Ata | mitted of the ‘Toronto, City: Conseil, held y sete Company. te Mueller ‘aad Johnson, the| Belm THE WEEK'S NEWS. CANADA, Miss M Stilson of t Tandon dropped dead on Sunday afternoor Ila nati eastcaieg toe ey water- works have been formally acce Pee yr tee Og a killed by a falling tree on fe areas ‘Mrs. wage, a young Chatham Cronyn of London have Mrs, | seh ete visit to Hon. Edward Blake in | warn A new record for on Thursday, ested Phelps covering s mile i 2. a Mr. George Wait, a Promine mis: i real, ‘died at at hi in that city ihe ube day, in his sixtieth year, Rev. Gases “ype Heer of we ae ice Osler, Mr. B. B. Osler and Mr. E, B. Osler, died in Toronto, porate re; Peete in his The tepen Trades and Labor Connei on Friday ni ressed strong disappro bation of Gabeoral Booths proposed coloni- ae ll has a second time de- igo MaDe bafederation cidea that the tion, of Toronto, is assessal het derived from assessments. Prof, Foster, of McMaéter University, ‘onto, has resigned his position in con- nection with that institution to take a chair shor in the University of Chicago, Dean of Chatham tried to throw hotel ‘out of am upper story window whes yee income yr harness-racing 01 the | Mr. Clancy's motion in the Imperial pean oe a frat pellcal an im) y ris ti ‘was re’ the House by a vote of 299 to Bee ‘The, Pall Mall Mpeg de in an editorial article on the Hawaiian says that there seems tobe no 4 for Hawaii save ina pro ‘and if some one mus! = fo the inland Aeron ha he best right own: to the repressive measures by th Count landers declined at tie rate cent. fn Owners of horses and seattomen bave boos tthe diteas: easily com- icat ~ man mye is almost always In the House of Commons on on Thursday Sir Edward Grey said Sir Julian Paunce- ies the British Ambassador at weeee instructed to make a report fs ite alleged intention of the: United States Government to gambling in wi tas the Hoag Commons on Fridey Mr. Sidney Buxton, in reply to Sir Geo the cable were in 0} sidered advisable public statement on t! ‘The trial has begun in : tae don of a suit solicitor against Mr. oes Brien, well-known Irish member of Parla. ment, to recover a stg of four hundred Jn n pounds, expenses incurred by him while iat Sa for Me 0 ne in his suit pera d to jie ghee to $150n May 1. to three years in Kingston Penitentiary. rof, Dale of the University of Toronto irom his position on count of ments niade in a letter published i. ‘him ia lesb Satarday’s Globe. Ind; it bs given at Quebec in ma, be: matt oon yithatica gg Dominior Py Provinces, including the Indian clades, which amount to very large 1 On account of the prevalon nee ot aita: ipotiyeantre diphtheri the Public resol i in that, vile is also an cpidemio of typhoid fever. Mr. A. W. Fleck, Cate! ot the Canada Atlantic Company, ea pany has fo intention wikigvee of | pail ing a junction, line: from, ¥ Cornw: i as reported, ting of the Fire and Light Com- recently, Thomas Graham, depaty @ shiel of the fire brigade, w: room of the late ‘Rishand Ardegh = oo ae 3 fe Z 8. 38 oo | E tak take steps to prevent the head of the Sal- Yatlon “Army dumping England's social filth in Canad mpany and the Cornwall Manu- rane three exiles s frou Hawatt, now at Venoon- ver, BC., have entered against the ian. Company fo: $58, 000 exch Tontanbantae cea imprison. eat MoMullen & Wann's suwmilly Traro, N.S., Bai 3, coat beeai some ‘way Fentsogied with the machinery, g hi the g Ba BB Ss tae were mangled, and he lived tt maul an jour. The students ot he pintss ardor met Friday and passed a number of resolu- tions referring caps Dale. They pledged | themselves, among other things, to from lectures until $e ean into the difieultice ae the Uni- Tantio. seaboard Fiat in the Trunk Line terri UNITED STATES. Atlanta, Ga., has the unusual experien of about three and a half inches of foe Snow fell on Thursday in New 3 covering the ground to the depth oo Pod in Ty an explosion occurred in tha ca mine, in whic! injured, ‘A new labour sirname! was formed in Columbus, O.,01 , to be known as the Indey apenan Knights ue Labor Dur. _ Ibis Lyeneiyas that ‘iss Anna Gould ite vill take plas ti in New York ui Peak -house at Smith's Point, Vax, at the entrance of ke Ba; den awayiby esapeal Ib 0 theddhing ioc Gen, James Neil Bethune, of orata. ho |¢ akon pianist, died at his son's residence mee hington, aged 91 years, Mich. telephone. system, the Gilliland, me @ eervice for $20 a = old tel lsboae ie nothin: ant reserve me at Bi, Dosis, ite ‘lowest point it the gold of the faith soon begin on Teidey, aaah at Steubenville, Ohio, frot ived. Her ht fire from ran into the yard, whe ® rolled. in the bors tried to ne iaelay ihe bh Razing clothes, but fail- d. One of the worst wrecks that has occur- red on the New York Central Srna mn of Catskill. Both were iously injure a dozen firemen were At Lynn, Mass., he members of | buried oi a on falling at a fire in Hutche| the unshel rrals, the Toronto Induateial Battin ‘was held 'ivsoa’s hardware store. (eon nee ago, during the height of the Texas cattle the other day. The annual report and | dangerously near the spot wi en | trade, blizzai v Kansas early ial statement showed the aftsirs of | lay buried, and all the ld strearaa, ‘of | in December x4 more than half of alymdciateasto condition, | water were brough 300,000 cattle that were being herded and several ned piaebiamrtac te | The work of rescuing went on rap Shobak oa 0 ay station, The old officers were re-elected, with tic | ia elf an hour el oe ee on Gbe Gerona bale exception of Mr. George tea ae place | ote ae ‘Three of them at another 20, x 1 rancher found but wine tokibel by, Elder meas She # few minutos after Yona ¢ atl 225 head alive ont 7,500 that had been ber headed inner | grazing before the, ostastrophe, | Several adjourned meeting ths ne Joie Lau euicdh upgite os. Murray ef | hundred ponies an herders also Contention held at Osgoode hall engine No. 3, and John Deals repent perished. on esday, aacabe hers No. 3. The & permanent feature of dicection of reducing the number of app asin Nothing but a decided A resol by Mr. i A aeapetng he professional burglars got a big ral echell avalry return of com last ae aiivakows tie 8 professional from Toronto caped. oop is 114, are Troop, Mi Dragoons. B Troop, Manitoba ‘Disgoeies points. The ttawa oe third with 1 uz12 Bae ie a poi a half behind the leadin; GREAT BRITAIN. Seven miners were killed by an explo- y ina colliery av Radstock, Eccles Tower, one of the best-known landmarks on the east coast of England, was blown down daring the gales of last Dee ape last month officers of the Fish- rs Company, of London, denitoyed ae tills cieass: isather forty- of fish which was unfit for human The relations betwoon Great Britain and ble ee ogre Tteingin anno’ able situat by the prese of the two fo health is much improved. twenty men were th | Blied for the impending visitation is often city on | wy, wae ene war 18 reported in Niles, | * di 7 swell its peopertion until it again Sawer it e | $100,000, 000. ‘ ard Simpson, of Toronto, died had started for St.Petersburg are therefore returnin, A diphher epidemic exista in Palermo, and the si cannot be isolated in been eatigpy ta rae in atthe city. BLIZZARDS ON THE PLAINS. No Person at aw Prenat met Are Like Until Has Seen wml as the Sonia man’s verna- ate designat storm, i utterly fe en ieee aoe not experienced it. storm-breed: break its force, it becomes a demon of the air, second only to the cyclone or tornado in i isture i d Twenty| A is malady ached nd off 4,000 eh whi “TELL MOTHER WE SAVED UWE.’ A Thrilling Story os German Heroism at London Ale A says: th ship crew were in the rigging. A li Ng i gy Re pao aes absent. Eight men, however, rowed out to the e crew was got into the "ifebont with the exoaption of one who high up on Fea ae eal trey eaten yan fa ‘not be tal ken off. When the life! Peoria tothe shore Harro had + phos He _Msther everyone as between millstones, hurled with bullet- like energy over handréds of tes me and finally, transformed into | ion ty sleet by the softening effects of ra attbaee falls in bleak, shower the ranges of Texas and No-Man Lack of cheap building material andthe brevity of the winter season on the prairies contribute to make the settlers, cabins FILE red even so well as rae a belated emi- te either to Bie frontier or toward the pleasantly re: here he hopes to find old itis 8 friends and helpers, CAUGHT BY THE BLAST. He may have a tiny stove inside the canvas topped. prairie schooner, do little he the power of the sto Shelt the low bluff o mi sup- and perishes on the road, for no matter how ell he knows the path, when 1 e ep. ded as that of the mariner rages without « a peairia schoolhouses, where the sete children are eee riwing sib wlan acres tion, the blizgard brings terror tothe puplle e plucky girl to whom the children ijedl nota lixen ave boc, wonianll pois fainted. THE LOSS AMONG STOCK gn the plains by each blizzard is appallin There 18 less exposure of herds and flo more generously e a ea oa - | have saved Uwe. ae d;| that country, as in New out, reminding ‘him that both his istherand his brother n'drown- U son and four ‘other men ps fie tor the wreck, which was no now auite ves were. Fale th difficult to panes reached it, and Harro climbed and fetched the half fi cap and shouted: ‘Tell my mother we gD. Neate Sa Chinese Games. Many games are played in China on lacie and diagrams, the move being made by throwing dice. In one of these, called the “table of the had ae of officials” 9 large sheet of paper is printed the titles~of various officials and to their throws, The story told about the invention of this game is that the Emperor Kienling, , was walking at nightfall among the houses occupied by candidates for a. triennial examination of Pekin. Hearing the sound of dice throwing | § Alin one of the dwellings, he sent for the id jing to the eased with ‘the Enowiedgs of the zations ranks and steps lending to offic ror commanded im to a vale the chart for his inspection. ‘That was a fict ion crested 0 spur of the ig band until daybreak GuiT rise’ chart, wisloli be vacriod ty t escholar, who improve mind enti amusing himself, and dis- issed him with many commendations. —_——>——_——_ Diphtheria’s Ravages. yw York etate board of health bulletin for 1894 shows that a death rate has been decre 1891, but the 3 mortality from diphtheria. grows greater. | cre @ | Last year the disease carried off 6,592 per- sons, mostly in New York, Brooklyn and adjacent cities. In Boston and Philadel- has been noted, and figures from the Eng- lish mortality statistics show that while in York state, the general death rate is decreasing, that from jdiphtheria has grown from 144 per million 2 1880 to 192 per million in 1892, or by 25 mg -four lite members of the Upper | ! ORS fuer “nntil the» bacillus a.” Hoase of the Reichsrath, have been ap- the dant ai fpcal sxcviat tnatoder, | Other couttles'whlah aatfer hee heaiph al pointed by the Em ai! or of Aus' i ities reached by | theria scourge, -have apparently more to A politi of a serious charac- approach, while | learn from #rance and Germany than from ter bas broken ou g the students of ‘at experience, | Gteat Britain or the United States, the Moscow University and alarge number precautions, ae of arrests (ce intelligently for their Don’t Fret. hh Cav time of need, which is sure to come. ” te way to res ot Mo fron pe Mt |. Bub with all man’s care and defence, the} Some people live ina Leiter alae 2 rs i is jecti ,, trophies of a puntive ex- pedision against the Rahamna tribe. 1s is again reported that the Sultan of rocco has appealed to England to place his Kingdon ‘antec wy probe rincess {does not feel able to hold it himeel \edive’s favorite slave has give: birth toe daughter. Had’ the child ‘been ie boy shes the Khedive would have marri the 8 Khedivi ee A uel was fought the other day in the bois itskirts of Pari eon ieut. Marcel Canrobert, son pr the late Marshal, and Deputy b rapinat has ‘which the latter re- ceived a deep ia is about to sp the ex The given to the will not receive them. The Catholics ta e boy heir to the| (. if 0 04, from whose kingdom it comes, | Tt is one of the West's possessions which 1s holy ani and iredeomsbly deexible, In its tits height, tion and suffering forefront is appre A Queen’s Prayer. When Queen Victoria was a girl of but] 04, eighteen years, she was told th powering, and she sank o1 clasped her hands, and fa tered sd Bip con has been and she remembered in all Ba ail history need not be a fret. The weather able ; the temperature is never satisfactory. They have too much to do, and are driven jion- to death, of too lit: alee and have no resoure- If they aro ill chey know they shall well, they ex- Their daily work is gery, which they hate, or so difficult and complex that they cannot exe. We someti:nes men and women so bright and cheery that their very presence sometimes annoyed an mule troubles, but the very efor 6 them over silent g Simin upon Pehla dee be ‘prevents the influence from extending. padamvizecitersncabate Actors were so much admired by the late Dr. Morell reasing and the | stra Hebe overloaded, it was decided that he said. no more, and her | S°F¥! lence - | sured of safety. he | 4 latter was pleased with Pen phia, also, a heavy diphtheria death rate | was fros ROUGH TIMES ON THE SEA THE TERRIBLE VOYAGE OF THE STEAMSHIP TEUTONIC. rt 8 Overdue—vapt, Says She Battled Nobly Acai ty the Worst Gale He Ever £x- The. ae White Star liner Teutonic look- ss! ay an iceberg as she steam: ca into New k harbor on Saturday m three Bs prenigg As fie counted “tato her Pier the crowd of eager watchers eG abeees SIRES Gone responsive demon- ion save the fluti slush and snow, and the salt sea spray had eft its traces on mast and funnel. Her gangways were quickly cleared ‘i ik 2 the sailors chopping it away with ax , | teeth of the gale. Andhow it did blow ! ‘The wind howled like a thousand demons, The sea was lashed i ig | Zhe waves. were.the most ' tremendous I of the water at an angle of 45 degrees, and the next her screws would be revolving in air. “With the hurricane came a blinding snow storm, At times it was impossible to are | See more than 100 feet ahead of the vessel. ‘Theswirling snow and the rack from the sea beat pitilessly in the faces of the men on watch, and the intense cold added be- Staterooms voluntarl not permitted Fortun- ately there was no feeling of apprehension. very ‘soul on board had al ont. fa elabe) eodmescetgep teat ws ff Sandy Hook at orclogk Tupeedn yp atbernope: ‘he'wind was now #0 thick that we ing east, 5 to sea and and on sou Feday afternoon, waiting for the gal SIATYLlay night se Sed ott thelight- sh Ne waited fo for daylight. Everybody ie pilings at its height, ee tonic discovered Slowin; iby ite 1, was lowered and pla of Fourth Officer J. H. 0: alps a b teaming Taround th red the schooner from the Cig lrarhicn a that Siew must themselves, By means of We had, been adrift for neatly twenty. tou hours,” in Ericsson, of the ack, d neatly come ‘befoco. wa saw. the Teutonio Joom up th the sto e night before she bad anchored off Robin’s Peef. blizzard w oe anchor chains parted. ttom on the ah ti pen shen Minted pet to sea. “The water poured in like a ieee Tugehot fie Hetil ong handel. = the water came up to the eabin Bones man was pats ‘at the i and they Srreed Uke vere “ “Gradually the. tchipner beein: thiafak soul Tass bot a Hitele wo syny, and every see went fiat ayer oe Every, man agonies ramiceganbiarThetx clothes were frozen Ait and their bodies and limbs benumbed. en for hours without food. reatest difficulty that we managed to reach the Teutonic and were dragged aboard.” deck a he ‘e amer they presented & wret ti Ice clun; their hair and beards, and their clothing was Laas thick with Lea an ar They ied warm garments and were gqickly 80: Pate with food Just es tl ‘eutonic was docked Sete, Moen obi i fin Some vigils on the bridge, retired for sorely need not disturbed late in the aftern The Archbishop of Canterbury never con- sents to dedication of fa cemetery as oppos- | them for medical advice. 5 ed dication to be a mere pp “AGRICULTURA:. Leghorns and their see, ‘They ha Teens laying well all een with scarcely any A Well-Arranged Smokehouse. To make as the stove re concerned is not necessarily an seats job ; all that is re- quired isto lay up a row of brick across one end, aleo two or three feet bick upon each side connecting tne sides with a row across the building, making it at least two FIREPROOF SMOKEHOUSF. high. As thote who have Heh i itnearly every y can also be ma safe from re ‘by thf | i ren and to add strength to yy a Pontes an rod or ¥ across the also bricked up, jess than Inusidred ‘snd fifty belok will” be oll that is required. Swedish System of Cream Raising. In dairying as in all other kinds of busi- ness, losses at each and every point must be guarded against. Cream raising is one of the points where serious loss occurs many times, aay what is the Swedish system of raising? It is simply setting the mill at or near the temperature at whic! = nearer it is to that tem. perature when set, the better the results will be, below ninety de results will be before setting, the , if prompt and is pro It aR no’ ne be understood that all, or practically all the cream, cannot be ia if the milk is allowed to dro lowe: degree than ninety before hh tr tb ature and perhaps @ little longer time pee for the cream to come up. * practically ll the cream” ie nieant ani Bat & trace of butt me of th small globulesare of no practical value, and th are the it to come up. fail seen! ti re, } tia of course, better to put is to reduce <the tem of cream raising can be practied in any kind of a sheet. metal can, the eye or width” of which, is ut eight round can, or width of one oblong in form. But for cans of the latter form, a width of eeven inches is practical, while ound cans of the usual height, twenty inches, woul not venient to clean, of o less diamet- eg than eight and one-half. it The cans may in a common box or tank made water tight or even in a half section of a je item of ioe na anything bat. serious at any one can easily make and Fevwitl prove an educati smokehouse fire-proxf as far bray jut if it in not allowed to fall|e 208, se tory, : proper eaves Srearaitie of the milk soduce eace ie weretfiben Doginnlng. y= lay. At the beginning of eold weather their ed with buildi. f igi sand thro petah fase ‘Balan ax Oe Grid they were allowed to run in the yard, but tormy days, hot, Is was put into a-large pail and stir- with a ralctare at beac middlings, aa ak aw : aa m the ree ® quanti heiceast sd into thls wero thro as tw Tey dso pa the ground for packs aka kien and the thermometer hovering around zero, to ewonsy-cente s dosen, 1s is ey while to'fuse™ with hens Barley Meal f for Cows. Barley meal constitutes a perfectly wholesome food for milk cows,- but is cer- tainly not remarkable for ite milk or but- better cal- flesh than milk. If the grain is on hand it may as well be used as an auxiliary food, but if it has to be pur- individual a — Glover Lay li apeald goes » 10 pounds ; linseed cake, 2 ool Is ; pea or whe meal, 2 pounds ; ground oats, 4 po Meadow 1 ; linseed meal, 3 pounds ; whe a, 4 poun: allege, 35 pounds bran 4 eal, 4 pouade; oat bhp 3 aa’ straw, an tiuch as will and in fact all be Ties ton, ‘The taraips should be fod after the “ milking, or else there is danger of tainting he | t ilk. “ G a8 tem- | The Deposed Queen of the Sandwich i he Islands. ° as penholders is becoming in hotels. I have seen them in use in great hostelri ‘of eggs from the heavier breeds of fowls. and market My fiancee is sii 8 gic said he, ‘And never shall Tq auite goes Both Sides of It. is never too old to love. and paoeeea tt to _the requirements of the carrots are all si of ey east, whose owners wouldn’t hesitate | an, Baby is Dead. BY JOHN IRIE, TORONTO, cax. And the taardroge fall on her thin, white ebemesaaceeaiories Ga thirsty sands ; The hope at Scascieel Peebove, le 8 mother lies cold and stil, h No grief like a te isdead.- A wee satin ehroud, he look teks The clock ticks s0 loud, the honpairon ons boariztur banrt fen wheels at the hearse sound harsi on the Tho children tell Aunt, in a room near hey" Can't make out why m baby akguld die!" mized corn, oats aed sweat “dnd ges ch it out before “Like a dolly neat, hh water, with the chill off, was “'Isbaby dead” y. All the meat the table and the offal of ORaneee ae butchering days, bones with some meat on, Ta churehyurd ground went to furnish animal f absence of insects, Now for results no day | Wierd nevaee digi nora tetr hate boon through the entire winter did. they lay less | And tho angels sng to that baby fal, than half-a-dozen eggs, and through Janu. | Till its mother arrives to claim it there ‘nd February the average tan from tea Swootest songs of I = twelve eg: day, with occasionally In that Home above any When the snow ‘Can enter in! A THRILLING PICTURE, WHICH HAD THE BEST yh A ? THE MILLIONAIRE OR T! ‘The pags ry ory i a >in thd cya Left a Fort Told to Enjoy @ nimest wee me eure The ambulance had brought a man from the railroad yards, where a freight train had cut him up. His bleared face covered i {/ growth of beard, Se DEES 2 £8 3 Bee g& of Ey the | sm WAS ONLY A TRAMP, was only a tramp and so the surgeon y was left alone with him when he turned his head and said in a hoarse whisper : Done for this time, ain't 1? Yes, Toco s stiok to e truth, old man. Been pretty close before, bat I pulled through, Now somsymash ev? way from his poor tired eyes, Then the shook of the soul’s flight from the body the years disappeare is voice was not the voice of the tramp but the voice of'the be. “ay tions. @ power in bes) ela, and ‘a ‘thot « ashe of thing, you know. I went to college and Bet UKAl wpibed: and er pretty well up the 4 ine among ag classmates. hosias dca he ze aS ch Jobn,” wai, ire WASTED one an a have hear, John Dying like fool without ever having lived, ey any more liquor, Doc ? I’m going ad been talkin; , spenaing lav- ‘sii fo last of his fast on hi es f <5 respi has alre behii ed hile, ried to tellthe reat ce like hie He advised me to live waite i; Pas BROTHER LEFT.” a oe i peel ty myse time enough. I would enjoy "it while T I had. youth end then would work and do things as [had planned to to do. s AN ANCIENT wid mingse trary) Complet fa Railway to Louisburg Once the Great French Fortress. completion of the line of ey. to one of the most important visiting places on this continent, and especially resorted. people of New England. Louis! was | burg first rose into importance after the treaty of Utrecht, which transferred Acadia to Great Britain THE ISLAND OF CAPE BRETON was held not to bea port of ancient Acadia, and here the French king determined to MOAR AG RB SISAL a a ositnjoylitet Well, Thave marta life. ve had fe, I didn’t wait—no, 1 didn't wait. Every- thing there fain Tile I tried—all the fun I you know, the fun, the wi pe in -whis——” my rest was silence. MANITOBA IS eh HAaaat ae Ha 1) Ne the Gulf of St, Lawrence and at the same be a menace to the New England time . | colonies, whose fishing veel Hee the banks of Newfoundland, and whee trading vessels frequented the coast of Acadia, The people of New England viewed with alarm _}and anger the erection of Louisburg, which was built on the lines of some of the forti- fied cities of, France, under the di mat ot fits elie resemblauce to Dunkirk, ‘which w the most ‘formidable fortres expedition, vasa prosperous merchant and d never seen farmer, who ha his life, and most ‘the men under his Its Progress, Though spn Has Been General and Sati rye We congratulate aGaietcla on the ex- cellent report it has received in the annual address of the president of the Winnipeg Board of Trade. The Prairie Province is evidently more than holding its had aorop of whéat amounting to 17,000, 000 bushels, its cattle export trade has fish to sell, ‘The whitefish of its lakes are | ‘THE FINEST IN THE WORLD, - | Last year the value of the whitefish ship- 1d to the east was $283,000. In this there dairy industry of Manitoba has ale quiet ly Urbs and now the province Butte and chees Towards the ofose of the season to sell to outsiders. | ¢! oe Wolte, the Nat ot Quebec, took a comm: aan et, wing toa happy concurrence of circum stances hil the people of fa England may used for as provi- regar dential, this foranlaa lat torres, which it had taken the French Gove THIRTY YEARS TO BUILD, ind lo: as dali by teeran irc was actu of un- d eda led it to in pene between France and England was made by the treaty of Aix-La-Chapelle, ce, an Lage Loulsburg was resto ie fortress of Loutsbury cents above the export price. This year the crop was marketed in about half the Tholished, and the Dankirk’ of declined to the rank ing silhge; bop remste tenon the! ardinany ide shiayel (olka fooolied by pleastpe seule Gnd ‘tourists, Now,’ under new an happier auspices, Touisburg may, regain year Winnipeg’s bank clearings rank amount FOURTH INTHE DOMINION. The President notes that though there prea stooks. ds and everything. “Sot ive hard eis it | ay per East and from over sea, there was a Aen from the United States. of last year’s Cana- ie | were to persons ter | for moment to spend #1 $10 for anon orna- my ite—wasted > it "iting Ta ment to hold its in| for gold. I’ve never stopped eras registering, chicas Breed }, glucose | moment since I was a boy. never and water in the potato wel ited | stopped to enjoy ie almost 4 take sp the ieeparibien of ink and to| forgot I had a family or fi forgot pen point clear and bright while | there was anything in the world but money the Pita of the potato, known as sola-|—cut myself loose from all the ties that ibtless has something to do with | ought tobina aman toearth, John. When ‘the same ‘These elem ily | I had $10,000 I thought it it take up the tannate of iron, ae is the | but I put it off till £ should hat substance of ink. ically lit, When I had doubled I almost decided is the of @ potato, and | to rest, but concluded I could not afford it sugar or gsc Lp lecdoare yy readers ST had > tato finding another way I got that I ek re the uses of a was tired an ‘ aN a ther pleasin; sugest 168s \7 ig sche- -te big ten-inch potatoe when a feller i } rs in ti h from a long | big iy run.” w oo Crushed. ‘The night she sat on me. Jand ed over and over “cor any ete LIQ: UoR, DOO a oy cians everything I touched turned to gold. rich now, John, and ready See Man ie aha Protatl not, but he too eld to be loved. af ” here I am—dying, dying, “aging to night the ‘feade’ of 230 faratliee “in the but asa centre of commerce ven the seat tion, rta- | of a prosperous popu! What Sneezing Indicates. Dr. Scanes Spicer, reading a a a other day before the Chemists’ Assis! Association of England, on “ paniek told his hearers that the act of sneezihg has always been regarded as supernatural, and nee races was held in reverence, the custom, not even now isa obsolete, of making some remark Gd av a niga ot iniponiltdy doath during the the we| Nervous action, and ia ‘brought about: by we are pleased to ress, thong lg silent, has been general and substantial. ibres iano ir the tissues of the nose. His View of It. Mrs, Thinkhard—Of apie years the poy ec ime teosa k geass faleg oft in the annie ot em The Financial Situation. dons—Are you in favor of a gold ba. _ ShortSilver ts good enough forme, you | Have you a spare quarter nl Foashen's Inslt the exits are: fécoed a ‘s powefrul blast of air ibexpales; and the patient pepe The Chief's Mistake. on peti eee ')—Me like pictur’. (proudly)—I thought you