The Milvertow Sun THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1895. The Perth ussizes comurence ‘at| | Stratford am-March 26. It isthen ex- \, pected and ielovoutly hoped that Chat- » telle, the immortalized fiend, will meet. with bis gust-reward, for-his-is no orime of ordinary color, but one that is the natural result of the most de- ‘based and abject character. The sub- poenaing of the witnesses now is mere- jy foc as he has been proved beyond wa doubt by both his own and the sstrongest circumstantial evidence to have been the murderer of poor Jessie Keith. He has'.been well fattened «luring the wintery-and if heeould now |" ho inspired togplead--“ not guilty” our Crown Attorney would havea better «hance of making a: few extra dimes, -and would als> have a better oppor: | |S wfuni¢y for displaying his talents for eoivicting criminals under adverse circumstances, pa SEAL A number of drummers at Toronto chave made complaint regarding their “treatment by the G. T. R. Co. daring the the Midland division. “They were kept for haurs on the road and when the train to take the injured varrived the efficials refused 40 carry ithe other passengers. Telegramswwere sent to headguartere (after double price wae extorted by the snivelling agents, for which the Grand Trunk ware proverbial) and at flast the orders came that the other passengers might tbe taken, Though .engines and: ten- vdlers passed.frequently ao passengers were allowed to {eave uatil orders ame from sheadquarters, Men want- ring w send.telegrams to their; families were charged duutile price. The agents vand officials. ehowedl Show uneoath and gruff they-couldsbe,.and in fact seemed to glory in dt. When. .caxpany is wesponsible by its ggligenoe for the death of several @ensuns, it should: try uand accommodate in some degree the survivors, — Life insurance is fraeghtwith:many wlangers. Three of.the latest and most prominent murders-have been commit- ted with the silo dbject of obtaining sthe amounts thet.are “payable at i NUTS, TOBACCOES, CIGARS, but ver, at iemarkably low prices, es- | pecially to meet the hard times. "if See our complete stock before pur- chasing:and SAVE MONEY. thee Ip Schaefer Bros., JEWELERS, ‘MILVERTON. Fine Watch Repairing & Speciilty. congrcrionFRY. We haveao idea of Skipping The other lin goods have on sale, pid ef corsets, will mention here that we we can give you satisfaction. Basboe Shop in connection, where ypou can be treated fo all the ‘tonsorial features at the usual G. S. KERTCHER, The Red Flag Store. odeath.” This is notmeed as an argu: anent against life insurance, but simply to show how unwise it is for persons sinsuring to sbequeath their insarance ito persons in, whom they cannot place absolute tapet. (he Hartley murder, the Hendasshovt, the Hyams murders, shave all been committed for the booty that is brought. The question arises, does the benefit that is derived from insurance asore thar atone for these murders t_fife is a precious thiag. If mot, then lifednsurance is criminal in its results.and can no longer be taught as a system for wise men to provide an diahervtazee for their children; but if wn the'otherthand the good results far surmount dje.exi] then i6 is beneficial in its resulfe,-sbut there is sucha thing as life insyeance being overdone. Many a map ds enticed into taking farger risks ban he can well carry. ‘He struggles fora few years to pay Suis premiuass, but it-hecomes irksome sind he lets % Jepse, zhexeby losing all ine has paid 40. Genernd Booth has been making a| 8 "°° tour of Canada, and is no doubt a great friend of. the shady people of London. We have listenad to his ad-/ ti aresses and cutting rebukes to Cana- Aan girls with patience, but when he proposes to found.a colony in our great | Northwest we mag view the proposal with alarm. General Booth fouad a colony on oxr virgin prairies of the west! What will the bring? That is a question of vitel importance. It is my opinion that he will bring a cohort ot the children of sodomy, educated in the dives and gambling hells of Lon don—a« social pandemonium of xn- principled peopie, consisting of the very scruff of the earth. They would @ ntaminate che morals of a whole nation. Better to sllow our prairies tof yemain idle than become populated with jumnocal people. Let shem s¢ill ‘haék in God’s sunshine, growing rank with vegetation; but may the day never hasten when they ane te be marde the dumping ground ef Eurepe’s refuse. The United States to-day is suffering from the effects of this. It has been the land of refuge for gam blers and forgers, thieves, robbers and murderers, and why should we be ready to follow fi their wake by re- ceiving such material for the upbuild- ing of this great northern nation? Let stsite itchy skins their leprous diseases. Canada is too r them, they wouldn't thrive in it. Seuth rth Patrems, Sebringville, Feb. 14—The Patrons met meeting W allowed to te present gates. Mr. John McNeill, Mw. RP, had te-absent himself for a while ‘dar. ing the mete py oft fis case. It t he was dragsed over the coals by more than one delegate, but what decision, if any, was arrived Mh conven - Da. ny. story that illus- Fidel There ie another trate the sagacity and fidelity of that in five, the watehman and his family were ‘oa load sound asleep, and were awak- ened hy the whining of their dog. ‘The naster got ap «ad ‘hid the animal and them crawled bnck to ted. ‘him, but he fawsed at the feet of his persecutor and #¢ last the master wa< constrained to fellow hima and diseov- ered to be on fire. He hastil. gov his family out in cime to save their wes, tout their faithful réscuer—tl dog—wae crused and haried in |; will ‘soon be onto you. | $1.25. Burope keep to herself her filth, seats | © it. ia, where the sun will buna from| : READ THIS GREAT RUSH AL Ane BARGAIN STORE. And Receive Some Valu- able Information For the Spring Season, which We have made great preparations in the way of heavy purchases in goods adapted for the sea- som. We have opened out an elegant range of Prints, Shirt- ings, Flaanelettes, Ducks, Drills, Cottonades, ete. Our’ Prints and fast colors, and equal to] any 12%c, priats. Our Shirt-| ings at roc. are great value, | and we give you the very best at 42 1-2¢., amdail are guar- anteed fast colors, A mice Flanmeiette at 5¢., nice Towel- jJings, 5c.; Table Linens, 25¢.; Table Oilcloths, 25¢.; Floor {| Oilcloths, 15¢.; a 36-inch Grey Cotton at 3c., a-good heavy Cotton at 5c.; elegant Art Muslins at 10c, woith 15¢.; Dress Goods at 6c. and 8c. yd., good heavy Cottonade at 20. |} (a regular 25¢."line), and extra heavy at 25¢.; best Chadwick Spools, 2c. each ;.brass Pins, Ic. per paper. In Crockery we have bar- gains for you. White granite Chamber setts, 4 pieces, for Hardled Cups and Saucers, 75c. dozen; Plates, 3oc. doz.; — sets, 6 pieces, for 25c. Our stock of groceries is fresh and we give you 25 Ibs. of besc standard Grana an een a4 =) Ss 00 25 10 bars Electric Soap... 2 Our stock of Furs is not heavy, and you buy Fur Coats, Caps or Ladies’ Furs at your own price. We are determined to increase our trade and if you ’| will consider vour interest you will go where you can save the most money. Call on us and compare prices and make your spring purchases from us. If you have the. ready cash we allow you a liberal discount ; if not, bring us your Farm Pro- duce during the summer sea- son. Come-in and seo us, a8 we de- light in showing you our Stsek end Low Priges, Yours, £H,. GLEISER. pat toc. are very heavy cloths]. ‘The fast week has been a busy one with us. We have.added to our business a stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING... And «although we have only had them in stock one week we are surprised at the quantity we have already sold. The prices and the quality of the goods sell them at first:sight. Come and see them—we have all sizes, men’s and boys’. banish hard times from our midst by giving our cus- tomers their goods at the Very Lowest Prises. We are determined to You may depend upon our prices being lower than any quotations you may see. Don’t forget, we always pay the Highest Price for Produce. Rae & Grosch. All-a-Samee} Cheroots hard sb come. All Imported Tobacco. Better than most 5 Cent Cigars. As good as the ordinary ro Cent Cigar. is the manufacturer’s profit that has to be cut down when wery smoker should try these Upneroorte Assorted colors, For sale by tobacco dealers everywher Creme da Ja Creme Cigar Oo., fora. 10° 4 A CHN GROPP, ——DEALER IN-—— CEDAR POSTS, LUMBER, LATHS, Shingles, Pumps, ete. BRUNNER, ONT The Advertisers FOR 1895. Morning, Boening, Sunday and Rese Aggressive Republican Journals of the Highest Class. Commercial Advertiser. Batablished 1797, Published every even- ng. s oldest evening news- Se parcel price, Morning Advertiser. . ‘The only oe foie in the United States, 36 ts jubscription price, $1.00 per year. a an i ens Medium “Ths Aavérlinct have’an bepedloees | Samples free. Averta wanted everywhere. Ligeral cominissious, Address The Advertiser, 24 Park Row, New Yors. Jewelry “Store, IN NEWTON. JOHN MUNRO Has opened outa stock of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Etc., th the Post Office, Newton, ad would invite an inspection, szStriet attention paid to repairs, and all work Promptly executed and satisfaction gnar- untee “Secs New Butcher Business 'e beg to inform sr public that ch: @ Mestad se ett oon at ene SAUS! AGE, BOLOGNAS, nd LARD. ‘ 7 nema delivered ‘on. the. shortest D. ‘SCHLOTZHAUER MALN SERELT — MILVERTON +GREAT CLEARING SALE! Furs, Underelothing, Overcoats, Wooliens, Men's Wedge Beaver oo Best oe Lamb, No. «Seal Caps, at Russian B & % LADIES’ FURS In Crockery, Winter Goods. LOOK HERE FOR PRICES: worth $8.50 for $6.50 and all . 1, latest Style, worth $8.50, for $6.50 .0O eaver, worth $5, for $8.25. Russian Beaver, worth $8 for $2.25. One set Possam Furs, Natural Colors, worth $12, for$6.50 © Qne Beaver set, worth $12 for $9. In OVERCOATS we have just a few left, and will sell them cheap. We will sell UNDERCLOTHES (good ~value at '75c.) for 55 cents. The ‘above stock must be sold and will be edld, as -we wantithe oom fer our Spring Goods, and ‘we ‘will sell: ‘atprices that will temp Glassware and Groceries, we have a Large Stock and will not~ be Undersold. é SOMETHING NEW---We are‘always introducing bargains, und stow we are giving 1 Ib. of guaranteed Brkking Powder and a nice Cake ‘Pan'for’ - It is the best value ever offered ia the trade. ‘be paid pas sooras possible. GUENTHER & CO, Produce taken in exchange. ol Good Hardwood wanted. We would also like Dusen ie caiealy ied MILVERTON ay HERBAGEU M, The Great Milkand Flesh Producer. JAMES TORRANCE’S. THE MONTHLY CATTLE FAIR, At MILLBANK Will be held the Wednesday preceding othe second Tuesday of each menth, the year round. LOUIS BUCKEL, JOHN RITTER, President. Secretary. WATCHES locks, Jewelry and Silverware. | rey large stock of watches of the best »manufacture, such as Elgin, Waltham, “Columbus, etc. Watches at lowest pees and guaranteed. Soud@ Gold Rings, a nice peed ave #0. PFAFF, genes erton, The Milverton Sun THURSDAY, FEBRUARY £1, 18: DISTRICT NEWS Some Interesting Celted From the | boring Press and tro Otter The Irishmen, of Walkerton invend | mana? a benevolent, seciety. On Friday Mrs. Daniel Yeo, who moved me ” Mitchell to the 3rd_con- cession of Fullarton last summer, ac- cidentally broke one of her legs. Ow ing to the raging storm it was next day before a doctor could be summoned from town to atten er, and even ae travelling was difficult. Dr. Wood, reeeived the call, being obliged to voeate. Word ofa very serious accident last week, a young mi Mockey, Of the 8th concession of Car- rick was engaged in chopping wood. ‘The snow was very deep, and when the vere which he was chopping was fall-|e ing it struck another cc breaking off| x large limb, Mi saw the limb falling and tried to ms out of the way, todoso. The limb fell ing one and 7 hei of th Man,, Feb. 17.—Charles mipes, Gillicerof Lethbridge," smaeied man |ed with threecliildren,‘and +s ‘respected i ah Priday night-suicided by send- a g adultes into his ‘brain. It was ‘well known to lad areal of Lethbridge by domestic bles, brought about by t statehfaloos of Gillie’ wife, san the cmse, <Gonsequent] there. was mnuch indignation, and early Saturday morning ®spanty of Lethbridge cit.zens. banded together and proceeded to the homeef JimDonaldson,whose name was unpl jeasantly connected withthe domes- tie troubles leading to the suicide of Gillies. He was taken fi and rom bed Wetec ce ae alle feathers NB. Hon, after which he formed a striking unit. DT aI ER procession, which marched uptown to the hotel, bah ey was put on View as a warning to doers. When !ast seen Mr. Sonmdeen was making fast time over the a ie. Quite an interesting time was rienced at the Epworth League wea ing in the Methodist church, last Eri- dy night,the proceedings being waried spelling matdb, Some fifteen were selected on erch side, and the contest waxed hot for upwards of an hour. words, a had near}yireached the end of it, ‘beforetthe last werrior fell. There were two men in the contest, Mr, Shilton end Mr, Elliot, | and they “annas,” so that the contest was a irae: We understand that another match will shortly be Held. Bible. reading: ure all well enough in their way, and so are impromptu speeches but as a means of drawing a crowd they're simply net in it with a spelling match. Walkerton Telesvope. One of the hest known and wealth- iest farmers of the County of Perth — Mr. Wm McEwin of D: about six months. family of five—three dauglters and two sone, was “twice married and had four of a family by his fives wife, ese-—William, Jokn and Mrs. Robert Thistle—are dead, and the remaining one is Mrs. Thos. Waldie The four children by his Mra. Hyslop, of South Easthope, nnd Famer, George and Maggie at home, Mr. MeXwin was born in Treland in ¥SI" and about 1828 came to Canada, settling at first in Hamilton, where he ome to 25 chase the farm on which, be joined the volunteers in atts and rvice in the rebellion ‘The funeral took place frow wiie, on Sun- Fm, and proceeded to Meemetety, Stretford. Avon! Mr. Donald of Downie was nominat-, by the Patrons of South Perth for! the Commons ‘The students of Toronto University | Coa have boycotted the lectures -oving to) ai the fact that Prof. ‘one “of the lecturers of the college, was Gistrissed. The Manitoba Legisivture was apen- ed on Thursday last. eech from the throne the ‘Government ex- pressed thre pntbae “not to recede from its deter to-uphold the present t Dube Sshoul; system.” Mr. Pugsley "twas been nominated by the Conservittives of King’s County, . Mir. Foster's present consi tuency. Wank County, where it is pre~ posed towun the Ministerof Finance, held atprehibition convention, and the nomimition was tendered to. Mr. Me- Leod, Who asked a week’ to consider it. “The ‘highest occupation ef genius is to diffase useful information, to further THanrestoiet refinement, a sure forerun- ner of moral improvement, to hasten the coming of that bright day when the dawn of general” knowledge shall chase awny the Ine Hic Bl mists even from the great social Moet chia Thdaal 40% MieW” Gal linge which the most splended talents 3 ty consummate virtues may well press forward to bear a part. —Lord Broug ‘a ham. Mr. David Christie Murray, the well. known English writer i the author of entitled Whyt ce J. | number of “Tales fro Town Topics.” With great felicity of style and Ral hake ing wit Mr. Murray relates a story ” of love that results in marriage and separa: tion! Gladys, the heroine, is a strange. ly constituted American girl that mat- ish rake, snd |bag HE Woacoee that sketches, fates an have appeared the regular issues of Town Topics. Town "Topies Publishing Co., 208 Fifth avenue, New ee City. BRENNER Wm Aiken has swapped horses. He acted very much like a Loy though, us he touk the biggest piec W. J. Lannin, of S. C.1, spent Sunday at coe Mr. us sale: peen be- hind the ribet i some time, got out on Sun Mr. ny. fy Buck who offered some | hos of his stock for sale by public auction on Saturday, wns sbliged to play give- ony a tke ome again, He chose the ta Bae oe our boys say that the late severe frost. done much to drive fat the hitea (hairs), while they a hot cover the whole face, of clay, yet shey vere easily arotioed. from time to time in| to MIM@ANE. ‘anew sblninett 9 jjust received “Mt “the aes ee Eee, Millieéty—For in ilies, anther goots arriving iN, (Prey rate uN, —While we write you the ‘snow is falling fast. The great heapsielready upon the ground are to ceive “an increase, Shall we have high winds to ees the ills of the teamster |by further complexities of drift and witch hole’ on the highway ? Did anybody ever see the roads in a worse plight than the present? Well, maybe so, for the “ oldest inhwbitant ” has seen many thi Bot surely the sight of such roads has not often been within the lot ef our favored people. “It's an ill wind that blows nobod: good,” so We may assume that some- bedy -henetits by the snowy ranges and their intervening valleys, which di versify the scenery of our highways. We su », for instance, that harcess- makers, sleigh-makers, and perhaps our amiable friend, the Diabkerhity came in for a share of the possi Would it he er vo Eippeee: that our av imm: teamsters ing thoie Ea) rapidly ites iaibe eral wreck in the skregye or break-down, after the manner of the famous ‘One-hoss shay.” navigate tke pitch heles, wnd at the same time keep the load in place de- mands mesterly tudtics, as well as strong and well-ordered fastenings of some ‘sott. Many a load of wood remands ‘resetting, many a dislod; or box must be replaced, and many a dismounted passenger—we fear—has to be soothed into quiet and e-| the last seat again, along these bump tious roads of ours to do with making our people brave, self-reliant, resowrce- ful and determined? And then the breath of the blizzard is pure oxygen at least, if it is rather lowering to the wnerairy. Tt helps consume thea oss in the blood, and puts & ‘ainty glow in the cheek, whedick the subject of the Operation be a bearded young giant ora brighteyed lassie. Horrid ‘Typhoid ¢ Co. are foteed to Wide their donnie ‘heads when the rude but honest tlizzurd mast around your ‘is loud + ein of Monsieur La Gripe. ; ve eave has a way of sneaking fda corner upon you Lhat is very coprehiadte, Tt takes many ® one when pi stich ices lots by ‘exprese’ fr an “the Taw, ‘Yet we think “that #h he Rebes. ‘The | certainly whole the general health is much the better of the stormy severity of the season, This, even though there ix great gain to the wood mer- chant and his brother, the coal vais in the time of wintry storms. Whey say, “ Better doctor.” Hew woul * Better buy fuel than iphysic’?” Sunday’s glorious sunshine jena out the people 4m ‘thro rege neg churches. Spite ‘of pith *holes Be diprice in trary winds” in anniversatiy settson. vices are tobecon ucted by Rev. Cosgrove, ‘of ‘St. Marys.’ We hope “for the young péple’s sake, #s well ns the sake ofthe foes Uva that the weithér ‘will be al upon the en*érpiikes uy pis eh the devotionel services and those of Mon- dey va canry'the stamp’ of Wuceess, McKibbin retuniel *Kdim his nev ean Haas eastwurd ‘On Priday meee ‘He fount! éven' more snow in thes n_of Pressytt ‘and Cardinal than “chore "ts Were. 8, and more pitch ‘holes, too! Some gilts down ‘fe “not Had so muel yi sonse ‘ans! flea, ‘election. ree lea vail maby can aadie oes andl ie dee whether or not there is really anything: to choose between parties' as mew "Sx isting. at a comment upd | vanity of human things, the fat thas the very car which held the debaters d|pussed over spots inemorable for trag: edy and death, even while the debate was hot. It will "be admitted, we suppose, shares ‘debate that. death id t least for the individ- ual faliticiaot ‘Tt will be admitted further that ‘there e S po the aang athe have their proportion- are reg: ‘Millbank, Feb. 18, 1896. a ol Mr, John and Miss Ida Ritter, pinoank and Miss Emma -Zinkarm of Welleatey were the guests of Mr, and Iva T, L. "Quite a number of ote, $Rag “p mite a Saal tended the purty ix Nilvétten on ante Ritter on Paaaty J, Zoeger and L. Handi were visiting arston on Sunday, lewed to Yarn Charlie Attig is recovery froti hit vevent accident. Mr C ‘sine und Miss Bich ®pent’ Smi- day in Thos. ‘Dare hipped a cdr of hogs on Mon S. Yeot is on the si oles are very list, Pit |. Ritter ins bees slightly “i Pad Wed * tes shi: Shit Manter. arenes of Park dale is visiting a