Ontario Community Newspapers

Milverton Sun, 7 Feb 1895, p. 3

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. France is $360,000 a year, about a The aDilverton Sun THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1895. The salary of the President of thousand a day. Tt would takea good deal of a “huff” to make a Cunadi throw away such o salary, ala Casi- mier Perier, —__— Mr. MeNeill, the Patron member of South Perth has got himself into a peck of trouble now. In his examin- ation for discovery he swore that he did not belong to the C. P. A., but at Stratford admitted that he did, and was actually chaplain in a lodge. He is now between the two horns of a dilemma, - In the event of the charges for corruption against him not being sustained, the charge of perjury hangs over him, which is an_ indictable criminal offence, and it may be that his opponents will push it should he maintain to hold on to the seat, Mr. MeNeill at any rate does not shine as a brilliant example of purity. The Patrons will now have sufficient evi- dence before them to prove that “human nature is prone to err,” and that Patrons are only human and will not conduct the affuirs of our country with any purer hand than the parties at present entrusted. pie de corset We think one of the most despicable creatures that mingles in society is the gossip, especially a gossip that trys to sneak their wav into your confidence and then when a remark is carelessly dropped it is extended and colored, so as to be wholly unrecognized by its originator. No matter what opinion is held of gossips by society, if they are chronic cases, they will not alter their avocation. It is to them a de- light to set person against person, and atv the same time be a kind of medi- ator of remarks and a benrer of com pliments(?) between them. Does it not give you a crawly feeling when you see one of these loathsome creatures continually on their unhallowed mission? I know it does me. In in- stinct they are not above the spotted anake that glideth through foul morass, associating with the slimy denizens of dark bayou and brake They ae ghoulish and should Le shunned, but this is not easily done, because they are generally found whispering into your ear as a friend, Let them run their accursed career and truth will ‘triumph though sometimes scarred. rie Provin The enti of Matitake borders upon the States of Minnesota and North Dakota and its settled agricul- tural portion is ‘co- ee fro east to west, with that of those two ove that is to sav, ex! Pa wooded region which bounds the Ked River Valley on the east to the one hundred and seeond meridian of longi- tude. Onl: prairie begins. ib Groatens ut as you go westward The prairies leave off at the extremity of the two long narrow lakes vf Winnipeg nnd aal eE which lie paral to each 0 into the Province fr a raisin of 200 iniles.. The northern part ke Manitoba ix called on the maps Win D ‘is, but-is separated‘ from the body of w of Reviews. atieh ta Februscy: Revs Srer.”, Taare hile again been nominated by the Conservatives of North Victoria. Farmers are warned to bewara of a syiadler who ix working his wsy east- ward from Western Ontario, He ax ax a bill poster and his plin is: to the side of the barn ora board fence. the owner to. ist High READ THIS Art And Receive Some Valu- able Inform tion Tailoring. : Is the magnet that attracts and retains the patronage of intelli- —RIGHT SIDE UP THIS TIME. Our Last Ad. was a Little fem siyy But you know the stormy weather deranged things n in general. However, we are all right again, and have received a large shipment of spring stock. Come and See Our Prints They are fine, and selling fast. We also have an Entire New Stock of 10 Lae Electric Soap......... 25 fe te heavy, and you buy Fur Coats, ust | - | .,| Will consider your interest you .| will go where you can save the "}most money. Call on us and - Jallow you a liberal discount ;_ if For the Spring Season, which will soon be onto you. We have made great preparations in the way of heavy purchases in goods adapted for the ’sea- son, We have opened out an elegant range of Prints, Shirt- igs, Fianne: ettes, Ducks, Drills, eaenedes etc. Our Prints at 10c. are very heavy cloths and fast colors, and equal to any 12%c. prints. Our Shirt- ings at oc. are great value, and we give you the very best ~ at 12 1-2c, and all are guar- anteed fast colors. A nice Flannelette at 5c., nice Towel- ings, 5c.; Table Linens, 25c.; Table Oilcloths, 25c.; Floor Oilcloths, 15c.; a 36-inch Grey Cotton at 3c., a good heavy Cotton at 5c.; elegant Art Muslins at 1oc., woith 15. ; Dress Goods at 6c. and 8c. yd., good heavy Cottonade at 2o0c. gent, thinking people. IN OVERCOATS Particularly is this the case, Why buy a ready-made Over- coat when you can get one made for the same money, and get a good deal better work and trimmings, than you get in ready-mades. Give us a call and we will make you one on short notice. Schaefer Bros, MILVERTON. (a regular 25¢. line), and extra heavy at 25c.; best Chadwick Spools, 2c. each; brass Pins, Ic. per paper. In Crockery we. have ber- guins for you. Chamber setts, 4 pieces, for $1.25. Handled Cups and Saucers, 75¢. dozen; Plates, 8oc. doz.; glass sets, 6 pieces, for 25¢. Our ‘stock of groceries is fresh and we give you 25 Ibs. of bese standard Granu lated Sugar for $1 00 30 Ibs. bright Yellow Sugar 1 00 5 Ibs. green Coffee....... 72) E00. Our stock of Furs is not Caps or Ladies’ Furs at your own price. We are determined to increase our trade and if you compare prices and make your spring purchases from us. If you have the ready cash we not, bring us your Farm Pro- ne | duce during the summer sea- son. Come in end see us, as we de- light in showing you our Stock and Low Prices, Yours, =, GUEISER: White granite| Ve New Buateher. Business We beg to inform the public that e 2 rchased the butcher ‘busi- ness lately owned by Mr. A. Wett supply of PO MUTTON, SAUSAGE, BOLOGNAS, and LARD. Meat setae on the shortest D. SCHLOTZHAUER MAIN STREET — NEW Jewelry Store, IN NEWTON. Has opened out a stock of Watches, Clocks, In the Post Gffice, Hewton, And would invite an inspection. attention paid to repairs, and all promptly executed und attisfaetion guac- anteed MLLVERTON JOHN MUNRO Jewelry, Etc., exStrict work WINDOW SHADES Of the Latest Design. We have been accused of tempting others’ custom- ers with our Low Prices, and threatened if we do not stop it, they will do something dreadful.” We would just say, that that is what we are here for, and although we do not quote prices, you can “bet your buttcns” our prices draw the people. We-have another temptation at present in the way of FLAT IRONS GIVEN FREE WITH BAKING POWDER, which every lady should see. Call when in town and we can interest you whether you wish to purchase or not. Yours in haste, Rae & Grosch, THE BARGAIN STORE, MILWMERTON. Toronto . Clothing Store... COME TO THE Great: Winter : Sale Now In Full Swing. Our immense stock of Men's, Boys’ and Youths’ Suits, Pea Jackets, Overcoats and Ulsters, Fur Coats, Heavy Tweed Pants, Courdory Pants, Blue Bib Overalls and Smocks, Cot- conade Pants and Overalls, Wool Underwear and Top Shirts, Cardigan Jackets, Gloves ard Mittens, soft and stiff Hats, Cloth and Fur Caps, Buffalo Robes, Rubbers and Overshoes, Rubber Boots, Felt Sox and Gum Rubbers, Long Boots, Felt Gaiters and Slippers, Felt buckle Boots*and Felt-Lined Lace THE MONTHLY At MILLBANK year round. LOUIS BUCKEL, President. JOdN RITTER, CATTLE FAIR Will be held the Wednesday preceding the second Tuesday of each month, the Secretary. Boots, Cloths, Tweeds, grey and blue Flannels, Flannelettes, etc., amounting to over $15,000, must be sold off at once, re- gardless of value, as we never have in the past and we do nor intend in the future to carry a dollar’s worth of goods from one season to another-that we can possibly dispose of. If you have deferred your purchases of Heavy Winter Goods, wait no longer, but come at once to WATCHES Rings, a nice assortment. Gro. Prarr, Tet Clocks, Jewelry and Silverware. Toronto Clothing Store, irge ‘k of watches of the bes! * mantactare, sch av Big, Walt Oddfellows’ Block, Opposite the Market, Columbus, ‘atches at lowes prices and Soid Gold ilverton. STRATFORD. REAT CLEARING SALE!+ Furs, Underelothing, Overcoats, Woollens, and all Winter Goods. : LOOK HERE FOR PRICES: Men's Wedge Beaver Caps, worth $8.50 for $6.50 : Best Persian Lamb, No. 1,:latest Style, worth $8.50, for $6.50 «Seal Caps, at $4.00 ¥ Russian Beaver, worth $5, for $3.25. « ‘Russian Beaver, worth $8 for $2.25. LADIES’ FURS. One set Possum Furs, Natural Colors, worth $12, for $6.50 One Beaver set, worth $12 for $9. In OVERCOATS we have just a few left, and will sell them cheap. We will sell UNDERCLOTHES (good value at '75c.) for 55 cents. The above stock must be sold and will be sold, as we want the room for our Spring Goods, and we will sell at prices that will tempt. In-Crockery, Glassware and Groceries, we have a Large Stock and will not be Undersold. SOMETHING NEW--Weare always s samedociee bargains, and now we are giving 1 Ib. of guaranteed Baking Powder and a nice Cake Pan\for 25c. Good Hardwood wanted. We would also like outstanding accounts to It is the best value ever offered in the trade. Produce be paid up as soon as possible. taken in exchange. +GUENTH ER & CO MILVWMERTON# +R Thuraay morning bétween one and The Great Milk and 1 is self he wa by a car His Flesh Producer. right fuot was badly eruslied and nent: FORD AR LF ly cut offat the ankle and his right JANIES TORRANGE’S. ja iirc iatrmaty. He. ingea He caught his oot in. the nd while trying to extricate him jured internally. He lingered Uday: ‘Thursday, but died at an vearly : ho morning. Deceased was The Milverton Sun [only 21 years of age und leaves a wife, bat no family. He was a cousin of W. Gillespie of the G. T. R. of this city. The funeral took place on Sun day ororniay ander the a usps of f the a is a remarkable fact that: " PHORSDAY, 1 FEBRUARY 7, 1895. cepa ines eae Davis, brakeman, was killed’ on the same pot only a few months ago. —Stratford Beaeon, ry oe atives tall of pre s election, A large si the party are opposed to the protest. The Newfoundland Provisional Cat te by D. J. Greate Pren:i-r, | et being in office but] Bice meen Ie Babe ‘The ‘Cramming System, { (Continued from Ist page.) liy, a child has not the endar Lule. Th exnone “perforin ot xt in physi canal ones. third Caineb the colony has hed whi expended within a ye Sir Wiliam AOD these home way will iwi a ioe ry. 6 is set ab gh School ee as well last t. fre om 8 a. m. to 6 p better dy so, for then the G otelock fit would period of actual re- The first regular scheduled train make a (rip wh: aie the new belt line cl bn sto chede and } ight passenger coach was attach ccommodation of a party of railioal and electric experts. Work iad ecu iv progress on ube tdanel: for aie for more thin four ‘ye: ainount of turexque fextures is the row fortal ide | vertised for i handred or more sent in. Not. fa sentionan tt o deaheot hand expert, Fidqleadiiimn,. eauavered to one inky-black old marke with a pipe in het mouth and a beanti- fal areay of fresh eggs. be‘o-e her. He fooked at them and asked the price’ “Twenty-three cents, ee from: ‘orooto a fir ertifi- who hi 5 pel im of ine! eep.his pas off suicide and upon his work? Trustees # request applicants’ to Tabata cations and silary required.” Tt samere matter of bread and The abler ones grow weary of ion at the ‘st rémain enjoy no security. They must preduce it. ‘And this one—and t glittering Neate Why should not pretty good,” carelessly remark he} the Gover nment take some cogifizance man, cracking two more, out at pehict of the salari vid to teachers and, fifty cent p'eces tuinbl cracked | through the inpestor or some other ualé’s dost ta Ally dnd snaminys’avore |invermediary,” establish: ‘a. minima of silver was increased every time. As| salary for the tea backer it every school, he walked off, followed by a dozen| based upon the amovut of property pairs of beady bluck eyes, with noth-}assessable for schol purposes within ing but the whites showing, somebndy| the section? Certain tionary came up and asked the awe-stricken| powers might be vested in the inspee Id marker woman the price of her| tors to adapt the arrangement to such eggs. *Dese aigs iu’ fer sale,” she| vicisitudes us might present them- answered, and she gathered them up| selves here and there. Thus the public @1 her apron and warldled uff ‘in’ the! s -hools. wo: pe tanght by the be ¢ honey,” answer ed mammy, ‘lan’ dese heah ie fust-rate asigs—de hen ain’ hardly done cluckin’ ober ‘ew yit.” “I should think 80,” said he, and as he picked wp one and|s ruck it-auinsing a gusttor Mam- dropped and ais ive sith ro a a CALL NEw GOODS.:::- ss) is) 3) Grosch & Loth. eee Do You Want a Wedding Present ? FORK ane u do, don’t fail to. see SCHAEFER BROS’. stock of new Silver Plate before purchasing, as all our Silyerware is just new, and the Latest Designs. Ov account of the numerous weddings which are iS) now taking place, we have hut to purchase another Jarge bill of goods which will arrive this week, Give Us a Call, and Examine Our Goods. £#6No Trouble to Show Goods, Ween | Schaefer Bros., JEWELERS, MILVERTON. w say that all holder: giule of cert petent or of equa = L idea is involved i a Hh n r satisfact is lia y mione edy hat is properly. salari over pis institution } 0 feblie “My w ature, and ove the newspapers 6 patag Denver is paired \ expecta marr to A Decrve ordered. vase.” Considerable exsitemunt Linwood owing to a supp 1 among the ashes, , direction of home. Heachers procurable, nat by the cheap- of the Third District.” and that.” Call the next wort ring in entered the cured withont es Saat Investigation aipeea that «fire had been kindied and charred bones were est procurable. No person will venture sof a certain re seta com this me ne turn- ecessary ation is not author: ion not only ey to keep the that a proper ied to preside Couldn't Stand I “On stint ground, do you etd yor d the plaintiff, is a member of the Colorado ionally T see in ph like this: with Mr. Tot- You can’t Is te Murder? Prevails around der. Whiteway a alert troub’e/a in Newfoundland i porters thaws catia he provided 10r/ ane are, Kisses I ready wi“ kick” ocherwise. The Advertisers FOR 1835. Morning, Evening, Sunday and Weekly Biitions TOWN TOPICS, che yoru, THURSDAY: et as the most complete inimitable, Tis (@ PAGES) ols atyersal re cee ir into Fea gs of 400 4 i tony Philadel iay Chie ‘at Aggressive Republican pe of the | over he worid, is tot equalle ‘ fie" inanelal’ Deparemee fs author Highest Clas: ukers and brokers, Its * Peurreng erase Ib acre ibis ing shooting ‘Ban citing, Footoau rowing” shooting, suing ete, ferton tue a He, other racing notes fs Commercial Advertiser. Established 1797. Published every even Cpe yr ate Gy rk’s oldest evening news Sey aatne Ries Subkdeveegs price, $6.09. tg at Bourget, hudoasd ad ‘aie, evon it Bright ‘and precy, Monitig Advertiser. : Roerense son aalasn Published every morning. The _Teading ofroiae ia inca a Pe publican vevispaper of the day. Clean a en Tales she Town Topics sunday Advertiser. New York's most popular Sunday news- er. c ublivan 2-cent Sun- Sens vel States, 20 to 36 Xi Bubsorintion wise, 81.00, 8 star. | Soe Es tat gs an Advertising Medium ‘The Adw Bibi Dh atapechnen Copp wn Topics, per number, 50 cents. 1m, 85.00, and an: Tale Gn ay ae y TOWN TOPICS ‘N.B.—Have 2 read a AMELIE RIVES’ latest acid best novel tisers have no superiors, Samples free. Avents santo everywhere. Liberal commissions, Addve: The Aabontieas: 29 Park Row, New York. 4 FO Pack pon The Sang - Digger ? 12mo, cloth, gilt, uncut front and foot, $1.50 past hy check. P nit check. PO. patric ote oF TOWN TOPIC 21 West 284 Street, New York. BK os red holds very chaci -' abla views on kissing, } Maud. = Wt are they. Kitty — Gelieiee tha ‘ita

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