i knowledge upon a SCIENCE IN THE DAIRY. MICROBES CAUSE THE AROMA IN BUTTER AND CREAM. Results Obtained » } Experiments with Bacter eaarg 9! 8 of culture sekty Desired Are Be Given fo. Butter Velfermly Prac theal Success. in Modern duirying within the past few years has been placed upon ascientific basi ed dairymen are now rende ti going grade and tl | Sperativly low. temperature. this process Kec, itis alsocot proctical divas! hen suddenly cooling e toa ae ion. tical success of pasteurization will quadraple the consamption or cream in la 3 ry business will be ably, enlar fhrough this fact often thick «) a ce. Knowledge in dairying like tempting to build its more accurate er foundation and in doing this seeking to ascertain the cause of well-established processes. ‘To assist in such work bacteriology come potent ally and is thriving together now the term bacteria is -some dread contagious disease. But with farther Gere oe fee: of bacteria in man) is being shown s. Hs BE il = = far | longitt year. Straw pees Tn the i species of straw, called libongos. mallet ‘the Salt madint perso Faloe fon hte tat : cay that of the ood of hh | clover, bat where fat production and | served at least a week at this season of a Paice of Exchange. tad many of the problems that formerly | 84 frequently ‘chin, Av. times it, ke red ed as fog igteg lities, woere —_——— opD PORES.S OF MONEY. Other Primitive ese possessions of ‘ugaas| before the year 1694, the circulating mediam consist small mate woven from a and Whick the natives Each litongo represents a value of five reis. The iubstitution of ith | copper coin for this curious straw money came near bringing about a ices and was the cause of the death of Asa} ° of Ay ticlag is D titrsed he ayituin split in two, half, called the n certain seasons, an ference Spiess the butter of different creameries and ies. 1696 of the Exchequer, ‘The ing. | was no doubt derived from the old French gland ‘ore because sms er bil, fr iuteoduond ages, Sn, Olaboelioe word ‘*bill,”” too, bills fea cor still said to aa “Rite aif THE FARM. Clover or Timothy for Stock. The discussion of this question calls for anexamination of the following among other features of comparison: First the relative suitability of clover and ama be {or feeding in the matured form;and fourth he various kit st to which these foods Clover will undoubtedly provide much and | more pasture than timothy acre per acre on nesrly all kinds of soil. But the com- mon red clover will provide more than any other variety. This arises from the great- | er power of clover to grow upagain after tured crop. Clover when it is pastured the roots find moisture ‘away down in the soil, hence the exposure of the surface of the land by pasturing is does not seriously hinder the But with timothy it is differ- tical a fal lines Ue RY PE LEAF, es of | (ently when the plents are cropped closely i cizcle of ita influence is steadily Catt sia ag dash ok cen meas the sua and winds quickly lift’ mach mois- A tatia axe the lowest type of vegetable | #a¥° Deen highly esteemed both for ture out of the land, hence the timothy fits sid ktuopeaped ot & taglecell: | The ceases to grow he i iAagpealipe erie ia aro oung cl Slovecdatcach ‘ware ales et bode Cridlmap ri ales gives ffpei raga the growth of young animals than young eeciateaiae sw mally wi earapa timothy, as the proportion of the albu ful quickness. These bacteria or microbes the carbohydrates is much higher, maneey BFS. Trequently called, \abound Yut timothy pasture is more suitable for air, water, soil and in living ‘plants bs ; animals, Cold hinders their derslopissat ey da em horses than clover. And timothy Gehdei Roated Tank ebbagh ab ve’ tarps shale, it may that in New| has the advan: r permanen: fare of Bolling ware’ they ate’ killet, co s horee has been teaded for aaingle| than, clover. or maj 6 a pores, a’ te . P ly sown with alsike clov ihendure yoved t raters tho reign of Henry 1. down to Korpergeaia) siarane clo varia n parsaninds for some length of time, thong higher | the period of ¥ ent of the ive Yagi ene, CHORE Wd heat kills tuem speedily, Bank of Taglndy, the a vender er money i 3, since (otal es piece of England was fabricated ft wi in one This vament was called ae pet tesoel season, but only one of simotby. at sa esl gg Baoteria grow withthe grenteat readiness | ally, and, by virtue of it, the holder was not be quite correct to say tl and cream, exposed to the air, and | entitled to receive fi Crown the| Soils twice as much clover cote ota by el development i in thete liquids cause] value prescribed theron, It. really con- ed in ‘one season ae of ‘timothy, but &h to sour ‘Vessels in which | sisted of one-half of "a four-sided rod or| mount of ol iar ex milk and wee ate kept, are a greatsource | staff, on which, in. ita entire state, | ceed that of the t timothy. age esdgendl ination by “mum ‘it purported to at was| the difference in favor of the clover would hence Cela of Cadi oer use about: ed in transverse notches, joriag ie in| be greater than in t it adairy or Srosieny ey inperstive width for loasenas, bundr ran should be borne in mind that ti be es ill ‘The longer a imen bea been Ren mein ‘and pence, grow (ened low-lying Var not we exposed t stn ie For the charters apted wth of on red clover, wy ae mee could reed. uae ere nthe mat orm, at {0 the form of for young animals the two are as foll Albu: ery ape Fat. Percent, Per Per cent Glover... 7.82 oo 49 Timothy.. 3.67 eat production wanted, timothy is therefore a better food for horses , when they a1 lt mentation Ks | «*bifles” etn Ticirallers open | much less frequently found in 1 out three important points in ae handling thay ors quartered elaad pen cured condition than timothy. Clover eut of milk and cream : Fii importance thie ‘who were taken into | ¢® (rok age : ni ‘ a m yf milk #0 far as possible free from | the King’s own pay were said to be put on | Suitable food ‘han timothy for mileh cows; Peean ee ine biter e f atlanta ethane memayil i ate only relish ipbetter than timothy, |, the importance of | Exchequer tallies, or iy H ‘dialing ralik iuigsoalsioly. abtag fi te Anatol seers a more milk, and brood Tap te oe Ch coeeible Ae ade canton: Wiad phditiass. guid 1h Waal ean ‘ot Glebe hay it fod to thet tabs of cream under circumstances ars. | vi at 00] stan favourable fobs growth of bacteria that induce i Bs! age RIPEN { The diferent species of bacteria fcr ordinarily batter, for by thelt growth sae ‘cream are tadodr of high grade bu pe aeality of flavor. A —— vty o mn dairy good, bet agen ir Fanltey af beter ime the manufact james ‘perime! of 8} to attractat r of the butter of a creamery 20 per cent., Before inoculating a quantity of cream ith ria from a culture kné impart a high grade flavor to the butter, it rat ry to kill be nm yrocess exterminating from milk or cream any. joreign parastic hs. The process consists in heating the liquid to be. steri: lized'to a temperature of 70 degrees centi- which produce the ‘davor | for jase rrnstlation which to p the flesh takes he Mota hey) Employment. A ie avery nice w Domestic—‘* Ni begrudge the very they crow shinier. 30 threatening things to ‘themselves if ‘you |, ‘The peddlers and the beggars, the latter especially, are inevery way worthy of notice. Pekin has more than i s share of wien fq eed. theiedesk and.jie WOl-sie che most wretched-looking in he sda vrei some of them contrive to 2} maken respectable living out of {t. ‘These pro-| are, of course, the more enterprising and aroma, | original—the men who have thoaght of,and | i ‘er | carried out. with their own hands, some they practice is fn of fomegee no to . One prosperous beggar awed who, it iton s] He is saic std fo ew i aout ragged ani ll gong, 08 a Which ta beets A Stingy Woman. gent Why. did you ul no 800m? She is sai airy «Judge fer 9 Fs. Ketouene ina't worth a gallon, is it?” ever twenty cen «No. to Le ags few drops stov: 46 Well she ’most bad a fit cause 1 started of it in th’ kitchen cot She's that stingy ahe oni apparent that clover is a more ate food for live stock than pag a id. it is much better ining the of, the taads> Clneae be rings nil and from the subsoil, tut vit takes aiicowes (ot out ot the land, creased, y is more easily cured, aad het che fo answer wall Toe Pak oy fed toget The Market Gardeners. Daring the present agricultural di sion the market gardeners have had rather the best of the bargain, and they have nc boulieted probably as little as any other class of farmers. The reason for this is not while there is a modern profit in each the results are not by’ ns very flattering, Onions bave not been extra, although better rae than either of the former. But these three crops ar ail only a small part of the market gardener’s list. If he makes 0 g fit on all of the others, and nothi tat and ions, he is still eas g00d living a beans, early peas, tomatoes, green corn, qemnibaty Satan eine vegetables mbined go to make up his list, and he is pretty etre to make some if not most of an Pay. ects ‘Anothe: feature of market gardening is that the season is made very Jong. Begin- j ore } ing the hou: fectilisy ite ae ning in the spring long before frost is ont oe — cgariy, vege under glass, farmer is petal His soi red poser gp This early crop is almost independent of and drouth, f the 2 eatin nied Later the up rr. sett: late lettuce, athe fps, aquashes, and other late vogetabies are ali pranted to thet they. will pcg the land as lat the sean ur spring, mideum- the 2 3 8 PEARLS ah TRUTH. pee tee wseatacs tice body, plaat- by natare ina i mataal Tove, and fitted for a social li ‘Oh! how a more doth beauty beau- teous seem by tl a on tcous seem by shag ewoct, ornament which vad, Sentleman that ene hear himself will speak more in « minuto be ar leg see Spneereaiig ; they remain to the softly falling dew, bee ah inthe Violent downpose of rain Rice “Who dares to think that these few thous xhiuated brats prs a call m: y, a wheat, corn, or cot lesson from these truck gardeners. It ied Light for the the Stable. Intelligent dairy farmers know that it is possible to haves stable light and well ventilated, and atthe same time so warm that water will not freeze in it during the whole interior at least once accomplish this at the least expense o time, make a whole barrel of whitewash and apply it very thick with s broom, Be- gin by sweeping the oo partitions and a light hin nals she is made comtortable in and cheerfal atable, —>__—_- A BRAVE GIRL. ‘The Bravest Deed We Ever Beard of Per formed by a Gi Sixteen. It does not require either mature years jh | or an exalted position in life to develop the ved | qualities that make a hero or heroine, One re Stewart ig digs gestible nutrients in | we have ever read of was recently, by a girl of sixteen who was g as a dining-room girl in a hotel at Harper, ‘At four o'clock on the morning of the 16th of November, a fire broke out at this its rooms slept thirty seven. guests. A strong wind was blowing, and Then she sew that the Bre was envelop. ve wa | Doth in utes Phillipe ‘Brooke, The lights of a ft grvend are created b; shades highest pleasre a aries indu sensitive percepti a iene Praseeorse herp ae epg me ites Teo called asses, pelos iecgyg oon ans: great advantag yaaa eh e of proning them.—Shen- sce am very sure that any man of common understanding may, by culture, care, tention and labor, make himself wha Sores he he pleats, except a great poet.—Chester- ites of great Lorie fare often unfortuna’ in the saaungenient of ublic siness, be: ey are apt to go out of the cor read oe the Ride lord of their imaginations pale and popular songs are both the cause and effect of general morals they are tirat formed and:th points of view they are an index of publi morals, Martineau, mee Such a starved bank of moss, til Slee tage, lun tah she ae tories satiny a pak ont | ere, Dorn. Sky—what a soowl of low ill, an Li apy Spriying ihe wie he thruads oplendld, a shes Le ciag, che be rubbed through sie Bashfnlness isa great bi + | it is therefore good to to ‘no small use in te veon juct of ‘ press forward with iscourse and company Bacon. r discretion, Deh bad of the bette Mas seek ya m to but few, yet of A greater focllnation to hear you, or that you should hear h gece es the genius; all learnin, faney, science,. and sk ill depend upon it. It builds bridges, opens new worlds, heals dise rries business of the world. Without it tas seless, and ie of literature unebeerved.— wahhen wolive habitually with the wicked, their victims ot thelr ndleciples 3 on on the contrary, when wo associate with the Li The Latest Scandal. One of the latest scandals unearthed in France reads like a burlesque. A man was arrested for defrauding a wine merchant by representing that certain shares of the Nice Navigation Company, which he gave in payment for goods, were worth much more the fire spread rapidly. an their market value, This Jed to an In one of the rooms two dini a Siete hice ad girls were asleep. One of them, whose ily service between Nice and ermerhorn, woke half- psoas It turned out nee the perso: suffocated by smoke, Her companion was company never had any capital ; insensible ;and Mand though herself half- wha hey ioe fh gay sopeadpeypeby haley ed 8 helped the other out of the i window, and herself leaped ont, cutting | nai her flesh badly on the glass as she did so. She dragged her eompant place where she would be Tre task of vrs this she took upon her- self. _{htough », fastened lowe it ercd gen Here severly, Siero heck alerthe hotel, the halls which were thick with choking enoke, Bie a not walk upright agains = ting down on her face to the Hoor, the crept cee ong “the alarmin; ere she left a trail of a behind fee virom her bleeding flesh. tal last gues! yy a the door of his er calls, he found her her bh iq ivi heli yin & pool of own a he was himeelf half-smothered, thie goat picked np the girl, and his way, reached the street wi Dio Isto won Tout fa the fi Women and Paradise. God has promised to believers, men and ‘women, gardens beneath which rivers flow, | 5 to dwell therein forever, and goodly places in the Garden of Eden. men and al: ng and fasting men who remember God much and wo! remember i ed for auch forgiveness snd a mighty tire ye, into, Pare Sirens benaytiied An Invitation to Dinner. In his private capacity, the Hindu is frequently very hospitably inclined. The f a | fact that his caste prejadices preclu te him from eating with Europeans does not always prevent him offering an mvitation to dinner English hospitality. This rf et ees tee on kindness in the ep’ were never paid. thi lugenious acheme ie, naval engineer alier of the Legion of Hon Chinese Kites. eet ingenuity is arg by the Chi- in the ‘are never seen, the designers representing at their own sweet will flower: —and in fact anything that may be fo on the earth or in the waters under the earth. Many of them are extremely beaut- iful and do infinite credit to the artistic tastes of the people, viehaert fg ui Presenting historical or my monly Cope vite acrid such as ‘the: donb See ” (od h (longevity) and “chi {good fortune) are favorite subjects, some « f them musical strings ar they emit sounds of melody ey <y ral The first on structed are said to have been inntrmental in saving an army when in dire e General commanding this faslormaate in dead of night a number of ith sical strings 0 a to emit sounds rome the words, “‘Bewai Han.” wheels, the contending flight al ie ra ani eere diteoy od haces. eh an Red Hair Disappearing. A correspondent in the London Lancet asks if red hair is disappearing, and then adds his own testimory that red heads will emory and no longer a reality, Statistics, which sometimes tell the truth, aver that dlo1 any color is to be suis ste er THE WEEK'S NEWS|. Regina Exhibition opens July 29. e500? greate has heen placed on the free Pie lost two hotels and a number of stores by fire, Notice is gazetted at the incorporation of ie Bank of Winvipes reij a City Con ell has refused to ern ieee the number of li Mr. Ai R01 aldioest reed Villege, ead Me. Richard Jary, a well-known citizen of Melrose, Ont., dropped dead on ‘Tues- y. The report that ex-Dsteotive Fahey ie to-be released from penitanviary is without eke wer Laurentian Railway has been respected sold to the Quebec & Lake St. John Rail- arranging. way Company. Mrs, James Thompson, of Camille, was fatally husp by a bullet from « rifle in the rae ‘tus gree general election will rer be between the 2nd and 6th eh Lake Erie & Detroit River Railroad Station at Merlin was burned, with two The brief appointing Father Lan- gevin or “3 Archbishopric ats St. Boniface, innipeg o1 The voters’ lists are shia in upon the Clerk of the Crown-in-Chancery from all parts of the Dominion at present. Mr. Themas Gordon, of Strathroy, drank # liniment in mistake for re mixture on Saturday and died on Sun yearly con contract f = re auppying oa to the Gi of coins in the British Bi Mateum, is dead. He was sixty-three years of age. ‘u The cold weather continues in England, places the thermometer iegateed twelve, below sero. om Setar: Teo men, all the orew of the British brig Nelson Kis the wrecking of the vessel on the rocks off Douglas, Isle of Man. Trin foarth chaesieb ef the thirteenth Parliament of Great Bit of the presei Wednesday by the Municipal authorities of Stockton-on-Texs Roaised: een to erect a statue to John Walker, whom they claim to be the inventor of lucifer matches, The Duke of York has been elected pre siden wolent Society of St. Pacricks whith Reid ties bos hase aad twelfth auniversary this year. visit mein the spring, tween the Princess Lowestoft the body of Frederick Ern: of Shoop Brus, one of the cearaed nail bage, a Vaine ad izzard in Groat Britain hare been severely felt. ay deaths are repoi midlands, pe eteenopenl Kinds have perished in suasbers The Princess of Wales arrived in London er sister, had ~ pie She was given a hearty wel "The moath of the River Mersey is yas @ mass of ice half a mile long and several hundred yards wi ice has Blocked access to the landing stage and pelled the stoppage of the ferries. to London from barony Shipman of Delt deer the Erie R. thatthe proposed arbit eta paneraceed’s a . Theodore] Fery favorably isternaleed, ty: ‘President | Davie, the Premier of British Columbia, | Cleveiand. will soon be appointed Chief Justice of that| | The Queen is considering the creation of province, bomen pn rp ae ree gr ri bes consist of the secon of 1 Bedale Sanaa sO dary nd Ty at members, and the third of 250. All the ing Dun. das, 8 shots i mw oulling patel at Galt al riday. Surgeon: Major Perry, of the, Madras Presidency and Capt. T. A. Houghton ofthe Firat Mba ctteddices mea x crs convict attempted to escape fro the Kin Penitentiary on wnat They were ySsoanh batere their plans were remier Greenway, of Manitoba, is auf- fering from a severe attack of erysipelas in the head, The doctors do not apprehen genes Lepr: ite, L. 0. David, the Montreal City cue, who has been president of the Se ‘Jean ‘Baptiste Society: for many years, it oie ee tor Presbyterian Church, Las caused by the death of Rev. J. A. Murray. The Dominion Line 8.8, Labradi Liverpool, a Friday afternoon, making the quickest pas- sage The Canadian Pacific Railway Company on Monday too work in the Mon- zreal locomotive shops a number ceiera ly ‘who had been laid off owing to the sion in business. Major Harrison for tivelve years an officer of the Royal Grenadiers, Canadian mihtia, and well and popul the services died at jay morning. IAG a taal Quebe stack in the snow pre lence at "Toronto 0 the hearse got uld not be moved. TI dand the hearse with the body therein left s:andirg in the road antil next morning. Mr, Samuel Lanore, of Russell County» became is head, bat after walking home in Hie dresdfal agony ses fro1 There indicati ‘ion phe bridge I ill bs bbe (cena Tee is coming over the 4ivies, and it may become stationary at any moment in the narrow gorge. It is expected that Mr. Samuel Wilmot, Rariatntiaeas of Fish Caltare: ausel, chief clerk ries, an of the Departm: will be shortly euperanguated. EB, W. Macfarlane, manager of the ish Columbia Iron Works S: Aid) MoUraney’ ta. order e the contract for the city’s si ai plants Mr, F. E, Kilvert, collector o ‘ges of mis- sopropeiating money belonging to the pocorn re eed to the Propoted Atlantic proms (omg ir. inance, stat fad ae pra Miniaies' of that the Goversinent bad ly 9 to give the company igs cont. on such money as they might deposit f the ,purpote of paying lntatest "on thaie bonds. The oe rae General of the Thursday, for. des support o} suger th Mewy soley ik ths Toe Premier said hat the srould rece ‘erritories. matured scl sideration when submi Mr. J. W. Tyr, ok, of Hamilton, jive careful cor Qnt., has been asked to take char; expedition to ex mereland, an to look for the two Swedish explo: jor | twren ling and Kollstenii soresees to be lost ie ae jor expedition is being organized by an American society, and is we iaset in the spring, GREAT BRITAIN. Ex-Empress Frederick is at Osborne. mall vessels is greatly endangered by heavy ice packs ut the mouth H. M.S. Rambler will be added to the Mesh editeciioa squadron this year. She is a thirdeciass te, The yn Sir he rhenod we sat Toronta a | members of the order are to be be titled and joned, upon the Government to take some action the prevailing industrial distress oe voted down in Fe Bi use of mmons votes, the Government ml without the Parnellite: in Scotland are aa bloc! with: pha erat igha, which have tren tent out to clear the dese have themsel 8, the ay “ini Naa poser ‘severely from intense cold. William Harcourt has he House of Commons on Friday ‘on Mr. Jeffrey’s amendment cei e to two. a eee Gordon, of the Crathie, which ran i io Elbe, says that after the colli steams for some time, paced in the direction of London. G pt. Ge not’ ling the V8, disabled. scouiion ‘of the Orathio, be re- ee ew he until day eet ‘nthe House of Commons on Thursday» gir Willis Harcourt, i replytoMr, : Jobe coming law while proposals mi Tt is said thatthe Prince of Wales will| * with a view to | ju Mr. W, R. Cremer, M. P., has pate * boat will carry four thousand five huadred vone, President a gt Min resented hi ‘Tee nation as the result ob thew the aged om e amendment to the by and “calls” were irowned on Saturday by | to be Superintendent Wares, i the | Barber phalt Company, Butfalo has been con: voted of ocsploying * pried Epon eity works who ‘ citizen of the United penitentiary. to the motorman's carelessness a o Milwaukee on Monday and three ople The car fell to the loa which gave way under it, und at ae : from Making | in ‘the di ittsburg an electric car bec steep gr dgninet sa tnilel chsltcidgs Shiai spans Wood's Ran, 150 f The Brooklyn Grand Jury handed in a bateh of indictments mon who cat ioe geaeratat tracks, pa raped fore with ry Tuanig of cars. The charge ts of 105, GENERAL GOSSIP. Some ltems of Interest a the Four Quarters of the Globe, Some of the dentists in Vienna atoptee th with glass thee are ce 35 landowners in France toone fear Greece is mainly a question o be eens 's footmer. wear wigs with eig h Lier of curls, There re 18 miles ot bookshelves in the British M: Scotland R "Reman Catholic churches have 352,000 me: There is fa eh in Jersey containing 69,000 pear Taso ‘5 mete wt increases at the rate ess contains 208 staircases and 1, a see rooms, f can turn ont 170,000 colina of any ecutius ay. Londen pays 2 2 pee cent. of the Income- tax of England « The Suez Canal ie 92 i long, and ite oe tb was them is m the ean of 2a1 is:elony. Miss icDonald, rm Sod years old, the bik of a mob on itt fth avenue, was indict rrangements have been made by Presi- aeat iereland for the istue of 8 4 per ta deatsfvia wah Seblteakiishe Gove ins Uerest 22-A'per oat, but coupled with the condition that ifa 3’ per cent, gol ‘An amendment by Mr. Jeffreys calling | $c ably larger, with prota fae eis lasrreapecidlogtirsak lak cotta of onkn have. bese Hou ike, Teal values are a 8 bs GENERAL, Gon, Anniballe Ferrero has been appoint: ed talian AmlAseador to London in suozes- to Counti oy an gai at the St. Kagione col ery in , between 20 and 3 i oud & pumber of , | miners injured, Madame Joniaux, the Belgian lady con- demned to des oisoning her relatives to obtain life insurance, has appealed from the sentence. ea, ers Sheikh El Bakri, the chief among living nts of the prophet feat abe religions corinne in ar yeel has resigned all his public office fs aeeartina Handle Acsaktruel Claes of Snagit tip of the nose. Over fifteen million visite are paid every ear to London py rs. ‘The annual coe! bill of the P. and 0. line of statis exceeds £600,01 of Raa sends to New ‘York er cuav ot her dives) Britain makes over one tandred oF "thirty thousand bicye Only thirty par cont. “I the robberie committed in London lead to a conviction. The namber of divorce eases g 1894 is pools ps a he the coast of Fran beleeee pisialy from ug niche Ot Doers Sir John Milas, R. A., was the first No man has ris that the trae epic of Hagland wae ber story of the sea. The world, said Horace Walpole, is » Sones ro those who think, a tragedy to those who feel The latest hb of the Emperor William is the construction of » printing press for service in t ‘Daring the last ten years the average production of wine in France has been The late Lord Granville beld that the parila ma ‘Aes Laced was well on a level sl Sel that the Duke of Portand makes £30,000 annually by his stud farm at Welbeck, «+‘What are heathens, tincle?” ‘‘Heathens? on—ak Heth is are people who don't, quarrel ov: The Kin; hike 4 pee is reported to have said that he “ should wish to be a journa- list were he penal tacvitgde, the recent rebellion. - The Administration younced, on which eaioineont of Parliament ought to be taken without de- UNITED STATES. Fifty per cent, of the orange crop in Finsitd Pas boon Killed iy ea tn e trees in Florida are probably dest#ryed, also all vegetable crops and half gin- eect, which arrived ‘at Que: oth? Sat urday, reports that she saw Pe tL cuijt shecaverdiaedirensh line: steamer: La Seoretary Carlisle expecta that the uit ed States this year willhave a surplus twenty-two. milion dollar, insvend we defici Ma: Rie « Schieren of Brooklyn has, vetoed the resolutian of the Board of Aldermen Providiug for » Cirenilins SUMS ohio of trolley companit Ning mining, prospectors in the Rain rer district have been fr deat with the exception of James Oatiaiaa ter marked 43 below zero, ten fe Miss Anns sare the erates ee - | George Goul ot Castellane of Paris, ieee grepon weddi take place in New York some time in the e decisive vote of fag tors 2 spive abi taied States Ser inaugurate Bake perieet cable from the Pacific ae to tancinco on attempt was ined to il Ayal , President of the Nevada Bank, Willian Holland fired tno t the banker near hie residence on Colivaacotresr end coe aoe anniesth ie is morally wound r. Hellman weu e contract jor the construction of the om larg bi et constructed on th lakes, if not in the world has been taken Prof. Reginald et Toole, late keeper tack Bt a out in he Berlii nie vers upon which seltishne: It Was the Pun That Hurt. Bear (in faseani=sWow low low! “Roaring won't get. you out of the tray vi r First er—“tt's not the trap I’m roar- ing at. ‘That brute away up jShemheel, ated me on having ‘quite a snap’ here gud I I can't get at him, because soft wood burns tco fast 3 oe Muldoon—Bejabers, ‘ities ‘sso. Wet ee gree ot bark ina wild state. The: have adopted this habit for guarding their Dogs do ni master's property. the; anging feldey patrapad ons Boal Uutaliey, ac es: The Poe e aa cs ef fe while a Johnston, as to whether it was the in-|” Darin : oe q p g the trial of Anarchist England it is only tention of the Jovernment to make provi: was sho the ‘notorione Dr: Benson, = wi eh % haa been ¥ escsberm vanes Hneslan: Unis nent | epprakntell/tor/s Covaraneat ospital ia srostd make prosinton for he Family of une Bald to ofganize and incite dynamite out- adres, at a salary of £800 a year. mier. rages in various European capits ‘fhe favorite employme: women in| ing which Mr. Jose h |, New Zealand has set apart ay islands | New Zealand is the lpi cae teake be’ ie alileoslk preservation of its remarkable wild | which is entirely ‘* manned” by them. rom. the throne’ bas alga penal iaoh _The Prohibition town of Porta, ‘Me,; n approved by the Unionist leaders. It vee 9 coma es $15,000 worth of liquor every yout the discussion of measures bo ogreo prt agrdy dit tad Tie “medision} nnd. machdeloal pacpsoons the Government admits have no | Under sentence of death for complicity in is a dreamer oh sles giver Fiore tay out of s Gold thao t init. Mack vsld hays sation apealiy | that can be called by the wide name ‘sAmerioan” ix iv patiensl darorioalta tee: 1 Tea eodpor bbls, kid hospital nurse, «how very polite p anyone dressed in nurse,” In the new issue of the ‘London Direc- tory” no less than nine pages aclen A. Cameron eays he, has fre ent oysters taken from the Getuarios roe af rivers, and.ofven detected sew. there 14 ans thing which th Emperor hates more then another it seared at, especially when he is abentioe hi sstori at the British Muse an ew gallery, which will be daveked So the aehlbl toa ol oohits"taed: pipes ing good dinners, a healthy with a Fam dy enol must at them.” The of the city of Geneva have estal listed a artificial ial geyser, or jet rolebiee at the entrance to the port, which is the highest in the world. The Suez Canal wor ahasely Sty faslute; but foe the. Gredetng, tia: o English inventor, “which ace at the critical moment Mr. Cecil liza. bethan type, and exhibits all the proud A Brilliant are [iadepsoneece: # of the men em ened Clerk—Mr. Muldoon, we have an order land under the Virgin Que har indlings, but a ard wood Ne has set pee ds is all gon for the preservation of its remarkable wild Mr. ‘Muldoon (dealer)—Sind ‘em saft| irda and other Thereon all wool. hunting and epi are forbidden, Clerk—They will notice the Aree! rding to an English authority, no preseere the datacces babes ith the regularity of drilled soldiers, me ‘s qT ter in he Straits of Gibraltar is tor | 150 tathomns deep. were vaccin- fo the Biot Ww, Raglh o Lintal poi eecio ie Romse eA s i‘ to take Carlyle's hint |p na special soythe, he ean yet ho are devoted | °° fing the names and titles of the | Sr bor ald have proved at FATAL PITCH-IN ON THE MIDLAND ON FRIDAY NIGHT. One Killed and Six En: et apes ‘king & Drift N pasnuthos ahagris When the Piteh- im Occurred. The pitch-in on the Midland division of the Grand Trunk Railway Friday evening was very serious, At 5.45 on Friday evening the Port Hope express No, 1, from the east, collided with a snowplorr special one and @ half miles orth of Ag’noourt and half a mile south engine, ‘ eno’ igh, a] Miliben's Cornorsthe pon booame lodged in the snowdrift, and, ag in the Weston sesident, the engineer of the Port Hone express was prevented by the heavy storm ae hearing the pn low was manned by acrew from Lindy, Including’ Engineer | Rigg and Fireman James Cullen,’ boch of Bah 3 aak “Buster, biel Riley, conduator; Charles ft and J. Davey of Stonffvill section DEAD AND INJURED. was a splinter George quough to perforate ‘his skull. Riley, Mitsui & Co, are the Japanese Roths- childs. The firm was established three | te cata e injucy, and went home to Lindsay Saturday night. ee TRINITY ihimeaneteh SUHOOL EYRN- Explesion of a samo Caused an $80, Fire re —The Boys All Safe. atch on Port Hope says :— Trinity aliens School was: burned Satur- day night. ‘The alarm was sounded a few minutes before 12, A terrific gale was blowing from on met and it was some time before hep The fire, which, GUO EY in the tower of the west wing, is supposed to have been caused by the explosion of a lamp, and the flames, fanned by the high wind, swept completely through the building. The het Mohamt ‘The nightingale Always, begins his song | Bram eg Aust M ipoileoie e's softly, like well-trained orator, and pW Nell eee gradually swells roa mas tering the severe frtay ofthe Sir Henry Pon: —probably ter handed along. Every- we been condemned, at | more than do the. ‘ice raja aeeri--the)| ae Benc ote Me ates pan eR anes ATR . Five f | family sis few minutes the fir ¢ been sentenced to terms of smong British west wing to th stati nothing but the walle were left standing: Very little at the ¢ build- siletecestiees acl Hapa penbering 145, allie lost more than half 0 their belongings, of them saving nothing but the qa they are now ening. directly toward: tered in private re and at | will not be disbanded, as the principal has made arran, sient to use th tel for that purpose, tintll the Ramer holidays, at leasts or until further arrangements are m made to carry on sc tely. As far as can be learned the lose is fully covered by an insurance of, $80,000 in sarious companies, and it is + andertaod the school is to be rebuilt st o —_——————— Wine Worth its Weight in Gold. bor asale in 1858 of the effects of the ased Duchesse de Raguse, the late al Rothschild paid its weight in gold for oki en of Madeira. This wine sepeets, as fished up in 1814 from ricked at the mouth of the Sonelde in 1778, where it had lain during that interval. Louis XVIII. bought it at is, 20 that at rouzoff, it is a, i ‘ie Toka} ay 30 2 old, for 345 In the famous céllara of the Hotel devil ile, Bremen, there are a dozen cases of holy ‘wine which rved 250 years. ‘This caleladion vhs beca mate. in rogerd to of maintaining tne collar payment dyad on the original value of the in eer and of ),000, each glassful $272,380, na a single drop could not be sold with- t loss under $ Arrangements have been made for Bi ian cricket team to visit New ose iso bers of the eleven are le. The principal, Rev. Dr. Buthune, sent ts and