yet re: by but torpedo boats ! Think oritt Ana appliance, except es undeveloped ia marine torpedo hat would prove a match for such monster. ‘The picture represented above is the work of an English naval architect, who calls it past two or ree years. Of course the ship is only yet .n idea, but ahe may yet take form in the rogressive spirit of naval advancement, Fredacisk Cloweds bn arablteo! of the En navy, has designed this vessel, Seon no! with immediate hope of her acceptance we RL nese the Sayeed of the Ex-| * 's | to settle in the ordinary circuit work THE SALVATION ARMY. Seayiswe® samir of eekly Tare five years ago the Rev, William Booth, 1 of the army, became a thinlater of the Mathodiss New Connexion pers The N theolder Wesleyan body. and hallelujabs were heard at their services | “© during the prayers, and their unadorned conventicles were usually filled by energetic preachers whose ap} aroused requently eee Mr. to held special evangelistic services, and ‘rhea the Conference of 1861 required him he Booth was appointed resigned, and began the work of an evan- gelist, which he has carried on over since: Tn the East end of London he observed that the vast majority of the people attended no neo of worship, snd he started Betaian on” in 1965. Thi Seeeirth daveta oped. ON MILITARY LINES, ms in 1878 Sit thename of ‘‘The Sal- - six monthly m pone of more res 40,000,000 co) ests at rest for officers. It hi department, and an industrial farm of large extent on the banks ofthe Thames. ie el sae Sos noite direction text which s The | he give nothing could be done 2 mils in un interpretation ot the WORLD'S GOLD OUTPUT, GREAT INCREASE I IN THE PRODUC- TION OF AFRICAN MINES. The Lonzed-for Lape in the World's Pro We are told by some writers that if th aera of gold throughout the world had maint year, we need earnest ejaculations of accord from their change from England’s present monometal- lic gold standard, was careful to say that towards altering the standard except penis a complete INTERNATIONAL (0-OPERATION: its | Commission adjourned after along series ca hi during which its membei r not trouble himself id h higher criticism,” with doubts | together with the stacey restoring” ae the the Bible, or with silver to its lost position, the question of theological hair-splitt d_cavillings. | §; tio betw Finding that there are CERTAIN RELIGIOUS TRUTHS that bear directly and forcibly on hum: life, ho and hs coadjators prefer to devers was no charity either to this country or the proposed emigrants to bring a number ple used t d now how to wo! at, however, wi rk, « was started. is now proposed only to send out to Canada those who by a two ear residence on he #1 ‘at hom ve proved their fit agricultural wor, TE this condision ve oie adhered seems no re why a ise sonia om a success. onities of the silver problem that there seems ground for the opinion of the faite ‘who hold that no action of Governments can be THIS LATTER EXPECTATION in course of beingrealized, The Financia Ongonicle for February 2 gives a very fal steadily from. 1871 to ginning in 1871 with 6,010, ies it was in 1885, 584 ounces. The average annual product for the first five years was 5,604,000 ounces ; for the ve years 5 ,000 ounces he third it was only 4,912,000 ounces. During the next five 1 aelples hs annual pro- are— inction rose slowly from to 5,711,451 ounces, and tl ‘She is by no means an impossible vessel as the yh of Eogland’s battle site not nearly so unwieldy in a sea way, mi | more stable in all kinds of weather, infin. vs Sexist sey rages staud. apes because she fairly neral description he gives as Mr. Clowes calis his conceit the “ bristles.” her ily tha, Me-of tag te moralize her crew, and the ship is gone. A ship like that could not_be es pers Columbia Legisl was ram ureday, with less were the suse she is too 51 ‘She could not usual pomp. except by submarine ag A Panama special three attempta | for what torpedo boat ld approach her were garg to burn Colon t the other night, } in such a hi = aoe 2 shed fanciful Por- but unsuccessful, cupine of aah fhe : te days | ingen ting m (ao gh tome ant cher has reed | se J pois, rested in louse of Represen‘a. A special cable from aioe tkere is no trath in the report of = possible | out veces Chili and Argentina, | plump. | His clothes ily enella out under the The New Zealan tives ha j ia “hale georalag jn the GETTING FAT IN FIVE MINUTES, very rare aor the mdionvec he is eatin, of one boot overa little trap an assistant immediately couples tu’ ing from a pair of bellows toa hole the boot heel; tian he Ath than a wind bag, pent vanity up. actor’ feet the height eight isacanired sensatior i anewete bal that be bes is nothing more Then, by an of springs ander the| feward with ent rapidity, as the follow- AFRICAN GOLD—OUNCES. ree alone, it woul! sand steel are dull ; the increase ey in the j inquiry forte xtile fabrics. e ions of an inflated orsoL Pgnatons sttanrg industey being in always brings forth roars of laughter. It re ean Sea chee Serer d ceallivm separ ar Bow Vor quick-firiag is comparatively easy to produce it after | pccomnts for only some 56 4 Sin 189. is again the centre of a bad industrial dis- | guns. you know how. The Seat cen all pro- | ierease of the total world's product in 189 turbance from a ‘‘sympathetic strike.” ep 1 food,” and is made of tissu per, | ver wae Wen 8,829,000 ov ict = Takes no ship in existen pe. that the actor chews to little bikaand SECRET WOR 5,827,000) OCR, EUS Ia GENERAL. was 5,604,000 ‘the in 3,216,000 He may wal make the claim. From one | takes out of his mouth whenever the mein Bh “ ts 1,837: Famine prevails in East Africa. je 400 aimed shells could be fired |10n offers, His clothes are all of rubber pe ongrs ~ Smee Product te eel every pond and in the inldet of « hewtile to fit air tight around th There gStbe, +] Sheongiiont, the. world. very igen = steady one. Following are laste pts ia ing Attic, act yar 1838 and the year GOLD—OUNCES, to By ealeatyer es ta| ee fe fal size the eid sn eupply is cut off and |p ives of the Friendly Islan‘s ‘most oft rite time in the water, Taey are great swimmers and dive-s, is spend THIS WAS 60 YEARS AGO, |= AWFUL VOYAGE OF THE SHIP SIR | HENRY POTTINGER. Four Hundred Stricken Ship Bo Emigrants on a Pest- For Tangy In In the summer of 1845, the foe Sir Henry Pottinger, of 709 tons register, of Bristol, England, set sail from the Cove of Cork, now called Queenstown, with 37¢ adult emigrants, two cbildren over a cer: OF where'she was built, I cannob remember out to St, Johns, days, nearly fifty of which were expended beating about the Bay of Fundy. After ake » his “oats,” tench and vile at of this vessel s pear ty grim death pati ne races th and death after deat IN RAPID SUCCESSION took place, young beg i whose death el iy e loading a cargo of timber we pumped our | Of the in in the winter of 1844-45— 0 emergency he always appeared to be m fl rare tell the tale. The Sir Henry Pottinger WAS NOT A BEAUTY by any means, but our captain made the most of his command, peal ake her in apple- pie a a she wi and sprui with tad be ae) English paint (coal tar). side she was algo well car red for ; her cabin dying, remained, what we did this stench GERMS OF THE DISEASE were held in suspension in the space. Much of this foulness was rashid down on e drink see erected a double tier of the poorest, deseription, aise" “ ‘rh tumber. chs the dietary scale was, further than it was not only poor, but imsuf- ficient. Certain medical stores and Lepe fectante were supplied, butno medical m je Vessel was examined departure there was much CAUSING SOME DELAY, he vessel was under way end esiling out with a light fair wind before the las! of those people were going pile ei pa ae ones that had e before, and in many cases had sent money to their passage, others going provide a home for the loved by yo te : bend, ie pe king forward to jing at an early date, ers sha mh | payin Tater place. the wind thongh fate mes ve light re Ate s palial erage fivaitan sions veonal, enn 0 ing of He ‘eoween deck. innee drinking water more or less affectec, Whe re ed ‘eleven years of age, the youngest ; the captain’s son ae 3rd mate, the cidest. For about three weeks sewing d clothes, or’ failing etna their Bb The dead. So all this work devolved on the petty officers ff 42 those of our crew, WERE BURIED AT SEA, hia how many it ronld be hard to say, There if side = he hundred and elghtser’adalta ‘ponding fy a é include many children ;| by hgeoss Life ts in Dai Tackling a Drift Wit! Sse All Steam ©) rms Cost the Company a Heap vor Money. Railroading in a great storm is an * ing Let | Undertaking that few of the people who live in sheltered cities or seldom venture h more in sucl fore times ee do even the nage attached to The aie as hundreds of freight hat move up and down the coun’ every day probably have the greatest diffi- else has spikes in his boots. t ‘THE RISK THEY TAKE is increased immeasurably when, ae the train is hurrying through the country at a ate of 30 or 40 miles, a snow bank is sight- ed ahead, and the locomotive whistle sum- mons the brakeman from their comfortable quarters in the caboose to scale the topsof the cars and make a hasty application of the brakes. gale and storm, Snow beats in blinding fashion into brakeman’s face, and his THE FROSTY BRAKE WHEELS jing to his leather mits, and add to the there are a few flator in the train, and they must be g carefully clambered over, and yet no time any fo it goes, ewouder is that brakemen often live iin [Phe cara oe Oreo wlth iy with the groateat difieuley ae gts or | Rept from falling. COLD WAS INTENSE and every available moment was put in be: se +hot stove in the caboose. bickory ths braloe just coming out of Her int was return to the cahor right away. Bat manner i got a fica had of the gang pla: old Thad an sal _ vee ft 1 aia, von gave nie mieughe (Coatn's xy ge gireg: Gat i coulds’t "a walked back to thes caboone if the whole town was Took iat A SNOW PLOW. ning the snow-plow is another diffi- cult task that the heavy, storms impose on The old-fashioned New 1g into stuff. A cloud of snow in- RAILRUADING IN A STORM rde,} TRIALS AND PRIVATIONS OF THE ir AY MEN. Added to the wind which the| ap-|speed of the train raises is the wling slong a epretty good vied THE HOME. cient water to make about three pints of soup. Boil po A Concealed Wood-box ‘The illustration shows a way in which the kitchen wood-box can often be arranged 80 that it need not be inthe kitchen at all, except when wood is and wholly outside the kitchen when bei filled. Where a shed, or laundry, adjoins the kitchen, an opening the exact size of front of the wood-box cai base box hinged at one end to e swit chen, pushing it’ bes jhe ‘wood desire Secon ine way snugly into ing, the ewinging end must of pes mewhat right nate) with the front of the box, Furnishing the the Sitting-room ‘The best and cheapest covering for the walls is paper of a graceful pattern. This is preferable to plain white trate which soiled spot so plainly. have so many exquisite de: all over it, If your sitting-room is on the north side of the house, select warm, bright Fei for it. nit your own ta: but be sure that all the furniture Siacaedsieh the It is usually desirable in winter to cover the entire floor with carpet, and remember scissors and other tools ies fon it sewing or mending, anda cupboard with drawers, in which the unfinished work may be kept iree from d will want a along shelf to hold the clock and one or ‘two vases o} the vom any of the family are musical, thers ah mathe an organ or piano, with a ack for holdingmusic. Provide everything ible to make the long winter evenings pee pleasantly oo proftebl ly to each mem- for the peace and the pleasant associations Caution to Housekeepers. Here is a bit of information that should pe pers. ide opening, as shown in tho ilusueations The be grays, with tendrils or other small designe | 7 mi ‘Where should be a age. work basket, rinciple is applied he pulp, although. beautafal head pieces are better tham and gloom: it there is nomantle in the room, put np | 6 on an hour, season with salt and pepper and serve. Salmo Timbales.—Put half a cupful of cream or milk into a saucepan with two add one and aelale euptals of seid boiled salmon or canned ry fine; tig boiling add the | Banta ae of three 3 take from the fire and stir in careful- i puehian obtee eggs ten, eased til cups two thirds full, ta the cups in wa BaD, Of hot. water utes. Turn out on hot plates and ou at once with Hollan- daise sauce. Hollandaise Sauce—Beat half a cupful of butter toa cream, add the yolks of three poacher iihaucatcday PAPER CANNONS. en |THey Are Elastic and Light and Have Great Strength. It was discovered some time ago that efficient heavy guns could be made out of a paper can be used for the same purpose, The body of the gun is made of paper pulp, The ore is of metal, and made very binding the cannon. Outside of the cover- ing of wire are various bands of brass. These bands are set bh cra i through th the gan, ste in this | wi and cast of the proper shape, core is put ound cpu the pleasing. exterior ; brass or steel, bet eourely any books in it, a newspap .| set about the whole, and the aon rods led with the best literature of the day,a|are applioi tel, table that will keep steady while you work | possess a Rare otepring, a a r write at it, and large enough fur four or | fastened to the bands, the stad @ gun five persons to sit around it; eeveral good | which will give way slightly at each dis- charge, yet eae BS te orton his muscles rigid dud on co thoy etry in which case he is likely to receive a broken bone; but if the he non. pcomatinely Wie “hie: ohiet clusticity and it follows, thas wagons, Bac eld inn veer ome inacuete —-—— A BRAVE QUEEN. Marie Amelie of Portugal eaucaNie with Diphtheria Sera A despatch feom Lisbon says :—Wit the object of removing the prejudice that exists among the le here a: inst the Have nothing in in this room that you do| newly discovered freram) of di x not kno} Do not fill it with | mal comma A first crowned head or royal persona; falderats ls Kise sson ue tae Pe om. 400 human : P ep ES course mil arated a voselotialy umeitbles |, oan =o sce Hi | talock toe she besten of ne testncoetsoaan oe Adaphene ais iete ie Atha al oe Lan Lasttelaat ares tapped vant the first plunge i int th the ban ly in the year as the months some part ot e death and The: Snsiaie of the emigrants and ali| 1 ¥ns ful, ally in long cuts is february and March. At that time burial of this poor woman cast quite a|that remained of our crew except thirteen, | there danger of chins Should the plow ee low gloom over the vessel, Having no doctor | whom the examining doctors passed,or rath. | become wedged in, the locomotive backs | sills, look over all the woollen clothing not the cause ot death was conject iv: to. stay on board to clean and \d makes another rash, If it use, and examine every day Te was common talk amongst the sailors parity i the ship (the writer is one of these) vo work Sa att Kunwar tude de th ent boat QUEEN OF PORTUGAL. Ly lin re, s people inquch wamall piace would cortainly | abil pee ri Nery ate . gly quick work. | are rought into the house in| of her anxiety to achieve good in this con- eed sickness, After this death they asid | whom are nd doubt alive now. ae the| aie, bet anon ell willed cpt pres Spevial Tiking for the nection, she has placed the riding school of q pong bs 4 sel pos ree lish lsh hip aa led ithe : igi Sie f ee the right of way. der to prevent the larve from a‘- saediaalwuthoriies ct the sy Se an eens!) Whethit this tame te the va fats D) Whe shock sustained by a locomotive tory and furnished thirty-Bve of her I know not, but when the epidemic broke mrs ica? hs gh thus may cones pped by sd snow bank is| the side, bine —— and cover them ‘OWA horses for Biren ig anti-toxine, she it was-n0 secret that "he thought, «| about thie terrible passage is-wit severe. The engineo assumming all expense in coanection " with great mistake had been made in leavi it may meet the eye of some o Saresiiy" ‘race themoln the rt with such a large number of people | W! out in the Sir Henry Pottinger, ught. And at times they have sustained See Ae A EECA without a medical rs to attend to th Should a pets es a aero fia Boge Ng The Cry of Alarm. A nasty swell cause: vi give aie — extreme pl betel aie as Sergeant ier, just imagine yourself TO ROLL CONSIDERABLY riritta axe alica-peuventad tiem cat: fa De ataidink seiiey 60 tt ollipostal one which re the people i He their berths, Where Money Talks. : pee Me Ea gtrt des Timited | ne | fom behin and you feel Cita sped has i as This ae oles ers Lank at int shay milion iat igedlepbed ss f heavy work | floor. Ea air of powerful hat call will the first breeze eaereeeeeeeeee brought. on’ sea-sickness, ey sinker No ‘but you ean judge him Avoided the Subject Soldier—Come, Marie, lot me loose have experien Winks Did Mei —) ick tapes ve Life ost favorable conditions wi A Batigd Gs Ris son Pi dioe a7 a pend aie Che command, ine son, said fond ters Married ‘Deughter-- nee se a wi oa sia ccly seas | wine iy and sta i Bea], Minks—Well, no, You see, just atter pore plan: hot add ees — cabinas, is oe eo Love in a cottage, ‘ithout side ports and the only | some ped groaned 1k oe carrot ery and what its cracke : ventilation through wi ‘ils throug! qualified him to aie advise. Tako ee fodgae Diet lnpadotwra Hall's cupfal sash of string bonne and green Jace tid Breaiad tired of ofl hatelies. Citi childesa, hs for your motto KK: Keep charge for hauling ft eix blocks sexe matt’ | peas if you like them ; now add already. there were over four hundred human beinge | Kool. ity Joc and about’ cupfal of any moat No-e, not tired of the bread and cheese or poultry gravy you may have, and suffi- —tired of the kisses,